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Coat of Arms
Copyright 2012 Robin de Bolt Paisley

(All scripture Aramaic; from the Holy Bible Ancient Eastern Text)

Words of Affirmation:

Coat of Arms reads like a cadence; like the Pilgrims Progress. It is the
third river in Ezekiel from the ankles, knees to the thighs; it is an
invitation now for relationship for intimacy. It is the union of Justice
(moral) the head to Righteousness (spiritual) the spiritman. You can be
totally moral and be worthless for we must not only be moral but
spiritual. Justice is morally right with all men and righteousness is
relationship with God.
Isaiah 33:5 The Lord is exalted, for He dwells on high; He will fill Zion
with justice and righteousness (moral and spiritual rectitude in every area
and relation) Only through being spiritual will we become profitable.
Youve got to be more than head now but also spiritual; justice is the line
and righteousness is the plummet. I will make justice the measuring line
and righteousness the plummet; and hail will sweep away the refuge of
lies and waters will overwhelm the hiding place(the shelter) Isaiah 28:17
Justice is parallel while righteousness is perpendicular, forming the cross.
Daddy is the spirit worship in both truth and spirit and He is sending out
people like Robin to reveal the need of the spiritual in our lives; the
relationship is now intimacy!
Bob Jones

We are living toward the end of the Church Age and entering the time of
transition into the Millennial Kingdom of God. During this time of
transition, the Lord is calling apart to Himself, all those who have
become dissatisfied with their present spiritual experience, and desire to
go further in coming into a higher level of relationship, and divine
activity with the Lord.

The Apostle Paul said,

"Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I
do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto
those things which are before,
I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ
Jesus." Philippians 3:13-14
In order for Paul to do this, he had to have a vision of the goal to which
he desired to attain.
This book, "Coat of Arms," given by revelation to Robin, will help to
open before you a map that will guide you toward this "goal," and give
you both the encouragement and the sense of direction and purpose, that
will enable you to progress further up the mountain, into all that our Lord
desires for you at this present time.
With love and
Wade Taylor


The Awakening: My close encounter with Jesus
The Unknown Prophet
Chapter 1- Into the Hollow
Chapter 2- The Pit
Chapter 3- The Portal
Chapter 4- Level One/The Dragon
Chapter 5- Level Two/The Prison
Chapter 6- Level Three/The City
Chapter 7- The Sword
Chapter 8- Level Four/The Lions Den
Chapter 9- Welcome to Hollywood
Chapter 10- Level Five/The Revolving Door
Chapter 11- The Living Stones
Chapter 12- Level Six/The Living Martyrs
Chapter 13- The Seven Horses
Chapter 14- The Belly of the Dragon
Chapter 15- Reformation
Chapter 16- The Killing
Chapter 17- The Seventh Level
The Kingdom and the End Time Church


The Unknown Prophet

Robin de Bolt Paisley

Hold the cross high

so I may see it
through the flames.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!

Joan of Arc (1412-1431)

My Awakening;
Who is this man we call Jesus?

How often I had found myself asking this question over and over again
until it finally became a reality; a quest to really know who Jesus is. So
tired I had become of the plaguing emotions of religious captivity that
my pursuit to know Jesus personally, turned into a holy hunger; a total

starvation to have him made known in my life. This total abandonment

to my man made ways of habitual religious customs began in December
of 1999 after a devastating tragedy struck my life. Like an electrical
shock to the heart so too was this calamity; awakening me to the darkness
that lay before me and to the darkness that lay within my very own soul.
The phone call from my mother that awoke me in the middle of the night,
catapulted me right back into my childhood; like going through a dark
tunnel of time to when I was eleven years old and my father had
committed suicide. Now another horrific disaster had reared its ugly head
within the relic of time and I wished to no longer live unless Jesus truly
became known to me. And so began my seeking, my tearing away of all
that was deemed holy to the revealing of my own self-righteousness and
much of what I had been taught as a child about God; and onto a path
unknown yet within reach.
My entire existence lay before me like a canvas painted by delicate hands
yet heavy and dripping in dark colors. I was the canvas, the paint and the
artist all entwined together but very lost. Fear had taken over my life; it
had enveloped me like a coffin in the ground, the fear of man, failure and
the fear of exposure. I laid in a fetal position for days unable to do
anything but cry out to God; but I heard not his voice, only the voice of
pain. Days turned into weeks of hours upon hours of just lying at the feet
of Jesus; my thoughts only of his beautiful face as my cheeks lay upon
his feet. Words not yet in human form but from the depths of my soul
cried out to Jesus:

I will wait here for you oh Lord until you visit me, I will wait here
forever until you come.
Isaiah 40:31 became to me a literal translation and something began to
But they who Wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall
grow wings as a dove; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall
walk and not faint. A peace began to fill my soul, a refreshment unlike

anything that I had ever experienced before began invading my body; it

was the awesome presence of God. I began to have visions where I was
taken up into heaven and shown the love of Jesus. Visions after
breathtaking visions of his love began to occupy my quiet time, moments
of seeing my body still lying in a fetal position on my bed while my spirit
was soaring in the heavens above. Not only was I delivered and healed
from fear, sickness and death but I was shown in great detail his love and
intimacy for all his children, for all the nations of the world.
And so began my quest; my journey into no mans land; on territory so
foreign to the mind that the soul must learn to rest and allow her spirit to
take hold. In the souls pursuit of her spiritman among the dark waters
below, something grand begins to transpire; the ever present and tangible
love of Jesus begins to nourish the soul like water to the lips of one found
thirsty in the desert. So too is this wealth as we become a habitation of
his divine love.
Come take a walk with me to the other side, into the deep layers of the
soul where religion is exposed but not forgotten. Step outside the tall
walls of man where the rhythm of your own heart beats in unison with our
Creator, like music awaiting its lyrics so too is your destiny. My earnest
desire for you as you travel with me into the deep is to know the love of
Jesus, to stir within your own heart a longing to know our King intimately
and your destiny in him found. When one begins to dig into the very
depths of the soul the spiritman responds, and he too begins a cry that
echos within the walls like deep calleth unto the deep as they are
reunited in the love of the King, his beauty to behold.

Welcome to the deep!

The voice of my beloved! Behold, he comes leaping upon the mountains,
skipping upon the hills.
My beloved is like a gazelle or a young roe; behold, he stands behind our
wall, he looks through the windows, bending himself over the lattice.
My beloved spoke and said to me, Rise up, my love, my beautiful one, and
come away.
For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone;
The flowers appear on the earth; the time of pruning has come, and the
voice of the turtle dove is heard in our land;
The fig tree puts forth its green figs, and the vines with tender shoots give
fragrance. Arise, my beloved, my beautiful one, and come away.
Song of Solomon 2:8-13

The Unknown Prophet

Below the mountains peak, deeper than her roots, echoes the familiar
sounds, the voice of one crying; the one who seeks.

The signature theme of the one found in the ravine, in the thickness of the
hollow is the roar of the deep, the melody of the valley.
Hidden away from those above this voice is aching for that which is not
seen, for that which is not touched by human hands.
This voice cannot be silenced by mans words or even by his own
intentions, but rather is hidden away, deprived of natural surroundings
and fed by the hand of God.
Into the very deep part of ones soul goes the prophet, into the deep heart
of the earth he crawls; leaving all that tastes of life previously known,
Then up from the deep, the moment of conception to the physical
awakening of birth, the warrior appears. I can see the enemy seething
with venomous hatred from having to see what was before almost nonexistent to the bursting forth of such life, such vitality, that he knew he
had to create havoc; the evil shrill of chaos at the very sound of the young
warriors cry.
But that young cry could not be hushed as it made its way through out the
mountains, down into the valleys and deep into the earth, causing such a
stir in the atmosphere for centuries to come. I can hear the winds echo
throughout the land into the hearts that are being prepared for this
nascence; the victory birth of this new breed of warrior. Their names
carved in the blood of Jesus upon every man, woman and child, great or
small, throughout the earth.

Make way for the Unknown Prophet.

And a glorious man that had the measuring line in his hand went
forth; he measured a thousand cubits and brought me through the
water, and it was to the ankles. Ezekiel 47:3

Chapter One
Into The Hollow

Many visions have passed where I am taken by the Spirit of the Lord and
brought into a valley, the desert and wilderness; even deep into the sea.
But this valley, oh this valley is the most beautiful valley I have ever
encountered. The walls are of the deepest green one can only dream of
encountering such depth in color here on earth. The moss so thick I
wanted to reach out and consume it like choice meat as the thunder from
the waterfall created a volume of sound around me; I felt as if I had been
vacuumed sealed.
The water with its glistening effect then made its way down into a
brilliant, shining pool of liquid glass; liquid diamonds. At first just the
pure simple thought of placing my feet in this pool of water was enough
to satisfy my quench; but now I knew I must taste of the pool of water
before me. Such life force came rushing through me as I waded up to my
ankles; its embrace was truth, the truth of God, his word in liquid form
leaving me thirsty for so much more.
It also brought forth finality to much self in my own life; like looking
into a mirror of my own soul.
The walls of this valley were covered in grapes, deep, rich burgundy
grapes exhaling forth the breath of their maker, their vines reaching all
the way to the top of the ravine. I could see saints dancing and worshiping
the Lord way up high as their feet moved in unison, smashing the grapes
that came from the deep.
Wine began to pour out over the mountains lip and down into the valley,
the purest of wines I have ever beheld; the color of blood. It then made its
way into the roots and into the vats, instantly ready for consumption.

I have heard it said that lilies grow in the valley but I have never seen any
on earth that which to compare with the lilies of this valley. They were of
colors I cannot express in words, alive with different personalities and
even meaning. They were everywhere, poking their beautiful faces out of
the cracks and streams, shedding their beauty and light upon my path.
I felt no need to pick these lilies for they became a part of me, their
essence touched something deep within my spirit; imparting to me a holy
reverence of that which comes from our Creator.
I knew that to pick them here would be to uproot them from their
I began to feel a connection with this valley and all the way to the top of
the mountain above; a divine merger beginning between my soul and
spirit. There would be no wine from above without the ascension of the
vines in the deep and no wine from below without the worship way up
high; bringing forth the blood of Jesus flowing over those in the deep, for
all to taste, for all to partake in.
Deeper into the valley I went until I fell upon a thickness in the trees and
I knew I had ventured into another realm; another time. The trees
themselves had an ancient quality of life about them unlike the valley,
which was rich with a newness of ones being. The trees were of old
origin and their roots although deeply embedded beneath the earth I was
allowed to set my eyes upon. I began to really see all that was placed
before me and I nearly forgot about the hidden treasure; never a journey
taken with our King without bringing forth that which is concealed, but I
nearly passed it by for the beauty.
How I longed to just stay here and bask in the warmth of the sun, to bathe
in the river of jewels before me, but I knew that I had to find the buried
treasure and that I was not alone.

He who dwells in the protection of the most High shall abide under
the shadow of the Almighty. Psalms 91:1

Chapter Two
The Pit

No sooner had I felt the tangible presence of God inflaming me with so
much love, that I felt as if I were going to melt, then I found myself being
picked up and slammed down hard by the very roots of a tree and into a
deep, dark pit.
At first I was in so much shock from having parted so violently from my
Maker, the lover of my soul, that I had no desire to know where I was; for
I knew where I wasnt. No longer was my soul surrounded in the beauty
of the valley in the glory of the Lords presence but instead enclosed in
total darkness, so thick, I could taste its stench.
In total darkness and despair I reached for that which I had formerly
tasted; the former beauty and the former glory of the Lords presence.
But I knew that in order to see his greater glory I had to find, I had to
taste of that which was hidden so deep.
I also knew how accustomed I had become to the valley that upon seeing
this pit of darkness placed so ever present before me, I became terrified.
So frightened was I of its existence, that I chose to walk around this black
hole instead of my destiny to climb deeper than what was visible to my
natural eyes. And so the Lord in his perfect wisdom and mighty counsel
threw me into this pit of darkness and so my journey began.
I began to feel around to see if there was perhaps a window or anything
that would shed light into this dark hole, but the only object to reach back

at me was again darkness.

O the blackness of ones soul does cry when surrounded by the thickness
of death.

I began to ponder on all the promises in the Word of God and also those
he had given to me personally, and I knew I was not alone. No longer
could I see the Father with my eyes or hear him with my ears, yet I knew
that he was with me. I knew that he was in me and no matter how long I
tarried here in the dark, in He I did trust.
O the simple name of Jesus how sweet the sound, even the darkness that
surrounds cannot resist the Name of Salvation as I exhaled,
Yeshua, Yeshua, Yeshua!
I began to cry out to the Father but not for deliverance for I knew that I
must be here, I began to cry out to him for help. Courage began to pour
into my being straight from the heart of the King and I could feel the
blood of the Lamb running through my veins. I knew through him and
only through the King could I seek that which was hidden here so deep.
His light then began to overcome the darkness and my belly became a
river, a moving, gushing, mighty river as his holy vengeance began to
expound inside of me. I became his living torch, his fire breathing, zoetic
torch as my womb lit up as if I had swallowed a high voltage lamp.

The substance of light then surmounts the darkness within when our soul
grasps for that which is concealed.

After these things I looked and behold, a door was open in heaven;
and the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet talking with me,
which said, Come up here and I will show you things which must
come to pass. Revelation 4:1

Chapter Three
The Portal

I began to look around at my surroundings no longer hidden from my
sight and I could see a gate, a black gate, very old and ancient. Above this
gate and upon the wall, carved out in what looked like human blood were
the words:
The Seven Levels of the Deep
Everything and anything in me that was of the flesh fought hard against
entering beyond this gate, but I also knew that I was brought here by the
Spirit of the Lord beneath the trees roots and that I must venture beyond
this passageway.
As I reached out my hand to open the gate it became alive with ancient
talk and ancient greed and she so badly wanted to touch that which
belonged to the King.
His light once again began to burn within me and I felt my blood begin to
boil as I became totally embraced; sealed in a protective covering of
liquid glass. However, this glass did not constrict me, I was free to move
about for it too was movable, breathable, it was his blood but colorless.
I was then released to go through the gate but the gate could not touch

Upon the wall, written in ancient design read the words: Level One. The
stairs in front of me descending into the unknown appeared to be carved
out of bone, human bone and I no longer felt the courage I once had felt

I had no desire to place my feet upon that which I was made of and all I
could think about was running back from where I had come. I knew what
I was about to be shown was such a privilege and a gift from the Lord, but
not just for myself. What I was about to enter were levels that would
unlock many mysteries for saints all over the world, to prepare us for the
next move of God and the end time days. I also knew that my flesh
would be exposed on a level I had never tasted before, how terror-stricken
I had become.
All of a sudden I began to hear the familiar, soft voice of the Father for
the first time in a very long time as it echoed within the stairwell.
Deep my child, deep. Deep is where my treasure lies, buried beneath the
sands of time and deep is where your destiny can be found.
Fear no longer gripped my soul and I again was filled with the strength
and courage of the Master himself and I knew to Whom I belonged.
As I made my way down the stairs, I could feel the steps becoming a part
of me, as if these ancient bones from the past were crying out to me just
to be touched again by human form. I began to realize that the stairs were
not made from the enemy, but made from the saints whose blood and
tears made the way much smoother, not only for myself but for the many
others that have and would travel this way.
As I peered even closer upon the stairs I could see the names of the saints
imbedded deep within the bone. I began to run my fingers over their
names just to feel a piece of their existence, and the stairs became ivory,
smooth, milky ivory enmeshing my spirit with theirs. I could see all the
saints in heaven that had traveled this unknown path and they were
waiting for it to be traveled on again.

I saw Joan of Arc standing tall with her armor in her hands. Unlike the
pictures of her armor depicted in history books, it was holy armor, the
color of the deepest and purest form of gold.
I began to cry out to her, my spirit leaping with joy but the name escaping
from my lips was Johannes.
Standing beside Joan, was the Apostle John and they were each holding
their armor together, one armor, a shared armor. The sharing of the armor
was their mantles combined; a double mantle, the unity spoken about in
John 17:21 of I in Him and He in us.
So that they all may be one; just as thou, my Father, art with me, and I
with thee, that they also may be one with us; so that the world may
believe that thou didst send me.
Such beauty in the unity of the male and female in Christ Jesus, side by
side as one; the soul with her spirit man as one.
Having no former knowledge of the name Johannes, I later learned that
John is the English form of Johannes. Joan is the English form of
Johanne, an old French feminine form of Johannes, both names mean:
Yahweh is gracious.
Their names coming from the same origin and meaning was the divine
connection of bloodlines needed to fight the battle ahead. They both knew
the meaning of dying to ones own flesh, even unto their own physical
death. The enlightenment of this moment brought forth such a deep spirit
of revelation within me of the divine connections that were beginning
upon the earth. The mantles that are coming are these unions of
bloodlines and they will be given to their rightful owners; the new hidden
breed of warriors.
These mighty warriors have been broken before the Lord, trained one on
one by the Master himself as they choose to die daily to self. They will be
the ones to break through the darkness that is coming upon the earth, for
they will walk in such an awesome awareness of what lies within them;
the Maker and Creator is their breath.

Deep within my spirit an ancient calling could be heard,

Unity, Unity, Unity!
As the last call resounded in my spirit I began to melt into the stairs
themselves. No longer was I standing on stairs of ivory but in heaven
with the Apostle John and Joan of Arc.
Of all the years I have spent at the feet of our Lord and the places he has
taken me, never had I dreamed that I would have such a divine encounter
as this. I was also aware that this was not a meeting to go unrecognized
and unshared as a rush of pure holy fear began to usher me forward.
The Apostle John and Joan standing together held out a book; one of great
age and wealth; all I had to do was to reach out my hands and receive it.
Yet I knew what it would bring.
I could feel it in my spirit the revelation that was being offered and with
it a death I had never tasted before. I would never return to the former
order of life as I had known it; it was the book of Revelation.
The receiving of this book was also the impartation of their armor, their
mantles. I slowly reached out just to touch the book when suddenly I
entered a portal leading to the Island of Patmos.
As I was rushed through this portal all I could hear were angels singing,
Holy! Holy! Holy! Holy is the Lord God Almighty, Holy is His Name!
The ambience of singing made its way in through every fiber of my
being; I could feel my soul being ripped out from its former position and
being conjoined with my spirit.
Again, a unity and the joining together of Gods perfect, divine order and
truth. This ancient revelation from deep within the womb brought such an
awakening and heartache of my own true attire.
My apparel; one of much pride and self-adoration, caused the armor to
become instantly heavy so that I could no longer carry it. How easy pride
had slipped into my heart upon seeing the mantles before me. A pride so
subtle, so very deceitful, that I had not seen it slither its way into my

soul. I had greeted the armor with an eagerness of self, instead of

Holy Spirits whisper came as gentle as the humility he was trying to
show me.
Ownership of that which I give you will make ones armor heavy in
pride, but as you learn to release back to me all that I give you, it is then
when it becomes light.
I was now dressed in a cloak, a deep burgundy cloak, the color of the
grapes I had seen in the valley. Its aroma was of the wine that is coming;
the wine from the vats of the King and its fabric was as crushed velvet, as
crushed grapes.
The hood was then placed over my head as a covering as his humbleness
invaded my spirit; and my eyes were opened to the beauty I was
surrounded in.
Standing before me was a gathering of angels unlike any I had ever seen
before; they were ancient, ushered up from the deep, awaiting their
release. They were dressed in white, one-piece garments adorned in gold
armor, each carrying a sword.
Although separate, they appeared as one.
Their swords were not at all what I would have pictured but very plain
and made from unpolished wood, and the blade looked like an old rusty
nail, but upon the handle written in blood was the name Ancient Destiny.
Just then, one of the angels came forth and greeted me with such
comradeship that I felt as if I had known this angel forever.
I have been assigned to you; I am the angel of Ancient Destiny as are all
the others before you, we have been waiting here to be released;
We are who fed the Apostle John.
The angel then thrust his sword into my belly! I not only felt death
rattling my bones but I could also taste its putrid hold upon my life as the
sword held me up.

I cannot be released to you, nor can you handle this sword without the
realization of ones true self and the truth and knowledge of ones soul
gripped by flesh. It is only by the Father and through the Father and he
through you can we be released.
With the sword still thrust deep within my belly did another angel appear,
this one appeared much larger and dressed in a sapphire blue garment
with a belt of fire around his waist.
His garment was alive; a living, breathing jewel of sapphire and his belt
was a flame of fire.
I knew that I was not to bow to these angels but the holy reverence that
was washing through me caused my eyes to turn away in fear. This angel
then reached his hand deep within my belly, pushing the sword even
deeper within me until I could no longer see it and he pulled out a jewel,
a large amber colored gem and placed it in my hands.
I am the angel of Wisdom and Revelation, together as one. We are being
released along with the angel of Ancient Destiny, for you cannot have one
without the other or you would die.
I was already feeling as if I was at deaths door. The pain and realization
of my own self brought such death and bitterness upon my lips that
although a vision I thought I had physically died. At this, the angel
disappeared and the angel of Ancient Destiny then stepped back awaiting
his release.
Here I stood with this beautiful sparkling jewel that held much wisdom
and revelation and yet I still felt so full of pride when holding it. This
pride began to swell even larger than the jewel until it was totally
consumed by self.
No longer could I see this precious jewel for self had completely covered
the gift!
The revelation of ones self flooded my soul in such reality and force that
I no longer wished to live as I had lived before. Again I had failed my
King, my Beloved, as pearls fed to swine so had I to my flesh.

The Fathers hand gently rested upon my face as a mother would to her
child in pain and he began to wipe away my tears. The Fathers heart then
exposed as he too wept beside me consuming all my pain. I could see how
broken his heart was for me as it too had been for the Apostle Peter.
I too was Peter and the revelation of my rejection was more than I could
Oh my daughter, my precious one, this test was given to you because of
the love that I have for you and all my children so that you will be
prepared for the coming days. As a mother must allow her child to fall in
the training to walk, so must I allow you to fall.
You will not be able to lead those out of deception if you have not tasted
of that which they are in. It is a deep training to hear my voice and to
hear it through others as well, and to trust in me with all your heart, lean
not to your own understanding.
This is a great time of acceleration to hear my voice and to hear it
quickly, for the enemy comes dressed in many colors. This is why I
created both male and female, to be joined together at ones side.
This union between the male and female mantles is also the union of
husband and wife and the union of the body of Christ, the bridegroom
with his bride; my kingdom being established within. It is divine order
and will take much ground back that the enemy has stolen from my
I was now standing with the mantle still weighing heavily upon my
shoulders when the Fathers voice again whispered in my ear.
Many mantles await their release, those of John, Joan and many others.
As you begin to impart the mantle you have been given unto those you will
be entrusted with, this mantle will then become much lighter.
Again, the angel of Wisdom and Revelation appeared and thrust his hand
deep within my belly, this time causing such pain that I no longer felt
alive but rather death consumed my flesh. All I kept thinking is, how
many times can I die and still live again?

Holy Spirits voice came again, this time in a hush, a holy whisper:
To die to the flesh is to live for Christ.
The smell of ancient soil permeated the air as the angel pulled out the
amber colored jewel and placed it gently in my hands and disappeared.
This time the Fathers voice became hurried inside me and I knew I was
to swallow the gift that I had received, to keep it safe within.
No sooner had I consumed the jewel than did deep revelation begin to stir
within my belly, like a volcano ready to erupt I knew that I had
swallowed both of the angels. A holy reverence began to consume me as
fire would consume mere stubble and I fell to my knees in holy fear of
the King; for the deposit of ancient wealth that now lay in my belly and
my commissioning to keep it safe.
A soft rain began to fall cleansing me of all the pain and residue of the
past, and before me lie again the book of Revelation and I knew I was to
eat it. As the book touched my lips it began to melt and pour into me like
sweet, thick honey, pure honey from the Throne room of God. It became
very familiar as it made its way into my belly for the taste of bitterness
began to fill my mouth, a taste I knew so well.

The bitterness began to work its way up from my belly and into my
mouth and I began to gasp for air as I pulled out from the deep, the sword
that had been thrust in before.
No longer was the blade rusty and crudely constructed, but of very fine
polished silver and the handle smooth, polished wood.
The perfect picture of the cross.
Ancient carvings were etched deep within the handle, but somehow I
knew I was not to know their meaning; at least not yet. Upon my waist
was a brilliant dark leather belt deep as wine, almost black, the same
color as my cloak, the blood of the saints, awaiting the arrival of the
A long silver chain lay hanging from my belt adorned with many keys,

ancient silver keys and I was now clothed in full armor, both front and
I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you
bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth
shall be loosed in heaven. Matthew 16:19
Just then the Father appeared as a shadow as large as the expanse of the
heavens, washing me inside and out, until I was completely covered in
the same hooded cloak that I had been given before. Its disappearance I
had not noticed but it had departed when pride took over. It not only
covered the shimmering effect of the armor but it also made the armor
feel very light, like a protective covering over my heart. I now felt the
Father making his abode in me, making me feel so safe, even from
I was now hidden within the King.
All of sudden, I was being ushered back through the portal and standing
again upon the stairs of ivory and then back home again in my living
room. I began to ponder on all that I had received as an overwhelming
sense of peace filled my soul. It would be many months in the natural
before I again found myself on the stairs of Ivory; I knew by the grace of
God only could I now enter the Seven Levels of the Deep.

I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls.
Job 30:29 (KJV)

Chapter Four; Level 1

The Dragon

Before me stood the most powerful of all serpents I have ever

encountered, a giant dragon from the deep. He was seven feet long and
three feet wide, but in the spirit he was taller than the highest building
and he covered much ground fiercely and quickly.
The number of his length and width marked his worldly control in
counterfeit form that he both being the number seven (spiritual
perfection) plus three (trinity; divine perfection) totaling ten (ordinal
perfection). The Apostle John and Joan of Arc both encountered this beast
as well as thousands of other precious saints. He was the religious spirit
still reigning in many hearts and churches across the nations, now in full
view of his true appearance.
I knew that if I had ventured down into his territory without legal
authority I would be eaten alive, for the dragons vengeance and his
desire was to kill, rob and destroy. But the Spirit of the Lord brought me
here and the serpent knew it, he could not touch me. Like a beast on
display the serpent did glare, proud of whom he was and what he
possessed, and also what he wished to posses. Even his looks he strutted
powerfully in full view for me to see.
I would have thought the color of the serpents body to have been black
but instead it was multicolored. At first glance one might think the
colors to be beautiful but upon closer inspection they became
psychedelic, almost blinding from their effect.
O how the deceiver comes bearing gifts of deceit and blindness, this
awareness was the test that I had just previously encountered and failed.

There were also markings along the backside of this snake, carved out
signatures of those who had tried to fight this beast on their own
admonition; and their pride in making their name known was to their
death. I knew I was not to touch this beast; I was to only observe and to
write down in my spirit all that I was being shown.
He had five heads each representing his control over our five senses of
sight, sound, taste, touch and smell; their names carved deep into the
serpents belly. This was a very effective tool the enemy used to prey

upon his many victims.

The first head was the color of green, lime green and his name was Greed
and his face bore the resemblance, as his fangs oozed out defecation.
I could feel the power of this greed even through the protective glass. Its
intoxicating power seemed to linger in the air where I found myself very
sleepy and unable to stand. A darkness then came upon me, a darkness
like death itself and I knew that I must again stand to my feet and face
this creature. This greed came in the form of power, position and
authority, masking many in financial bliss and glory and inhibiting the
power of Christ to work within them and also from ever obtaining their
true destiny in life. I could feel the prayers being offered up to heaven on
my behalf as the Fathers strength began to occupy my soul; no longer my
way but his, and I stood.
The second head was the color of putrid yellow and his name was Lust
and he too bore the resemblance of lust as his forked tongue hissed its
evil tune. I could feel its corrupt and perverse venom begin to cover many
saints, those who were lost and even those who knew the Lord. This lust
was offered up on a bed of lies of sweet talk and manipulation to the
feeding of ones own flesh, keeping many saints from ever really hearing
the Word.
I could see many saints all over the world, some in very high positions of
authority in the church, hours and hours a day spent reading the bible but
it didnt penetrate their spirits but a continuous feeding to the flesh; a
doing of works instead of Spirits calling.
The third head was the color of fleshly pink and his name was Pride. He
too bore the resemblance of pride as his head darted back and forth, in
awe of where he came from and in awe of his own flesh.

This serpent fed off of the saints who were in need of mans words and
lies and the hearing of their own voice and what they had accomplished in
Christ; they became so full of self that they no longer bore any
resemblance to the Father.

The fourth head was stone cold brown and his name was Addiction and
he also bore the resemblance of his name. Its head and tongue darted
boldly at me, wishing to stick its fangs deep into my flesh. He came
bearing gifts of instant highs and gratification all based on feeling,
keeping many saints high up on the mountain instead of ever venturing
into the deep.
This perverse drunkenness both spiritually and in the natural will keep
many saints bound to man instead of the divine intimacy in Jesus.
The fifth head was the color of black, slimy black and his name was
Death and Disease. He too bore the resemblance of his name as his fangs
shot out the deadly poison; even his eyes were oozing venom. This
serpent has been blinding many now and in the coming days with a focus
upon earths circumstances instead of on the Lord.
Masked well in doom and gloom of that which we see in the natural but
have already been set free in the spiritual.
These were the five heads of the religious spirit, Legalism, opinion,
debate, judgment and criticism all keeping many bound in chains of
destruction instead of freedom in the Lord.
The serpent had three tails, each with a long, black stinger in which to
inject a numbing sensation into each victim, rendering them desensitized
to the evil being shot into them. One stinger into the mind, one stinger
into the body and one into the soul; but their spirit he could not touch,
although held in bondage from the sting.
I could see how the lack of self confrontation was what the enemy was
using to keep many from ever venturing into the level of the denial of
self. His ploy was to keep us forever wrapped in self instead of seeing
ones true attire. I could feel the heat of my sword brush up against my
side and how badly I wanted to reach down and grab it, to wield it in the
Name of the Lord.
But the Fathers voice I could hear calling, beckoning me to keep
moving, to keep my eyes and ears open to his call. I began to feel such
grief and devastation in my spirit when I thought of all who were being

poisoned by this evil serpent, even I.

I am he who lives, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for
evermore, Amen. And I have the keys of death and of Sheol.
Revelation 1:18

Chapter Five; Level 2

The Prison

I was then ushered down to the second level and before me was a prison
cell full of rotting flesh; those who had died spiritually in bondage. I
could see some who were still breathing but they could only lie like death
among the stench of hopelessness and despair.
Their eyes had the look of a deer caught in headlights.
I wanted to cry out to them that the key was in the lock, all they had to do
was to reach their hands outside the bars to be set free. But the blindness
of the enemy kept them from ever seeing the key and held them all in
slavery. I saw a very small opening from inside the prison wall, as if
someone had been working hard at breaking through but had given up.
Now a small stream of light came piercing through this hole and I knew
that I must somehow enter.
Again my soul resisted this movement; this quickening in my spirit and
fear began to overwhelm me. The same hopelessness and despair that
plagued those in captivity began to flood over me like a raging river. My
breath seemed to be pushed so far down inside me that all I wanted to do
was to run, to go back from where I had come from.
As I began to stare into the hopeless eyes of the prisoners, I could see my
own soul staring back at me in fear and I knew I was to keep digging; to
surrender all to the Lord and push forward into freedom.
Suddenly, a deep, sobering feeling, that of weakness, began to arise

within me and I pushed my flesh aside. I began to cry out to the Father
that I did not have the boldness I once thought I had; I began to be so very
real with him and then something began to shift.
This awakening inside me was Spirit himself being allowed to move
through more freely upon the recognition of my souls weakness alone.
A vessel, scarred, marred and rendered useless until broken into many
pieces; discarded and set aside. Who then arises like the dawn and
awakens the night but our glorious Maker, our divine Creator. He ever so
gently picks up all the rejected pieces, all the jagged edges, and begins to
rebuild and polish anew what before was cast away.
As it begins to take shape it is but a new sculpture, no longer looking at
all like the old piece of hardened clay; but full of power, brilliance and
shine. We are then his finished work with the seal of the Master Potter
and not of man.
I could hear the five-headed dragon above me hissing with vengeance, his
hissing came like a loud violin gone mad. A little taste of how those in
prison were feeling, I too had wanted to give up, to just lie down and die.
This awareness of my frailty seemed to soften the dead weight of self that
I had been carrying, to know that I had no strength of my own, but only
through the Father would I be able to go any further into the deep.
What freedom is in our weakness, for greater is He that is in us than he
that is in the world. 1John 4:4
The prison bars behind me began to creak with sounds of aching and
despair as I was caught up in its ownership and taken into another room;
into the dungeon of despair. Through the thick darkness came a faint cry
until the cry became a sob and it sliced open a piece of my soul, a cut so
deep I could smell its foulness coming from my own breath.
The Fathers voice came in a whisper to continue to, breathe, breathe in
my daughter and exhale; give a voice to the pain and let out its stench!
Distant memories once forgotten now resurfaced; it was like opening up a
photo album of time that I had buried long ago right along with the pain.

Page by page the wound was felt, it burned through my soul in fire and it
quickly went away. The voice crying in the dark had now merged with my
own lamentation as together we united like long lost love notes together
as one.
She was an octave higher as a fusion transpired that gave sound to our
pain; an expression to the violation, a voice to the rape.
Joan of Arc emerged through the rubble, she arose from this den of
torture, sorrow and shame as we renounced its hold and we embraced in
song; a mantle was passed marking this a day of victory for all on this
path. Although Joan had already been set free long ago her destiny was
awaiting its release through the prison walls, the church and many hearts,
with divine purpose to whom it would reach. This was a day of reckoning
as the bars of this prison let out its last complaint and they completely
disappeared, leaving behind a freedom only known to those in slavery.
Standing once again before the wall of stone I began in vengeance and in
the power of the King to break through to the light where there did lay yet
another gate buried within. Many attempts had been made to break this
archaic clasp, but an ancient lock requires ancient keys as I searched for
the rightful owner; o what liberation found in the hidden wounds of the
I had been given seven keys on my ring so it didnt take long to find the
perfect match, and it too upon unlocking the passage, disappeared. I
could hear the thumping of the dragons tail and the evil shrill of his
hissing above and I knew I was on the right track.
The hole was just large enough for me to crawl through as I turned around
to see if the saints were following, but the wall closed up like a book,
forever sealed. Peering much closer, I could see fine lines of pure gold
running like veins within the wall, like solid gold mesh. The Fathers
voice began to resonate like thunder in my ears and I could hear angels
singing songs of freedom and victory.
The captives have been set free!
This cell will never again be used to hold man in bondage; they who

were once in chains will now be used mightily to loose many now being
held in slavery.
The word of the Lord began to run through my veins like hot oil, Now
the Lord is that very Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is
liberty. 2 Corinthians 3:17

This was triumph in its purest form, to know that these precious saints
had been delivered from the enemys dungeon; his bed of lies. I also
knew there were many more hidden jewels to deliver and my journey was
just beginning.
As I entered the hole I found myself in a tunnel, a wet, slimy, sticky
tunnel and the stench was burning my eyes. No longer was the light
visible and I found myself barely able to breathe through the smell, but
this was now the only way out. The further I crawled, the deeper I went,
the ground beneath me began to change; from what before was deemed
repulsive to a substance smooth like glass.
I began to hear such life force coming from below like the sound of
waves crashing upon a shore, a soothing vibration that almost induced me
to sleep. Then suddenly from within the faithful moaning of the waves I
could hear a distant cry, so desperate was this weeping that it caught my
soul up in its pain.
It was an invitation that one receives from within the depth of their soul
to travel even beyond their own perception of surrender, to that of total
abandonment. The moment my soul absorbed this truth my spirit arose
among the blackness; a spiritual awareness of that which I was clothed in
yet a pardon to continue my pursuit into the unknown.
This awakening was like a key that unlocked my vision to my
surroundings and the glass floor beneath me lit up like a jewel, a green
emerald jewel.
Within the darkened night arises a gem that cannot be found in the light,

it is only within the blackness of ones soul that our vision is illuminated
to behold the truth.
I began to run my hands along the foundation of this jewel as my eyes
encountered its wealth. Through the brilliant shine of this treasure I could
see an ancient burial ground filled with many gold vaults and the Apostle
John inviting me in. Somehow I knew I was lying upon the stone of this
great Apostle, the emerald of his soul and his sacrifice of self, such life.
This was a divine invitation to receive from the hidden reservoir below.
Then John spoke through the emerald, he spoke from within. The jewel
began to soften with every word that came forth, until I was completely
covered in its wealth and I found myself standing alone in the crypt.
Many vaults covered the walls, shining in gold and looking as if they had
never been touched, no tarnish to behold. Fear began to grip my heart to
the gifts that lay before me and to what price must one pay to receive
I have said many times in the past that I would gladly die for the King,
when the time came I would welcome its embrace. But now to see death
before me with open arms, I fell to the ground in my weakness; in my
despair of my heart open bare.
O Father I cried, please forgive me but I am too weak in my flesh to go
on. I am not strong enough for the task at hand, to retrieve the hidden
manna for all to behold, please Father forgive me, I am done.
I could hear the thumping of the dragons trail in perfect agreement and
his vile accusations come storming in. Oh yes daughter of the King, you
are much too powerless and full of sin, who do you think you are fooling?
You must give this task to someone more worthy for you are far too
feeble to go on!
Never before would I have thought that I would be in bold agreement
with the enemy but here I was lying on the floor in such weakness and
My daughter, I have never asked of you this strength that you think you

must carry, I only ask of you your willingness to see your weakness; for
then I am truly made strong. I require in you and in all my children to be
continuously undone in my presence, just as you are now. But you see it
as being finished with the task at hand; I see it as just the beginning.
Again and again the true intent of my heart is revealed where I deem
myself too frail. The Fathers love made manifest through this exposure
of ones soul, is his grace to see us through; the unveiling has begun.
The wall above the vaults seemed to come alive in a rhythmic breathing,
in and out, with deep inscriptions imbedded in its flesh. They were
caveman like figures with long, wild hair all in different war like poses.
One figure was holding a severed head in one hand and a knife made from
stone in the other. Another drawing came to life of a stick like figure
standing over another with spear in hand, ready to pierce his opponent.
They covered the walls with their fierce suggestions that I was not to
uncover the hidden treasure. Fear was not an option here, for I already
knew it was not I that was unlocking the mystery, but the Father in me as
I slowly opened the first vault.
At first I thought the tomb to be empty as only darkness stared back. But
upon closer inspection did a pouch appear as if out of nowhere, a camel
colored, leather pouch filled with solid gold coins. Engraved on one side
of the coin was a tree and above this tree were the words, Tree of Caius.
On the other side was an engraving of an ostrich atop a nest full of
crushed eggs.
Thoughts of death began to plague my mind, thoughts of suicide, murder
and lust. I could feel the cold, hard bite of the dragons stinger penetrate
all my senses; the sting of death was at my door. All I could think of was
how to get out of this level, to escape even from this vision. I could
barely cry out to the Father for help as my head reeled in thumping
vibrations of pain.
The word Caius (pronounced keys) began to recite in my spirit like a
gentle breeze and I could feel myself swaying in the wind, as if I were a
tree and my arms the branches. The more the wind blew, the more I was

lifted up from the deep mire of rebukes and onto a dwelling of peace.
I could now see myself from afar, and upon my shoulders was a large
backpack labeled condemnation as more words like slime continued to
fill it up quickly. The more the words filled the pack the heavier it
became until I could no longer move. To see myself from this great
height of peace while in the torrent of the sea, I knew that the peace of the
Father so overcomes evil; I could and I would go on.
In a hurried fashion I began to attach the leather pouch to my belt,
whence came a narration of notes from behind me that seemed to rupture
this action. Appearing in front of me was a man, looking very
distinguished in his style of dress, that of kingly apparel. He was maybe
59 and a little stout, handsome in a peculiar kind of way. He was wearing
a robe of many colors, and with many fine jewels fastened within its
fabric. I immediately thought I should bow as he interrupted my thoughts
in deep laughter.
Oh no my dear child I am none other but Caius, the Earl of Kent in King
Lear, there is no need to bow.
I have been sent your way as someone fictional brought to life; has much
to do with faith; and thy love for the King. You see my dear, the journey
of man, is likened to the riddle of the tree falling in the forest when no
one is around, does it make a sound?
Well, I petition to you there is a whisper that breaks forth in the echo of
the trees fall as it makes its way around the forest, causing such a mighty
roar when in doing so that many other trees take notice and they too
begin to retire to the earth. Eventually its voice is heard and validated
even though it already existed, do you wish for me to go on? I do so love
to talk.
And with this, a deep sense of joy escaped from my soul that all I could
do was laugh, how long had it been since I laughed like this? I knew what
Caius was sharing with me had all to do with faith and the wisdom in her
ways. His robe of such fine wealth was wisdom exposed in her glory, and
it comes in many forms, such as this of Caius.

Please my lady if you would allow me to recite from the book of

Proverbs what it is that you have received here.
And on that note the noble Caius began with the inspiration of his soul to
recite Proverbs 3:13-15, 18
Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, and the son of the man who finds
For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and its
gains than fine gold.
She is more valuable than precious stones; and there is nothing to be
compared to her.
She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her; and blessed are those
who wait for her.
With these beautiful words so well spoken I knew that I was not to take
with me the pouch full of gold coins, it was in the revelation of the
treasure, the gift of pure wisdom, holy wisdom sent from above.
I see you understand the tree of Caius and the wisdom in her roots.
The Apostle John addressed his third epistle to Caius, I am not he of
course, but we are all to be like him. To walk in holy truth and in the
wisdom of God; this is the tree of Caius.
You did well in returning the coins for they would have only weighed you
down; for you already received their true meaning. Unlike the ostrich, the
emblem on the other side of the coin, in finding her nest has been
touched, in her greediness she will crush all the eggs that are left. And
now I must be on my way but I pray you keep yourself tucked beneath the
wings of the great Eagle himself, always safe here my dear, always safe!
With the warmth of those precious words he tossed my way one gold coin
as I tucked it within my belt, he was gone. Gone too were all the coins,
the vaults and even the tomb for I was now back in the tunnel, the very
black and gloomy tunnel.
All of a sudden the tunnel began to move as if it was alive, shifting from
side to side, tossing me back and forth very harshly. At first fear swept

over me and I thought my journey was over as I realized where I had

I was in the belly of the dragon.
No sooner than the realization of where I was hit me then so did the
Fathers light, as my sword kept scraping along side this giant beast. O
the power of his sword, the mighty power of his word.
It began to cause such an irritation within the serpent that I found myself
being regurgitated, flying in mid air and landing as if on the outside; but
somehow I knew deep down inside that I would be returning.

Again he measured a thousand cubits and brought me through the
water; and it was up to the knees. Again he measured a thousand cubits
and brought me through the water, and it was up to the loins. Ezekiel

Chapter Six; Level 3

The City

What beauty spread out before me the air so pure and clean, having come
from such darkness I could barely catch my breath for the view.
Somehow I found myself standing in a city, a striking city, so rich with
flavor. The buildings spoke of days of old, adorned in a sea of vines and
bright yellow lilies.
I could see words inscribed upon a large wooden sign in bold ancient
letters, Level Three. To my surprise I was exposed and very apparent as
the people drove by and waved. I looked down to see what I was wearing,
and I was still dressed in my same attire, along with belt and sword, while
every one else seemed to be dressed in modern clothing.
All at once I found myself surrounded by people; men, women and
children as they all welcomed me into their city. What lovely gifts they
adorned me with, fine jewels and words of kindness, I could scarcely
catch my breath before I found myself being whisked away into a lovely
coffee shop.
My soul was elated and filled with joy at such a welcoming embrace, but
something was stirring deep within me to remain watchful and very alert.
As I began to observe more closely at what I thought were happy faces,
the faces became distorted and blended each one appearing like the other
in robotic motion; I began to see a famine of identity and I was at their
They could not seem to keep their hands off of me as they began touching
my face and hair, all wanting to know everything about me, who I was
and why I was there.

I soon realized that all they really wanted was to touch my sword, and I
let a few run their fingers along the blade. As they continued to touch that

which belonged to the King, I became weaker and weaker until my sword
completely disappeared.
Such devastation filled my heart as the truth came pouring in; I had
allowed the Fathers sword to be touched by unclean hands, their hearts
were not pure and their thoughts tainted with lust, and I let them run their
fingers along the blade! How could I have allowed this to happen after
such love and adoration from the King? I so needed the Fathers voice to
further instruct me in what to do, but he seemed also to have departed as I
began to look for a place to get away and rest.
Finally, after walking what seemed for miles down a long, deserted road,
I came to a little cottage, tucked away and barely visible. Slowly I peered
into the windows to see if it too was deserted as I and all that stared back
at me was a glass of water and a piece of paper lying on the floor.
Tired, worn out and alone I reached for the handle, but to my dismay it
was locked. I then remembered the keys that the Father had given me
before. Such peace overwhelmed me as I found six of them still hanging
from my belt as I unlocked the door and walked in.
The door did not disappear as they had in the pit below, but no matter
how hard I tried, the lock would not release the key. The Fathers voice
broke the silence and filled the small room.
My daughter, the key is no longer of use for it was not meant to come
this way; it was made for another door and another time. Your neglect in
keeping my sword pure and untouched by that which is unclean opened up
this path, look deep inside and you shall see the path within your reach.
Such grief and sorrow instantly filled my soul and I fell to the floor in
tears. Days went by, maybe weeks as I lay on the floor broken, unable to
move, until I saw the glass of water still awaiting my touch. As I reached
for its wealth and consumed every last drop; it was as if I was standing in
water. I began to feel the water rise all the way up to my knees and the
fear of facing ones self, ones pride, rose too; now exposed and brought
to light.

The Fathers love began to wash through me as it made its way into my
belly, instantly feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and I knew that I could go
What precious refreshment the soul doth receive when true self is
exposed; what precious refreshment the soul doth receive when then
followed by pure love.
I also felt the Fathers forgiveness, even though I still did not have the
sword. I knew I must somehow push myself forward and find the hidden
jewel in this city.
Never a task without finding the treasure and releasing that which was
buried so deep.
Having been so long in the cottage I nearly forgot about the note still
lying there on the floor and now with the loss of my sword, this could
offer some valuable clues to the journey before me. As I reached for the
note my fingers began to shake, what if it was a note from the King
expressing his wishes to give my assignment to someone more
trustworthy for the task? Either way I knew I must read what was to be
As I reached for the letter and placed it gently in my hands it instantly
felt as heavy as gold; yet it was light as a feather. So full with knowledge
which I knew it held, but not too heavy that I could not bare it. I began to
open it up slowly and the letter dissolved into my hands.
The forgiveness of the Fathers love flowed through my hands and into
my spirit. My fingers began to burn with a holy fire and I knew that they
were being purified all the way through into my heart.
The Fathers voice seemed to come from somewhere inside me as it made
its way into my ears.
You have chosen wisely o daughter of the King, to press on ahead with
what you have been assigned. Even at the loss of the sword you have been
entrusted with is truly the heart I so desire. From now on I know that you
will be very wise in choosing who you allow to touch what is mine and

also what your hands touch as well.

I knew that this had been such a valuable lesson to learn yet one filled
with much sorrow and pain. The Fathers voice again came to my rescue
as he gently placed the sword into my hands.
My daughter, the sword has always been here awaiting the touch of your
hands. The defilement of the enemy caused you to be blind so that you
could not see past your own regret. This is very important for the coming
days when darkness will invade the land.
The enemy will be quick to shout, that your victory lies in what you can
see and feel with the natural eye, but I say, you only have to call into
existence, that which you do not see.
Look not to what surrounds you my daughter; keep your eyes on me and I
will set your feet upon that which is already yours. Perfection is not what
I require but your trust in me; this is worth more than any of the keys that
I have given you, to trust and obey.

And he had in his right hand seven stars; and out of his mouth came a
sharp two-edged sword; and his countenance was like the sun shining
in its strength. Revelation 1:16

Chapter Seven
The Sword

Just then a great light appeared reaching all the way from heaven to earth;
a liquid light with much expression and movement. No longer was I in
the cottage but in a wide-open field and the light was the sword I had
been given, now stretching all the way into the heavens and back.
The field, very parch with dry, brittle weeds, began to come alive with
music and sounds from above. From this sword came a sound; a liquid
sound that I could feel saturate my skin.
Even the weeds became alive as they turned first to wheat, glorious,
golden wheat reaching up to the sky, and then to gold. Gold dust began to
make its way from the wheat into the sword reaching all the way to
heaven and back down again.
A repetition of this movement continued over and over again until I too
knew that I must enter the sword. I was beginning to understand a little of
the order of darkness and the order of light; we can not have one without
the other. The enemy loves to keep us walking in some degree of
intoxication, never entering into the levels that may appear to be total
destruction; and it is to ones own flesh.
But it is in this darkness that one truly has a close encounter with our
wonderful Counselor. The darkness of coming face to face with self, not
the enemy; he has already lost.

So far, I have traveled through three levels, and the awesome awareness
of the Lords presence is more than I have ever tangibly felt. Yet the
darkness and the knowledge of ones true self was what I had to pass
through in order to see him.

The enemy is hard at work in trying to stop many saints from tasting this
darkness, for then they too would taste the glory of the Lord.
I slowly made my way towards the sword. I knew that this was a gift
being given to me and to all his saints who have passed by this way. I also
knew that it was holy fire residing in the sword and any and all flesh left
hidden in me would be exposed and burned up as chaff. The closer I
came to the sword the slower I found myself walking, until it was no
longer I that moved but the Spirit of the Lord that moved me.
I was then lifted up and drawn into the sword until I was completely
surrounded by brilliant light beams. The light beams permeated in and
out of my mind, through my body, soul and spirit until I was totally
consumed by love. I was so completely saturated in the Fathers love that
I knew I would never want to leave.
Again, the glorious sound of music I had heard moments earlier made its
way into my spirit; a symphony of depth which I had never heard before
on earth. Such love in this harmony of notes, a signature tune from the
deep restored and made ready for instant consumption. I knew I must
somehow take back with me this new revelation of chords to share with
many others, for it was healing in its purest form.
As the light beams continued their sweep through my spirit, I too began
mine and I devoured all that I could of this new sound; music from
heaven. So full I became of his sound that I knew I would either explode
or that the Father would have to take it away if I did not release soon
what I had been given.
As soon as this thought made its way into my spirit I found myself
standing in front of a church, a very old church, one of incredible
architectural design as its steeple reached strongly towards heaven.

Although I was in a vision I knew that I was standing in a real and

tangible place somewhere in Europe; the smell of martyrdom in the air.
The melody that came pouring forth from this church was the same music
heard in the sword, straight from heaven. I was unsure if I was in the past,
present or future until I saw some modern dressed people walking up the
pathway and into the church.

Again, the reality of being caught up in the third heaven and yet finding
myself on earth was the unity I had felt before; a divine merger of heaven
to earth. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
The old iron fence that surrounded this church brought upon my spirit a
sense of fear, holy fear, one of great restriction and restraint upon the
flesh. It was magnificent in stature and appearance, so much so that I
was rendered speechless against a force of holy reverence at what lay
waiting beyond the gates.
Abroad the gate was letters composed of such unique form and design,
appearing alive; breathing in perfect rhythmic motion. The sudden gust of
wind brought in a distant hollow sound, a loud whisper of a faraway cry,
Level Four.
Finding the gate secured was of no surprise for I had five keys left and
only four levels to go, as I reached for the one made to fit.
Such satisfaction ones soul is given when reaching for that which is
obscure; stretching beyond mans reality and straightway into heavens
gates, my soul doth thirst.
Only one key left remaining to try as I held it ever so lightly in the palm
of my hand, touching the grooves that would unlock the mystery before
me. This small gesture of movement somehow gave me strength;
authority to brave the unknown.
All at once, like liquid silver the key began to melt and travel through my
fingers claiming them now as the key. This valuable insight made known

was of great importance and a much required tool needed in the coming
days, when our keys remain hidden from sight.
We need only to believe and to have faith in the unseen, to know that
what we posses in our Fathers name, is not always made visible to the
natural eye. As it says in Hebrews 11:1:
Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, as it was the substance of
things which have come to pass; and it is the evidence of things not seen
However, having such depth of knowledge being manifested physically
through my body still did not unlock the gate; it remained fastened and
very secure.
Now to move forward when the path seems restricted, to walk towards
that which has already been given to you.

I reached out and touched the words Level Four.

He reveals the deep and secret things; he knows what is in the darkness,
and the light is with him. Daniel 2:22

Chapter Eight; Level 4

The Lions Den

A deep groaning within the gate could be heard; an ancient release was
breaking through as I was ushered by the Spirit of the Lord back many
centuries. As I was transported through each generation I received a
download of much hidden wealth that not only went untold, but were
bound by mans ways and mans words, so they lay in each generation
awaiting their release.
The love that I came to know passing through the generations was an
endless kind of love. It was the love of the Father totally encompassing
me; where every fiber of my being was saturated in his love. It was the
same love encountered while taken up into the sword, except this time it
was coming from within my own being.
I was being used as a release point; a point of interest. Through each
generation I was taken I received an impartation of awaiting knowledge
from the past for the release of many saints.
The hidden secrets and promises from long ago that the saints from old

held onto but did not yet see. As spoken of in Hebrews 11:39-40, what a
perfect merger of Gods Kingdom.
Thus these all, having obtained a testimonial through the faith, did not
receive the promise,
Because God from the beginning provided for our help, lest without us
they should not be made perfect.

I was again ushered to the front of the gate where a woman, a very
beautiful woman stood standing; as if awaiting my arrival. The moment I
looked into her eyes I knew she was Mary Magdalene. Her outer beauty
was stunning to behold, but it still was in no comparison to her inner
beauty. O my friends, her eyes! The color of her eyes was blue as the sea,
the deep, deep sea, a spiritual blue and I was completely drawn into
Christ; to the deep things in Christ Jesus.
My cloak then began to feel alive and I could feel the mighty hand of
Jesus upon me. I began to understand the meaning of the cloak I had
been given, it was more than just his covering; it was his love I was
wearing. It was his blood that was sacrificed, ah the cloak of love. Even
the armor beneath could not withstand the evil that was coming upon the
earth, without his divine love.
Mary was the gatekeeper of this ancient church and she too wore a cloak
of love, but of the same color as her eyes, velvet blue; a divine visitation
from heaven. Marys eyes were as velvet, and its rippling effect was the
Fathers love flowing from her; bestowing such intimacy with the King
and then she smiled.
I have been waiting here for your arrival; I have seen the path by which
you came. Many a journey of the Lords saints I have seen come by this
way but some chose to fight the dragon in the deep and therefore did not
make it this far.
The access is not in the fight but in knowing the Fathers perfect love, his

blood shed on the cross and his spirit within you. This is the key and the
access into the gate, you will then know what battle is yours and what is
Your path, one chosen to go into the deep where flesh is exposed but not
forgotten, is seeing past ones flesh and directly into the heart of the
King. The keys were given to you and to all his children upon the cross,
but self keeps many bound forever never venturing into the deep.

Now you may enter.

Mary gently took my hand in hers and together we were united in the
Fathers love. Such divine love made its way back and forth between us,
like an exchange of ones thoughts and make-up; it was the Fathers love
connecting our spirits.
The moment my feet touched the cobblestone pathway, I was transported
again by the Spirit of the Lord into a room where the Father was waiting.
The atmosphere was thick with a cloud like presence where I could barely
see but a few steps in front of me. All of a sudden, I knew that I had been
here before in another vision as the voice of God hit my spirit like a
thunderbolt might hit a tree and I felt my heart being severed in half.
Details my daughter, details, I have brought you back here for details
you have overlooked in previous places I have taken you. They are much
needed by you and many others in order to travel further in your destiny.
Too many times my children have been given jewels and fine treasures
along the way only to pass them by; their hunger for new revelation kept
them blinded from what they have already received. You must once again
travel this path and I will show you what before you could not see, much
like a puzzle in need of the missing piece; only that which is will be. This
is level four.
In all my children there is a hidden theme, a pattern, much like a

signature upon their hearts. When this song is heard, when the motif is
seen, then they will be able to move forward in their destiny.
I knew in my heart how guilty I was of my continuous pursuit of new
revelation, having already been given so much and yet not truly seen. I
wanted to run out of this vision and tell everyone I knew what I had just
learned, but I knew that this was not the time and that I too must obey and
find what I had missed.
We then made our way together to the top of some very steep stairs that
seemed endless in their destination. Soon we were descending downward
as large white clouds began to encompass us. I could no longer see the
Father, but I knew he was there. As the clouds began to clear I realized
that the Father had put me directly in front of him and there he was!

I could scarcely believe I had not seen him before. So thundering in size
and majestic to behold, his eyes were of the purest color of green, golden
green like gold in a fire; my soul was pierced.
The Lion of Judah!
Through his eyes came a holy fire that sent his word right through my
Your eyes were on the enemy and not on me, my child. This is a scheme
that has worked for many generations to keep my people fighting endless
battles with the enemy, when they could have been in the Throne Room
with the King. Have I not shown you what the glory of the Father can do
through you, just as in the overshadowing of Peter?
They even brought out the sick into the streets and laid them on quilts so
that when Simon Peter should happen to pass by, his shadow might fall
on them. Acts 5:15
The sound of marching feet did ring in the presence of evil as men all
dressed in black paraded up the stairs on both sides. Their suits were very
detailed with sharp gold stitching and large gold buttons.

Their eyes were fixed straight ahead; never sensing we were there, the
Father quickly answering my thoughts replied:
"They can not see you my daughter for you are covered in my shadow and
they know not my plans. They know only the plans given out to them by
Satan, their father, and he only knows that which is repeated or uttered
prematurely by my children.
The Lion of Judah began to make his way back and forth in war like
motion, as his words continued to penetrate my spirit.
As Daniel was lifted up from the lions den unharmed, so shall my
children be who are cast down into the pit. I shall lift them up, but they
must keep their eyes on me.
I now knew who these demons were as my eyes beheld the Lion of Judah.
They were religious spirits being fed by our mindsets, our set ways, and
how easy and repetitive it was to know what we were thinking.

At that moment a holy roar resounded throughout my spirit as I was lifted
up and taken through the mouth of the Lion, ushered by the Spirit of the
Lord at an accelerating pace. Everything in me that could be shaken
dropped off like dead skin and that which remained I knew was now in its
proper place. I could see the bones of the lions jaw autographed with the
names of those who had been here before. I reached out very quickly just
to unite with one and my own signature became embedded within the
With the passing of each name they began to inscribe a message; one of a
deep holiness and reverence unto the Lord. My heart began to beat in a
rhythm of urgency as the writing resounded like the beating of a drum.
All of a sudden I could feel my sword getting hotter as liquid light poured
out from its blade; illuminating the darkness. The handle was now made
of what appeared to be ivory just like the stairs, o the saints of old!
The ancient writing then came to life and I could feel the blood of Jesus
merging with my own; like a holy transfusion. Carved deep within the

ivory were the words,

Holy Grail, Holy Grail, Holy Grail.
And I plummeted down into a dark hole. All at once the light from my
sword severed the darkness and my surroundings were that of bones,
ancient bones. My spirit was quickly made aware that the bones were of
those who had ventured down into this pit, but not with the Fathers
intentions. They had not passed by way of the Lion of Judah but by way
of greed; to the feeding of ones own flesh.
Inscriptions imbedded along the walls of this pit spoke of those who had
entered in full authority of the King. There was also a dire warning
coming from the bones themselves. To all who enter with unclean
hands; run, retreat, go back from whence you came and repent! No
returning with treasures but to run their lives to be spared.
Slowly my fingers began to trace the inscriptions along the wall of all
who had entered in with the Fathers permission. My heart was filled with
deep remorse and love for them, their lives they sacrificed for the end
time days. They had journeyed down here into this pit seeking only the
Fathers will; the road of self denial, their lives to him they gave.

They had become so full of the knowledge of the Lord, his secrets, deep
and ancient wealth; they too had become the message. Now with his light
making that which was hidden appear; I knew that the Holy Grail was our
destiny to behold, intimacy with the King; ancient destinies coming forth
for such a time as this.
Impure hearts could not touch that which belonged to the King, only the
King could make known such wealth and only in his perfect timing.
As I looked around at my surroundings I knew that I was standing in the
lions den where Daniel had been thrown and many others. It is what
Daniel had shared with me in a past vision but I could only remember the
stripping thereafter.
Now today I could feel the thickness of fear wrapping its arms tightly

around me as if I was in a cocoon, but it wasnt the fear of the enemy

staking his ground. It was a holy fear, the fear of God making himself
known; an enveloping beginning from the tips of my toes and all the way
up through my head. A covering in his blood in deep protection from self
to find what was buried here and quick!
There appearing before me was Daniel, his face beholding such love from
the Father I had a hard time not bowing before him. But instead we took
hold of one another in a heavenly embrace; a divine impartation of what
Daniel had received when thrown into this pit. There was no fear that day
of the lions ravishing hunger, because Daniels hunger for God was so
much greater, even unto his death. There was a holy fear he encountered
that day, a holy fear to receive down in this pit the divine message; the
holy transferring of legal documents that could not be just handed over.
One had to receive them in the deep.
The Archangel Michael who appeared unto Daniel that day, not only shut
the mouths of the lions, but he imparted unto Daniel a protocol. Daniel
knew his journey was to descend into the deep; only to then ascend with
this profound call within his bones.
Daniel gently touched my cheek with the familiar sense of the King
himself, whispering unto me that which I too knew he heard when given
such wealth.

I and all the saints from old have been waiting for this time, to see the
mantles of destinies passed down to their rightful owners. Be wise in
your choice of imparting such wealth, for there will be many who will
come your way in the same way as some who proceeded you down here.
They, with impure hearts who wish to take that which is holy unto
Divine order is coming that will remove those who are not in their
rightful positions, either by choice or by force.

Daniel quickly disappeared and lying before me was a lion, his tail
moving in an orchestrated thumping of obscene and vile anger. I must
have been holding my breath for escaping from my lungs was a deep
grasping for air as I inhaled the word of the Lord:
I shall tread upon the viper and adder; I shall trample under foot the
lion and the great serpent. Psalms 91:13
From beneath this raging lion, beneath the depths of the earth was a
treasure chest. Although only visible in the spiritual, I knew I had to
bring it up in the natural as I made my first step towards this angry beast.
The claws of the lion began to dig deep within the harsh, dry clay as his
hair stood up on his back like the hard bristles of a brush. For it was not I
who was facing this wretched creature alone upon the terra firma of time,
but the Spirit of God residing within me.
All of a sudden the lion lunged towards me and I felt my knees begin to
buckle, but instead of feeling the claws of the menacing adversary; I saw
the lion stop dead in his tracts. Standing in holy boldness before me was
the Archangel Michael wielding a long silver sword, and with each
passing of the sword over the lions head an aroma was given out. A
scent from the deep, a fragrance like unto olives and wine, a rich,
delicacy of manna from heaven; that catapulted this lion into oblivion
and I to my knees.
This bouquet of incense was the blood of Jesus, the ancient cup of the
Lord passed down from generation to generation. Upon the cross he shed
his blood for all to partake in; the forgiveness of sin, destiny in Jehovah
Jireh, upon the Mount of Olives he will stand!
While they were eating, Jesus took bread and blessed it and broke it, and
gave it to the disciples, and said, Take eat; this is my body.

Then he took the cup and gave thanks, and gave it to them, saying, Take,
drink of it, all of you.
This is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the

remission of sins.
But I say to you, henceforth I shall not drink from this fruit of the vine
until the day when I drink it anew with you in the kingdom of God.
And they offered praise, and went out to the Mount of Olives. Matthew
Such divine invitation from the King to be joined together in holy
matrimony; the souls surrender and spirits call.
Michael then lifted the sword above my head and I no longer could see
him but only the sword; lit up and aflame with the glory of the Lord. The
fragrance filled my senses as the sword came crashing down! I could feel
a dividing shift occurring in my mind, as if it were being severed from
my body. Like the church, severed from religion, like unto the red sea
parting, and the Mount of Olives split in two. I then looked into the eyes
of Michael and they too were aflame, and I saw written in his eyes the
very words Mordecai spoke to Queen Esther.
Think not in yourself that you shall escape because you are in the kings
house, more than all the other Jews. For if you altogether remain silent
this time, then relief and salvation shall arise to the Jews from another
place; but you and your fathers house shall be destroyed; and who knows
whether you have been called to come to the kingdom for such a time as
this? Esther 4:13, 14
There came smoke arising from the very spot the enemy had before tried
claiming, as Michael withdrew his sword and disappeared. I arose to the
occasion of the time set before me, and I began to uncover layer after
layer of dry earthen clay; until beholding in front of me the treasure chest
of the King.
Again, it was the color of deep rich burgundy wood, appearing almost
black, heavily drenched in the blood of the saints; the blood of the Lamb
merging together as one. As I blew away the dirt that had gathered atop
this ancient gift, inscriptions did appear carved deep within the wood, no
longer hidden but made known for such a time as this.

My soul began to hunger for this knowledge as my spirit quenched in

thirst of this awakening, my eyes began to see what was once before a
foreign language, now unveiled.
From the conception to the birth, the eyeless probing in the night to the
awakening of dawn, the confession of our souls conceiving, the deep
secrets of God made known. To cut away the flesh that binds us, to
cultivate the hardened ground we abide in, to press way beyond our carnal
habitat and into his embrace.
The inscription read as follows:
I am Aleph and Tau, the beginning and the ending says the Lord
God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.
Revelation 1:8
Having read this verse many times in the past I thought I had known it
well, but this time the very breath of God was illuminating his names
carved within the deep. The seven Spirits of God being made manifest
throughout the earth, thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is
in heaven. My soul doth hunger, its expression seven-fold.
Dare I open the gift before me, dare I risk the exposure again of the
reality of my flesh; the tearing away of the things I thought I most
desired, my true nature and my weakness lay bare? I knew I had not
come this far without the mighty hand of God leading me, directing me
and guiding me into the deep. And so it would be, only by his Spirit could
I now even attempt to open that which has been hidden so long.
Poetry did meet my soul; a foreign object of words they did sound, until
my spirit captured its depth and broke out into song; even so Lord Jesus,
come, even so Lord Jesus, come!
Positioned in its array was the most exquisite piece of artwork I had ever
beheld, fresh as the day it was painted, colors unknown in words; touched
by heavens kiss. I dared not touch or even breathe too close for in fear of
causing it harm. But the longer I stared into the painting the more it came
alive, until I was holding the transcendental image in my hands that once
before lay only on the canvas.

It was likened unto the base of a lamp but of roots of the tree I
encountered in the valley. Ascending towards heaven in four separate
paths, like the fingers of a hand stretched upward, dipped in blood red
In the center was a globe of the world in which we live, one solid mass of
gold and on fire; the amber fire of God. In the midst of the fire was an
eye, one eye, the all seeing eye of God.
Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon the righteous, upon them that hope
in his mercy.
To deliver their soul from death and to keep them alive in famine.
Psalms 33:18, 19
To know that the eye of God is upon us during the dark nights of the soul,
during the famine of the night, he will keep us alive in his bosom.
No longer able to hold this precious vessel I wavered back and forth; until
there before me did the Lord Jesus appear. He was a torch, a red flame
drenched in blood. He reached out his hands from within the fire and took
from my hands the nations; the four corners of the earth and engulfed
them into flames. Out from the fire came the voice of thunder, and the
vessel, now a golden cup filled with new wine, his wine, his blood, the
blood of the Lamb. As his word echoed within the cave, the cave became
his word, as the walls filled with a liquid fire and my vision magnified
greater than ever before.
Silence, Silence, Silence!
As the last Silence resounded in my spirit I knew that I, that We were
being summoned from the innermost part of our being, the core of self is
hushed when God appears. Our dominion in Christ made known; the
recognition of his Spirit residing within us.
A holy roar came from within the Fire and the Fire spoke:
And when he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for
about the space of half an hour. Revelation 8:1
The Father beckoned me to come into the fire and drink of the cup

thereof. Stillness devoured my soul and in my weakness, in the quiet of

this welcome; I was made strong in him.
Now on the greatest day, which is the last day of the feast, Jesus stood
and cried out, saying, If any man is thirsty, let him come to me and
drink. John 7:37

Will you drink of this cup my daughter, will you drink it unto me; the
cup of eternal sacrifice I offer unto thee. There can not be one without the
other; will you drink this unto me?
I knew in the deepest part of my soul there hungered to drink of this cup
thereof. But I also knew that I could not do it on my own, that it was Holy
Spirits admonishing to do so; for by flesh it would be in works. To do
everything as unto the Lord takes pride away from ones own flesh, and
delivers unto God his rightful position in our hearts. The wine of the
Bridegroom is being offered unto those who are willing to be emptied of
self; the uncorking of the new wine, the reuniting of his kingdom within
us and the Glory of the Lord will fill this place.
As I placed the cup to my lips there arose in me a vision within a vision,
like thread woven within fabric being exposed, as the Fathers eyes
penetrated the very deep things of my heart. The wall of the cave opened
up before me and truly the most beautiful artwork was presented, they
were paintings from the deep.
I could see Jesus torching the painters of the earth with his vision, with
his touch and they would begin to unveil the canvas within themselves. A
divine commissioning unlike any artwork the world has ever seen, and
yet it has always been here awaiting its release, it was Destiny.
And one of the elders said to me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe
of Judah, the Scion of David, has prevailed and he will open the book and
the seven seals thereof. Revelation 5:5

And the Fire did consume me.

Again he measured a thousand cubits and brought me through the
water, and it was up to the loins. Ezekiel 47:4

Chapter Nine
Welcome To Hollywood

Immediately I found myself again standing with the Father upon the
stairs where before evil had come marching. This time a hastening in his
voice was heard; a quickening of his word to make its way into the
natural realm. I could see before me an hourglass and his words fell like
the sand in the glass, and I knew that this message was dated.
My daughter, I have kept many hidden for this hour, having given to
them their assignments in the deep. Their gifts have been sealed but are
now ready to be birthed. All my children must find their missions, their
assignments in my secret place; for there in my presence my plans will
not be altered.
The enemy cannot share what he does not have.
This is not to say that you will not see pain or physical death, but it will
be in my will and in my timing for my purpose to be birthed through

I became very silent as I pondered on these words; for many times in the
past I had stepped out of God's order thinking I was in his will; when I
was none other than working for self. Sensing my sorrow the Father
gently placed his hands upon my shoulders and whispered in my ear.
"It is by my grace that you are here for such a time as this. The more you
learn that it is I the Father in you, moving you, the more my power will
flow more freely through you. Tell my children to seek me with all of their
hearts, laying aside their learned mindsets and into my presence.

It is then when I can open up the hidden things thereof and move them
into their destiny. Remember my daughter that you will always have these
walks with me, even when you do not see me you must remember that I
will never leave you or forsake you. Follow me; I have something to show
The atmosphere around me was familiar with sounds from where I had
already been, but yet I knew not what lie ahead. Nearing the end of my
travels upon the staircase with the Father, total darkness again spread
before me and I knew I was to jump. As I awaited the call of the
Masters voice to beckon me into the shadows below, I was transported
onto a beach and before me stood the Apostle Peter.
He was wearing a skin colored, one-piece loincloth like the merger my
soul was beginning to feel with my spirit. In his right hand was a long,
silver bladed sword with a very rustic looking handle wrapped in leather.
I was positioned just behind Peter in ankle deep waters, facing the ocean
together, as the waves began to rise higher and higher up to our waist; as
they claimed their destination upon the shore, Peter was staking his.
O the death to self, the pain, its putrid hold, as the water, Gods word,
brings much exposure to the soul; but it is in the deepness of the water
that one will find true gold.
As Peter began to raise his sword up high my spirit began to soar with the
blade; I knew now that the destination of the sword would also claim me
and yet I found myself unable to move. This was the Sword of the Lord,

his truth and righteousness made known that my heart so desperately

needed, so too many others. Before I had time to ponder any longer, Peter
plunged the blade of the sword deep into his right shoulder and straight
through mine.
Somehow because this was a vision I half expected the pain to be only
spiritual but to my extreme dismay, it was not. The physical pain came
from the dullness of the blade at having not been used for such a long
time, only then to be sharpened by the continual act of total surrender. It
did not pass through me as quickly as it did Peter and the pain was almost
unbearable, until it finally broke through and I could feel my blood,
mixed with the blood of Peter running down my back.

Again, a merger, a holy union of saints coming together in perfect unity,
the royal priesthood that Peter talked about in 1Peter 2:9:
But you are a chosen people, ministers to the kingdom, a holy people, a
congregation redeemed to proclaim the glories of him who has called you
out of darkness to his marvelous light.
I was no longer standing on my own but the sword was now holding me
upright. In this moment of total dependency upon the sword, Gods word,
I could feel his truth piercing my darkened soul and allowing his light to
flow more freely through. This sacrifice could not be done on ones own
merit or device but on the continual surrendering to the Father, to know
that his strength is made perfect in weakness.
This time I found myself all alone at the base of the steps and the jump
into total darkness seemed almost inviting for the pain that I was in. To
die for Christ was to truly live for him and to live for Christ was to die to
self and I jumped!
The sudden stop on another step took my breath away, thinking I was
falling from a much greater height and then feeling ground so suddenly,
completely took me by surprise.
O that one would continue to fall daily from such a level as this, to not

get so high upon ones platform that the fall is then to some even unto
physical death.
The ground began to shift in an upward motion and I found myself in an
elevator, a crystal clear, glass elevator, overlooking a very large city; I
was totally covered in divine protection. As I looked to my left I could
see the "Welcome to Hollywood" sign and although I knew I was in a
vision, I physically felt present in this city and that it somehow held a
very special key in the next move of God. This wasnt a revival that
would sweep a city, state or even a nation but a move of God that would
change the hearts of man throughout the world.
The view from the elevator was like peering from the window of an
airplane until the Father gently guided me over to a beautiful, solid gold
telescope. As my eyes began to peer beyond my vision and through the
eyes of the Lord, the whole city opened up before me and I fell to the
ground trembling in shock of what lay before me. The comforting hands
of the Father gently lifted me up and placed me once again before the
I knew the Father was asking me to again look through his eyes and that
only by his grace would I be able to survive. Never before had I seen such
mass grossness, mass destruction of mankind in one place as the hordes
of hell were set loose. The men in black were stationed as far as the eye
could see, positioned and ready for war. They were hovering over cars
and standing on buildings, movie studios and churches, even in the
graveyards the religious spirits were everywhere.
And then the attack began!
The men all dressed neatly in their black suits reared their ugly heads and
became the evil that they were. They looked like walking robots with
flesh hanging from their bodies like rotting meat; as slime came oozing
out from between their missing flesh. Their teeth were like the teeth of a
lion gone mad, ripping and tearing at whatever came their way.
Many saints could see the evil and they began shooting the demonic
horde with their guns; but when they pulled the trigger all that came out

was a sign, a little red flag that said, 'The End.' There was no power in
their weapons for it was all in works and they were overcome by the evil
However, some saints were walking in such a high level of peace that
they did not seem to even notice the chaos before them. Like a pack of
dogs, demons would charge their way but would be abruptly stopped in
their tracks and turn around in fear. They had not wielded a weapon or
spoke even one word for they were walking in the authority of the King;
they had become a walking weapon of God.
I saw many churches in the area that seemed to go unharmed as the
demons left them alone. What I thought was the hand of God upon them
soon told me otherwise as I was brought down into the courtyard. A
Pastor was sharing with one of the deacons about how they were going to
raise money for the expansion of the church. They finally agreed that they
would begin charging for special services that they would hold on the
weekends, healing services, revival services and the money they raised
would be used to expand the church even more. At first this all seemed
very good, like a pastor wanting to feed his sheep and bring in the lost.
But then my eyes were opened even more and I could see this man's

Yes, he would build a larger church and yes, by Gods grace souls would
be saved; but he would soon be so overcome with greed that he was going
to fall and fall hard. The enemy knew this and was setting the pastor free
from his attacks because he was already on the road to destruction.
" Woe to him who defrauds and heaps up evil for himself, who sets his
nest on high that he may be delivered from evil! Habakkuk 2:9
All at once my attention was brought to an overpass and into a television
station; like peering into the center of the world through a large screen. I
could see the men in black still in their suits, shooting tiny black darts
into many talented artists who then would produce shows for television,
from sitcoms to reality shows that were directly from the pit of hell.

Some had missed their targets while others had no effect, and some hit
dead on causing much chaos and destruction.
Many of the darts being shot were alcoholism, drug addiction, lust, greed,
jealousy and bitterness. From suicide to murder just to name a few. The
moment they entered the victim you could see their faces change into that
condition. However many souls were also flowing in the Spirit of the
Lord and they were producing shows straight from heaven, the moment
upon feeling the enemys darts hit they would break forth into song
before the Lord and the darts would immediately fall to the ground.
"I am allowing you to see my daughter that evil may come in many
disguises; for the plans that I have for this city are plans of great hope
and great prosper. Watch and see true beauty arise from the ashes of this
grave, watch and see the dead awaken; as if they had only been asleep.
I was so overcome with love for Hollywood that I began to see what the
Father had been speaking of; the artists that he was raising up straight
from his heart. They would be so full of his love and vision, no religion
in their ways, no judgment in their talk only pure brave heart freedom
straight from the Kings chambers. They will lift up their swords, their
words and their gifts, they will raise them high towards heaven and the
heavens will shout back in freedom and in liberty; for what was once
bound by religion was now set free.

Ancient poetry will arise from the deep, Native tongue will fall from the
writers lips, that when spoken forth will heal many. New songs will
emerge in unique beat, a cadence that can not be duplicated or
manufactured by man. When this sound is released even the earths
atmosphere will shift to reveal the perfect reflection of the King.
The earth began to quiver in agreement to this truth as I bid the city
farewell; until we would meet again.

Before I formed you in the belly I knew you; and before you came out
of the womb I sanctified you and I ordained you a prophet to the
nations. Jeremiah 1:5

Chapter Ten; Level 5

The Revolving Door

I began to take a walk toward a simple looking church just outside the
city and I was greeted by an elderly man trimming the hedges. Beside
him was an old faded wooden sign that read: Level Five.
I have been waiting for you, he replied.
And at those words hitting me like a wave of electricity everything began
to feel so familiar, so perfect, I could feel destiny arrive; I was right
where I was supposed to be.
I could see the hearts of many saints across the nations coming together
in divine connections; a union of those who had been waiting on the Lord
with many who had been running from their call. Such fruition of the
womb brought forth to life; like a birth of his creation through us. Before
we were created in our mother's womb, we were known.
The elderly man then held out to me his wrinkled hand from many days
in the sun, and I knew he was Enoch.
The moment my spirit recognized that this was Enoch, his appearance
changed like one might change clothing. Before, he was dressed as a
humble gardener and now as one who might live by the beach.
His beige pants were rolled up just below the knees and he had on a very
crisp, white shirt. His hair was white as snow reaching to his neck with a
handsome white beard; much wisdom in his dress. I think what surprised
me the most were his glasses; I wouldnt think one would need them in
As if reading my thoughts Enoch replied:
I come to many dressed of the occasion at hand; how ever I am needed
for the moment. At this he went over to a large boulder and sat down and
began to write as if he were journaling our conversation. So hungry to
know what Enoch was writing, I quickly knelt at his feet as one might sit
at the feet of their grandfather who is eager to tell a story. Enochs
counsel flowed from his lips like poetry in motion as I gave ear to every
This level requires the release of all of ones keys in order to go any

further, it is where most who have traveled this way, have stopped and
turned around.
I tried warning them of the danger of holding onto ones self that which
belonged to the King, but they had become too beholden upon the gift they
had received more than their Maker. The gift is not in the treasure my
friend but in He who stands at the door and knocks; when but even a
crack is exposed; Genesis awakens.
Much truth in this decree, for many times in the past I too had done the
same and I knew to heed Enochs warning as coming straight from the
Father himself. I did not wish to place my feet on any territory, nor go
through any gates that were not in the plans of the Lord, so I placed the
ring of keys into his hands.
For how would a man be benefited, if he shall gain the whole world, and
lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Matthew 16:26
Enoch so graciously slipped into my hands a much worn, parched piece of
paper from his notebook and I knew our visit was coming to an end.
There were still so many questions I wanted to ask him, a hunger inside
of me to know some of the hidden mysteries of this man of God. As I
looked up into his eyes I literally felt like I had been sitting here for
many years, then he was gone.
I slowly opened up the message from old and the words penetrated
quickly my heart; encircling about as if they had wings. Up and down the
pathway they flew, leaving behind thousands of infant seeds.
Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon, that have I given
unto you!
Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon, that have I given
unto you!
Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, it shall be yours,
as I promised Moses. Joshua 1:3
Everything seemed to move in slow motion as my feet became entangled

in the ground. No longer was I standing on a cement pathway but fresh

soil and I had roots coming out from the soles of my feet that went deep
into the earth.
Every place that my feet did touch I took with me a share of the terrain,
and in return many seeds were planted. I had now become the keys that if
held onto by self would have been to my journey its ruin; but in their
release, my deliverance. Just then a large white eagle appeared before me,
establishing himself in front of a revolving white door.
The eagle was enormous in size and stature, looking as if he had just
come from fighting in a serious battle. There was blood beneath his
wings and also around his neck as I reached out to somehow try and
comfort him. I was totally surprised when the eagle nudged a little closer,
accepting my meager show of kindness. I somehow knew without any
words exchanged that this beautiful, white warring eagle had been
protecting me, protecting the Fathers vision inside of me. The eagle
then spoke:
I have been with you since you were young, from infancy til now.
However, you may not recognize me for I too was just an eaglet; together
we have grown, nurtured and taught of God for this great time.
There are many eagles being called to show themselves as I have to you
in some very strategic places all over the world, and to some even unto
their death. We are not all the same; we have many different names,
positions and ranks. We also have a deep respect for one another no
matter what position, from the known to the unknown, to work together in
a holy unity for the King; for this is the true kingdom of God.
There were many times in the desert when I have fed you and many times
your courage has fed me. Times when I had thought I lost you and how
broken my heart was, and many times when I wanted to leave you without
ever looking back.
I had to chuckle when the eagle said this for I knew how difficult I had
been over the years; my stubbornness has been my downfall many times.
Soberness began to wash over me as I was reminded in my spirit of my

disobedience to the Father, and how his grace and love saw me through.
Such love and joy came over me at what seemed a reuniting of a
childhood friendship; although we had really never parted. The eagles
willingness to keep the message of the King safe even unto his own death
was a love like the love I had seen in the eyes of Joan of Arc. The eagle
knowing my thoughts responded as his blood mixed with his tears
touched my fingers.
I come from the same bloodline as the eagle that was sent to Joan of
Arc. Many eagles have been sent forth through out the generations; a
martyrs death to behold and their torches continue to burn. Some
however did not unite in their commissioning and so they parted separate
ways; thinking they would continue only to find sorrow in their days. This
is a holy union; a matrimony of saints, divine unity of spirits, for we are
the Eagles of Reformation.
The last word reformation hit my spirit like a massive tidal wave that
sent me flying in mid air. All the while the sound of hissing was echoing
in my ears, as I landed hard on the surface below. The precious moments
with the eagle seemed to have all but vanished as dark clouds began to
roll in. I was now standing in a long, dark hallway and the revolving door
seemed to be even further from sight.
The hissing grew louder and louder, and what ever courage I had felt
moments earlier as my soles touched the earth was completely gone as if
it had never existed. The presence of evil was so strong upon my soul that
I literally thought I was in hell. The smell was not only intoxicating but I
could taste its ugliness, and I felt as vile as the evil surrounding me; as if
I was evil itself.
I so desperately wanted to cry out but my voice seemed to be stuck
somewhere deep inside my throat, and my knees were becoming weaker
and weaker and I began to fall. All of a sudden a voice sounded from
behind the revolving door that stood me upright in my place and set my
feet again, solid upon the ground.
No longer was I standing on my own for I had no strength; the Sound

made its way through my bones and quickly took its place.
"How easy it is to rely on one's own self; when self is fed by ego's lies. But
when self is denied of one's own device, then I the Maker can come and
make my abode in thee; not by power nor by might but by my spirit says
the Lord!
How I cried when his voice echoed through me knowing I was so
undeserving of his love, yet his love saturated me like warm honey and
all evil was gone. I thought of the day when Jesus was nailed to the cross,
laden in our sin; he looked up to the Father and cried out in a loud voice,
"Eli, Eli, lmana shabachthani?
My God, my God, for this I was kept"
All the pain that Jesus endured that day, all the mocking and the beatings
had come down to this; his blood shed on the cross so that we may truly
live, his destiny fulfilled!
All of a sudden a round, jewel like button appeared in mid air directly in
front of me, its colors were like a glistening rainbow. I reached out to
touch its brilliance and my hand went completely through the jewel; a
liquid jewel as I was swept through the colors itself. I could see far ahead
into the future as if the future was already here, and the liquid colors
surrounding God's children were everywhere; we were like walking liquid
rainbows. The lost were so drawn to the colors surrounding us that they
would walk right through them and immediately be healed.
These colors came in the form of music straight from the heart of the
King, divine artwork and new writings. I saw the most beautiful
childrens books being birthed and so too colors on canvas; and they were
created by children themselves. I could see the eyes of the saints
illuminated; rejuvenated to the magnitude of Christ within them, as just
in their passing many were healed.
As I pulled my hand out I was once again aware of danger lurking in the
air and the sound of hissing polluting my ears.

"I am bringing you up higher my daughter which in fact is a call to go yet
even deeper, to not only see evil but feel its presence like never before.
My children must be prepared for the darkness ahead, for although I will
never leave them it will require much faith; and faith without works is
Just as you had to reach out and touch the jewel; making that which was
waiting for you, appear.
Soaking in his sweet fragrance, unable to move, the revolving door did
stand, beckoning me forward as the atmosphere still loomed in the
thickness of evil. Suddenly, my surroundings came into view what before
I could only hear; many trees appeared their branches leafless and
entwined within one another.
Stretched out on every ashy branch were snakes of every kind, color and
size, in great disguise of their habitat. Their hissing came forth like the
sound of nails screeching down a blackboard, as their heads hung like
drooping leaves all pointed in the same direction; the direction of the
Between the trees, hidden between the branches was a silver bladed
sword. If not for the etching of a snake upon its handle, I would have
thought it to be my own. A magnetism of light slowly streamed from this
sword drawing me in closer, and the carving seemed to carry more life in
its vessel than the living snakes in the trees.
All of sudden I began to taste fear upon my lips, the kind of fear that
comes from the Master himself, and I knew I was not to touch the sword.
Although inviting as it was at first with its brightness; I began to notice
how false this light really was. It lit up only that in which it was designed,
the snakes, in all their glory; to everything else I was blind.
A thick, heavy grossness began to fill the air where I could barely breathe

and the door seemed nowhere in sight. All at once the sword began to
move and the carving of the white snake, brought to life. It began to
devour the sword, the false word, and I knew I was facing the enemy of
self glory, in just one of his many disguises.
My blood began to burn like fire with the blood of the Lamb, and the
power of his breath came through like a strong wind beneath my feet, and
I stood.

Yea thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no
The white snake began to grow, larger he became in size as he swallowed
up whole all of the other snakes. This I did not understand for they
appeared to be on his side, why then would he feed upon that which he
was made of? I soon realized as he continued to grow, that in the power
of his actions he was gaining more strength; more venom for the kill.
The kill! I was the kill!
I stood there seemingly so small, yet I knew without one doubt that
greater was he that was in me, than he that appeared in the giant size
shape of a serpent! My only thought was that I did not want to be eaten by
this serpent, dead or alive; I did not want to be swallowed by that which
was pure evil.
I could feel the heat of my sword blazing like fire along my side, but
when I tried pulling it from my belt it would not budge. No matter how
hard I tried to pull it from its resting position, it would not move. I kept
thinking what a sight I must be to the enemy, a woman of God who could
not even wield her sword in what seemed the greatest time of need.
There is nothing to compare with the peace of God, as it makes its way
into your belly like hot liquid butter; so rich one can taste it upon thy lips.
The Fathers voice then quickened my spirit that now was not the time to
use my sword; I was to look for a way of escape.

No sooner had this unction been made aware, then did I hear the most
sickening talk come oozing forth from the den of iniquity; the serpents
"What's the matter oh daughter of the King, are you going to run away in
fear? Oh how I thought your Master trained you in the art of war; is this
then how you repay your King, to run when you are to fight?
These words as putrid sounding as they were seemed to hit the target of
my insecurities dead on, and I began to doubt my discernment to run. Just
then, a soft whisper could be heard in my spirit; the sound of my Lovers

Run, my daughter, Run!
The sound of the Fathers voice among such evil was the peace that
passes all understanding. It began to penetrate my senses, causing my
feet to pick up and start running as if they had a mind of their own. I
could feel the vile accusations bouncing off of me like rubber, and the
Fathers laughter ringing loud in a childhood verse from the past:
Im rubber and youre glue, everything that bounces off of me, sticks to
How many times as a child had I heard this rhyme and recited it many
times myself; but now to the joyous laughter of the Father. I did not look
back to see, but I could feel the enemy losing his target as I gained more
territory in running.
Never had I thought before that the Lord would tell me to run; I had
always thought when confronted with the enemy, that we were to stand
our ground and fight. What lesson to be found in this; to trust only in the
King of Kings and he will choose our battles wisely. Trust and obedience
is how the true battle is won.
So much of the Fathers heart was being revealed to me than ever before.
I realized how important all these years had been just resting in his
presence, a soaking in his love; divine training at its best. Again, the

Father speaking but this time not in laughter as his voice quietly
thundered in my ears:
Do you know how much I love you?
Do you know how much I love all of my children?
His words were again like being bathed in warm honey; a total drenching
in his perfect love, so undone was I.
Rest.Tell my children to come unto me and I will give
them rest.
The word rest flowed from his lips and into my soul; like the calming of
a raging storm.
Upon the sound of peace through the trumpets echo, you will know that
it is my sound and what battle is yours. Upon the sound of fear, debates,
opinions and accusations from the false trumpets echo, you will know it
comes straight from the pit of hell.
My sound is a holy sound that comes up from the deep, up from the belly
as it makes it way into your spirit. It is only found when resting in I, the
Creator, for this is the art of intimacy. Then when I say fight you will
fight by my Spirit, and when I say run you will run in my Spirit and set
many a dry place on fire!
Silence dropped down like a warm blanket; breathtaking silence and I
found myself standing directly in front of the revolving door. It was
tremendous in size, much larger than I remembered and with every
rotation, came glory. Heavy glory filled my spirit where I could no
longer stand but fell in a fetal position before the door.
Although I could not see the white eagle, I knew he was present as a light
feather brushed across my forehead. Hours went by, maybe days;
saturated in the love and glory of the Lord. If not for the overwhelming
feeling of hunger within my belly, I would have been content in staying
in this position forever. Beneath the door burst forth the aroma of fresh
baked bread and sweet, mouth watering honey, and I stood to my feet in
holy hunger.

I wasted no time in entering the revolving door, for fear of missing

something in the moment; in the arrival of my hunger I knew that I must
taste. As quickly as I entered the door I found myself outside again, but
with the feeling of having eaten. So quick was this fullness that I thought
I had missed something in the rush and so I quickly entered the revolving
door again. No sooner had I entered then I was ushered out again, this
time with even a more intense feeling of having eaten. I could taste the
manna upon my lips, the ever so sweet, honey manna from heaven. I was
now so full of his love; an ever present, now kind of love, that I had to try
just one more time to re-enter the door.
This time, as I went to step in I found myself running straight into what
appeared to be an invisible glass wall. So shaken I was at this restriction
that I thought I must be doing something wrong as I began to ponder long
and hard at how I had entered before. The sound of rustling could be
heard as a piece of paper was passed from beneath the door, written in
bold red letters were the words:
Snap On Prophets.

The Fathers voice came like thunder from behind the door and I knew I
was to eat the paper. As I pressed the words between my lips it was not
sweet like the manna I had just consumed, but bitter like remorse.
Like a barrel of monkeys my prophets have become, each one looking
exactly alike and boldly declaring the voice of another; when I have
called them to declare my voice, my sound within them. My daughter, the
revolving door that I have opened is exactly that, revolving; an ushering
in to be ushered out. You will then be able to truly feed the hungry for it
will have come from my chambers. To each of my children I have placed
within them a unique sound, not to be one like the other, but to be what I
created them to be. My Presence cannot be manufactured or duplicated;
it is all found in the quietness of the soul when resting in me.
This is why I shut you out. You had only to look unto me, instead of how

you entered in before. This is vital in the coming days when mans
knowledge is increasing; but without my wisdom, their words will burn to
ashes only then to blow away. Tell my children that much time is needed
at my feet for they are the only feet that will sustain them!
All of a sudden everything became black, no longer could I see the
revolving door or even myself for that matter; it was total darkness. I
could hear people whispering and chanting, almost prayer like behind me
but darkness was all that stared back. I began to close my eyes, to really
see into the dark; beyond what only my natural vision could afford to that
of my spirit. Directly behind me was a long line of people, hurriedly
taking notes. Some were dressed in priestly garments while others in
fancy business suits, and they were all taking notes. Others were dressed
in what appeared to be concentration era clothing, very thin and poor
appearance; so hungry for whatever was being written down.
Look deeper my child, even beyond what you perceive you are seeing in
your spirit; to awaken now the eye of your spirit is to peer even deeper
than before. In all my children I have placed within them this gift of
seeing into the dark but they first must first learn the art of rest, for the
mind comes in quickly to shed doubt.
As I turned around once again to see, much transformation had taken
place. Those who had been dressed in priestly attire were now clothed in
long, black robes with hoods covering their eyes.
The evil was so apparent now that I could hardly believe I did not see it
before. The saints that had been dressed in what appeared to be the
concentration clothing, were now dressed in snow white garments all
illuminating the presence of the Lord. What I had thought to be holy was
none other than evil itself, and those who I had thought to be poor and
neglected; was humbleness in its purest form.
I stood before the revolving door, silent and humble as my heart was
again revealed; I had judged on outer appearances instead of what lay
within. Just then the door became alive, lit up in the glory of the Lord as
it breathed in and out, back and forth, the almighty breath of God. I too

became his breath as I was taken into his embrace and I found myself
lying on a glass floor.

Having the glory of God, radiant as a brilliant light, resembling a
very precious gem, like a jasper stone, clear as crystal. Revelation

Chapter Eleven
The Living Stones

Quietly immersed in the Fathers love and anointing I could feel the floor

begin to shift; to move upward like an elevator. Upon the arrival of each
new level I could see warfare of demons below me in such a fury, beating
the glass beneath me. All of a sudden it seemed as though I began to
advance in a much quicker acceleration and I was transported to a much
higher elevation, passing maybe three or four levels. Until I realized that
I had not really passed any levels at all, they were what I had to journey
back through to seek that which I had missed.
As quickly as the floor had shifted it suddenly stopped and I found myself
pressed up against a glass floor; I was now enclosed in a glass cubicle. I
could still see the horde of demons below yet now further were they from
my sight. Suddenly I began to see the shoes of many people appear
directly above me. From high-heels to men's dress shoes, from tennis
shoes to sandals and bare feet. They were as if in a race; bustling across
the glass floor busy in their day's activities.
Running above me in all different directions was the body of Christ, the
five-fold ministry as their feet were labeled in their call. From teachers,
to preachers, from housewives to prophets, to some of the worlds
greatest stars but they were all running in opposite direction. Unaware
that I could be seen, a little girl holding a bucket of sand in one hand and
a shovel in the other dropped her bucket before me, spilling the contents
all over the glass floor.
I could see she was most concerned with retrieving her treasure as she
left the sand laying where it fell, as if time were standing still.

As for the earth, out of it comes bread, but underneath (its surface, down
deep in the mine) there is blasting, turning it up as by fire.Its stones are
the bed of sapphires; it holds dust of gold (which he wins). Job 28:5, 6

She caught my eyes and blew me a kiss as her mother swiftly carried her
away. The stones and shells began to echo and beckon me upward as they
too had come up from the depths of the sea. Hurriedly the little girl come

running back struggling free from her mothers arms and she quickly
began to write in the sand above me:
"T-H-E- P-R-O-P-H-E-T-S- A-R-E- C-O-M-I-N-G!"
THE PROPHETS ARE COMING, I slowly read, and with that she
ran off. Over and over again in my spirit I could hear the words the
prophets are coming, the prophets are coming as revelation began to stir
within me. These prophets are the treasures from the deep, not the sand
that will be washed away. They are modern war heroes who have been
broken, rejected and left for dead. They will restore order in Gods
kingdom; no rankly order or division but a uniting in non-judgmental
love through the King.
All of sudden it began to turn dark above me as the storm clouds hurried
in. Thunder and lightning lit up the sky followed by their friend rain.
Never had I seen such powerful raindrops in all my life; they were the
size of quarter dollars! All of the people went running away and in the
rush their belongings did fall.
O but to leave that which is but baggage when the call is sounded, to seize
the moment at hand, to set at liberty our mortal souls from the mundane.
Only then to be immersed, into the very core of the earth, the apple of his
The rain did turn into a great flood, washing away all that had been left
behind. Once again the little girl appeared, crying and soaking wet. She
lifted up the glass floor above me, like uncorking a bottle of champagne
and she whispered, my name is Olivia, Oliver the same. For it matters not
the gender you see but the commissioning within ones heart to be set
She flew away like a baby bird returning to her nest as the torrent of rain
continued to fall and her voice I could hear singing a verse: "Through the
eyes of a child, through the eyes of a child."

I was still trying to catch my breath when silence suddenly followed;

even the rain quieted her cleansing. The quietness of ones soul must be
heard first; for then does the birthing of Gods Spirit within us truly
begin. To become like a child is to enter Gods kingdom, she was the only
one to see me and set me free.
The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with
the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the ox shall feed together;
and a little child shall lead them! Isaiah 11:6
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall; Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the
Kings horses and all the Kings men couldnt put Humpty together again.
The tall walls of man are falling down, the cow and the bear shall feed
together and a little child shall lead them. From spirit to spirit, heart to
heart, together on the foundation of Christ, the recognition from spirit to
spirit with he who dwells, he who knows that the Kingdom of God is
As I stood to my feet the glass floor became a shallow stream quickly
getting deeper, filled with crystal clear water and beautiful, smooth,
round pebbles. While running my fingers through the water there came to
me a familiar strength; a life source full of healing power. I began to
thirst for this power like a magnet drawn to steel; I too was totally
connected to its embrace.
Upon gathering some of the stones I admired they instantly turned to a
message as the mystery unfolded before me. We are these stones, the
living stones, as we are gathered together in his love we too become a
living message; this is Kingdom living.
Once again I found myself standing on the cobble stone pathway, the
cobble stone pathway, o the stones, the living stones; I was standing on
the living stones! There stood the ancient church as its architectural style
brought forth a richness that could not be manufactured by mans hands.
Upon the doors of this ancient dwelling were the words Level Seven, and
a deep groaning began to well up inside of me of the divine order that was
I had gone out of Gods order when bypassing some of the levels prior to

this vision; in his infinite grace he allowed me to re-enter. I knew that if

I were to bypass level six, I would not be able to retrieve the deep and
hidden secrets dwelling in this ancient building, his order must and will
be established.
I could feel a gentle gust of wind begin to flow through out the four
corners of these grounds, and I could see angels taking their positions all
around the church. They were the angels I had seen on the Island of
Patmos. They were the angels of Ancient Destiny but this time they were
all connected by a solid gold, threefold chain around their waist. There
was an excitement among the angels that I had not seen before; an
exhilaration of what was about to be released. This sudden shift was like
an electrical charge sent through something that had been dead and was
now brought back to life.
I began to feel something very heavy being placed around my waist, the
same threefold gold chain that was around the angels, except mine was
connected to the Lion of Judah. A holy boldness began to make its way
in through my spirit where I could literally feel the gold chain moving in
agreement; in perfect unity, a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
Such depth of ancient history began to make its way into my spirit; a
connection of the mind, soul and spirit; just like the threefold cord. No
knowledge on earth could ever prepare the saints for this impartation,
only those who have chosen to let Christ reign supreme in their hearts.
The embracing of the darkness within that will move us into this holy
uniting, a holy priesthood of God.
I am crucified with Christ; henceforth it is not I who live, but Christ who
lives in me; and the life which now I live in the flesh I live by the faith of
the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.. Galatians 2:20
Such intimacy in the King will flow from these saints, it will turn the
hearts of the fathers to their children and the childrens hearts to their
fathers; both in the natural and in the spiritual. The Lion of Judah began
to roar and the gold chain began to rattle through my bones. I could feel

the blood of the Lion flow right up through the chain and into my veins.
The chain no longer visible to the natural eye but spiritually it awakened
a part of me that I knew not existed.
Almost in a trance I waited as the Lion of Judah made his way back and
forth again in war like motion. His claws began to dig deep into the
stones causing them to cry out; not in pain but in relief for they were
being claimed by the Maker himself; the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

I could feel his claws digging deep into a part of my soul that too was in
need of this truth. O the blood from which we come, its continuous flow
from generation to generation; still remains in our veins to this day. And
now our spiritual lineage; the blood of the King is making his claim.
The joining and establishing of that which is physical to our spiritual
heritage is upon us, as deep calls unto deep at the sound of his waterfalls;
all his waves and billows cover us. Psalms 42:7
The trinity of God being made manifest in many hearts across the
nations, who before did not believe. The Word was in the beginning, and
that very Word was with God, and God was that Word. John 1:1

And when the seven thunders had spoken, I was about to write; but I
heard a voice from heaven saying, Seal up those things which the
seven thunders uttered, and do not write them. Revelation 10:4

Chapter Twelve; Level 6

The Living Martyrs

No longer was I on the cobblestone pathway but kneeling before the
Throne of God and there did stand the Apostle John and Joan of Arc.
Gathered behind them were thousands upon thousands of horses and their
riders; a mighty move of God. An establishing was taking place in many
hearts across the nations, both in the natural and in the spiritual through
Gods gift of the horse.
They were being sent out to their rightful owners for the days ahead, their
spiritual and generational heritage to begin to walk the earth in
fulfillment of their destinies. These riders when mounted upon their
horses will create such a shift in the earths atmosphere that the very
foundations will be shaken, forever changed. Just as Joan had no formal
training to ride; she was divinely trained alone by the Master himself.
I began to look around for my horse Amber, the one given to me in an
earlier vision but I could not find her. Her color was a mix of red, gold
and brown, a deep color of amber, and her mane long and black as the
night. Joan began to walk slowly my way as I held my breath in fear that I

might have lost Amber somehow along my journey.

Her hands were much smaller than I had envisioned, so petite; I had a
hard time imagining them holding the reins of a horse and marching into
Yet so like our Father to make what seems to be the unlikely, into life
changing history.

Although Joan and I had met before I was unable to really see her true
beauty until today. Such harmony and depth in her walk, so radiant and
alive with the love of the Father; I was held captive by her piercing gaze.
Her cocoa brown eyes sparkled like glass and her skin, olive, not fair as
depicted in history; but olive like having been in the sun yet deeper,
ancestral. Her hair glistened like warm honey with strands of fiery red
fused in, much like the color of Ambers, and then she spoke.
Without doubt, you have discovered my secret; it has lain dormant in my
bloodline for many centuries. It is for such a time as this as it too was for
Queen Esther that the Father is allowing this mystery to come to the
Beneath my skin lies the roots of the black slave to be unearthed today,
you must be heard, we must be seen, you must reveal for me. It is not for
pride of self or inner pleasing, but in the willingness of the heart to see
past the flesh that allows this enlightenment of the soul. When we had met
before, you could only see that which your soul would allow. But the
further you went, the more you scraped at the hard surface, like an
excavation, the unveiling of inner secrets is revealed that can and will
affect the Nations.
Beware of the multitudes who say they are your friend, they will cast their
power by way of chains; hold the cross high, hold the cross high so that
they can see it through the ways of man!
My spine began to burn with intimate depth, heavens wisdom was offered
to me this day; as if on a platter of trust I knew I must obey. The arising

of destinies not forgotten among the people of color, sent my spirit

soaring. Joan disappeared into the horizon; like the setting of the sun as
more truth began to inhabit my bones.
I was again taken back yet forward into a vision where I had been given
my horse Amber. Days before this meeting , I had found myself riding
upon Amber through the cold and rocky terrain. Although her name to me
at this time was unknown; so also too was the mystery of Joan. T ired,
hungry and sore I knew that the Masters hand was upon me and that I
must complete my mission. I slowly drew the hood of my cloak over my
head and I faced what I thought was the end of this journey, as I stared
into the eyes of the ledge before me. No p hysical way presented itself for
crossing over this cliff and going back was not an option ; a time to wait
and hear from the King.
Suddenly, a warm wind began to blow, not the cold wind I had been
surrounded by for days but a kind and gentle wind that warmed every part
of my being with the Kings l ight . T here is nt anything that which to
compare with the warmth of the Masters touch ; it is enough to live on . I
t is enough to carry one through the obstacles of life; his almighty winds
of strength.
I now knew what I must do as I rode Amber back from the ledge; I must
make a way across the cliff .
With all the physical strength I had left in me I gave Amber a swift kick
and we were off . S he too knew what lay before us was either death or a
miracle, no in between . The next thing I remember is seeing t he deep,
deep canvas of black emptiness below me as a bridge of Gods g lory
paved the way across the mountain!
T hat which I could not see in the natural, became real in the physical for
it was already there in the spiritual; much like the revelation of Joan the
humble maiden.
The bridge of glory is the bridge of faith, now made ready for h is saints
for the coming d ays. Now today, I find myself searching for Amber for I
know she is the key into level six and that I must find her. Joan appeared

again and my heart began to leap in excitement with what her hands were
holding; leather reins for a horse, braided in a threefold strand and along
beside her, Amber.
Again the word of the Lord ran through my spirit that if one is too strong
for him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly
I give to you the reins that guided me through the night; they are the
threefold union of love, the inner most part of the soul that binds mens
hearts together as one. If there ever arose a time that you would need
them, now is that time.
I will bless the Lord, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct
me in the night seasons. Psalms 16:7 (KJV)
Joan then slipped into my hands the leather reins, her reins from long ago
and I found myself again on Amber before the Throne of our King .

This time the armor that I had been given is visible, no longer hidden
beneath my cloak. As I hurriedly make my way back and forth in front of
the Throne I could see Joan, the Apostle John and many saints, all s
tanding in the presence of the Lord . Today my eyes were opened to the
commissioning that was taking place in many hearts all over the world.
The Apostle John and Joan of Arc were making their way through out the
crowds, touching each one lightly upon their foreheads, an impartation of
the higher calling of Jesus taking place.
I began to move to the left, again in a hurried manner and Amber too felt
the h oly usher of Gods divine appointment. An angel appeared,
standing before the Throne, maybe 7ft.tall and dressed in white with a
large gold belt around his waist . There were carvings upon the belt that I
had not seen before, a gold emblem like unto a coat of arms, etched deep
within the gold were two fish, crisscrossed and upside down. Behind the
fish were two, silver-bladed swords, they too were crossed and in the

right hand of the angel was a torch of fire.

I knew the angel to be Gabriel as he placed within my hands the torch of
fire, a holy fire; the fire of God. Thinking the torch to be light it became
very heavy and almost impossible to carry, as Gabriels words caused the
torch to become lightweight in my hands.
This torch is one that has passed through many hands and will continue
to do so; it is not meant to keep to oneself. You too must continue to pass
this torch, to light the way; for it is the fire of God to be shared. Upon the
passing of the torch to those marked with his seal you will keep his light
moving, breathing and alive. It will continue to burn so as long as you
pass it; but the moment it is harbored unto oneself it will quickly die.
I began to taste of that which Gabriel was saying. I could feel my hands
holding on tighter and tighter not only to the torch, but also to the reins.
Then a holy whisper resounded in my spirit:
Pass the torch!
Pass the torch!
Pass the torch!

As the third whisper made its way into my spirit the reins became one
with my hands, and I could see many generations before me passing
through them. The bloodlines of my past began to flow through the reins,
and I could see before me the tree that I had encountered in the valley as
the torch lit up my view.
Upon the tree etched out in fire were the words: ROOT OF JESSE and
just below these words were POSSESS THE LAND.
I felt as if I were holding roots in my hands, my roots, your roots and the
roots of the King woven together like unto the Father, the Son and Holy
Spirit; the threefold strand.
The torch began to separate into two like a sudden rip in the atmosphere

and I knew I was to place it securely before the saints, for they were
ready to be sent forth. As I placed the first torch firmly in its place to the
right of the Throne, the flames seemed to rise even higher upon their
placement in the ground. Appearing beside Gabriel was Michael the
Archangel; his eyes were aflame with the fire of God causing my torch to
blaze even higher in its reflection as I secured it in place before the
saints. I then raised my right arm up in victory of their release and my
arm became a torch of fire, a living torch! As I continued to lift my arm
towards heaven flames burst forth high with voltaic force; causing
everything that was hidden to be exposed. When I lowered my arm the
flames would immediately cease yet I could still feel the fire burning as I
became a living torch; His holy fire burning through out my being.
My attention was drawn upright, and I could feel an electrical force
making its way from Gabriel and into Michael. The connection of who
they were and what they were to bring forth, was like a merger of that
which was and yet was to come; like a holy fusion where one could not
see the difference between the two. From Michaels blue sapphire belt
came forth a holy fire that went straight through me and into Gabriels
gold belt, and I was ushered by the Spirit of the Lord right into the belt of
There came at me all at once debris from the dust particles of my mind,
hitting me with violent force unknown to man. I knew I was being taken
into level six and that it had everything to do with the laying down of the
mindsets I had accumulated through out my lifetime. Knowledge came
crashing through my mind like a flood; I could literally feel all that was
stored in my brain and rendered useless become invaded by this
enormous tidal wave.
Revelation after revelation came pouring in so quickly I was afraid that I
would not be able to remember any of it upon my destination. I continued
to hold onto my reins as one would when riding a horse and I landed
again before the Throne of God.
Positioned in arrogance and in pride were thousand s of men on brilliant
black horses; looking as if they never smelled or tasted sweat, as Amber

my horse was shiny from her days of work at the altar.

We have come to see the King,
T hey commanded ! And with that they all began to talk among
themselves at such a weak vessel as myself, a woman and not of very
strong stature. Their laugh ter quickly turned into anger as they continued
their command s to see the King. I knew they were part of the debris that
I had just encountered and that I was placed strategically here and before
I even had time to think, I was proclaiming boldly before them.
If you truly have come to see the King , then you must, each and everyone
get down from your horses and bow before the Throne . Y ou must humble
yourselves before the King, and then and only then will you be allowed
L aughs and angry remarks quickly spread throughout the camp, but one
by one they dismounted and began to kneel. All the men seemed to be in
a humble position, but as I looked closer I could see that although they
were each one kneeling with one knee up and one knee down ; their eyes
were not bowed but looking around for their time to charge. All of sudden
a yell came from within my belly, deep within my womb; causing Amber
to raise her legs in triumph as she drove hard towards the men . Suddenly
Amber halted directly in front of the men, th is caused such a roar of
laughter among the ranks, stating that the woman and her horse were
weak and terrified,
What could she do, one against so many me n?
Just then a man dressed in what appeared to be of higher rank, yelled
CHARGE! All I could do was to stand my position, knowing I was placed
here with divine orders from the King, and I dare not move. I kept
thinking of my sword and if it was time to wield it, but this thought
quickly escaped when suddenly a s pear appeared in my left hand ; as tall
as the angels and its weight a s light as a feather, but heavy with glory.
It was silver with rays of light going in and out and I knew I was holding
the Kings spear, one of awesome power , beauty and redemption. I
quickly raised the spear towards the hordes of evil men and my voice met

the spear and they became one.

T hey who want to see the King, they who want to behold h is treasures,
must humble themselves and bow before h is Throne!
No sooner had the words escaped from my lips then did the men again
yell charge, but this time in action as they made their way towards me.
It was as if the spear was on its own as I followed it to the ground, driving
it hard into her surface. All at once the earth opened up her mouth as if
awakened from her slumber, and each and every one of the men on black
horses was swallowed up by her fury! Now I knew why Amber had
stopped so suddenly .
As I made my way back towards the Throne of God, I could see that all
the saints before the King were hearing the sounds that the earth was
making, for their ears were to the ground lying at the feet of the Master .
This sound is the coming merger as my spirit soared with fresh
revelation, an awakening was being heard all through out the nations.
Upon hearing the earths echo in my spirit I knew she was not just
singing a song from the Masters lips, but proclaiming his voice loudly
from deep within his belly, a Now proclamation and the most beautiful
symphony of notes.
I see Gabriel and Michael standing before his throne; in their arms they
do carry such wealth of pure gold.
They sing together, their voices loud and strong, the time is now ready to
gather the saints, help them to stand, for the darkness that is coming; they
must posses their land.
Suddenly appearing before me was the Ancient of Days, his hair was like
the wool of the lamb and as white as snow, the One spoken of in Daniel
"Then I beheld, and lo, thrones were placed, and the Ancient of Days did
sit; his garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure
wool; His throne was like a fiery flame, and Its wheels a burning fire.

He was upon a white horse and they were as if One. Together they began
to make their way back and forth around his throne. In his right hand was
the rod of righteousness and it was raised with much power and authority
across the nations. The rod was a flame of fire and I could see inside the
fire many layers. Then the Ancient of Days spoke that sent Amber to her
knees and I on my face.
And there shall come forth a shoot out of the stem of Jesse, and a branch
shall grow out of his roots;
And he shall be at peace, and the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him,
the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might,
the spirit of knowledge and of the reverence of the Lord; Isaiah 11:1, 2
Layers upon layers began to unfold as both Amber and I were ushered
through the Ancient of Days. I was so enveloped among the layers that I
too became the layers, as the Spirit of God moved through every fiber of
my being. I could hear the sound of rushing waters as they formed a
language all their own, until no longer was I conscious.
As I awoke I found myself still sitting upon Amber but she was not the
same. Her color was more like fire now and etched deep within her coat
were the words:
The Spirit of the Lord
The Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding
The Spirit of Counsel and Might
The Spirit of Knowledge and of the fear of the Lord
This reformation will be a move of God like the earth has never seen
before. It will bring in the Sevenfold Spirit of God resting upon those
who seek him with all their heart and souls, those who have touched the
reality of spiritual living. No longer will fraud of any kind be tolerated in
the church for the saints that are arising from the deep will expose all that
is false, they will turn many a hearts to Christ by their unconditional love.

I looked up to see the Ancient of Days still before me but this time the
feet of his white horse were like wheels of fire; spinning, turning and
burning with the fire of the Lord. These wheels were shaped like two
silver rims intersecting one another with four open sides.
I could see through the fire many eyes as spoken of in the book of
Ezekiel. The eyes were like jewels, their colors the most exquisite colors
one could imagine, sparkling and dancing in the Spirit of the Lord. As
my eyes met the eyes in the fire I could feel the eyes of the seven Spirits
of God merging with the wheels. Back and forth, inside and out, the
wheels and eyes intersected until I became one with the wheel.
The appearance of the wheels and their work was like the colour of a
beryl: and they four had the one likeness: and their appearance and their
work was as it were a wheel within a wheel. Ezekiel 1:16
O the perfect unity of the saints in Christ totally emerged in the bosom of
the Lord; where he moves, they move. They will carry the fire breath of
God within their bones.
I began to feel like the prophet Ezekiel as my body began to shift as the
hands of a clock might move, four times from each corner of the earth.
Then I, still as the wheel was ushered by the Spirit of the Lord into the
future, past the stars and the planets and into space. Before me, some
hovering in place while others moved slowly around were silver discs,
looking much like spaceships and other discs, burnt orange in color. Holy
Sprit began to whisper that what I was being shown were the plans of
Satan being exposed; just as the torch I was given conveyed. Before me
were weapons of mass destruction hidden in space that would soon be
uncovered and bring heavy devastation upon the earth.
And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind was coming out of the north, a
great cloud, and a flaming fire and a brightness was round about it, and
out of the midst of it there came as it were a figure out of the midst of the
fire. Ezekiel 1:4
The amber fire of God, the color of the glory of the Lord as it aflames the
church with his cleansing, his purity and his almighty redemption. It will

be like an explosion of light into the darkened soul; the death to self-will,
its bitterness exposed.

All of a sudden I was ushered again by the Spirit of the Lord along side
the silver disc, through the planets and stars and back to earth. The silver
disc began to drop what looked like bombs of fire, amber fire upon the
nations. There was much death and destruction to all in her path; I saw
the West Coast utterly devastated and felt the urgency and power of
prayer. Hollywood, the center of communication for the world through
the media was down. Through repentance many lives can be spared but
devastation will come to prepare us for His glory, a divine cleansing and
a renewed and pure voice would be heard.
Through the amber flames the four living creatures did appear and the
voice of the Lord was in my ear:
Ezekiel 1:5-19
(5-7) Also out of the midst of it came the likeness of four living
creatures. And this was their appearance: they had the likeness of a man.
And every one had four faces, and every one had four wings. And their
legs were straight; and the soles of their feet were like the soles of a
calf's feet: and they sparkled like the color of burnished brass.
O the precious living martyrs arising out of Gods fire from the four
corners of the earth; the saints who have surrendered their souls to the
Lord as they choose daily to die to self. They walk straight on the path
that leads to holiness for God is all they seek. The soles of their feet are
like the soles of a calfs foot for the sacrifice they walk in; the death they
have endured in the flesh, the resurrection power of God.
(8, 9) And they had human hands under their wings on their four sides;
and their faces and their wings were on their four sides. Their wings were
joined one to another; and when hey went, they went straight forward;
they turned not when they went.
As the Apostle John flew like an eagle into the heavens so too will these

saints; they will bring back down to earth much hidden wealth and
revelation as they continue to walk in holy unity in the Spirit of God.
(10) As for the likeness of their faces, each of the four had the face of a
man and the face of a lion on the right side; and each of the four had the
face of an ox and the face of an eagle on the left side.

The precious saints of God will walk on earth in the courage and boldness
of the Lion of Judah. Their deep sacrifice and strength speaks of the ox;
their continuous surrender of self brings total dependency upon God. And
the blessed face of an eagle for they too will seek the face of God daily in
the heavens and then back to earth again to feed the broken, the hurt and
the rejected sheep and lead them to the Father.
(11-13) And their faces and their wings were stretched upward; two
wings of each creature were joined one to another, and the two covered
their bodies. And they went every one straight forward; wherever the
spirit was to go, they went; and they turned not when they went. As for the
likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals
of fire, like the appearance of a lamp going to and fro among the living
creatures; and the fire was bright, and out of the fire went forth
Their faces shine in the glory of the Lord and in deep faith to Whom they
belong; souls deep surrender to her spirit, their bodies dead to self,
covered in the blood of the Lamb. They walk in unity and holiness of
God, where he leads they will follow even unto their death. They will
walk on earth while touching heaven and bring the resurrection power of
Jesus to the church; their words will come forth like lightning for they
come from the throne room of God.
(14-17) And the living creatures ran, but returned not, and their
appearance was like a flash of lightning. Now as I beheld the living
creatures, behold wheels were upon the earth by the side of each of the
four living creatures. The appearance of the wheels and their work was
like the colour of a beryl; and they four had the one likeness; and their

appearance and their work was as it were a wheel within a wheel. When
they went, they went upon four sides: and they turned not when they went;
and wherever the first one turned to go, the other went after it, and turned
Their words come forth quick and powerful piercing like lightning the
very soul for they are the words of the Lord. They bring forth his fire
from heaven down to earth; these are the wheels of the Lord, moving in
his perfect union; totally entwined in oneness in God.

(18, 19) As for their rims, they were high and they could see; for the
rims were full of eyes round about them four. And when the living
creatures went, the wheels went with them; and when the living creatures
were lifted up from the ground, the wheels were lifted up with them.
O the blessed shield, the armor of the Lord upon our soul as it is lifted
high up to him in worship. The eyes of the spirit are illuminated in the
heights and glory of his love; it is a dreadful thing to the soul to
encounter such freedom of love as it spreads to the earth, his vision, his
truth and holy unity as one.
The Spirit of the Lord began to reveal to me that there was still time for
repentance, but that time was running out. The silver disc was for
Redemption and the clay colored disc, Earth. The redemption of the
Lord that is being offered will bring much of his glory to the earth, if
only we would heed his voice and seek him with all our hearts. We have
been given a space in time to repent before much destruction unfolds and
the waters meet the earth.
But when these things begin to happen, have courage and lift up your
heads, because your salvation is at hand. Luke 21:28
From here I was taken by the Spirit of the Lord right into the screen of a
television set and into a Christian network. Their speech flowed in twin
like fashion; each one professing a rich blessing in store for those who

would give of their money. The ministries met together on a court; much
like a game of basketball they played, fierce competition among those
involved for the latest word of the day. They professed to carry the fire
of God but to their dismay; his fire they did receive.
The mighty wind of the Lord began to blow upon all the ministries caught
up in this deception. The word of the Lord did shout like thunder and his
fire did burn everything in its path.
Ezekiel 22:25-31
Her prophets in the midst of her have conspired; they are like a lion that
roars and tears the prey; they have devoured lives with their might; they
have taken the precious things of their palaces.

Her priests have violated my law and have profaned my holy things; they
have put no difference between the holy and the profane, neither have
they distinguished between the unclean and the clean, and have refused to
keep my Sabbaths, and I am profaned among them.
Her princes in the midst of her are like wolves tearing the prey, to shed
blood and to destroy lives, to get dishonest gain.
And her prophets have daubed her walls with untempered mortar which
will fall off, seeing for them visions of falsehood, and divining lies to
them, saying, Thus says the Lord, when the Lord has not spoken.
They have oppressed the people of the land and humiliated them; and
have extorted from the poor and needy; yea, they have oppressed
wrongfully the proselyte.
And I sought for a man among them who would build up the fence and
stand in the gap before me for the sake of the land, that I should not
destroy it; but I found none.
Therefore have I poured out my indignation upon them; I have consumed
them with the fire of my wrath; their own ways have I recompensed upon
their heads, says the Lord God.

My heart was still grieving from the deep wound of the church yet my
spirit was full of his holy electricity as I was flown through an ancient
clock; the oldest clock in the world, beautiful in stature and appearance.
The clock began to cry out to me as the hands of the clock struck 12:30.
The hands began to then move very quickly back into the present and that
we were running out of time. The Lords voice rang in perfect precision
with the ringing of the chimes.
I am calling my house to order, divine governmental order for They
who are not with me are against me; and they who do not gather with me
shall be dispersed. Matthew 12:30
I could hear order, order, order resonating in my spirit, the perfection
of his governmental order which the number 12 signifies. It is a rule,
much like an order like the sun which "rules" the day, and the moon and
stars which "govern" the night. My spirit was soaring with this revelation
for sun, moon and stars must pass through the 12 signs of the Zodiac and
this my friends, completes the great circle of the heavens.
A circle is 360 degrees which is 12 x 30, 12:30. Now 30 also symbolizes
an even higher order of perfection for it was the age of Jesus when he
began in ministry, marking the perfect time.
As I was registering all of this the hands of the clock struck 6 and my
heart grieved as I could see how far we were from his order, half of 12,
severed; mans ruling. The clock struck 3 and I felt such hope begin to
fill my spirit, the hope of his perfect unity in the body of Christ, his
perfect order, the Father, The Son and Holy Spirit. The Fathers voice
thundered again as I returned to my position upon Amber.
The Hour of Power.

Behold, we put bits into the mouths of the horses, that they may obey
us, and we turn about their whole body. James 3:3

Chapter Thirteen
The Seven Horses

I awoke to the simple surroundings of my bedroom thanking the Lord for
his grace and mercy and thanking him for more time. As I lay quietly in
my tears I could feel Amber nudge me tenderly upon my neck, was I in a
vision or in my bedroom? My question quickly answered as I again
found myself on Amber in a wide open field.
Mounted high up on horses across the hilltop before me were seven
strong, beautiful horses and the riders the same. They were angels one
with their horse, never leaving or separate from their appointed

The first horse was black and the rider the same and they are called
Thunder and together they were being released to go through out the earth
proclaiming the Kings voice. As the rider raised his banner high it
became alive with the Lords voice and sound as it began to penetrate the
souls who were willing to face the darkness of self, allowing his thunder
to pierce through the veil, and the earth shook in agreement.
The second horse was a deep, dark red and her name was Rain and the
rider the same and together they were released to go through out the earth
releasing this rain. As the rider raised her banner it became liquid rain
and I knew upon its release that it would cover the earth in the blood of
A cleansing to those willing to receive the unveiling of their darkened
hearts and an exposure to those deep in sin.

The third horse was white, speckled with gray and her name was
Lightning and the rider the same and together they presented the Fathers
legal action upon the earth.
As the rider raised her banner it became like fire, a raging fire, a holy fire
as it spread through out the earth for the land was waiting for possession.
And upon the proclamation of the Kings voice through his saints; those
who had been long in hiding, his word would go forth through them in his
authority and wisdom piercing the hardened hearts.
The fourth horse was a deep, dark gray and his name was Dense Fog and
the rider the same. As the rider raised his banner high it became like
moving matter, a gross thickness in the air and together they covered the
four corners of the earth. Few are those who tread in the darkened and fog
ridden night to seek Spirits calling and proclaim; so that seeing they may
see and not perceive, and hearing they may hear and not understand, ah,
lest they should turn, and their sins be forgiven them.

The fifth horse was light beige in color like milky cream, skin color and
its name was Wind and the rider the same. As the rider raised his banner
high, even higher than the others, it became a force, a dividing force sent
throughout the earth to severe mans knowledge from Spirits words; the
reality of walking in the flesh yet raging war in the spirit.
The sixth horse was brown, with a golden shimmer and much larger than
the others. Her name was the number 11,000; looking like two great,
golden candlesticks and the smell of martyrdom in her sweat. Upon her
back a rider surrounded by seven stars of light. As the rider raised his
banner the seven stars which were seven angels became one with the
banner and they became light, his light. Together they were released
throughout the earth and upon the nations marked with the people who
had risen as if from the grave, made ready in his witness and a mantle
was given to each and everyone.
The seventh horse was white, white as the brightness of the Lord and he
too was larger than the others, his name was a number 880 and the rider
the same. Upon the head of the rider was a gold crown with many jewels.

As the rider raised his banner high the crown merged with the flag and
together they were sent through out the earth to those in full abandonment
to God and in the newness of his ways; they will abound in the strength
and resurrection power of the King.
To each a crown would be given along with governmental anointing to
carry his glory throughout the nations, throughout the earth. I then heard
a voice coming from the throne room of God and the voice carried
judgment and authority and it weighed heavy upon my heart.
O the awakening of the remnant, the saints who have gone beyond the
veil, the veil, the veil! All I kept seeing was little Lucy in the Lion, the
Witch and the Wardrobe, a classic by C.S. Lewis. Lucy dared to take a
peak outside of the wardrobe of the mind and right into the living. She
reached outside of mans ways and mans thinking and grasped hold of

something very real and tangible, the awesome wonders of God!

I awoke to my own clock staring back at me and the feeling of having
stepped through into another world as Lucy had. A new awakening in my
spirit from all that the King had shared with me but I knew there was so
much more.

Therefore rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them. Woe to the
inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! For the devil has come down to
you; and his wrath is great, because he knows that his time is short.
Revelation 12:12

Chapter Fourteen
The Belly of the Dragon

Such revelation was coming forth that I didnt realize I was again being
ushered back through the belt of Gabriel. This time I was stopped from
passing through as I found myself staring right at the etched out gold

image of the fish upon Gabriels belt; the coat of arms.

It was like waves and waves of unsung melodies were embracing me, I
could feel their rays passing through me in purity and transparency; like a
long awaited romance merging together for the very first time. I could
see in heaven those whose destinies were not yet fulfilled, from lives who
were cut short even before they were born to others taken in tragedies,
there they were; the unsung melodies ready for consumption, they were
much involved and ready to pass their torches.
The waves then turned into little balls of light, full of color and fire.
Upon each and every entrance into my body they would explode, causing
thousands of more balls of light to come forth, spreading quickly through
out my entire being. I began to taste their color; rich, thick like butter,
edible and tangible color, as they spread their vibrancy like a wild fire. It
was again like the music I had heard in the sword making its way
throughout every pore of my being, and making its way down from
heaven and onto the earth.
I was now so full of joy that I began to play with these balls of light,
trying to catch as many as I could as they flew by. Like the speed of light
they would come zooming by until one finally landed on the tip of my
finger. As I reached out to try to capture such brilliance, it exploded into
millions of angels as numerous as the stars.
So rich in color unto a coral pink, yet explosive and pure; I was in a
portal of angels. Their wings were soft like velvet and yet I could put my
hand right through them; like one would imagine a cloud to be. I was
immersed in the wings of angels, girdled from head to toe in the Fathers
love, so undone in his presence.
The angels one by one began to leave through the coat of arms as if
beckoning me to join them. But each time I tried to follow them through
Gabriels belt I was sent backwards with a voltaic force. This time the
Fathers voice awakened the silence with new revelation, as the ancient
book I had swallowed long ago, began to stir within my belly.
Just then the hand of the Almighty came through Gabriels belt and right

into my mouth. He reached all the way down into the deep part of my
womb and pulled forth his words and I was taken back out through the
coat of arms. I could hear the angels singing,
Revelation! Revelation! Revelation!
Once again I found myself on the cobblestone pathway leading to the
ancient church. This time I was mounted high upon Amber with a gold
shield in my left hand; the coat of arms. Such wealth revealed in this
shield more so than it just being made out of gold.
You are right my daughter, it is more than just gold that you are holding
in your hands, it is your bloodline, it is the Nations!
The Lion of Judah began to roar and from his breath fire came forth with
every word he spoke; an invitation of intimacy like I had never known
before. Amber too felt the connection as she nudged even closer to his
The coat of arms that you have been given is your heritage, your
bloodline and your shield of protection. It will take you into areas that
others can not travel. Many saints in the coming days will also be given
their own shields; their coat of arms to bring my freedom to many
How awesome and majestic the Lion of Judah stood, his mane glistening
like pure gold and his eyes like fire. The blood of the Lamb began to stir
inside the coat of arms like a dam ready to burst. I could see it filling up
the gold fish and the swords being made ready for battle. All of a sudden,
dead silence.
The kind of silence that is so thundering it brings deafness to ones ears.
It was a repetitive stillness that perfected a song as the lyrics began to
resonate out through the coat of arms, as the Lion of Judah let out a roar.
And they sang new praise saying, Thou art worthy to take the book and
to open the seals thereof; for thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to
God by thy blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation;
Revelation 5:9

The roar, the roar, the sounding of his roar

As the Lion of Judah proclaims his message from the core
Up through the mountains and down into the seas
All the peoples everywhere take heed
The captives are now set free.
The roar was now closer than I had ever heard before causing my ears to
catch fire and my breath no more; the Lion of Judah than spoke through
his roar:
Open your mouth and I will fill it!
The angels from the Island of Patmos were stationed all around this
magnificent building and in their hands were scrolls, hand written by the
King. Inscribed on the outside of each and every scroll were the words,
Ancient Destiny
Joan appeared again standing right beside the Lion of Judah, this time she
too was wearing a cloak and it was of the same color, same origin of my
own. Her voice came out almost as a whisper and I had to lean my ear
forward to hear.
And then she was gone.
In my hand did lay a scroll, made out of ancient cloth, leather like and
very worn. Etched deep within its skin in blood was the following letter.
Upon this coat of arms rests two fish, the two witnesses. They are
those who abide with me in Heaven and those who abide with me on
earth, merging together as One. The two swords is My Word
quickened through them in both Justice and Righteousness.
The Apostle John appeared and he too had a message from the King, an
invitation to return with him to the Island of Patmos. I knew the Lord

was extending to me his loving grace and mercy for the invitation was for
another time in the near future.
Electricity continued to flow through my hands from holding such a
precious document while the church stood boldly before me. This
glorious ancient dwelling was beginning to come alive with the music of
the King as the ancient gates creaked and moaned for its awakening.
Level Seven was now awaiting my arrival and all I had to do was to step
forward and walk through those magnificent doors.
However, something was holding me back from walking up this pathway
of living stones; a presence of fear in the air that I had not sensed in a
very long time. It was the vile stench of the enemy in giant size form;
although I could not see him I knew he was near. I could hear the
thumping of his tail, I could hear his body slither through the air, a beast
alive and ready to kill!
All of a sudden I was picked up by the Spirit of the Lord and found
myself flying straight at this horrid beast and right into his very large
mouth; the beast was a dragon and his name was Leviathan. He had ten
horns and seven heads and he took up the entire length of the sky.
I was flying at such a high rate of speed that I had no time to even think
of wielding my sword. I knew if I didnt want to enter the dragon that I
would have to cry out and quickly; but the Fathers voice within me
began to invite me deeper and deeper.
Are you ready my daughter?
Are you ready?

Can you catch the leviathan with a hook? Or draw him out with a cord in
his mouth? Job 41:1
O the beast of pride can not be drawn out on ones own merit or skill; it is
Spirits call that brings him up from the dungeon of the deep.
I was so close to the serpents large venomous fangs that I could smell
fear, but it wasnt my fear any longer it was the dragons fear. I could

taste it upon my lips as he spewed forth his viperous words:

If you dare to enter oh daughter of the King, be prepared to never
The thought of being stuck in the belly of the dragon was not Kingdom
living by any means but I also knew that I was in the Spirit of the Lord
and so I rendered to the call; and entered the belly of the dragon!
I was now being moved through the serpents belly by the wind of the
Spirit, again at an accelerating pace. The dragon was now the size I knew
he was in the spirit, a giant dragon taking up the space of many nations.
As I was being ushered through, I could see the dark pink of his flesh,
very raw and very real and I did not want to be touched by something so
putrid. My only wish was to grasp hold of that which the Master wanted
me to grasp, nothing more and nothing less.
To my right I could see where the dragons body was going off in other
directions, a different canal for each head. I could see what looked like
piles of gold, yes, pure gold lying everywhere. Around the tops of the
gold was a blue rim of light, awesome light, alive with the presence of the
Lord and down here in the belly of the serpent. It was my gold, it was
your gold, it was our possessions that had been stolen and held in
bondage by this giant beast, nothing earthly could compare to the wealth
hidden here.
There were vaults and chambers full of ancient wealth and ancient
knowledge. I saw scrolls, artifacts and tombs full and spilling over. Land
deeds and wills of old, land stolen and land given away. Thousands of
acres of precious diamonds and jewels all being held captive by the
I began to hear a roar, a vicious and disturbing roar that sent chills up and
down my spine; chasing me down like I was his next kill, a beautiful
white tiger with black stripes. His name was self interest now exposed;
very plain in black and white.
I had no fear of this creature getting a piece of me, but I knew he was
standing guard; if I hadnt been ushered through by the Maker himself I

would be dead. Then directly in front of me a lion appeared; they were as

if one. He too was very large in size and the Lion of Judah he was not; he
wished to devour everything in his path. The Spirit of the Lord then did
carry me onto a large patch of green grass.
And if God clothes in such fashion the grass of the field, which today is
and tomorrow falls into the fireplace; how much more is he to you, O you
of little faith? Luke 12:28
Yes the things of this earth shall pass away but the words of God feed the
soul with faith.
Both the lion and the tiger now began to encircle me as if to try and keep
me from ever leaving. Very eerie was their appearance, almost human
like yet in animal apparel. And then the knowledge of who they were hit
my spirit like a magnetic force; and Holy Spirits voice came mighty like
the wind that was carrying me.
Beware of men who come dressed as the King, but are wearing false
attire. In the coming days as my glory increases so shall the darkness;
and in this darkness will slither in the false prophets; their souls feed on
the death of the righteous. I am sending forth my prophets who will tread
upon these adversaries, who will loose the chains of the prisoners. They
will release unto the saints all the training I have provided them, the
anointing of intimacy in I, their Maker; the treasure house restored.
"Be careful of false prophets who come to you in lambs clothing, but
within they are ravening wolves.
Matthew 7:15

That you may become one body and one Spirit, even as you are called
in one hope of your calling; There is one Lord, one faith, and one
baptism; One God and Father of all, who is above all and through all
and in all of us. Ephesians 4:4-6

Chapter Fifteen

Here I was again, standing in front of the breathtaking scenery of this
glorious church; upon the living stones that I had come to love so much.
Just above the church, flying above the angels were golden eagles with
their wings spread out long and wide, each one touching lightly the other
as they together overshadowed the church. Upon their necks, glistening in
the sun, were the gold emblems, the coat of arms; I knew these to be the
prophets God was sending forth in his glory and unity.
A gentle breeze began to make its way around me as the white eagle of
reformation landed on my right shoulder. In his mouth was the branch of
an olive tree, dripping with the oil of the King. As the oil made its way
down upon my shoulder the peace of our Lord Jesus did flow; the spirit of
reformation was released and the white eagle spoke; he spoke through the
branch, he spoke through the oil.
From the depths of the great sea reformation is calling; she has been
heard by many but few are willing to perceive. The rhythm of
reformation is thundering in a people most unlikely to succeed from the
widows to the orphans the Fathers heart beats; set my people free!
The ancient doors of this historical heritage began to make sounds of a
great awakening; they were red as the blood of the Lamb. As the doors
made their last and final attempt to display that which was hidden inside,
I was ushered by the Spirit of the Lord to peer through a crack in her side.

There stood within the most magnificent tree I had ever beheld. It was the
tree in the valley but transformed into the likeness of the Lord, yet still in
the stature of a tree, an olive tree.
The tree began as one but as it grew larger it split in two at the branches;
two trees yet one. The merger of believers, the Jews and the Gentiles
together as one. I could hear the call of ancestry flowing like rich oil up
from the roots and through the branches. It was like the call of the wild
in my spirit to possess that which God had given us, together as one.
There is neither Jew nor Aramean, there is neither slave nor free, there is
neither male nor female; for you are all one in Jesus Christ. So if you
belong to Christ, then you are descendents of Abraham, and his heirs
according to the promise. Galatians 3:28, 29
They began to sway back and forth in a repetitive motion; a delicate
swing. In simple symmetry its tall branches stretched all the way to
heaven and back down to the earth in bowing form; total surrender.
There stood Yahweh, adorned in a pure white robe with heavens dew of
oil dripping down upon his head, running down his beard and onto his
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in
It is like the precious ointment upon the head and upon the beard, even
Aarons beard, that went down to the collar of his robe;
Like the dew of Hermon that falls upon the mount of Zion; for there the
Lord commanded the blessing, even life for evermore.
Psalms 133:1-3
My soul began to ache for this ancient wealth, to break free from the
solitude of the night. Spirits ambience echoing through the walls of the
dungeon; the beard of Jesus drenched in holy oil, make me thy sanctuary
oh Lord.
I have never seen eyes so blue as the eyes of Jesus, the color of the sea,

its depth unknown. They pierced right through the very marrow of my
bones and into my soul; my body and spirit entwined. He was standing
upon a very aged rock as the oil continued its journey upon it; in his right
hand a rod of light.

In the descent from his ancient dwelling he raised his rod with his voice;
causing the rod to bloom into a composers baton as it landed hard upon
the rock. Whence came an explosion, a tearing sound in the thunder of
Gods voice and the rock split in two. This detonation of sound was like a
choir of voices bursting forth, a volcano erupting in passionate waves of a
symphony from the deep; the most beautiful music came bursting forth.
A unity of music from all walks of life coming together as one; a virgin
romance rooted in God.
From within the broken rock grew a new rock, a white stone of strength
and power from the King. Upon this rock Jesus took his stand and waved
his baton all over the Nations.
He who has ears, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches: To
him who overcomes, I will give to eat of the hidden manna, and I will
give him a white stone, and on the stone a new name written, which no
man knows except he who receives it. Revelation 2:17
Upon the doors written in bold red letters were the words:
The Seventh Level
Suddenly, as if the earths voice could not be silenced any longer it began
to shift, the ancient loam of time began to quake beneath my feet with the
sound of reformation. I could literally see ancient fault lines being
discovered that no man had ever seen before as a strong and mighty wind
made its way through out the church causing the doors to burst open
wide. There sitting on a magnificent white horse of purity and redemption
was Jesus, El Shaddai, this time dressed in warrior attire; adorned from
head to toe in white armor, laced in amber gold.
The sound of distant thunder could be heard uniting with the resounding

echo of horses riding hard, digging their hooves deep into the earths
atmosphere. Leading this great company of horses was Michael the
Archangel and Martin Luther King Jr. by his side. Both upon horses, their
color was of deep, dark wine; blackened in the blood of reformation.

From head to toe they were adorned in modern warrior apparel yet from
old, drenched in the same wine; the blood of the martyrs from days gone
by and those to come and the precious blood of the Lamb.
There was a divine message flowing from the heart of Martin Luther
King that one could not find depicted in any history book for it was not in
written form yet; a hidden sonant from within that was now ready for
consumption. As Martin slowly climbed down from his horse there but
did a tree appear, a glorious tree of great stature and pose with a mighty
fire burning within. From the hollow of the tree came a thunder of noise,
a lamentation, the prophets cry; as Martin reached into the belly of the
tree he pulled out a book titled 333.
The book was aflame, too hot to touch but Martin held it with ease for it
was his destiny, it was our destiny he was holding; the fullness of Christ
made known.
That their hearts may be comforted, and that they may be brought near
by love to all the riches of the full assurance of understanding of the
knowledge of the mystery of God the Father and of Christ, In whom are
hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
For in him is embodied all the fullness of the Godhead. And it is through
him that you also have been made complete, for he is the head of all
angelic orders and powers. Col. 2:2-3, 9-10
From Martin Luther Kings spirit came forth a language like unto the
mysteries of the deep blue sea and an outpouring of love from having
been so long with the King and he spoke:

My roots are your roots as well for we are one in the same. We are one
body and one spirit and this is the time for Gods divine order, to make
the crooked paths, straight; this is the book of the fullness in Christ; it is
the book of Reformation.
There is no greater love than this that a man lay down his life for the sake
of his friends. Just as the white eagle has been with you so with me it too
did soar, but you must keep your vision clear for so too has the false
eagle come. He carries with him a badge of honor marked in false unity
and love, much power unto himself; looks much like an eagle in dress but
beneath lies Egos form.

I knew that I would never forget this encounter as the word eagle and ego
played upon my lips; to receive the love that was being offered could
only come by way of the Father, any other way is false.
The gold coin tucked safe within my belt began to burn with a holy fire as
I pulled it out from its dwelling. The coin no longer existing but in its
place a seal; the seal of God in gold.
The inscription read as follows:
Ancient Destiny, the Seven Seals of God.
Turning the gold seal over in my hand where once before lay the
engraving of an ostrich, now read:
He that nudges the egg; breaketh it.
Oh, it is a good thing to break open wide the egg for the souls desire is
for birth; the spirits call awakens this life and together reformation is
born. I knew destiny was calling unto me this day, unto you a protocol, an
echo in the heavens, a reflection of days gone by. This is the sound of
ancient dwellings breaking loose from the deep, the mighty seal engraved
upon our hearts; the Ancient of Days setting the captives free.
Set me as a seal oh God upon your heart, as a seal upon your arm. Such
ancient wealth awaited its release, buried by time in the church before

me, inviting me further into the deep; into the Seventh Level.

To bring back his soul from corruption, to see the light of the living.
Job 33:30

Chapter Sixteen
The Killing

Many months have passed since this vision and what I thought was the
end of this book made ready for consumption; was the end again to much
self in my own life. Now today while on my way home from visiting
with friends I am taken up in a vision where I can still see the road before
me but I am spiritually someplace else. To my ears did come the
recognizable sound of thumping that I had heard before in the deep;
closer now to reality than I had ever heard before. When I pulled into my
driveway the vision was laid to rest but not very far away.
For the next several days I waited on the Lord for more of this vision to
be made clear as he chose to ravish my heart with his love, his gifts from
heaven and I was saturated over and over again in his barrel of honey

love. Such great gifts await Gods children, a fatness only known to those
who have been barren.
How soon does one soul forget the taste of staleness that lingers close by
when lavished and dripping in the myrrh of the King; it is yet another
divine invitation to the loss of more self and more of his truth. Though
the soul hungers for more of spirits awakening, more exposure of that
which keeps us bound, it is still a rude upheaval to the wicked snares
lying dormant in the heart.
The Spirit of the Lord came to my chambers and violently awoke me
from my sleep and catapulted me right into heaven; there was no time to
consider the journey or to take a quick peak; this was renaissance in
pure form.

From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven has
been administered by force, and only those in power control it. Matthew
The Kingdom of heaven is within, covered by layers and layers of flesh;
to take the kingdom by force is to never stop digging into the levels of the
soul, tear away like you are fighting for your life.
I knew I was in heaven yet my feet were still planted on earth and I was
standing on a river of clouds made of crystal glass but soft like silk; the
smell of ancient destiny of the saints who had gone to be with the King.
From the inside out I began to shake for the union of heaven to earth was
taking its place. The Father soon appeared standing by my side and all I
could see was his eyes; this time they were deep amber brown, fire
amber. In the depth of the Fathers eyes I could see our roots, like from
the tree in the valley, our lineage, our heritage in him and I was totally
consumed by his love.
The clouds began to slowly part in agreement as God the Father took my
face into his hands and right into his hair; the sweet fragrance lingered in

my senses and his voice was in my ear.

I came to dwell in your inner man by faith, and in your heart by love,
strengthening your understanding and your foundation.
So that you may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the
height and depth and length and breadth.
And to know My love which surpasses all knowledge, that you may be
filled with all the fullness of God. Ephesians 3:17-19
The fullness of God was in the essence of the Fathers hair, likened unto
apricots, almonds and coconut dipped in honey and the aching of my
souls true nature came like a river of tears. How long I cried I can not
say but I began to see and feel and know the Fathers love and how far I
was from loving him and others this way and the tears did fall. From
within my soul a hollowing did take place, the hand of God reached into
the depths of my soul and pulled out the wickedness within. I dared not
move or even shift slightly for in fear of losing his hold and the deeper he
reached the more I did sink into the very foundation of his heart.

A gentle wind began to blow as it made its way in through the chambers
of my heart, exhaling forth the breath of our Maker as the whispering of
many layers of wings responded to the call.
Soaring swiftly above me in skilled splendor were four seraphim
appearing as one; pure white with six wings and fire coming forth boldly
from their mouths. The seraphims layers of wings could be heard deep
within my own layers; moving in perfect timing and precision as my soul
cried out in agony.
Their many eyes, the color of exquisite jewels, sparkling like diamonds
and alive; pierced into the marrow of my bones, like watching my soul
being separated and placed on a platter for all to see; I was being weighed
and found wanting. I knew it was a good thing to be found in need for
whatever evil was being exposed the Father was quickly setting me free.

And the first animal was like a lion and the second animal was like a
calf and the third animal had a face of a man and the fourth animal was
like a flying eagle. And the four animals had each of them six wings; and
they were full of eyes within; and they had no rest day and night saying,
holy, holy, holy, the Lord God Almighty who was and is and is to come.
Revelation 4:7, 8
As the seraphim began to circle around me I could hear the faint cry of
many saints in my spirit; the echo was likened to a call in the wild. The
courage and the roar of the lion; filled my soul with courage to push
forward no matter what the cost. The sound of the calfs cry of surrender
was to my soul her need of total abandonment to self, a sacrifice found
only in her fusion with her spirit. The voice of the man was my spirits
quest of walking in the flesh but raging war in the spirit, the perfect
image of Christ. Then the invitation came through from the eagles beak
to follow him into heavens space; a merger of the soul to the spirit,
walking on earth yet in heaven; Holy Spirits total reign complete.
Oh to be so full of Christ, all day and all night, holy, holy, holy; the
quenching has begun.
The sound of mighty waters did break the silence in my soul as an army
of Cherubims was released. They came from the throne room covered in
honey, golden honey as solid as gold yet in liquid form. Their roar sent
out a detonation of amber crystals, like a meteor burst, a shower of stars
as I caught one in my own mouth.
It came like fire and burnt my tongue and all the way into my belly; a
deep cleansing of impurities still lingering and his love and truth did fill
my empty space. The cherubims were being sent out into the earth, an
invitation to the saints who have yielded their lives to the Lord; the
abolishment of self, their robes are white, pure white in purity of heart.
Blessed are those who do his commandments, that they may have the
right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.
Revelation 22:14
And they were released with the fire of God to visit the saints now ready.

As we stood together on the tip of heaven overlooking the earth the sound
of thumping came again to my ears and the earth began to quake; it was
utterly shaken from its core both in the natural and in the spiritual realm.
As I peered into the face of the Father the heavens did shout with the
thunder of God, but not in sound but in a closeness of the merger that was
taking place in many hearts across the nations. It was his truth, his love; a
union between heaven and earth; heaven coming down and kissing the
earth and bringing up to the surface all that was not of God.
His love began to penetrate again my heart until I was faint in his love
and I found myself again on the Island of Patmos, this time standing in
front of a dark cave; staring directly into the core of my very own soul.
Dearly beloved, Apostle John, great lengths you did travel to prepare us
the way; into the dungeon of self denial; into the cave.
Above the cave and flying low were golden eagles, their massive breasts
did heave in and out in rich excitement of what was about to be released.
Their wings were long and strong like the wind, shiny from their days
with the King; their beaks did hold the wealth of gold.
This time I knew the thumping sound was my very own heartbeat
proclaiming strongly that this was way too deep. Above the cave and
written in blood were words that tore into my soul like a beast ravenous
with hunger.

Enter in thy mortal soul at the risk of the sight of selfs true hold; tis
here the killing begins.
As the word mortal played upon my lips did then a giant beast appear;
mammoth in size and power completely covering the entrance of the
cave. The word of the Lord came quickly and in the power of his might:
"Behold now the behemoth which I created as I did you; he eats grass like
an ox. See now, his strength is in his loins, and his power is in the sinews
of his belly. Job 40:15, 16 (AMP)

Behold the behemoth, the great and mighty beast of the earth; he silently
eateth away at that which quickly perishes; the thoughts and vain
imaginations of the heart. His might lies in his loins, lies in his own self
In the soul does it hide between the vines spread so thick but oh how the
word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two edged
sword, piercing even to the point of division between soul and spirit, and
between the joints and marrow and bones, and is a discerner of the
thoughts and intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12
My sword grew hot with every word of the Lord it quickened my spirit
and my soul rejoiced. No longer hidden but in full view was carnality,
from the earth he did come and the earth he will return for the weapons
which we use are not earthly weapons, but of the might of God by which
we conquer rebellious strongholds! 2 Cor.10:4
The Fathers voice was sweet in my ear and his words came in love and
holy fear. Restthis I have taught you by my very own hands
how to rest in your weakness, to rest in great loss, to rest at my feet; for
then I am made strong.
I lifted my sword high up to the heavens declaring my weakness in self;
for this I knew to be the greatest gift of all. To know that death to self no
matter what the cost, is the greatest gift bestowed as Jesus died on the
I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of
Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon. SgS 1:5 (KJV)
Such peace floods the soul in the blackness of the night; oh thou lover of
my soul to him be made right.
I am black but comely.
Thunder came from heaven that sent his lightning through my sword and
I was lifted up and carried into the darkened cave. The beast could not
refrain what the hand of the Lord God was upon as his light from my
sword severed the darkness, revealing nothing; nothing in its purest form.

My soul began to seek high and low in this cave for the nothingness that
was violently invading my surroundings.
The cave by all appearance seemed empty except for her walls but the
nothingness that I was feeling was more fullness than words can
I could hear the voice of John the Baptist resonating in my spirit, I am
the voice of one crying in the desert; prepare ye the way of the Lord.
And John in his hunger, in his souls anguish began to thirst for that
which the wilderness could only afford; locusts and wild honey. Only
when self has lost its hold in the wilderness of the soul can true
nothingness unfold; oh to be clothed in such richness.
Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant who was seeking good
pearls. And when he had found one costly pearl, he went and sold
everything he had, and bought it. Matthew 13:45, 46
I was again lifted up by the Spirit of the Lord and taken into the arms of
rich, honey thick nothingness; into no-mans land. Above me like a
covering was an ark of colors unto a rainbow yet liquid, like the jewel I
had encountered in the revolving door; there were seventeen colors in all.
The first seven layers of color I could easily recognize as the colors of the
rainbow; red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. Their taste
came to my spirit in words and spoke of that which had passed.
For ye are not come unto the mount that might be touched, and that
burned with fire, nor unto blackness, and darkness, and tempest, And the
sound of a trumpet, and the voice of words; which voice they that heard
intreated that the word should not be spoken to them any more: Hebrews
12:18, 19 (KJV)
The next ten layers of colors were to me a language all their own, vibrant
and alive in the glory of the Lord. They came from the same pallet of
colors as the first seven layers but filled with the dunamis power of God.
They came in words that spoke of the newness and awareness of Now.
(22-24) But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the
living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of

angels, To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are
written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just
men made perfect, And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and
to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.
Seven is spiritual perfection and ten is ordinal perfection. Therefore the
combination of two perfect numbers is the perfection of spiritual order in
the divine merger of the old to the new. The liquid colors in the ark above
began to melt into my being like hot liquid gold and they turned to
glorious white; as the old began to merge with the new. My heart was on
fire with such wealth in my spirit and my soul broke forth into labor and
into song.
By faith Noah, when he was warned concerning the things not seen,
became fearful and made an ark to save his household; and by it he
condemned the world and became heir of righteousness which is by
faith. Hebrews 11:7
Oh the divine resting and surrender of the soul to her innerman will bring
forth the ark of God; we will become walking arks of God, his living
word, it is our blessed promise.
And the bow shall be in the clouds; and I will look upon it as a
remembrance of the everlasting covenant between God and every living
creature of all flesh that is upon the earth. And God said to Noah, This is
the sign of the covenant which I have established between me and all the
flesh that is upon the earth. Genesis 9:16, 17
Now Noahs name means to rest and the ark rested on the seventeenth
in the seventh month, upon the mountains of Ararat. The perfection of
spiritual order again taking place with our obedience in the Fathers rest;
we then become his walking, breathing and living arks in body, soul and
I also knew in my spirit that we in the world today would be seeing in the
natural new colors in the rainbows as depicted in the spiritual; the
precious promises of God fulfilled as the bride is made ready for her

And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God,
prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. Revelation 21:2
He thrust his sickle upon the earth, and the earth was harvested.
Revelation 14:16

Chapter Seventeen; Level 7

The Kingdom and the End Time Church

As the colors continued their fusion within my soul I found myself
standing again in front of the ancient church; she spoke of that which is
old and that which is new; as a seventeen layer rainbow hung like a halo
above her. The colors began to dance among themselves like fireworks as
eagles began to emerge from her display, blood red eagles; solid yet
liquid in form. The red was for the blood of the martyrs past yet not
forgotten for they have paved the way for us today. In liquid form is the
word of God; its readiness for the souls who have allowed the Father, the
Son and Holy Spirit to reign complete. They spoke of the Fathers love
through the cleansing of his blood with the words: ready or not here I
Through the artwork of color now exploding like dynamite in the sky
revelation did come from the deep that the Kings divine and holy order
was being established. His Kingdom come, his will be done on earth as it
is in heaven. The restoration of Gods kingdom and the knighting of his
children have begun as the name of the church came into view; it was the
body of Christ.
The doors of this ancient dwelling, now open, was my invitation to step
through; no longer just a view but a drenching of what lay within. And on
the soil of Europe she was now standing were the seeds of martyrdom
that have been sown coming into fruition. Europe was going to be hit by

a mighty and powerful wave of God; oh Gods mighty love for France,
many things forgotten exposed and many things remembered enlightened
when the Spirit of the Lord comes to rest.

The blood red eagles began to soar around the church as their wings
spelled out in blood red fire the words: Staronova. The sky was turning
dark as the colors of the rainbow came even more alive upon the
darkened canvas. Words of fire continued their explosion, like fireworks
of words they became firewords from the eagles beak and their blood
became one with the church.
Holiness began to envelope my spirit as many stars began falling to the
earth; in the blinking of an eye I was caught up in a stars beam that
reached all the way from heaven to earth and through the church. I was
transported like a shooting star by the Spirit of the Lord and set upon a
dry, parched and open field; like standing on a map of the world. Further
than the natural eye could see, all the continents came into view. There
was Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia, Antarctica and North and South
America; every nation, tribe and tongue could be seen as Native drums
beat in the rhythm of the King.
In the middle of the field was a fire, a holy fire and I was completely
drawn into its presence; caught up like a flame among the dryness I fell
to the ground in my despair. From the fire came forth the Voice like unto
the essence of wine, grain and olives as I was picked up by the wind of
the fire and into a room in heaven; I was in a rock, an amethyst crystal
There were diamonds immersed within the layers of this rock that were
living and breathing the breath of God. Their sparkling essence would
shoot through the purple amethyst causing a ray of colors to break forth
into the shape of circles over me; like a bubble blown and caught in ones
hands, they melted into my spirit.
My feet began to feel immersed in liquid and I realized I was standing in
a river of liquid jewels; neither hot nor cold nor lukewarm, a temperature

unknown to man. This river was much too deep for wading as its life
force took me in; the fullness of God enveloped me as I swam through its
Afterward he measured a thousand cubits; and it was a torrent that no
man could cross; for the waters were risen so high and the stream had
become so turbulent that no one could cross it. Ezekiel 47:5
The first color was deep blue sapphire; a deepness that had no beginning
or end. As I ran my fingers through its treasure, my body, soul and spirit
became one with the jewel and I was captured in the flow of the river.
The glistening river began to change; it was still the same river, the same
liquid jewel but of a different facet of color. There were liquid rubies red
as the blood of the lamb; a deep cleansing and covering in the Lord
invaded my soul. Then came liquid amber; the fire of God as it pierced
my entire being with his glory.
The green emerald jewel was thick and alive; the dying to self on a level
that brings forth abundant life in Christ. A peach diamond which brought
forth the pure joy of the Lord as it filled my soul complete; beholding the
King. There were colors that had no earthly name but my spirit knew
their meaning; jewels of cleansing, healing, boldness and courage of God,
his strength and righteousness unto death.
Music began to emerge from the walls of the rock; voices from many
saints began to echo in the joy of the Lord and in his love. The lyrics were
air born in liquid form where upon hearing the sound it became tangible,
edible and would penetrate the deepest part of my soul; I was in the
fullness of God, the body of Christ as One.
And I heard a great voice from heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of
God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his
people, and the very God shall be with them and be their God.
Revelation 21:3
Upon my souls recognition of where I was; like a parachute I was sent
sailing to the earth, landing feet first upon the dry field. Standing in the
midst of the glowing fire was now the church; again the fragrance of

grain, olives and wine permeated my senses and the fire spoke.
The Lord has sworn, and will not lie, You are a priest for ever after the
order of Melchizedek. Psalms 110:4
Coming forth from the fire was an army of white horses and their riders
as one; it was the end time army of the Lord as spoken of in Joel 2.
(1) Blow the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy
mountain; let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; for the day of
the Lord is come. They covered the land in the strength of the Lord, an
awakening of much that had been hidden. They had long white hair that
spoke of the wisdom of God they tarried in; and their thighs were as
strong as armor.
(2) And the day of darkness and gloom is near, a day of clouds and of
thick darkness, like the morning spread upon the mountains; it shall
come upon a great and strong people; there has not been ever the
like from of old, neither shall be any more after it, even to the years
of many generations. Along their left thigh was the silver sword of
Redemption; their oath to God. Written upon the right thigh was Truth
and Righteousness and upon their hearts the seven Spirits of the Lord.
And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and
understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge
and of the fear of the Lord. (Isaiah 11:2) Nothing remained hidden in
their flight.
(3) A fire devours before them; and behind them a flame burns; the
land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate
wilderness; and nothing shall escape them. The horses were fitted in
silver armor of redemption that looked like giant locusts; appearing as if
one with their riders and moving in perfect unity. Along the right thighs
of the horses read:
A priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek.
(4) The appearance of them is as the appearance of horses; and like
horsemen so they run; (5) Like the noise of chariots that rumble on
the tops of mountains, like the noise of a flame of fire that devours

the stubble, like a mighty people arrayed for war.(6) Before their
presence the people shall tremble; all faces shall be dismayed and
confounded. (7) They shall run like mighty men; they shall climb the
walls like men of war; and they shall march in order every man on his
way, and they shall not turn aside from their ranks. Into the darkened
places the army of God will travel; into the tall walls of man they will go.
They know to Whom they belong for they have waited on the Lord for
many years; rested at his feet and fed by his manna alone. Their words
are the words of the Lord that will devour all sin in its path.
They walk in pure and holy truth having been purged by the fire of God;
trained one on one by the King himself and not by man.
(8) Neither shall one push another; but they shall walk in order every
one in his path; some of them shall fall down because of the weight of
their armor, they shall not trample them. Their eyes are on the King
of Kings, where he leads they will follow. They do not compete with man
but will march together in the harmony of the Lord and in his perfect
will; no weapon formed against them shall prosper.
(9)They shall go up against the cities; they shall run upon the walls,
they shall climb up upon the houses; they shall enter through the
windows like thieves. (10)The earth quakes before them; the heavens
tremble; the sun and the moon are darkened, and the stars have
withdrawn their shining. The soul will yearn to escape from the wrath of
God but it is in the wilderness of despair when God will cleanse her from
all impurities and make her whole. It will be like a mighty army invading
the darkness but his light will prevail. It is the same for the church, she
will be cleansed from all impurities and looking very desolate as the fire
of God purges away the dross.
(11) The Lord has shouted before his army; for his host is very great;
mighty is the work executed by his word; for the day of the Lord is
great and very terrible; who can endure it? (12)Therefore now, says
the Lord, return to me with all your heart, and with fasting and with
weeping and with mourning; (13) And rend your hearts, and not your
garments, and turn to the Lord your God; for he is gracious and

merciful, patient and of great kindness, and he averts disaster. Who

can withstand the sword of the Lord as it reaches into the depths of the
hearts; into the hidden places of the church? This mighty priesthood of
God will not look the part of the former man trained army for they are
unique vessels. The voice of one crying in the desert prepare ye the way
of the Lord. They will look straight into the eyes of another and right
into their soul, their deepest hidden sin exposed; utter darkness to
behold. They too will see mans destiny, call it forth from the darkness of
the womb and into the Light.
I began to hear the cries of many saints coming forth from the fire as
Michael the Archangel appeared standing high above the continents. He
was dressed in the same garment as before; the blood of the Lamb and the
martyrs both past and those to come. In his left hand he held a scroll and
in his right hand a vat of wine. My spirit instantly recognized the year of
the wine, 1638 for it had been revealed to me in another vision.
However, this time it was open as the wine flowed like blood down upon
the continents below. My spirit soared down through the generations,
from the covenant of Abraham to his descendents as numerous as the
stars; to his death in 1638 B.C.E. The year of the wine represents the
blessing, the promise that was received upon the death of Abraham.
After the death of Abraham, God blessed his son Isaac, and Isaac dwelt
at Beer-lahai-roi (A well to the Living One Who sees me). Genesis
In blessing I will bless you and in multiplying I will multiply your
descendants like the stars of the heavens and like the sand on the
seashore. And your Seed (Heir) will possess the gate of His enemies.
Genesis 22:17, (AMP)
My heart cried out in pain as the voice of the martyrs echoed in my ears,
in the last seconds of their lives the precious name of Yeshua is all I
could hear.
No longer was I just hearing their cries but I was now standing in front of
a very old church, its name was The Old-New Synagogue in Prague,

Czechoslovakia. I was standing in front of the oldest synagogue in

As a woman passed by me, she quickly leaned over and whispered in my
ear, we call her Staronova, and she was gone. Staronova was the name
the eagles spelled out in blood above the other church; it was here that
many Jews were killed long ago as the walls are still adorned in their
The blood red eagles now soaring above the synagogue began to cry out
in retaliation with the cries of the martyred saints. Visions of their deaths,
their bodies tortured and burned continued through me. All the way into
the Holocaust could their suffrage be heard and even further and then into
the present.
Silence was heard when their tears merged together with the weeping of
modern day saints; those who spiritually and in the physical have chosen
to die for Christ today. Written in blood of the Lamb in the clouds above
was Isaiah 11:11, 12
And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set his hand
again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which
shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and
from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and
from the islands of the sea. And he shall set up an ensign for the
nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together
the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.

Darkness began to invade my soul; weeping and gnashing of teeth could
be heard as I cried out to God in repentance.
This time the sobbing was not coming by way of martyrdom but by way
of the lost as their wailing mirrored the blackness that lay before me, the
darkness of my own soul for the Fathers love was so much greater than I
could ever behold.
The love of Jesus began to wash through every fiber of my being; a

saturation of unconditional love for every single person upon the face of
the earth. I could see the Fathers heart spread open wide for those who
had been martyred for his Names sake and also for those who were the
persecutors of these great warriors. From his heart came the sound of a
mighty thunderous roar; a crystal clear waterfall that began to pour out
from his heart and upon the earth, as his love and his word began to
sweep into every corner of the earth.
Suddenly the sound of sharp clanging could be heard that sent its
thundering voice right to my soul; its pulsating rhythm was likened to a
heartbeat. The vibration continued its echo throughout the heavens and
came like music to my own heart, a setting free the captive soul from the
bondage of self. I was standing again in the open field, now Israel; and
the church still submerged by fire as the seventeen layer rainbow lit up
the night sky. Again, the merger of rich, thick ancestry with the new, the
Jewish believers with the believers of all the Nations. Through the
rainbow stood the Lord Jesus upon a mighty iceberg and in his hand he
did hold the silver rod of redemption.
Clang! Clang! Clang, came the narrative pitch, down hard upon the ice.
Through the rod and flowing like a river his blood did run; the
redemptive power of the Lamb.
This is my blood of the new testament which is shed for many for the
remission of sins. Matthew 26:28
Through the thick layers of ice I could see a giant heart; she was the
picture of the church and the hardness thereof. Seventeen layers of self
held the church in bondage and all to the glory of the flesh.

Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery,
fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred,
variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings,

murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like:

of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that
they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Galatians
5:19-21 (KJV)
A constellation could be seen as it lit up the starry night and there beheld
a dragon and its name was Cetus; much fire coming from its mouth.
And as I stood on the sand of the shore, I saw a wild beast rise up out of
the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and upon his horns ten crowns,
and upon his heads blasphemous words. Revelation 13:1
The beast of the pride of life as he entangles the soul and the church with
his lies; even showing himself as the thief in the value of ten and seven,
seventeen. All day and all night saints came from afar to work beside the
Lord at setting the church free. But the more they did work the further the
heart did sink for their work was done in the pride of the flesh and not in
the truth of the Lord.
"Can you catch the Leviathan with a hook? Or draw him out with a cord
in his mouth? Can you put a bridle in his mouth? Or bore his jaw with a
thorn? Will he make many supplications to you? Or will he speak
flattering words to you? Will he make a covenant with you? Or will you
count him as a servant for ever? Job 41:1-4
As quickly as the Lord would expose a layer of sin the saints would cover
it up. This was ongoing until I heard the faint whisper of cries coming
from the burning church. There lay before the fire one little boy and one
little girl. I dared not move or make a sound for the weeping the children
endured, sent terror right through my own heart. Through each sob I did
cry as their eyes met mine and I realized I had met them before; now to
the form of Olivia and Oliver separate yet one.

They both ran to me with open arms and lay broken in my lap; I too cried

and held them close as we together wept for the church. Their cries were
heard as the Father arose and he took the heart and he threw it into the
fire as weeping and gnashing of teeth again could be heard.
And I will give them a new heart, and I will put a new spirit within them;
and I will take the stony heart out of their flesh, and I will give them a
heart of flesh. Ezekiel 11:19
Oh the awakening of his church; the souls desire for her union with
Christ, the union with Israel, take from me my Lord the layers of pride
and give to me your heart, your life!
The bondage of pride is never made to quake for fear, but is firm like a
stone; yea as hard as flint. (Job 41: 24) But self you have no hold when
the truth of the Father comes in boldly and claims his bride.
Olivia was to our soul great faith; and Oliver, love; merging together as
one, full of the Fathers peace and the rain did come. Olivia and Oliver
then arose like unto the King upon his throne and they looked at me with
fire in their bones and they spoke together as one. Joel 2:23-27
Be glad then, O children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God; for
he has given you food of righteousness, and he will cause to come down
for you the rain, the early and the latter rain, as before.
And the threshing floors shall be full of grain, and the winepresses shall
overflow with wine and oil.
And I will recompense you for the years that the locust has eaten, the
crawling locust, the cankerworm, and the palmerworm, my great army
which I sent against you.
And you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the
Lord your God, who has dealt wondrously with you; and my people shall
never be put to shame.
And you shall know that I am in the midst of Israel and that I am the Lord
your God and there is none besides me; and my people shall never be

Those whose soul has denied the feeding of the flesh will appear as if
they are dead, yes the church will appear as if dead for the dying of self to
take hold. Only then who will arise from the flames in the resurrection
power of Christ all to the Glory of God.
One by one many saints began to emerge from the church as the rain
continued to fall. Above their heads was now the seventeen layer
rainbow, liquid and full of his light, they were now walking arks of the
Lord. And wherever their soles did touch; to them it was given,
transforming many in their paths.
And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his
temple the ark of his covenant; and there were lightnings and thunderings
and voices and an earthquake and a great hailstorm. Revelation 11:19
Explosive shouts from heaven could be heard as stars began falling to the
earth; they were ancient stars from long ago merging with other stars
even bigger than a supernova. Destinies promised but yet not seen
merging with the saints on earth;
Thus these all, having obtained a testimonial through the faith, did not
receive the promise. Because God from the beginning provided for our
help, lest without us they should not be made perfect. Hebrews 11:39,
The explosion came like a massive nova like the Staronova, the old and
the new merging together as One. Joel 2:28-31
And it shall come to pass afterward that I will pour out my spirit
upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your
old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:
And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will
I pour out my spirit.
And I will show wonders in the heavens and on the earth, blood and
fire and pillars of smoke.
The sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before
the great and the terrible day of the Lord comes.

Yes Father, our soul doth plea to the place of deep surrender she must
seize; divine emptiness and darkness then occurs as his holiness invades,
the Kings name is established within our hearts. His dominion and reign
within as it is in heaven. Again the Lord Jesus did appear, standing on the
white rock and lying at his feet Oliver, Olivia as one; heavily drenched in
his oil. The blood red eagles; the martyred saints of old began to circle
the rock and upon each passing their blood mixed with his oil became the
Mount of Olives.
And his feet shall stand upon the mount of Olives, which is opposite
Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall split in two, half
toward the east and the other half toward the west, and there shall be
in it a great valley; and half of the mountain shall be left toward the
north, and half of it toward the south. Zechariah 14:4
Just then the archangel Michael appeared along with the scroll and the
vessel of 1638 wine and the scroll read as follows:
A Sabbath Days Journey.
Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount which is called Olivet,
Place of Olives, which is near to Jerusalem, about a mile away. Acts
Oh the rich wine from old as 1638 in Greek is Elaion the Mount called
Olivet, in Hebrew, Garac to be crushed, be broken and in 1638 C.E the
Temple Mount was invaded. Now the King was making his stand as he
poured out the vat upon the rocks and down upon the children.
Through the clouds came the sound of many horses riding as Gabriel
appeared on a white horse; in the heavens many saints too on their horses,
for destiny was going forth. Behind Gabriel was a glorious crowd of
children from heaven prepared for the Wedding banquet of the King;
adorned in pure white garments with vibrant peach sashes. Such laughter
could be heard through out the land, pure and holy joy resonated from the
children as their sashes in peach spoke the same that all I could think of
was joining them in the dance. Suddenly everything stopped; thick

silence filled the air. As if watching a video camera rewind the children
were put into reverse and sent back to heaven as more invitations were
ready to be sent. Gabriel then rode off in vengeance for the King.
I could hear the whispering of running water near by until the whispers
turned into a roar; the sound of a mighty river flowing came into view.
There were four rivers flowing forth from the four corners of the earth as
they merged together into one river. It was the river I had seen in heaven
now here on earth as its sparkling jewels spoke of that which has already
been now seen and of the unity of the soul and spirit in Christ.
Then he showed me the river whose waters give life, sparkling like
crystal, flowing out from the throne of God and of the Lamb. Revelation
22:2 (AMP)
Again roaring could be heard but this time it was not coming from the
river before me but beside me. Surrounding me on all sides were four
ferocious looking lions; totally staking out their territory and I was their
Thundering hooves began to echo as a company of horses and their riders
could be seen making their way up from the canyon below. Very similar
looking to the army of the Lord both in dress and stature; but the army of
the Lord they were not for they were the hordes of hell. Each rider and
their horse were dripping in blood of the martyrs but it was not worn in
righteousness but worn for the kill.
I was shown this army before in another vision but this time I was
directly involved like having before watched a movie when suddenly you
find yourself in it.
Words before spoken and their meanings hidden were now brought to
life. There were eagles flying high above this army of horses that Martin
Luther King Jr. had warned me about; they were golden Egos. This
company of riders will look much like the army of the Lord right down to
his word they will preach but it will be all in the name of pride and of the
flesh and not in the love of the Lord. They will speak to feed themselves
full, to set themselves high up on a mountain but only to be brought down

low by the hand of the Lord.

As the hordes of hell came closer into view the lions let out their
thundering roars and the company of horses and their riders suddenly
stopped directly in front of me. So close was this army that I could feel
the very breath of the horses as they snorted in retort and I knew that one
sudden move on their part would send the lions into battle as their claws
were drawn like swords.
Written on the left thighs of the horses were the words, self will and
upon the right, self love. Stamped upon the foreheads of the riders for
all to see was self mind for they were lovers of themselves and not of
God. Although they talked a good talk and walked a good walk, they
however did not truly walk with God; they walked to please self and man.
I could feel the cold, hard bite of death upon my lips as the words
Terrorism from Within tangibly hit my spirit and my soul quaked in
response as I realized I was staring into the heart of the religious spirit
reigning in man. However bold they did look, courageous they were not
for the roar of the lions stopped them dead in their tracks.
The lions surrounding me was the courage of the saints from the four
corners of the earth; the remnant of Jacob. The souls who are no longer
ruled by self but are surrendered to the King of Kings, they look not to
man but only to God.
And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many nations like
the dew from the Lord, like the showers upon the grass, which tarry
not for man, nor wait for the sons of men. And the remnant of Jacob
shall be among the Gentiles in the midst of many nations as a lion
among the beasts of the forest, as a young lion among the flocks of
sheep, who, when he selects his prey, cuts and tears in pieces, and
there is none to deliver. Micah 5:7, 8
Oh the precious remnant of God as they tour the world in his perfect love
and unity bringing forth the Kingdom of God, no one can stand in their
way. But woe to those whose hearts are not strengthened in the Lord;
whose ways have been by the feeding of the flesh and not in intimacy

with the King. For the darkness that is coming who can but discern the
children of God from those whose hearts are ruled by man; only those
who truly know the heart of the King, beyond the walls of religion and
man, beyond the veil that separates the holy from the unholy; even so
Lord Jesus come.
As I surveyed the massive army before me tears of shock and disbelief
burned not only my eyes but also my heart. There were many saints I
recognized, some of great honor unto the church. Peace descended from
heaven; shalom peace of Christ that covered me like unto a warm
blanket; in the shadow of a dove it fell on my shoulders and into my
spirit. The Fathers voice quietly thundered; it reached into the very depth
of my soul and whispered:
He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall
flow rivers of living water! They speak not from my womb but from their
head; their words come with condemnation and mine come with life.
My daughter, it is not sin that keeps man from coming into my
presence but the refusal of its exposure, the unrepentive heart.
As each layer of the soul is stripped away there does lay much darkness;
now revealed and brought to my light. As more and more sin is unmasked
so too is more of my heart and more of my love; the unveiling of the
hidden jewels that have been waiting for their release from the deep. The
soul that refuses this unveiling will remain at the level of just reading my
word and not in the hearing, only in the doing. Like a moth that eateth
away the garment so too is my word in them; it is quickly eaten up by
You will see man fall in these days exposed and brought low, but it is in
this deep awareness of their weakness that they will seek me, their
Creator with all their hearts. The army before you lives and breathes on
pride; pride of self and all that they have accomplished in my name and it
is in my sight like maggots that eat the dead. My invitation has gone out
and it comes by way of the broken, the poor and the weak; an invitation to
dine with me in the deep, the wedding feast!

The kingdom of heaven is like a king who gave a marriage feast for
his son. And he sent his servants to call those who were invited to the
marriage feast, but they would not come. Matthew 22:2,3 The
marriage feast of the King has come, the invitations have gone out; but
few are they who will allow their souls to taste of the valley of the shadow
of death.
(8-9)Then he said to his servants, Now the marriage feast is ready,
and those who were invited were unworthy. Go, therefore to the main
roads, and whomever you may find, invite them to the marriage feast.
Oh but what joy awaits the soul who takes heed to his voice; the divine
arrangement of the King, the surrender to his call. Through the highways
and the byways, whether rich or poor, young or old; his voice echoes
down the stairway and into the heart. Come eat of the supper prepared by
the King; come eat of the manna thereof.

The Fathers love then came in waves that caught my heart up in its
embrace and I began to see more clearly the army before me; I began to
see my own self, my pride and false humility. Tears of repentance poured
from my soul, a total drenching of his divine love for all. The army that
stood before me was not on horses as I had seen before but on large
ostriches and not looking at all like the army of the Lord, but it wasnt
until my own true heart was laid bare again could I truly see. Oh the
greed of the ostrich,
"She lays her eggs on the ground and lets them warm in the sand,
Unmindful that a foot may crush them, that some wild animal may
trample them. She treats her young harshly, as if they were not hers;
she cares not that her labor was in vain, for God did not endow her
with wisdom or give her a share of good sense. Yet when she spreads
her feathers to run, she laughs at horse and rider. Job 39:14-18 (NIV)
The eagles flying above were none other than vultures feeding on the
egos of man. When soul is fed only on flesh she becomes like the ostrich,
no wisdom in her ways and her labor is in vain as she laughs and tramples

on the word of the Lord. They are not dressed in the apparel of the King
but of self as the invitation of deep surrender has been denied.
(11-14) But when the king came in to view the guests, he looked
intently at a man there who had on no wedding garment. And he said,
Friend, how did you come in here without putting on the appropriate
wedding garment? And he was speechless. Then the king said to the
attendants, Tie him hand and foot, and throw him into the darkness
outside; there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.
For many are called but few are chosen.
The refusal of the invitation was to my own soul its denial to see her
fabricated ways; the contradiction of wretched self to her inner spirit
man. Many are called echoes through the darkened night, many are called
thunders through the soul to arouse the sleeping, awaken the dead; but
few are chosen. Only when the soul surrenders to the Lover of her soul in
total abandonment; the death to self, can one truly live. And he said
You cannot see my face: for no man can see me and live. Exodus 33:20
Many a times the soul doth long to stay in the comfort of the morning
dew, never venturing further into the night; but weary from a day in the
vineyards, I had already sought my rest I had put off my garment how
could I again put it on? I had washed my feet how could I again soil
them? Song of Solomon 5:3 (AMP)
Oh but it is in the depth of the garden, deeper into her enclosure where
one will find yet another gate; another door to be opened; a hidden jewel
beneath the rubble of self. New hunger arises within her bosom, a longing
for more of the Kings wine for she has already tasted of his divine truth
that flesh can no longer satisfy for there is no life, no depth or wealth! It
hits the belly like a dead rock which no manna can pass through unless
self again is forsaken and the King is allowed to come in; turn the knob
and open the door to behold the lover of our souls.
This recognition of my own self in the army before me came to my spirit
in liquid form and I slowly began to melt into the heart of the Father.
Again, a nothingness of self that intensifies the longing to behold the One

True Love; the Maker of our soul.

(4, 5)My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door, and my heart
was moved for him. I rose up to open for my beloved, and my hands
dripped with myrrh, and my fingers with liquid sweet-scented myrrh,
which he had left upon the handles of the bolt.
No longer standing before the army but now moving through the army by
the Spirit of the Lord, like a cool drink in the hot dry desert; a drink
offering unto the King and an invitation to his garden. Many is the heart
of pride and unto themselves their own delight to refuse such wealth from
the vineyard of the King is to their soul yet another passage bolted by self
will and self might. There were many scattered among this army who
were so tired and weary of self that instantly upon receiving the gift, the
divine decree of love from the Father, they came down from their horse
and knelt low at the feet of Jesus, crying in repentance and a longing to
enter deeper into heart of the Lord.
My vineyard which is mine is before me; a thousand pieces of silver are
yours, O Solomon, and two hundred for the keepers of the fruit. Those
who sit in the gardens and listen to your voice, have reported your words
to me. Make haste, my beloved, and be like a gazelle or a young hart upon
the mountains of spices. SgS 8:12-14
There were however many who upon receiving the call of courtship
became so full of spite from whence came the message instead of from
Whom that they swelled up even more so with pride in grotesque form
and continued on their own path. A great many will say to me in that
day, My Lord, my Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your
name cast out devils and in your name do many wonders? Then I will
declare to them, I have never known you; keep away from me, O you that
work iniquity. Matthew 7:22-23
My heart began to grieve for the lost and the words of the Lord came to
my spirit as I was again transported by the Spirit of the Lord by the
heaviness thereof and onto the Island of Patmos. There before me again
was the cave, no behemoth or dragon to behold but just the dark opening

Upon my first step into the darkened chambers the fire of God consumed
my senses; I was submerged in his holy presence and in the fear of the
Lord. As I lay on the grounds of this remote dwelling I could hear a far
away cry of agony and at the same time the sound of thunder as the
Apostle Johns voice was in my ear:
Sons of Thunder! Sons of Thunder! Sons of Thunder!
And James the son of Zebedee and John the brother of James, surnamed
Bnai Rakhshi, which means sons of thunder: Mark 3:17
A decree had been sounded through the voice of the Apostle John that
came to my spirit like a symphony, an outpouring of the Fathers love;
hidden themes residing in the saints of the Lord being enlightened and
brought into the natural realm. It was the sound of the music I had heard
in the Sword but closer now than ever before, it was sevenfold in
boldness and in courage of the King. And cried with a loud voice as
when a lion roars, and when he had cried, seven thunders sounded their
voices. Revelation 10:3
It was a chorus of voices breaking through the many mindsets of our day
and in the Spirit and power of the Lord. There too came a moaning, an
uninhibited grievance, A voice was heard In Ramah, weeping and
wailing exceedingly, Rachel weeping for her sons, and she would not be
comforted, because they could not be brought back. Matthew 2:18

I too lay on the floor of this cave and wept for all the saints of the world
who were lost and I was taken up into another level of the vision, taken
up in the weeping and onto a dry and barren hill whence came the
moaning for there lay Jesus on an old wooden cross.
He was beaten my friends, bloody, chained and nailed down just outside
the ancient church; the body of Christ. In shock I lay at his feet, a place of
peace and love I had rested in for many years, now to see him like this

was grief beyond any words I could share. Many saints continued up the
path and into the church never once glancing over at our Lord Jesus; and
there he lay as the crown of thorns adorned in dried blood, dug deep into
his precious head.
Some saints were so perversely drunk from having been so long on the
mountain of the Lord, never venturing into the deep that the drunkenness
became in the flesh and not in the Spirit of the Lord. For she did not
know that it was I who gave her wheat and wine and oil, and multiplied
her silver and gold, some of which they made for the images of Baal.
Hosea 2:8
While others were dancing, singing, preaching and more but all to the
feeding of their flesh and their fixed mindsets, high up on the mountain
and there lay Jesus bleeding on the cross. Therefore I will return and
take away my wheat in its time and my wine in its season, and will take
away my wool and my linen which I gave her to cover her nakedness.
Hosea 2:9
Suddenly a warm wind began to usher in the presence of the Lord that
warmed my innermost being with his fire, his peace and love and Jesus
appeared kneeling by my side. And oh the beauty of his gaze, the
breathtaking beauty of his eyes; again I was caught up in the color and the
essence of olives, grain and wine. I could see his bride in his eyes after
being stripped of her fleshly ways and oh her adornment rich in jewels,
gold and honey.
And the earth shall answer the grain and the wine and the oil; and they
shall answer Jezreel. And I will sow her for myself in the earth; and I will
have mercy on La-ethrakhmath, not beloved, and I will call La-ammi, not
my people, Ammi, my people, and they shall say, Thou art my God.
Hosea 2:22, 23

Hot and piercing like a sword was his word as it penetrated my soul and
he whispered to me: Woman, why weepest thou? For it is not I that is on

the cross but where man has me bound. The moment the word woman
came from the Masters lips I was lifted up from the depths of his
wounds and brought right into his chambers.
Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins, who took their
lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom and the bride. Five of
them were wise, and five were foolish. Matthew 25: 1, 2
My bride seeks intimacy in me but they do not want the commitment and
the union of marriage. Remember my daughter that they who were foolish
took their lamps but they did not take with them any oil, they cared not
for the rich oil of sacrifice which comes from being broken before me, a
deep surrender, like unto an olive crushed.
They cared only for the torch of fire, my power and eventually it went out.
Oh but the wise, those who were willing to tarry with me into the deep,
they took with them my oil in their vessels along with their lamps and
though I may tarry long, the wait may seem unbearable, you will be
resting in my presence filled with my oil and not asleep as those who are
hung over by drink. I am sending my saints out to the nations to feed the
poor, the sick and the needy, not those already fat in repulsive bloating of
my gifts. It is not enough to be just moral; one must be full of my spirit
I could hear the Fathers heartbeat resonating out through his chest and
into mine as his tears began to flow like a mighty river down upon his
cheeks and over me. They were silver tears, a liquid silver river of tears
of redemption and his heart was aching for his lost sheep and those who
had gone astray. I too began to weep again but this time along with the
Father for his bride and the Fathers heartbeat sounded in words through
my spirit:
The Midnight Cry!
(6-12) And at midnight there was a cry, Behold, the bridegroom is
coming; go out to greet him. Then all the virgins got up and prepared
their lamps. And the foolish ones said to the wise ones, Give us some of
your oil, for our lamps are going out. Then the wise ones answered,

saying, Why, there would not be enough for us and for you; go to those
who sell and buy for yourselves.
And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and those were ready
entered with him into the banqueting house, and the door was locked.
Afterward the other virgins also came and said, Our Lord, our Lord, open
to us. But he answered and said to them, Truly I say to you, I do not know
The mighty blast of a trumpet resounded through my spirit and I was
taken up in the Spirit of the Lord and set back on the grounds just outside
the cave where Joan of Arc was waiting. This time she was sitting upon a
brilliant silver horse and in her left hand the Celtic cross. Beside Joan
was my horse Amber, no longer the color of amber but pure white while
her veins were pumping victoriously in silver all throughout her body;
redemption was the cry.
There was rich excitement in the air so thick you could cut it with a knife
as Joan raised her fingers to her lips and let out a whistle that sent shivers
down my spine. It echoed throughout the nations as it pierced the earth
with the sound of the King and then a rumbling began beneath my feet
that shook the earth with a great blast!
The rumbling was the sound of many horses and their riders; they were
women from every tribe and nation upon the earth, marching in unison
into battle. Written upon each and every horse were the names of women
from the past, from Sarah to Miriam, Deborah and Hannah, from Hulda to
Esther and so many more and their names were alive! Written upon
Joans horse was the name Abigail, oh the Fathers joy! The site was
more than breathtaking; it was pure victory for the Spirit of the Lord was
moving in and out through these women in total freedom to reign. Then
Joan cried out in song as we all met her voice together in harmonious
waves of the Fathers glory:
Arise, shine; for your light is come, and the glory of the Lord shall
rise upon you.
Arise, shine; for your light is come, and the glory of the Lord shall

rise upon you. Isaiah 60:1

This was sung over and over again until Joan the humble maiden raised
the cross high towards heaven and the light of the Lord met it in song as
his mighty breath began to blow in and throughout the Celtic cross.

The breath of God began to turn the circle upon the cross much like a
wheel would turn and with each and every spin light beams would hit like
fire bombs upon many churches in Europe igniting them in reformation
that would spread through out the earth. There was such love and unity
flowing through the cross and we knew it was now time to ride as we
mounted in joy, we mounted in love and we mounted in the unity of
We were then given a camel colored, leather tool belt positioned around
our waist in gentle humbleness yet in courage and a three-cord lariat in
our hands. The belt was full with many tools such as hammers, chisels,
crowbars and knives as we set out in the Spirit of the Lord to tear down
the walls of man. The ropes were used much like one would do when
lassoing but instead of cattle their grips were on tent pegs as they were
pulled up from the earth; the hidden ones now illuminated in the light of
the Lord.
Many women began to chisel on the walls outside the church until the
walls crumbled to the ground. Some were climbing the roof tops like
mountain climbers as they too began to tear the covering off of the
church; mans ways were being exposed unlike any move of God before
as I bid farewell to all my sisters in the Lord; until we would meet again!
How long I tarried there in the spirit it I do not know but oh how my soul
did ache in love pains for the Lord Jesus; quicken me oh Lord.
Consider how I love thy precepts: quicken me, O Lord, according to thy
lovingkindness. Psalms 119:159
Suddenly the sound of mens laughter came ringing in my ears and the

swooshing sound of blades; as I found myself staring into a raw, cold

silver metal guillotine. It was modern but barbaric as its frame stretched
up towards the heavens and wide enough to have twelve shiny blades
ready and waiting. My childhood came flooding back to me like pushing
a rewind button from within and I knew I had been here before.
I was 13 and very broken but so in love with Jesus; I wanted nothing
more in life than to follow him. I had watched an old film on the prophet
Sadhu Sundar Singh and I could only remember two things about his life;
his total devotion and love for Jesus and his bare feet.

I could not get the image of his bare feet out of my spirit and where they
must have traveled spreading the love of Jesus throughout Asia; this I too
wanted to do. I had many visions of the end time days as a child but this
one was so horrific I had pushed it as far down inside as possible until
Now today, I see the gruesome site of the guillotine through the eyes of a
woman yet I can feel my little girl somewhere inside of me, terrified and
afraid of the repulsive display. However, I am not alone for the Lover of
my soul has made his habitation within me known; the affirmation of his
abode within lays the little girl in me and all fear to rest. Like a mothers
comforting presence to a restless child at night so too was the Fathers
love as his peace filled my soul with delight.
The only fear to inhabit my spirit now was the holy fear of God as I
closed my eyes to see through his eyes and I found myself in heaven.
I was dressed in a one piece, camel colored garment, very worn and full
of holes. Before me was a large white, translucent door with no beginning
or ending in sight, aflame in the Fathers infinite love. I could see no
visible way to enter in, no handle or place of entrance but there were
words suspended in mid air in crystal clear liquid form that came to my
spirit in purity of the word of the Lord and in his cleansing. I reached out
my hands to touch the words and they became alive, they began to speak
to me heavily drenched in the love of the Father and in a rich accent and

language of India. The words then spoke from within the door:
It was Sadhu Sundar Singhs voice as he suddenly appeared standing in
front of the door. He was dressed in a one piece, snow white, linen
garment that reached just above the tops of his feet; speaking of the unity
and purity in Christ. And oh his feet, after all these years of keeping their
image tucked safe within my memory I could only stare at his feet. These
beautiful feet that had endured many a brutal winter storm, climbed up
many a rocky path, bleeding, bruised and torn; all in the precious Name
of Jesus.
Around his waist was a vibrant peach silken sash, the same color I had
seen on the children prepared for the Wedding Feast; again whispering
the pure joy in the Lord. I could not visibly see where his sash ended or
even where it began; again infinity and oneness in the Lord.
Standing by his side was a woman also of Indian descent, very beautiful
and elegant she was and she too was dressed in a white one piece garment
reaching to the tops of her feet with a peach silken sash draping over her
right shoulder. There were jewels of every color embedded in the fabric
of her dress that was not sewn in but one with the dress and I began to
feel the homeliness of my own attire.
The voice of the Lord began to speak through the door and I was drawn
into its presence as I slowly put my hand through the door, the door of
nothingness. I immediately found my hand inside the heart of the Father
where he spoke to me through his heart and into mine. I could see my
entire past before my eyes, from the time of my birth, through my
childhood and into the present. Jesus began to speak to me through his
heart that everything in my life that had happened both good and bad was
all to the glory of God.
Every tragedy, trauma and gifts my way were all to bring glory to his
name, what the enemy had planned for evil was to his name, glory.
Although I already knew this by his word it was now very tangible in my
spirit where his peace began to fill me with his truth as self was left

outside the door.

The door of nothingness was actually the door of the fullness of Christ
I began to feel a warm sensation beneath my garment as the holes became
full of the fire of the Lord; no longer could I see the garment but only his
light. The Father then placed within my hand a bowl made out of smooth,
camel colored stone and I withdrew it from the door.
The bowl my dear is empty came the womans voice, for it is the loss
of self before you. The laying down of the drudgery of self brings forth the
union of the soul to her spiritman and also in the natural the woman and
the man. It is the divine merger of heaven to earth, the Bridegroom to his
bride. My name is Pandita Ramabai, we have met before when our
Father took you up into heaven but it was only my voice I was allowed to
share with you for you were not quite ready for this embrace. Many saints
today want the mantles of the former saints of God but they desire it
without the walk, without the surrender to our Father that brings forth a
broken and contrite heart.

Thus says the Lord of hosts: If thou will walk in my ways and keep my
commandments, then you shall also judge my house and keep my courts,
and I will grant you to walk among these that stand by. (Zechariah 3:7)
Look again into the bowl and your destiny you will behold.
As I peered into the bowl it was now full with crystal clear liquid where I
could see again the heart of the Father in liquid form, its readiness to
make manifest his fullness on earth as it is in heaven. I could see nation
after nation, tribe after tribe within the liquid; And he showed me a pure
river of water of life, clear as crystal, gushing out of the throne of God
and of the Lamb.(Revelation 22:1)
And the Fathers voice came through the door.
My desire is for all nations and tribes of the world to come into my

fullness; I created my people to bring forth their heritage into my bosom

as they were fashioned by me, not what man desires them to be.
Each is unique and full of variety and it is in the merger of this creativity
that I can bring my unity, my fullness and my life for I desire mercy not
sacrifice. It is in the repentance of ones soul that the loss of self begins
to unfold and surrender unto me and then I tear away the flesh that
binds, I strip away the soulish things that keep man bound. It is in
knowing that true nothingness can not be attained by fleshly works but
only in the surrender, the laying down before me that truly brings in my
Go and learn what this means, I want mercy and not sacrifice; for I came
not to invite righteous men, but sinners. Matthew 9:13
Look once more my daughter and you will see the deep wounds of the
church, the wounds of my people and also the wounds still hidden within
The Fathers voice pierced a part of my soul again that I knew not existed
and his voice came with desire and in love to heal his aching body. I
knew this awareness of yet another door of my soul still closed, was
being offered to me as a gift, so to us all. To have all that remained in the
shadows, drawn out by his light.

The bowl became very heavy to hold and I knew that I must swallow what
I was given, the gift of emptiness to the fullness of Christ; not only for
myself but for many others who would pass this way. As I began to drink
in the crystal liquid there came to my soul deep repentance and the
unconditional love of the Father all at the same time. It was his tears I
was drinking and the tears of many precious saints who had traveled this
path before. I began to weep before the door of nothingness, to ache for
the hem of his garment, for his fullness to envelope the church; the body
of Christ.
And, behold, a woman who had had a hemorrhage for twelve years,
came up from behind him, and she touched the edge of his cloak; For she

was saying to herself, If I can only touch his garment, I will be healed.
And Jesus turned around and saw her and said to her, Have courage, my
daughter, your faith has healed you; and the woman was healed in that
very hour. Matthew 9:20-22
Our souls grasp for the innerman and the longing for Spirits fullness to
come; the end of mans rule to the perfect rule of God.
Twelve marks governmental perfection and for twelve years she bled; a
flowing issue of blood, a continuous pursuit and cleansing in the flowing
river of Life to the fullness of Christ.
And a great sign was seen in heaven, a woman clothed with the sun, with
the moon under her feet and upon her head a crown of twelve stars; And
she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be
delivered. Revelation 12:1, 2
As the soul surrenders daily to Christ she becomes clothed in his truth
and in his light, not caring nor wavering in mans sight. She becomes full
of his fruit and in need to give birth, the twelve fruits of the Spirit; "But
the fruit of the Spirit is, charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness,
longanimity, mildness, faith, modesty, continency, chastity, Against such
there is no law. Gal. 5:22-23, (Latin Vulgate.)
Oh the union of the body of Christ from all the tribes and the nations,
walking in his truth, producing his fruit, the fullness of Christ. In the
midst of the great street of the city, and on either side of the river, was
the tree of life, which bore twelve kinds of fruits, and each month it
yielded one of its fruits; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of
the peoples. Revelation 22:2
In my pursuit of such wealth, oh his truth that makes one whole, I found
myself again standing with the Father looking out over the world; its
vastness felt like the size of my very own soul. Look again my
daughter, look at what we are standing far above yet still hovers over my
people and it hovers over the world.
I looked again this time only to see blackness below; a thick grease like
black shadow as my soul fought the resistance of my mind to run away.

It was pure evil, a repulsive and hideous beast in the shape of a giant
black octopus with eight muculent tentacles looking much like tails of a
dragon, infiltrating their way into the nations, into the cities and into
homes across the planet. Stamped upon the body, etched deep within its
grossness was the word: ABDUCTION as it oozed out its many facets
through all eight of its tentacles. The poison continued its secretion into
any open door it could find; like feelers in search of its prey.
As the dark seduction continued its seepage I could see a place within the
basement of my own soul that had been shut away since I was a child.
Over and over in my spirit my soul cried out oh the absence of innocence.
The Father placed his right hand upon my heart as it made its way into
forgotten territory and I was set free from my broken past, from
innocence that was lost I was given virgin life.
I began to feel a hot sword pierce into my soul that although the cut was
deep the Fathers love made everything whole. I could hear the heartbeat
of God like drums of war vibrating upon my heart as his lips so ever
gently embraced mine. The breath of God did blow into every part of my
soul as I became a blade of fire; I became his sword. I knew that the
darkness hovering below was territory now given to not only myself but
to all Gods children who will allow our Heavenly Father access into
every part of their soul. For each layer exposed and burned up in his fire,
a new piece of territory would be received; land once taken over by the
enemy would now be set free. We, his swords will pierce the darkness
that we once lived in ourselves; oh the precious, precious gift that our
pain was not in vain but all to the glory of God!
The eight tentacles of the vile abduction below continued its violent
sprouting likes roots attaching itself to soil; darkness did fall and all in
the name of Self. Each tentacle was named according to the poison it
would deliver:
Rev. 17:11: "And the wild beast that was, and no longer is, even he is

the eighth and is one of the seven destined to be destroyed."

As the evil weaved its way in through the nations and into the homes,
children were the number one target; they were first on the list. From
physical abuse, molestation and rape, to kidnapping and disease and
much more, the loss of much innocence proceeded throughout the world.
Through the poison delivered came self-hatred, fear, shame and guilt; oh
the abduction of pure love.
One dragon at a time, came the Fathers voice, Every wound inflicted
upon my children, every gash and every lesion, when revealed and healed
is to the enemy another beast beheaded and killed. Look at who stands
over the enemy, you my daughter are by my side, tell my children that this
is where their spirits stand and soar above the onslaught and destruction
as I continue to unlock the hidden mysteries within them while in my
perfect rest.
The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine
enemies thy footstool. Psalms 110:1
The Fathers love came in liquid form once again to my heart as he
poured through me his love, pure and holy love that doth cover a
multitude of wrongs. His love in us, abounding in us in his fullness is to
the enemy a sword that he can not reckon with. For it is not by our
strength or anything we can do in the flesh but our in our willingness to
be weak before him oh for he is than made strong.
Now standing once again before the precious saints of God, Sadhu Sundar
and Pandita, they gazed into my eyes; illuminating the love of the Father
and I knew I must kneel at their feet. This was not a bowing that one does
unto God but a respect and a humbleness to receive from them a gift
straight from the King. The moment my cheek gently touched their feet,
my tears mixed with their tears flowed together and I could see India in
their precious feet; she was outside and looking in. I was shown the earth
void and empty without the voice of India, without the voice of Asia for
she was a valuable key to the end time days where much persecution will

There will be many saints who will be sent to India and all through out
Asia in the coming days who will not leave her land without the blessed
and holy impartation of the fullness of Christ; which both Sadhu Sundar
Singh and Pandita Ramabai walked in. So too will many stay to continue
the Lords work. Just like Enoch, warriors will arise out of India, both
young and old that will set the earth on fire with the glory of the Lord;
unearthed treasure will break free from the earths embrace and set India
We all three arose together and they kissed me on my forehead; much
like a mother and father would do to their child when saying goodbye. It
was in this very gesture of kindness and love that I found myself again on
the Island of Patmos and upon the scaffold. This time I was kneeling at
the guillotine with my head resting underneath the cold blade. There were
eleven other saints beside me and although I did not recognize them in
the natural, our spirits were one with another. A large crowd of mockers
and scorners had gathered yelling out words of anger and accusations all
in the name of the Lord.
Through their jeers and laughter the Lord began to pour out his mighty
presence upon all twelve of us; the Spirit of the Lord began to move like
a warm and gentle breeze through out our hearts and the joy of the Lord
became our strength. I knew we were in the right place as horrid as it may
sound as the blades also spiritually symbolized the severing of our
mindsets; to die for Christ is to but live.
We were placed upon the scaffold like a precious stone upon a ring.
And the foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with all kinds of
precious stones. The first foundation was jasper; the second sapphire; the
third chalcedony; the fourth emerald, The fifth sardonyx; the sixth
sardius; the seventh chrysolite; the eighth beryl; the ninth topaz; the
tenth chrysoprasus; the eleventh jacinth; the twelfth amethyst.
Revelation 21:19, 20
Such faith began to arise in our spirits and the gentle breeze turned into a
whirlwind as dust began to arise like clouds and the sound of thundering

hooves could be heard as the people became suddenly quiet. There in the
midst of the whirlwind stood a giant horse, he was the size and strength
of twelve horses combined. He was white in purity and in the strength of
the Lord and upon his back the Ancient of Days did sit.
Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the Lord; awake as in the
ancient days, as in the generations of old. Surely it was thou that didst
decree a severe sentence that didst slay the dragon. Isaiah 51:9
There before the eyes of the crowd did the horse transform into the cross
and then back into a horse again, this time the horse grew enormous white
wings; the wings of a great white Eagle. It was a move of God that the
world has never seen before; the merger of justice and righteousness
being made known through the cross.
I could hear the Fathers voice through the white wings as they spread out
in his glory and strength Do not imitate the way of this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your minds, that you may discern what is
that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Romans 12:22) The
Fathers voice continued through the wings as the wind from their
movement turned into the sound of many waters; ushering in the words in
liquid form.
REFORMATION and TRANSFORMATION over and over again until
the Ancient of Days raised his sword high above the crowd and his words
came with fire;
You were with the anointed cherub that shelters; and I have set you on
the holy mountain of God; and you were safe in the midst of the stones of
fire. Ezekiel 28:14
And severed the heads of the gathered people.
By the multitude of your merchandise you have filled your land with
iniquity and you have sinned; therefore I will cast you from the mountain
of God; and I will destroy you, O sheltering cherub, from the midst of the
stones of fire. Ezekiel 28:16
Oh precious soul built up by the strength of man, surrounded in his

might; only to be then torn down by the strength of the Lord; tis in his
eyes a beautiful sight. The walls of the church are tumbling down;
mindsets severed to behold the foundation and fullness of Christ.
And the twelve gates were adorned with twelve pearls, one for each of
the gates, and each gate was made of a single pearl; and the great street
of the city was of pure gold, as it were transparent glass. Revelation

Appearing beside me in splendid array of Christ was the Apostle John and
Joan of Arc along with the white eagle of reformation; again the sound of
Native drums could be heard. With tears running down Joans beautiful
face she began to speak as she placed within my hands the Celtic cross
and she spoke:
I know this now. Every man gives his life for what he believes. Every
woman gives her life for what she believes. Sometimes people believe
in little or nothing yet they give their lives to that little or nothing.
One life is all we have and we live it as we believe in living it. And
then it is gone. But to sacrifice what you are and live without belief,
that's more terrible than dying.

The blades came down as I awoke!

I am Aleph and Tau, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
Blessed are those who do his commandments, that they may have the
right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the
city. Revelation 22:13, 14

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