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Integrated Digital Marketing Campaigns

Module: 1

Introduction to : Integrated Digital Marketing


Major Issues in Integrated Digital Marketing Campaigns
Integrated Digital Marketing Campaign Components
Planning a Integrated Digital Marketing Campaign
Milestone Dashboard

Integrated Marketing Campaigns have been about coordinating and bringing

synergy in the different aspects of marketing communication . Traditionally
different elements of promotions i.e , advertising , sale promotion, personal
selling , public relations and direct marketing have been used to accomplish
different objectives of immediate and long term concern of the organization . As
competition and communication evolved from advertising to branding a balance
between all these methods became priority . The rising cost of each and
effectiveness of different mediums has been another reason for integrating all
together in various forms of communication to attain synergy in efforts .
The evolution of integrated marketing communication is more visible in digital
age as not only the forms have become overlapping , medium to reach the
consumer is also conversing. As digitization of communication became the most
sought after media tactics with the organizations, organizations engaged in
different type of digital campaigns. To begin with companies created websites
which became the public face of the organization. They created facebook pages
and populated them around to get number of likes. Promotions of the
organization were started to be communicated through the text messages on
mobiles and discounts have been offered on the aggregators site. Different forms
of digital media have been used for reaching the same consumer with different
objectives .

The digital media costs are not less . the personalization ability of the medium is
a huge opportunity to the organization to deliver effective campaigns if stand
alone short term objectives and communication could be bind in a integrated
digital campaign .

Major Issues in Integrating Digital Marketing Campaign

Integrating digital marketing campaigns is about breaking the medium specific
and objective specific silos , and bringing in synergy in the communication efforts
of the organization some major issues while doing this are:
1. Integrating traditional campaigns with digital campaigns
Marketers have a set pattern of thinking about running big and small
campaigns. Driving a campaign from retail point to the TV of the consumer
is well set in the mind of traditional marketers. Each medium serves a
specific purpose and delivers a certain result. Digital integration of the
same require a new orientation in the thought process of the organization.
Marketers and agencies need to develop new thought process to keep all
the methods in the sync. This issue becomes very vital as digital campaign
could be overlapping in nature. A digital advertisement may lead to
redemption of a promotional coupon which may lead to purchase. This
generally does not happen in traditional media in the same network. For
example a consumer may watch an advertisement in the newspaper, scan
the QR code for coupon and visit the coupon site from where he may
redeem the coupon by purchasing the product. In this situation he has
moved from physical newspaper to the digital site. In another situation
this newspaper could also be digital. In the second situation he is not
switching from one medium to another medium. In four clicks he may be
adding products in his shopping cart.
2. Integrating people in the chain
There are several people in the ecosystem of marketing communication.
The marketing team, the advertising agency, the media planners, the
media vehicle individuals, call centre employees, retail point persons and
other employees of the organization etc. As we strategise the digital
media campaigns sensitising all individuals in this network is an important
factor for effective delivery of the campaign. Each person in the network
has to be taken in the loop as they are an important interface with the
3. Rarely is any single media moment strong enough to positive or negative
to deliver a complete impression of the organization . In past with the
limited availability of media, media vehicles were very effective. However
with the fragmentation of media and change in the lifestyle of the
consumer, no single media dominates. A mix of media and its usage only
makes the campaigns successful, as target markets are also extremely

Integrated digital campaigns are expected to work as the focus point of

communication establishing a coordinated impact on the consumer. The
interaction efforts should see that the following goals are attained:
a. All departments and agencies are working together
b. All the efforts of marketing are a part of a single long term campaign
which may small distributed campaigns as a part of larger whole.
c. Seamless integration of each
d. Each platform is effectively utilized to its potential .
4. Commitment of top management to the digital integration of the
campaigns is a must . Without support of the top management of the
organization the integration is not possible as it requires a change in the
processes of organization . Also mindset change across the organization is
not possible without the top m management support
5. Breaking down the silos in the organization is not easy .Problem with the
silos is it impedes the decision making and implementation of the
decision. Si
Integrated Digital Marketing Campaigns require following parts of
organization to work in sync with each other
Integrated digital marketing campaign components

public relations
Corporate communications
Web /digital
Search Engine Optimization
Direct Mail
Social Media
Search Engine

Planning a digital Marketing Campaign

The first agenda of integrated digital Marketing campaign is to develop long term
goal of the campaign . There can be different marketing objectives of a campaign
like increasing awareness , increasing customer acquisition , reinforcing ;loyal
customers , engaging customers for brand recall and loyalty . Depending on the
objectives of campaign a dashboard needs to be created to develop measurable
objectives for the campaigns. A digital campaign is always more measurable as
compared to the traditional media. The goals identified should be measurable
as we run the campaigns. There should be provision to measure campaign
success on various dimensions as we run the campaigns. The milestones of the
communication should be identified and measured from time to time. Technology
today has developed the capabilities to measure sentiments and awareness
apart from measuring impressions, clicks, likes, follows, fans, visits, leads
generated, acquisition and conversion, sales and profits etc. While creating
measurable goals in the campaigns it is important to remember an effective
campaign is not just about the numbers. Securing numbers amongst the wrong
target groups does not lead a brand anywhere. Therefore a filter on the type of

customer to reach and expect response for the campaign is the first step in all
these campaigns.
For each digital marketing campaign component goals should be identified
separately and then the milestone should be mapped based on the collated data.
For a single goal of communication say for awareness we should map all the
components used for reaching the consumer and response of the consumer. A
dash board for measuring the goals months wise should be created .
Milestone Dashbaord
Sales %




M Jun







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