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Disruption reshaping the restaurant Industry a as DIAN RESTAURANT RESTAURANT CONGRESS 2015 AW. Sth national convention on business of restaurant Your gowthisour business >< Awards | I~ Conference | jf Exhibition Biggest Leadership Forum on Restaurant Business indian Restaurant Congress 2015 Now in its fifth year the Indian Restaurant congress isthe leading Businessand Knowledge platform for therestaurant,fast-casual, QSR, hotel food services ‘and contract catering sectors. ‘The Indian Restaurant Congress is akey date in the foodservice calendar where more than 300 senior executives from the branded & chain storerestaurant sector will gather to debate, discuss celebrate, share and network across the two cays. Driven by leading: edge market analysis, this year's conference is titled “Disruption Reshaping the Restaurant Industry” and will explote the core theme of Consumer Shifts snd the Innovation Imperative for the food service industry ‘The conference will provide delecates with fresh Ideas on how to explore new avenues of business development & growth, how to retain existing. Customers & meet the needs of millennial generation, menu innovation and how to future ready your business, With contributions from over 60 + industry thought leaders from Indan and intemational market, the programme will deliver pertinent and actionable business insight inspirational thinking and case examplesof moder day disruptivebrands and business modelsand distinctons between short term and moreenduring consumer mege trends. Food Grocery Supply Chain & Specialist Operators Logistics New age | start-ups is helping restaurants with deliveries getting better ‘Sunil Kapur, Chaitmen, K Hospitality Corp: Conference Chairindian Restaurant Congress 2015 1am honoured to be the Chair for 2015 Indian Restaurant Congress, and | am looking forward to exchanging ideas on how wecan continue to grow and evolve the Indian restaurant industry. Continuous improvement & innovation are business imperatives that every restaurateur needs to imbibe into their ‘operating ethos. Bullding a strong and passionate team who are constantly looking to exceed the expectations of our fast evolving guests is increasingly becoming a challenge for numerous restaurant companies, and therefore platforms lke the Indian Restaurant ‘ongress'are a must attend fornew as well as seasoned restaurateurs to meet and share ideas to help take the Industry ahead. { strongly believe ourbusiness is built around relationships and trust, and the product we create is in reality one that ‘aters to the heart and emotions of our customer. Its Important that we all work to build a stronger end unified restaurant industry that willbbenefit not only the companiesin 1, but ukimately all stakeholders, partners and most Importantly the consumers aswell uw oy ow [Ullt Shopping Center Developers Retailers& — Packagi Distributors cater Companies Manufacturers The New Technology sector Gaurav Marya Chaliman, Franchise india ‘Technology, cuture, commerce and Food have evolved at progressively iferential rates in the food service and Restaurant industry inthe last three years then in last twenty and is now giving rise to seams of disruption in the status quo. These seams provide both opportunities And threats in the competitive sphere of Food Business, Mary once immutable brands are experiencing Unique challenges to their relevance and profitability. The food service sector and gourmet food retail are reflecting these dynamics as market share shifts along these seams of disruption. ‘The Indian Restaurant Congress will examine a number of macro forces ‘that are stimulating change in the World of Food Business, A taxonomy ofinnovation and moder food service wil explore cues'on the right ‘business mode! -whether tobe led by the supply chain or tech, the environment that drives the millennial consumer with the Facus on building disruptive brands and business models and dlstingtishing betwieen fads more enduring consumer mega tends a OS) @ poeta a Sees eae mean Pullupachair. Take ataste. Comejoinus. Lifeisso endlessly — delicious.” ‘uthReich, y 5 FOODRUPTION ‘aking tends, mer THE FUTURE OF FOOD REINVENTING TRADITION WHAT'S ON THE MENU? FEEDINGTHE INDIAN BELLY- FOOD TRENDS OF TODAY AND TOMORROW HOW PEOPLE CONSUME How consumers eat at a restaurart- quafty, consistency, food safety Lost recipes making a comeback in five tar monu Bringing back brealfast menu atthe restaurant Understanding the cultureand cuisine of a region Sneak Peak 2015 Dietary Guideline: Getting the dietian and food services to connect Foodruption 7 anise Hotel) gi 8% Brands/Chains "306 standalone Restaur 59 Brands/Chains 2013 2018 The secord session will explore how 'tiaditional food concepts can innovate and adapt to changing consumer eating habits without losing authenticty anda genuine linkto its care brand values. This session will cover the following micro toples: ‘menu innovation, customer retention, technology and authenticity. With bostin-cass case studios from brands across INDIA Serving an ecectic palate and maintaining desirefor authenticity in consumer's foodand dining preferences, The latest trends in food, ingredients, traveland pop culture Masterchef playing # keyrole in advertising and promoting individual cuisine (On the go foods grabbing customers ‘opportunity Looking for cheap and affordable dining Playing with the local flavours- using locally sourced ingredients $1.3bn Sizecf Indian gourmetfood industry, growingat 20% annually 41% of Indian food market constitutesoftresh perishable dairy- BCG 21.34% CAGR of organic food market (2012-2016) INNOVATING INTO NEW MARKETS EXPANDING FROM 'LOCAL'TO'N NURTURING GROWTHW/TH PROFITABILITY When restaurant concepts pursue rapid growth, they often struggle to maintain the culture and brand experience that drove thee early success. Find out how several premier restaurant chains use e-Jearing to ensure their unique culture is cared through to each new location Clscover the impact that technology-tased talent development can hhave on guest experienc, and how it helps segment leaders deliver on their brand promise each and every dy. + Balancing skils and ownership asa franchisee + Why foreign brands are keen on sharing franchisee opportunity when extending beyond geographical boundaries How to create a win win situation for both franchisee and franchisor? + will focus on new location trends, location Impacts on purchasing and location trend forecasts, The New Future of Mall Gastronomy’ The first session ofthe day will provide a360 pan-European overview ofthe current market landscape. This session will cover the following micro topics: identifying current consumer trends, exploring new tusiness ‘opportunities, expanding into new ‘geographical markets, differentiation and entrepreneuralism, LOCATION...LOCATION... LOCATION: IT'S BEYOND PLACING YOUR BRAND, IT'S GETTING THE RIGHT BUSINESS DONE Getting the right combination of high street. malls & food courts + Why non-traditionallocations are getting How Fod brands have repliced rea giants in «Weed cout-dning ore dne- how do landlords view restaurant tenants individually? 2015-16 CAPITAL CONNECTION - PUTTING IN PERSPECTIVE INVESTMENT STRATEGIES AND OUTLOOK FOR FOOD BUSINESSES Bootstrapped vs VC-backed restaurant bussiness in the fong term Finding the right balancein valuations for restaurants and food tech start-ups Refranchising company stores to promote growth -aninvestor outlook. Evaluating the state of private equity investing in franchisees Evaluating the anatomy of the bank:led Loan Exit outlookamongst PEsand early-stage backers ART AND SCIENCE OF WORKFORCE MANAGEMENT Building team with atitude and aptitude How successful teams arebuilt to last The labour-force composition: How to gainfully employ Gen Y Stop talking start conversing - How managers and staffcan strengthen custorner engagement Implementing leadership development programme for women 23.8 lakhcr. expected size of indian food business by 2017 from 2.04 lakhcr. in2015 60% market still unorganised Solong as you have foodin your mouth, you have solvedall questions for thetime being. Fronzhotha y y $2.8 billion size ofindian gourmet food marketbyend of 2015 from currentsize of $1.3 billion 6 largest food&grocery. market globallyisindia, 70% sales ‘of which comes from retail Bikanervala Foods, TRready toeat,and ITC's Kitchens of india, ‘amongst increasing indian food brands selling from primeshelfspace offoreign retailchains 77% QsRand Casual —» dining constitutes inoverallmarket Ifanything is goodfor pounding humilityinto you permanently, it'sthe restaurant business ‘Anthony Soirdain A360 MARKETING APPROACH FOR RESTAURANT BUSINESS Local store marketing: making your restaurant locally relevant Managing customers feedback and ‘engagement on Social media + Ticking out the right parameters from the brand matrix Mobile Is Calling: Use of mobile payments and mobile wallets Increasing layalty operations, getting mest of the biz done Boosting CustomerInsights with Behavieral Data, Integrating Local Store Marketing and National Advertising for Winning Results WESTERN BRANDS UNFOLDING SUCCESS IN INDIA The science of investing and the art of ‘managing international food brands in India Getting the bezt locations and partners ready + Why Delhi-NCR over ather metros? + Indian regulatory puzzle for global companies + What strategies make you earn your break evenearly? ‘Addressing the Operational Impacts of Multi- Channel Ordering ‘Age wise(men-women) consumption of food (ieritions) there »>«[oaaaodboaaoapas “fd ° 30400 FEEDING THE FUTURE GETTINGTHE INDUSTRY AND CONSUMER TOBEALIGNED What it Takes to Comect With Millennials +Traditional restaurants replaced by Theme based restaurants Casual dining/fact casual picking up the fast food race How are customers choosing yourrestaurants over others How your brand image & design can make your concept more successful Facts, Trust, and Transparency: Navigating Consumer Desires in the Ere of Tow Much Information| Service That Racks: How ta Create 3 Differentiated Experience How Technology and Entertainment Can Connect People and Enhance Your Brand NEW GAME NEW RULES ECONOMICS OF INDIAN RESTAURANT INDUSTRY IN 2015 AND BEYOND How consumer's food palate is changing the Industral growth Food:tech players getting investors attentions Brands Focusing on building local supply chain 50% Indians areeatingoutatleast 8times ‘every month 5-25 yearsagegroupis more ‘open toeating out Fast Casual and healthy food cafesfastcatching up Supply chains can'ttolerate even 24hrof disruption. Soif youlose your Pplaceinit — because of wild behavioryou couldlosealot. THE DIGITALRESTAURANT — BUILDING —NE EFFICIENT ltwould belike THEDINING BXPERIENCE. SUPPLY CH. ouring THE PeelonowrH MULTIPLER MANAGEMENT OUTING ‘he Future offood Deliver Systems andthe “Viabilty of early delivery of products in india cementdown «Diy Resuts fom mobile poe + Latestinmovatonsin warehousing and ORR REN OTE ; Melucciccncqcstend ¢ Eaanr has wells technology convergence Teele “(Ge epg orl ol ny 59 FLASH TALKS WITH START- UPS INNOVATION IN RESTAURANT BUSINESS Wits @oKiNG? from productlaunches and new service rollouts to state ofthe industry trends and ‘operator case studies will be covered in these nine new agenda elements. Be sure to participate in these high eneray presentations and take away better business solutions. + Meals on Wheels: Food trucks and food-on. the-go heating up the industry + food-tech players- The curated meal service + WhenHealthis wealth Innovation focused on time and price saving 60% around saleof brands $125 like Domino's, Pizza Hut®& KFC million comes through orlinechannel raisedby focatech usinesses tillNov2014 150+ ‘i 4. consumer $1 billion foodtech Valuation ~Zomato firstto companies. _enterindiasfoodtech inindia unicorn club acquired Just Fat india tostrengthe itsIndia presence INDIAN RESTAURANT CONGRESS 2015 ‘5th national convention on business of restaurant WHO SHOULD ATTEND? ‘TheindianRestaurant Congress will bring together festaurant industry representatives from QSR, Casual Dine, Cafes, Fine Dine, Hotel Restaurants and other stakeholders from the Food & Beverages supply ang utilities industry including RESTAURANTEURS + Chain store/standalone restaurant owners + Multi-unitrestaurant franchisees + Brecutive Chels + FRB Directors + Professionals managing operations finance & marketing; SCM functions + Investors/entrepreneuts looking to start/diversify a restaurant business RESTAURANT INDUSTRY PRODUCT/ SERVICE/SOLUTION PROVIDERS + Food manufacturers & ingredient and raw ‘materia private label suppliers +) Menu R&D experts + Processors and packers + Bankers financial institutions + Angel, PE, VC investors + Supply chain and logistic providers + Retail design and shop fit fms + Trade associations and trade press + Commercial Real Estate/Shopping Malls + Government bodies + Food sesvice suppliers/consultants INAUGURAL SESSION [NEW GAME NEW RULES: ECONOMICS OF INDIAN RESTAURANT INDUSTRY IN 2015, ANDBEYOND + How consumer’ foo palate changing te indus growth owe tec payers geting investors atatons {ands Focsing on bldg local soppy chain SESSION 1 FEEDING THE FUTURE cetera Comer oe (What atest Connec Wh Mien 5 Gating iting upthe at foadnce {How arecutomersenosing your restaurants ver others ‘nese Row yo oan io + Facts Teast and Transparency Navigating Consume estes inthe of Too Much formation Seevie That Rocks: How to Create a DiferentiatedExperenceto Deliver Sesainable Results How Technology and En SESSION 2 INNOVATING INTO NEW MARKETS Expanding on Loca to Nationst-nurtuing growth wih rota Wher restaurant concepts purse rapid growth thy olen sruggle to manta the clue an tran learning to eraure ther unique cure camed through to rach newlocation. Discover the impa:t shah baud et delopmertan tw ngs exc anon hepa Season ighights asncing lille and canerhip as franchisee ‘geographic boundries + Howto crete a winin stuston for bet anchisee andtranchiser? New futureot Wal Grtonomy + Theft senion ofthe dy i provides 360 pan European overview of the curent market [undvenpe tN seesenwlcore te flowing mcr opts Kenting carer connemer res esi ncn oppotntes ogandng mane geogohia mae feertatn LUNCH NETWORKING SESSION 3 LOCATION... LOCATION... LOCATION: IT'S BEYOND PLACING YOUR BRAND, ITS GETTING THE RIGHT BUSINESS DONE Session Highlights Gating thet conbinationo high eet: mals feodcourts 1 Why non tadtonallbeations sr gettg prominence? * How Food ands hare repiaced etal sits nals? 18 food curt ding oie dne how do landlords view restaunt ents indy? SESSION 4 300 MARKETING APPROACH FOR RESTAURANT BUSINESS otal store marketing makingyourresurant lll relevant Masoging customers feedback ond enggerenton Soc media Tieding out the right rameters tom the banda Mates Calg: Uses mabe payment nd mob wales Increasing bya operations geting mot of th biz dare Boosting Customer neg ith Bevovora Dat, iteating Local Store Marketing and National Aswertsingtor Waning Ress SESSION 5 2015-16 CAPITAL CONNECTION - PUTTING IN PERSPECTIVE INVESTMENT STRATEGIES AND OUTLOOK FOR FOOD BUSINESSES + Fain henight tne nvuatlon orn anoad tech stor. Enluntng ne sore prvateeqy mestngintanchses Eveline anatomy ofthe bank e.aan SESSION 6 WESTERN BRANDS UNFOLDING SUCCESS IN INDIA Session Highlights: The icence of investing and the art fan Gating the es tcatane and partners 5 hy DaNCR oer ather mevos? Indanvegultry pul fr gal companies 1 What statis make you ear your breakeven ay? + Adsressng he Opeatinalinpocsof Mult Channel Ordering OPENING AWARDS CEREMONY “timings subject to en KEY TAKEAWAYS Moga trends in menu innovations consumer convenience & healthy eating out. + Exposuire to the dynamic interaction of food service customer mindset! and/operator strategy. + Ways to achieve quality. consistency and food safety in chain restaurant opeations. Identifying the growth drivers and business ‘opportunity In restaurant sector. + Understanding the scope of technology. eployment ina conventional restaurant design. + Network with HNIs, PE VC and funding bodies, + Collaboration opportunities for restaurant franchisors andfranchisees, + Comparing two business growth strategies ~ Compary owned vs, Franchise stores. + Lean best practices for vendor selection process SESSION 1 ‘THE FUTURE OF FOOD: WHAT'S ON THE MENU? Food trends of today and tomorrow Session Highlights ow cosumerstat ata estauant- quality conssteey ood tty Loe recps making» cometacknfve tar mend fringing back xeakist men at he restaront {Sneak Peak 2015 Dietary Guideline: Geting the dietan and fed services toconnect SESSION 2 REINVENTING TRADITION Feeding the Indian belly -how people consume ‘The second sesonvlexpler how Yactlona food conepts an Inovae and aap to changing “Tis sesion wil everthe flowing mir topics menu novation, customer rtenton technology With Destin clase ate stds rom bands cress NDIA ‘Sesson Mohiioht Svan elec palate and martaning dsr for authentic in consumer food and ning + Theta ends fod reer wavel nd pon ate Maser payng a keyren scertsng and proating inhaling {On theqo foods grabbing castomes opportunity 1 Lokinaforcheso and erable dina {playing th thea fave using local tourced ingens SESSION 3 {he DIMA RESTAURANT: HOW TEGINOLOGY is CHANGING TH SESSION 4 BUILDING AN EFFICIENT SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Session Hghlights iii of ery delivery produc in ini 247 sees) 1 Latest ovations in wareousing and cochan tennology {Managing shel ace LUNCH & NETWORKING SESSION 5 ART AND SCIENCE OF WORKFORCE MANAGENENT Sine SESSION 5 FLASH TALKS WITH START-UPS INNOVATION IN RESTAURANT BUSINESS: What's Cooking? fom prod aunenes and sic roltt sate ofthe dy ends and oer ae + ans Wheel Food eke dao an the-g eng Up the ity + Kechter 2 Imonaton os ontine an ore ing Call: Himanshu: 08595350505 For Conference

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