Mem458 Lab4 Manual CCSv5 2014F 2in1

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MEM458, Lab 4: F28335 & CCSv5

Nov 2014

MEM458, Lab 4: F28335 & CCSv5

Nov 2014

1. Introduction

Microprocessor-Based Control Systems

Lab 4

In this lab, you will use the program 4s_opnlpmodel_A to identify the input-output relationship and
mathematical model of a DC-motor. You will also implement a simple up-down feedback controller
to manipulate the motor speed and direction using 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_B. Initially, this program
will cause the motor speed and direction to follow the variable ref_speed which can be changed in
real-time. The program will then be modified so that the closed-loop system step response can be
recorded and viewed in a CCS Graph on the computer screen.

2. Objectives
a) Record the steady-state speed and direction of the open-loop motor system as a function of the
PWM duty cycle, which is determined by the value of the registers
EPwm1Regs.CMPA.half.CMPA and EPwm1Regs.CMPB.
b) Record the step response graphs of the open-loop motor system for a variety of step changes in the
value of the register, EPwm1Regs.CMPA.half.CMPA.
c) Use the results of (a) and (b) to construct a mathematical dynamic model of the DC-motor system.
d) Record the step response graphs of the closed-loop system for a variety of step changes in the
value of the variable ref_speed.
e) Comment on the performance of the up-down feedback controller and how the feedback update
step-size affects the closed-loop system performance.

3. Construct a Mathematical Model for the DC-Motor

Modeling and Simple Feedback Control

DSP28355, CCSv5.2

You will use the program 4s_opnlpmodel_A to find the input-output relationship of the DC-motor/HBridge system, and then construct a mathematical model for the open-loop system based on the
experimental results. This program is a slight modification of 3s_opnlpcntrl_C, which was used in
Lab 3. The connections remain the same as in Lab 3, and are as follows:
1. Connect the DC-motor, Faulhaber 2230.G0003, with HEDS 5540 optical encoder,
to the MOTOR header pins on the left side of the H-Bridge board.
2. Connect eZdsp P8:pins 33 and 34 to TO CONTROLLER pins 1 and 2 of the H-Bridge board.
3. Connect eZdsp P8: pins 9 and 10 to TO CONTROLLER pins 3 and 4 of the H-Bridge board. (Note
that reversing the PWM pins will reverse the motor spin direction.)
4. Connect eZdsp P8: pins 39 and/or 40 to the GND pins of the H-Bridge board.

B.C. Chang and Mishah U. Salman


Department of Mechanical Engineering & Mechanics

1 2 3 4

Drexel University






H-Bridge Board illustrating necessary connection pins.

Connect the eZdsp board to the USB port of the PC

DO NOT OPEN THE SOCKET on the board to avoid damaging the DSP chip inside.
B.C. Chang, MEM Dept. Drexel Univ.


B.C. Chang, MEM Dept. Drexel Univ.


MEM458, Lab 4: F28335 & CCSv5

Nov 2014

3A. Migrate the CCSv3.3 Project 4s_opnlpmodel_A to CCSv5.2

The CCSv3.3 project, 4s_opnlpmodel_A.pjt, together with the associated C program,
4s_opnlpmodel_A.c and a gel file 4s_opnlpmodel_A.gel can be found in the folder 4s_opnlpmodel_A
_orig, which is inside the directory C:/tidcs/c28/DSP2833x/v131/CntrlDSP.
You can employ the migration procedure you learned in Lab 1 to migrate the existing CCSv3.3
Project 4s_opnlpmodel_A to CCSv5.2. You also have an option to follow the procedure in Section 3
of Lab 2 Manual to directly create the new CCSv5.2 project from scratch based on
3B. Debug, Build and Run the Project
1. Select the project by clicking the 4s_opnlpmodel_A in the "Project Explorer" view.
2. Click on the green bug (debug button) on the tool bar as shown in the following figure.

MEM458, Lab 4: F28335 & CCSv5

Nov 2014

(ii) It allows you to connect the target device and control it (run, suspend, etc.)
5. Select "Run Load Load Program" to load the executable file 4s_opnlpmodel_A.out to the
target device.
6. Select View Expresions. Type the names of the registers and variables of interest on the
Expressions View as shown at the top of the CCS window:

7. Use Real-Time Mode to observe continuous updates of the values of the above registers and variables
in the Expressions View window.
8. In the program, 4s_opnlpmodel_A.c, youll see the input, speed_cntrl (or
EPwm1Regs.CMPA.half.CMPA), is a periodic function of time with a period of 5 seconds: 3500 for
the 1st second, 4500 for the next 3 seconds, and 2500 for the final second.
9. In the program, youll record the input as a function of time in inp_graph (500) and record the output
values in rpm_graph(500).
10. Run Resume
11. Observe the motion of the motor shaft, and the value changes of EPwm1Regs.CMPA.half.CMPA ( or
speed_cntrl ) and rpmnew in the Expressions View window for at least 20 seconds.
12. Run Suspend, and the motor will stop.
13. In the Expressions View window, click the small triangle sign on the left of in_graph to expose the
content of in_graph, which is an array consisting of 500 values of speed_cntrl recorded over a 5
second period. After observing the content, click the triangle sign to hide the content.
14. Repeat Step 13 to observe the content of rpm_graph in the Expressions View window.
15. Use Graph of CCSv5.2 to plot inp_graph and rpm_graph.
In the CCS Workbench Window, Tools Graph Dual Time.. , then modify the pop-up Dialog
window as follows.

3. The debugging process will do the following:

(i) Save all open files in the project selected
(ii) Build the selected project and create an executable file 4s_opnlpmodel_A.out, which appears in
the folder Debug
(iii) Automatically switched to the CCS Debug perspective
4. The "Debug" view is now visible.
(i) This view should always be open. Do not close it. If it is accidently closed, you can open it again
using the "view debug" menu item.
B.C. Chang, MEM Dept. Drexel Univ.


B.C. Chang, MEM Dept. Drexel Univ.


MEM458, Lab 4: F28335 & CCSv5

Nov 2014

MEM458, Lab 4: F28335 & CCSv5

Nov 2014

19. Perform a computer simulation of the mathematical model, and compare the simulated responses with
the experimental results.

4. A Simple Up-Down Feedback Speed Control for the DC-Motor

You will use the program 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_B, and a slight modification of it, to achieve a simple
up-down feedback speed control of the DC-motor. The idea is pretty simple: increase the PWM duty
cycle if the motor speed is slower than desired, or decrease the PWM duty cycle otherwise. First of
all, you will use a fixed step size to update the PWM duty cycle. Later, you may want to vary the
update step size to improve the performance.
The connections remain the same as those in Section 3:
1. Connect the DC-motor, Faulhaber 2230.G0003, with HEDS 5540 optical encoder,
to the MOTOR header pins on the left side of the H-Bridge board.
2. Connect eZdsp P8:pins 33 and 34 to TO CONTROLLER pins 1 and 2 of the H-Bridge board.
3. Connect eZdsp P8: pins 9 and 10 to TO CONTROLLER pins 3 and 4 of the H-Bridge board. (Note
that reversing the PWM pins will reverse the motor spin direction.)
4. Connect eZdsp P8: pins 39 and/or 40 to the GND pins of the H-Bridge board.
Connect the eZdsp board to the USB port of the PC

DO NOT OPEN THE SOCKET on the board to avoid damaging the DSP chip inside.
4A. Migrate the CCSv3.3 Project 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_B to CCSv5.2

16. Click OK at the bottom of the Dialog window, graphical displays of in_graph and rpm_graph will
appear in the CCS Window.

The CCSv3.3 project, 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_B.pjt, together with the associated C program,

4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_B.c and a gel file 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_B.gel can be found in the folder
4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_B _orig, which is inside the directory C:/tidcs/c28/DSP2833x/v131/CntrlDSP.
You can employ the migration procedure you learned in Lab 1 to migrate the existing CCSv3.3
Project 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_B to CCSv5.2. You also have an option to follow the procedure in
Section 3 of Lab 2 Manual to directly create the new CCSv5.2 project from scratch based on
4B. Debug, Build and Run the Project

17. Repeat the above procedure with different step inputs to obtain a set of step responses of the motor
system at different operating regions.
18. Construct a mathematical model for the DC-motor based on the experimental results.

1. Select the project by clicking the 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_B in the "Project Explorer" view.
2. Click on the green bug (debug button) on the tool bar.
3. The debugging process will do the following:
(i) Save all open files in the project selected
(ii) Build the selected project and create an executable 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_B.out, which appears
in the folder Debug
(iii) Automatically switched the CCS Debug perspective
4. The "Debug" view is now visible.
(i) This view should always be open. Do not close it. If it is accidently closed, you can open it again
using the "view debug" menu item.
(ii) It allows you to connect the target device and control it (run, suspend, etc.)
5. Select "Run Load Load Program" to load the executable file 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_B.out to
the target device.
6. Select View Expressions. Type the names of the registers and variables of interest on the
Expressions View as shown at the top of the CCS window:

B.C. Chang, MEM Dept. Drexel Univ.

B.C. Chang, MEM Dept. Drexel Univ.



MEM458, Lab 4: F28335 & CCSv5

Nov 2014


7. Use Real-Time Mode to observe continuous update of the values in the Expressions View Window.
8. Run Resume.
You will see the motor start to turn approximately the speed of approximately 100 rpm. This is
because ref_speed was initially set at 100.
9. When the program is running in real time, you can change ref_speed in the Expressions View window
to a number between -700 and 700. Observe the motor motion and the values of ref_speed,
EPwm1Regs.CMPA.half.CMPA, and rpmnew in the Expressions View Window.
10. Repeat Step 9 several times and record your observation results.

5. Step Responses of the Simple Up-Down Feedback Speed Control System

5A. Create a New CCSv5.2 Project 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_C
In this section, you will create a new CCSv5.2 Project 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_C. The function of this
project is similar to the project in Section 4, 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_B, which uses a simple incremental
up-down approach to achieve feedback speed control. The only difference is that it will include
inp_graph(500) and rpm_graph(500) as in 4s_opnlpmodel_A.c so that inp_graph(500) will record the
values of ref_speed, which is a periodic function of time with a period of 5 seconds, and rpm_graph(500)
which will store the values of rpmnew, the actual motor speed, corresponding to ref_speed. The reference
speed input is programmed to be 100 rpm in the first two seconds, then 200 rpm for the last three seconds.

MEM458, Lab 4: F28335 & CCSv5

Nov 2014

11. You will see the new project 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_C appears on the Project Explorer View
window, and a new folder 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_C is created in your workspace folder. Note that
the target configuration file, EZDSPF28335.ccxml, which is automatically generated, and the
linker command file, 28335_RAM_lnk.cmd, and a header files folder,
C:/ti/ccsv5/tools/compiler/c2000_6.1.0/include, are already included in the project. Next, youll
add more files and headers to complete the project creation.
12. Add files to the project: Select Project Add Files, and look in the folder
C:/tidcs/c28/DSP2833x/v131/CntrlDSP /4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_C and double click
4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_C.c to add it to the project.
13. Repeat step 12 to look in C:/tidcs/c28/DSP2833x/v131/DSP2833x_common/source and select
DSP2833x_CpuTimers.c, DSP2833x_DefaultIsr.c, DSP2833x_EPwm.c, DSP2833x_PieCtrl.c,
DSP2833x_PieVect.c, and DSP2833x_SysCtrl.c.
14. Also go to C:/tidcs/c28/DSP2833x/v131/DSP2833x_headers/source to add
DSP2833x_GlobalVariableDefs.c to the project.
15. Repeat to find the assembly source files: DSP2833x_ADC_cal.asm,
DSP2833x_CodeStartBranch.asm, and DSP2833x_usDelay.asm, in
C:/tidcs/c28/DSP2833x/v131/DSP2833x_common/source and add them to the project.
16. Repeat to add the Linker Command File DSP2833x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd to the project from
17. Look at the Project Explorer View window to make sure there are two .cmd file, eight .c files, and
three .asm files in the project folder 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_C.
18. Next, youll add three more header file folders to the project. Select Project Properties
Include Options from the manual. In the lower-right pane of the Properties for
4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_C window, click the green arrow icon (Add) to pop up the Add directory

The procedure to create this new CCSv5.2 project is similar to what you learned in Section 3 of Lab 2
Manual. The starting point will be the C program you just did in Section 4 of Lab 4,
4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_B.c. Youll make a copy of it, rename it as 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_C.c, and keep it
in the new directory, C:/tidcs/c28/DSP2833x/v131/CntrlDSP/4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_C.
The CCSv5.2 project creation procedure is briefly reviewed as follows:
1. Keep the new project files in a new workspace folder, workspace_v5_4sC.
File Switch Workspace Others to create the new workspace folder, workspace_v5_4sC.
2. Select File New CCS Project from the manual. This opens the New CCS Project wizard.
3. In the Project Name field, type the new project name: 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_C.
4. In the Output type, select Executable.
5. Select C2000 in the Family field.
6. In the Variant field: select 2833x Delfino and EZDSPF28335.
7. In the Connection field, select Spectrum Digital DSK-EVM-eZdsp onboard USB Emulator.
8. The Advanced settings section is minimized by default. Nothing needs to be changed. However,
you still can expand it to see the compiler version (TIv6.1.0).
9. Expand the Project templates and examples section. Then select Empty Project you will add
files to the new project in a little while.
10. Press the Finish button.
B.C. Chang, MEM Dept. Drexel Univ.


19. Press the button File System to search for the directory
C:/ti/xdais_7_21_01_07/packages/ti/xdais then click the OK button .

B.C. Chang, MEM Dept. Drexel Univ.


MEM458, Lab 4: F28335 & CCSv5

Nov 2014

20. Repeat Step 19 again to add the following two header file folders to the project:
21. The Project Explorer View window now appears as the following:

22. It is the time to modify the main C program 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_C.c to include inp_graph(500)
and rpm_graph(500) as described in the first paragraph of this section (Section 5A).
23. Then the project is ready for debug and compiling.
5B. Make hardware connections and open the CCSv5 project, 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_C

Keep the connections as described in Sections 3 and 4.

Power on the eZdsp board after checking all connections are correct and secure.
Open the Texas Instruments Code Composer Studio v5 (CCS v5).
The pop-up CCS window will appear either in the CCS Debug prospective or in the CCS Edit
prospective. You can click the button "CCS Edit" or "CCS Debug" on the upper right corner of the
window to change the prospective back and forth. In the CCS Edit prospective, you can see the project
files appear in the "Project Explorer" view. You can click the little triangle button on the left of the
folder 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_C to see the files inside the folder. Among these files, you can find the
source file 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_C.c. Double click it to open to see the source code.

MEM458, Lab 4: F28335 & CCSv5

Nov 2014

1. Select the project by clicking the 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_C in the "Project Explorer" view.
2. Click on the green bug (debug button) on the tool bar.
3. The debugging process will do the following:
(i) Save all open files in the project selected
(ii) Build the selected project and create an executable file 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_C.out, which
appears in the folder Debug
(iii) Automatically switched the CCS Debug Perspective.
4. The "Debug" view is now visible.
(i) This view should always be open. Do not close it. If it is accidently closed, you can open it again
using the "view debug" menu item.
(ii) It allows you to connect the target device and control it (run, suspend, etc.)
5. Type the names of the registers on the Expressions view as shown at the top of the CCS window:

6. Select "Run Load Load Program" to load the executable file 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_C.out to
the target device.
7. Use Real-Time Mode to observe continuous updates of the values of the above registers and variables
in the Expressions View window.
8. In the program, 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_C.c, youll see the input ref_speed is a periodic function of
time with a period of 5 seconds: 100 rpm in the first two seconds, then 200 rpm for the next three
9. In the program, youll record the input as a function of time in inp_graph (500) and record the output
values in rpm_graph(500).
10. Run Resume.
11. Observe the motion of the motor shaft, and the value changes of EPwm1Regs.CMPA.half.CMPA and
rpmnew in the Expressions View window for at least 20 seconds.
12. Run Suspend.
13. In the Expressions View window, click the small white triangle sign on the left of in_graph to expose
the content of in_graph, which is an array consisting of 500 values of speed_cntrl recorded over a 5
second period. After observing the content, click the triagle sign to hide the content.
14. Repeat Step 13 to observe the content of rpm_graph in the Expressions View window.
15. Use Graph of CCSv5.2 to plot inp_graph and rpm_graph.
In the CCS Workbench Window, Tools Graph Dual Time.. , then modify the pop-up Dialog
window as follows.

5C. Debug, Build and Run the Project

B.C. Chang, MEM Dept. Drexel Univ.


B.C. Chang, MEM Dept. Drexel Univ.


MEM458, Lab 4: F28335 & CCSv5

Nov 2014

16. Click OK at the bottom of the Dialog window, graphical displays of in_graph and rpm_graph will
appear in the CCS Window.

6. Discussions
Discuss how well your mathematical model of the DC-motor matches the experimental results.
Comment on the simple up-down feedback control scheme.
If you have tried a varying update size approach, describe how the update size changes with the error
and comment on the closed-loop performance of the system using the varying update size approach.

MEM458, Lab 4: F28335 & CCSv5

Nov 2014

// This program requires the

// DSP2833x/DSP2823x C/C++ Header Files V1.31, released by TI on August 4, 2009.
Observe the waveform of ePWM1A and ePWB1B on an oscilloscope or LabVIEW
with DAQ card.
EPWM1A is on GPIO0, eZdsp P8:pin9
EPWM1B is on GPIO1, eZdsp P8:pin10
// Let the input be a periodic function of time with period 5 seconds:
// Record the input in inp_graph (500).
// Record the output in rpm_graph(500).
// Use Graph of CCS to plot inp_graph and rpm_graph.
Use Watch Window to observe
This example configures ePWM1 for:
* ePWM1: Active high PWMs, Use Up Count Mode
This example configures GPIO24 (eZdsp P8:pin33) as CAP1
This example configures GPIO25 (eZdsp P8:pin34) as CAP2
Connect the DC motor, Faulhaber 2230.G0003, with HEDS 5540 optical encoder,
to JP20 of the H-Bridge board.
Connect eZdsp P8:pins 9 and 10 to JP22 pins 3 and 4 of the H-Bridge board.
Connect eZdsp P8:pins 33 and 34 to JP22 pins 1 and 2 of the H-Bridge board.
Connect eZdsp P8:pins 39 and/or 40 to JP24 (GND pins) of the H-Bridge board.

Appendix B:
Appendix A:
// FILE:
// This program is modified from 3s_opnlpcntrl_C.c,
by B.C. Chang, Mishah U. Salman, Drexel Univ.
on April 18, 2010

// FILE:
// This program is modified from 3s_opnlpcntrl_C.c,
by B.C. Chang, Mishah U. Salman, Drexel Univ.
on April 20, 2010
// This program requires the

B.C. Chang, MEM Dept. Drexel Univ.

B.C. Chang, MEM Dept. Drexel Univ.



MEM458, Lab 4: F28335 & CCSv5

Nov 2014

// DSP2833x/DSP2823x C/C++ Header Files V1.31, released by TI on August 4, 2009.

Observe the waveform of ePWM1A and ePWB1B on an oscilloscope or LabVIEW
with DAQ card.
EPWM1A is on GPIO0, eZdsp P8:pin9
EPWM1B is on GPIO1, eZdsp P8:pin10
Use Watch Window to observe
This example configures ePWM1 for:
* ePWM1: Active high PWMs, Use Up Count Mode
This example configures GPIO24 (eZdsp P8:pin33) as CAP1
This example configures GPIO25 (eZdsp P8:pin34) as CAP2
Connect the DC motor, Faulhaber 2230.G0003, with HEDS 5540 optical encoder,
to JP20 of the H-Bridge board.
Connect eZdsp P8:pins 9 and 10 to JP22 pins 3 and 4 of the H-Bridge board.
Connect eZdsp P8:pins 33 and 34 to JP22 pins 1 and 2 of the H-Bridge board.
Connect eZdsp P8:pins 39 and/or 40 to JP24 (GND pins) of the H-Bridge board.

MEM458, Lab 4: F28335 & CCSv5

Nov 2014

EPWM1B is on GPIO1, eZdsp P8:pin10
// Let the reference speed input be a periodic function of time with period
// 5 seconds:
// Record the input in inp_graph (500).
// Record the output in rpm_graph(500).
// Use Graph of CCS to plot inp_graph and rpm_graph.
Use Watch Window to observe
This example configures ePWM1 for:
* ePWM1: Active high PWMs, Use Up Count Mode
This example configures GPIO24 (eZdsp P8:pin33) as CAP1
This example configures GPIO25 (eZdsp P8:pin34) as CAP2
Connect the DC motor, Faulhaber 2230.G0003, with HEDS 5540 optical encoder,
to JP20 of the H-Bridge board.
Connect eZdsp P8:pins 9 and 10 to JP22 pins 3 and 4 of the H-Bridge board.
Connect eZdsp P8:pins 33 and 34 to JP22 pins 1 and 2 of the H-Bridge board.
Connect eZdsp P8:pins 39 and/or 40 to JP24 (GND pins) of the H-Bridge board.

Appendix C:
// FILE:
// This program is modified from 4s_updown_fdbkcntrl_B.c,
by B.C. Chang, Mishah U. Salman, Drexel Univ.
on April 20, 2010
// This program requires the
// DSP2833x/DSP2823x C/C++ Header Files V1.31, released by TI on August 4, 2009.
Observe the waveform of ePWM1A and ePWB1B on an oscilloscope or LabVIEW
with DAQ card.
EPWM1A is on GPIO0, eZdsp P8:pin9
B.C. Chang, MEM Dept. Drexel Univ.


B.C. Chang, MEM Dept. Drexel Univ.


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