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A. Students and Setting:

Students: My students are studying at a local University but their fundamental understandings
about academic English is poor as they are from rural districts thereabouts. They are
sophomore and have less chances of interacting with native speakers than those living in big
cities. They are assigned to listen to news, movies,and songs in English to help alleviate the
disadavantge in learning English.Nonwithstanding they have been learning English for at
least 7 years, teachers must teach some of them basic grammartical structures.
Setting: This is a class of a public university in a latent province in Southern part of Vietnam.
There are about 20 students in class with English proficiency ranging from basic level to preintermediate level. This is Speaking class; there are 3 classes per week; 45 mintutes per
class. They have no experience with student-centered teaching method before; this class
teacher will press focus on them rather than the content from the textbooks.
B. Lesson Background:

Class is divided into small groups; 5 groups ,4 students in each group. They were given a
short video and needed to watch it at home. Teacher asked them to make puppets at home
and wrote a skit upon their rememberance upon the video and in class they will enact for
other groups to watch. The characters of their own play must be the same as those from the
video but they can change the plot according to their ideas as long as they think it can catch
attention from teacher and others. After they perform the play, their friends wave the right to
interrogate anything from the video as all were given the same video. Through this, teacher
will be able to pinpoint which group was working hard and vive versa. They had needed to
watch the video several times before they were able to compose their own senario.For a
spetacular performance, students of each group neeed to rehearse and worked closely with
each member. They costume themselves by themselves and if needed, teacher could
provide them some technical tools like microphones, latop, speakers,etc. Furthermore,
teacher can help group he/she think they are weaker than other groups..

C. Learning Objectives/Expected Results:

After this class, students must be able to express their own thoughts rather than reading out
loud what they read from textbooks and more importantly, this aims at enhancing the writing
and self-studies among students.Group-based learning is also pressed focus on this teaching

This is a program of the U.S. Department of State, administered by the University of Oregon.
MOOC Shaping the Way We Teach English. Copyright 2015 University of Oregon. All rights reserved.
Phase 1 Lesson Plan Template
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D. Materials and Sources:.

Materials:Costumes, speakers, laptop, decorated stage, camera ( just in case ), handouts.

Teacher guided students to make costumes on their own.
Teacher must ask students to turn in their skit in advance and then print out the skits for
othergroup to keep up the play in case their pronunciation, grammar cant be interpreted.
Link of the video :
Teacher can flexibly choose another video but the time length shoule be limited under 10
minutes as we will let students watch the video again before they official enact their play on
E. Procedures / Timing:
Teacher does/says . . .

Provide students with

handouts and rule of working
in this class

When all groups have

already settle down:
Take out a sheet and fill in
with the names of people in
your team and the title of
your play.
After 1 minute I please come
here and turn in the sheet to
Randomly pick a group and
check if they can recite
details in the videos as well
as main characters from the

Students do/say . . .

Approximate time

Groups assembling and each group

get ready for their performance

2 minutes

Write down the names of members

in their group

2 minutes


2 minutes

This is a program of the U.S. Department of State, administered by the University of Oregon.
MOOC Shaping the Way We Teach English. Copyright 2015 University of Oregon. All rights reserved.
Phase 1 Lesson Plan Template
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Time is up!
Please choose from your
group one member to come
here and pick your order

Each group has 5 minutes

for your performance. Please
save your time.When the bell
rings, you must stop enacting

When the first group has

finished their assignment.
Teacher asks if anyone in
class has questions for
them,if not teacher will ask
questions concerning their
understandings of the story
in the videos and the
meaning of their own skit.

You have just finished your

perfomance and I am happy
that all of you did a good job.
Next class I will comment
thoroughly upon todays play

Students come to pick their order of


1 minutes

Students of group 1 come to stage

first and the others sitting still to
watch their friendsperformance

5 minutes/ group
5 groups x 5 minutes
=25 minutes

Students listen diligently to teacher

and answer questions, the role of
answering questions should be
distribute equally.

~2 minutes per group

2 minutes x 5 groups
=10 minutes

Students get next class study

syllabus or homework

2 minutes

F. Reflection - Week 2:
Students must dress like the characters they saw from the video ,therefore It helps themselves as well as other
kids to remember the names of characters. When the play ended, other students can pose questios concering
the video, it helps them remember not only the plot of the video but also new vocabulary from story. They are at
the age of 20s, so they are able to speak in public,write the skit and do the costume by themselves.Asssembling
them in groups can help students work more effective and help bond the friendship and cooperative relationship
between individuals in class. Group-based learning is exploited to the full in this class.

Authentic materials: I let students watch the video at home in order to help them visualize the
characters and be able to remember the plot

This is a program of the U.S. Department of State, administered by the University of Oregon.
MOOC Shaping the Way We Teach English. Copyright 2015 University of Oregon. All rights reserved.
Phase 1 Lesson Plan Template
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Authentic tasks: I ask them to compose their own skit upon the story of the video to help them
enhance their creativity as well as the ability to speak English in front of crowd.
Realia: The costumes, the stage are realia as they help students remember names of characters
and their roles in the story.
Target audience: They need to satisfy their friends need in order to catch their attention

This is a program of the U.S. Department of State, administered by the University of Oregon.
MOOC Shaping the Way We Teach English. Copyright 2015 University of Oregon. All rights reserved.
Phase 1 Lesson Plan Template
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