Nav Aids Prefi Reviewer

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1. The angle between successive phase

changes of a DPSK signal is:
a. 45
b. 90
c. 180
2. The method of modulation currently employed
for aircraft VHF voice communication is:
a. MSK
b. D8PSK
3. The channel spacing currently used in Europe
for aircraft VHF voice communication is:
a. 8.33 kHz and 25 kHz
b. 12.5 kHz and 25 kHz
c. 25 kHz and 50 kHz
4. Which one of the following gives the
approximate LOS range for an aircraft at an
altitude of 15,000 feet?
a. 74 nm
b. 96 nm
c. 135 nm
5. The function of the compressor stage in an
aircraft VHF radio is:
a. to reduce the average level of
b. to increase the average level of
c. to produce 100% modulation at all
6. The function of the squelch stage in an aircraft
VHF radio is:
a. to eliminate noise when no signal is
b. to increase the sensitivity of the receiver
for weak signals
c. to remove unwanted adjacent channel
7. Large passenger aircraft normally carry:
a. two VHF radios
b. three VHF radios
c. four VHF radios
8. The typical bandwidth of a DSB AM voice signal
a. 3.4 kHz
b. 7 kHz
c. 25 kHz
9. The disadvantage of narrow channel spacing is:
a. the need for increased receiver
b. the possibility of adjacent channel
c. large amounts of wasted space between
10. The standard for ACARS is defined in:

a. ARINC 429
b. ARINC 573
c. ARINC 724
11. The frequency band currently used in Europe for
aircraft VHF voice communication is:
a. 88 MHz to 108 MHz
b. 108 MHz to 134 MHz
c. 118 MHz to 137 MHz
12. The typical output power of an aircraft VHF radio
using voice mode is:
a. 25 W
b. 150W
c. 300 W
13. The typical bandwidth of an aircraft HF SSB
signal is
a. 3.4 kHz
b. 7 kHz
c. 25 kHz
14. The principal advantage of SSB over DSB AM is
a. reduced bandwidth
b. improved frequency response
c. faster data rates can be supported
15. HF data link uses typical data rates of
a. 300 bps and 600 bps
b. 2400 bps and 4800 bps
c. 2400 bps and 31,500 bps
16. The standard for HF data link is defined in
a. ARINC 429
b. ARINC 573
c. ARINC 635
17. Which one of the following gives the
approximate range of audio frequencies used for
SELCAL tones?
a. 256 Hz to 2048 Hz
b. 312Hzto 1479 Hz
c. 300 Hz to 3400 Hz
18. How many alphanumeric characters are
transmitted in a SELCAL code?
a. 4
b. 8
c. 16
19. How many bits are used in an ICAO aircraft
a. 16
b. 24
c. 32
20. The typical RF output power from an aircraft HF
transmitter is:
a. 25 W pep
b. 50 W pep
c. 400 W pep
21. An HF radio is required for use on oceanic
routes because
a. VHF coverage is inadequate
b. higher power levels can be produced
c. HF radio is more reliable

22. The function of an HF antenna coupler is to:

a. reduce static noise and interference

b. increase the transmitter output power
c. match the antenna to the radio
23. ADF antennas are used to determine what
aspect of the transmitted signal?
a. Wavelength
b. Null signal strength
c. Maximum signal strength
24. The ADF antennas include
a. one sense loop and two directional
b. two sense loops and two directional
c. two sense loops and one directional
25. ADF operates in the following frequency range:
a. MF to VHF
b. LF to MF
c. VLF
26. Bearing to the tuned ADF station is displayed on
a. RMI
b. NDB
c. HIS
27. The purpose of an ADF sense antenna is to
a. provide directional information to the
b. discriminate between NDBs and
commercial broadcast stations
c. combine with the loop antenna to
determine a station bearing
28. The RMI has two pointers coloured red and
green; these are used to indicate:
a. two separately tuned ADF stations
b. AM broadcast stations (red) and NDBs
c. heading (red) and ADF bearing (green)
29. The bearing source indicator adjacent the RMI
a. ADF or VOR selection
b. the NDB frequency
c. the NDB bearing
30. NDBs on navigation charts can be identified by:
a. five letter codes
b. two/three letter codes
c. triangles
31. Morse code is used to confirm the NDBs
a. Frequency
b. Name
c. Bearing
32. During sunrise and sunset, ADF transmissions
are affected by:
a. coastal refraction
b. static build-up in the airframe
c. variations in the ionosphere
33. NDBs associated with the final approach to an
airfield are called




a. locator beacons
b. reporting points
c. en route navigation aids
Quadrantal error (QE) is associated with the:
a. Ionosphere
b. physical aspects of terrain
c. physical aspects of the aircraft structure
ADF ground waves are affected by
a. the ionosphere
b. coastal refraction and terrain
c. solar activity
ADF sky waves are affected by:
a. the ionosphere
b. coastal refraction
c. the local terrain
A BFO can be used to establish:
a. the non-directional output of an NDB
b. which loop antenna is receiving a null
c. an audio tone for an NDB

38. VOR operates in which frequency range?
a. LF
b. MF
c. VHF.
39. VOR signals are transmitted as what type of
a. Sky wave
b. Ground wave
c. Space wave
40. Where is the deviation from a selected VOR
radial displayed?
a. RMI
b. HIS
c. NDB
41. At which radial will the directional wave be out of
phase by 90 degrees with the non directional
a. 090 degrees
b. 000 degrees
c. 180 degrees
42. At which radial will the directional signal be in
phase with the non-directional signal?
a. 090 degrees
b. 000 degrees
c. 180 degrees
43. VOR navigation aids are identified by how many
alpha characters?
a. Two
b. Three
c. Five
44. VOR radials are referenced to:
a. non-directional signals from the
navigation aid
b. magnetic north
c. true north.

45. The RMI has two pointers coloured red and

green; these are used to indicate








a. the bearing of two separately tuned

VOR stations
b. directional (red) and non-directional
transmissions (green)
c. the radials of two separately tuned VOR
Morse code tones are used to specify the VOR
a. Identification
b. Frequency
c. Radial
The intersection of two VOR radials provides
what type of position fix?
a. Rhorho
b. Thetatheta
c. Rhotheta
An aircraft is flying on a heading of 090 degrees
to intercept the selected VOR radial of 180
degrees; the HSI will display that the aircraft is:
a. right of the selected course
b. left of the selected course
c. on the selected course
The DVOR navigation aid has an
omnidirectional transmitter located in the
a. Centre
b. outer antenna array
c. direction of magnetic north
When flying overhead a VOR navigation aid, the
reliability of directional signals:
a. Decreases
b. Increases
c. stays the same
Reporting points using VOR navigation aids are
defined by the:
a. identification codes
b. intersection of two radials
c. navigation aid frequencies
With increasing altitude, the range of a VOR
transmission will be
a. Increased
b. Decreased
c. the same

53. DME is based on what type of radar?
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. VHF
54. DME provides the following information to the
a. bearing to a navigation aid
b. deviation from a selected course
c. distance to a navigation aid
55. When tuned into a VORTAC, commercial aircraft
obtain their distance and bearing information
from the
a. TACAN and VOR
b. DME and VOR
c. DME and TACAN
56. DME signals are transmitted
a. by line of sight











b. as ground waves
c. as sky waves
An RDMI provides the following information
a. distance and bearing to a navigation aid
b. deviation from a selected course
c. the frequency of the selected navigation
Slant range errors are greatest when the aircraft
is flying at:
a. high altitudes and close to the
navigation aid
b. high altitudes and far from the
navigation aid
c. low altitudes and far from the navigation
To select a co-located VOR-DME navigation aid,
the crew tunes into the:
a. DME frequency
b. VOR frequency
c. NDB frequency
The DME interrogator is part of the:
a. airborne equipment
b. DME navigation aid
The varying interval between pulse-pairs
ensures that the interrogator
a. recognizes its own pulse-pairs and
rejects other signals
b. recognizes other pulse-pairs and rejects
its own signal
c. tunes into a VOR station and DME
navigation aid.
When a DME indicator is receiving no computed
data, it will display:
a. Dashes
b. Zeros
c. Eights
Using a collocated VORDME navigation aid
produces what type of position fix?
a. Rhorho
b. Rhotheta
c. Thetatheta
Distance and bearing signals from a TACAN
navigation aid are transmitted on:
a. HF
b. UHF
c. VHF
Using two DME navigation aids provides how
many calculated positions?
a. Two
b. One
c. Three
DME operates in which frequency band?
a. UHF
b. VHF
c. LF/MF


67. Long-range radio navigation systems rely on

what type of radio wave?
a. Ground wave
b. Sky wave
c. Space wave
68. How many transmitting stations are required in a
hyperbolic navigation system to provide a
unique position?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three or more
69. How many unique locations are defined on a
hyperbolic line of position?
a. One
b. Two
c. Three
70. The foci of hyperbolae are located at:
a. each of the transmitters
b. the intersection of lines of position
c. the intersection of concentric circles.
71. The intersection of two Loran-C pulses with
same time delay can be used to determine a:
a. line of position

b. baseline
c. unique position
72. Loran-C operates in which frequency band?
a. 1901750kHz
b. 90110 kHz
c. 108112 MHz.
73. How many pulses does the master station in a
Loran-C chain transmit?
a. 27
b. 8
c. 9

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