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News Flash

July, 2015

Law of Ukraine on Licensing

of Economic Activities

News Flash I Accace Ukraine I Law of Ukraine on Licensing of Economic Activities

Law of Ukraine On Licensing of Economic Activities

entered into force
On June 28, 2015 the Law of Ukraine No. 222-VIII On Licensing of Economic Activities which defines
the list of economic activities being subject to licensing came into effect.

The list of economic activities

subject to licensing
Previously, the legislation provided 50 activities
subject to licensing. At present there is an
exclusive and detailed list, which specifies 30
economic activities for the conducting of which it
is necessary to obtain a license. They are as

financial services;
professional activity in securities market;
television and radio broadcasting activities;
activities in the field of electricity and
nuclear energy;
T&E activity of educational institutions;
production and sale of ethyl, alcohol,
cognac and fruit spirits, alcoholic beverages
as well as tobacco products;
activity in the field of telecommunications,
cryptographic protection of information
construction of building of IV and V
category of difficulty;
production of medicine, wholesale and retail
trade of drugs, import of pharmaceutical
production and repair of fire-arms;
manufacture of special means loaded with
tear gas and irritant agents, self-defense
equipment, means of active defense and
their sale;
production of industrial explosives;
provision of fire-fighting services and works;
treatment of highly dangerous substances
and hazardous waste;
medical practice;
banking of cord blood, other human tissues
and cells;
veterinary practice;
lotteries issue and conduction;

tour operator activity;

brokering in employment abroad;
industrial fish capture;
growing plants;
activities related to development,
production and supply of special technical
equipment to withdraw information from
communications channels and other
technical means for surreptitious obtaining
of information;

transportation of passengers, dangerous

goods and hazardous waste by river, sea,
road, rail and air transport, international
transportation of passengers and goods by
road vehicles;

foreign economic activity;

transportation of petroleum, oil products via

main pipelines;

transportation and distribution of natural

gas, natural gas (methane) of coal deposits,
its storage;

centralized water supply and disposal;

production, transportation and supply of

thermal energy;

security guard activities.

The new Law significantly simplifies the
procedure for license obtaining. Henceforce the
license can be obtained both as a hard copy and
electronic document. The documents for license
obtaining can be submitted in person, sent by
post or electronically. The license shall be
issued to unlimited period and one-time fee for it
shall be equal to the minimum salary in Ukraine
as of the day of decision on license granting (till
30.11.2015 1218 UAH (Approx. 50 EUR), from
01.12.2015 - 1378 UAH (Approx . 55 EUR). The
reissue of license shall be free of charge.
Disclaimer: Please note that our publications have been
prepared for general guidance on the matter and do not
represent a customized professional advice. Furthermore,
because the legislation is changing continuously, some of
the information may have been modified after the publication
has been released. Accace does not take any responsibility
and is not liable for any potential risks or damages caused
by taking actions based on the information provided here.

News Flash I Accace Ukraine I Law of Ukraine on Licensing of Economic Activities

Kalakura Yaroslav
Junior Corporate Services Consultant
Phone: +380 44 569 33 10

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