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Web Design / Web Development / E-Commerce

2D = Two Dimensional / 2 Dimensional

2G = Second Generation
3D = Three Dimensional / 3 Dimensional
3G = Third Generation
3GP (3GPP) = Third Generation Partnership Project
4D = Four Dimensional / 4 Dimensional
4G = Fourth Generation
AD = Active Directory
ADSL = Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
AES = Automated Election System
AfriNIC = African Network Information Center
AI = Artificial Intelligence
AM = Amplitude Modulation
AMD = Advanced Micro Devices
ANSI = American National Standards Institute
AOL Inc. = America Online
AOSS = AirStation One-Touch Secure System
APIPA = Automatic Private IP Addressing
APN = access point name
APNIC = Asia-Pacific Network Information Centre
ARIN = American Registry for Internet Numbers
ARPA = Advanced Research Project Agency
ARPANET = Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASP = Active Server Pages
ATM = Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATM = Automated Teller Machine
AUI = Attachment Unit Interface
AVR = Automatic Voltage Regulator
BBS = bulletin board system
BCC = Blind Carbon Copy
BDC = backup domain controller
BHI = Beverly Hills Internet
BHOs = Browser Helper Objects
BIOS = basic input/output system
BISCUIT = Basic Information Security Course for Users of IT
bit = binary digit
BMP = Bitmap
BNC = British Naval Connectors
bps = bits per second
BYOD = bring your own device
CAD = Computer Aided Design
CC = Carbon Copy
CCS = Counting and Canvassing System
CCTV = Close Circuit Television
CD-R = Recordable compact disc
CD-RW = Rewritable compact disc
CERN = European Organization for Nuclear Research (Conseil
Europen pour la Recherche Nuclaire)
CGI = Common Gateway Interface
CIP = Certified Internet Professional
CIS = Continuous Ink System
CISS = Continuous Ink Supply System
CMOS = Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CMS = Content Management System
CMYK = cyan magenta yellow black
CNAP = Cisco Networking Academy Program
CPU = central processing unit
CSMA/CA = Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance
CSMA/CD = Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
CSNET = Computer Science Network
CSS = Cascading Style Sheets
CSS3 = Cascading Style Sheets 3
CVC = Control Video Corporation
DARPA = Defense Advanced Research Project Agency
DBMS = database management system
DDOS = Distributed denial-of-service
DHCP = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DHTML = Dynamic HTML
DLL = dynamic-link library
DNS = Domain Name System
DNSSEC = Domain Name System Security Extensions
DOM = document object model
DoS = Denial of Service
DOS = Disk Operating System
Prepared by: Mr. Jeffrey A. Diaz

DOTA = Defense of the Ancients

DPI = dots per inch
DSL = digital subscriber line
DTD = Document Type Definition
EGPRS = Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution
E-mail = Electronic Mail
EoIP = Ethernet over IP
ESD = electrostatic discharge
EULA = End-User License Agreement
Exif = Exchangeable image file
FAT = File Allocation Table
FB = Facebook
FDD = Floppy Disk Drive
FiOS = Fiber Optic Service
FLV = Flash Video
FM = Frequency Modulation
FOC = Fiber Optic Cable
FQDN = fully qualified domain name
FTP = File Transfer Protocol
GB = Gigabyte
Gbps = Gigabits per second
GHz = Gigahertz
GIF = Graphic Interchange Format
GPRS = General Packet Radio Services
GPS = Globally Positioning System
GSM = Global System for Mobile Communications
GUI = graphical user interface
HDD = Hard Disk Drive
HDMI = high-definition multimedia interface
HDSL = High-bit-rate DSL
HDTV = high-definition television
HON = Heroes of Newerth
HP = Hewlett-Packard
HTML = Hypertext Markup Language
HTML 4 = Hypertext Markup Language 4
HTML 5 = Hypertext Markup Language 5
HTTP = hypertext transfer protocol
Hz = Hertz
I/O = input/output
IAB = Internet Architecture Board
IBM = International Business Machine
ICANN = Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
ICMP = Internet Control Message Protocol
ICS = Internet Connection Sharing
ICT = Information and Communication Technology
IDE = Integrated Development Environment
IE = Internet Explorer
IEEE = Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
IESG = Internet Engineering Steering Group
IETF = Internet Engineering Task Force
IGF = Internet Governance Forum
IGMP = Internet Group Management Protocol
IIS = Internet Information Services
IM = Instant Messaging
IMSI = International Mobile Subscriber Identity
Intel = Integrated Electronics
InterNIC = Internet Network Information Center
IoE = Internet of Everything
IoT = Internet of Things
IP = Internet Protocol
IPsec = Internet Protocol Security
IPTV = Internet Protocol television
IPv4 = Internet Protocol version 4
IPv6 = Internet Protocol version 6
IPX = Internetwork Packet Exchange
IPX/SPX = Internet Packet Exchange / Sequenced Packet
IR = infrared
IRC = Internet Relay Chat
IRSG = Internet Research Steering Group
IRTF = Internet Research Task Force
iSCSI = Internet Small Computer System Interface
ISDN = Integrated Services Digital Network
ISO = International Standard Organization (International
Organization for Standardization)
07 December 2014

ISOC = Internet Society

ISP = Internet service provider
IT = Information Technology
ITU = International Telecommunications Union
JPEG = Joint Photographic Experts Group
JRE = Java Runtime Environment
JS = JavaScript
JVM = Java Virtual Machine
Kbps = kilobits per second
KIAFTMA = the Keyboard Is Always Faster Than the Mouse
LACNIC = Latin American and Caribbean Internet Addresses
LAMP = Linux Apache MySQL Perl PHP
LAN = local area network
LLTD = Link-Layer Topology Discovery
LOL = League of Legends
LTE = Long Term Evolution
MAC = media access control / medium access control
MAMP = Macintosh Apache MySQL Perl PHP
MAN = metropolitan area network
MAU = Medium Attachment Unit
MB = Megabytes
Mbps = Megabits per seconds
MDN = Mozilla Developer Network
ME = Millennium Edition
MHL = Mobile High-Definition Link
MHz = Megahertz
MIDI = Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIMO = multiple input multiple output
MMS = Multimedia Messaging Service
Mobile OS = Mobile Operating System
Modem = modulator / demodulator
MOS = Microsoft Office Specialist
MPEG = Moving Picture Experts Group
MSDN = Microsoft Developer Network
MS-DOS = Microsoft - Disk Operating System
MSE = Microsoft Security Essentials
MSI = Micro-Star International Co., Ltd
MSIE = Microsoft Internet Explorer
MSMQ = Microsoft Message Queue Server
MTA = Microsoft Technology Associate
MVA = Microsoft Virtual Academy
NAP = network access point
NAT = network address translation
NCSA = National Center for Supercomputing Applications
NetBEUI = NetBIOS Extended User Interface
NetBIOS = network basic input/output system
NFS = Network File System
NGI = Next-Generation Internet
NIC = network interface card
NII = National Information Infrastructure
NOS = Network Operating System
NSF = National Science Foundation
NSFNET = National Science Foundation Network
NT = New Technology
NTFS = New Technology File System
NUI = Natural User Interface
ODBC = Open Database Connectivity
OS = Operating System
OSD = Open Source Definition
OSI = Open Systems Interconnection
P2P = Peer-to-peer
PAN = personal area network
PANU = personal area network user
PC = Personal Computer
PCOS = precinct count optical scan
PDAs = Personal Digital Assistants
PDC = primary domain controller
PDF = Portable Data File
PHP = hypertext preprocessor
PIN = Personal Identification Number
PING = Packet Internet Groper
PNG = Portable Network Graphics
PNP = Plug and Play
POS = Point-of-Sale
PSK = pre-shared key
Prepared by: Mr. Jeffrey A. Diaz

PSTN = Public Switched Telephone Network

PUK = PIN unblock key
Q-Link = Quantum Link
QoS = Quality of Service
QR codes = Quick Response codes
RADSL = Rate Adaptive DSL
RAM = Random Access Memory
RAS = remote access service
RDC = Remote Desktop Connection
RDP = Remote Desktop Protocol
RFC = Request for Comments
RGB = red green blue
RIPE NCC = Rseaux IP Europens - Network Coordination Centre
RIRs = Regional Internet Registries
RIS = Remote Installation Service
RJ-11 = Registered Jack-11
RJ-45 = Registered Jack-45
ROM = Read-Only Memory
RTSP = Real Time Streaming Protocol
SAN = solar area network
SDM = System Distributed Management
SEO = Search engine optimization
S-HDSL/SDSL = Single-pair or Symmetric High-bit-rate DSL
SIM = Subscriber Identity Module
SMS = Short Message Service
SMTP = Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol
SPAM = Stupid Persons AdvertiseMent
SPAM = Stupid, Pointless Annoying Message
SQL = Structure Query Language
SSL = Secure Socket Layer
STP = Shielded Twisted Pair
SVG = Scalable Vector Graphics
TAR = Tape ARchive
TB = Terabyte
Tbps = Terabit per second
TCP = Transmission Control Protocol
TCP/IP = Transmission Control Protocol /Internet Protocol
TFTP = Trivial File Transfer Protocol
TIFF = Tagged Image File Format
TSD = Technical Support Department
TTL = Time to Live
UCE = Unsolicited commercial e-mail
UDP = User Datagram Protocol
UEC = Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud
UFD = USB Flashdrive
UNC = Universal Naming Convention
UPMC = Ultra Portable Mobile Computer
UPS = Uninterruptible Power Supply
URI = uniform resource identifier
URL = uniform resource locator
URN = uniform resource name
USB = Universal Serial Bus
UTP = Unshielded Twisted Pair
VAIO = Video Audio Integrated Operation
VAIO = Visual Audio Intelligent Organizer [2008]
VDI = Virtual desktop infrastructure
VDSL = Very High-bit-rate asymmetric DSL
Virus = Vital Information Resource Under Siege
VMs = Virtual machines
VNC = Virtual Network Computing
VNF = Virtualization of Network Functions
VoIP = Voice over IP
VoLTE = Voice over LTE
VPN = virtual private networking
W3C = World Wide Web Consortium
WAMPP = Windows Apache MySQL Perl PHP
WAN = wide area network
WAP = Wireless Application Protocol
WDS = Windows Deployment Services
WEP = Wired Equivalent Privacy
WHATWG = Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group
WIDE = Web Integrated Development Environment
WiDi = Wireless Display
Wi-Fi = Wireless Fidelity
WiMax = Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access
WINS = Windows Internet Name Service
07 December 2014

Winsock = Windows Socket

WLAN = Wireless LAN
WLC = Wireless LAN Controller
WMA = Windows Media Audio
WML = Wireless Markup Language
WMV = Windows Media Video
WPA = Wi-Fi Protected Access
WPA2 = Wi-Fi Protected Access 2
WPS = Wireless Protected Setup

Prepared by: Mr. Jeffrey A. Diaz

WWAN = wireless wide area network

WWW = World Wide Web
WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get
XAMPP = X (Operating System) Apache MySQL Perl PHP
xDSL = x Digital Subscriber Line
XHTML = Extensible HyperText Markup Language
XML = Extensible Markup Language
XP = experience
YM = Yahoo Mail / Yahoo Messenger

07 December 2014

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