Bajenski George Vera 2002 Poland

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"O Crierof Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."


A Blessing To Each Other

Twenty-five years have passed since GMIVI

' began proclaiming Christ's unchanging mes
sage in our constantly changing world. Until
1989, we were reaching out with the Gospel to
the peoples of Central Europe who lived under
the oppression of totalitarian governments, but
amazingly the Gospel of Christ has no limits,
"For it is God's power for salvation to everyone
who believes" (Rom. 1:16).
During this time of oppression the root foun
dations for the Gospel were firmly established in
these places. The Church in Poland, Belarus,

Ukraine, Lithuania, Czech Republic and other

surrounding locations is now vibrant and
extremely visible.
Now our role as a mission from the West is

to work as partners alongside local church lead

ers and assist them in building strong self-sup
porting churches. This is the prime purpose for

through our short-term mission program we

introduced two fine young Canadian women to
the Polish churches. Today they are successful
ly leading an English Language school on the
property of one church with which we do coop
erative work.

These are a few examples of how God is

blessing and multiplying our efforts. We thank
the Lord for leading us Into 2002 with a new
vision of tuming challenges of this troubled
changing worid into new victories for Christ.
After years of ministry in Central Europe we
have learned that God has been there long
before we came on the scene, and that the
Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, although sep
arated today by space, culture and traditions, is
one. As long as we live down here below, we
need each other. We can help each other and
we learn one from another. This is even one

GMM's mission activities.

reason why this year we are adding the follow

With this conviction in mind, we have been

able to assist local churches and to establish a

ing sentence to GMM's mission statement: "We

strong, well functioning Christian youth camp in

each one of these countries. They still require
our help, but already the witness for Christ by
these local believers is bringing about meaning
ful results.

During the days of communist rule we

preached the Gospel through a network of
shortwave stations. Now there are many local
stations broadcasting the Gospel message and
some of them are still using our programs. One
private radio station in Poland was established

thanks to GMM's assistance. Five years ago

VOLUME 25, NO. 1

work with churches in North America, providing

unique opportunities for networking with church
es in Central Europe to enrich the lives of all

Through this we believe that we are follow

ing the example of the greatest missionary, the

apostle Paul, who wrote to believers in Rome

these words: "I long to visit you so that I can

impart to you the faith that will help your church
to grow strong in the Lord. Then too I need your
help for I want not only to share my faith with
you but also to be encouraged. Each of us will
be a blessing to each other" (Rom. 1:11-12 LB).

than ever. Students are steeped in a rather

heavy tradition-bound religious system and
often know nothing of the freedom and hope

that Jesus Christ can bring to their lives. As they

learn English, they also engage in discussions
over Bible passages, and life application of
these passages. Day by day changes can be
seen and heard as students talk about needing
to develop their relationships with God and their
families. They talk about needing to change
their views on the world and they struggle with
"doing what is right" in a society that encour
ages survival at any cost. All this is as a result
Colette (center) and Jay (right of center) with
Polish Directors of Graceland Ministry

We are happy to introduce you to this unique

form of evangelistic outreach of Graceland
Ministry in Poland.
As we mentioned on the front page of this
newsletter, these fine Canadian ladies, Colette

Laden and Jay Bowyer, are giving leadership to

this creative program of teaching English while
using the Bible as a textbook. We asked them to
share a few thoughts and this is what they

Graceland English Training was born out of

a passion to JUST DO IT! Serving Christ and
the people of Poland, Graceland is a ministry
based on the strong need for English Language
As Central and Eastern European countries
continue to emerge from the stronghold of com
munism and compete in the Global Economy,
adults and teens alike need English to do their
jobs, complete their education and communi
cate in this high tech world. Secular language
schools are popping up all over these countries,
but none of them carry the message of hope
that is needed alongside the message of "suc
cess" that is proclaimed in an increasingly
"Western" mindset. JUST DO IT!

January 2002 is the beginning of the 7'^^

of JUST DOING IT! - sharing the transforming

message of the Gospel.
So what about you? Will you JUST DO IT?
Graceland needs committed followers of Christ
to come:


Short-term (2 weeks to 1 month)

Medium-term (1 month to 1 year)
Long-term {1 year or longer)
Doing What?
teaching in a classroom
staffing the coffee house-the Solid Rock
Cafe (making coffee and tea and building
relationships with the students)
tutoring one-on-one
facilitating workshops and topical discus
sions (business, crafts, sports, cooking,
Bible studies and more)
administration and office duties

building and maintenance

Can I JUST DO IT! at home? Absolutely,
Graceland needs prayer warriors and those
who would give financially too. An aggressive
plan to open more schools is in progress. Pray
for more workers and the finances to make it

happen and then give as you are able.

If you want more information on how you can

JUST DO IT! contact Colette & Jay in Poland:
ul. Sienkiewicza 33A

semester of JUST DOING IT! for Colette Ladan

06-400 Ciechanow, Poland

Telephone: 48-023-673-7303

and Jay Bowyer and their team. Enrollment is at

an all-time high and student morale is stronger

or GMM at E-mail:


My Testimony
(by Adam Szumorek)

ly addressed by anyone in my home country. My

ultimate goal, however, is to become a Bible
instructor and help young Polish preachers to
prepare for ministry by teaching them the princi
ples of Biblical interpretation and preaching. My
desire is to equip them with knowledge and
skills, which will enable them to interpret God's
Word responsibly and apply it effectively.
Apart from teaching at a college level, I
would like to organize local workshops and con
ferences for pastors who are already in ministry

to assist them in sharpening their preaching

If life is like a book full of stories, God made

mine a very interesting one. He blessed me
beyond my expectations, brought me to places
I had never thought of, and gave me opportuni
ties that I had never dreamed of before.

My story began simply when, as a ten-year

old boy, I received Jesus Christ as my personal
Savior. This decision was the beginning of a
great adventure with God. As a teenager I
dreamed about going to a Bible school, and
God opened a door.
Now, I am starting my last semester at
Lincoln Christian Seminary where I am pursuing
my Master of Arts in preaching. I am working on
my thesis on the subject of preaching from Old
Testament narratives. I would like to make it

available as resource material for Polish pastors

and preachers.
I am well aware of the fact that this coming
spring will close one chapter of my life and will
open another one. I will be graduating and
returning to Poland to my home church in
Olsztyn where I am going to be involved in a
preaching and teaching ministry. I want to
develop a church teaching program through
small groups. However, my desires of ministry
go beyond my home church. I want to publish
my thesis on preaching from Old Testament nar
ratives since this issue has not been specifical

skills. These are my long-term plans, but in

order to make them come true and be a good
teacher I have to be a good student first. I
believe strongly in lifelong learning, so after I
return to Poland I would like to take some parttime correspondence courses to pursue a

Master of Divinity degree. In this way I will be

able to stay involved in my ministry and grow as
a teacher.

My ultimate goal is to get a Doctor of

Ministry degree, which by definition is a blend of
theory and practice, and it is to be done within
the context of ministry. 1 am aware of the fact
that some of these dreams and ideas are

immense and, quite frankly, at this point I have

no idea how I am going to pay for all of it:
publication of my thesis in book form so
that it becomes available to all

providing resources for small groups min


payment for some of my living expenses

But I also know that God is the one who

writes each chapter of our lives. So, if life is like

a book full of stories, I cannot wait to see what

is in the next chapter of my life.

Through funds made available to GMM's

Benjamin Bajenski Memorial Fund, we are able

to assist several Bible college students from
Europe who are preparing for Christian ministry.
We are most grateful to all who send in such
designated contributions and by this means
invest in the lives, further education and future
ministries of these future leaders In the Church.

Visiting Our Coworiters During January

parishioners not to attend anything that his

group sponsors. Recently a group of young

During the first weeks of January I (George

Repetski) had the privilege of visiting some of
our coworkers in Ukraine and Poland. My first

men saw him on the street and threatened to

stop was in Ukraine, where the believers

adhere to the celebration of Christmas accord

ing to the Orthodox calender (January

beat him. Marcin told them they could go ahead,

but as they would be doing this he would pray
for them. They dropped the idea. In spite of
such difficulties, our coworkers press on.


Let us remember to pray for such situations.

On this occasion they invited children to

We thank the Lord for victories won and look

attend a special program in the town of Turyisk.

Approximately 40 came, some with their par
ents, some with their grandparents. Most of

these children came from non-believing homes.

Already a few of them had been attending
Sunday School. Young people from a neighbor
ing church presented a special time of games
and skits for the children, handed out gift pack
ages and told them the "reason for the season."
Jesus' birth is more than a traditional celebra

tion. It reminds us of why Jesus came^to offer

forgiveness and a way back to God. Such an
outreach creates an interest in the Gospel mes
sage not only for the children, but also for their
parents, who with time start attending and even
tually become believers.
I also visited our coworkers in Ciechanow,

forward to encouraging and assisting such

brothers in the work of the Lord.
In memory of/Given by
Benjamin Bajenski
John & Faye Plunkett
Pilathea Class, Springfield, OH
Gordon & Rebecca Sounder
Irene Neville

George & Lucille Repetski

Modell Sims

Janice & LanrySnyder

Sherry & Lacy Hall
Florence Wicklander

Hiram K. Mechling
Bill & Carol Holland

Curly Zimmerman
Elsie Zimmemrian
Peter Forsiuk

Poland. This is the home of the "base" church

Vema & Ray Guenther

that is assisting in establishing six new congre

gations in communities around Ciechanow

Walter & Willa Posnikoff

Pauline Posnikoff

itself. The work is progressing and already dur

ing 2001 there have been several baptisms in
these new churches. Each congregation is still
small, but already after two years of ministry

Mary Huk
Mary Willoughby

new people have started to attend services and

Tanya Rintoul
George & Lucille Repetski

become believers.

In one community, Pultusk, the minister,

Marcin, is experiencing difficulties. He was told
that a religious leader of a major church group
specifically singled him out by name and told his

R. D. Marmlon

The Mamiion Family (Carmen Marmlon)

Waldir Pereira
Gulomar Pereira
Michael Zldkovlch
John Zldkovlch

Samuel &Anna Ficych

GMM Missionaries: George & Vera Bajenski, George Repetski

Global Missionary Ministries
4141 Dixie Road, Box 20 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 5C9
Tel. (905) 564-3578 Fax. (905) 564-6732 E-mail:
USAaddress: Box 104 Geneva, Ohio 44041 Address correction requested
Published 6 times a year Printed in Canada

"O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."

What a blessing it was for me to visit the

beautiful country of Canada, February 22-24.
This was my fifth trip to Canada but my first trip
to the province of Ontario and the city of Toronto
and I found both to be quite impressive. My
impressions are not just based on the beauty of
Canada and its cities but rather on the beauty of
the people who live there-especially those "of
whom the whole family in heaven and earth is
named" (Eph. 3:15).
As founder and director of POEM (Peace on

Earth Ministries) and editor of ONE BODYmagazine, I have a special interest in seeing God's
people working together as one. Therefore,
when I was approached last year by George

Barczuk, Adam Szumorek, Samuel Chojnacki,

and Dr. Jeff and Amy Ponke. I was able to per
sonally visit with some of them and am tremen
dously impressed with their vision and zeal for
advancing the kingdom of God. I believe that all
of them were touched by the life and death of
Benjamin Bajenski. The aid they are receiving
from the special fund set up in Benjamin's name
will reap dividends in the future.
On Saturday morning I was honored to meet
George Repetski for the first time. We are near
ly the same age and share a love for communi
cating God's message through the printed
page. The way the Canadian and American
boards of GMM work as one was most encour

Bajenski and Rod Huron to attend the 26th

aging. It was indeed an honor to be added to

annual meeting of the members, friends, and

directors of Global Missionary Ministries, I was
happy to accept, it has been my pleasure in the
past to work alongside both men in Central

the American Board of Directors. Several of us


Christian Church, to present the work of POEM

to a combined Sunday School hour. During the
worship hour I preached from Gal. 3:26,
"Miracle on Keele Street." It was a joy to see
people from 20 nations gathered as one in this
200-member congregation. It was truly a picture

I strongly believe in GMM's primary mission:

"To proclaim Christ's unchanging message of
salvation to the people of post-communist
Central Europe." When I was about 12 years
old, God placed the peoples of that particular
part of the world on my heart and through our
ministry and magazine Evelyn and I have been
able to network with ministries like GMM in

Poland, Russia and Belarus.

At the Friday night meeting it was a pleasure

to hear first-hand reports of what God is doing
in Poland by Piotr Karel. When I first visited
Poland in 1990, his church was the first church

enjoyed an evening meal together.

Sunday morning I was invited by Grant

minister of


Keele Street

of the cosmic church in Revelation 7:9-10.

George and Vera Bajenski know of my spe

cial love and appreciation for the great Russian
reformer, Ivan S. Prokhanov (1869-1935).
POEM has published his autobiography. In the
Cauldron of Russia, in both Russian and

English. The March 10 issue of Christian

Standard carries the first of a two-part article I

where I preached. It was also thrilling to hear

have written about him, "The Man Who Never

reports from students Luke and Marisa

Bajenski, Ruben Karel, John and Amanda

Slept." In their home I saw a lovely painting of

VOLUME 25, NO. 2

him. It reminded me that Prokhanov was in


Toronto, raising funds for the work of evangeli

cal Christians in Russia, when Stalin banished

gether, we will work for Christian unity and world

Did I receive the 'Toronto Blessing" while in
Canada? No. But I was surely blessed to be in

Networking with GMIVI will enable us to dou

ble our efforts to "proclaim Christ's unchanging
message of salvation to the people of post-com
munist Central Europe." Prokhanov's dream of

ful work that this ministry is accomplishing to the

salvation of souls and the glory of God!

a spiritual revolution will never die. Nor will

Victor Knowles

Toronto-to see and hear first-hand the wonder

Christ's prayer for unity (John 17:20-21). To

An Evening to Remember

GMM traditionally holds its Annual Boards of Directors' Meeting {Canadian and American simulta
neously) at the beginning of each new calendar year. This year GMM's Annual Meeting took place on
February 23 in Mississauga, Ontario. Prior to that, on February 22, GMM hosted an evening for friends
and supporters living in the Toronto area and presented a program of God's blessings over the past
year's work. We were blessed to have several Bible college students from Poland and Canada with

us, each of them presently studying in some institution in the USA or Canada. Opportunity was given
to the students to tell their story of how the Lord led them to this point in their lives, and what they are
trusting God for in their future ministries. It was thrilling to hear each person's unique testimony of
God's guidance and his/her seeking to know the Lord's will for their life. Below you will find the pic
tures of these students. We present them to you so that you can pray with them that the Lord would
guide each one to find His chosen place of service.

Also present was a special friend that the Lord in a very unexpected way brought into the life of
GMM. Her name is Patricia Ing. Patricia has contributed significantly to the Benjamin Bajenski
Memorial Fund that functions as a fund for helping students such as the ones that came to share with

us during the evening of February 22. During the course of the evening Phil Dempster, Secretary of
GMM's Canadian Board of Directors, presented Patricia a Certificate of Appreciation for the part that
she has played in assisting aspiring students from Poland and other countries, as they have studied
and are now studying for Christian ministry.
Following the meeting many of those who attended expressed to the staff of GMM how informative
and inspiring the evening was.
For all of this we thank the Lord!


John, Amanda and Rebekah


Lincoln Christian College

Samuel Chojnacki
The IVIaster's Commission

Brampton, Ontario

Luke and Marisa Bajenski

Fuller Theological Seminary

Hope International University

Adam Szumorek

Ruben Karel

Lincoln Christian College

Johnson Bible College

Phil Dempster presents a Certificate
of Appreciation to Patricia Ing

Partnership in Action
Piotr (Peter) Karel, father of Ruben Karel, was

also present during the evening of February 22.

He serves as pastor of the congregation in
Kolobrzeg. This city is in the northern part of
Poland, right on the Baltic Sea. He reported on
God's blessings in his congregation over the
years. Following GMM's meetings he remained in
the Toronto area for an additional two weeks to do

with a newly-formed
congregation in Mississauga. Jim Tune,
one of GMM's

abilty ospeakwith

Polish songs to the kids in our children's program

and participated in some of our small groups. We
have a great number of Polish people in
Mississauga and from time to time several have

visited the new church. One such family invited

Peter to their home for dinner where he was able

to spend time with them and their visiting parents.

Peter's experience with the Polish context and his


stay with

, ,




them. This family is
now regularly at

he writes

churches have tradiviewed
themselves as the

their own

tremendous asset
as he shared his

pastors this



We were bless

ed in many ways by
Peter's time with us.
We shared stories

and experiences in

n Tune, Piotr Karel

QiBOrOB Bajenskl,
B3]Bn$Klf *,Jim Tune, Piotr Karel

We learn-

ed from each other.

GMM approached us at the new Churchill

Also, Peter's son, Ruben, joined us one weekend

Meadows Christian Church in Mississauga to

and used his abilities as a talented harmonica

suggest "receiving" ministry help from Poland, we

were intrigued.
Pastor Peter Karel from the Kolobrzeg Church
in Poland joined our team here in Canada for two

player to play with our worship band on Sunday

morning. We hope to send some people from our

weeks to serve with our new church.


helped us with outreach and evangelism, taught

church to Poland in the future, in the meantime

we feel most fortunate to have been blessed by

Poland's "ambassador to Canada!"
Jim Tune

A Prayer of Blessing

George Bajenski Leaving For Europe

George will be leaving for Poland and other
countries in Central Europe April 16, 2002. Vera
will remain at home to continue her office work.

We ask you to remember George as he con

ducts various ministries and visits with our

coworkers in Belarus, Czech Republic, Lithu

ania, Poland and Ukraine.

This summer promises to be as busy as ever

for our staff and coworkers. We ask God's guid
ance and provision for our summer camps, spe
cial evangelistic sen/ices, Jewish outreach min
istries, etc. Several groups from North America
Brent Williams leads in prayer
over young students from Poland

Most of the Polish students that ware pres

ent with us during the evening of February 22
came for part of GMM Boards of Directors'
Meeting the following morning. A letter of
encouragement was read to them from Andrew

Bajenski, minister of the Christian Fellowship

Church in Warsaw, Poland. This was followed

by a time of special prayer for the students that

was offered up by Brent Williams who serves on

will visit Poland and other countries during

George's summer stay. Please remember him
in your prayers as he gives leadership to them
and as they visit different places with him.
In memot7 of/Given by

Katie Wandich & Joseph Redlick

Willy & Olga Emter
Benjamin Bajenski
Brighton Christian Church-Missions Team
Patricia Ing
Luise Buller

GMM's Canadian Board of Directors. He asked

Irene Neville

that the Lord not only bless this group of future

Christian workers, but that He would specifical
ly lead each one to God's chosen place for

Robert Zachrich

them. Members of both the Canadian and

American Boards of Directors stood around the

Patricia Brunsman

Sherry & Lacy Hall

Eva Nourse

David & Debbie McFadden

Paul F. Nourse

Gary & Nancy Vessell

students, having laid their hands on them, as

Brent expressed the prayer of blessing over this
special group of young people. It was a touch
ing moment for all of us. Let us all be in prayer
for them so that they will discover God's unique
place for them in serving Him and building up
the Church wherever that may be-in Poland or

Eva Nourse


GMM Missionaries: George & Vera Bajenski, George Repetski

Global IVIisslonary Ministries
4141 Dixie Road, Box 20 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

L4W 5C9

Tel. (905) 564-3578 Fax. (905) 564-6732 E-mail;

Address correction requested

Published 6 times a year

Printed in Canada


'O Crier of Good News...shout with the voice of a trumpet blast...your God is coming."

- Isaiah


Very few people in the USA and Canada

know about Belarus. Of course, for those of you
who have been receiving "The Crier" for some
time, the country of Belarus probably is no

battling for the cause of the Belarusian lan

guage, culture and nationhood. Such people
prefer to read literature in their mother tongue
instead of other languages such as Russian. In
recent years there have been attempts to return
the Belarusian language to a higher level of
usage but have been met with limited success.

stranger to you. We have coworkers in that

country about whom we write from time to time.
Yet the vast majority of North Americans, when
asked if they've ever heard of
Belarus, usually reply; "No!" Mind

you, during the last Winter

Nevertheless, out of all of this

Olympics Belarus came to the fore-

ground as having a fairly good ice


hockey team. For an upstart team

they did not do too badly and many
sports fans all of a sudden heard
that there is a country called


Belarus. This land Is sandwiched




Russia to the East and exists as a

separate country with its own lan

guage and culture.

Although the Belarusian Ian- ^

hear Belarusian. There are definite historical

and contemporary reasons for this situation but

we will not discuss them here. In spite of this
reality, there is a significant minority in Belarus
VOLUME 25, NO. 3

Bible in their own language,

In the late 1920's and 1930's a
translation of the New Testament
in Belarusian was done with the

help of some evangelicals and

Belarusian intelligentsia. The

British and Foreign Bible Society

printed the resultant translation

between Poland to the West and

guage is recognized as one of the

official languages of Belarus, it is
dominated today by the Russian language,
which is also officially deemed as an official lan
guage of the country. In fact, Russian today is
the main language in the political, social and
economic life of the Belarusian people. Yet in
the countryside and villages of Belarus you will

comes the fact that many Belarusians greatly desire to see the

and distributed it where it was pos





the mid-1980's Global

Missionary Ministries ordered a

reprint of that translation and had it

distributed in Belarus and Poland.

Since that time a professional

translator and writer, Vasil Syomukha, accepted
the challenge of preparing a contemporary
translation of the New Testament. GMM played
a key role in producing his translation by com
pleting the typeset for it. We also helped in edit
ing the text. This translation was eventually
published in the mid-1990's. Many ethnicallyminded Belarusians appreciated it and have
been using it as their main source for preaching
and writing of Christian articles. Since then Vasil

Syomukha completed the translation of the Old

Testament and GMM again prepared the type
set for the translation. Last year we were able to
hand over all computer files containing the
newly translated Bible to the translator in Minsk.

people group could read, hear and understand

the Bible's message in their own native tongue.
Why? Because for each person his or her native
tongue is the language of the heart. It is what

He reread it and added final corrections to the

are pleased to see the coming to fruition of yet

another translation of Scripture in the
Belarusian language. Please pray that this
translation will find its way into the hands of
Belaruslans who will read It, be touched by its
message, accept salvation through faith and

text. During the month of April the completed

files were submitted to a publishing house in
Minsk for printing, and as we write this article,
the full Belarusian Bible is being printed. It
should be ready for distribution shortly for
which we praise the Lord!
From the outset Christians have been con

vinced that the Holy Scriptures need to be

translated Into every language so that every


obedience to Jesus Christ and find it to be their

main source for Christian living. A special thank

you to all of our supporters who prayed with us
concerning this matter.


Summer presents our

coworkers in Central Europe many good oppor
tunities to evangelize. This takes the form of
conducting special camps for youth, although
other forums are used such as special evangel
istic meetings in villages and places where
there are no churches. Global Missionary
Ministries will again support various camp out
reach ministries and would like to inform you
about them so that you can be in prayer and
support them financially, as the Lord leads you.


best communicates to the individual. Thus, we

One ongoing camp is that of Camp

Christian In Ostroda, Poland. Again

g this year a full summer program has
been planned for young people that
will come from all parts of Poland. GMM has
supported this work for many years and will
continue to do so. This camp will have sessions
for young people from the youngest age
through to late teenage years. But it will also
include adult programs.
One special outreach at Ostroda will be run
at the end of May for seniors. There will be two
groups simultaneously in attendanceone
group of Polish senior citizens and a group of
Russian seniors from St. Petersburg of Jewish
decent. Concerning the latter, our coworker

Kazik Barczuk has made arrangements to have

some 30 seniors travel all the way from St.
Petersburg and spend a couple of weeks at
Ostroda. A good number of these people do not
believe in Jesus Christ; during the camp they
will be taught about their spiritual heritage from
the Scriptures showing that Yeshua, as they call
Jesus, is their true Messiah. In the past this has
resulted in conversions and baptisms. We are
praying for the same this year.
in Ukraine we have been asked by the local
church in Lutsk to assist them in organizing and
conducting a camp from the government-oper
ated orphanage of school-aged children. Most

Jewish Senior's Service

Christ for the first time. In the past many have

become believers and have become witnesses

of Christ to their parents.

Dema, from Good News Church in
Minsk, wrote and asked GMM to

sponsor a group of their young people

for camp at our Polish Ostroda facility.

We see this as a great opportunity to help them

but it will require funds to both bring them to
Ostroda and pay for their stay there. We contin
ue to maintain a close relationship with this
church and are excited about the outreach that

Oqjhans at camp in Ukraine

of these children do not have any religious

upbringing. In the past we assisted in such an
outreach and the church in Lutsk has again
requested our support for such a camp this
year. In May George Bajenski will visit them to
discuss the matter. We believe that this is a

worthwhile cause and would ask you to consid

er assisting financially in the project. We are
confident that many of these young people will
respond to the call of Christ, accept him as
Savior and Lord and will set out on their journey
of faith.

Belarus GMM will work with

three different summer camp groups.

Our coworker Vladimir pastors
Bethany Church in Kobryn and he is planning to
conduct a camp for children from his congrega
tion. Many neighborhood children will be invited
from the area where the church is located. They
come from non-believing homes and will hear
the Gospel presented in a way that they may
understand it. Vladimir has asked GMM to pro
vide financial support for this outreach and we
are convinced that this is a worthy project. We
plan to support Vladimir in this summer ministry.
Also. GMM will assist another camp out
reach ministry near the city of Kobryn. Pearl
Camp, as it is called, brings in children from ail

it has had to young people. The church is made

up of many highly educated young couples and
singles. We believe that by assisting them in
accepting some of their youth at Ostroda, we
will assist them in strengthening their ministry in

In June GMM will help the church

in Salcininkai, Lithuania. In the past

we have worked closely with Victor
who serves as this church's pastor.
This year we will again help him in his continual
outreach to the children in the community and
their parents. It will be a great blessing to have
a group of children's workers come from
Beaverton Christian Church (Beaverton,
Oregon) to Salcininkai and teach the children.
Also, we have arranged for some children's
workers to come from Bethany Church in
Kobryn, Belarus, to attend and assist in the
teaching load. George Bajenski will coordinate

across Belarus. There will be several sessions

for younger and older youth throughout the

summer. Many who will be there will not have
had any Christian upbringing or teaching. They
will be introduced to the Gospel and Jesus

Dental ivor/c being done at Pearl Camp, Belarus

have special needs and particularly to hear

about and feel the love of God through local

We of GMM are happy for these opportuni

ties of reaching out to young and older people
alike with the message and practical outworking
of the Gospel of Christ. On our own we could

Lunch break, Lithuanian camp

not offer help to our coworkers, therefore, we

turn to you, our friends and partners in the
Gospel, to respond through your continual
prayers throughout the summer. We would
especially ask you to remember this summer's
many-faceted ministries of GMM by your finan

and be personally involved in this multinational

cial contributions. We do this for the Lord and

Christian endeavor.

the furtherance of his kingdom. Any assistance

from you will be greatly appreciated not only by
us, but by those that will be the recipients of
your giving. On average it costs about $75 per
person for camp in Central Europe. Could you
support one, five, ten or more campers? Please
earmark your gift for "camp fund" and we will
forward it to the projects we've mentioned
above. We believe that the Lord will bless you
for giving.


One other opportunity has been

presented to GMM for involvement.
This is an outreach to children in a

hospice near the city of Prague, Czech

Republic. One local evangelical church in
Prague learned of this special need and have
conducted outreach in the hospice. They would
like to increase their involvement with special
ministries to the children and ask for our assis
tance in the matter. We believe this to be a wor

thy cause and intend to offer them some finan

cial help. Again, the children in this hospice


In memory of/Given by
John K. Huk

Betty Trumpose

Elsie Holtister
Edwin & Marion Zimmerman

Fred G. Posnlkoff & Alice Humeny

Posnikoff Family
Benjamin Bajenski
David & Debbie McFadden

Larry & Jan Snyder

Carol & Bill Holland

Hiram K. Mechiing
Belarusian children singing

Carol & Bill Holland

GMM Missionaries; George & Vera Bajenski, George Repetski

Global Missionary Ministries
4141 Dixie Road, Box 20 Mississauga, Ontario Canada L4W 5C9
Tel. (905) 564-3578 Fax. (905) 564-6732 E-mail:

Address correction requested

Published 6 times a year

Printed in Canada

'O Crier of Good News...shout with the voice of a trumpet blast...your God is coming."

"Go and make disciples of all nations, bap

tizing them in the name of the Father and of the

Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to

obey everything I have commanded you." (Matt.
Jesus' command to make disciples of all
nations and teach them the truths of his Gospel
message is as relevant today as it was at the
time he spoke these words. He even stated

prophetically that the Gospel of God's Kingdom

will be preached to all nations (ethnic people
groups) before the consummation of human his
tory (Matt. 24:14).
What constitutes the Gospel message? It
is the wonderful news that God, the Creator

of the universe, came seeking us in his

Son, Jesus. And Jesus taught about
God's Kingdom in a way that

became comprehensible to

each of us but, more than that,

he went further in demonstrat-

ing God's deep love for human



beings. The sinless One, the Lamb of God,

allowed himself to be put to death on a Roman
cross and thus become the ultimate sacrifice for

our sins and rebellion against God. Now who

ever seeks the Lord, repents and believes in
Jesus with an obedient heart, receives forgive
ness of sins, the gift of the Holy Spirit and the
promise of eternal life in God's presence forev
er. This is truly fantastic news to any seeking
soul and is open to everyone who wants to turn
to the Lord for salvation. One setting that vivid
ly depicts this truth is seen in the believer's
obedience to baptism.
We, the missionaries and partners of GMM,
hold to this Biblical teaching. Whenever such a
VOLUME 25, NO. 4

happy occasion occurs in congregations with

which we work in Central and Eastern Europe,
we rejoice with them and with Heaven too.
Often the first part of the service takes place
outdoors, beside some river or lake. People like
this setting since it serves as an opportunity for
Christian witness, although some baptisms also
take place in the baptistry of a church building.
The whole congregation comes out to observe;
relatives and friends of the candidates are pres
ent too. Prior to the act of baptism two or three
sermons are given interlaced with the choir's
singing. Then comes the act of baptism. Usually
the baptismal candidates are asked whether
' they have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior
and Lord and do they promise to serve him
for the rest of their lives, to which they


answer in the affirmative and are


baptized. After all have been

baptized the whole congrega-

/ \

tion returns to the church for a

communion service in which the

newly baptized participate for the first time.

Often an "agape" meal follows allowing the
newly baptized give their testimony of how they
came to the Lord. That is always an exhilarating
part of the service as we hear of how God has
worked in the hearts of people. Opportunity is
given for older Christians to encourage the con
verts and give some spiritual advice. Each can
didate is given flowers to mark the occasion and
perhaps some gift such as a Bible or other
Christian book with the date of their baptism
noted in it. Pictures are taken.

Rejoice with us as we share a few testi

monies of newly baptized individuals during
recent baptisms in Belarus and Poland.

Baptism in Minsl<, Belarus

Testimonies of Newly Baptized Believers

We share the following testimonies of new
believers in Belarus and Poland.

"My name is Victor. I heard about Jesus for

the first time from my friend about 10 years ago.
At that time I did not pay attention to it. Then my
friend made one more attempt but I did not
respond to it again. My friend immigrated to the
USA and sent me a letter. The next day 'by
accident' I saw her parents on a bus. It was the
second time in my life that I saw them.
They invited me to their home and there they
asked me whether I believed in God or not. 'Of

Prayers of repentence and confession

Good News Church in Minsk recently con

ducted a baptismal service. One of the mem

bers wrote us describing the event:
'The baptism that we had two weeks ago
was for 22 people (12 men and 10 women). Two
months prior these people attended meetings
with the pastor and other ministers where they
learned the basics of Christianity and church

The baptism took place in the Gospel Light

Church because it has a baptistry. About 100

people came to see this ceremony. It was so

wonderful to see the joy and anticipation of new
members of the church. They were so eager to
be baptized. Many non-believers came to wit

course,' I said, 'but in my way' They asked me

more questions and told me about salvation,
eternal life and punishment. From that time I
was not ignorant any more.
The Holy Spirit was working in my heart. I
lost peace in my heart. I was given a Bible and
started reading it. It was a miracle for me. Now
I could understand what was written in the

Bible. Since then I began to took differently on

myself. I repented in a church in Uzbekistan.
But it was a long way for me to my baptism.
I felt that I am not on earth anymore but
heaven was still too high for me. I was strug
gling spiritually for a long time. But wherever I
went and lived (Moscow, Germany, Uzbekistan
and now Belarus) I was looking for fellowship
with Christians.

Praise God that I finally was baptized and

became a member of His Universal Church and
local Good News Church in Minsk."

ness it also. Relatives and friends wanted to

know what was going to happen to their child or

friend during baptism.
As you can see from the photographs, most
of the baptismal candidates are young. That is
why their parents were cautious in the begin
ning but later some of them felt a sense of relief.
Then all the people went to our church
where we had a 3-hour celebration. 22 new

members sat in front of the church and guests.

They shared their testimonies. Believers who
have been a long time in the church told their
stories and gave advice to the new members.
We sang songs, solo, read poems and enjoyed
the fellowship of brothers and sisters. Such
f-'^ys are the best in our church life."

Victor sharing his testimony, Belarus

for something but, on the other hand, I was lived

and conducted my life very much as though He
did not exist. I tried to live a good life according
to the Ten Commandments. I reasoned that

even though I was not always good God,

nonetheless, was a loving God and would still
accept me because, after all, I was not as bad
as many others.
However, after reading that short 'footprints'
story I became more concerned about my future
life. I knew that I should have a closer relation

with God, but I did not know how to achieve that

ideal. My mind was trained to think logically and

come up with mathematical solutions. However,

Galya being baptized, Belarus

"My name is Galya Kravchenko. I got to the

first talk about Jesus at Sunday School through
my close friends. And gradually the theoretical
knowledge became important for my daily living.
God made great changes in me first in small
things and afterwards in more significant mat

I am a witness of His wonders, and His

blessings. I've met people who showed me

what kindness and faithfulness is and I had a

chance to experience what sincere prayer is.

That is the loving God who gave my mother
strength to repent a week before my baptism.
My older sister who was opposing me in my
choice just last week repented as well. I am
amazed. Praises to the Lord. And my hope is to
be worthy."
"About 4 years ago i read an interesting
story: it spoke of footprints on a beach. This
story motivated me to ask two important ques
tions: where am I at this point of my life? and,
where I am going?
As I looked at the path that I had traveled, I
saw only one set of footprints and they surely
were mine. They were frequently crossed with
the footprints of other people.
Throughout my life I believed in God. I had

using this process I could not reach a definitive

answer to the question of God. So my life con
tinued in a state of indecisiveness.

Then something unusual happened. My wife

became interested in God. We started dis

cussing subjects that we had never discussed

before, such as the question of faith. We began
attending Christian services at the Warsaw
Church. There I met many friendly people who
openly talked about God. They seemed to be
different and this difference was because they
were connected with the Lord-something that I
was missing in my life.
In my frustration I started asking questions
and then someone gave me a rather strange
piece of advice: 'Believe and then you will
understand.' It didn't made sense to me. I start

ed to attend a Bible study group, I listened

attentively to our pastor's teaching and I waited
impatiently for that moment when I could find
the key that would allow me to understand.
I began asking what eise 1should do in order

no doubt that He exists and I knew that there

must be


after this



Otherwise, it would be senseless to have lived

here for a number of years and then - nothing.

I knew that God existed somewhere, but that

'somewhere' for me was only 'here.'

Sometimes I even used to pray and ask God

Baptism in Warsaw, Poland

to gain this 'grace' that was so often spoken

about. Nothing happened and it seemed all was
in vain, as far as I was concerned. I couldn't
understand what all of this meant for me. In my
frustration I started to doubt.

One night, in my desperation, I helplessly

cried out to God: 'Lord Jesus, here I am and I

want You to come to me; my heart waits for you.

Please tell me what else I should be doing to
have You accept me.' I did not have to wait long
for an answer I couldn't sleep that night, so I left

In memory of/Given by
Benjamin Bajenski

my apartment and took a long walk in a nearby

Jean & Charlie Snooker

park. As I walked, I praised God for His beauti

Mary Leshkewich

ful nature that surrounded me. All of a sudden

Aileen Chisholm

something within me caused me to begin

singing songs of praise to Jesus. I was happy.
The Lord told me: 'Yes, I will go with you in life's
Now on my life's path there are two sets of
footprints-Jesus' and mine. If there is someone
who still doubts as I did, I can also give him the
same advice today: Believe first and then you
will understand." Andrzej

Jan & Larry Snyder

Sherry & Lacy Hail
Elsie Tabak

Douglas & Norma Camp

Village Counseling Center, David
and Debbie McFadden

Modelle Sims
Robert & Linda Wilder

James & Charlotte Boyer

Stephen Leshkewich
Nick & Anna Newar

John Huk, Jr.

Mary Leshkewich
John Huk, Jr.
Peter & Marsha Huk

John Huk, Sr.


Peter & Marsha Huk

Please note that we have recently

undergone two changes to our mailing

Mike Borisenko

address (Box No. and Postal Code). We

would kindly request that you update your
records. Our present address is:

Deborah Nourse Jordan

Mary Borisenko

Eva Nourse

Global Missionary Ministries

Dinah Kostluk

4141 Dixie Road, Box 41201

Stephen & Eileen Hill

Mississauga, ON
Helen Rempel

Canada L4W 5C9

Samuel & Anna Ficych

GMM Missionaries: George & Vera Bajenski, George Repetski

Global Missionary Ministries
4141 Dixie Road, Box 41201 Mississauga, Ontario Canada L4W5C9
Tel. (905) 564-3578

Fax. (905) 564-6732


Address correction requested

Published 6 times a year

Printed in Canada


'O Crier of Good News...shout with the voice of a trumpet blast...your God is coming."

Spring and summer are beautiful and uplifting

seasons. Such was our experience this
summer while working in Central Europe. We
have just returned to Canada to attend to mis
sion responsibilities on this side of the ocean,
for such is the nature of Global Missionary

VBS programs in Poland, Ukraine, Belarus,

Lithuania and Czech Republic. We organized
and participated in sacred music concerts and
evangelistic outreach with a Korean choir, the
Polish group, "Missio Musica," and also took
part in many small Bible groups and regular

Ministrieswe labour on both sides of the

church services.

ocean. Whether here or on there, we truly are

all members of one Church, Christ's Body, and
we, members of His Body, need and care for
each other.

Apostle Paul expressed this very thought in

his letter to Roman believers by saying: "I long
to visit you so that I can impart to you the faith
that will help your church grow strong in the
Lord. Then, too, I need your help, for I want not
only to share my faith with you but to be encour

aged by yours. Each of us will be a blessing to

the other" (Rom. 1:11-12 LB). We would like to
express this truth by simply saying:
"We are blessed by helping others.
Others are blessed by helping us."
As in previous years, much of this summer's

In all of these activities the Gospel was

preached and we were able to see and feel

God's presence. There were no spectacular
statistics to excite us, but people were saved
and Heaven is richer because of this summer's

harvest. We did not experience any great hard

ships or persecution but we saw and felt the

strong presence of the enemy. People of these
new European democracies are becoming
more secular and striving for greater personal
wealth. Many hold to their religious traditions
and superstitions but are declining morally.
Local churches are becoming more involved in
the social life of the community, which in itself is
good, but hopefully they will not compromise
the Gospel message in so doing.

mission activities were dedicated to work with

children and youth. The article, written by a

friend of GMM, on the following pages tell you
more about some of these events. However, I
would like to add that we were also involved in
other outreach ministries such as an adult

camp, which brought together Jewish people

from Poland and Russia, an English-language
camp, a music and worship team camp, a
church conference, several vacation Bible
schools and even one children's sports "Olym


pics" event that included several city schools.

All of this was done as Gospel outreach. GMM
sponsored and helped in conducting camps and
VOLUME 25, NO. 5

With Korean Choir in Warsaw, Poland


Bible Camp in Lithuania

Music Camp in Ostroda

The appearance of religion was visible in

many places. However, one cannot help but
wonder whether the matter of people's personal
relationship and walk with God receives due
attention. When we watched the Pope's pilgrim
age to his native Poland, where over 5 percent
of all the country's population took part in one of
his services and over 25 percent were following
his every step over a 4-day period on TV
screens, the thought came to mind, in whom do
these multitudes put their trustin God or in

John Rekart, former member of this church.


May the Lord help each one of us find the

proper answer.

During the month of June we had the privi

lege of ministering in Poland and Lithuania
with a group of Christian workers from
Beaverton Christian Church in Oregon, and with

John relates his impressions about his summer

experiences with GMM:
Beaverton Christian Church continued its

commitment to missions in Central Europe by

sending a team of children's workers to Poland,

Lithuania and Belarus to minister in GMM's pro

grams. The team assisted the local ministers by
conducting children's programs in Lidzbark and
Brynsk, Poland. Directed by George Bajenski,
the team utilized puppets, Bible dramas, crafts
and some humor to share the Gospel with
eager young children. It was wonderful to see

the enthusiasm of this new generation exposed

to the Word of God. In Brynsk 65 children
responded to the call for an afternoon of fun and
learning. Janell Struckmeier introduced her
puppet, "Scruffy," which enthralled the children
of all ages. "Scruffy" showed how the Word of
God grows in their hearts when they listen and
accept Jesus as their Savior.

Doing Handicrafts in Lithuania

Soccer in Ostroda Camp

growth there over the last five years. This con

gregation blessed us as we served with them.
We were happy to see yet another home church
formed in a nearby community. There, too, we
shared Bible stories with more than thirty chil
dren and eight adults gathered on a cold day in
a small living room. The Drama, "Scruffy," and
songs sung in Russian and English were
wrapped around personal testimonies of how

Belarusian Group at Music Camp

Another part of the team's mission was to

observe the local ministers in action as they
shepherded their flocks on a daily basis. In the
past GMM supported this program of evangel
ism and church planting and continues to do so
today. We were introduced to several of these

God changed our lives and still guides our foot

steps. We were blessed by the bright smiles of
the villagers and youngsters. Then came a
weeklong Bible camp with these children of
Salcininkai and Skynemai.
The Bible camp in Salcininkai continued
after most of the BCC team left Lithuania. Under

the leadership of Pastor Vladimir from Kobryn,

young pastors and we were able to watch how

they attended to the needs and spiritual growth

of the congregations. One of the greatest joys of
these short-term mission trips is the blessings
we receive as we see how God is working in
these smail towns and citieshow God uses

ordinary people to do extraordinary things. We

were blessed in Mlawa and Dzialdowo by the
generosity of families who invited us Into their
homes to share food and answer questions.
Our team's efforts were centered around a

congregation of believers under the leadership

of Pastor Viktor in Lithuania. BCC already
served in Salcininkai three times before at the

invitation of GMM and it was exciting to see the

Newly Baptized With Pastor (r.) in Prague

Belarus, workers (whom GMM invited and

sponsored) then lead the campers by sharing
Bible lessons that elicited enthusiastic respons
es to Scriptural questions.
We also saw the efforts of Pastor Viktor in

his Lithuanian prison ministry pay dividends as

a man he ministered to is now free and leading
his family to Christ. Pastor Viktor now has the
added responsibility of a growing home church
in Skynemai. He visits this village several times
each week for Bible study, prayer and to attend
to the needs of the villagers. This traveling back
and forth has caused his 16-year old Opel car to
break down several times. Victor has asked us

Turiysk Church Outreach, Ukraine

to pray about this matter and help him, if we

can. He will either have to do serious repair on
the car or purchase another used car to replace
it. (Another vehicle for his use would cost

render their lives to God in baptism on June 30.

Many ordinary people are serving God in

many different ways. Extraordinary results are
commonplace. The Gospel is shared with peo
ple of every race, every nation and land. God is
glorified in these offerings. If you are ever given
the opportunity to participate in a GMM-sponsored short-term mission, do not hesitate. JUST

DO IT! God will bless you beyond human

expectation. You, and the people you meet, will
never be the same.

John Rekart

Outreach Among Gypsies, Poland


around $3,000 USD. If you feel led to help

Victor in this need, then please let us know.)
As always, the hardest part of any shortterm mission is leaving the new friends God has

George Repetski will be visiting Belanjs dur

put together. We always have to remind the chil

dren that people come and go, we all get older,
we all change...but God doesn't. He is the
same yesterday, today and tomorrow. We
reminded them that they can rely on Him for all
their needs.

It is always encouraging to see the growth

over a period of time that participation in shortterm missions gives us. We listened to a GMM
challenge, given originally in Ostroda in 1996,
for the existing churches to plant new churches
and reach people in different cities. Now during

ing September. His mission trip will include

spending time with churches that GMM partners
with in that country. He will obsen/e their pres
ent situations and hear of their blessings and
challenges. This helps us determine where
GMM can be of assistance to them. As we

reported in a past issue of The Crier, the com

plete Belarusian Bible was printed and is now
being distributed in Belarus. GMM played an
important role in preparing the text. GMM also
contributes sermon material to the Belarusian

Division of Trans World Radio located in the city

of Brest. George plans to pay a visit to the stu
dio and confer with the staff there.

this summer we were able to observe the suc

cesses achieved through God's guidance and

the hard work of the mother church in Ciecha-

In memotY of/Given by


Ben|amin Bajenski

We saw bold plans for a church building in

Kobryn, Belarus during our 1996 visit, and this
year we worshiped with this new church and

David and Debbie l^^cFadden

Larry and Janice Snyder

Irene Neville

ministered with that church's youth group to

another small church in a nearby village called

Hiram K. Mechling

Leninski. We celebrated with them the fact that

Fred Posnikoff and Alice Humeny

The Posnikoff Family

God has blessed their efforts to reach new peo

ple for Christ. We were unfortunately unable to

stay long enough to witness 22 Individuals sur-

Bill & Carol Holland

Paul F. Nourse

Gary and Nancy Vessell

GMM Missionaries: George & Vera Bajenski, George Repetski

Global Missionary Ministries
4141 Dixie Road, Box 41201 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L4W 5C9
Tel. (905) 564-3576 Fax. (905) 564-6732 E-mail:

Address correction requested

Published 6 times a year

Printed in Canada


Did You Know?

Mary, did you know that your baby boy would one day walk on water?
Mary, did you know that your baby boy would save your sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?
And this Child that you delivered willsoon deliver you.

Mary, did you know that your baby boy would give sight to the blind man?
Mary, did you know that your baby boy would calm a storm with His hand?
Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
And when you kiss your little Baby you've kissed the face of God.
O, Mary, did you know?
The blind will see, the deaf will hear, the dead will live again!
The lame willleap, the dumb will speak, the praises of the Lamb!

O, Mary, did you know that your baby boy is Lord of all creation?
Mary, did you know that your baby boy will one day rule the nations?
Did you know that your baby boy was Heaven's perfect Lamb?
And this sleeping Child you're holding is the great, "IAm!"
What a profound question this is, indeed!

God inspired Mark Lowery and Buddy Greene to skillfully arrange the words and
music of this beautiful song so that it could speak to us during the Christmas season.
However, we would like to direct this question to all of us today. Do we really know Jesus,
as He truly is?

We thank the Lord for granting us one more opportunity, in our earthly setting, to
remember the birth of Jesus and discover new life through Him. May all of us draw clos

er to Him during this Christmas season, as together we celebrate His humble birth. This
is our wish for you during this season.

Your friends, GMM missionaries and our European partners.

VOLUME 25. NO. 6


Jestis is coming soon!

tuisfi you a BtessedCfiristmas!

Marisa, Luke, Vera, George

Last picture with little Basia

Another Christmas and with it another year is coming to an

end. It is like another birthday at our door. And in some way it
really is. It is a birthday, a very special one.
We thank you, Lord, that you reveal yourself to us in all your
majesty and beauty in this humble manger setting.
We thank you for Jesus, your only Son, our Saviour.
We thank you, Spirit, our Counselor and Guide.
We thank you for placing us in this marvelous international

With dear friend, Patricia

family of Christian brothers and sisters, and for surrounding us

with heavenly clouds of witnesses.
We thank you, Lord, for leading Vera and myself through
another year of service in your Kingdom.
There are many highlights from this past year's journey, but
there is no way that we can share all of them with you. Some we
experienced on this side of the ocean, some in Europe. You see,
our mission is where the Lord sends us: Poland, Belarus,
Ukraine, Lithuania, Czech Republic. All of these places are close
to our hearts. But we are also happy to serve the Lord here at

Two sisters, Vera and Anna

home in Canada or the United States.

We preach the same message wherever we happen to be.

We are blessed by helping others and others are blessed by
helping us.
Thank you, dear friends, for being with us throughout this
year in serving the King of kings and Lord of lords, Jesus Christ.
We wish you a very special and blessed Christmas!
George and Vera Bajenski

With Jim Tune and Peter Karei

Jestis came dozmfor tis!

Let iLs praise fHmtfor tHis together!

The Repetskis

Our full family

Our Hannah's first Christmas

God has given us another year to live and serve Him. Praise
be to His name for all that He does in our lives. We Repetskis
would like to take this opportunity to wish you a blessed
Christmas and great New Year.
We thank all of you for remembering us throughout 2002 by
your prayers, gifts, personal notes and visits. We have been
blessed by the Lord through you and feel privileged to be a part
of God's family. And His family is vast. Some day we will all be
together with the Lord for that is what Jesus Himself taught us.
"In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would
have told you. 1 am going there to prepare a place for you. And
if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you
to be with me that you also may be where I am" (John 14:1-4).
And this is all because He came the first time to become one like

With translator of Bible

With Belarusian pastor's family

us. We await His second coming with great anticipation.

This year has been especially rich for our family as our first
grandchild was born, Hannah, to our son, Tim, and his wife,
Melissa. This is God's precious gift to them and us too. And what
a joy she has been to all of us and many others. Another bless
ing was to have Lucille's mother, father and sister come to visit
us and especially to meet Hannah. It was great to be together
and rejoice in God's goodness to us. In terms of ministry a won
derful blessing for us was to see the full Belarusian Bible printed
in Minsk, Belarus. May God keep you in His care during the
upcoming year of 2003.
George and Lucille Repetski

Christmas Outreach in Lithuania

dollars would make some child happy. Giving

gifts to children shows that the local Christians
care for them and their families. With time such

acts of kindness cause the parents to send their

children to Sunday School and then themselves
come to the services.

If you feel led by God to help in this special

Christmas outreach, please send in your gift to
Global Missionary Ministries using the address
shown below. You may designate your contribu
tion for "Lithuania Christmas Outreach."

A church in Salcininkai, Lithuania with which

GMM works is planning a special program in

December for children in its city and surround
ing villages. They would like to present a small
Christmas gift for each child whom they will con

Last year for a similar program they were

anticipating help from one organization but, due
to some logistical problems, this never material


ized. Now the local church does not want to dis

appoint the children in their area. As a result,

they are asking for some help. Time is extreme
ly short which means we will not be able to col
lect some items and send these to them.

However, we would like to assist in their evan

gelistic outreach this Christmas.

The best we can do now is to collect mone

tary contributions and send this to them so that

they could purchase the various items locally,
put them into packages and hand them out to
the children. The church in Salcininkai is hoping
to touch around 100 children and their families.

In the past we have been involved in out

reach with this church and its minister, Brother

Viktor. In the photograph above you see him

praying with children during their Daily Vacation
Bible School that ran last summer. A gift of five

In memory of/Given by
Benjamin Bajenski
Keystone Class/First Chr Church
Springfield, OH
Elkhart Chr Church/Elkhart, IL
Irene Neville

George & Halina Petelski

Village Counseling Center,
David and Debbie McFadden

Hiram K. Mechling
Carol Holland

Fred Posnikoff and Alice Humeny

Posnikoff Family
Terry Tanner
Eileen Tanner

GMM Missionaries: George & Vera Bajenski, George Repetski

Global Missionary Ministries
4141 Dixie Road, Box 41201 Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Tel. (905) 564-3573 Fax. (905) 564-6732

Address correction requested

Printed in Canada

Published 6 times a year

L4W 509


The primary mission of Global Missionary Ministries is to proclaim

Christ's unchanging message of salvation to the people of post-communist Central Europe.
We work in close partnership with believers in Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania and Czech Republic,
helping them to build strong, self-supporting churches which effectively reach out to young and old alike.
We work with churches in North America, providing unique opportunities for networking
with churches in Central Europe to enrich the lives of all involved.


United States

Po and




Czech Republic

The various ministries in which Global Missionary Ministries is involved in Central Europe:

Church planting
Children and youth camp
Evangelism and music
Radio and internet

Outreach to Jewish people

Christian literature

Outreach to troubled youth

English language school
Short-term missions

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We invite you to; Pray, Proclaim, and Partner with us!

Global Missionary Ministries
4141 Dixie Road, Box 20
Mississauga, Ontario


Canada L4W 5C9



^ Poland r

Tei: 905-564-3578


Fax: 905-564-6732



George & Vera Bajenski, George Repetski

United States

Global Missionary Ministriesis legally incorporated in Canada and the United States. All contributions are i'ncomertaX decluctjjble.

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