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Written by Co-Owners of

The Lucy Rose Clinic, Lucy Herron and Lizzy Herron

Table of Contents
About The Lucy Rose Clinic ............................................................................................................................................... 3
What Is The Thyroid? ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Hypothyroidism Versus Hyperthyroidsim ......................................................................................................................... 5
The 6 Steps To Treating Hyperthyroidism ........................................................................................................................ 7
5 Keys To Accurate Diagnosis With Poor Diagnosis You Get Poor Treatment And Poor Results .................................. 8
Conventional Treatment Wont Burn Fat ......................................................................................................................... 9
Is Iodine The Missing Link To True Health?..................................................................................................................... 10
Foods And Nutrients For A Healthy Thyroid Metabolism ............................................................................................... 11
Choosing A Practitioner To Help You Lose Weight ......................................................................................................... 12
Dr. Broda Barness Basal Temperature Testing Protocol ................................................................................................ 13
Thyroid Survey ................................................................................................................................................................ 14

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About The Lucy Rose Clinic

Sisters, Lucy and Lizzy Herron are the proud and passionate Founders and Directors of The
Lucy Rose Clinic across Australia.
Theyre vision is to change healthcare not only on a nationwide scale but on a global scale
through using integrative health solutions.
Living and working through the values
Respect | Kindness | Fun | Truth | Empowerment | Responsibility | Compassion
After starting the company in 2012 with 4 clinics, they now have 11 clinics nationwide in most
main centres and are continuing to grow to be the leaders in integrative health, specialising in
Thyroid. They are a hands on team and are driven by their patients health success and really
changing patients lives, one Australian at a time.
The original concept for the Clinic chain came from Lucy continually seeing common issues
with Womens health, particularly Thyroid conditions when she was operating in New Zealand
in 2004 (Where Lucy started the largest natural and integrative health centre in new Zealand).
Frequently women would come into her clinic with the same symptoms over and over, and
once she found the accurate diagnostic there was no stopping her.
I felt the importance of the Thyroid was being overlooked in western medicine and in most cases going undiagnosed,
knowing there is a 50% increased risk of developing Alzheimers in later life with an untreated thyroid condition, I had
to do something about it.- Lucy Herron
Lizzy on the other hand suffered from Hypothyroidism herself, and after being treated by Lucy felt completely
different. It changed her life which sparked a deep passion to join forces with Lucy and help others.
Lucy and Lizzy are a perfect combination in business together, Lucy with over 10 years experience, strong and varied
qualifications and international specialist alignment, while Lizzy brings the business and drive to grow and develop
the Clinics to reach more and more Australians each and every day.
Lucy has a Bachelor of Health Science (In Completely Medicine) Diploma Naturopathy, Diploma of Nutrition,
Diploma Massage and Diploma Herbal Medicine. A large part of developing the diagnostic process was spending
time in the USA with top thyroid specialists Dr. Prudence Hall who runs the Hall Centre. Dr.Hall is a thyroid
endocrinologist and is very well known and highly sought after for education and diagnosis in the area of Thyroid.
Lucy also works another United States specialist who is an endocrinologist, Dr. Noemi and regularly refers patients to
for specialist work when required.
It is well documented that 40% of women have an underactive thyroid or thyroid problems, at the Lucy Rose Clinic
we believe this is more like 80%. There is an epidemic in Australia right now and by treating thyroid conditions we
are able to massively reduce chronic disease and other potential long term permanent damage to our bodies by the
condition. Knowing these issues and what it could mean for the Australian public this is what drives the passion and
commitment Lucy and Lizzy Herron have to make a difference.

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What Is The Thyroid?

The thyroid is a butterfly shaped, hormonal gland that sits in your throat. It sits just below your Adams apple and has
two lobes that sit either side of your wind pipe. The thyroid hormones (called T4, T3, T2 and T1 and calcitonin) act
like chemical messengers and deliver instructions to various tissues and organs via the bloodstream. The cells within
the target organs then use the thyroid hormones and respond by using energy to speed up or slow down their
activities. Calorie burning is an essential bodily function, our tissues and organs cannot function at a healthy rate
without it. Therefore balancing your thyroid gives you the best possible chance to lose that extra weight.
Overall, the thyroid gland is responsible for the speed of metabolism (metabolic and chemical processes) in your
body (including reflex speed, heart speed, mental speed and many more), by affecting every cell, tissue, organ and
organ system in your body. The thyroid gland is therefore essential for life, weight management, growth and
development. It works with all the hormones in the body to tell them what to do and how to work.
The 7 most common thyroid diseases:
1. Hypothyroidism underactive
thyroid or low thyroid
2. Hyperthyroidism over active
thyroid or high thyroid
3. Graves autoimmune disease
causing over active thyroid (one of
the causes of Hyperthyroidism)
4. Hashimotos autoimmune disease
causing underactive thyroid (one of
the causes of Hypothyroidism)
5. Thyroid cancer cancer of the
6. Thyroid nodules lumps on your
7. Thyroiditis inflamed thyroid (can
be seen as a goiter or swelling of the
thyroid in the throat)
Women are more likely than men to have thyroid disease and there are a huge variety of reasons for this condition
to develop. The thyroid is involved with every function in the body and if its out of balance it leads to a multitude of
symptoms ranging from energy problems, weight issues, insomnia, joint aches and pains, memory loss, anxiety to
name just a few. Remember that the thyroid is responsible for the speed of everything in your body - metabolism
included, which is why it is crucial that you get it balanced and enable your body to work at its optimum.

As many as 60 million Americans have thyroid conditions, and most aren't diagnosed. Mary Shomon,
Thyroid specialist and member of the Endocrine Society.

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Hypothyroidism Versus Hyperthyroidsim

If your thyroid gland produces too much hormone (T3 or T4) you will develop hyperthyroidism, which speeds up the
rate in which you burn calories. If your thyroid gland is under producing it's called hypothyroidism. You can be born
with this or it can develop later in life. Of course this slows the rate in which your body burns fuel. If your thyroid
gland is functioning correctly it will regulate your hormones that are needed to ensure a balanced rate of
metabolism and weight management.
Hypothyroidism is an under active or low thyroid, meaning it isn't naturally producing enough thyroid hormone for
your body to metabolize properly. Hypothyroidism occurs more commonly in people, women specifically, over the
age of fifty. Initially, you may not even notice any symptoms because they are similar to many of those unwelcome
but inevitable symptoms of the natural aging process. The most common causes of hypothyroidism are the
autoimmune condition Hashimotos thyroiditis, and iodine deficiency, which we will go into detail about testing for
these later on in the book. Balancing thyroid hormones is the fastest and best way of balancing your weight.
The 7 causes of hypothyroidism or low thyroid function

Poor dietary habits missing meals, high carb/low protein diets

Nutritional deficiencies zinc, selenium, iodine, Vit D and Vit. A
Toxicity from fluoride, bromide, chloride and heavy metals
Gluten intolerance and other food intolerances
Adrenal fatigue /stress
Poor methylation pathways/detox pathways

Common symptoms of hypothyroidism include:

Weight gain especially around the

Chronic constipation
Feeling cold (especially hands and
Low basal temperature
Fatigue, exhaustion and low energy
Slow reflexes
Slowness of thought processes
(brain fog)
Muscle weakness
Pain and stiffness in muscles or
Deepening, hoarse voice
Depression, mood swings and
severe PMS
Thick, dry, coarse skin
Enlarged thyroid gland or lump in
throat (hard to swallow) or strange
feelings in the neck and throat area
High cholesterol
Menstrual cycle irregularities
(prolonged and heavy)

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Numbness and tingling (especially in hands and
Fluid retention (swelling of face and feet)
Brittle hair and nails, Hair loss, Thinning eyebrows
Shortness of breath on exertion Excessive
Carpel-tunnel syndrome (wrist pain)
Low sex drive
Infections are more frequent and last longer
Suffering or suspect sleep apnea
Dry eyes and sudden sensitivity to light
Suffering from vertigo, headaches, jumpiness
Constant ringing in ears
Yawn to get more oxygen

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Risk factors that can predispose you to these symptoms:

* Runs in the family
* Diagnosed with nodules or goitre
* Experienced post-partum thyroiditis

* Suffered from previous temporary thyroiditis

* Diagnosed with any type of autoimmune disorder
* Had all/part thyroid removed for any reason
* History of repeated miscarriages

Case Study
A patient was following a healthy diet. She was 15kgs overweight and for five years, doing boot camps 3 times per
week and walking for an hour every other day. She was still not losing this excess weight. We treated her with
nutrients for 2 months and she lost some weight (approx. 3 kgs)
but it really wasnt moving as well as it should be, albeit improving
for the first time in 5 years.
Her reflex speeds were rechecked and they were still too slow,
indicating low thyroid function, so we decided to start her on the
whole thyroid extract to lift her thyroid function. Within a month
she had shed 4 kg and is now at her ideal weight. She still eats
very well and exercises, but no longer need to thrash herself at
boot camps, and she feels fabulous.
Hyperthyroidism or over active thyroid refers to conditions caused
by excessive thyroid hormone produced by the thyroid gland. As
we discussed before, the most common cause of hyperthyroidism is an autoimmune condition called Graves
Other causes can be from lumps on the thyroid (nodules) or if the thyroid is inflamed (thyroiditis). If there many
lumps it's called a toxic multi- nodular goiter. Hyperthyroid is notoriously difficult to treat and it is imperative you
seek the care of an experienced integrative practitioner (integrative means a practitioner that understands the
importance of specific nutrient dosing natural treatments and western medial approaches combined).

Palpitations, fast pulse and irregular heartbeat

Trembling and twitches
Heat intolerance, Hot flushes and increased
Increased appetite (or loss of appetite)
Weight loss (especially if eating well)
Diarrhea or Bowel disorders
Anxiety, nervousness and/or panic attacks
Thin, moist skin
Tachycardia, rapid heartbeat - more than a
hundred beats a minute
Soft, thinning hair or hair loss
Shortness of breath
Muscle weakness

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Enlarged thyroid gland or goiter
Eye complaints (especially gritty or bulging
Fatigue, exhaustion and lack of energy
Menstrual cycle disturbances (intermittent
and light)
Depression and mood swings
Increased anxiety, nervousness and
Sudden unexpected appetite increase
Menstrual cycle changes
Sudden sensitivity to heat
Extreme and sudden muscle fatigue

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The 6 Steps To Treating Hyperthyroidism

1. Get an accurate clinical diagnosis (Clinically reflex speed, Basal Body Temperature, Blood tests (In
particular Thyroid Antibodies). Have an ultrasound to see if there are nodules or inflammation present
2. Anti-thyroid can be prescribed by your doctor
3. Check your iodine levels (Urinary Iodine Load Test) iodine deficiency has been known to cause
hyperthyroidism and is related to nodules on the thyroid. You must have this clinically assessed for safety as
hyperthyroid states are very sensitive to treatments and great care must be taken by your practitioner
4. Optimise nutritional status
5. If the thyroid gland is not responding to treatment then you may need to have an operation to have it
6. If you have a thyroidectomy you will need to balance the hypothyroid state that will be induced due to you
not having a thyroid.

Case study
Kate came to see me with a multi nodular goitre (lumps on her thyroid) and a hyperthyroid state. She had already
done the scan and blood tests to confirm this diagnosis. She did not
have the graves anti bodies and her reflex speed on the thyroflex was
too fast.
She had an abundance of energy, her bowel motions were loose and
frequent, she had palpitations (irregular heart beat), tachycardia (rapid
heartbeat), she didnt sleep well, she had lost a lot of weight in a short
space of time, was shaky, anxious and on the go all the time.
Her specialist recommended a thyroidectomy (thyroid removal) and
then hypothyroid medication to manage it for life. We tested her iodine
levels (which were low) and put her on the antiangiogenic diet (a very
strict diet that is used in the treatment of growths in the body). We
treated her with iodine at the specific dose she needed and other
thyroid nutrients. Within 3 months she no longer had the nodules on
her thyroid and her blood tests and reflexometry were back to normal.
She now enjoys a healthy life and did not have to have her thyroid
removed or go onto any medication. A great result!

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5 Keys To Accurate Diagnosis With Poor Diagnosis You Get Poor Treatment
And Poor Results
The accurate diagnosis of your thyroid function is imperative if
you want to lead a thoroughly healthy life. When you dont feel
well, you go to your health professional and explain your
symptoms to them. They often ask some questions and then
run some blood tests. This is usually a reasonably accurate
summary of your health picture by doing this, however, this is
not the case with thyroid diagnosis. This means that the
majority of patients with low thyroid function are misdiagnosed
and told they are fine, and leave their practitioner feeling
frustrated, disheartened and despairing and weight that spirals
out of control. With the thyroid being responsible for the speed
of everything in the body, including metabolism it is critical that
it is accurately assessed so that healthy weight loss can be achieved.
Clinical Assessment is a MUST if you are to get the correct diagnosis on your thyroid function, metabolism and fat
burning. This means using all of the following to establish true diagnosis:
1. ALL the blood work (specifically reverse T4, T3U, and thyroid antibodies)
2. Urinary Iodine Test to establish whether or not you have enough iodine. The thyroid cannot work at all
without the right amount of iodine.
3. Thyroflex test (reflex test) Ref: 80-120 m sec Relaxation Phase of Tendon Reflex. Numerous studies have
shown that this is a more accurate measure than serum blood tests, and is imperative to assess for accurate
4. Basal Body Temperature 36.5 Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).
5. In depth assessment and elicitation of presenting symptoms. The body will tell a skilled physician what is
wrong with it by careful evaluation of the symptom picture.
Dr. Kent Holtorf (a well revered thyroid specialist in the USA) stated:
"A normal TSH does not rule out thyroid dysfunction and a low TSH is shown to be an indication of excessive tissue
thyroid levels only 20% of the time (80% of the time that is not the case). The TSH becomes an extremely poor
marker for tissue thyroid levels if there is any inflammation, depression, chronic illness, chronic dieting, obesity,
stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, diabetes, insulin resistance, leptin resistance present."
I had seen lots of doctors and been to every specialist under the sun and was always told that my
blood tests were normal and that there was nothing wrong with me. I kept saying, why am I so tired
then, why cant I lose any weight even though I eat like a rabbit? It wasnt until I had the thyroflex test
done that I realised the severity of my condition. It was the first time anyone had told me what was
going on. My thyroid function was terrible. I cannot begin to tell you the relief I felt when they told me!
I now know WHY I have been feeling the way I have and I am now starting to feel the best I have ever
felt in my life thanks to The Lucy Rose Clinic and the treatments they have been giving me. Julie,

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Conventional Treatment Wont Burn Fat

There are two main schools of thought when it comes to health; conventional or complementary (natural). Of course
every case is different and what works for one person may not be optimal for another. Sadly many people taking
synthetic Thyroid hormone still present with all their symptoms. Some Prescription drugs can actually depress
thyroid function such as lithium bromide, tricyclic and monoamine oxidase inhibitors; anti-depressants, dopamine
(both treating depression caused by low thyroid sometimes) and adenosine. If you block, inhibit, or fail to balance
thyroid health, then balancing your weight becomes extremely hard to achieve.
Here you've got to take into account the seriousness of your thyroid disorder, your overall health, comfort level,
tolerances and preferences, and of course the thoughts of your healthcare provider, and that's just to start! Usually
the best approach is to use the best of both worlds. Thyroid hormonal balance will speed up the processes in your
body, including your metabolism, and many other symptoms. Hyperthyroidism is much harder to treat than
That is why it is sometimes the best option to have your thyroid removed if you have tried everything else. It can be
life threatening and for any of you that have experienced hyperthyroid symptoms Im sure you can attest, it is not a
pleasant experience at all.

I had been taking Thyroxine for 3 years and all of a sudden I

noticed my Hashimotos symptoms were starting to come back. I
didnt know why as I hadnt changed anything but when I went to
see Lucy at The Lucy Rose Clinic I was advised to change my
medication to whole thyroid extract. Lucy also gave me some
methylation detox support. My antibodies started to come down
for the first time in 3 years and I felt better than I had ever felt!
Helen, Sydney

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Dr. Whitaker of the Whitaker Wellness

Institute Medical Clinic says I strongly
recommend that you insist on natural
thyroid replacement. Whereas
synthetic hormone preparations, such
as Synthroid, contain only the thyroid
hormone T4, the natural desiccated
porcine thyroid hormone (which more
closely resembles our own thyroid
hormone) contains not only T4 and T3
but other factors that we have yet to

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Is Iodine The Missing Link To True Health?

Iodine deficiency is a serious health problem. The real evidence
is overwhelming. Iodine is the most important nutrient involved
in thyroid health. All cells in the body need iodine. Without
iodine the thyroid cannot work properly at all the thyroid
influences every cell in the body and 98% of the western
population is iodine deficient. Iodine helps the utilization of
sugar in the body for fuel, including in the brain, therefore
increasing brain function, cognitive function and energy levels.
For this reason it is imperative you have adequate intake to
maintain optimal health, and particularly for thyroid function,
calorie burning and weight management. If you do not have
optimal iodine levels, you cannot balance the thyroid, and if you
dont have a balanced Thyroid, it will become increasing difficult
to lose weight healthily.

There is a lot of misinformation about iodine and how it can have negative side effects. Like anything if taken at the
right dose it is harmless. We recommend testing and assessment with an integrated practitioner to see if iodine
deficiency is causing you to gain weight and avoid self-prescribing. The body also has a regulatory system to excrete
it if you have too much, making sure you are safe at all times!
Taking iodine can help with these conditions and also help with fibromyalgia, insulin dependent diabetes, thyroid
diseases, arthritis, breast and prostate cancer and even weight loss. Healthy thyroid metabolism, and fat burning
hormones that regulate your body means no more strict low calorie diets, no more exhausting exercise drills and no
more nasty symptoms of ill health. Iodine also works in the body to kill parasites, fungal and yeast overgrowth much
as it does when you use it on your skin for infections of any type.
Mainland Japanese women intake 13.5 mg daily with no negative side effects whatsoever. They also interestingly
have the lowest rates of breast cancer and menopausal symptoms in the world and live the longest. The
recommended dose in Australia is 300mcg, this is a MASSIVE DIFFERNCE to the levels we actually need to maintain
health. Low iodine levels cause hormonal dysfunction, goitre (swelling of the thyroid) and hypothyroidism, immune
dysfunction, digestive problems, mental retardation, infertility, depression and cretinism (severe mental retardation
accompanied by physical deformities).
Amy came to see us with sugar cravings. It was ruining her life because she couldnt lose weight. She went
on big sugar binges, making her tired, overweight and depressed. We tested her iodine levels, discovered
she was low and gave her a 12.5mg dose of iodine. Within 3 days her sugar cravings had completely
disappeared. We would like to point out that it is unusual to only give iodine to someone for this issue,
however, in this case that was all she took and bingoresult! Sometimes the cravings are not your fault
and you can be powerless to sugar if you are nutritionally out of balance.

Misinformation about the essential element Iodine, may have caused more human misery and death than both
world wars combined
Dr Guy Abraham Endocrinologist (researching iodine for 30 years)
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Foods And Nutrients For A Healthy Thyroid Metabolism

If you can control your symptoms naturally and effectively, without nasty side-effects and safely, why wouldn't you?
Natural medicine and dietary support (whether you take medication or not) is imperative. Nutrient support will help
your medication work well by converting T4 to T3 more effectively and will help to prevent weight gain and other
insidious diseases that can evolve if not addressed. High and Low thyroid states are impacted by nutrient
deficiencies, but those nutrient deficiencies also impact other body systems in the long run too.
The greatest mistake in the treatment of diseases is that there are physicians for the body and physicians for the
soul, although the two cannot be separated - Plato
Like all systems in the body the thyroid too needs certain nutrients and foods to function properly. Thyroid
hormones are made from Tyrosine (a protein) and iodine (a halide mineral). The hormone T4 (4 iodine molecules)
converts to T3 (3 iodine molecules) the active thyroid hormone with the help of essential nutrients. So, without
these nutrients your thyroid hormones cannot be converted into the active or useable form which burns the calories
and stored fat for increasing cellular function. Therefore, sub optimal nutrition = sub optimal calorie burning.

Zinc- Needed for the immune system (helps with autoimmunity),

Selenium-needed for immunity and thyroid function
Iodine-needed for every cell and hormone in the body, especially the thyroid
Vitamin A- needed for immune system and anti-oxidant
Vitamin D- needed for hormonal health and immunity and thyroid function
Tyrosine- A protein needed to make thyroid hormone

Goitrogens are naturally-occurring substances in some foods that can interfere with function of the thyroid gland
which should be avoided. Goitrogens get their name from the term "goitre," which means an enlargement of the
thyroid gland. These foods include, soy, broccoli and cabbage.
Case Study
Karen came to see me and had her thyroid removed. She had almost died 2 years earlier from a severe hyperthyroid
state. She had high hyper thyroid antibodies still but of course was showing signs of low thyroid weight gain as she
no longer had a thyroid. Her Thyroxine medication wasnt working well for her. I put her on a specific dose of all of
the above nutrients to improve the utilisation of her medication and within six weeks her low thyroid symptoms had
gone. Incredibly so had her antibodies, something that is medically very hard to achieve. It goes to show how much
of an impact nutrient levels have on thyroid function and weight loss, and also the impact they have on the
medication and how well it works.
The 10 Things You Can do:
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Get it diagnosed properly and choose a practitioner who diagnoses clinically, and uses an integrative
approach and treatment to health and weight management
Take the correct dose of nutrients for optimal thyroid health even if you are on medication
Stay active: it will help reduce stress and improve your overall metabolism
EAT PLENTY OF VEGETABLES especially organic green leafy vegetables and herbs
DO NOT DRINK BEVERAGES WITH CAFFEINE especially soft drinks and diet soft drinks
Eat regular meals. Do not skip meals as this will reduce thyroid function.
Take KELP, iodine or eat seaweeds every day
Meditate or do some form of relaxation daily to reboost your adrenal glands
Do a temperature test in the morning on waking, before you move around
TAKE THE THYROID QUESTIONNAIRE ON THE LAST PAGE (It also covers some other hormones)

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Choosing A Practitioner To Help You Lose Weight

It is imperative you chose a practitioner that assesses your thyroid function clinically. Your practitioner needs to
assess your symptom picture, blood tests, reflex speed and take into consideration your resting temperature.
Without proper diagnosis it is impossible to get the right treatment. Your chosen practitioner must have a deep
understanding of both western and natural treatment approaches, so you can address it from both angles.
It is definitely worth researching and understanding your thyroid disorder before making a decision on treatment. It
is important to know and understand your thyroid function tests, and you should feel confident in asking your doctor
for copies of your lab results. There is a more detailed ebook available for purchase on Kindle called How to Balance
Your Thyroid Hormones in 60 Days or Less. Nutrients, lifestyle factors and sometimes medications and procedures
will be required to increase or decrease the levels of thyroid hormones in circulation. Successfully treating and
recovering from thyroid related illnesses and weight gain does take time. Dedication from both the patient and
doctor is needed. Overall, patients well cared for and treated appropriately should enjoy a healthy vibrant life with a
lowered risk of long term health problems.
The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent
disease with nutrition. - Thomas Edison
A great integrative practitioner will be able to advise you specifically on what you need to do to achieve weight loss
and how you go about it. They can support you with resources through the process to make the changes an easier
transition for you and discuss with you the best movement forward for YOU. Unfortunately, there are some people
that think they can visit their local herbal store, grab a few "remedies" and all will be well with their thyroid. Thyroid
hormone functioning issues are tough enough for the experts to figure out, so for most people it is probably near
impossible by themselves.

"Our mission is to give you the best options possible for your
overall health and wellness. Thyroid issues matter, you matter and
we are here to help in any way we can." - Lucy Herron, Founder of
The Lucy Rose Clinics
The Lucy Rose Clinic endorse a series of practitioners, you can find the locations listed on
the website. The practitioners endorsed by The Healthful Group are all fully qualified clinical assessors of thyroid
function and perform reflex testing, iodine screening and understand the importance of getting the thyroid gland

SPECIAL OFFER -- Visit for more information, or call 1300 THYROID.
The Lucy Rose Clinic has negotiated a FREE Thyroid Screen with our endorsed practitioners around
Australia. Submit a query on our contact us page for The Lucy Rose Clinic to contact you and book
an appointment with one of our recommended practitioners in Australia.
The Practitioners endorsed by The Lucy Rose Clinic charge a $157 fee for a consultation and will
offer you the thyroid screen for FREE. Private health rebates also apply.
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Dr. Broda Barness Basal Temperature Testing Protocol

You will need a mercury thermometer (digital thermometers can be used but arent as accurate).

1. First thing in the morning before getting out of bed and before
moving around. Take your temperature by placing a mercury
thermometer underneath your arm for 10 minutes.
2. Record your temperature.
3. Repeat these steps for 7 days.
4. Return your daily recordings to your doctor.
5. Women who are still having menstrual cycles should take their
temperature after the third day of their period.
6. Note: If you cant find a mercury thermometer (theyve been withdrawn from the market) and have to use a
digital thermometer, take your temperature 3 times a day under the tongue.
7. Add one point to underarm temperature readings (if 97.2 under the arm add 1 degree and it equals 98.2).
8. A reading below the normal 98 (after adding 1 degree to under the arm temperature) strongly suggests
hypothyroid. A reading above 98.2 may indicate hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).

Dr. Barnes recommends patients take a desiccated glandular (derived from pigs) prescription medication, which
was used before synthetic medications such as Synthroid were introduced. These prescription thyroid glandular
medications contain both T4 and T3 (80% T4 and 20% T3).

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Thyroid Survey
Do you suffer from any of the following?
Please Rate your symptoms below in Numbers only, in a scale of 0, 1, 2 or 3
( 0= None, 1= Mild, 2= Moderate, 3= Severe OR if indicated Yes =1 and No = 0)

Adrenals (Cortisol)

_____ Tiredness & Sluggishness, lethargic

_____ Dryer Hair or Skin (Thick, dry ,scaly)
_____ Sleep More Than Usual
_____ Weaker Muscles
_____ Constant Feeling of cold (fingers / hands/ feet)
_____ Frequent Muscle Cramps
_____ Poorer Memory
_____ More Depressed (mood Change easily)
_____ Slower Thinking
_____ Puffier Eyes
_____ Difficulty with Math
_____ Hoarser or Deeper Voice
_____ Constipation
_____ Coarse Hair / Hair loss / brittle
_____ Muscle / Joint Pain
_____ Low Sex Drive / Impotence
_____ Puffy Hands and Feet
_____ Unsteady Gait (bump into things)
_____ Gain Weight Easy
_____ Outer Third Of Eyebrows Thin
_____ Menses More Irregular ( should be 28 Days)
_____ Heavier Menses (clotting / 3+ days)
_____ Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

_______ Total HYPO Score


________Total Adrenal (3)


_____Fibrocystic Breast / lumps/ ovarian cysts

_____Goiter Bulge or Band Around the Neck
_____Slow Speech
_____Enlarged tongue
_____Puffy Face Puffy Hands

________Total Iodine/Iodide Symptoms


_____Do you use salt with Iodine added Y=1 N=0

_____Number of days per week you eat seafood/shellfish*
*(Excludes Salmon/Canned Tuna/Tilapia/Trout/Fresh water fish)

_____ Palpitations (Skipping of heart beat)

_____ Insomnia
_____ Tachycardia (Rapid or irregular heart beat)
_____ Shakiness
_____ Increased Sweating
_____ Brittle Nails
_____Loss of Appetite

_______ Total HYPER Score



____Rapid heart beat

____Im stressed out
____Have eczema, psoriasis, skin allergies, rashes
____Digestive problems
____Easily confused
____Wake up tired (The following 6xQs are: Y=1, N=0 )
____Wake up full of energy Y/N
____2 to 4 pm feel tired, seek snack/Tea/Coffee/Coke Y/N
____Fall asleep in front of TV/reading/computer(before bed)Y/N
____As soon as I go to bed - Drop straight to sleep Y/N
____Need to read/TV -10 to 15 mins to drift into sleep Y/N

______Constantly exhausted & tired

______Cannot tolerate noise
______My Libido is low
______Muscles are getting flabby (Loosing muscle tone)

________Total Iodine Intake (6)

Melatonin, Serotonin, Tryptophan

_____Upon waking feel tired

_____Wake up during the night
_____If awakening,( in middle of night),cannot get back to sleep
_____Trouble falling asleep
_____Use a sleep aid, or drink Alcohol to relax
_____My mind is busy when I want to sleep

________Total Melatonin (2)


________Total DHEA


_____Do you lack willpower & energy Y=1, N=0

____Patches of hair loss Y=1, N=0

____Pale complexion/sunburn easily Y=1, N=0
_____Often have Memory Loss Y=1, N=0

________Total ACTH (2)

Your scores should be under the total number listed at the bottom of each section.
Contact us at and enquire about a practitioner that can help you.
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