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Study the schedule below and answer the questions.
Sandras plans from 1 May to 15 May


Spring-clean the
garage for dad
promised to help




surf the Internet
for information

music class at Sony

play the guitar

Wesak Day
Visit grandparents

complete Science

preparation for
Teachers Day
final rehearsal for
choir and sketch



make a Mothers
Day Card

Labour Day
Have lunch with family



Help Dad to mow

the garden

Meet PuanAishah
Discuss the trip tp
Indah Childrens
Discuss activities for
the children





Celebrate Mothers
Lunch at Flora Caf,
watch a movie
Take Mum to hair

band practice
learn how to

pluck fruits at Mr.

Lims orchard
go to night market
with him
1. State one of the public holidays in the schedule.

get gifts for Mum

still unsure what
to get for her


2. List one advantage of surfing Internet.


3. Why do we need to appreciate our mother?

Read the text below then answer the questions.


Healthy snacks not only help you get your daily nutritional needs, they also:
passage below
are handy when you can only have a small serving of a main meal
and answer the
questions that
ensure that you have enough energy to get through a busy day
help to keep hunger pangs away
help you practice healthy eating habits throughout your life
stop you from overeating during your main meals

1. The aim of the notice is to inform people about

2. Snacking gives you life-long benefit because it helps you
3. Which two benefits of snacking keeps your body energised

Read the biography of TunDr Mahathir.
Prime Minister of Malaysia
16th July 1981 31st October 2003
TunDr Mahathir bin Mohamad became the fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia on 16 July 1981.
Born on 20 December 1925 in AlorSetar, the capital of Kedah, TunDr Mahathir did his
early and secondary education in his hometown. In 1947, he gained admission into the King
Edward VII College of Medicine in Singapore.
Upon graduation, he joined the Malaysian government service as a Medical Officer. He
left in 1957 to set up his own practice in AlorSetar.
TunDr Mahathir has been active in politics since 1945. He has been a member of the
United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) since its inception in 1946.
He was first elected as a Member of Parliament following the General Elections in 1964.
However, he lost his seat in the subsequent General Elections in 1969. Owing to his keen interest
in the countrys education, he was appointed as a Chairman of the first Higher Education Council
in 1968, Member of the Higher Education Advisory Council in 1972, Member of the University
Court and University of Malaya Council, and Chairman of the National University Council in
In 1973, TunDr Mahathir was appointed as a Senator. He relinquished this post in order
to contest in the 1974 General Elections where he returned unopposed. Following the elections,
TunDr Mahathir was appointed the Minister of Education.
In 1976, TunDr Mahathir was made Deputy Prime Minister in addition to his Education
portfolio. In a Cabinet reshuffle two years later, he relinquished the Education portfolio for that
of Trade and Industry. As Minister of Trade and Industry, he led several investment promotion
missions overseas. TunDr Mahathir was elected as one of the three Vice Presidents of UMNO in
1975. In 1978, he won the Deputy President seat and in 1981, he was appointed President of the
party. He returned unopposed as President in 1984.

In the 1987 party elections, TunDr Mahathir defeated his challenger to retain the
Presidency and in 1990 and 1993, he again returned unopposed as party President. Under his
leadership, the ruling party BarisanNasional (National Front) won landslide victories in the 1982,
1986, 1990, 1995 and 1999 General Elections.
TunDr Mahathir is married to a doctor, TunDrSitiHasmahMohd Ali, and they have seven
children-Marina, Mirzan, Melinda, Mokhzani, Mukhriz, Maizura and Mazhar.
TunDr Mahathir stepped down as Prime Minister on 31 October 2003.

1. List 2 values can we learn from TunDr Mahathir.

i. __________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________
2. Why do you think, TunDr Mahathir could retain his position as a party President
unopposed in the party election?
3. Why do you think, Tun Dr Mahathir stepped down as Prime Minister on 31 October 2003?

The KPs Wonder Cereal
3-Week Challenge!
Feel and be special in a healthy way! Do it today!
We know you want to look good and feel good. Come join the programme.
Theres much to lose and nothing to gain. Lose up to 10kg in three weeks time.
Just follow our KPs wonder cereal 3-week programme and you will find yourself
feeling better than before! Your friends will definitely notice the changes in you!

Breakfast for 3 weeks

o 50 grams (1 cup) of KPs wonder cereal with one cup of skim milk and one
portion of fruit (all types of berries are recommended).
o Enjoy your lunch! Eat what you like but try to balance it with a low-fat diet
and lots of vegetables (green salad is good with too much dressing).
o 50 grams (1 cup) of KPs wonder cereal with one cup of skim milk and one
portion of fruit.

If you still hungry, then

Take another 3 to 5 portions of vegetables and fruit a day beside the one
you consume during your breakfast and dinner.
Youll see results in just THREE weeks. Youll feel healthier and confident!

1 .What type of fruit do you supposed to eat for breakfast and dinner?

2. What would happen if you do not follow the suggested meals?
3. How would you suggest to your friend who has weight problem to this programme?

Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.
I Wonder Why The Grass Is Green,
And Why The Wind Is Never Seen?
Who Taught The Birds To Build A Nest,
And Told The Trees To Take A Rest?
O, When The Moon Is Not Quite Round,
Where Can The Missing Bit Be Found?
Who Lights The Stars, When They Blow Out,
And Makes The Lightning Flash About?
Who Paints The Rainbow In The Sky,
And Hangs The Fluffy Clouds So High?
Why Is It Now, Do You Suppose,
That Dad Won't Tell Me, If He Knows?
Jeannie Kirby

1. List five elements of the sky mentioned in the poem

2. State one value that we can learn from this poem
3. Why does the father not provide answers to the questions posed by the child?

Read the poem and answer the questions that follow.


What is this life if, full of care,

We have no time to stand and stare.
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheep or cows.
No time to see, when woods we pass,
Where squirrels hide their nuts in grass.
No time to see, in broad daylight,
Streams full of stars, like skies at night.
No time to turn at Beauty's glance,
And watch her feet, how they can dance.
No time to wait till her mouth can
Enrich that smile her eyes began.
A poor life this if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare
William Henry Davies

1. Which phrase is repeated all over the poem?


2. Identify a line that demonstrates interactions with nature

3. According to the poem, how we should spend our leisure time?

The River by Valerie Bloom

The Rivers a wanderer,

A nomad, a tramp,
He doesnt choose one place
To set up his camp.

The Rivers a winder,

Through valley and hill
He twists and he turns,
He just cannot be still.

The Rivers a hoarder,

And he buries down deep
Those little treasures
That he wants to keep.

The Rivers a baby,

He gurgles and hums,
And sounds like hes happily
Sucking his thumbs.

The Rivers a singer,

As he dances along,
The countryside echoes
The notes of his song.

The Rivers a monster

Hungry and vexed,

Hes gobbled up trees
And hell swallow you next.


What is the theme of this poem?


What does He just cannot be still mean?


Where does the river hoard its treasures?


What do babies like to do?


Why does the poet compare the river to a nomad?

Heir Conditioning
Grand dad did you breathe
before air cons were invented?
was it hard staying
alive without modern inventions?
Grandma werent you flustered
as you fluttered with paper fans?
could you communicate before
faxes and long distance calls
became basic necessities?
Grandchild we lived
before your age. Because
of our ignorance,
we did not know
pollution, stress, traffic jams
destruction of forests, streams and

we feared God and nature
now nature fears you and money is your new God.
Question 1 : What is the theme of the poem?
Question 2 : Based on stanza 1, what did Grandma use when she felt warm?
Question 3 : In your opinion, who should be blamed for the destruction of forest?

I know a funny little man,
As quiet as a mouse,
Who does the mischief that is done
In everybodys house!
Theres no one ever sees his face,
And yet we all agree
That every plate we break was cracked
By Mr. Nobody.
Tis he who always tears out books,
Who leaves the door ajar,
He pulls the buttons from our shirts,
And scatters pins afar;
That squeaking door will always squeak,
For prithee, dont you see,
We leave the oiling to be done
By Mr. Nobody.
He puts damp wood upon the fire,
That kettle cannot boil;
His are the feet that bring in mud,
And all the carpets soil.
The papers are always mislaid,
Who had them last but he?
There's no one tosses them about
But Mr Nobody.
The finger marks upon the door
By none of us are made;
We never leave the blinds unclosed,
To let the curtains fade.

The ink we never spill; the boots

That lying round you see
Are not our boots,they all belong
To Mr. Nobody.

Question 1 : Based on stanza 1, what does this phrase mean Theres no one ever
sees his face?
Question 2 : What happened to the books?
Question 3 : In your opinion, who do you think Mr Nobody is?

A Fighters Lines by Marzuki Ali

I am old and worn

and have lost all my strength

and the history of the fight for independence
have forced sacrifices
that know no name
or life

from the wheelchair of the rest of my days

I, body and energy crushed
see and cannot do much
these times are too big a challenge
for the remnants of my crippled years
the net of deceit spread everywhere
disturbs me.
In the name of justice
Wake up and form ranks sons of our ancestor
Be brave
And erect a wall of people
Stand up heirs of our freedom
I have no more voice
It is you now who should speak!


What is the theme of the poem?


Which line tells us that the persona has no energy to fight?


As a younger generation, how would you show your appreciation for the freedom you get


What was the occupation of the persona?


In stanza one, what does the phrase have lost all my strength mean?


What would result if the younger generation is not brave enough to protect the


Why we need to have freedom?


How to show appreciation to our retired soldiers?


If you are a soldier, how would you protect your country?


Who is old and worn in this poem?

Novel: Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne


Based on Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne, write about
one theme.


Based on Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne, write about one lesson you
have learnt.


Based on Around the World in 80 Days by Jules Verne, write about whether you
like or dislike the ending of the story.



Question 1 :
What type of fruit are you supposed to eat for breakfast and dinner?
Berries are recommended to eat for breakfast and dinner.
Question 2 :
What would happen if you do not follow the suggested meals?
If we do not follow the suggested meals, we would probably gain weight or do not achieve
the targeted weight.
Question 3 :
How would you suggest to your friend who has weight problem to this programme?

I would invite her/him personally and tell the benefits of this programme to her/him.


List 2 values can we learn from Tun Dr Mahathir.

i. __________________________________________________________________
ii. _________________________________________________________________
2. Why do you think, Tun Dr Mahathir could retain his position as a party President
unopposed in the party election?
Because he has a great credibility and responsibility to manage the party./ Accept any
related answer

Why do you think, Tun Dr Mahathir stepped down as Prime Minister on 31 October
Accept any related answer.

1. Labour Day
2. Could be able to get more information
3. As an appreciation to your mother. ( Accept any relevant answer )
1. The benefits of eating healthy snakes.
2. Practice healthy eating habits.
3. i. Keep hunger pangs away
ii. Get daily nutritional needs
I Wonder
1. Moon, stars, lightining, rainbow, cloud
2. Appreciate nature
3. The father wants the child to find the answer by himself. ( Accept any relevant answer )

1. No time
2. Line 9
3. Spend time relaxing while enjoying nature.

Fighters Line

What is the theme of the poem?

- Patriotism/sacrifice/courage/unity.


Which line tells us that the persona has no energy to fight?

- Line 9


As a younger generation, how would you show your appreciation for the
freedom you get today?
- People should be honest and good citizens. They should love their country
and work for its success.


What was the occupation of the persona?

- A Soldier

What would result if the younger generation is not brave enough to protect
the country?
- The enemy will rule our country.

If you are a soldier, how would you protect your country?

- We should unite and fight together to protect our country.


Who is old and worn in this poem?

- The persona

Heir Conditioning
Question 1 : What is the theme of the poem?
Development comes with a price / Development brings changes to life.

Question 2 : Based on stanza 1, what did Grandma use when she felt warm?
Grandma used paper fans when she felt warm.
Question 3 : In your opinion, who should be blamed for the destruction of forest?
The present generation should be blamed as many people nowadays show
thoughtless disregard for nature.

Mr Nobody
Question 1 : Based on stanza 1, what does this phrase mean Theres no one ever sees
his face?
This phrase means that someone who is doing the mischief never commits to his/her
Question 2 : What happened to the books?
The books were torn.
Question 3 : In your opinion, who do you think Mr Nobody is?
Mr Nobody is someone who is doing mistakes or mischiefs and does not want to
confess to it.

Question 1.
1. Introduction Mention the novel you have read.
2. Mention one theme e.g determination

3. Points:
a. Explain Andrew Stuartss challenge and bet
b. Explain some obstacles and hoe w overcomes them eg. Railroad to Calcutta not
completed and dangerous storms.
c. Explain Detective Fixs suspicion and error give textual evidence
d. Explain some more obstacles and how he overcomes them- e.g bandits, missing
trains and ship- give textual evidence.

Question 2
1. Introduction Mention the novel you have read
2. Mention one lesson you have learnt e.gWe must remain calm and be resourceful to
overcome problems quickly.
3. State any 3 obstacles. For example;
a. Obstacle on the way to Calcutta 50miles of rail is not completed buys an
elephant, hires a guide.
b. Obstacles caused by Fix Passepartout is imprisoned Phileasbails him out;
misses the Carnatic hires Tankedere and boards the Carnatic in Shanghai.
c. Obstacle in New York misses the China ship hires the Henrietta; no more
coal buys the ship and burns the top
Question 3
1. Introduction Describe the ending.
2. Give at least 3 reasons why you like/dislike ending
3. E.g I like the ending in this novel: Reasons
a. It is linked to the beginning
b. There is suspense
c. We are curious to know if Phileas will win the wager
d. The themes and moral values learnt


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