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This chapter consists of background of the research, problem statement,
objective, significance and scope of the research.
A. Background
Language learning is hard work. Effort is required at every moment and
must be maintained over a long period. In condition to help the learners in
learning process they need something interest. In this situation giving games can
help and encourage many learners to sustain their interest and work. Games also
help the teacher to create contexts in which the language is useful and meaningful.
The learners want to take part and in order to do so must understand what others
are saying or have written, and they must speak or write in order to express their
own point of view or give information.
The need for meaningfulness in language learning has been accepted for
some years. A useful interpretation of meaningfulness is that the learners respond
to the content in a definite way. If they are amused, angered, intrigued or surprised
the content is clearly meaningful to them. Thus, the meaning of the language they
listen to, read, speak and write will be more vividly experienced and, therefore,
better remembered.
There are many kinds of games which can be used in teaching English. Of
course, as a technique games need help from media. The media can be picture,

flash cards, object, puppet, cassette, projector and many others object surround
them. It is better if the games are familiar for children, because they learn in a
variety of ways, for example; by watching, by listening, by imitating and by doing
things. It means children learn their knowledge through what they see, heard in
their surrounding and then imitate it and imitating by doing things .Children can
generally imitate the sounds they hear quite accurately and copy the way adults
speak. It means they do imitation, memorization, practice and over learning, what
the people are said the most important tool for cognitive growth is how adults can
help the children to solve their problem.
In teaching a language, teacher might realize that he could not apply only
one or two strategies to all levels. In reverse, he was requires to be able to
recognize the characters of his students and to select an appropriate strategy to
them. It was not something different from teaching English in vocational high
school students especially. The teacher was supposed to know what that student
was closed with something fun and enjoyable but still had an educational value,
especially in improving English vocabulary of that student. The other hand
whenever he taught, he had to be selective in choosing a strategy to introduce a
learning material. A good teaching strategy would automatically facilitate him to
get students interest in learning process. In this case the teacher could choose a
strategy like interest game to improve English vocabulary of students.
The other word, teaching vocabulary-using games as methodolgy in
learning teaching process and the teaching materials for adults less than five years
old which is related with their surround, it means the vocabulary which related

and introducing things surround them such as nouns, adjectives, things and the
other teaching material.
More students can not improve their vocabulary by their own way, it the
reason why the teachers have to help their student to increase their vocabulay, in
case the teachers have to give something interest like a game to improve them.
The other word the students have a problem in learning proses if there is no
something interest in.
Based on the observation, there is a problem in learning process of the first
grade students of SMK Latanro Enrekang. It can be known from the test that has
given to the students by their teacher. They order to write down vocabulary that
they have known. The result of this test is the students can not fulfill the standard
vocabulary that must be known by student, yet 500 words. It also didnt fulfill the
competence standart that is 75.
To solve this problem the writer would like to improve their lack
vocabulary through Search games. Games can help the teachers to create contexts
in which the language is useful and meaningful. In the whole process of teaching
and learning by games, the students can take part widely and open-mindedly. To
win the games each student or group should competitively answer the questions
addressed by the teacher or other students or groups. In order to do so they must
understand what the teacher or others are saying or have written, and they must
speak or write in order to express their own point of view or give information.

Based on the consideration, the writer intends to conduct a research

entitled Teaching vocabulary using search game to the first grade of SMK
Latanro Enrekang.
B. Problem Statement
Based on the background above the writer formulates a research problem as
The first grade students of SMK Latanro Enrekang lack of vocabulary
Based on this problem statement, the writer formulates the research question
as follows:
Can the use of Search Games improve the vocabulary to the first grade
students of SMK Latanro Enrekang?
C. Objective of the research
The objective of the research is to prove whether or not the use of search
game improves vocabulary of the first grade students of SMK Latanro Enrekang.
D. Significance of the research
The result of the research will not give contribution to the theoretical
development, but it will give contribution for:

Teacher. It can be used as one media in teaching English especially in

teaching vocabulary.

b. Students. The results of the research are expected to be useful and helpful
to the students to improve vocabulary mastery of the students.
E. The Scope of the research
The scope of the research is view from three different aspects. They are
discipline, content, and activity. By discipline, this research is under study of
applied linguistics. By content, this research is limited to the use of Search Games
in teaching vocabulary especially in teaching noun, verb and adjective. By
activity, this research will be conducted in eight meetings. The activity in this
research involves individual work and group work.

This chapter consists of previous related studies, some pertinent ideas,
resume, conceptual frame work, and hypothesis.
A. Previous Related Studies
1. Studies Related on Game

(Fauziah, 2011) reported in her research with the title Improving

Students Vocabulary Mastery Through Scrambled Words Game: A
Case of The Seventh Year Students of Smp Negeri 2 Semarang 2011 /
2012. The result of her research is Scrambled Word Game
effectiveness to improve the students vocabulary. The relation
between this research is the researcher use game in learning method,
but the difference is the researcher above gave board game method of
giving the game namely Scrambled Words, but the writer of this
research gives search method of giving the game namely search game.

2. Studies Related on Vocabulary Mastery

- (Nurmaya, 2011) reported in her research with the titleEnglish
Vocabulary Achievement of Second Grade Students of Junior High
School 26 Makassar in Identifying Class of Word in Narrative Text
through Word Attack Program. The result of her research is word
attack program effectiveness to improve the students vocabulary.
The similarity of Nurmayas research and this research is both of
them want to improve vocabulary mastery of the students. The

difference between Nurmayas research and this research is the way to

improve the vocabulary mastery of the students. She used Word
Attack Program and this research will use English game in improve

the vocabulary mastery of the students.

(Muin, 2011) reported in his research with the title Improving the
voacbulary mastery of the first grade students of SMPN 5 Tuban
through Jazz Chants.
The similarity of Muins research and this research is both of them
want to improve the vocabulary mastery of the students. The
difference between Muins research and this research is the way to
improve vocabulary mastery of the students. He used Jazz Chants and
this research will use English game to improve the vocabulary

mastery of the students.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas
1. The Concept of Vocabulary
a. Definition of Vocabulary
Learning language cannot be separated from learning vocabulary
because one of the language elements which is considered playing a
control role. Vocabulary supports the speaker to express their opinions,
ideas, and feelings in communication.
To know what vocabulary is, the following are definitions about
vocabulary, by Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary Online as follow
1. All the words that a person knows or uses.
2. All the words in a particular language
3. The words that people use when they are talking about a particular

4. A list of words with their meanings, especially in a book for learning a

foreign language.
According to (Kamil and Hiebert, 2007) vocabulary is knowledge
of words and word meanings. (Richard, 2001: 4) says that vocabulary is
one of the components of language and one of the first things applied
linguists turned their attention to. Meanwhile, (Hornby, Oxford Advanced
Learner Dictionary, 1974) defines vocabulary as a total number of words
which make up a language with definitions or translations.
(Charter, 1987) said that vocabulary is the words having meaning
when hear or seen even though not produced by the individual himself to
communicate with others.
(Webster, 1983) stated that vocabulary is:
a. A list of word and sometimes phrase usually arranged in alphabetical
order and defined a dictionary, glossary or lexicon.
b. All the words of language.
c. All the words used by particular person, class, profession and
sometimes although not necessary used by them.
Based on the definitions above, we can conclude that vocabulary is all the
words belonging to a particular language, whether or not they are produced by a
person in communication, which have meanings.
b. Study Vocabulary
It is undeniable that vocabulary, like grammar and phonetics, plays
an important role in mastering a foreign language. Teaching vocabulary

plays important role in language acquisition because the mastery of

vocabulary will help students in mastery all the language skills; listening,
speaking, reading, and writing. Vocabulary will make the students practice
the structure more easily; it is useful for the students in order to
communicate in daily life and will strengthen belief that English can be
used to express some ideas or feeling they express in their native language
(Finocchiaro, 1974:38).
The other reason is that a large vocabulary helps the English
learners in studying other English subjects such as Sociolinguistics,
Psycholinguistics, Business Correspondence, etc. It will help them to
understand and define many concepts, ideas, expressions that they get in
such subjects. It is stated by (Bellafiore, 1968:1) The larger the
vocabulary you build up, the better able you are to define and refine the
expression of the images and ideas. Moreover, she said The more words
you master richer become you thought process and the better you
distinguish between shades of word meanings, the subtler grows your
expression of ideas. In conclusion, vocabulary learning is an unseparate
thing from language learning because whenever people think of it, they
usually think of vocabulary learning and vocabulary mastery. It is a key
for the English learners to get a success in their learning process.
c. Kinds of Vocabulary
Teaching vocabulary is important in language acquisition.
Vocabulary is one element that links the four skills of listening, speaking,

reading, and writing all together. One of the requirements to communicate

well in a foreign language, students should have an adequate number of
words. According (Murcia-Marianne, 2000: 76) there are two kinds of
vocabulary, as follows:

Productive versus Receptive Vocabulary

Productive vocabulary is the lexical terms which the students can
remember and use appropriately in speaking and writing. Receptive
vocabulary in the lexical items which the students familiar and
understand when they meet them in the context of reading and listening
Productive vocabulary is used to speaking and writing, the stage
of teaching and learning must end with vocabulary practice, where the
students get an opportunity to try to use the vocabulary in context.
Different from productive vocabulary, receptive vocabulary is only
presented until the students know the meaning to understand the context
of reading or listening.

b. Content Words versus Function Words

Content words and function words are a useful one in analyzing
vocabulary. Content words are those vocabulary items that must to the large and
open words classes. Content words that are the words that are easy accept new
words and not use old ones but are not longer useful. For example: nouns, verbs,
adjectives, and some adverbs.


Function words are those vocabulary items that must to closed words
classes. Function words that are the words do not easy new items or lose old ones.
For example: pronouns, auxiliary verbs, prepositions, determiners, and many
adverbs. Function words should be taught as part of grammar and content words
as part of vocabulary.
d. Principles of Teaching and Learning Vocabulary
There are many theories about vocabulary learning. Thus, there are
several general principles for successful teaching, which are valid for any
method. According to Wallace (1988), the principles are:
1) Aim what is to be taught, which words, how many;
2) Need target vocabulary should respond students real needs and
3) Frequent exposure and repetition;
4) Meaningful presentation clear and unambiguous denotation or
reference should be assured.
Learning vocabulary is not a simple process. The students aim to
be reached in learning vocabulary process is principally their ability to
recall the word at will and to recognize it in its spoken and written form.
Generally, knowing a word involves knowing its form and
meaning. In fact, there are some important things to be known if people
want to understand the word entirely.
e. The Strategies in Teaching Vocabulary
(Harmer, 1998) provided some strategies in teaching vocabulary,
they are:
1) Reality


Teaching vocabulary through this strategy is that the teacher brings

object into the classroom and introduces to the students.
2) Pictures
Teaching vocabulary through this strategy is that the teacher familiarly
focus on the object or thing, which cannot be taken into the classroom
such as car, plane etc. picture can be board drawings, wall pictures, and
charts flashcards, etc.
3) Mime, action, and gestures
A sometimes picture is impossible to be use to explain the meaning of
the words and grammar. Actions, in particularly are probably better
explain by mime. Gestures are useful for explaining words or indicating
that past is being talked about.
4) Contrast
This strategy has close relevance to show the antonyms. The teacher
shows the students word and ask to find out the contrast of such words.
For example, the meaning empty by contrasting it will full, cold with
hot, etc.
5) Enumeration
The teacher introduces word by enumeration then with their general and
specific meaning.
6) Explanation
The teacher introduces a word by explaining the object and asks the
students to guess what object is.


7) Translation
The teacher asks the students to translate the given words into their
mother tongue. This strategy is very useful for beginner.
2. The Concepts of Search Games
a. Teaching English vocabulary-using games
Language learning is hard work. Effort is required at every moment
and must be maintained over a long period. Games help and encourage
many learners to sustain their interest and work.
Games also help the teacher to create contexts in which the
language is useful and meaningful. The learners want to take part and in
order to do so must understand what others are saying or have written, and
they must speak or write in order to express their own point of view or
give information.
The need for meaningfulness in language learning has been
accepted for some years. A useful interpretation of meaningfulness is that
the learners respond to the content in a definite way. If they are amused,
angered, intrigued or surprised the content is clearly meaningful to them.
Thus, the meaning of the language they listen to, read, speak and write will
be more vividly experienced and, therefore, better remembered.
There are many kinds of games which can be used in teaching
English. Of course, as a technique games need help from media. The


media can be picture, flash cards, object, puppet, cassette, projector and
many others object surround them. It is better if the games are familiar for
children, because they learn in a variety of ways, for example; by
watching, by listening, by imitating and by doing things. It means children
learn their knowledge through what they see, heard in their surrounding
and then imitate it and imitating by doing things (children learn by doing)
Children can generally imitate the sounds they hear quite
accurately and copy the way adults speak. It means they do imitation,
memorization, practice and over learning, what the people are said. The
most important tool for cognitive growth and he also investigate how
adults can help the children to solve their problem. Scaffolding is bruners
theory, it means that scaffolding is explainig to students and interacting to
students to communicate, in scaffolding is holistic and must permeate all
aspects of scientific teaching, if we answer.
The other word teaching vocabulary-using games as methodolgy in
learning teaching process and the teaching materials for children less
than five years old which is related with their surround, it means the
vocabulary which related and introducing things surround them such as
family names, naming of alphabet, name of number. And teaching material
Learn how to teach math vocabulary and specific words as you
demonstrate math activities and when you talk to your students about their


math experiences. Children learn the language of math just like they learn
to talk about other topics.
In this variation, students break up into small groups and play a
board game following commands. After the students have completed the
game, they create their own board game using commands they have
created on their own.
Language learning is a hard task which can sometimes be
frustrating. Constant effort is required to understand, produce and
manipulate the target language. Well-chosen games are invaluable as they
give students a break and at the same time allow students to practise
language skills. Games are highly motivating since they are amusing and
at the same time challenging. Furthermore, they employ meaningful and
useful language in real contexts. They also encourage and increase
Games encourage, entertain, teach, and promote fluency. If not for
any of these reasons, they should be used just because they help students
see beauty in a foreign language and not just problems that at times seem
Games are often used as short warm-up activities or when there is
some time left at the end of a lesson. Yet, a game should not be regarded as
a marginal activity filling in odd moments when the teacher and class have


nothing better to do. Games ought to be at the heart of teaching foreign

languages. Games are used at all stages of the lesson, provided that they
are suitable and carefully chosen.
Games also lend themselves well to revision exercises helping
learners recall material in a pleasant, entertaining way. All authors referred
to in this article agree that even if games resulted only in noise and
entertained students, they are still worth paying attention to and
implementing in the classroom since they motivate learners, promote
communicative competence, and generate fluency.
There are many criteria games as educational media for teaching
English to children:

A game must be more than just fun.

A game should involve "friendly" competition.

A game should keep all of the students involved and interested.

A game should encourage students to focus on the use of language rather

than on the language itself.

A game should give students a chance to learn, practice, or review specific

language material.

A game should be familiar by children.


There are many advantages of using games in the classroom. Games are a
welcome break from the usual routine of the language class.
1. They are motivating and challenging.
2. Learning a language requires a great deal of effort.
3. Games help students to make and sustain the effort of learning.
4. Games provide language practice in the various skills- speaking, writing,
listening and reading.
5. They encourage students to interact and communicate.
6. They create a meaningful context for language use.
7. Vocabulary games bring real world context into the classroom, and
increase students use of English in a flexible, meaningful and
communicative way.
8. Games usually involve friendly competition and they keep students
interested in learning the language.
9. Games can help them (children) learn and hang on to new words more
b. Types of language games


Classifying games into categories can be difficult, because categories often

overlap. (Hadfield, 1998) explains two ways of classifying language games. First,
she divides language games into two types: linguistic games and communicative
games. Linguistic games focus on accuracy, such as supplying the correct
antonym. On the other hand, communicative games focus on successful exchange
of information and ideas, such as two people identifying the differences between
their two pictures which are similar to one another but not exactly alike.
Correct language usage, though still important, is secondary to achieving
the communicative goal. The second taxonomy that Hadfield uses to classify
language games has many more categories. As with the classification of games as
linguistic games or communicative games, some games will contain elements of
more than one type.
1. Sorting, ordering, or arranging games. For example, students have a set of
cards with different products on them, and they sort the cards into products
found at a grocery store and products found at a department store.
2. Information gap games. In such games, one or more people have
information that other people need to complete a task. For instance, one
person might have a drawing and their partner needs to create a similar
drawing by listening to the information given by the person with the
drawing. Information gap games can involve a one-way information gap,
such as the drawing game just described, or a two-way information gap, in
which each person has unique information, such as in a Spot-the-


Difference task, where each person has a slightly different picture, and the
task is to identify the differences.
3. Guessing games. These are a variation on information gap games. One of
the best known examples of a guessing game is 20 Questions, in which
one person thinks of a famous person, place, or thing. The other
participants can ask 20 Yes/No questions to find clues in order to guess
who or what the person is thinking of.
4. Search games. These games are yet another variant on two-way
information gap games, with everyone giving and seeking information.
Find Someone Who is a well known example. Students are given a grid.
The task is to fill in all the cells in the grid with the name of a classmate
who fits that cell, e.g., someone who is a vegetarian. Students circulate,
asking and answering questions to complete their own grid and help
classmates complete theirs.
5. Matching games. As the name implies, participants need to find a match
for a word, picture, or card. For example, students place 30 word cards,
composed of 15 pairs, face down in random order. Each person turns over
two cards at a time, with the goal of turning over a matching pair, by using
their memory. This is also known as the Pelmanism principle, after
Christopher Louis Pelman, a British psychologist of the first half of the
20th century.
6. Labeling games. These are a form of matching, in that participants match
labels and pictures.


7. Exchanging games. In these games, students barter cards, other objects, or

ideas. Similar are exchanging and collecting games. Many card games fall
into this category, such as the childrens card game.
8. Board games. Scrabble is one of the most popular board games that
specifically high lights language.
9. Role play games. The terms role play, drama, and simulation are
sometimes used interchangeably but can be differentiated (Kodotchigova,
2002). Role play can involve students playing roles that they do not play in
real life, such as dentist, while simulations can involve students
performing roles that they already play in real life or might be likely to
play, such as customer at a restaurant. Dramas are normally scripted
performances, whereas in role plays and simulations, students come up
with their own words, although preparation is often useful.
Another distinction among games is that between competitive
games and cooperative ones (Jacobs, in preparation). Research suggests
that learning, as well as affective variables, are enhanced by a cooperative
environment (Johnson & Stanne; Slavin, 1995). Millis (2005) outlines a
number of advantages of cooperative games, such as appropriate anxiety
levels and more constructive feedback.
c. Search Game
The definition of game is form of play or sport with rules
(Hornby, 2003: 175). Search game is one method to make students
interested to study. Because with search game students can also studying


and playing. So the students do not feel bored. Search game can be
extremely effective in teaching children skill and concepts.
1. Definition of Search game
Search game is a name of such English vocabulary games. This is
a kind of educational media which is used to present the teaching
materials. The way of its presentation is easy. Search game is method of
game which given to the students of the researcher by one variarion. The
search game is as method or type of games where everyone giving and
seeking information, like students given a grid and they have to fill all cells
in the grid with the classmates who fit that cell (Hadfield, 1998). And from
this method the researcher try to used it but in different way game or
another variation.
In the search method the teacher needed as a helper to explain the
way to do the games to the students without join with the students game.
After the teacher gives the information how to do the games, the students
then do based on the teachers direction. The students are given a grid,
students circulate the mean: e.g. part of body, then asking and answering
question to complete their own grid and help classmate to complete theirs.
Search game also is done by groups and its generally used in search game.
Its almost known by all of the student. But in this research, the researcher
will try to give a different variation with the search game before. Where
not only the students active in playing game but the teacher also join on the
time when the game started.


Teacher: Part of Body

Students: Fill the grid

The search game in this one variation, in gaming the teacher also
join as a participant to help the student find the meaning of word which is
found by the students on the last of the game. The teacher gives one word
on the grid, then the students try to find another word based on the letter o
the grid, with limiting only find the noun, adjective, or verb.
Teacher: find 1 noun, 1 verb, & 1 Adjective from the word
of the grid



Search game with different variation in this research is very interest

to helping students recognize words. In searching for words the students
seem to read and memorize the word in a way that they enjoy and which
help them learn the spelling and vocabulary directly. The other hand this


game can useful for student who want to improve their vocabulary, they
also can understand the meaning of the word and know how to pronunce it.
This game can be presented by using Microsoft Power point
and the teacher gives the paper with the blank grid, base on the word that
the teacher shows the students directly search the word that they have to
fiil on the grid of the paper which given by the teacher. For teacher, he can
create their own idea to make interest in every slide of the games
presentation. So, this is easy in making and in presenting.

2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Search Game.

Search game gives a student a chance to solve the challenge by the
teachers help in translation the word that they have found and hard to
translate or to know it by their own idea. Based on (Faerch in Palmberg,

1986) stated that to know a word, the learners require to:

Be able to recognize it in its spoken and written form;
Be able to recall it at will;
Be able to relate it to appropriate objects or concepts;
Use it in the appropriate grammatical forms;
Be able to pronounce it in a recognizable way;
Be able to spell it correctly;
Know in what ways it can combine with other words;
8) Know the relations between the word and other words within a

lexical set;
9) Aware of its connotations and associations; and
10) Be able to use it on the appropriate level of formality and in the
appropriate situations.
Based on the requirements above can be found some advantages and
disadvantages of using search game. The advantages are:
1. Stimulating student interest in spelling and writing.
2. Increasing understanding of word.



The student can memorize it easily.

Teaching in skill effectively.
Making easy to find answer.
Every student can play it.
Collaborate between teacher and students.
Practice to be discipline.
Disadvantages are:

1. Students cannot be critical.


Can be very frustrating.

3. Turning out students creative thinking.


It just gives direct materials.


Students may be citting with their friends.

Search game can be use to open or close a lesson in

stimulating way, to punctuate a lesson, to relieve session after a test

or concentrated practice session, or at the time that the teacher feels
its appropriate. It is important that they use positively, to give
students enjoyment



practice. They can also be use as

palliatives in situation where the students interest or motivating is

C. Resume
Based on the definitions above, we can conclude that vocabulary is all
the words belonging to a particular language, whether or not they are
produced by a person in communication, which have meanings. Game is form
of play or sport with rules.


D. Theoretical Framework
The theoretical framework underlying this research shows as the
following diagram.

Teaching and


The students

E. Hypothesis
The hypothesis of this research as follows:
Search Games can improve the vocabulary to the first grade students of
SMK Latanro Enrekang

This chapter consists of research design, variables and operational
definition, population and sample, instrument of the research, procedure of
collecting data, and technique of data analysis.


A. Research Design
This research will use pre experimental designs control for nearly all
sources of internal and external invalidity. The research design of this reseach is
one group pretest-posttest design that can be seen in the following chat below:


The pretest-posttest control group design



: Pre-test
: Unusual treatment
: Post- test

(Gay L.R, 2006)

B. Variable of Research and Operational Definition

1. Variable of Research
The following are the variables of the research are as follow:
a. Independent variable: Search Games
b. Dependent variable: the students vocabulary achievement.

2. Operational Definition
Search game in this game is same as another search game but in
this way how to play game is different. In Search game the word that
the students result is unlimited actually but in this variation of search
game students result is limited.
C. Population and Sample
1. Population

The population of the research is the first grade students of SMK Latanro
Enrekang. It consists of 3 classes and each class consists of 30 students, so
the total of population in this research is 90 students.

The research will use cluster random sampling to take the sample. The
sample of this research is X class as experimental group.

D. Instrument of the research

The improvement of the vocabulary mastery of the students with using
English game is measured by given the test to the students. There are two kinds of
the test that will be given in this research, they are pretest and posttest. The kind
of the test that will be used is multiple choice tests that consist of 25 items.
E. Procedure of Collecting Data
The procedures of collecting data consist of three steps. They are pretest,
treatment and posttest.
1. Pretest
In this step, the students will be given present. The test is multiple choice tests
that consist of 10 items. The purpose of the test is to know the ability of the
vocabulary mastery of the students before giving the treatment.
2. Treatment
a. Experimental Group
At the first meeting, the researcher gives pretest to the students.
At the second meeting, the researcher use Search Game in teaching

vocabulary. The activity that will be done are:

The researcher provides a word that becomes the main word in the



The students try to find out another word from the main word.
The researcher explains the meaning of some words that the students


The students choose two or three word that they have found and then


the teacher helps them to translate it.

The students have to memorise the word that they found with make it

in a sentence for each words.

At the third meeting seven meeting, the activity that will be done by the
students are same with the second meeting but the different is the word

that use in the learning process.

3. Posttest
In this step the students will be given the test that the same test in the
pretest. The purpose of this test is to know the improvement of the
vocabulary mastery of the students after giving or implement the
F. Technique for Data Analysis
The data will be analysed by using the following formulas as
1. Scoring the students answer :
Score: the correct answer

X 100

Total number of item

(Sudjana in Nurlaela, 2010)
2. Classifying the score of the students into the following criteria:




96 100



Very Good

86 95



76 85


Fairly Good

66 75



56 65



36 55


Very Poor


(Direktorat Pendidikan in Herlis, 2011)

3. Calculating the mean score of the students answer by using formula;
X = X


= Mean score
= the raw of all score
= the number of subjects

(Gay L.R, 2006)

4. Calculating the standard deviation of the students pre-test and post-test
by applying

X 21

X 21

N 1

= Standard Deviation
= Total raw score
= number of students
(Gay L.R, 2006)
5. Calculating the mean differences score by using the formula:
= D

= the mean of the differences score

=the sum of the differences score
= the total number of students
(Gay L.R, 2006)
6. Finding out the significant differences between t-test and post-test by
using Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) analysis.


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