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Maximum Results With Minimal Investment
by Brett Klika, C.S.C.S., B.S. and Chris Jordan, M.S., C.S.C.S., NSCA-CPT, ACSM HFS/APT

To understand the health benefits and practical application of a
high-intensity circuit training exercise protocol.

Key words:
Circuit Training, High-Intensity Interval Training, Body Weight
Training, Fat Loss, VO2max Improvement


t the Human Performance Institute,

Division of Wellness and Prevention,
Inc., in Orlando, FL, our clients are
high-performing professionals from a variety of
industries. These men and women face incessant demands on their time, along with the
pressure to perform at high levels and balance
their careers and personal lives.
From our work with elite performers, we have
learned that managing energy is the key to sustaining high performance. However, when facing
seemingly infinite demands, ones ability to manage and expand physical energy can be severely
compromised. This can result in persistent fatigue
(physical, but also emotional and mental) and a
growing level of disengagement with ones career,
family, friends, and personal well-being, which
can ultimately lead to performance failure.
Regular aerobic and resistance training are
two of the strategies we suggest to help
individuals manage and expand their physical
energy, prevent fatigue, and sustain engagement
in those things that really matter to them. For
either of these exercise strategies to be practical

and applicable to the time-constrained client,

they must be safe, effective, and efficient. As
many of our clients travel frequently, the program
also must be able to be performed anywhere,
without special equipment.
Traditionally, resistance training often is
performed separately from aerobic training V
typically on two or three nonconsecutive days
each week. The American College of Sports
Medicine (ACSM) recommends 8 to 12 repetitions of a resistance training exercise for each
major muscle group at an intensity of 40% to 80%
of a one-repetition max (RM) depending on the
training level of the participant. Two to three
minutes of rest is recommended between exercise
sets to allow for proper recovery. Two to four sets
are recommended for each muscle group (3).
Standard guidelines for aerobic training recommend 150 minutes per week of moderateintensity exercise (46% to 63% of maximal
O2max) for 30 to 60 minutes
oxygen uptake, V
per session and/or 75 minutes per week of
vigorous-intensity exercise (64% to 90% V
for 20 to 60 minutes per session (3).
Although these traditional protocols can be
effective, they may not be realistic enough for
time-conscious adults because of the amount of
time necessary to complete each program, in
addition to some limitations to effectiveness
demonstrated in the literature (12, 15).
To address the limitations of traditional
exercise protocols and provide an effective
and efficient program for our clients, one of
the exercise strategies we use is high-intensity
circuit training (HICT) using body weight as
resistance. Our approach combines aerobic and
resistance training into a single exercise bout
lasting approximately 7 minutes. Participants


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VOL. 17/ NO. 3

can repeat the 7-minute bout 2 to 3 times, depending on the

amount of time they have. As body weight provides the only
form of resistance, the program can be done anywhere.
HICT is not a new concept, but it is growing in popularity
because of its efficiency and practicality for a time-constrained
society. The combination of aerobic and resistance training in a
high-intensity, limited-rest design can deliver numerous health
benefits in much less time than traditional programs (5, 9, 10,
16, 18). When body weight is used as resistance, it eliminates
the limiting factors of access to equipment and facilities.
As this programming modality is applied to a growing number
of populations, it is important to understand the benefits,
methodologies, and supporting research with regard to HICT.

Elements of circuit-style training programs were present early
on in history. The modern form of circuit training was
developed by R.E. Morgan and G.T. Anderson in 1953 at the
University of Leeds in England (8). It was initially examined
as a 9 to 12 exercise protocol where participants performed
exercises at a moderate intensity (about 40% to 60% of 1 RM
values) for a specified number of repetitions or amount of time.
Once the repetitions were performed or time expired, the
participant would move to the next exercise station with very
little rest. Improvements in muscle strength and endurance were
observed, as well as components of aerobic fitness (8). The
efficiency of this type of training grew in popularity and
expanded because of advances in equipment by the United States
(selectorized and hydraulic equipment).
For years, a growing body of research expanded on the
benefits of this highly efficient mode of training. Researchers
have examined how increasing the intensity of this type of
training by using exercises known to significantly elevate the
heart rate and limiting rest time could elicit even greater gains in
even shorter overall exercise time (4, 5, 10, 16).
Today, using body weight as resistance during circuit
training may grow in popularity as financial means to special
equipment and facilities access have declined for some. Body
weight can provide an adequate training load as long as it
results in sufficient aerobic and resistance training intensities.


HICT can be a fast and efficient way to lose excess body weight
and body fat (5, 12, 17, 18). The incorporated resistance
training contributes significantly to the amount of fat burned
during a workout (15). When resistance training exercises using
multiple large muscles are used with very little rest between
sets, they can elicit aerobic and metabolic benefits (2, 6, 12).
Research has found that these metabolic benefits can be present
for up to 72 hours after a high-intensity exercise bout has been
completed (7).
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There also may be a greater impact on subcutaneous fat loss

with high-intensity intermittent circuit-style resistance training
protocols than with traditional steady state sustained-effort aerobic
work or traditional resistance training. This is thought to be from
the increased level of catecholamines and growth hormone found
in the blood both during and after high-intensity resistance training
exercise with shortened rest periods (G30 seconds) (11, 12).
Shorter rest periods result in a shorter total exercise time.
This is attractive to individuals who are trying to maximize the
impact of an exercise program in minimal time.


HICT may be an extremely effective and efficient means by
O2max, a well-established
which to increase an individuals V
marker of cardiopulmonary health. When HICT protocols have
been compared with traditional steady state protocols in the
laboratory, HICT elicits similar and sometimes greater gains in
O2max, despite significantly lower exercise volume (5, 10, 16).
HICT can be an efficient approach to decreasing insulin
resistance as well V a major factor in developing type 2
diabetes. Positive changes have been observed in insulin
resistance in as little as 8 minutes per week when executed at
O2max (14).
an intensity more than 100% V


Because of the elevated demand for exercise intensity in HICT
protocols, caution should be taken when prescribing this protocol
to individuals who are overweight/obese, detrained, previously
injured, or elderly or for individuals with comorbidities. For
individuals with hypertension or heart disease, the isometric
exercises (wall sit, plank, and side plank) are not recommended.
The isometric exercises can be substituted with dynamic exercises.
For all individuals, the Valsalva maneuver should be avoided,
particularly for the isometric exercises. Proper execution requires a
willing and able participant who can handle a great degree of
discomfort for a relatively short duration. It is also essential that
participants in an HICT understand proper exercise form and
technique. As with all exercise programs, prior medical clearance
from a physician is recommended.
Although HICT can be an efficient means by which to
improve health and decrease body fat, it may be inferior to
creating absolute strength and power, specific endurance, and
other specific performance variables (3). If these are the goals of
a program, as with competitive athletes, traditional programs
may elicit greater absolute gains.

Exercise Selection
The exercises selected for an HICT circuit should function to:
1. promote strength development for all major muscle groups
of the body

Copyright 2013 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

2. use large muscle groups to create the appropriate resistance

and aerobic intensity

absolute intensity by monitoring their heart rate either manually

or with a heart rate monitor during exercise.

3. create a balance of strength throughout the body (e.g., you

would not want to prescribe five exercises for one body part
while only prescribing one for another; creating a balance of
strength around a joint is an effective way to prevent injury
and improve movement efficiency (1))

Rest Between Exercise Bouts

4. be immediately modified or adapted as necessary to

increase or decrease exercise intensity
5. be safe and appropriate for the participants in the training
space provided
6. be interactive with the available features of the training
environment (e.g., stairs, benches, walls, etc.)
7. be easily transitioned to accommodate minimized rest time

Exercise Order
Exercises in an HICT circuit should be placed in an order that
allows for opposing muscle groups to alternate between resting
and working in subsequent exercise stations. For example, a
push-up (upper body) station would be followed by a squat
(lower body) station. While the participant is performing pushups, the lower body is not being used significantly and can
somewhat recover. This allows for the lower body to have
sufficient energy to perform squats with proper form and
technique and at adequate intensity.
If a particular exercise creates a significant increase in heart rate
or intensity demand (usually dynamic exercises incorporating the
lower body or whole body), the next exercise functions to decrease
heart rate or intensity slightly. For example, a stationary plank or
abdominal crunches may follow jumping squats.
The objective is to allow for a series of exercises to be performed in quick succession V using proper form and technique V
and at high intensity with minimal rest between exercises.

Number of Exercises
The original circuit training protocols called for 9 to 12 exercise
stations. There is no ideal number of exercise stations; however, it
is important that, for a general program, all muscles are used at an
appropriate intensity during a training session. The number of
exercise stations also will affect the total exercise time.

Individual Exercise Bout Time

Generally, the longer the exercise duration, the lower the
exercise intensity that can be accomplished. To maximize the
metabolic impact of the exercise, time should be sufficient
enough to allow for the proper execution of 15 to 20 repetitions
(15) of an exercise.
A 30-second exercise bout is adequate to allow for this
because most participants are able to acquire and maintain
appropriate intensity for 30 seconds. Participants can assess


When rest intervals are too long during HICT, it undermines the
purpose of the high-intensity protocol, which is to create
maximal exercise intensity in minimal time. To maximize
benefits of this type of training, 30 seconds of rest or less has
been observed to maximize metabolic impact (6). Overall, the
objective is for incomplete recovery between exercises so the
high exercise intensity can be sustained for the short duration
circuit, without compromising proper exercise form and
For maximum time efficiency, we recommend minimizing
(e15 seconds) rest time between body weight exercises in an
HICT protocol to maintain appropriate exercise intensity.

Total Exercise Time

Research has demonstrated that improvements can be made in
O2max and insulin sensitivity in as little as 4 minutes of total
exercise time in an HICT session (4, 16). However, it is to be
noted that this result often requires working at intensities
O2max (16).
equivalent to greater than 100% of V
O2max) have
More moderate protocols (90% to 100% of V
been examined for various total exercise durations (4).
Although these protocols seem to require slightly more total
exercise time to be effective, they still are well below the steady
state exercise time requirements.
Because most individuals may not be able to execute the
program at an intensity significantly greater than 100% of their
O2max, following the established ACSM guidelines for highV
intensity exercise of at least 20 minutes is recommended (3).
This may require multiple repetitions (or circuits) of a
multistation exercise circuit.


The following is an example of a 12-station HICT program. All
exercises can be done with body weight and implements easily
acquired in almost any setting (e.g., home, office, hotel room,
etc.). The exercise order allows for a total body exercise to
significantly increase the heart rate while the lower, upper, and
core exercises function to maintain the increased heart rate
while developing strength.
Exercises are performed for 30 seconds, with 10 seconds of
transition time between bouts. Total time for the entire circuit
workout is approximately 7 minutes. The circuit can be repeated
2 to 3 times.

Jumping jacks
Wall sit
Abdominal crunch
Step-up onto chair

Total body
Lower body
Upper body
Total body


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VOL. 17/ NO. 3

6. Squat
7. Triceps dip on chair
8. Plank
9. High knees/running in place
10. Lunge
11. Push-up and rotation
12. Side plank

Lower body
Upper body
Total body
Lower body
Upper body

HICT seems to be an efficient means of exercise to help
decrease body fat, improve insulin sensitivity, and improve
O2max and muscular fitness. As the hectic pace of todays
corporate world continues to infringe on the amount of time
individuals have for exercise, these types of programs can offer

Photos courtesy of the Human Performance Institute.

VOL. 17/ NO. 3


Copyright 2013 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.




Copyright 2013 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

VOL. 17/ NO. 3

a good option to help busy individuals improve their health and

recover from stress via exercise.
The practicality and accessibility of HICT using body weight as
resistance makes this exercise program a viable option for the
masses. Individuals who previously believed that they did not have
the time for exercise can now trade total exercise time for total
exercise effort and get similar or better health and fitness benefits.

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5. Gibala MJ, Little JP, Essen MV, et al. Short-term sprint interval versus
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8. Kravitz L. The fitness professionals complete guide to circuits and
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9. Laforgia J, Withers RT, Gore CJ. Effects of exercise intensity and
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10. Little JP, Safdar A, Wilkin GP, Ranopolsky MA, Gibala MJ. A practical
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11. Moller N, Schmitz O, Porksen N, Moller J, Jorgenson JO. Dose-response
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12. Murphy E, Schwarzkopf R. Effects of standard set and circuit weight
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13. Perry C, Heigenhauser G, Bonen A, Spriet L. High-intensity
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15. Scott CB, Leighton BH, Ahearn KJ, McManus JJ. Aerobic, anaerobic,
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muscular endurance and strength: 1-set of bench press to muscular
fatigue. J Strength Cond Res. 2011;25(4):903Y8.
16. Tabata I, Nishimura K, Kouzaki M, et al. Effects of moderate-intensity
endurance and high-intensity intermittent training on anaerobic capacity
and VO2max. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 996;28(10):1327Y30.
17. Trapp EG, Chisholm DJ, Fruend J, Bouthcher SH. The effects of highintensity intermittent exercise training on fat loss and fasting insulin
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18. Wernbom M, Augustsson J, Thomee R. The influence of frequency,
intensity, volume and mode of strength training on whole muscle crosssectional area in humans. Sports Med. 2007;37(3):225Y64.

Disclosure: The authors declare no conflict of interest and do

not have any financial disclosures.
Brett Klika, C.S.C.S., B.S., is a performance
coach for the Human Performance Institute
in Orlando, FL. He facilitates exercise and
movement strategies for high-performing
clientele Y from professional athletes to
corporate executives.
Chris Jordan, M.S., C.S.C.S, NSCA-CPT,
ACSM HFS/APT, is the director of Exercise
Physiology at the Human Performance Institute
in Orlando, FL. He designed and implemented
the exercise and movement components of
the Institutes Corporate AthleteA Course and
is responsible for the development and execution of all corporate fitness programming.


Time and access to facility constraints can be a concern
when it comes to getting people to exercise. Highintensity circuit training seems to deliver numerous
health benefits (3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 16, 17) in less time
than more traditional programs that are recommended.
Furthermore, body weight can be used as resistance,
eliminating the need for specialized facilities or equipment.

14. Richards JC, Johsnon TK, Kuzma JN, Lonac MC, Schweder MM,
Voyles WF, Bell C. J Physiol. 2010;588:2961Y72.

VOL. 17/ NO. 3


Copyright 2013 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.


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