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Human Resources Management:
Human resource management or personnel management is concerned with the
management of people at work. People at work are the essential ingredient in every
organization. The way in which people are recruited, developed and utilized by management
largely determines whether the organization will achieve its objectives. Therefore, the human
resources available to management in the organization need to be properly co-ordinate and
It is through the combined effort of the people that monetary and material resources
are utilized for organization objectives. Without human effort, organization cannot
accomplish their objectives. Consequently organizing human effort and motivating human
resources is of utmost importance everywhere. It is universally recognized that the
effectiveness with which human resources are co-ordinate and utilized is directly responsible
for the success of any organization.
What is HRM?
HRM can be seen as that part of the management task that is concerned with the
human resources of the organization and their contribution to its effectiveness. HRM central
concern is the efficient utilization of human resources. The institute of personal management
in U.K says that personnel management is that part of the management process concerned
Recruiting and selection people, training and developing them for their work,
ensuring that their payment and condition of employment are appropriate, where necessary
negotiation such terms of employment which trade unions, advising on healthy and
appropriate working conditions, the organization of people at work and the encouragement of
relations between management and work people.
Hence, having competent employees necessity of the day and adequate attention
should be paid to their performance. Performance being very much dependent on
performance planning performance targets, performance analysis and performance rating an
overall process of performance appraisals. The over whelming role played by human
resource highlights the need for organization not only to improve the performance of
business but also impart necessary skills and know-how about the job for better performance.
Performance is the central value for the management in its principle human resources
activities i.e., Selection, appraisal, determination of awards and development. Tries to

energize those organizations that are able to acquire, development, stimulate and keep
outstanding workers of both effective and efficient.
To look at HRM specially, it is the process of four functions acquisition,
development, motivation and maintenance of human resources. In other words we can say it
is the process of four functions viz. getting people, preparing them, activating them and
keeping them.
Human Resource Management deals with creating conditions that enable people to
get the best out of themselves and their lives. Development is a never-ending process.

HRM is the extension of general management, that of prompting and stimulating
every employee to make his fullest contribution to the purpose of business.
__C.H. Norththcott
The management of human resources is viewed as a system in which participants
seek to attain both individual and group goals. He maintains that its objective is to
understand what has happened and is happening and to be prepared for what will happen in
the area of working relationships between the manager and the managed.
__Dale Yoder
Importance of human resource management:
Managing people at work of most crucial job and the importance of human resource
management is universally recognized from different standpoints. Social significance of
personnel management is evident since it enhances the dignity of people at work by
satisfying their social need. Personnel management has professional significant since it
provides healthy working environment and promotes teamwork amongst the people at work.
Personnel management has directed significant for the organization since it helps in
accomplishing its goals. Individuals in the organization also realize the importance of
personnel management since it facilities their own growth and development and provides
them maximum satisfaction in relation to work performance. Thus the management of all the
Ms money, markets, materials, machines. And men the Management of men: are most
fundamental and dynamic as well as a challenging task. It is the men, not machines, not
materials, not money and not the markets who or mar the organization. Therefore personnel
management gains utmost importance in obtaining effective results through people at work in
gaining their commitment as well as winning their willing cooperation for the successful
accomplishment of all desired goals. The vital significant of HRM is largely due to the fact

that the success of an organization heavily depends on the services of its loyal employees
with genuine desire to be cooperative with the management.
Objective of HRM/personnel management:
The basic objective of HRM is to help in the accomplishment of organizational goals.
However, the specific objective of HRM may be outlined as follows:
1. To ensure effective utilization to human resources. The human resources will efficiently
utilize all other organization resources.
2. To establish and maintain an adequate organizational structure.
3. To ensure the integration of the individual/group goals with those of the organization in
such a manner that the employees feel a sense of involvement, commitment and loyalty
towards it.
4. To identify and satisfy the needs of individual by offering various monetary and nonmonetary rewards.


Every organization needs to have well trained and experienced people to perform the
activities that have to be done. Therefore employee training is not only activity that is
desirable but also an activity that an organization must commit resources if it is to maintain a
variable and knowledge workforce.
Training refers to the teaching learning carried on for the primary purpose of helping
members of all origin to acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, abilities, and attitudes
needed by that organization.
Training is the process of learning a sequence of programmed behavior. It is an
application of knowledge. It gives people awareness of the rules and procedures to guide
their behavior. It attempts to improve their performance on the current job or prepare them
for an intended job.
Training enables employees to develop and rise within the organization and increase
their market value earning capacity and job security.
Training is the short-term process utilizing a systematic and organized procedure by
which non-managerial personal learns technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose.

Training is an act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing a
particular job. In other words, training improves, changes, moulds the employees knowledge,
skills, behavior aptitude and attitude towards the requirement of the job and organization.
Thus, training bridges the differences between job requirement and employees

Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skills of an employee for doing
particular job.

Training is a short-term educational process and utilizing a Systematic and organized

procedure by which employees learn Technical knowledge and skills for a definite
purpose.Training is a continuous and life long process. Right from the time a child is
born he starts receiving training from the time his mother for a variety of needs. So,
that he becomes a social being. His training continues in the school and the college

Training is a means of making better use of human resources in the organization by
developing people to meet the requirement of the job to be done. Any attempt to extend the
expertise of training offer in to broader human resource specialists roles is to change the
trainee into a more exotic role that would be beyond the aspiration of all but a minority of
training officers. Training continues to be concerned with teaching particular skills for
specific purpose.
Training is short term process utilizing and organized procedure by which non
managerial personnel learn the technical knowledge and skills for a definite purpose. Need
for basic purpose of training.
Dales beach define the training as As the organized procedure by which people k
Training is defined as a planned programme designed to improve performance and to bring

about measurable changes in knowledge, skills, attitude and social behavior of employees for
doing a particular job.
Training is a continuous process of learning in human resource development, which is
aimed at developing and enhancing an individuals efficiency, capacity, and effectiveness at
Dale S. Beach defines the training as the organized procedure by which people learn
knowledge and/or skill for a definite purpose.


Employees being the main source for production the success of an organization
depend on its employees. Since employees contribution plays a significant role in shaping
modern organization, it is the study of an organization to care of its employees skill.
Abilities and performance and develop them in a more prospective way for the development
of the employees which indirectly contributes to the organization. Employees can develop
their performance only when they are given training in particular skills which they are


To understand the Need and Importance of training and development programmes in


To compare actual Training and Development process with the theoretical one

To analyze the importance of Training and Development in day to day activities.

To study the potentialities of people for the next level job

To understand the methods of determining Training need

Research is an art of scientific investigation research is defined as a Scientific and
systematic search for information on a specific topic.
The purpose of search is to discover to questions through the application of scientific
The data used for analysis & interpretation is received from the responses of
employees for the questionnaires comparison of response is used for interpreting the data.
The project is presented by using tables, bar charts, with their interpretation. A survey
is under taken to know the facts the training.
Questionnaire is the testing tool of this study a questionnaire is a formalized set of
questions of collecting information its function is measurement the questionnaire is
administered by the means of personnel interview. The questionnaire constrained clear
concept of the needed information about the training.
It contains two to five are more options for a question. I used this for the purpose of
getting absolute response from the respondent.
Sampling Techniques:
The technique used for selecting the sample is non probabilistic convenience
Sample Size:
A sample of 100 respondents is selected each employee filled up the questionnaire
and helped the researcher to carry out the survey effectively.

Data Collection:
The researcher has wide varieties of methods to consider either single or in
combination they were grouped first according to whether this use secondary or primary
sources of data.
Primary Data:
Data originally collected for an investigation are known as primary data concluding
personal interviews through questionnaire. Most of the study for this project is based on
primary data itself.
Secondary Data:
Data which is not originally collected rather obtain from published or unpublished
sources. It is known as secondary other than solving the problems.
Secondary data for the present study is retrieved from company profile and text


The research is confirmed to the Bajaj allianz This is situated in
During the interview most of the people had difficulty in expressing themselves. Some others
are to be reassured of the confidential nature of replies.
Most of the employees were found busy and information given by them is limited. By this
study became complex.
Only limited number of employees of Bajaj allianz could be covered by the study due to
various reasons like time constraints.
Some questions were left unanswered in the questionnaire. This affected the accuracy of the
collection of the project.
Lack of communication with the trainee in order to measure the effectiveness of training.
Inaccessibility to data on evolution process.

In this project I am going to look at importance of training and development in
organizations. Firstly, different company attitudes to training and development and cost and
benefits associated with it are going to be discussed. Secondly, the stages in training and
development process are going to be identified with a specific focus on different training and
development methods and consideration of its advantages and disadvantages. Finally, the
literature on training and development use as a motivation and retention tool is going to be
reviewed, moreover, training and development on international scale and its possible issues
are going to be discussed. To sum up, a conclusion summarising all findings is going to be
Training and development:
Training and development is by definition: The heart of a continuous effort deigned
to improve employee competency and organizational performance. (R. Wayne Mondy,
Robert M. Noe, Shane R. Premeaux, 2002, Human Resources management, p. 214). Training
is planned to give trainees information and skills, they need for their job, while development
involves learning that goes beyond the knowledge needed just for current job. It is more
long-term focused as it enables employees to keep up with the organization and its changes
Companies have different approach to training and development. Some companies
tent to minimise the training of its employees as they see it as an unnecessary budgeted cost.
On the other hand, we have companies, which see training of employees more as a strategic
investment and a very important attribute, which may increase employees productivity and
reduce human error; such companies can be called a learning organizations (R. Wayne
Mondy, Robert M. Noe, Shane R. Premeaux, 2002). Training and development obviously
has its cost such as course material, facilitator fees and facilities rental, for instance.
However, there is a lot of savings caused by...

Training and Development:

According to Casse and Banahan (2007), the different approaches to training and
development need to be explored. It has come to their attention by their own preferred model
and through experience with large Organisations.
The current traditional training continuously facing the challenges in the selection of
the employees, in maintaining the uncertainty related to the purpose and in introducing new
tactics for the environment of work and by recognizing this, they advising

on all the

problems, which reiterates the requirement for flexible approach. Usually the managers have
the choice to select the best training and development programme for their staff but they
always have to bear in mind that to increase their chances of achieve the target they must
follow the five points highlighted by Miller and Desmarais (2007).
According to Davenport (2006), mentioned in his recent studies that its easy to
implement strategy with the internetsupportedsoftware. Some of the Training theories can be
effective immediately on the future of the skill and developments. The content and the
access are the actual factors for the process. It is a representation itself by the Access on
main aspect what is effective to the adopted practice in training development. As per the
recent theories to access the knowledge is changing from substantial in the traditional to
deliver the knowledge for the virtual forms to use the new meaning of information with
electronic learning use.
There is a survey confirmation for using classroom to deliver the training would drop
dramatically, (Meister, 2001). A manager is that what the other members of the organization
wants them to be because it is a very popular trend of development training for the managers
in the training for the management (Andersson, 2008, Luo, 2002). Most of the managers
seems to reject a managerial personality in support of the other truth for themselves (Costas
and Fleming, 2009). It has been...
1) According to Casse and Banahan (2007), the different approaches to training and
development need to be explored. It has come to their attention by their own preferred model
and through experience with large Organisations. The current traditional training

continuously facing the challenges in the selection of the employees, in maintaining the
uncertainty related to the purpose and in introducing new tactics for the environment of work
and by recognizing this, they advising on all the problems, which reiterates the requirement
for flexible approach. Usually the managers have the choice to select the best training and
development programme for their staff but they always have to bear in mind that to increase
their chances of achieve the target they must follow the five points highlighted by Miller and
Desmarais (2007). According to Davenport (2006), mentioned in his recent studies that its
easy to implement strategy with the internet supported software. Some of the Training
theories can be effective immediately on the future of the skill and developments. The
content and the access are the actual factors for the process. It is a representation itself
by the Access on main aspect what is effective to the adopted practice in training
development. As per the recent theories to access the knowledge is changing from substantial
in the traditional to deliver the knowledge for the virtual forms to use the new meaning of
information with electronic learning use. There is a survey confirmation for using classroom
to deliver the training would drop dramatically, (Meister, 2001).
For the articles in my Literature Review, I have chosen one objective from my
research proposal. The objective that I have chosen is the following To inform Pizza Hut
about the value of motivation and ways to motivate its employees Reviving staff spirit: a key
to impressive service. (Customer Service). Scott, Gail (Sept V Oct 2001)
This journal article is concerned with workers in the healthcare industry, who are
demoralized and dissatisfied with their jobs. The article mentions the methods that successful
systems use to help their staff members reconnect with the firms mission and vision, and
bring new life and meaning to their work. The various motivational techniques mentioned
that are used in this article can be applied to other industries as well.
The first tool is to Raise the bar, where the workplace should demand high quality service
from its staff. This will help to breed pride, professionalism, morale, commitment and unity.
Roadblocks should be eliminated, and staff should be empowered. A learning environment

should also be created, and flexibility should exist. Teamwork should be emphasized in as
many ways as possible. Also, employees should be appreciated for their contributions, by
means of thank you notes, prizes, etc.
An important business strategy today and a key to customer satisfaction, is to revive staff
spirit. Continuously ensuring that staff members are recognized for their value is important to

Small rewards can push productivity. (Small, Medium, Large).

Gale, Sarah Fister. (June 2002)
This web-based article is clear in mentioning the methods that can be used when motivating
employees. It provides tips on how to create satisfied workforce, especially in todays
competitive environment.
- Tools:

If the firm has a big budget for recognition programs, then cash is the best

motivator. On the contrary, inexpensive gifts...


The form & types of employees training are inter-related. It is difficult, if not
possible; to say which of the methods or combination of methods is more useful than the
other. The below stated chart gives the techniques mostly used for training of employees.
On the Job

of the Job

1. Under Study

1. Lectures

2. Job Rotation

2. Conference Method

3. Special Assignment

3. Case study

4. Visible Training

4. Role playing

5. Demonstration & Examples

5. Programmed Instruction

6. Simulation
7. Apprenticeship
8. Other Training Methods


Audio Visual Aids

Benefits of The Training:

It is probably true that in Bajaj allianz with along tradition of trading the following
benefits tend to accepted by the management.
Training help to recruits to learn their jobs more quickly.
Regular training in safe working practices reduces accidents which are costly in both
financial and moral terms.


Training helps to minimize labor turnover when labor in scares and poaching life.








Group Discussions

Multimedia Training
Apprentice Ship

It is one of the most commonly used techniques followed by the Bajaj allianz. This
techniques is of telling and showing the trainees how to do a job and then allowing getting on
with it. It is direct and the trainee is actively engaged.
Coaching: Coaching is the person to person technique. It is designed to develop individual
skills, knowledge and attitude. It is most effective and it takes place informally as the part of
normal process. It is followed to:
a. Help the people to become aware of how well they are doing and what they need to learn.
b. Providing Guidance on how to carry out specific tasks as necessary.


Mentoring is the process where some specially selected and trained individuals are
given guidance and advice which helps to develop the careers of the proteges allocated to
Multimedia Training:
Multimedia training in Bajaj allianz is given to the employees by using variety
including audio, video, text, graphics photography and animation to create an interactive are
able to receive rapid feedback and are able to work at their own speed.
Assignments are the specific tasks are investigations which trainees do at the request
of their and managers of Bajaj allianz. Trainees and mangers in Bajaj allianz provide some
guidance to the trainees to ensure that the later do not lose confidence if they meet difficulties
in completing the task. Bajaj allianz offers the apprenticeship Training for one year for all the
technical candidates including Engineers, Graduates, Diploma Holders in various fields like
electrical trades, carpenters, Welders, turner, heat engine trades etc, each apprentice is given a
programme of assignments according to a pre-determined scheduled which provides for
efficient training in the trade skills


This technique in Bajaj allianz is used to transfer the information to the trainees with
controlled content and training which helps to simulate the actual situation so that the
trainees learn by doing and techniques are trained in trouble shooting areas.
It is based on a statement prepared by the employees on a particular issue related to
theoretical studies and practical problems concerned to their work and this followed by
discussion among the employees and the chairmen of the seminar summarizes the discussion
by contributing his valuable experience and perception.

Group Discussions:
The aim of the trainer in the Bajaj allianz industry is to guide the group thinking and
objective of group discussion is to:
a. To give the people an opportunity of learning from the experience of others.
b. To develop powers of self expression.


Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Limited is a joint venture between Bajaj
Finserv Limited (recently demerged from Bajaj Auto Limited) and Allianz SE. Both enjoy a
reputation of expertise, stability and strength.
Bajaj Allianz General Insurance received the Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority (IRDA) certificate of Registration on 2nd May, 2001 to conduct General Insurance
business (including Health Insurance business) in India. The Company has an authorized and
paid up capital of Rs 110 crores. Bajaj Finserv Limited holds 74% and the remaining 26% is
held by Allianz, SE.
As on 31st March 2010, Bajaj Allianz General Insurance maintained its premier
position in the industry by achieving growth as well as profitability. Bajaj Allianz has made a
profit before tax of Rs. 180 crores and has become the only private insurer to cross the
Rs.100 crore mark in profit before tax in the last four years. The profit after tax was Rs. 121
crores, 27% higher than the previous year.
Bajaj Allianz offers exciting opportunities to learn contribute and build careers. As a
leading name in the fast-paced insurance sector, we are constantly growing and are always in
search of talent across all levels.
If you want a chance to shine, grow, work on challenging assignments & make a long-term
career with a leader in the private insurance sector, check out the career opportunities we
Shareholders & Promoters
Bajaj Finserv Limited
Bajaj Finserv Limited has been recently demerged from Bajaj Auto Limited which is the
largest manufacturer of two and three-wheelers in India. As a promoter of Bajaj Allianz
General Insurance Company Ltd., Bajaj Finserv Ltd; has the following to offer:

Vast distribution network through its group companies.

Knowledge of Indian consumers.


Financial strength and stability to support the insurance business.

Visit Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Website

Visit Bajaj Finserv Website:

Allianz SE is in the business of General (Property & Casualty) Insurance; Life &
Health Insurance and Asset Management and has been in operation for over 110 years.
Allianz is one of the largest global composite insurers with operations in over 70 countries.
Further, the Group provides Risk Management and Loss Prevention Services. Allianz has
insured most of the world's largest infrastructure projects (including Hong Kong Airport and
Channel Tunnel between UK and France), further Allianz insures majority of the fortune 500
companies. Besides being a large industrial insurer, Allianz has a substantial portfolio in the
commercial and personal lines sector, using a wide variety of innovative distribution
Allianz SE has the following to offer Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Ltd:

Set up and running of General insurance operations

New and improved international products

One of the world's leading insurance companies

More than 700 subsidiaries and 2 lac employees in over 70 countries worldwide

Provides insurance to almost half the Fortune 500 companies


Other similar businesses

The promoters have also incorporated a Life insurance Company in India, called Bajaj
Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited to provide life insurance solutions.
Visit Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Website
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited
Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance is a union between Allianz SE, one of the largest Insurance
Company and Bajaj Financer.
Allianz SE is a leading insurance conglomerate globally and one of the largest asset
managers in the world, managing assets worth over a Trillion (Over INR. 55, 00,000 Crores).

Allianz SE has over 119 years of financial experience and is present in over 70 countries
around the world.
At Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance, customer delight is our guiding principle. Our
business philosophy is to ensure excellent insurance and investment solutions by offering
customised products, supported by the best technology.
Our core values are the never-changing definition of who we are and what we stand for.
Our values are the guiding force behind every workplace action and decision and they define
what we collectively stand for as an organization.
Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Limited is a joint venture between Bajaj
Finserv Limited (recently demerged from Bajaj Auto Limited) and Allianz SE. Both enjoy a
reputation of expertise, stability and strength.
Bajaj Allianz General Insurance received the Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority (IRDA) certificate of Registration on 2nd May, 2001 to conduct General Insurance
business (including Health Insurance business) in India. The Company has an authorized and
paid up capital of Rs 110 crores. Bajaj Finserv Limited holds 74% and the remaining 26% is
held by Allianz, SE.
As on 31st March 2010, Bajaj Allianz General Insurance maintained its premier position
in the industry by achieving growth as well as profitability. Bajaj Allianz has made a profit
before tax of Rs. 180 crores and has become the only private insurer to cross the Rs.100 crore
mark in profit before tax in the last four years. The profit after tax was Rs. 121 crores, 27%
higher than the previous year.
Bajaj Allianz today has a countrywide network connected through the latest
technology for quick communication and response in over 200 towns spread across the
length and breadth of the country. From Surat to Siliguri and Jammu to Thiruvananthapuram,
all the offices are interconnected with the Head Office at Pune.

To be the first choice insurer for customers

To be the preferred employer for staff in the insurance industry

To be the number one insurer for creating shareholder value


As a responsible, customer focused market leader, we will strive to understand the insurance
needs of the consumers and translate it into affordable products that deliver value for money.
A Partnership Based on Synergy
Bajaj Allianz General Insurance offers technical excellence in all areas of General and Health
Insurance as well as Risk Management. This partnership successfully combines Bajaj
Finserv's in-depth understanding of the local market and extensive distribution network with
the global experience and technical expertise of the Allianz Group. As a registered Indian
Insurance Company and a capital base of Rs. 110 crores, the company is fully licensed to
underwrite all lines of general insurance business including health insurance.
Our Achievements
Bajaj Allianz has received iAAA rating, from ICRA Limited, an associate of Moody's
Investors Service, for Claims Paying ability. This rating indicates highest claims paying
ability and a fundamentally strong position.
Bajaj Allianz General Insurance has received the prestigious "Business Leader in
General Insurance", award by NDTV Profit Business Leadership Awards 2008. The company
was one of the top three finalists for the year 2007 and 2008 in the General Insurance
Company of the Year award by Asia Insurance Review.
Our core values are the never-changing definition of who we are and what we stand
for. Our values are the guiding force behind every workplace action and decision and they
define what we collectively stand for as an organization.

Shareholders & Promoters

Bajaj Finserv Limited has been recently demerged from Bajaj Auto Limited which is
the largest manufacturer of two and three-wheelers in India. As a promoter of Bajaj Allianz
General Insurance Company Ltd., Bajaj Finserv Ltd; has the following to offer:-


Vast distribution network through its group companies.

Knowledge of Indian consumers.

Financial strength and stability to support the insurance business.

Visit Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Website

Visit Bajaj Finserv Website:

Allianz SE is in the business of General (Property & Casualty) Insurance; Life & Health
Insurance and Asset Management and has been in operation for over 110 years. Allianz is one
of the largest global composite insurers with operations in over 70 countries. Further, the
Group provides Risk Management and Loss Prevention Services. Allianz has insured most of
the world's largest infrastructure projects (including Hong Kong Airport and Channel Tunnel
between UK and France), further Allianz insures majority of the fortune 500 companies.
Besides being a large industrial insurer, Allianz has a substantial portfolio in the commercial
and personal lines sector, using a wide variety of innovative distribution channels.

Allianz SE has the following to offer Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company Ltd:

Set up and running of General insurance operations

New and improved international products

One of the world's leading insurance companies

More than 700 subsidiaries and 2 lac employees in over 70 countries worldwide

Provides insurance to almost half the Fortune 500 companies


Other similar businesses

The promoters have also incorporated a Life insurance Company in India, called Bajaj
Allianz Life Insurance Company Limited to provide life insurance solutions.
Visit Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Website


The insurance sector in India has come with a full circle from being an open
competitive market to nationalization and back to a liberalized market again. Tracing the
developments in the Indian insurance sector reveals the 360 degree turn witnessed over a
period of almost two centuries.

A Brief history of the Insurance Sector

The business of life insurance in India in its existing form started in India in the year
1818 with the establishment of the Oriental Life Insurance Company in Calcutta. Some of the
important milestones in the life insurance business in India are:
1912: The Indian Life Assurance Companies Act enacted as the first statute to regulate the
life insurance business.
1928: The Indian Insurance Companies Act enacted to enable the government to collect
statistical information about both life and non-life insurance businesses.
1938: Earlier legislation consolidated and amended to by the Insurance Act with the objective
of protecting the interests of the insuring public.
1956: Central Government taken over and nationalized 245 Indian and foreign insurers. LIC
formed by an Act of Parliament, viz. LIC Act,1956, with a capital contribution of Rs. 5 core
from the Government of India.
The General insurance business in India, on the other hand, can trace its roots to the
Triton Insurance Company Ltd., the first general insurance company established in the year
1850 in Calcutta by the British. Some of the important milestones in the general insurance
business in India are:
1907: The Indian Mercantile Insurance Ltd. set up, the first company to transact all classes of
general insurance business.
1957: General Insurance Council, a wing of the Insurance Association of India, frames a code
of conduct for ensuring fair conduct and sound business practices.
1968: The Insurance Act amended to regulate investments and set minimum solvency
margins and the Tariff Advisory Committee set up.

1972: The General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act, 1972 nationalized the general
insurance business in India with effect from 1st January 1973.
107 insurers amalgamated and grouped into four companies viz. the National Insurance
Company Ltd., the New India Assurance Company Ltd., the Oriental Insurance Company
Ltd. and the United India Insurance Company Ltd. GIC incorporated as a company.
Insurance sector reforms:
In 1993, Malhotra Committee, headed by former Finance Secretary and RBI
Governor R.N. Malhotra, was formed to evaluate the Indian insurance industry and
recommend its future direction.
The Malhotra committee was set up with the objective of complementing the reforms
initiated in the financial sector. The reforms were aimed at creating a more efficient and
competitive financial system suitable for the requirements of the economy keeping in mind
the structural changes currently underway and recognizing that insurance is an important part
of the overall financial system where it was necessary to address the need for similar
reformsIn 1994, the committee submitted the report and some of the key
recommendations included:
1) Structure:
Government stake in the insurance Companies to be brought down to 50% Government
should take over the holdings of GIC and its subsidiaries so that these subsidiaries can act as
independent corporations. All the insurance companies should be given greater freedom to
2) Competition:
Private Companies with a minimum paid up capital of Rs.1bn should be allowed to enter the
industry No Company should deal in both Life and General Insurance through a single Entity
Foreign companies may be allowed to enter the industry in collaboration with the


companies. Postal Life Insurance should be allowed to operate in the rural market. Only one
State Level Life Insurance Company should be allowed to operate in each state
3) Regulatory Body:

The Insurance Act should be changed An Insurance Regulatory body should be set up
Controller of Insurance (Currently a part from the Finance Ministry) should be made
4) Investments:
Mandatory Investments of LIC Life Fund in government securities to be reduced from 75%
to 50%GIC and its subsidiaries are not to hold more than 5% in any company (There current
holdings to be brought down to this level over a period of time)
5) Customer Service:
LIC should pay interest on delays in payments beyond 30 days. Insurance companies
must be encouraged to set up unit linked pension plans. Computerization of operations and
updating of technology to be carried out in the insurance industry
The committee emphasized that in order to improve the customer services and
increase the coverage of the insurance industry should be opened up to competition. But at
the same time, the committee felt the need to exercise caution as any failure on the part of
new players could ruin the public confidence in the industry. Hence, it was decided to allow
competition in a limited way by stipulating the minimum capital requirement of Rs.100
crores. The committee felt the need to provide greater autonomy to insurance companies in
order to improve their performance and enable them to act as independent companies with
economic motives. For this purpose, it had proposed setting up an independent regulatory
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Policy in Insurance Sector:
As per the current (Mar 06) FDI norms, foreign participation in an Indian insurance
company is restricted to 26.0% of its equity / ordinary share capital. The Union Budget for
fiscal 2005 had recommended that the ceiling on foreign holding be increased to 49.0%.
However, the matter is still under discussions. All life insurance companies have to comply
with the strict regulations laid out by IRDA. Therefore there is risk in going in for private
insurance players. Even if Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC), the state owned

behemoth is the largest player in the market, the private companies are coming out with
better products which are more beneficial to the customer. Among such products are the
ULIPs or the Unit Linked Investment Plans which offer both life cover as well as scope for
savings or investment options as the customer desires. Further, these types of plans are
subject to a minimum lock-in period of three years to prevent misuse of the significant tax
benefits offered to such plans under the Income Tax Act. Hence, comparison of such products
with mutual funds would be erroneous.
Commission / Intermediation fees
The maximum commission limits as per statutory provisions are:
Agency commission for retail life insurance business:
35 - 40% for 1st year premium if the premium paying term is more than 20 years
25 - 30% for 1st year premium if the premium paying term is more than 15 years
10 - 15% for 1st year premium if the premium paying term is less than 10 years
7.5% - yr 2 and 3rd year and 5% - thereafter for all premium paying terms.
Agency commission for retail pension policies:
7.5% for 1st year premium and 2.5% thereafter Maximum broker commission - 30%
Referral fees to banks Max 55% for regular premium and 10% for single premium.
However in any case this fee cannot be more than the agency commission as filed under the
product. However, the above commission may be further subject to the product wise limits
specified by IRDA while approving the product.


Indian Insurance Industry Forecast (2007-2009)

The market research report Indian Insurance Industry Forecast (2007-2009) an
in-depth analysis of the present and future of the Indian Insurance Industry. The market
research report looks in to the details as well as gives an overview of the Indian insurance
market with focus on the performance of the key players. With the initiation of the
deregulation in the Indian insurance market, the monopoly of big public sector companies in
life insurance as well as general (non-life insurance) market has been broken. New private
players have entered the market and with their innovative approaches and better use of
distribution channels and technology, they are eating in to the shares of established public
sector companies in Indian Insurance Market.
Since the deregulation has been put in to place, the market share of LIC has come
down to 71.4% in life insurance market while the private players have captured around 17%
market in the general insurance segment. The public sector insurance companies such as LIC
and New India Assurance are registered impressive double-digit growth, which reflects on
the overall health of the Indian Insurance sector.
This report includes the key private players in the insurance market such as ICICI
Prudential, Bajaj Allianz, Birla Sun life, ICICI Lombard and TATA AIG. It also includes the
leading competitors in the life insurance and general insurance segments along with their
market shares.
According to the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDA), new
business premium income from April 2006 to February 2007 amounted to INR579.38 billion
(US$13.18 billion), registering an impressive 120% growth over the same period last year.
The Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) represented 75.2% of the market share in new


Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority

Reforms in the Insurance sector were initiated with the passage of the IRDA Bill in
Parliament in December 1999. The IRDA since its incorporation as a statutory body in April
2000 has fastidiously stuck to its schedule of framing regulations and registering the private
sector insurance companies. The other decisions taken simultaneously to provide the
supporting systems to the insurance sector and in particular the life insurance companies
were the launch of the IrDAs online service for issue and renewal of licenses to agents. The
approval of institutions for imparting training to agents has also ensured that the insurance
companies would have a trained workforce of insurance agents in place to sell their products,
which are expected to be introduced by early next year.
Since being set up as an independent statutory body the IRDA has put in a framework
of globally compatible regulations. In the private sector 19 life insurance and 6 general
insurance companies have been registered.


It is process of training the employees about the organization personnel policies and
procedures and its core values. Indicating to them the standards of performance expected in
such areas as quality and customer service and spelling out requirements for flexibility.
The HRD & IR officers will looks after the process whenever the new employees
Training In Skills:
In Bajaj allianz training in skills is undertaken to enable the employee about the
changed techniques and improvements affected the old methods. Keeping in view training is
given to.
I. Unskilled Workers:
Unskilled workers in the company are given training in Methods of handling
machines and materials to reduce the cost of Production and wastage and to do the job in the
most economical way.
Ii. Semi Skilled Workers:
Training to semi skilled workers is given to the cope system of the Industry arising
out of the adoption of latest machineries and technical process.
Iii. Skilled Workers:
Training to semi skilled workers in the company is given to the system of
apprenticeship particularly useful for such trades in industry which require highly
sophisticated skills.
Supervisory Training:
The training programs for supervision in Bajaj allianz are under taken to enable the
supervisors to cope up with increasing demands of the company in what they are employed
and to ensure their technical competence with increasing demands of the company in what
they are employed and to ensure their technical competence with view to understand all
about operations in which their workers participate.

Managerial Training:
Training is given to all the managerial to give them a wide in plant experience like
holding of staff meetings, visits to other industrial units, participation in work with other
departments and they are generally given training in leadership qualities, appraisal of
employees and their rating and the maintenance of personnel records.
Apprentice Training:
Apprentice training is provided and some technical training to the workers in order
that the employment opportunity enhanced. And the duration of apprenticeship training is
one year and the fields offered are electricians, welders, filters, draughts men, mechanists, die
sinkers etc.
Sales Department:
Training is given to all the employees of sales department to know the nature and
quality of product and also in handling the customers.
Administration Department:
In Bajaj allianz employees like typists, clerks, accountants, EDP persons,
stenographers are given training in their respective fields either in house or out door.



Assessment of training needs


Plan the training programmers



Training record

Training effectiveness form


Training Process in Bajaj Allianz:

The process of training the employees in Bajaj allianz involves six steps and it
maintains the records regularly to continue the process. These records are maintained by the
HRD&IR offer (personal department). The steps are as follows.
1. Assessment Of Training Needs:
The process first beings with assessing the employees in order to find out where they
are lacking in perfection. This process is carried out by sending ATN forms to all the
departments which is filled by the supervisors and managers and send it to the personnel
department and HRD&IR manager (personal department) evaluates the filled forms and
identifies the need for training of the employees in their respective field.
The other methods followed to discover the training needs are performance appraisal.
Self appraisal discussion with the line managers, analysis of entire organization and man
power resources to find out where the training is needed.
2. Calendar:
As soon as the training need is identified or discovered in a particular department, the
number of workers belonging to different departments are divided into different batches
according to their respective fields and entered into the monthly calendar which consists of
Sl. No, Date, Time, Duration, Topic, entry level.
1. Plan the Training Program:
This is developed to meet the needs and objectives by using the right combination of
training techniques, locations (in house or out house) and the trainees.
2. Feed Back:
Once the training programmers is conducted feed forms are sent to department head
in order to make the forms to be filled by the workers who availed the training in their
respective fields in order to know what has learnt and also what learners are able to do after
the training programmers.

3. Training Record:
This record is maintained in order to know the actual number of training
programmers conducted and the no. of training programmers attended by the employees
either on functional (job related) or developmental (Skill oriented) and duration of the
programmers. Faculty and also consists of profile of the employee.
4. Effectiveness Forms:
The effectiveness of training is monitored by the feed back form and training records
and subsequently the impact of the training is assessed to determine the extent to which
objectiveness have been achieved. At last on the basis of evaluation amend and extend the
training to improve the job performance of each individual.



1. Since how many years working in this organization?

a) 0-1yr b) 1-3yrs
d)5yrs and above
To know how much percentage of employees working in organization at particular

Working In The Organization

a 0-1yr
b 1-3yrs
c 3-5yrs
d 5yrs and above

Working in This Organization Graph:






From the above table we can say that in Bajaj allianzs.

10% of Employee are working since 0-1year

15% of Employee are working since 1-3years
25% of Employee are working since 3-5years
50% of Employee are working since 5 years and above
In the above table we can say that in bajaj allianz 50% of employees are working
since5years above, 25% employees working since3-5years, and15&10% of employees
working in the organization 0-3years. No more employees below 0 yerars


2. Duration of the training programme?

a) Short b)Long

TO know how much percentage of employees say duration of the program is shore or

Duration Of The Training Programme

a Short
b Long

Duration Of The Training Programme Graph:



From the above table we can say that in Bajaj allianzs
65% of employees feel that duration of training program is short.
35% of employees feel that duration of training program is long.
From the above data it is analyzed that majority of the trainees feel that the duration of the
programme is well enough to get trained but few people feel that it is not.


3. What do you feel about the training programme?

a) Best b) Good
c) Poord) Very poor
To know how much percentage of employees tell about his opinion on training

Feel About The Training Programme

a Best
b Good
c Poor
d Very poor

No.Of Respondent

% Of Respondents

Feel About The Training Programme Graph:





From the above table we can say that in Bajaj allianzs.

20% percent of employees say that the training program is best.

50% percent of employees say that the training program is good.
25% percent of employees say that the training program is poor.
5% percent of employees say that the training program is Very poor
From the above table it is inferred that majority of the trainees feel that the training
programme is good and very much according to their expectations, but we will make them to
feel that the training programme is the best by including new techniques.


4. Are training needs and training programmes determine in a systematic and structured way?
a) Very true
b) Truec) Partly true d) Not true
To know how much percentage of employees training needs and training programs
determine in a systematic and structured way

Training Needs and Training Programmes

S.NoOpinion No.Ofrespondent
a Very true
b True
c Partly true
d Not true


Training Needs And Training Programmes Graph





From the above table we say that in Bajaj allianzs.
20% of employees say its Very true that training programmes determine in a systematic and
structural way.
45% of employees say True.
35% of employees say Partly true.
0% of employees say Not true.
From the above data it is analyzed that nearly half of the trainees feel that the training
programmes are conducted in a systematic way include time table and structured way
included detailed contents.


5. To what extents does this training help in achieving organizational objectives?

a) To a great extent
b) To some extent

Training Help In Achieving Organizational Objectives


% Of
No.Of Respondent
To a great extent
To some extent

Training Help In Achieving Organizational Objectives Graph




From the above table we say that in Bajaj allianzs.
60% of employees feel that training help to great extent in achieving organizational
40% of employees say training helps only to some extent
From the above data majority of the trainees feel that to a great extent they are above to
understand the company policies and the training given to the helps them in achieving


6. How do you feel your individual expertise is increased after attending the programme?
a) Yes
b) NO

Your Individual Eexpertise Is Increased After Attending The Programme

S.No Opinion

No.Of Respondent % Of Respondents


Your Individual Eexpertise Is Increased After Attending The Programme Graph



From the above table we say that in Bajaj allianzs.
65% employees say yes regarding individual expertises is increased after attending the
35% employees say not increase the individual expertises increased after attending the
From the above data majority of the trainees feel that onlearning more skills acquiring more
knowledge their individual expertise has been increased .


7. This training would help me in better job prospects in the future to what extent is the
statement true?
a) True

This Training Would Help Me In Better Job Prospects In The Future











This Training Would Help Me In Better Job Prospects In The Future Graph




From the above table we say that in Bajaj allianzs.
100% of employees say training would help them in better job prospects in the future Very
From the above data majority of the trainees feel that the to some extent the training helped
them to grow emotionally and opine that is helps them in better job prospect .


8. Did your human relation and leadership skills develop through the training programmes?
a) True
b)Not true

Human Relation And Leadership Programmes





Not true






Human Relation And Leadership Programmes Graph




From the above table we say that in Bajaj allianzs.
66% of employees say its True that human relations and leadership skills develop through
the training programme.
34% say its Not true
By this statement we come to know that through the training programme employer can make
enhancement employees human or social relation with their leadership.


9. Up to what extent is their training programme interactive?

a) 80-100%
b) 60-80%
c) 30-60%
d)Less than 30%

Their Training Programme Interactive:











Less than 30%





Their Training Programme Interactive Graph





From the above table we say that in Bajaj allianzs.
13% of employees say that their training program is interactive from
Whereas 50% employees say the interativeness is between 60-80%.
30% say its between 30-60%.
And the remaining 7% employee say that interactiveness less than 30%
From the above the data it is observed that the training programme has been interactive.but
by the changing of presentation style,computer based training, by traineepresentation.


10. How often do the instructors seek feedback from the trainees?
a) Very frequently
b) Occasionally

Instructors Seek Feedback From The Trainees



Very frequently









Instructors Seek Feedback From The Trainees Graph




From the above table we say that in Bajaj allianzs.
82% of employees say that instructors seek feedback from the trainees Very frequently.
18% of employees say feedback is seeked Occasionally.
Performance review discussion involves in to feed back, very often trainer should take feed
back and let trainers will know about their feedback which is taken by the trainers.


11. How far are you satisfied with the organization over all training system?
a) Highly satisfied
c) Dissatisfied
b) Satisfied
d) Highly Dissatisfied
e) Neutral

Employees Saisfied With The Organization



Highly satisfied









Highly Dissatisfied







Employees Saisfied With The Organization Graph







From the above table we say that in Bajaj allianzs.

20% of employees are Highly Satisfied with the organization over all training system.
60% of employees are satisfied.
15% of employees Dissatisfied.
5% of employees are Highly Dissatisfied.
0% of employees are neutral.

From the above table it is analyzed that a majority of trainees were satisfied
with the overall training system .


12. How do you rate the training programmes?

a) Very good

b) Good

c) Poor

d) Very poor

Rate The Training Programmes


Very good









Very poor






Rate The Training Programmes Graph






From the above table we say that in Bajaj allianzs.

10% of employees rate the training program is Very good

50% employees say Good
27% of employees say Poor
13% of employees say Very poor
By the different computer techniques like CBI , CAL, CAT, CBL, that a majority of trainees
are satisfied with the training programmes as they have helped their gaining skills required
for their effective performance on the job .


13. Do you think the duration of the course is sufficient to fulfill the training needs?
a) More than sufficient
b) Sufficient enough

Duration Of The Course




More than sufficient



Sufficient enough






Duration Of The Course Graph




From the above table we say that in Bajaj allianzs.
23% of employees think that duration of the course is More than sufficient to fulfill training
77% of employees feel that it is Sufficient enough
Introducing by the crush courses should be there each and every employee and they should
first maintain time duration.


14. The relationship between trainer and trainee is good?

a) Yes
b) No

Relationship Between Trainer And Trainee













Relationship Between Trainer And Trainee Graph




From the above table we say that in Bajaj allianzs.
57% of employees say relationship between trainer and trainee is good
43% of employees dont agree that the relationship between trainer and trainee in good

There should be emotional, behavioral, and psychological, re dimensional relations between

trainer and trainees.


15. Whether there 11is any training programmes aimed at your future needs?
a) Yes
b) No

Training Programmes Aimed At Your Future Needs











Training Programmes Aimed At Your Future Needs Graph



From the above table we say that in Bajaj allianzs.
58% say that training programmes aimed at future needs
42% employee say No
From the above table we say that 58% of employees say that Training Program aimed at
future needs and 42% of employees say that No so we can improve the training programme.



Most of the employees in Bajaj allianz are working above 5 years.
Majority of employees in Bajaj allianz state that duration of training programme is Very

From the Data Analysis we can say that many employees feel that training program is good.
It is noted that there is 60-80% of Interactiveness in the training programme.
Majority of employees in Bajaj allianz are satisfied with the overall training systems.
Maximum of 70% of employees in bajaj allianz state that training would help them better job

prospects in the future.

We can confidently stat that 72% of employees make allowance for individual learning to a
great job.

1. The training programs are arranged regularly in the organization.
2. In the organization both the on the job and off the job are followed.
3. In the organization training requirements is identified and defined.
4. Employee performance after training is improved.
5. The guidance from trainers while training is excellent.
6. Most of the respondents expresses that training is improves the job
knowledge and skills.
7. The employees feel that training improves the relationship between boss and
8. The employees feel that training helps to understand the original policies.
9. Majority of employees feels the training makes the organization a better
place to work.

Communication skills should be maintained in order to make employees aware of the latest
Development and Improvement in different functional areas of the Organization.
The Organizations should provide guidance to the employees and see to it that they are
satisfied with their work.

Training duration should also be conducted even more sufficient.

Interaction of trainer and trainee should be encouraged.
Training program should be formed in a such manner which aims at employees and
organizations futures needs.




1. You are working in this organization since?

b) 0-1yr b) 1-3yrs
d)5yrs and above
2. Duration of the training programme?
b) Very short
b) Very long

3. What do you feel about the training programme?

a) Best b) Good
c) Poord) Very poor

4. Are training needs and training programmes determine in a systematic and structured way?
b) Very true
b) Truec) Partly true d) Not true
5. To what extents does this training help in achieving organizational objectives?
b) To a great extent
b) To some extent
6. How do you feel your individual expertise is increased after attending the programme?
b) Yes
b) NO
7. This training would help me in better job prospects in the future to what extent is the
statement true?
a) Very true
b) False

b) Partially true
d) Partially false

8. Did your human relation and leadership skills develop through the training programmes?
a) True
b)Not true


9. Up to what extent is their training programme interactive?

a) 80-100%
b) 60-80%
c) 30-60%

10. How often do the instructors seek feedback from the trainees?
a) Very frequently
b) Occasionally

d)Less than 30%

11. How far are you satisfied with the organization over all
training system?
a) Highly satisfied
c) Satisfied
b) Dissatisfied
d) Highly Dissatisfied
12. How do you rate the training programmes?
a) Very good
b) Good
c) Poord) Very poor

13. Do you think the duration of the course is sufficient to fulfill the training needs?
a) More than sufficient
b) Sufficient enough
14. The relationship between trainer and trainee is good?
a) Yes
b) No

15. Whether there are any training programmes aimed at your future
a) Yes
b) No
















R. Wayne Mondy, Robert M. Noe, Shane
R. Premeaux, 2002, Human Resources management
Casse and Banahan (2007),
Andersson, 2008, Luo, 2002
Miller and Desmarais (2007).


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