Final Proposal

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Project proposal

What are the significant factors to consider in organizational sustainability?

Masters in Business Management Project

As the world is becoming a global village. The global policy makers are now
increasingly focused on sustainability in a sense to improving the quality of
living standards minimizing harm to the nature and promoting rational use of
natural resources, thus maintaining balance among economic, environmental
and social aspects of life.

sustainability is a process of change in which the exploitation of resource, the
direction of investment, the orientation of technological development, and
institutional change are all in harmony and enhance both current and future
potential to meet human needs and aspiration (Baker, 2006 P22)
Sustainable development incorporates the process of change where it needs to be
required with the help of technological capacity and innovation management. As
sustainable development is playing its role in each aspect of life from production
and consumption to waste generation, it applies to the whole life cycle. Achieving
sustainable development is difficult but not impossible.

This report argues the true role of sustainability in organizations and

challenges faced in reality. The report also highlights the areas where the
need for change is required and the important factors to achieve
sustainability including key issues prevailing in organizational developing.
This approach will also provide perspective of the knowledge in the context
of sustainability and organizational development.

This research will investigate what are the significant factors to consider in
organizational sustainability?

The study will use qualitative research methodology keeping in mind the
nature of the objectives that demands explanation of the issue at hand as
well as the quantification of different dimensions of the issue to assess their

Before designing the questionnaire the researcher/author review the
literature to understand the issues that were dealt in past. Literature review
clarified the thinking and narrowed it down to the filtration of two important
variables. (Sustainability and organizational development).
Once the questionnaires will be finalized, it is tested on randomly selected
small group of people to pre-test the questionnaire that review the language
and understanding of question and ease of using scale. Furthermore
researcher will use simple language that respondents will easily understand.
Some personal interviews will also be taken.

The researcher had initially considered the use of structured questionnaire
for the present research. However, given the novelty of the issues being
discussed and need to understand the issue in detail without forcing the
respondent to limit his/her responses to close ended question, the flexibility
of semi-structured interviews greatly outweighed the limitation of using
structures/quantitative questionnaire.
The kind of interviewing also allowed the researcher to explore some of the
responses in greater depth. Secondly, semi-structured or quasi qualitative
research was chosen in order to allow the interviewees a degree of freedom
to explain their thoughts and to highlight the areas of particular interest that
they felt they had.

The collection of data through questionnaire will be done personally or by
placing it on E- Mail; similarly the interviewing technique will be used for










communication system.
In each interview after defining the purpose of meeting to the respondent
and researcher will ensure the respondent to keeping all the information
confident and it only use for the analysis of the research result.

Following are the validity threats identify by researcher.
Attitudes of the people towards qualitative part of research regarding
the time taken to respond to questionnaires/questions.
What kind of sample size is good to conduct the research?
Difference age groups/gender has different ideas and opinion so to
gather knowledge and come to conclusion.
Is the evidence for such a conclusion good or poor?
Is researcher/investigator conclusion correct?


Unbiased sampling methodology
Ethnic, age and gender diversity
Pre- test questionnaire.
Time management.

Using close ended questions

Clear language
Clear coding of questions

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