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17 26 JULAI 2015




Focus : Reading
Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Show Me the Way
Content Standard :
2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to apply knowledge of sounds of
letters to recognise words in linear and non-linear

1 Iltizam
27 July 2015
10.00 am

11.00 am

Learning Standard :
2.1.3 Able to blend two to four phonemes into
recognizable words and read them aloud
/f/ ( f, ff ), /s/ ( ss ), /l/ ( l, ll )
Objectives :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :
a) Read the words shown.
b) Blend two to four phonemes into recognizable
words and read them aloud
Activities :
1. Teacher shows the sound cards and the words
cards to the pupils.
2. Teacher says the sounds and asks pupils to
articulate the sounds.
3. Teacher drills pupils with the sounds.
4. Teacher asks pupils to read the word cards.
5. Teacher plays guide me together with pupils.
Teacher explains on how to play the game
to pupils.
Teacher says the directions to pupils.
Teacher asks pupils what is the picture they
6. Teacher plays throw me in together with
Teacher explains on how to play the game
to pupils.
Teacher asks pupils to read the words
(words doc) and throw the bean bag to the
correct sounds.
Teaching Aids :
Textbook, word cards.
Teaching and learning strategies :
Musical Intelligences ( Multiple intelligence )
Assessment : Observe pupils can say the sound
and blend phonemes into recognizable words.

Attendance: __/__
_____ pupils were able
to achieve the
_____ pupils were able
to answer the
questions correctly.
_____ pupils need
extra guidance.
_____ pupils were able
to master todays
Teachers action:
*Todays lesson will
be carried forward
due to ____________.


Focus : Reading
Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Show Me the Way
Content Standard :
2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to apply knowledge of sounds of
letters to recognize words in linear and non-linear

1 Intelek
27 July 2015
8.30 am

9.30 am

Learning Standard :
2.1.4 Able to blend two to four phonemes into
recognizable words and read them aloud
/f/ ( f, ff ), /s/ ( ss ), /l/ ( l, ll )
Objectives :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :
a) Read the words shown.
b) Blend two to four phonemes into recognizable
words and read them aloud
Activities :
1. Teacher shows the sound cards and the words
cards to the pupils.
2. Teacher says the sounds and asks pupils to
articulate the sounds.
3. Teacher drills pupils with the sounds.
4. Teacher asks pupils to read the word cards.
5. Teacher plays guide me together with pupils.
Teacher explains on how to play the game
to pupils.
Teacher says the directions to pupils.
Teacher asks pupils what is the picture they
6. Teacher plays throw me in together with
Teacher explains on how to play the game
to pupils.
Teacher asks pupils to read the words
(words doc) and throw the bean bag to the
correct sounds.
Teaching Aids :
Textbook, word cards.
Teaching and learning strategies :
Musical Intelligences (Multiple intelligence)

Attendance: __/__
_____ pupils were able
to achieve the
_____ pupils were able
to answer the
questions correctly.
_____ pupils need
extra guidance.
_____ pupils were able
to master todays
Teachers action:
*Todays lesson will
be carried forward
due to ____________.

Assessment : Observe pupils can

1) Say the sound
Blend phonemes into recognizable words.

Mata Pelajaran
Standard Kandungan
Standard Pembelajaran
Aktiviti Pengajaran


Bahan Bantu Mengajar

Catatan / Refleksi

Selasa (28 Julai 2015)

1 Iltizam / 10.00-11.00 (60 minit)
Masa dan Waktu
Murid dibimbing untuk :
Menyebut dan menulis waktu.
Murid berupaya untuk:
i. Mengenal pasti dan menyatakan setengah dan, satu
perempat berdasarkan muka jam.
Murid dapat menyatakan setengah dan, satu
perempat berdasarkan muka jam dengan betul.
1) Murid melihat muka jam dan memberi pendapat
mereka mengenai jam.
2) Murid mengenali setiap jarum dan garis dalam jam.
3) Murid mengenal pasti dan menyatakan setengah
dan satu perempat dengan betul.
4) Murid menyelesaikan lembaran kerja.
Nilai murni Berani, berkeyakinan, cekap
Kreativiti dan inovasi
Lembaran kerja, jam


Focus : Reading
Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Show Me the Way
Content Standard :
2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to apply knowledge of sounds of
letters to recognize words in linear and non-linear

1 Intelek
28 July 2015
7.30 am

8.30 am

Learning Standard :
2.1.5 Able to blend two to four phonemes into
recognizable words and read them aloud
/f/ ( f, ff ), /s/ ( ss ), /l/ ( l, ll )
Objectives :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :
a) Read the words shown.
b) Blend two to four phonemes into recognizable
words and read them aloud
Activities :
1. Teacher shows the sound cards and the words
cards to the pupils.
2. Teacher says the sounds and asks pupils to
articulate the sounds.
3. Teacher drills pupils with the sounds.
4. Teacher asks pupils to read the word cards.
5. Teacher plays guide me together with pupils.
Teacher explains on how to play the game
to pupils.
Teacher says the directions to pupils.
Teacher asks pupils what is the picture they
6. Teacher plays throw me in together with
Teacher explains on how to play the game
to pupils.
Teacher asks pupils to read the words
(words doc) and throw the bean bag to the
correct sounds.
Teaching Aids :
Textbook, word cards.
Teaching and learning strategies :
Musical Intelligences (Multiple intelligence)

Attendance: __/__
_____ pupils were able
to achieve the
_____ pupils were able
to answer the
questions correctly.
_____ pupils need
extra guidance.
_____ pupils were able
to master todays
Teachers action:
*Todays lesson will
be carried forward
due to ____________.

Assessment : Observe pupils can

2) Say the sound
Blend phonemes into recognizable words.

Focus : Reading
Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Show Me the Way
Content Standard :
2.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling,
pupils will be able to apply knowledge of sounds of
letters to recognise words in linear and non-linear

1 Iltizam
27 July 2015
11.30 am

12.30 pm

Learning Standard :
2.1.6 Able to blend two to four phonemes into
recognizable words and read them aloud
/f/ ( f, ff ), /s/ ( ss ), /l/ ( l, ll )
Objectives :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :
a) Read the words shown.
b) Blend two to four phonemes into recognizable
words and read them aloud
Activities :
1. Teacher shows the sound cards and the words
cards to the pupils.
2. Teacher says the sounds and asks pupils to
articulate the sounds.
3. Teacher drills pupils with the sounds.
4. Teacher asks pupils to read the word cards.
5. Teacher plays guide me together with pupils.
Teacher explains on how to play the game
to pupils.
Teacher says the directions to pupils.
Teacher asks pupils what is the picture they
6. Teacher plays throw me in together with
Teacher explains on how to play the game
to pupils.
Teacher asks pupils to read the words
(words doc) and throw the bean bag to the
correct sounds.
Teaching Aids :

Attendance: __/__
_____ pupils were able
to achieve the
_____ pupils were able
to answer the
questions correctly.
_____ pupils need
extra guidance.
_____ pupils were able
to master todays
Teachers action:
*Todays lesson will
be carried forward
due to ____________.

Textbook, word cards.

Teaching and learning strategies :
Musical Intelligences ( Multiple intelligence )
Assessment : Observe pupils can say the sound
and blend phonemes into recognizable words.


Focus : Writing
Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Show Me the Way
Content Standard :
3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will
be able to form letters and words in neat
legible print including cursive writing.
3.2 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will
be able to write using appropriate language, form and
style for a range of purposes

1 Iltizam
29 July 2015
8.30 am

9.30 am

Learning Standard :
3.1.2 Able to copy and write in neat legible print
a) words
b) phrases
3.2.2 Able to write 3-5 words sentences with guidance
Objectives :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :
a) Copy and write the words correctly.
b) Write 3-5 word sentences with guidance.
Activities :
1. Teacher shows the picture cards and word cards to
the pupils.
2. Teacher asks pupils to pronounce the words.
3. Teacher explains to pupils on how to write the words
on the blackboard.
4. Teacher shows sentence strips to the pupils.
5. Teacher reads the sentences together with pupils.
6. Teacher explains on how to write the sentences on
the blackboard.
7. Teacher asks pupils to copy the words in their
exercise book.
8. Teacher asks pupils to answer the exercise given.
Teaching Aids :
Textbook, word cards.
Teaching and learning strategies :
Musical Intelligences ( Multiple intelligence )
Added Value : Malaysiaku Negaraku

Attendance: __/__
_____ pupils were able
to achieve the
_____ pupils were able
to answer the
questions correctly.
_____ pupils need
extra guidance.
_____ pupils were able
to master todays
Teachers action:
*Todays lesson will
be carried forward
due to ____________.

Integrated lesson :Art

Assessment :
Observe pupils can write the words and sentences with


Focus : Writing
Theme : World Of Knowledge
Topic : Show Me the Way
Content Standard :
3.1 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will
be able to form letters and words in neat
legible print including cursive writing.
3.3 By the end of the 6-year primary schooling, pupils will
be able to write using appropriate language, form and
style for a range of purposes

1 Intelek
29 July 2015
7.00 am

8.00 am

Learning Standard :
3.1.3 Able to copy and write in neat legible print
a) words
b) phrases
3.2.2 Able to write 3-5 words sentences with guidance
Objectives :
By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to :
c) Copy and write the words correctly.
d) Write 3-5 word sentences with guidance.
Activities :
1. Teacher shows the picture cards and word cards to
the pupils.
2. Teacher asks pupils to pronounce the words.
3. Teacher explains to pupils on how to write the words
on the blackboard.
4. Teacher shows sentence strips to the pupils.
5. Teacher reads the sentences together with pupils.
6. Teacher explains on how to write the sentences on
the blackboard.
7. Teacher asks pupils to copy the words in their
exercise book.
8. Teacher asks pupils to answer the exercise given.
Teaching Aids :
Textbook, word cards.
Teaching and learning strategies :
Musical Intelligences ( Multiple intelligence )
Added Value : Malaysiaku Negaraku

Attendance: __/__
_____ pupils were able
to achieve the
_____ pupils were able
to answer the
questions correctly.
_____ pupils need
extra guidance.
_____ pupils were able
to master todays
Teachers action:
*Todays lesson will
be carried forward
due to ____________.

Integrated lesson :Art

Assessment :
Observe pupils can write the words and sentences with

Mata Pelajaran
Standard Kandungan
Standard Pembelajaran

Aktiviti Pengajaran


Bahan Bantu Mengajar

Catatan / Refleksi

Rabu (29 Julai 2015)

1 Iltizam / 12.00-12.30 (30 minit)
Murid dibimbing untuk :
Menggunakan unit relatif untuk mengukur panjang.
Murid berupaya untuk:
(i) Membuat pengukuran objek menggunakan unit bukan
(ii) Membanding dua atau lebih ukuran objek menggunakan
unit bukan piawai.
(iii) Mengggunakan dan mempelbagaikan perbendaharaan
kata ukuran panjang dalam konteks.
Murid dapat mengenal pasti objek pendek dan
panjang atau tinggi dan rendah.
1) Murid melihat gambar objek di papan putih dan kenal
pasti objek yang mempunyai ukuran paling panjang.
2) Murid mengenali istilah panjang dan pendek serta
tinggi dan rendah.
3) Murid menyelesaikan lembaran kerja.
Nilai murni Berani, berkeyakinan, cekap
Kreativiti dan inovasi
Buku aktiviti, kad gambar

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