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BRIEFING 02: WTF Florida Resistance?

By Jason Patrick Sager

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Recently one of our operators who goes by the call sign Ghost, asked
me a very simple and direct question. He asked, what exactly is the Florida
Resistance? Well, in order to answer that question properly I need you to
understand two very important American Virtues because The Florida
Resistance isnt just an internet movement; its a state of mind. Its actually
the same state of mind that formed this country by blood and musket over
200 years ago.
Our current form of government was formed for one purpose; to
protect those unalienable Rights granted to us by our Creator. Thats it. It is
important to understand that in order to fully grasp the first virtue. That
first virtue was written by Thomas Jefferson in our 1776 Declaration of
Independence where he said, That whenever any Form of
Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of
the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new
Government, laying its foundation on such principles and
organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most
likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
The second virtue uses the first to keep our government in line. John
Basil Barnhill, in his 1914 indictment of socialism said, Where the
people fear their government you have tyranny. Where the
government fears the people you have liberty.

For years the liberal machine has been using intimidation tactics
written by people like Saul Alinsky to strike fear into our government and
we have to admit that they have been very successful. They come out of
their mothers basements and dorm rooms often to present a collective
show of force on the streets. They often smell and shout the same tired
slogans their parents and college professors shouted back in the 1960s.
They surround homes and businesses and threaten our people with
mockery, protest and even legal action. They have pushed our society so far
left that its only a matter of time before Normal Rockwells paintings are
deemed so bigoted that they must be burned.
We must begin to adopt their tactics and stop being so nice. Its time
to resist. No longer can we allow our families, churches and businesses to
be pushed around by parades of men in assless chaps who care nothing for
our traditions and values.
With the Florida Resistance we have created a new identity that is
going to attempt to strike fear back where it belongs. We are a people
educated in history who know full well how the liberal machines story
always ends. Look, I don't know where this is all going or what the end
game will be. Right now we are in full blown recruiting mode and looking
for leaders to help mold this into a political movement whos only fear is
from God Himself. We are first attempting to gain government's attention.
Its not a request, its a demand. Government is our servant and its time
they relearned who their master is. If in time, our government still refuses
to obey our order then we must unfortunately act on our Right to alter or
abolish it in strict accordance with the Declaration of Independence. I pray
daily to the Holy of Holies that it never comes to that but that option must

always be on the table in order for our government to truly fear us again.
Think about it. Whenever a president takes the military option off the table
when he is negotiating with an unfriendly force, our people react with
disgust because they know without that option you have no real leverage in
the negotiation. Well my friends, the American people took that option off
the table over 100 years ago in regards to negotiating with our own
government and look where its gotten us.
I know this state of mind does not come without reservation. But if it
is fear you feel then youve already lost. Besides, what do we have to fear
really? We have men and women made of steel who don spiritual suits of
armor forged by God and they have men accepting courage awards for
getting breast implants and wearing their wives thong underwear.
Ben Franklin once wrote that Rebellion to Tyrants is obedience to God
and I think its time we reevaluated who our obedience is to. With our
government now subsidizing the selling of murdered baby body parts
through organizations like Planned Parenthood and overruling Gods own
command in regards to marriage I think its clear who they obey and it
aint God.
The most important factor of our movement is we must stand united.
We cannot falter. When times get tough, we get tougher. We need to know
that we have each others backs through thick and thin. Its time once again
to resist the same form of tyranny our forefathers did. My name is Jason
Sager and if youre watching know exactly what the Florida
Resistance is.ITS YOU.

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