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The case of Freddie Gray has been a clarion call to action: for our City, our State and this entire nation.
We hear the voices of our constituents who say that they want their police to partner with them to prevent and
solve crimes and keep our neighborhoods safe. Many residents, especially young people of this City, believe
that the officers patrolling their communities are more anxious to arrest them than to know them and address
them by name.
At the same time, we know that many of our law enforcement officers feel they, too, are under siege:
expected to keep our streets safe in the face of intractable violence that destroys the very fabric of our
This is a situation that has been festering for decades that undermines the humanity of both police
officers and the citizens they serve.
We all are impatiently, but peacefully waiting to see justice served for Freddie Gray. We are confident
that the State's Attorney will do her job and that the truth will prevail.
We agree that the status quo will not and cannot stand. Too often our City is seen as a place beyond
hope. As your delegation, it is our responsibility to show our colleagues from across the State the strengths of
our City and the importance of investing in our future. We have started this work by securing: $1 billion for
new schools in Baltimore; passage of important criminal justice reform to expunge arrest records; a framework
to allow every police department in the State to institute a body camera program; and a new program to invest
in neighborhoods in Baltimore.
The path forward must be paved with the support, involvement and investment from community
organizations, the business community, non-profit organizations and ordinary citizens across the State. Support
from the State will be needed now more than ever to rebuild and strengthen the economic and social
infrastructure of our communities.
Challenging days are ahead for the City we love, but the best days are also ahead. The tragic and
preventable death of Freddie Gray must never dissuade us from believing in the bright future ahead for the City
of Baltimore. As your representatives in Annapolis, we hear you and resolve to address these issues. We ask
all Marylanders to join us as we work together toward a lasting and peaceful resolution and a strong future for
the City.
This year, the Maryland General Assembly passed several important criminal justice reforms:

The creation of a legal environment for the use of body cameras and a Commission to study expanded
use of body cameras by law enforcement across Maryland.
Legislation to move toward ending racial profiling by authorizing a model policy and data collection
system concerning race-based traffic stops.
More extensive reporting of community policy in Baltimore City by requiring an annual report on
diversity of the police force, as well as encounters with officers including, encounters resulting in
civilian injuries and number of officers suspended (with and without pay).
Legislation requiring all local law enforcement to provide annual reports regarding each officerinvolved death and death in the line of duty.

Reforms to the Baltimore City Civilian Review Board expanding the Boards ability to hear complaints
against other policing organizations operating in the City and to review complaints arising from a
broadened definition of harassment.
Legislation to deal with the consequences of police misconduct, including an increase in the amount of
money that can be paid to an injured party arising from a claim against local governments from
$200,000 to $400,000 and up to $800,000 when there are multiple parties involved.

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