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The IP phone agent log in fails on different IP

phones with the "Invalid Entry(s), Retry" error

message and Control Failure message in the
CRS log

The control failure errors are printed in the MIVR log when debug level tracing for IP Contact
Center (IPCC) Express_CTI is turned on. To enable debug, select AppAdmin > System
> Engine > Trace Configuration. Select Debugging for the ICD_CTI Sub-Facility. Select
Update. This table describes the control failure error codes:


The request would exceed the server's
overall resource limits.
This means that the login request was
denied because it would have exceeded the
hard coded limit of 300 logged in agents in


The Device associated with the Agent

resource is OFF.
An agent attempted to go Ready but CRS
never received the ciscoaddressinservice
event. Check the agents device state. Make
sure that their phone is in service.


The Device associated with the Agent

resource is Busy.
The Agent tried to go ready when they were
already on a non-IPCC Express call (off

Postings may contain unverified user-created content and change frequently. The content is provided as-is and
is not warrantied by Cisco.

The IP phone agent log in fails on different IP phones with the "Invalid Entry(s), Retry" error message and
Control Failure message in the CRS log


The request specified an invalid AgentID.

This error occurs when the AgentID doesn't
exist in the internal agent list in memory.
This table is created when the IPCC
Express Subsystem starts and is refreshed
when the Resource page is visited.


The request specified an invalid agent



The request specified an invalid AgentID

and/or invalid agent password.

This error indicates that an IP Phone agent
failed to Authenticate to LDAP.

The request failed because the specified

agent is already logged in.

Agent attempts to login when the AgentID is
already in use. This should be followed by a
forced login prompt to allow the Agent to
login and automatically logoff the other agent
using that AgentID.

The request specified an invalid logon


The IPCC Express extension specified
at login doesn't match the IPCC Express
extension in the User Profile in LDAP.

The request specified an invalid agent work

An agent's attempt to change their state
failed. Check IVR logs for cause.


No Agent DN is assigned to the specified

Agent ID.
The user doesn't have an IPCC Express
extension configured in their user profile
in LDAP. This can also occur if the agent is
not part of a CSQ. This can happen if the

Postings may contain unverified user-created content and change frequently. The content is provided as-is and
is not warrantied by Cisco.

The IP phone agent log in fails on different IP phones with the "Invalid Entry(s), Retry" error message and
Control Failure message in the CRS log

agent has not been assigned to a resource

group or any skills, or if the resource group
or skills are not part of a CSQ.

A problem occurred while communicating to

the Cisco Call Manager (CCM) via JTAPI.
This means that the device open attempt
failed. This can be caused because the
Agent's device is not associated to the RM
User, the device is not registered or any
other CCM error when we attempt to open
the device.

The agent tries to login when another agent

with the same extension is already logged in.

This document applies to CRS 3.x

Postings may contain unverified user-created content and change frequently. The content is provided as-is and
is not warrantied by Cisco.

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