Using Cuisenaire Rods in The EFL Classroom

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Theme: History

Language Narrative Tenses

Vocabulary for historical events

Level: Elementary and above (adjust

language to level

Time: 45 minutes – longer if using extensions

Materials: 2 sets of Cuisenaire Rods

'Norman Conquest' Worksheet

Organisation: Horse-shoe – no desks.


1. Set the chairs up in a horse-shoe. Do not have students sitting behind their desks. You WILL
kill the lesson. It is important that they can see the rods and that they are close to the action.
If you don't believe me, try it!
2. Tell the class that the lesson is about an important event in British history and elicit
suggestions from the class. If anyone offers 1066 and the Battle of Hastings, invite them to
tell the class what they know of it. If no-one knows tell them! It is a good idea to warn the
class that there will be a lot of listening, to you, but there will be opportunities for the to
speak. However, if they have any questions, just ask. If they don't understand anything, ask.
If you are speaking too quickly, tell you to slow down, or vice-versa. But, most importantly,
sit back, get comfortable, relax, and just enjoy the ride!
3. Lay out a rough outline of the south and east of England (from Plymouth to Scotland) using
the orange rods on the floor and elicit suggestions from class as to what it might be.
4. Lay out rough outline of northern Europe using the black rods (Normandy to Norway) and
5. Hold up a red rod and tell the class that this is YOU (the students). Tell the class: your name
is Harold Godwin. You are a very rich, powerful man. You own a lot of the south of England
(gesture). You have a large moustache. You are the Earl of Wessex. You want to be King.
6. Ask the students to point to London. Place a green rod (Edward the Confessor – King of
England) with a small white rod (his crown) in London and lay it flat – not standing. Elicit
from the class who this is. Ask them if he is standing (no) and why (ill / dying). Explain to
the class that the King is dying but he doesn't want you to be king. He wants this man – hold
up a yellow rod – to be king. Place the yellow rod in Normandy. Tell the class that his name
is William and he is the Duke of Normandy. If the class ask you why, explain that at this
time the French, Normans at least, had considerable influence in the English court (rather
like America today) and that William was very close to the Pope. He even wore a hair of St.
Paul around his neck, a present from the Pope. Ask the class how they (Harold) feel about
this (annoyed / jealous / threatened / worried / angry). Explain that history is history and it's
never this simple. Hold up a brown rod. Tell the class that his name is Harald Hardrada. He
is the King of Norway and he also wants to be King of England. (If they ask why - he only
had a vague claim to the throne through his nephew – but Harold Godwinson's and
William's were also vague).
7. January 5th 1066 – Edward is very ill. You (Harold) rushes to London. Before Edward dies,
you persuade him to make you king (we don't know how). He dies later in the day and you
are crowned king of England in Westminster Abbey on January 6 th. You are now Harold II.
Ask the class how they feel (ecstatic / over the moon etc..) How do William and Harald feel
about this? (annoyed / jealous / William probably feels betrayed). Ask them what they think
will happen next – invade / attack. Ask them who they think will invade first – don't accept
or refuse any suggestions.
8. Move Harald Hardrada to the north of England and tell them that he invades first with the
help of – hold up a dark green rod – this man. Tell the class that he is your brother, Tostig.
(If they ask – Tostig was the Earl of Northumberland and was extremely unpopular due to
being a southerner and rather fond of taxes. There was a rebellion, Tostig's supporters were
killed and he was outlawed. The leaders of the rebellion went to London to meet with
Edward the Confessor. Harold was sent to negotiate with them. Tostig accused Harold of
instigating the rebellion. Harold, eyes on the throne, rid himself of his troublesome brother.)
9. Ask the class – What are you going to do? They'll probably say fight Harald Hardrada and if
they do, ask them what to do about William. Answer – hold up a white rod - move the white
rod across the Channel and ask “Who is he?' Answer - a spy ( a little James Bond mime
helps here. Tell the class that they send a spy to France to keep an eye on William. Tell the
class that you'll return to the spy in a minute. For now, back to more pressing matters –
Hardrada in the north. Hardrada and Tostig destroy York. Move Harold to London. Tell them
that they stop in London and gather support. Then March north. You meet Tostig and
Hadrada south of York. The Battle of Stamford bridge ensues. The date – September 25 th
1066. It is a surprise attack. Hadrada's army are enjoying the sun, eating and relaxing after
destroying York. It's an easy win. (Harold Godwinson's army are heavily armed and
Hadrada's lightly armed and are waiting for re-inforcements but they come to late). Your
brother, Tostig, and Harald Hardrada are both killed (this marks the end of the Vikings).
10. Go back to the spy. Tell the class that William discovers the spy. “What do you think
William does with the spy?” They'll probably say kill him. Wrong! He takes the spy on a
holiday. He takes him around his beautiful country. What a very, very, very nice man. Aren't
the French so nice? He shows him – lay down three or four long blue rods - “What are
these?” Answer – his army (about 7,500 men). “What does he do next?” Answer – sends the
spy back to England (move spy to England) “Why?” So he can tell you (Harold). Move spy
11. Have a quick re-cap of the events. Blah, blah, blah. For continuity's sake make the last
question “What was the name of the battle here – point to Stamford bridge. Who won? Then
explain that as the battle ended you heard that William had invaded on the south coast of
England. Point to Pevensey Bay (Note – most historians now dispute Pevensey Bay as
William's landing point as it was mostly marsh land and unsuitable for an invasion force to
land on. It's worth mentioning how close it is to Eastbourne. Then, you march south to
London. 5 days. Re-fill the ranks. Then march south to meet William. Another 5 days. Clear
away the rods.
12. Lay out a line of orange rods. Put Harold behind them. Tell them that this is their army. You
arrive first. You take up position on the ridge (explanation will help here) of Senlac Hill (It
was originally known in English as Santlache ("Sandy Stream"), which the Normans
punned into Sanguelac ("Blood Lake") which was then shortened to Senlac: thus Senlac
Hill is the commonly held name for the high ground defended by the English army. Senlac
Hill was c. 275 feet above sea level, before the top of the ridge was leveled off to create
Battle Abbey) It's about 6 miles / 10 km north of Hastings. It's worth pointing out that the
Battle of Hastings never happened in Hastings. It happened in Battle. But, it wasn't called
Battle then. It's called Battle after the Battle. (just watch their faces – you'll tell if they've got
13. In front of, and parallel to the orange rods, lay out a line of long blue rods – two rows deep,
three columns. This is William's army. Put William behind them. Ask the class who has the
better position – answer – Harold because he is on the top of the hill. Say to the class -
However, William had something you don't (mime / elicit) archers, and (mime / elicit)
cavalry. You had (mime/elicit) infantry with shields, swords and spears but no archers or
14. The battle started at nine o'clock on the morning of October 14 th 1066. It started with
William instructing his archers to fire at Harold's army (shoot some white rods at the orange
line). But, it had little effect. He then charged up the hill but Harold's army threw down
rocks and spears. No success. Then a group of French had had enough and broke off – move
one blue rod away. Harold's soldiers see this and rush down the 'hill' to attack them – move
one orange rod down the 'hill'. But, William sees this and sends some of his soldiers to assist
– move another blue rod over and make it sandwhich / surround the orange rod. Elicit from
the class what's happening. The orange rod is killed – put it back in the box. William repeats
this feigned withdrawl several times – repeat this using the rods and each time have an
orange rod 'massacred'. However, the battle is still at a stalemate. Harold at the top and
William at the bottom. Then, towards the end of the day, William has an idea. He tells his
archers to fire straight up instead of straight at Harold's army (mime helps) the archers fire
off their arrows - demonstrate with a white rod. Harold looks up and an arrow strikes him in
the eye – demonstrate with the rods and mime. Harold is killed. The students are now dead.
Ask them – what happens next? Answer – Harold's army lose heart at the death of their king
and flee – they are chased and killed by the Normans – demonstrate. William is victorious.
(for your information – the fighting didn't stop there – it continued for a further two weeks
or so, but it is generally considered that October 14 th was the day that William won). He is
now known as William the Conqueror.
15. William waits in Hastings for the English Earls and Dukes to come and surrender to him
(demonstrate if you so wish)
16. Christmas Day 1066 – William is crowned King of England in Westminster Abbey. Put a
little white crown on his head.
17. The Dark ages end and we are now in the Middle ages.
18. Drink some water!
19. Write the names of the four key players – Harold Godwinson, Harald Hardrada, William and
Edward the Confessor – on the white board. Hand out the Worksheet 'The Norman Conquest
'. Invite the students, alone or in pairs, to write the names in the correct spaces for questions
a,b,c,d. Whole class feedback.
20. Ask the students to insert the correct names in the spaces for the following questions e,f,g,h,i
etc. Whole class feedback.

Rationale and Notes

I hope, and I am confident that, you and your students will enjoy this lesson. It is rich in
vocabulary and there is plenty of scope for further practice and consolidation of narrative tenses:
Past Simple, Past Continuous and Past Perfect.
It works on many different levels. The rods certainly help to paint a picture of the story. However,
it is important to remember that it is the teacher, you, that tells the story, and you have to bring iit
to life. The rods can'r do all the work. Mimes and a little humour help too. The personalisation
helps too, try not to refer to Harold as Harold, instead use 'you'. Again, it brings it to life and
involves the students in the lesson. To further involve the students, you can invite and direct them
to move the people and things around.
For the quieter students, and those used to a transmission method of teaching, it can be comforting
for the teacher to be at the front of the class 'teaching'. More extroverted students still have the
opportunity to speak and 'stand out'. Therefore, it is important to ask the class questions 'What do
you think happens next? / What's this? / Who's this? / How does he feel? Etc.
Students that I have done this with have all responded positively to this. In the feedback sessions,
they have all said that the rods helped them to understand and follow the story. Unanimously
agreed that it was far more interesting than if they had read about it. You could try and do it on the
board but colour can be limiting and you'll find that you are constantly rubbing things out.
Finally, if you decide to do this, or tell another story, practice first!
I think this is a good example of constructive, positive teacher talking time.


1. Speaking - Pause at specific eevnts in the story and ask the students to act out / role-play the
conversations. Possible scenarios could include:
Harold and Edward on his death bed - Harold trying to persuade Edward to let him be his
successor. This can include a possible follow up of reported speech (forced / threatened / said/
mentioned etc.)This role-play could be done in threes. Edward, Harold and an aide to Edward who
simply listens and reports back to the class how Harold persuaded Edwad to make him king.
Tostig and Harald Hardrada - Tostig asking Harald to support him. It is believed that Tostig
sailed to Norway, but no-one knows for sure.
William and the Spy - William showing the spy around France, showing him his army etc.
The Spy and Harold – The spy returns from France and spills the beans.
2. Writing – Students write a letter from Tostig to Hardrad asking for his help.
3. Different outcomes - You could explore different outcomes with the class. What would've
happened if...
4. Re-tell - Get the students to tell the story back to you. But, don't do it straight away. Leave
it a couple of days. As with all stories, you told one story but but each student will go away
having experienced it differently to the others. Secondly, they will all rember different parts
of the story. If you bring the class together to re-tell it they'll have to work together.

Further reading

Edward the Confessor -

Harold Godwinson -

Harold Hardrada -

Tostig Godwinson -

William the Conqueror -

The Battle of Hastings -

The Battle of Stamford Bridge -

Battle Abbey -

The same procedure lends itself to other stories such as:

a. Fairy tales – Cinderella / Little Red Riding Hood

b. The lives of other Kings and Queens – Henry VIII
c. Birth of nations – Pilgrims to America
d. Stories in the news – The missing canoeist
e. World folk stories
f. Biographies – Martin Luther King / Princess Diana
g. Teachers' own true life stories

I would love to claim credit for this but I learnt this from Jim Scrivener whilst attending an English
UK Conference in London 2008. Many thanks!

This is my...

Theme: Close friends and family

Language: Vocabulary for describing people

Various tenses

Time: 20 minutes

Level: Any

Age: Any

Materials: Students
One set of rods


1. Open the box of Cuisenaire rods and pick up one rod, put it back, pick up another, shake
your head, mumbling and return it to the box. Finally, pick up a _____ coloured rod and
begin to tell the class about the person or animal you associate with that particular rod. I
often use one of the magenta ones and explain to the class how it reminds me of my
daughter – her bedroom walls are very similar in colour. It doesn't necessarily have to be
colour; it could be size. Talk for a few minutes – enough to give your students a good
example. Don't be frightened off going off on tangents.
2. Invite the students to come to the front of the class and choose a rod that reminds them of
3. Put the students in groups of 3s or 4s and ask them to share their person with the group,
explaining why they chose that particular rod.
4. Monitor and make notes of any particularly good or bad language.
5. Invite a few students to share anything they've learnt from their fellow classmates
6. Feedback on language.
7. Optional extension of work on idioms / metaphors of colour.

Karen's Story

Theme: Current Affairs

Language: All and any – one big lucky dip

Time: 60 – 90 minutes

Level: Intermediate +

Age: Adult

Organisation: Pairs / Small Groups

Materials: Newspapers – 1 per group

1 set of rods per group (if you don't
have enough divide each set in half)

1. Put students into groups – 3 or 4 students per group.
2. Give a newspaper to each group. Newspapers can be same or different.
3. Tell them they have 5 minutes to flick through the paper to find an article that interests them.
4. Once they have a article they should quickly read through it and answer the following
questions: Who? / What? Where? When? Why? And possibly How?
5. Monitor and check and help where needed.
6. Give each group a set of rods.
7. Explain that they are going to re-read the article and use the rods to tell the story which they
will then share with the rest of the class.
8. When they have all finished 'constructing' their stories, instruct them to leave their rods on
their tables (some groups may have constructed elaborate scenes).
9. Ask if any of the groups would like to go first, if not nominate / pick a name out of a hat etc,
and gather the studnets around their table.
10. The group, using the rods, tell their story to the class.
11. Move to the next group, and so on.

It might be necessary to explain to the class why they are using the rods. Firstly, the rods will help
them to remember the story / events and the order in which they happened. Secondly, how they use
the rods and the 'images' they create will show to you, the teacher, if they have understood any of
the vocabualry. For example, if the article were about conjoined twins and the students have two
white rods placed next to each other, it is pretty clear they have understood the lexis. Also, it will
help the listeners deal with any unknown vocabulary whilst the story is being re-told. Lastly, a lot of
students enjoy fiddling with things.
Extension / Review
Make a note of any particularly interesting or useful language that came up during the lesson, and
how the students used the rods to represent it and you can review it in the next lesson / day by
showing the class your reconstruction and see if any students can remember what it is.

This bar chart shows the number of teachers using rods

Theme: Describing Bar Charts

Time: 45 minutes

Language: Vocabulary / Collocations to

describe graphs

Level: Intermediate

Age: Adult

Materials: Enough rods for students to

accurately describe and re-create their bar charts
Texts describing bar charts – enough
so that each pair has a different text. If you have
12 students, you will need 6 short texts.

Organisation: Groups of 4 split into 2 pairs

1. Use the rods to review / recycle and elicit language used for describing bar charts.
2. Pair off students and give out texts – one text per pair.
3. Students read the text and re-create it in full, living 3D – secretly, behind a 'screen'.
4. Pairs describe their bar chart to another pair, preferably without looking at the original text,
who listen and build a the new bar chart (tell the students not to dismantle their bar charts
when they have finished – they'll need them for reference in step 6 and 7.
5. Swap over and the listeners become speakers.
6. When both groups have finished, they can see each others bar charts and compare, making
any necessary changes.
7. Groups write a description of their new bar charts.
8. Compare their version with the original text.
Is it A,B,C, or D?

Theme: Multiple Choice checking

Language: Whatever!

Time: Depends

Level: Any

Age: Any

Materials: A set of rods

A multiple choice to check!

1. Give out and get the students to do the multiple choice questions like normal.
2. Put the students into pairs (3s if necessary) and get them to compare their answers. If they
have different answers get them to discuss and choose one final answer.
3. When the students have finished give out either 3 or 4 rods to the students depending on
how many multiple choice answers there are. Give each pair / three the same rods and one
set for yourself. For example, if there are 4 answers, give each group an orange, a blue, a
dark green and a magenta rod. Tell them that orange is answer A, blue is answer B, green is
answer C, and magenta is answer D. If they think the answer to question 1 is B, they should
stand up the blue and lay the others flat. You will use your rods to show / tell them the
4. Check as normal, but instead of saying the answer, display the answer for all to see. Give a
point for every correct answer


Instead of giving the students the text to work through and then checking the answers, do it like

1. Give out the multiple choice worksheet – whether it's grammar, vocabulary or a reading
2. Tell the students that they are not allowed to write anyhting on the paper. They must work
through the worksheet and in pairs discuss and try to agree on the answers, explaining,
clarifying and helping their partner where necessary. You can ask them to discuss number 1
first and give them a time limit before they show their answer or let them work through all
the questions.
3. Give out the rods and expalin the procedure (as above) to the students.
4. Check answers as normal. However, it is best to jump around the answers and not do them
in chronological order, if you so wish.
5. Award a point for every correct answer.
6. Give out the worksheet so that everyone has a copy and they then write in their answers –
hopefully all correct (satuisfying for weaker students)
He have black hair.

Theme: Errors

Language: Any – they can, do and will get

anything and everything wrong!

Time: Faster than you can say Maria I think you

mean 'He HAS black hair.

Level: Any

Age: Any

Materials: One different coloured rod per

student error

For the student, or students, who consistently make the same error over, and over, and over again.
This will only work for one of their errors, so if they are always forgetting the 's', insist on using the
base form 'go' regardless of the time they are speaking about, and can never seem to remember the
verb to be, then choose the error that irritates you the most and concentrate on this.

1. Point out to little Maria the error of her ways: forgetting the 's' for example.
2. Explain that every time she makes this mistake you will hold out a red rod -she can choose
the colour if your that type of teacher. (don't let her choose orange – it's a real pain having
the longest one in the palm of your hand for three hours every day!)
3. When she sees the rod, she should try and correct herself.

The student will learn to correct herself, or develop a fear for small, white objects. Either way, she
will learn that it is 'He has black hair' and not 'He have black hair'.
My money's on false.

Theme: Grammar Auctions / Poker

Time: 30 minutes – possibly more -I don't know

Language: Anything you throw at them

Level: All and sundry

Age: Not for the littlest ones – gambling is


Materials: Grammar Auction worksheet

1 or 2 sets of rods


1. Give out worksheet as you would normally.

2. When you come to check the answers give out the 'money', and by this I mean the rods.
Assign a different value to each rod. So, the longest rod (orange) is £10, and the shortest
(whire) is £1
3. Students bet on their answers in the same fashion, but instead of writing how much, use the
rods as chips.
4. If they are correct give them money and if they are wrong, take money. (if you don't have
enough rods simply let them keep the money – only take the money when they are incorrect.
An Englishman's house is his castle.

Theme: Houses

Language: There is / are

Vocabulary for houses / furniture
Prepositions of place

Level: Beginner to Pre-Intermediate

Age: Any

Time: 20 minutes

Organisation: Whole class around table

Materials: 1 set of rods (2 if you live in a very

big house and / or have a lot of furniture

1. Group the students around the table.
2. Lay out the floor plan for the ground floor - orange works best as they are the longest.
3. Elicit what it is and then proceed to walk them through the house eliciting the vocabulary as
you go along – use the rods to help with this and mime. It's best to start at the front door.
4. Re-cycle the language.

You can choose how accurate to make it and what vocabualry to teach, adjusting it as necessary to
your particular students.

This works well with many forms of situationally rich themes and topics. For example, journeys –
you can describe your last holiday – set off at eight o'clock – arrived at the airport – checked in –
put my luggage on the scales – passport control – departure lounge etc etc....
If you do airports, it lends itself to students doing role-plays as you go – at the check-in desk /
immigration etc...
Weddings- Use the rods to descibe a typical Western wedding ceremony. Give the rods to the
students who descibe a typical wedding ceremony in their own countries.
in – for - MA - tion

Theme: Word or sentence stress

Language: Recently studied words / sentence


Level: Any

Age: Any

Time: 10 minutes

Materials: One set of rods

List of words
Blu-Tac – a little stuck to each rod

Organisation: Two teams

1. Prepare a list of recently studied words.
2. Divide the class into two teams.
3. Give out a handful of rods to each team. You will need to give a rod for every syllable. So, if
the longest word has 5 syllables, give them 5 rods (same colour is fine – but don't use white)
4. Call out a word and one student from each team runs to the board and sticks the rods on the
board representing the stress pattern. If, for example, you called out 'information', the
student should do this:

5. The first student with the correct answer wins a point for her team.
6. Continue with a new student and a new word.
It's in the corner!!!!

Theme: Houses

Language: There is /are

Prepositions of place
Furniture vocabulary

Level: Beginner – Pre-Intermediate

Age: Any

Materials: Photocoied basic floor plan

As many rods as you can get your
hands on

Organisation: Divide the class into either 2

groups or 4 – maximum of 4 per group.

1. Divide the class into pairs / small groups – you'll need an even number of groups.
2. Hand- out a rough floor plan of a room in a house on a piece of A4– students could copy this
from the board on to A4, but make sure they all have the same version. Include basic things
like windows and doors.
3. Give out rods – half a box to each pair / three.
4. Send each group to a different room of the classroom.
5. Tell them to use the rods to 'furnish' a room – they can choose whatever room they like. Set
a time-limit of about 5 minutes for this.
6. When they have finished assign each group a letter – A,B,C,D
7. The A-group describe their room to the Bs. Group C describes their room to group D.
8. Monitor, check and help – make a note of good and bad language.
9. When group A and C have finished – swap over
10. Monitor.....
11. Groups have a look at each others' rooms and check.
12. Feedback.
13. Optional – write a description of the room.


Using the rods avoids any complaints from students who can't draw. It's quicker and easier to move
the rods than to rub-out and re-draw it.

Theme: Time

Language: Telling thetime

Level: Beginner / Elementary

Age: Any

Materials: 2 / 3 sets of rods

1. Group the students around a table.
2. Make a circle using the white rods for the hours, the yellow rod for the hour hand and the
orange rod for the minute hand.
3. Arrange the hours, and elicit the time.
4. Work through 'o'clock, 'quarter', 'past' etc..eliciting and drilling.
5. Instruct the students to make the time.
6. Pair off the students.
7. Tell the pairs to make a clock. They can then make a time and test their partner.

Who's my partner?

Aim: To allow the chance for students to work

with different partners

Time: 2 minutes

Level: Any

Age: Any

Materials: 1 pair of rods eg. 2x yellow / 2x blue

etc.) for every pair of students.

1. Select rods. If you have 10 students, you will
need: 2 blue rods, 2 orange rods, 2 white rods, 2
2 green rods and 2 black rods. If you have an odd
number of students, use 3 of one colour.
2. Give out the rods randomly.
3. Students stand up, mingle and find their partner. When they have found their partner, they
should sit down together.
Follow the steps as above but add an exta element to the activity by not allowing the students to see
the rods, mention a colour or a number. It should generate a little bit of language and discussion,
serving as a warmer to the activity you have planned for them.

Speaking Competition

Theme: Various (see below)

Language: Various (see below)

Level: Elementary – Advanced

Age: (teenage) Adult

Time: 45 minutes (1 hour + with extension)

Materials: Some questions (see below)

1 set of rods

Organisation: Groups of three or four – not

behind desk – preferably in the centre of the

1. Divide the class into groups – 3 or 4 students per group. Choose the groups yourself, or let
the students decide.
2. Get them to sit together in their groups, making a sweeping 'horse-shoeish' shape with you at
the front.
3. Explain that they are going to have a competition – a speaking competition. Give each group
a letter: four groups – one is A, the next B, and so on. Ask the group to choose a team captain.
Explain that it will be group A who will start, then B, and then C, and finally it will be group Ds
turn. Tell them that you will give each group a question and they will have one minute to come to a
consensus on the answer. They decide together, but it is the job of the team captain to provide you /
the class with the answer. The next rule is very important – while group A are deciding together, the
other groups should simply sit back, relax and listen to group A. They mustn't talk – only listen.
4. Distribute 10 rods to each group – doesn't matter what colour. Expalin that the game has
rules but you are not going to tell them. They will learn the rules as they play the game. Expalin
that if they do something you like, you will take rods. However, if they do things that you don't like,
you will give them rods. The winners are the group with the fewest rods at the end of the game.

The questions

You can grade the language of the questions to suit your learners. However, if you are asking
general knowledge questions it is best to use questions where the students can make an educated
guess at. For example, which country in the world recieves the most foreign tourists (Answer-
France). Students can make a guess – the UK, France, Italy, Spain, America, Japan would all be
possible answers, but most importantly there is the opportunity to support their suggestions. The
wrong type of question would be who sang the song.....(students will either know it, or not – and
thus doesn't give them the opportunity to speak.
Asking the students a question about another student in the class can be particularly fruitful. For
example, choose a student from a different group and ask them to discuss what she did for her last
holiday (make sure none of the group are best friends with her).
For exam classes, and in particular FCE, choose sample Part 4, or even Part 3 style questions.

The criteria
This is the best bit! It can be absolutely anything – and is particularly suited to mixed-level classes:
you just make it harder, or easier, according to each student's abilities.
Here's a sample list:

Good things (take a rod)

• Making eye-contact with the group
• Everyone contributing (you can be more lenient on weaker students, but you should expect
everyone to say something)
• Moving their chairs in – making a nice, tight group.
• Leaning in when people speak / listen
• Active listening – 'really' / nodding heads / etc..
• Sexy vocabualry – idioms / phrasal verbs / difficuly vocab (adjust expectations to level)
• Compex sentences
• Acuracy
• Range of vocabualry
• Making the group / class / you laugh
• Being interesting
• Intonation
• Stress
• Inviting other, less talkative students to speak
• Attentive listening – particularly for the listening groups. If there is one student whi is
clearly listening with interest to the group that is speaking, take a rod!
• Correcting themselves
• Being honest and saying when they don't know something
• backing down / changing their mind / agreeing to disagree
• seeing that a member of the group doesn't understand and helping them

Bad things (give a rod)

• being sloppy with their grammar when they should no better (depends on level, but an
Upper-intermediate student who comes up with I go pub last night deserves to have two rods
taken away)
• not listening to each other
• speaking over people
• no eye-contact
• not participating
• speaking while it's another group's turn
• instantly giving the answer to the teacher without discussing with the group
• captain not giving the answer
• not moving together / sitting in a line (sorry – pet hate - really irrates me)
• if you ask a question which concerns a member of the class (What did Maria do last night?)
and the captain only looks at you when he/she gives the final answer, I will always give a
rod. Why? Because I don't know the answer – why tell me! That's why I asked the question!
Duh! (pet hate numer 2)

The points and feedback

I like it going round the class, group A starting and then group B because I believe that the students
need to learn to listen to each other. As strange as it sounds, but they could possibly learn something
from their classmates. It's a funny idea I know! So, I tend to give out / take back the rods after their
minute is up and whilst I am doing this, I ask the class what they think they did right or wrong.
However, if a student in another group is talking and it's not his turn I will give out rods until he
shuts up. Likewise, if he isn't listening and is staring into space.
Thus, it works best when you have smaller classes – 6-9 students – as the waiting time to speak is
For the first round of questions (one question per group) I usually take a rod for a 'correct' answer.
However, in the second round, I don't. The students will probably notice this (competive aren't they)
so I usually explain that the answer is not important and I couldn't really careless how high the
average flea jumps on a hot summer's day. But, what is important is the interaction – the group
coming to a decision through negotiation and discussion. At this point, you can go all misty-eyed,
mutter things about Zen and motor-cyles and journeys and tell them not to look at the finger or else
they will miss all the heavenly beauty!

When you have finished, the students can write up the things they should and shouldn't do – the

It's a fun, rewarding way to provide students with feedback on their speaking and also works as a
way of teaching/showing them what you, or a future examiner, expects from them. It deals both
with linguistic competence and non-linguistic (body language/attitude) aspects of conversation and

Notes / Warning
Try and keep it light-hearted and fun! Not all students respond well to criticism and the nature of
the beast noramally means they are the ones who will be receiving rods rather than giving!
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Bournemouth English Book Centre

(just click on 'Buy online' and then put 'Cuisenaire rods' in the search box)
Same as LTC's set

Cambridge International Book Centre

Same as LTC's set


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