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Tutorial Sheet 1

1. a) What is electronic polarization? Define polarizability of an atom. Show that relative dielectric constant of a
gas showing this type of polarization given by = 1+4 NR3 where N is the number of atoms per unit
volume and R is
the radius of the atom.
b) Give a brief concept of internal field. What is internal field coefficient in case of dielectrics? What is Lorentz
field? Derive Clausius-Mossotti relationship.
c) At NTP, the relative dielectric constant for material is 1.0024 and there are 2.710 25 per m3 number of
atoms in this material. Calculate its electronic polarizability.
2. a) An atom of polarizability is placed in a homogeneous field E. Show that the energy stored in the
polarized atom is equal to 1/2 E2 .
b) Give the characteristics of Ferro-electric, Piezo-electric and Pyro-electric materials giving two examples of
c) What is the atomic polarizability of argon? Its susceptibility at 273 K and 1 atmosphere is 4.35 x 10 -4. N =
2.7 x 10 25 atoms/m 3.
3. a) Define current density, mobility, drift velocity and mean free path. How they are related to the applied
electric field?
b) Explain superconductivity. State Meissner effect and Describe the difference between type I and type II
4. a) Derive the relationship between the orbital dipole moment and the angular momentum of the orbiting
electron. Define Bohr Magnetron.
b) Explain w.r.t. magnetic dipoles of an atom
(i) Diamagnetism
(ii) Para magnetism
(iii) Ferromagnetism
(iv) Antiferromagnetism
5. a) explain the occurrence of spontaneous magnetization of ferromagnetic below the Curie temperature and
the validity of Curie-Weiss law above the Curie temperature.
b) Explain Soft and Hard magnetic materials giving two examples of each.
c) The Fermi energy for silver is 5.5 eV. Calculate the velocity of electron located at the Fermi energy level. If
the conductivity of silver is 6.5 10-7 1/ m and the number of conduction electrons per m3 is 6 1028.
Calculate the
drift velocity of the conduction electrons in an electric field of 100 V/m.

Priyadarshani College of Engineering , Nagpur

Department of electronics and telecommunication
Session 2012-13
Tutorial Sheet 2
1. a) Draw and explain characteristics of BJT in common emitter configuration.
b) What happens when extrinsic semiconductor is very highly doped? If a PN junction diode is formed from
such a semiconductor ,how will be its forward and reverse characteristics?
2. a) Differentiate between:1) Diac and Triac
2) BJT and FET
b) Write short note on Tunnel diode and Varactor Diode.
3. a) Distinguish between doping and alloying.
b) Explain the principal of operation, construction and characteristics of SCR in detail.

Priyadarshani College of Engineering , Nagpur

Department Of Electronics and Telecommunication
Session 2012-13
Tutorial Plan
Name of staff: Mr. A.B Jirapure, Mr. D.G Gahane, Mrs. M.S Satputaley
Year/sem: IV A/B/C

Tutorial Unit











Problems on polar and non

polar dielectrics
Problems on Clasius- Mosotti
Problems on Fermi energy
Problems on electronic
Problems on dielectrics
Problems on the drift
velocity of electron in an
electric field
Polarization in ferroelectric
Magnetic materials
superconductors I and
superconductors II type
Problems on Tunnel diode
and Varactor Diode
Problems on Diac and Triac
Problems on SCR

Priyadarshani College of Engineering , Nagpur

Department Of Electronics and Telecommunication
Session 2012-13

Question Bank
1. Explain in detail the process of polarization. How is it related to (i) surface density of bound charges
(ii) the relative permittivity of dielectric ?
2. Show that relative dielectric constant of a gas showing
electronic polarization is given by = 1+
4NR^3 where N is the no. of atoms per unit volume and R is radius of atom.
At NTP the relative dielectric constant for material is 1.0024 and there are 2.710^25 per
meter^3 number of atoms in this material. Calculate its electronic polarizability. (_0= 8.8510^4
3. What is piezoelectricity? Explain. Give applications of piezoelectric materials.
(b) What is ferro-electricity? Explain in brief the hysteresis nature of a ferroelectric crystal. How does the
temperature affect the parameters of ferro-electric materials? Justify.
4. Short note on Spontaneous polarization.
5. Explain superconductivity. What is the effect of temperature and magnetic field on superconductivity?
Differentiate between type I and type II super-conducters.
6. The Fermi energy of silver is 5.5 eV. Calculate the velocity of electron located at Fermi energy level. If
the conductivity of silver is 6.510^7 mho per meter and number of electron per m^3 is 610^28.
Calculate the drift velocity of electron in an electric field of 100 volts per meteric.
7. Discuss Silsbees rule. Superconductors are perfect diamagnets. Justify the sentence .
8. Which type of materials are used in the following components? Also give applications of each.
(i) Fuses
(ii) Connectors
(iii) Switches
(iv) Heat sink
(v) Solders
9. Derive the relationship between the orbital dipole moment and the angular momentum of the orbiting
10. Explain the concept of Weiss field in ferromagnetic material and hence derive the relation for magnetic
susceptibility. How does this relation explain the occurrence of spontaneous magnetization at curie
11. Show susceptibility polycrystalline as function of temperature. Explain the significance of Neel
temperature in anti ferromagnetic material.
12. Short note on Magnetic tape.

13. Give a brief concept of internal field. What is internal field coefficient in case of dielectrics? What is
Lorentz field? Derive clausius-Mosotti relationship.
14. What are the characteristics of ferro-electric, piezoelectric and pyroelectric material? Give two examples of
15. Calculate the electronic polarizability of argon atom. Given: _r = 1.0024 at NTP and

N = 2.7 10^25 atoms/m^3

16. Obtain an expression for polarization in monoatomic gases when subjected to electric field E. Hence show
that _0(_r- 1) = Ne , where symbols have their usual meaning.
17. Define current density, mobility, drift velocity and mean free path. How they are related to the applied
electric field?
18. Describe the difference between type I and type II superconductors.
19. Explain superconductivity. What is the effect of temperature and magnetic field on superconductivity?
20. Write short note on Fuses.
21. Derive the relationship between the orbital dipole moment and the angular momentum.
22. Define with respect to magnetic dipoles of an atom:
(i) Diamagnetism
(ii) Paramagnetism
(iii) Ferromagnetism
(iv) Antiferromagnetim.
23. Write short note on Magnetic tapes.
24. What are hard and soft magnetic materials? Give their applications.
25. Write short notes on:
(i) Relays
(ii) Ferrites
(iii) Magnetic Resistors.
26. Give a brief concept of internal field. What is internal field coefficient in case of dielectrics? What is
Lorentz field? Derive Clausius Mosotti relationship.
27. What is electronic polarization? Define Polarizability of an atom. Show that relative dielectric constant
of a gas showing this type of polarization given by = 1 + 4NR^3, where N is the number of atoms per unit
volume and R is the radius of the atom.
28. Explain the phenomenon of spontaneous polarization in ferroelectric material.
29. What is piezoelectricity? How does it differ from electrostrion?
30. Give Classification of ferroelectric material on the basis of their chemical composition and structure.
Give an account of high ionic polarizability of barium titanate.
31. What is superconducting state and what are the practical difficulties in attaining it?
32. How is the high temperature superconductor materials revolutionize the whole range of rotating
electrical machines?
33. The lead material works as superconductor at a transition temperature of 7.26 K. The maximum
critical field for the material is 8 10^5 A/m. Calculate the magnetic field in the lead at 5K.
34. Discuss briefly the free electron theory of conductor metals. How the additions of an impurity increases
the conductivity of a metal?

35. A uniform silver wire has a resistivity of 1.5 10^(-8) ohm-m at room temperature. Let an electric
field of L V/m is applied along a length of wire. Compute average drift velocity, mobility and relaxation time of
electrons. Assume that conduction electron density is 5.8 10^28 per m^3.
36. Write short notes on:
(i) Fuses
(ii) connectors
(iii) Solders
37. Define w.r.t magnetic dipoles of an atom:
(i) Diamagnetism
(ii) Paramagnetism
(iii) Ferromagnetism
(iv) Antiferromagnetism.
38. Write short notes on magnetic tapes.
39. Explain the desirable characteristics of soft and hard magnetic materials give two examples of each.
40. Write short notes on:
(i) Magnetostriction
(ii) Magnetic materials used for magnetic tape
(iii) Ferromagnetic Domain
(iv) Magnetic Anisotropy
41. Explain the hysteresis loop in ferromagnetic materials.
42. Derive an expression for electronic polarizability _(e ).
43.What is Internal field? Derive Clausius Mosotti equation.
44. What are characteris of ferro-electric, piezoelectric and pyroelectric materials? Give applications with
two examples of each.
45. Assuming that the atoms in a solid are surrounded cubically by other atom. Show that:
E_(i ) Lorentz = E + P/(3_0 )
45. What is super conductivity? Enlist the applications of superconductive materials. Suggest any two
superconductive materials with its properties.
46. Give an atomic interpretation of ohms law J = E and express in terms of atomic quantities.
47. What is meant by relaxation time , collision time and mean free path as applied to conduction

48 With the use of simplified models, derive expression for the relationship between susceptibility against the
temperature for the following:
(i) Paramagnetic materials
(ii) Ferromagnetic materials above curie temperature
(iii) Anti ferromagnetic materials above Need temperature.
49. Describe the different components of electric polarization and derive a general expression for static
dielectric constant of a polyatomic gas.

50. Express in brief about:

(i) Piezoelectric
(ii) Pyroelectric
(iii) Ferroelectric materials.
51. What are superconductors? Explain effect of temperature and magnetic field on superconductors.
52. Write short notes on:
(i) Matthiessens rule
(ii) Silbees rule
(iii) Relaxation time and mean free path.
53. Discuss the classification of magnetic materials depending on the alignment of magnetic moment within the
54. Write an expression for magnetization of paramagnetic materials. How does paramagnetic susceptibility
vary with temperature.
55. Calculate the average magnetic moment along the field direction per spin in Bohr Magnetron when a
paramagnetic spin system is subjected to a uniform field of 10^6 amp. m^(-1) at 27 C.
56. What are soft and hard magnetic materials? Explain characteristics of soft and hard magnetic materials.
57. Write short notes on Clausius Mosotti equation.
58. Two parallel plates 0.15 0.30 m^2 in area separated by a dielectric of thickness 0.06m , dielectric constant
_r = 5.4 . The capacitor so formed is connected to a 400 V d.c. supply . Calculate:
(i) The capacitance of the capacitor
(ii) The change on the plates of the capacitor
(iii) The induced polarization in the dielectric
(iv) The electric field intensity in the dielectric
(v) The energy stored in the condenser as well as the energy stored in polarizing the dielectric.
59. Classify dielectric materials as elemental solid dielectrics, non - polar solids and polar solids with their
60. Give an account of the internal field in solid dielectrics and deduce condition for spontaneous polarization.
Show that a high polarizability is one of the factors favourable for spontaneous polarization.

61. Give a brief account of the temperature dependence of resistivity in a metal and indicate why the increase in
resistivity caused by an impurity is practically independent of temperature.
62. Explain difference between superconductors I and superconductors II type.
63. Which type of materials used in following components?
(i) Fuses
(ii) Connectors

(iii) Heat sinks

(iv) Solders
(v) Switches
(vi) Resistors
(vii) Heating elements.
64. Explain a general method of classifying magnetic materials.
65. Write a short account of soft and hard magnetic materials.
66. Give the explanation of spontaneous magnetization of ferromagnetic below the curie temperature and the
Weiss curie law above the curie temperature.
67. Write short notes on:
(i) Magnetic Anisotropy
(ii) Magnetostriction.
68. Explain the phenomenon of spontaneous polarization in ferroelectric materials.
69. Give the characteristics of BaTiO_3 and give an account of high ionic polarizability of Barium Titanate.

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