PR Checklist Bhilai (2015)

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Purchase Requisition check list

A) Header Tab
1 Document type -Material PR for material procurement
2 Document type -Service PR for service contracts
Header text-name of purchse requisition & should not be
application/equipment/department specific
B) Item overview Tab- Material PR

Account assignment category & item category should be kept blank against material
item codes for procurement of valuated items in case of Material PR
Account assignment category should be "A" against material item codes for capital
spares ready to use items & does not require erection/installation/commissioning),
item category to be blank(For Mat type "ZCSP" and "ZMBA")
Account assignment category should be "P" for project items for capital
equipments/spares/projects (Not ready to use items ), item category to be blank.(
when item are not to be taken into inventory)

Account assignment category should be "Q" against material item codes for project
items to be procured ( to be taken into inventory), item category to be blank

For Account assignment category as "P" & " Q", WBS code to be generated by TS, for
which capital procurement budget approval details to be provided to TS.

Account Assignment category 'K' is to be used where item to be procured is against

6 any specific budget e.g sustainability Development, Procurement for CSR etc along
with relevant GL code(For Mat Type is 'ZPSE" or 'ZP&S')
Enter material item code/service code, quantity, valuation price and realistic delivery
Enter material group, plant, purchasing group, requisitioner,purchase organization
details.9For Mat PR, Group should be Numeric (00 to 99))
Enter taxes & duties as line item with account assignment category as "U" and fill all
reqired fields of item overview tab.
10 Press Check icon for filling mandatory items.


C) Item overview Tab - Service PR

Account assignment category should be "K" & item category should be "D" against
service text in case of service PR with relevant GL code(For Service PR, Group should be
Alphabetical Code (As per deptt)
Account assignment category should be "P" & item category should be "D" against
service text for capital projects.
For Account assignment category as "P" , WBS code to be generated by TS, for which
capital budget approval details to be provided to TS.
Enter Wage Escilation as line item with account assignment category as "U", item
category - blank and fill all reqired fields of item overview tab.
Enter taxes & duties as line item with account assignment category as "U", item
category - blank and fill all reqired fields of item overview tab.






Enter service text, quantity, valuation price,delivery date.

Enter material group, plant, purchasing group, requisitioner,purchase organization
Press Check icon for filling mandatory items.

D) Items Detail tab - Material PR

If account assignment category is "A" Enter the department cost centre in the account
assignment tab
IF account assignment category is "A" type, Enter the Asset code as 570000301 for PP
2 & 570000106 for PP3 in the account assignment tab
If account assignment category is "P" & "Q" Enter the WBS code in the account
assignment tab & enter GL code as 4010011.
In texts tab, enter the material PO text description, suggested vendor code/vendor
name & complete details, Terms & conditions, Basis of estimate, if LPP details (less
then 3 Yrs) to be provided and other texts specific to procurement to be filled if
Enter the Indent type, Fund source, Department, scope of work, DOP clause in the
customer data tab and save the purchase requisition
If single tender indent, then mention single tender basis & ST Vendor code in customer
data tab and save the purchase the requisition,
Released the purchase requisition from deptt. Approver

E) Items Detail tab - Service PR

Enter service code, quantity & price
Enter limits in the limits tab if any
In account assignment tab, enter the GL account & cost centre
In texts tab, enter scope of work, terms & coditions and qualifying requirements if any.
Mention other text details specific to service contract.
Enter the Indent type, Fund source, Department, scope of work, DOP clause in the
customer data tab and save the purchase requisition
If single tender type, then mention single tender basis & ST Vendor code in customer
data tab and save the purchase the requisition
Release the purchase requisition from deptt. Approver

F) Indent specific
In case of standardised items, OEM/OES/Propritory items, standardisation certificate
enclosed duly approved by E7

purchase requisition value greater than 5 lakhs, screening committee report enclosed.


3 Years consumption details printout enclosed (Tcode- ZMMHISTORY)

If applicable, QP is enclosed
FTS no is to be mentioned
Prepared by- Srinivas Konga, S(AHS),1.06.2015

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