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A day at the amusement park

Its a Sunday afternoon, Im seated in the living room with my laptop in front
of me, jumping from one blog to another, reading, laughing and leaving
commentsthe TV tuned to Africa Magic, watching a very silly Yoruba movie
and chit chatting with hubby all at the same timehes holding a glass of
cold chocolate and I think ok, maybe I should update my blog

Last week we had guests, our friends from Lagos came to spend the New
year with us and it was fun, they were supposed to leave on Saturday but
somehow we convinced them to change their flight to Sunday Ive been
meaning to visit the amusement park since we moved to Abuja but somehow
it hadnt happened so I convinced the whole crew and off we went to the
Amusement park.

Its called Wonderland and we paid the required fee at the entrance (Ive
forgotten how much we paid), the guys picked up the bill. We decided to walk
around the place first before choosing the rides to go on. Our first stop was
something called the Pirate ship, it was a ship suspended in the air with some
iron like things, pardon me, I dont know how to describe it. But the pully
kinda goes back and forth with the ship swaying from one side to the other.
The people on it were screaming and we wondered what they were screaming
about. One of our friends was convinced it couldnt be that bad considering
they had been on a more difficult one in SA so we continued our walk.

We went to do the bumper rides and it was fun, it felt like being kids againit
took me back to age 9 when the Ibadan Amusement park was still new and
wed go there to have fun, Yes it was a lot of fun. Hubby said hed watch so
four of us went and rode the bumper cars while hubby captured the moment
on video. It was fun, we were laughing and bumping into each other. The ride
was too short though, the space wasnt enough for the cars and it was sort of
an anti climax. It ended just when it was being the most fun..but it was fun all
the same. I was a kid again! Im always a kid anyway, people are surprised
when they learn Im just a year away from being thirty (oops, there I told you
my age, but isnt it just a number?)

So we decided it was the Pirate ship next. My friend said she wasnt going on
it, shed be too scared. We all convinced her and I even told hubby it would

give us a chance to make out in our own seatlolwell we went on the ship,
I was really excited. Then the ride started, oh it was the ride of my life..i must
say Ive never been on anything like that. As the ship swayed from side to
side doing about 180 degrees turn (hope Im right cos my maths sucks), I felt
like I was coming out of my body and the only thing I could do was scream,
scream like I heard those people who were on it earlier did. I was not only
screaming, yours truly was shouting yeeehone of our friends was at the
back and we had recently watched Jenifa (that Yoruba movie, the first part
cracked us up) and he said no Writefreak, say ouch, not yeeh and I said
Noooooits yeeeh not ouch and continued screaming. All of hubbys
attempts to keep his wife quiet went futile, I didnt even remember I wanted
to make out, the only contact I remember having with me though he was by
my side was grabbing his jeans and shouting yeeeeeeh! I think I even teared
up at some point, not sure. I looked to the side, my friend wasnt shouting but
it was obvious whatever was happening in that seat between her and her
hubby, wed all pay for it later.

I only got comfortable just as the ride was coming to an end, by then my
throat ached! I was glad to come down from that ship, that made me feel like
I was coming out of my body. It was wild and crazy fun. Will I do it again? Yes!
Im crazy I know but now I know what to expect and I will definitely have the
Mr beside me the next time so I can make good on my promise to make out
on a pirate ship suspended in the airthats if Im not screaming again and
begging them to stop!

Apparently my friend had threatened to divorce her husband if he didnt

make them stop..she had been saying Im not marrying you again to him.
She was shaking when we got off and was useless the rest of our stay at the
Amusement park. Not me, I was ready to try other things although my throat
burned from too much screaming.

First I opted for a ride thatll calm me after all the excitement. I convinced
hubby to go on a ride where wed see the whole city from up and just go
round, Ive forgotten the name. We were up there waving at our friends (the
other guys thought it was a sissy ride, I didnt careand I love my hubby, he
humours me). It was calming, just getting fresh breeze and looking at the
world from up there, it ended too soon and it wasnt scary at all!

My friends husband was still petting her when we came down my head I
was like haba no be the same ride. She was dolling out warnings to him
quietly and shaking. We didnt force her now though we convinced her. We
were all scared up there but hey weve come down, move on and have some
fun, but no way!

There was some water ride which hubby and I and our other friend with no
Mrs went to look at, I seriously wanted to get on it but they didnt want to get
wet. There was another dangerous ride, we went there, my friend left his Mrs
to calm down. I heard a girl screaming there but I was like, if I went through
that pirate ship, I can do this too. The cars go up and down some kinda maze
and bump into the sides of the iron maze. I wanted to ride with my Mr but
thanks to his long legs, we couldnt so I had to go alone. I was scared to
pieces but I wasnt chickening outnot when Id said Im a tough girl.

So I got in my own car. Held on to the iron rail very well and watch myself
travel up and down bumping into things. It was like playing real life car race
only I was alone and bumping myself. Was it fun? Im not sure cos I felt like I
was hurting myself for nothing but putting up my face and feeling the breeze
while I did that was. Whats life without some excitement? Some adrenaline

We ended it with another go on the bumper cars, my friend was still too
shaken to come so she stayed behind with our friend without the Mrs and
hubby joined in this time. It was fun bumping into ourselves but once again,
the ride was too short and my car sorta liked to drive only in reverse

For me it was fun, crazy fun, reliving my childhood and being kids again with
my hubby and friends. Who wants to grow up when you can be a child? lol

My trip to America Essay

My dream trip to America

America, the country where dreams comes true, the land of the
free". I had been dreaming about America since I was a teenager. And, in
2009 when I had the opportunity to come here to the US, it didnt take me so
long to say Yes.Now after almost 2 and half years of living in America, I still
remember my trip to America.
It was a sunny day in November 2009, when I woke up that morning I had
strange feeling, it was like at the same time a very good feeling of happiness
because I was about to leave my country and chase my dream to America,
but at the same time it was a sad feeling because I had to leave my brother
there. After I drank my coffee, me, my brother and my best friend were
heading to the Henri Coanda International Airport in Bucharest. After an
almost 2 hours driving we got there.
Before checking in I said goodbye to my brother and to my best friend and I
promised them that I will see them soon. I remember that when I bought my
ticket I was looking for a window seat, which I got. The flight to America was
very long, about 14 hours, but we had a 1 hour stop in Germany. I couldnt
sleep at all, the whole flight I watched movies and listened music. I used to
fly before but I never felt the same like now,maybe because it was something
different.Even the situation was different, before I use to fly for fun, but now it
was for a new begging, a new life.
Finally, after a 14 hours flight we arrived In Chicago. It was about 9 oclock
and I remember that because, before landing I was watching the window and
I was wowed about that great view. All those huge buildings, the big highways
and beautiful houses.After I picking up my baggage, I saw my mom and I ran
to her; I was so happy to see her again after so long, almost 5 years.
In conclusion, I had a very good trip with no incidents, all the flight attendants
were so nice and polite, the food was good and I had a great time; I could say
that I enjoyed my trip to America.

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