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Texas Citrus Pest & Disease Management Corporation: ACP Survey Methodology

Each block is surveyed every 2 weeks (referred to as a cycle), year-round. A block usually
consists of 4 sides, but can be comprised of fewer sides (e.g. 3 sides; circular currently treated as
4-sided). Delimiting a given blocks boundaries (for the survey) is usually dependent on the
number of access roads surrounding the grove. The effect of these roads is to produce a space
between blocks that is wider than the tree row spacing; these spaces function as edges. This is
important to consider during set up, as scouts are monitoring flushes on the perimeter of blocks
(typically where psyllid infestation begins).
4 trees from each side of the block are surveyed. Further, each of the 4 trees is divided into 4
quadrants, and a younger flush (sizes 0-3) from each of these is inspected (mature leaves
substituted in dormant season). We collect data that gives us 3 stats (see report example). Stat 1
is the ACP count. This is simply a sum of all ACP observed during the survey (using tap method
and visual inspection). Stat 2 and 3 (both percentages) are the presence or absence of ACP adults
and nymphs/eggs, respectively. They are obtained through visual inspection by the surveyor. The
resulting 2 percentages (ACP %; nymphs and eggs %) are calculated using either 0 (absent) or 1
(present) at each flush, divided by the sample size (total number of quadrants surveyed). Hence,
if 4 trees per side on a 4 sided block are surveyed, the number of flushes where ACP or eggs
and/or nymphs were found is divided by 64 (4 sides/block x 4 trees/side x 4 quadrants/tree = 64
(sample size)). However; in circumstances were some sides of the grove are not accessible as
may occur in unfavorable weather conditions, etc., at least 2 sides should be surveyed, and the
resulting percentage obtained is calculated by dividing the total number of ACP by the
corresponding sample size (e.g. 2 sides/block x 4 trees/side x 4 quadrants/tree = 32). Currently, it
is recommended that growers spray if any of these values are greater than 10 (e.g., >10, >10%).
Ideally, the trees on each side of the block are selected randomly each time the survey is
performed (every 2 weeks) but in some cases where access is limited, the same 4 trees are
selected each time. This latter scenario also happens when a surveyor becomes familiar enough
with a grove to know where early infestations tend to occur (e.g., a re-occurring trouble spot). It
generally takes a while to figure this out so the random selection is best to use up front.
This is not a science project and the information we provide to growers gives them 1) a real-time
perspective on ACP numbers in their groves and 2) information to make management decisions

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