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Laundry Survey Voter Guide 1 of 2

2010 February 22
Current status

We receive about $100/academic yr. on average from each GC resident. We receive $50/academic yr.
from each annex resident. Residents of both complexes pay a $50 "dues" fee deducted from the student
account. GC residents pay an additional $50-or-so/academic yr. in quarters fed into the GC laundry
washers and dryers. We do not maintain or collect money for Annex laundry facilities.


The Graduate College House membership has actively discussed the inconvenience of feeding quarters
into washers and dryers. During the 2008 spring election campaign, candidacy statements strongly
supported a solution to this problem. As a result, Regular Facilities Officer Adam Zawadowski helped
the House Committee purchase the change machine currently installed in the NGC. Unfortunately, this
machine requires frequent maintenance: the buffer that receives bills congests quickly, even before all
quarters are dispensed.

In 2009, we explored options for installing card-reader systems from the University and alternatively
from MacGray. The House Committee maintains the GC laundry rooms. MacGray Laundry Systems is
the service provider we currently pay for maintenance and machines.

On 2009 June 3, the House Committee made available $9750.00 of surplus funds to install of add-value-
to-card units and card readers for all washers and dryers new enough to accept card readers. Five
washers (2 in the OGC and 3 in the NGC) are too old for this upgrade and would continue to accept
quarters exclusively.

We postponed this upgrade when we learned of an additional $150/mo. ($1800/yr.) cost for card-swipe
related technical service. We would have to pay for this recurring cost using other House Committee
budget categories. Examples of House Committee services with similar costs include the entire yearly
budgets for Social Hour Milkshakes ($1800), the Halloween Ball ($1800), and the Summer Parties

Would you agree with removing $1800 from other budget categories in order to have card-reader access
in the GC? How about an increase in GC House dues for free laundry in return (with no quarters and no
card readers)? Thank you for any opinions and comments you can provide regarding the four options
on supplemental question 2.

Q1: LaundryView: The House Committee is considering purchasing LaundryView service for $1000/yr.
for the GC laundry rooms. LaundryView allows students to view washer and dryer use in realtime on a
web page

This service would not be available for the 5 older washers (2 in OGC, 3 in NGC). This upgrade and can
be made independent of card-swipe upgrades.

Assuming LaundryView installation itself entails no changes to laundry fees and dues, and assuming the
University allowed installation, would you support this installation of LaundryView? The $1000/yr. cost
would need to come from other House Committee budget categories. Please circle one choice:
Neither support
Strongly support Support Oppose Strongly oppose
nor oppose
Laundry Survey Voter Guide 2 of 2
2010 February 22
Q2: Reducing use of quarters for laundry: We are currently exploring changes to make laundry more
convenient, including as one example, increasing the GC House dues in order to supply free laundry for
the GC. If you disapprove of one of the options involving a dues increase, we’d like to know what
concerns prevent you from approving that option. Is it the amount of the dues increase?

You may circle multiple approves and disapproves.

Current laundry fees paid with quarters (“Current fees”): $0.75/washer load and $0.25/15 dryer minutes
in the GC (maintained by the GCHC) and $0.50/washer load and $0.25/18 dryer minutes in the Annex
(maintained by the University).
GC dues Annex dues Laundry services and prices
Semester Summer Semester Summer GC Annex
Status Quo $25 $10 $25 $10 Current fees paid with quarters
Circle one: Approve OR Disapprove of the Status Quo. Comments:

If the University permitted the technical installation and renovation required to provide the changes in
Options B, C, and D, would you support any of these options?
Option B $50 $20 $25 $10 Free Current fees paid
with quarters
Circle one: Approve OR Disapprove of Option B. Comments:

Option C $50 $20 $50 $20 Free

Circle one: Approve OR Disapprove of Option C. Comments:

Option D $25 $10 $25 $10 Current fees paid Current fees paid
with card-swipe, with quarters
with additional
costs below:
A MacGray card-swipe system in the GC would involve purchasing three components:

$9750.00 one-time-cost
Units to add value from $5, $10, and $20 bills to cards
Maintenance and service $150/mo. ($1800/yr.)**
* Card-readers cannot be installed on 5 old washers (2 in OGC and 3 in NGC) at this time. Those
washers would continue to accept quarters exclusively after such an upgrade. MacGray cards required
by this system are different from your Princeton ID cards.
** This $1800/yr. cost would need to come from other House Committee budget categories.
Circle one: Approve OR Disapprove of Option D. Comments:

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