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synonyms - as a result

as a result (adv.)
accordingly, as a consequence, consequently, ergo, in consequence, in the end, so, then, therefore, this is why, thus


As a result of something and describing effects and results

Therefore (adverb): as a result of the reason that has just been mentioned
Consequently (adverb): as a result
Accordingly (adverb): as a result of something
From (preposition): as a result of something
Thus (adverb): as a result of the fact that you have just mentioned
Hence (adverb): used for introducing something that is a result of the fact that
has just been stated
As a consequence/in consequence: used for saying that one thing is the result of
By virtue of something: because of, or as a result of
Ensuing (adjective): an ensuing event or activity happens after something else,
often as a result of it
Knock-on (adjective): a knock-on effect is the indirect result of something

Connectors showing cause and result

Connectors or linkers are words or groups of words that help us connect words,
phrases or sentences. Thanks to them, we can express relationships between
ideas and improve our expression by making longer, more complex sentences.
For example, take these two sentences:
Connectors can be used to show contrast, purpose, sequence, etc. but today we
will be concentrating on the linking words that show cause or result.

Thus (very formal): He was the eldest son, and thus, heir to the title.

Therefore (formal, used mainly in written English): She is only seventeen

and therefore not eligible to vote.

As a result: There has been a rise in the number of accidents. As a result,

the government has decided to lower the speed limit. As a result of is
followed by a noun, pronoun or gerund. Can you rewrite the previous
example using as a result of?
As a result of the rise in the number of accidents, the government...

So (less formal): There was nothing on TV, so I decided to go to bed.

That's why: Cold temperatures kill mosquitos, that's why you won't see
them in winter.

For this reason: The Colonel was confident that war was impending, and
for this reason he hurried his preparations to leave the country.

Consequently (used especially in written English): This poses a threat to

the food chain, and consequently to human health.

Other expressions (linking adverbs) join a second clause with an effect of the action in
the first clause. The expressions below relate the meaning of effect (result).


We took blankets


As a result, we weren't cold.

Consequently, we weren't cold.

For this reason, we weren't cold.

Therefore, we weren't cold.

As a result va siempre al comienzo de una oracin





As a result
(And, as a result; as a result of)???
Meaning: Como resultado.
Part of speech: As a result is often used as a conjunctive adverbial
phrase to indicate cause-and-effect relationships.
Its a connector or linker of words or groups of words that help us to
connect words phrases or sentences that describing effects and results.
Join a second clause with an effect of the action in the first clause.
Synonyms: accordingly, as a consequence, consequently, ergo, in
consequence, in the end, so, then, therefore, this is why, thus
Antonyms: There are no antonyms
Position in a sentence:
Can begin a new sentence:
There has been a rise in the number of accidents. As a result, the
government has decided to lower the speed limit.
Someone called in a bomb threat. As a result, school was cancelled.
As a result of the change in weather, the tree began to lose its leaves
In the middle of both sentences:
I studied a lot as a result I got an excellent mark.
I studied very hard on my notes, as a result, I got an A+ on my test
The temperature dropped 30 degrees, as a result, people started to wear

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