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By Rev. Lady Skydancer

In the years 2004-5 I qualified as a Psychotherapist and also studied Kundalini & Usui
Reiki to master/ Teacher level. My Therapy work is usually with women who have
suffered abuse from men either in the home or on the streets. This would cover
Mental Abuse, Rape, Sexual Abuse and Domestic Violence. I had worked in these
areas in the 1980s-90s so had a strong understanding of how these experiences
affected women in deeper ways than first thought. Many of the womens experiences
were akin to PTSD in their long term effects. I found that using Reiki in my practice
was having beneficial effects which aided the healing process as well as bringing a
deeper understanding to the women affected, as to how the body stores negative
energy and pain.

After reading a wonderful book by Keith Dowman called Skydancer, I took a great
interest in Buddhist Dakinis especially one named Yeshe Tsogyel who had suffered
abuse from men ever since she was a child and how she had overcome that pain and
turned it into a method of healing others.

Working With the Chakras of Abused Clients

Dakini Reiki should be used alongside Counselling and Therapy in order for it to
work as intended. All our experiences are stored in our chakra system which contains
a series of seven major energy centres along our spinal channel. Each chakra contains
a different part of our memory and experiences. Chakras are spiritual organs that can
be likened to our physical organs heart, lungs, kidneys etc. If they are functioning
properly and in harmony with each other all our life experiences will be well
balanced. When our chakras become damaged or blocked, they cannot do much to
help us and will throw our whole system out of balance and our world will reflect
this. Chakras become blocked because they are storing our unresolved experiences,
emotions or memories.
Most Therapy sessions last for 60 minutes but are known as the 50 Minute Hour.
The extra 10 minutes of the hour are spent meeting and greeting the client and making
future appointments. I would therefore advise Therapists to book 2 hour appointments
to allow for relaxed discussion and Dakini Reiki Therapy. This can of course be
tailored to each individual clients needs and the chakras that need the most attention.
When relating to the chakras I do not use Buddhist or Hindu terminology as this
would confuse the already distressed client, and possibly alienate them from the
process. No symbols are used unlike Usui Reiki and some other modalities.
Just a short time of reflection in-between the talking part of the therapy and the Reiki
should be enough to relax both the client & therapist. I do consider the washing of the
therapists hands to be important for cleanliness & spiritual energy purposes. The
therapy room should be warm and comfortable and the session can take place on a
massage table, bed or the floor. It would be up to the therapist and client whether they
use crystals, scented oils or background music, though I do suggest dimmed light for
When all the clients chakras seem to be healing well the Therapist needs to discuss
methods to guard against blocked chakras happening again in the same way. This is
where Unconditional Love and Compassion come into play. Eventually the client
would have to look beyond the behaviour of the abusive person to a higher
perspective. This cannot be forced upon anyone as we all have our own rate of healing
and forgiveness. When we seek happiness & compassion for ourselves it will always
elude us, when you seek it for others, then we will then find it for ourselves.
As Dakini Reiki allows a client to recover from their trauma and grow in
consciousness they will begin to understand how and why situations are created for
their learning process, and how best to react to those situations.

Their weakness becomes their strength, and this strength will then empower them.

Excerpt from the Dakini Reiki manual:

The Heart Chakra: Chakra number four is in the middle of our

chest. It controls our loving energy, thoughts and actions and should normally be wide
open. If shut down, we have problems loving ourselves and others, or receiving love.
We feel cut off and alone and lose that divine spark.
Before Attunement to this healing energy I send a Dakini Reiki Manual with
instructions on the Chakras, Receiving, Attuning others, Sending Distant healing,
Working with Divorced clients. I am always available for advice and questions from
practitioners. I also offer an emailed Diploma in Dakini Reiki.

Rev. Lady Skydancer Iona Winton is a qualified and registered Teacher,
Psychotherapist & Reiki Master. After teaching in English schools and colleges in the
1970s- early 1980s, she then moved onto Counselling women & children in Refuges,
later setting up her own practice for Marital & Sexual Counselling in 1987. She
moved to Scotland in 1992, took a break from paid employment to study her Masters
Degree in Wicca, Mantic Arts, Tantra and Spirituality. After initiation into Gardnerian
Wica Clergy she ran a teaching coven named Ayrshire Wica with her Artist partner
and fellow High Priest, the late JU. The coven disbanded on his death and Lady
Skydancer now teaches Wicca on a one-to-one basis, and writes articles for magazines
and newspapers on all aspects of Spirituality. As an ordained Okomfo (Ancestral
African HPs) at The Fellowship of Isis for over 25yrs she now has her own Iseum
through which she takes on charity fundraising.

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