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Define Product Cycle.

The term Product Cycle, it tells us about all the principal phases in the development and use of a product,
including identification of a need; requirements specification; product design; manufacturing; distribution;
maintenance; refurbishment; and subsequent disposal or recycling.
What is mean by Iterative Design Process? Illustrate it.
Iterative design is a design methodology based on a cyclic process of prototyping, testing, analyzing, and
refining a product or process. Based on the results of testing the most recent iteration of a design, changes
and refinements are made. This process is intended to ultimately improve the quality and functionality of a
design. In iterative design, interaction with the designed system is used as a form of research for informing
and evolving a project, as successive versions, or iterations of a design are implemented.
Write down any 5 schemes of Concurrent Engineering.
Axiomatic Design, Design for Manufacturing Guidelines, Design Science, Design for Assembly, Taguchi
Method for robust Design.
What do you mean by Homogeneous Coordinate? Describe with neat diagram?
In Homogeneous Coordinates, a point P (x, y) is represented as (W.x, W.y, W) for any scale factor W not
equal to zero.

What do you mean by additive and multiplicative in 2-D transformation?

Define clipping.
In two-dimensional graphics, a clip region may be defined so that pixels are only drawn within the
boundaries of a window or frame. Clip regions can also be used to selectively control pixel rendering for
aesthetic or artistic purposes. In many implementations, the final clip region is the composite (or
intersection) of one or more application-defined shapes, as well as any system hardware constraints
What are the two main categories of curves and list out its types?

How a B-spline Curve becomes a Bezier Curve?

Write short notes on Rational Curve and give its Equations.

The class of curves that is known as rational polynomials is capable of representing conic and more general
quadric functions. In particular they make use of homogeneous coordinates, in which three-dimensional
points of for [x, y, z] T are mapped to four dimensions with an additional coordinate dimension w using th e
form [W. x, W. y, W. z, W] T , where W is greater than zero and is known as weighting or scale factor.

Write the parametric equation of a cubic spline segment and derive the equation for the parametric value u =

Differentiate between Clipping and viewing transformation.

Elimination of parts of scene outside a window or viewport
Clipping with respect to a window (Given: xwmin, ywmin, xwmax, ywmax)
Clip at this level ==> fewer points go through viewing transformation
Clipping with respect to a viewport (Given: xvmin, yvmin, xvmin, yvmin)
Viewing Transformation
Window is a rectangular frame or boundary through which a user looks onto the model. Viewport is an area
on the screen on which the contents of the window are to be presented as an image.
Convert from Window Coordinates to Viewport Coordinates
(xw, yw) --> (xv, yv)
Maps a world coordinate window to a screen coordinate viewport

Window defined by: (xw1,yw1), (xw2,yw2)

Viewport defined by: (xv1,yv1), (xv2,yv2)

Basic idea is to maintain proportionality
What is meant by combined transformation?
Transformation can be combined: one transformation followed by another transformation. The resulting
transformation can frequently be described by an equivalent single transformation.
The shape S is reflected in the line x = 4 to give the image S . S is reflected in the line with equation y = 1
to give as image S . Describe the transformation that maps S onto S .

In the diagram the reflections have been drawn. S maps onto S by a rotation through 180o about the centre
(4, 1). It is convenient to denote transformation by using capital letters. A could denote reflection in the
line with equation x = 4 and B could denote reflection in the line with equation y = 1. Performing A on
S to give S is written as A(S) = S . B(S ) means perform the transformation B on shape S . B(S ) = S
The combined transformation is written as BA(S) = S . It is important to notice the order BA(S) means do
first A and then B.
Write the matrix for 2D scaling.

Narrate the steps involved in concurrent engineering.

Performance, Testability, Manufacturability, Design ( Verify, Review, Produce, Test), Service, Cost, Quality.
Mention the drawbacks of DDA line drawing algorithm.
Floating point arithmetic in DDA algorithm is still time-consuming.
The algorithm is orientation dependent. Hence end point accuracy is poor.
Write a short note on geometric modeling.
The computer compatible mathematical description of the geometry of the object is called as geometric
modeling. The CAD software allows the mathematical description of the object to be displayed as the image
on the monitor of the computer.
Write the types of synthetic curves with its order of continuity.
Hermite Cubic Spline, Bezier Curves, and B-Spline Curves
Mention the characteristics of Hermite cubic spline curve.
Write about coons patch.
A linear interpolation between four bounded curves is used to generate a Coons surface, also called as Coons
patch. The method is credited to S. Coons who developed this concept for generating a surface. Coons
surface is easy to create, and therefore, many 2-D CAD packages utilize it for generating models. However,
it has only a limited application since the surface is inflexible and cannot create very smooth surfaces.
Several CAD software, including AutoCAD, use this surface for generating surfaces between 4-bounded
Write short notes on local and global controls in curves.
Bezier curves exhibit global control: moving a control point alters the shape of the whole curve.
B-splines allow local control: only a part of the curve is modified when changing a control point.

1. What are the techniques used for surface modeling. Explain any two in both analytic and synthetic
surfaces. (8)
2. Draw the conceptual curve of each cubic, Bezier and B- spline curve for the data points (1, 2), (4, 6), (6,
1) and (9, 5). (8)
3. Explain Briefly the Concurrent Engineering and also write its interrelated elements, goals and Schemes.
4. Explain line drawing with DDA algorithm. (10)
5. Write short notes on view transformation. (6)
6. Explain the Parametric representation of Ellipse with necessary. (10)
7. Derive the Parametric equation for line connecting 2 points. (6)
8. Explain the Characteristics of B-spline Curve and how it differs from the Bezier curve. (10+6)
9. Explain the order of continuity of curves with necessary sketches. (8)
10. With an example briefly describe the role computer aided design (CAD) in the design process. (16)
11. Derive the Hermite matrix for the Cubic spline curve. (16)
12. Generate a Bezier curve to the four control points (30, 10), (40, 50), (75, 45) and (90, 25) using a graph
sheet. (16)
Note: Part B Qn. no 9 & 10 Compulsory

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