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Margaret LinehanHugh ScullionJames S. Walsh, (2001),"Barriers to womens

participation in international management", European Business Review, Vol. 13 Iss 1 pp.

10 19
Seyed Hamed MoosaviRad Sami Kara Suphunnika Ibbotson, (2014),"Impact of
international outsourcing on the value adding of industries", The International Journal of

Logistics Management, Vol. 25 Iss 3 pp. 463 - 486

Cristian Chelariu Talai Osmonbekov, (2014),"Communication technology in international
business-to-business relationships", Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 29
Iss 1 pp. 24 - 33

Executive Summery
This report has been prepared from three different journal. According to this three journals
natures these are categorized as research papers. According to the requirements of this annotated
bibliography the journals have been summarized and presented in different nine points. First
journal headline is Barriers to womens participation in international management and it has
focused on what sort of barriers a women face when she is going to participate international
management. Headline of second journal is Impact of international outsourcing on the value
adding of industries. This journal has indicated how the international outsourcing affect on the
value of industries. The third journal has the title as Communication technology in
international business-to-business relationships which has been selected to illustrate the
importance of communication technology and to make the readers understand how it affects in
the international business. All the journals have been prepared by putting the best effort of the
authors though each of the journals contains some limitations which has leaved rooms for future
researches. In a nutshell all of these three journals are very important for the firms and different
management and these journals can be used as a guideline for the managers regarding how to
handle and utilize their resources by avoiding obstacles in order to achieve organizational goals
in effective and efficient ways.

Table of Contents

Executive Summery.........................................................................................................................ii
Table of Contents.......................................................................................................................iii-iv
1.0 Barriers to womens participation in international management...............................................1
1.1 Citation...................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Introduction and Aim.............................................................................................................1
1.3 Research Methodology..........................................................................................................1
1.4 Scope of Analysis, Findings and Results...............................................................................2
1.5 Usefulness..............................................................................................................................2
1.6 Limitations.............................................................................................................................3
1.7 Critiques and Challenges.......................................................................................................3
1.8 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................3
1.9 Reflection...............................................................................................................................3
2.0 Impact of international outsourcing on the value adding of industries.....................................4
2.1 Citation...................................................................................................................................4
2.2 Introduction............................................................................................................................4
2.3 Research Methodology..........................................................................................................4
2.4 Scope of Analysis, Findings and Results...............................................................................5
2.5 Usefulness..............................................................................................................................5
2.6 Limitations.............................................................................................................................5
2.7 Critiques and Challenges.......................................................................................................6
2.8 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................6
2.9 Reflection...............................................................................................................................6
3.0 Communication technology in international business-to-business relationships......................7
3.1 Citation...................................................................................................................................7

3.2 Introduction & Aims..............................................................................................................7

3.3 Research Methodology..........................................................................................................7
3.4 Scope of Analysis, Findings and Results...............................................................................8
3.5 Usefulness..............................................................................................................................8
3.6 Limitations.............................................................................................................................8
3.7 Critiques and Challenges.......................................................................................................9
3.8 Conclusion.............................................................................................................................9
3.9 Reflection...............................................................................................................................9

1.0 Barriers to womens participation in international management

1.1 Citation
Margaret LinehanHugh ScullionJames S. Walsh, (2001),"Barriers to womens participation in
international management", European Business Review, Vol. 13 Iss 1 pp. 10 19
1.2 Introduction and Aim
Women are the half part of society. But if we see it perfectly we will find that they are neglected
in maximum sector compare with men. Now a days lots of organizations are raising their voice
for women rights. One Bengali female writer said that Those great things have done for human
being in this world, half has done by men and half has done by women. This is absolutely truth.
Women have participation in every work. Most painful thing is that they are not getting facilities
as mens are getting even they are working as same as men. They are not getting facilities as
much as expect compare with men. From top level to bottom level they are being discriminated
from many rights. In this journal author focused in only one sector that is participation of women
in international management. Actually the main aim of this journal is that to find out that what
sort of barriers a women face when she is going to participate international management.
1.3 Research Methodology
For doing this research author total selected 50 senior female managers based on two criteria one
is that they had to be the part of senior management team and another is that had to have
minimum one international carrier move . The selected fifty managers were from different field
such as financial services, international retailing, software engineering, chemical manufacturing,
management consultancy, telecommunications, state-owned enterprises and tourism. Author sent
an introductory letter to the CEO of these companies detailing the criteria for inclusion in the
study. Those fifty senior managers were selected from different four regions such as Ireland,
Belgium, UK and Germany. Author took one to one and half for interviewing those selected
managers. Those interviews have tapped recorded, transcribed and coded. Respondents have
given their opinion about barriers of women in international management like what sort of
problem they face, how they discriminated etc.

1.4 Scope of Analysis, Findings and Results

The scope for this journal is reviewing on women rights related studies in international
management level. This research has done in normal way without making any hypothesis
questionnaires. Authors have asked question about what sort of barriers they face and
interviewers just give their opinion from their experience. The data collected for this research
were not drawn from organizational setting. So the practical implementation and the validity of
the result can vary. This research found some barriers that are women face when they are going
participate international management. Corporate barrier still exists for women in international
management. Interviewees highlighted that they are being gender discriminated at the time of
selection. Even some job seeks for men only. Women are highly disqualified at the time of
selection for an international assignment. The promotion ratio of women also very much poor
compare with men. Beside this corporate barrier there is also some other barriers like lack of
mentoring, lack of networking. These two are informal barriers. Interviewee said that mentors
are especially useful at the beginning stages of career development. Maximum time they dont
get women mentor for developing their confidence and working skills. Women needs women
mentor because it prevent difficulties with cross-gender mentoring. But sometime they got some
bosses like mentor. Lack of networking is another barrier for women. But networking is very
much useful in all stages of career. Sometime they dont be able to create network with men.
Interviewees believe that women dont get the full facility like man because maximum top level
position holds by men. They also believe that some sectors are very much dominated by male
like medicine, law. Create networking is a one barrier which sometime create from womens
1.5 Usefulness
As we know without participation of women it is hard to make a better world. Because they are
the half of this world. So we cant think development without half part. Every organization
should treat equally both men and women from top level to bottom level. The study has both
theoretical and practical implications. This journal showed those barriers which is making wall
when women want to participate in international management. This journal will very much
helpful to know about the barriers for a woman in international management and also come out
with these barriers.

1.6 Limitations
Authors did not do any hypothesis research for finding the barriers. The research has done on
only four countries. Authors might be including some country from Asian content. It has focuses
on some barriers. There might be more things to focus like political, religious etc. The study has
not covered all the explanations for the negative effect of discrimination. Future research can be
conducted on the investigation that what should do to prevent barriers for making a better work
place for women. Now these limitations can show contradictory results in the practical
organizational settings and vary in validity and implication.
1.7 Critiques and Challenges
Barriers of selected country and others country are not same accords the world. So the findings
might face new challenges and differences in various regions. This has left room for further
researches and many questions regarding the obstacle that is women face at the participation time
in international management.
1.8 Conclusion
In modern corporate world women are now participating from top to bottom level of
organization. Now a day we can see some women are now working in the management level as
top level. Although they are facing lots of problem from getting job to at the time of doing job.
So those barriers which are making them disappointed those should be removed from
organizations decision maker.
1.9 Reflection
The study reflects how womens are getting less facilities compare with men in international
management. Which are really important nowadays to achieve competitive advantages. This
journal will indicate how barriers can be reduced and guide the organization to set up an
environment that welcomes women for better outcomes.

2.0 Impact of international outsourcing on the value adding of industries

2.1 Citation
Seyed Hamed MoosaviRad Sami Kara Suphunnika Ibbotson, (2014),"Impact of international
outsourcing on the value adding of industries", The International Journal of Logistics
Management, Vol. 25 Iss 3 pp. 463 - 486
2.2 Introduction
Outsourcing is dealing with another company or indivusal to do a specific function or task. Now
a days maximum organizations are involving in some outsourcing. The outside firms that are
providing the outsourcing services are third-party providers, or as they are more commonly
called, service providers. Outsourcing takes many forms. The most common forms are
Information Technology Outsourcing (ITO) and Business Process Outsourcing (BPO).
Outsourcing implications in business and socio-economic and globalization, insourcing, stand
point of government etc. For business such as management process, security etc are seeing for
business outsourcing. For socio-economic and globalization such as industrialization, growth and
income, urbanization, income, trade, domestic inequality etc are helpful in outsourcing. Most of
the times specific tasks are outsourced to agents who are specialized in specific field. The
outsourced agents also have specific instrument and technical expertise, most of the times they
are better than the ones at the outsourcing organization. Effectively the tasks can be completed
very fast and with much better quality output. The aim of this journal is to find out how the
international outsourcing affect on the value of industries.
2.3 Research Methodology
In this journal authors have selected two types research mythology one is Input output analysis
and another is linear programming. This research methodology is developed through four main
steps to answer the research question. Input output analysis applied to step 1, 2 and 4 to find out
how value of outsourcings input and output influence the economy. On the other hand through
linear programming is used in step 3 to quantify the gross value added values of the baseline and
ten different international outsourcing scenarios. This presented methodology has applied to a
case study based on Australian Motor Vehicle and Parts Manufacturing (AMVPM) and its main
ten suppliers.

2.4 Scope of Analysis, Findings and Results

The data collected for this research were not drawn from organizational settings. So the practical
implementation and the validity of the result can vary. Further research can be conducted based
on practical organizational context. Future studies and analysis can include more items to get
better result. Future analysis and research can discover other reasons and details other concerning
activities. From the research as findings can be expect significant growth in outsourcing, the vast
majority will purchase integrated service, expect more efficiency etc. The result of the
questionnaire from the respondent may vary. Thats why survey result is different from others. If
in near future doing a survey, that time survey result may different from the present. It is cleared
that the Australian industrys relation with international outsourcing is negative ration where its
positive with international outsourcing. Finally it has showed that outsorcees supply of demand
depends o the outsourcer.
2.5 Usefulness
Outsourcing is an important things or matter for every organization in this modern period.
International outsourcing is very attractive to all now-a-days. This study shows that the
international outsourcing performance and learning about outsourcing. It also creates an
innovation and better outcomes for outsourcing firms. Outsourcing is not only for produicng
products and services but also for creating job some sectors for a regions people. Although
outsourcing has some disadvantages but its have much advantages than disadvantages. The
journal is also beneficial for the outsourcer and outsorcee from different region.
2.6 Limitations
In this report the data has not been collected from the organizational framework or pattern. The
findings in practical situation can vary or different. It has focuses on certain things. The study
has not covered all the explanations. The research of the study did not show any clear or
comprehensible actual situation of outsourcing. Future research can be carrying out the actual
result of the potential outsourcing in big, medium and small outsourcing farms. Now these
limitations can show contradictory results in the practical organizational settings and vary in
validity and implication.

2.7 Critiques and Challenges

The study was not carry out in organizational framework. The validity of this study is a great
challenge. In here, this research used a particular number of things which were included in
potential outsourcing for international outsourcer. But there are some other items or things which
have not been covered by the study and did not show any clear or comprehensible actual
situation. Laboratory settings can be considered a great challenge for conducting the research.
2.8 Conclusion
Day by day outsourcing is becoming more popular to people. Outsourcing is doing business as a
third party. Almost every organization tries to select an outsourcing farm for the organizational
purpose. As a third party outsourcing farm externally captured the market on behalf of the
organization. Now many people are joining in outsourcing firms and established their carrier. At
present outsourcing business is not domestic but also internationally. Out sourcing also famous
for financial savings like low rates labor costs, transportation, raw material costs. Outsourcing is
a vast field for producing quality goods and services for the domestic and international firm.
There are some international outsourcing farms that are remarkable.
2.9 Reflection
The study reflects understanding the outsourcing, compare between potential prospective
outsourcing than internal outsourcing which is very much important for outsourcing. This study
also indicates how people do international outsourcing in globally.

3.0 Communication technology in international business-to-business relationships

3.1 Citation
Cristian Chelariu Talai Osmonbekov, (2014),"Communication technology in international
business-to-business relationships", Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, Vol. 29 Iss 1 pp.
24 - 33
3.2 Introduction & Aims
The journal has been conducted to find out that how information/communication technology
(ICT) especially (phone, e-mail, and internet) influences international business to business
relationship. This is time of globalization where businesses are trying to cross the border which
is known as international business. The need of international communication is increasing for
effects and influences of globalization. As business to business (B2B) marketing channels
become more international for communication, communication technology makes the path easy
for making a good relationship between different cultures and different nations. It is not easy to
do physical deals among buyer and seller, it is also increase time and cost. But technology makes
those things easier and less cost. So in this era of globalization where outsourcing is the
international business is a part and parcel segment of the economy of most of the countries. It is
very important to know about strong relationship between communication technologies for
making a great business to business relationship. This journal has been selected to illustrate the
importance of communication technology and to make the readers understand how it affects in
the international business.
3.3 Research Methodology
The research has done with six hypotheses based on the proposed theoretical framework. To
analysis data based on survey author selected recreation analysis process and used SPSS. These
six hypotheses divided into two sectors one is country-level antecedents and another
Relationship-level antecedents. These two levels also have the different sector like market
demand, international barriers, information exchange etc. To test these hypotheses author used a
sample of US exporters to emerging European countries. Author selected 747 companies from
the PIERS database, the Department of commerce and the Federation of Trading Companies. The
selected firms are different in size, number of employee, importing country, even in export

experience. From 747 firms 353 firms have participated but finally obtained 180 questionnaires.
They were asked six questions related to their firms and communication technology.
3.4 Scope of Analysis, Findings and Results
This research found the relation between usages of information/communication technology in
international business to business relation. Information communication technology varies from
nation to nation but ICT is the core the thing to make strong international business relation. Not
only for making strong relation but also to know the future demand market. In two hypotheses it
is cleared to reduce barriers of bureaucratic, technology is the best way. To exchange information
and reduce conflicts between two international party information technologies is main bridge
find in hypothesis four and five. Lastly it has find out that phone calls, email improve
performance of communication rather than internet in last hypothesis. Country level predictors
are important antecedents by email communication; administrative barriers can reduce through
phone communication. Finally, it has found that the uses of internet based data exchange are
mostly reliable for firm level technological skills. The result concludes that frequently phone and
e-mail among partners improve the performance of the relationship, in the same time use of the
internet does not improve performance.
3.5 Usefulness
The practices and applications of information communication technology in international
relations in both developed and developing countries show that, it is a powerful means indeed to
deliver better quality diplomatic and foreign services. This journal has focused on how
communication technology affects on international business to business relation. This journal is a
great contribution and can help those firms which have international business relation. Not only
for firms but also individual like international relationship manager. The journal is also beneficial
for the exporter and importer from different region.
3.6 Limitations
This journal has covered only three sector of information/communication technology which is
using in international business relation and surveyed on one exporter country. They have just
selected those US export firms. So the conclusion drawn from the result might show differences
in other cases. It did not provide maximum information about the usefulness of using
information communication technology in international business to business relation.

3.7 Critiques and Challenges

Business environment of US and others country are not same accords the world. So the findings
might face new challenges and differences in various firms. This has left room for further
researches and many questions regarding the bond between information communication
technology and international business to business relation.
3.8 Conclusion
The conclusion stated that using of modern information communication technology important is
an important asset for the exporting and importing firm. For making a strong bond in
international business information communication technology is the one and only bridge. We
cannot think a stung business to business relation without information communication
technology. Actually we are blended with information communication technology and effects.
The findings have implications in managerial level and it has begun to answer the practical
question regarding breaking the glass ceiling. The research has unfold that how technology and
business relation greatly depend on each other.
3.9 Reflection
The study has shown the reflection of different dimensions and advantage of using technology in
international business. This journal gives a general idea about effects of information
communication technology in international business to business relation.

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