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Teacher: Kistner


Unit Title:
Finish Diagnostic Test/ Review of
SOL # Learning Objective:
11.6, 11.7
Materials Needed: Laptop, Language
Essential Questions for the Week:
How do I use proper punctuation in
paragraph writing?

Content: English 11
Focus of the Day:
Finish Diagnostic Test/ Reviewing commas,
semicolons, and colons
Specific Objective:
TLW use commas properly (coordinating
Vocabulary (What new vocabulary will be introduced
during this lesson?) subject, verb, sentence structure,
coordinating conjunctions

Essential Question of the Day How do I use a

comma, semicolon, and colon?

Anticipatory Set (Hook-5min) (How will the concept or skill be introduced to the students?) TLW complete
jumpstart concerning details in a sentence.

Procedure: Input (What instruction will be provided to students to help the students understand the objectives?)
TLW complete exercises in the book while students are finishing diagnostic test (commas, semicolons, and colons).

Blooms Taxonomy Used:

(List the questions being asked of students according to Blooms taxonomy?)
How do I use a comma with a coordinating conjunction?




Research Based Strategies Used: Marzano Strategies: (Highlight the strategies used make sure there is evidence within
throughout instruction.)
Similarities and Differences
Summarizing and Note Taking
Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition

Homework and Practice

Nonlinguistic Representations
Cooperative Learning

Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback

Generating and Testing Hypotheses
Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers

Modeling: (What examples will be provided for the students) 5-10 min Teacher will work with students if
need help on comma, semicolon, colon exercises.
Guided or Direct Instruction (How will the teacher guide the students in practicing the concepts or skill?)
15-20 min TLW work with exercises in the language book concerning colon, commas, and semicolons (referring to
Grammar snapshot sheet as necessary).

Check for Understanding (How will you know that students are learning the concept or skill? ) Teacher will
guide and monitor students through activities.
Independent Practice (What will students do to independently practice the concept or skill?) TLW complete
exercises concerning punctuation once finished with Diagnostic test.
Closure- How will the lesson be summarized?) TLW submit his.her work to be graded.

Evaluation/Assessment (How will you measure the students success?) Student success will be determined
from the specific number he/she had to answer.
Suggestions for Differentiation (How will you scaffold the lesson up or down to support student learning
throughout the instruction?) Higher level students will be assigned complex/compound sentences; whereas, weaker
students will be assigned simple sentences.

Reflections: (What would you do differently, change or improve? What concerns do you have about the lesson?)
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Teacher: Kistner


Content: English 11

Unit Title:
Paragraph writing/ Punctuation
SOL # Learning Objective:
11.6, 11.7
Materials Needed: Promethean board,
laptops, Language books

Focus of the Day:

Reviewing commas, semicolons, and
colons/Sentence/fragment practice
Specific Objective: (Setting A Purpose)
TLW peer- and self edit sentences:
punctuation/sentence structure.
Vocabulary (What new vocabulary will be introduced during
this lesson?) Parts of speech: Noun, adverb, adjective, verb,

Essential Questions for the Week:

Essential Question of the Day How do I edit
How do I use proper punctuation and
sentence for punctuation and sentence structure?
sentence structure in paragraph writing?
Anticipatory Set (Hook-5min) (How will the concept or skill be introduced to the students?) TLW complete
SOL questions from Ladders to Success (spelling).

Procedure: Input (What instruction will be provided to students to help the students understand the objectives?)
TLW participate in a review of transitional words.

Blooms Taxonomy Used:

(List the questions being asked of students according to Blooms taxonomy?)
1. How do I correct for sentences for sentence structure/punctuation?




Research Based Strategies Used: Marzano Strategies: (Highlight the strategies used make sure there is evidence within
throughout instruction.)
Similarities and Differences
Summarizing and Note Taking
Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition

Homework and Practice

Nonlinguistic Representations
Cooperative Learning

Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback

Generating and Testing Hypotheses
Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers

Modeling: (What examples will be provided for the students) 5-10 min Teacher will work with students on sample
sentences inserting appropriate transitional words.

Guided or Direct Instruction (How will the teacher guide the students in practicing the concepts or skill?)
15-20 min Teacher will guide students through inserting transitional words into sentences. Teacher will guide students
through correcting sentences for punctuation and sentence structure.

Check for Understanding (How will you know that students are learning the concept or skill? ) Teacher will
monitor students throughout the editing exercises.

Independent Practice (What will students do to independently practice the concept or skill?) TLW work with to correct sentences for sentence structure, punctuation and transitional words.

Closure- How will the lesson be summarized?) TLW submit his/her answers in

Evaluation/Assessment (How will you measure the students success?) Students will be assessed on their
ability to correctly edit questions in

Suggestions for Differentiation (How will you scaffold the lesson up or down to support student learning
throughout the instruction?) Students will be given sentences in based on their ability.

Reflections: (What would you do differently, change or improve? What concerns do you have about the lesson?)
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Teacher: Kistner


Content: English 11

Unit Title:
Paragraph writing/ Punctuation
SOL # Learning Objective:
11.6, 11.7
Materials Needed: Promethean board, PPT,
handouts (paragraphs, intro paragraph
Essential Questions for the Week: How do
I use proper punctuation in paragraph writing?

Focus of the Day:

Paragraph writing (Introduction)
Specific Objective: (Setting A Purpose)
TLW write paragraphs for a variety of purposes
(persuasive). TLW peer- and self- edit.
Vocabulary (What new vocabulary will be introduced
during this lesson?) comma, semicolon, colon, sentence
structure, topic sentences, thesis statements, conclusion

Essential Question of the Day How do I write

an appropriate introduction paragraph?

Anticipatory Set (Hook-5min) (How will the concept or skill be introduced to the students?) TLW complete
SOL preparation exercise (multiple choice editing).

Procedure: Input (What instruction will be provided to students to help the students understand the objectives?)
TLW take notes on essay/paragraph writing.

Blooms Taxonomy Used:

(List the questions being asked of students according to Blooms taxonomy?) 1. How do I use proper punctuation in paragraph writing. 2. How do I
write appropriate introduction paragraph?

Research Based Strategies Used: Marzano Strategies: (Highlight the strategies used make sure there is evidence within
throughout instruction.)
Similarities and Differences
XSummarizing and Note Taking
Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition

XHomework and Practice

Nonlinguistic Representations
XCooperative Learning

Setting Objectives and Providing Feedback

Generating and Testing Hypotheses
Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers

Modeling: (What examples will be provided for the students) 5-10 min Teacher will show students how to
compose proper introduction paragraphs with a strong thesis statement.

Guided or Direct Instruction (How will the teacher guide the students in practicing the concepts or skill?)
15-20 min Teacher will guide student through highlighting particular parts of a paragraph.

Check for Understanding (How will you know that students are learning the concept or skill? ) Teacher will
monitor students through highlighting/discussions.
Independent Practice (What will students do to independently practice the concept or skill?) TLW paste an
introductory paragraph together (sentences provided) and label each sentence.

Closure- How will the lesson be summarized?) TLW submit his/her introductory paragraph activity.
Evaluation/Assessment (How will you measure the students success?) TLW be assessed based on his/her
ability to put introductory paragraph together and using proper punctuation.

Suggestions for Differentiation (How will you scaffold the lesson up or down to support student learning
throughout the instruction?) Higher- level students will be given more challenging paragraphs, while lower- level
students will be given easier paragraphs.

Reflections: (What would you do differently, change or improve? What concerns do you have about the lesson?)
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Teacher: Kistner



Content: English 11

Unit Title:
Paragraph writing/ Punctuation
SOL # Learning Objective:
11.6, 11.7
Materials Needed: Promethean board,
handouts, outlinees

Focus of the Day:

Body paragraphs/topic sentences
Specific Objective: (Setting A Purpose)
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Vocabulary (What new vocabulary will be introduced

Essential Questions for the Week: How

do I use proper punctuation in paragraph

Essential Question of the Day How do I write

topic sentences for body paragraphs?

during this lesson?) comma, semicolon, colon, sentence

structure, topic sentences, thesis statements, conclusion

Anticipatory Set (Hook-5min) (How will the concept or skill be introduced to the students?) TLW complete
SOL preparation exercises.

Procedure: Input (What instruction will be provided to students to help the students understand the objectives?)
TLW examine sample paragraphs to identify topic sentences and supporting details.

Blooms Taxonomy Used:

(List the questions being asked of students according to Blooms taxonomy?) 1. How do I write paragraphs with proper punctuation? 2. How do I
write topic sentences? 3. How do I construct supporting details?

Research Based Strategies Used: Marzano Strategies: (Highlight the strategies used make sure there is evidence within
throughout instruction.)
Similarities and Differences
XSummarizing and Note Taking
Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition

Homework and Practice

Nonlinguistic Representations
XCooperative Learning

XSetting Objectives and Providing Feedback

Generating and Testing Hypotheses
Cues, Questions, and Advance Organizers

Modeling: (What examples will be provided for the students) 5-10 min Teacher will show students how to identify
the topic sentence of sample paragraph. Teacher will show students the supporting details.

Guided or Direct Instruction (How will the teacher guide the students in practicing the concepts or skill?)
15-20 min Teacher will guide students through highlighting the topic sentences/supporting details of each body

Check for Understanding (How will you know that students are learning the concept or skill? ) Teacher will
monitor students while highlighting and writing topic sentences.
Independent Practice (What will students do to independently practice the concept or skill?) TLW write topic
sentences for sample topics. TLW provide 3 examples of support. TLW write topic sentences/support details for SOL
prompt #5.

Closure- How will the lesson be summarized?) TLW submit his topic sentences/supporting details.
Evaluation/Assessment (How will you measure the students success?) TLW be assessed on his/her ability to
properly write topic sentences and supporting details.

Suggestions for Differentiation (How will you scaffold the lesson up or down to support student learning
throughout the instruction?) Students will be able to utilize a partner if struggling.

Reflections: (What would you do differently, change or improve? What concerns do you have about the lesson?)
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