Death Aspects in Astrology by Eileen Nauman

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by Eileen Nauman, DHM(UK)
Copyright 1998 Eileen Nauman
All Rights Reserved

This ancient symbol is perfect for the 12th house. It gives us the potential to "look beyond the veil" of the 3rd
dimensional world into all the other dimensions and worlds. As you can see, the MOON, symbolizing our emotions,
is the key to whether we do this or not. Work through our emotional wounding and then the door to the spiritual
treasure chest within each of us, is revealed. We can then choose to open it or not. The 12th house is where we have
the ability to shift from this world to all the others, and back again.

Im sure just the title of this article will probably make it one of the most sent round the Internet articles of
all time. Everyone is fascinated and repelled by death. Most people are repulsed and frightened that
someone could predict their time of death and so, will read this from a macabre standpoint even if it
scares them out of their wits.
Ive been a medical astrologer since 1970 and I deal in sickness and death. Im interested in dispelling
some of the myths about what astrology can and cannot do especially in the realm of predicting ones
death. Since I work in a rarefied field known as medical astrology, I see a lot of chronic illness and my fair
share of dying along the waythe two are compatible and natural. Heres what Ive found so far:
1. Any astrologer who says they can predict your time of death is dead wrong (pardon the pun). Theyre
on an Ego trip at YOUR expense (literally and figuratively because youre paying money to this person to
tell you such things). They are scaring you, manipulating you and you should get good and mad at them,
report them to a national astrological organization and leave their servicespronto. No human being can
tell you when youre going to opt out of this bag of bones and skinonly your soul knows that.
2. Dont ask any PROFESSIONAL astrologer to tell you when youre going to die. First of all, a
professional will tell you up front they cant do it. Secondly, if they have a moral compass and integrity,
they wouldnt tell you even if they did know! Why? Because your time of death is in YOUR hands, not the
astrologers. And hopefully, your astrologer has the wisdom and humility to admit this to you up front. and
no astrologer is clairvoyant enough to see such things. Clairvoyance is highly dependent upon choices
made by the personnot the astrologer. If clairvoyance was all it was cracked up to bethen a clairvoyant
would be accurate a hundred percent of the time, all the timebut they aint. Why? Because of choice you
plugged in, changed or modified through your own soul/sub-conscious.
3. You cannot die on a transit. I cant tell you how many frightened student astrologers who knew just
enough to scare themselves silly, have called me over the years think that their death was arriving
shortly in the form of a heavy transit from Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto.
No one can die on transit. First, it has to be backed up in the PROGRESSIONS of the persons chart. And
there may be other indicator present besides a progression, such as an eclipse, plus a transit. These two
or three pieces to the recipe for Death must be in place before something serious and major happens.
Nothing major insofar as dying goes, ever happens on JUST a transit. Everything major occurs with
progressions. The transit, then, is merely the trigger to catalyze the passing.
4. And no, Saturn isnt the only death planet indicator. It is one of many, as you will see. Any and all the
planets, including the Uranian ones, can be involved in a death.
5. And no, just because you have a transit, progression or eclipse in your 8th house (known as the house
of sex, taxes and death, thanks to Scorpio ruling it), does not mean youre gonna check out either. Any
house in the natal chart, any of the twelve, can be implicated and involved in your death.

6. And no, it isnt just hard aspects such as a conjunction, square, inconjunct or opposition that can put
you into another dimension. So can soft aspects such as a sextile and trine, too. And there isnt one
aspect that is a death aspect, either.
7. Eclipses are not going to kill you, either. In and of themselves, they never will. In order to die, you must
have progressions set up first. Then, an eclipse MIGHT be a trigger for this to occur, but that is all. I dont
see eclipses that much in a persons passing. Transits are generally the trigger.
8. There isnt just one death aspect opportunity in your natal chartthere is, roughly 4-8, depending upon
the individual. I call these Crisis Windows. And even though we ALL have these windows, it does not
mean youre gonna die. From what I can discern after 40+ years or watching a person pass and studying
their natal and progressed chart, it boils down to this: IF the person is actively on their path that they
originally agreed to come in and accomplish this lifetime, theyre not going to leave the planet when a
window arrives. However, people who are lost and off their path, will check out on a window. Others
who have completed their lessons they came in to learn will leave on a window too. And I cant tell you
as a human being if a person is in one of these three categories. Im sure that wont help some people
sleep well. I have eight opportunities to die instead of just one.. and I can see the wheels turning on
this one as to how to find them and when are they gonna happen? I approach a crisis window with a client
as an opportunity to grow. And thats about all you can say honestly about it. A crisis does not mean
death. Oh, it can mean the death of mental attitude, getting rid of an emotional wound that has been
holding us back and we finally work through it, grow and discharge it, or a spiritual breakthrough that
helps us to evolve. We need crisis windows to accomplish such huge leaps in our hurdles of Life. So,
something DOES DIE in you and I feel you can all look back on your life and see where a part of you did
leave. But when something leaves, it gives you room to put something healthy and positive in that place.
9. Lately, Chiron is getting a myth started on this asteroid that its Deaths Door. No, it isnt. A Chiron
transit can certainly bring transformationbut it doesnt mean dying physically.
10. The Moons Nodes are the major indicator of dying. Not really. They may or may not be implicated in a
death. In my work, they are so wishy-washy along this line that I look at them only as a secondary or third
party in such crisis. Ive found them active in potential physical death only about thirty percent of the
timeand thats not a very high statistic to count on.
11. Saturn is gonna kill you. Oh, please, give me a break!! A transit of Saturn on your Ascendant, through
your eight house, is not an indicator youre going to die.
So, those are the myths. And please (please) dont go around using them as death indicators because
they wont work.
I like to look at POTENTIAL death aspects as windows of opportunity. Because people have set up four to
eight different windows when they can die, its hard for an astrologer to pick WHICH ONE you are going to
choose to leave on.

In our business as medical astrologers (and my associate, Rosemarie Brown will also parrot this), we like
to use terms that dont stampede our clients. Terms such as window of opportunity or a crisis. Crisis
simply means the energies come to an apex or focal point to physically occur and manifestthat does
NOT mean you are going to die.
Look at death as the following: consider the chrysalis of a butterfly. We live in a chrysalis, this human
body of ours, this bag of bones we call home. Death liberates and frees us, like a butterfly emerging from
this cocoon, so that we can literally, fly free. Or think of a dragonfly, which has symbolic transformation
from a shell of a nymph, climbs up and out of the water to the air, the shell cracks and out emerges this
beautiful dragonfly with wings which to fly.
Death, in our business, is a window opportunity just like a birth isthere is no difference. In one, the spirit
is being placed IN the chrysalis (birth). In the other, the spirit is being freed of this chrysalis (death). Ask
your astral body which it prefers and it will unequivocally tell you it prefers to be OUT of your bag of bones
you call home!
We call these times in your progressed chart windows of opportunity. Now, the only question we have to
talk to you about is this: What is going to die? We know it will either be a spiritual, mental, emotional or
physical death. Right there, its a 4:1 odds against us choosing if youre going to leave your home for
good or if theres an attitude that is outdated, worn out and an old tape from childhood that will die a
death, instead. Or, maybe its an emotion from the past that youve finally matured beyond and its time to
put it out of its misery.
Perhaps the belief system you were imprinted with as a child, has outgrown you and now, youre ready to
embrace a different belief systemso the old spiritual cornerstone dies to leave a place for a newer, better
model in its place, instead. This is WHY an astrologer cannot accurately predict your time of deaththis
energy may well play out spiritually, mentally or emotionally insteadand youre still breathing after it
We may also call these windows a crisis. There are any number of crisis in your life. Youll lose count. I
know I have. A crisis simply means that something is coming to a head; the pressure is on and
SOMETHING is going to catalyze and put choices in front of you to take. And something will. One of the
many possibilities is dying; but its pretty remote possibility.
Now that weve swept away the myths about being able to predict ones death via astrology, let me share
with you what I do know, that is accurate and that does work.
1. ANY planet can be involved in a death aspect.
2. ANY aspect can be involved in a death.
3. Progression is where the action is at and the windows of opportunity or crisis will certainly emerge
from. Transits are the triggeronly. Transits can NOT cause death by themselves.

4. There is no ONE signature for death. There are so many I could write a book on them (and Im not
going to), the possibilities endless (just as human beings are individualized, so are their deaths), that
even when I see a strong window/crisis, I know that the soul of that person can take that energy and its
eventual manifestation and expression and turn it into some kind of incredible, transformative opportunity
instead of dying.
From my files, I make notes on things. Hen scratchings would be another way to look at it. As a medical
astrologer, I use a particular system. Typical Gemini/Pisces that I am, I use what works for me and this is
the framework of the following information Im going to share. It doesnt mean you have to use my system
to derive information of any kind from. Whatever your way of utilizing astrology will work for you or you
wouldnt be drawn to it. So, this is not about having to use one, specific system in order to make it work
for you. Stay with the system you have confidence in.
First of all, I use Tropical astrology with the Koch house system. For progressions, where the real action is
at, I use the 90-degree Cosmobiology wheel. I progress with average solar arc. I add the Transneptunian
or Uranian planets. Their names are: Hades, Admetos, Kronos, Poseidon, Zeus, Apollon, Cupido and
Vulcanus. Many of you may recognize these names as Greek myth figureswhich they are.
Midpoint structures are crucial. Without them, I couldnt do the type of work I do. With this recipe I have a
80% accuracy on forecasting health/medical events. In my business, you want accuracy above all
because Im dealing with serious dis-ease and potentially life/death situations or other important
It is from this amalgam that Im going to share some notes on deaths that actually took place. Ill make the
appropriate comments after I share the particular aspects are shared. These two charts I have, over the
years, lost the birth dataso please dont ask for itand these are hen scratchings about the cases and
the aspects/midpoint structures I found at the time of the occurrence. Both these cases were back in the
early 1970sa long time ago, but they fit the need of this article.
This individual is of a man who had an argument with his wife. He was 24 years old when he died. He and
the wife climbed into a jeep and he drove off at high speed. The jeep over turned and killed both of them.
Just for clarification for our beginning/budding astrologers, Im going to be using the following shorthand :
P. means progressed planet. T. means a transit (daily movement) of a planet. N. means a natal planet in
that persons chart. It takes a combination of a natal planet being triggered by a progressed planet
(figured out with solar arc) and a transit(s) to be the catalyst to create action or an event/crisis/window of
Ill be talking about Uranian Planets (yet another article in and of itself.)
Here are the aspects for the male that set up at the time of his death:

P. Midheaven
N. Hades/Venus -N. Uranus
COMMENT: This particular midpoint has the mans MC or progressed Midheaven sitting between his
Natal Hades and Venus on one side of the 90-degree dial and his Natal Uranus on the other side.
INTERPRETATION: N. Venus/Hadesthis person is going to have some love-life and love related
problems that need to be disintegrated (Hades) so that it can be solved or resolved. A persons
Midheaven is their Ego (outer/conscious) and how they want others to see them. If the Ego gets stepped
on the wrong way, projections abound as a result. Uranus is about sudden things happening. They can be
catalytic. They can be accidents (but it will be a strange, twisted kind of accidenta dumb thing or weird
thing that occurs). Uranus rules over airplanes and flying. As I understand it, the jeep rolled off a cliff and
flew about three-hundred feet before hitting the bottom of the canyon.
This guy was having love-relation problems that came to a head suddenly and he got is Ego bent out of
shape and he went and did something stupidlike driving off a cliff at high speed while angry.
Here is the second midpoint picture in his chart:
N. Uranus
N. Saturn P. Midheaven
The natal Uranus is at the midpoint between his natal Saturn and his progressed Midheaven.
COMMENT: Something catalytic and sudden/unexpected could happen (Uranus) and it hit old patterns of
behavior and old ways of reacting/responding (Saturn) and his Ego (Midheaven) got pulled into this. He
had a choice as to how he responded. Instead of a mature (Saturn) response, he went into his rebellious
teenage temper tantrum (Uranus) and did his Ego trip thing. It got him killed, as a result. Saturn is also
about physical manifestation; something occurring in real time in our lives. Saturn helped ground the
issue. His choices, however, were his own (he didnt have to drive off a cliff because he was angry and
wanting to get even with his wife), and not the fault of Saturn.
INTERPRETATION: There was lots of choices with this particular midpoint structure. He was given the
opportunity to approach this love-relationship problem maturely (Saturn) but he CHOSE (see, theres that
word again.) instead, to become rebellious (Uranus) and Ill show you angry demeanor (Midheaven).
Here is the third midpoint picture in his chart:
N. Vulcanus/Node (north and south)
N. Saturn -P. Pluto
This midpoint structure has Vulcanus (volcanic) and the nodes (north and south) sitting in the middle of
the planetary picture. Natal Saturn is on one side and progressed Pluto, on the other side.
COMMENT: Whatever was going to happen, was going to be big because Vulcanus is equated with a
volcano exploding. The explosion, however, is defined. Vulcanus acts like an adverbial function to
whatever else it aspects in a midpoint structure. What does this mean? It means instead of having a
Nodal energy of 1, it is exacerbated to a 10. It means that connections, either new connections (north) or

dissolving of old connections (south) were highly emphasized in his chart that night. With Natal Saturn, it
was hoping hed choose the mature avenue or approach to this. Saturn is often about endings, too, if a
person cant take the high road and act/behave like an adult instead of a child. Or creating boundaries
within which to operate. It is about restrictions. Pluto is about transformation. Plutos energy is such that if
you refuse to change (that is, grow up and handle ones anger appropriately) that it was there to
CHANGE the entire situation. The guy was childish and wanted to get even with the spouse. Pluto
transformed him because he failed to act appropriately instead of doing it to kill his wife. I wonder as he
chose this route of wanting to get even and teach her a lesson that hed also die in the process?
INTERPRETATION: This guy had a real chance to make a break through this event. What was his
choice? Breakdown. Of course, breaking down creates a break through, too. Maybe not the one you and I
would have chosenbut we get choices thrown at us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. His choice was to
explode in this argument with his wife. He chose to transform the situation by leaving it and her
permanently. Of course, he could have broken it up (Nodes and Saturn) permanently by making some
transformative changes (Pluto) with his wife and their marriage. Vulcanus was asking him to transform
(Pluto) the relationship (Node) for good (Saturn) and put it on a new and better footing. For whatever
reason, he didnt choose to utilize the energy in that expression. He chose another expression of it:
blowing up (Vulcanus), and transforming (Pluto) himself and his wife with finality (Saturn) by driving the
jeep off the cliff. He showed her, didnt he?
Here is the fourth midpoint picture in his chart:
N. Vulcanus/Nodes
N. Hades/Venus -N. Mars/Pluto
COMMENT: Here we have Vulcanus and the Nodes at the midpoint of his natal Hades/Venus (the
marriage is turning is dissolving (Hades) and so is his love life (Venus)) and natal Mars/Pluto tied up in
this dance. To be sure, there was going to be a catalytic (Pluto) explosion (Vulcanus) regarding a
relationship (Venus/Nodes) that could end with a loss of ones temper (Mars/anger) that would lead to
disaster (Hades). When Mars/Pluto are in hard aspect to one another, that person can have a killing
temper. Whether they handle it appropriately or not is the real question. In his case, he didnt.
INTERPRETATION: There is no doubt that connections (Nodes) with people, in this case, his marriage,
was going to undergo some powerful, transformative (Pluto) changes. It did involve his love life (Venus)
and instead of using Mars as a directed energy of change such as agreeing to a divorce, he chose to
mirror the raging anger aspect of it instead (Mars). Consequently, he blew up (Vulcanus) in a temper
(Mars) and hopped into his jeep (Mars) in an ugly, vile mood (Hades) and killed himself
(Nodes/Hades/Pluto) and his wife (Venus).
Here is the fifth midpoint picture in his chart:
P. Ascendant
N. Mars N. Pluto
This is the mans ascendant and it symbolizes the people around him in his life (coworkers, strangers,
acquaintances) at the midpoint structure of his natal Mars and natal Pluto.

COMMENT: Our Ascendant is our overcoatit is our Persona or mask that we wear to the outside world.
It is not our private self (that is our Moon), nor is us (our Sun). Its a facet or mask of ourselves that we
feel comfortable wearing to survive and get along in society as a whole. When we feel vulnerable,
threatened or feel that we need this shield out in front of us to make us feel okay in a certain situation,
we don our mask, the sign on our ascendant. The ascendant mirrors the people around us and in our life,
in general. With Mars and Pluto involved, this is showing us that someone around him (in this case his
wife) is asking him to make some changes in himself. The question is: will he? And how?
INTERPRETATION: The people in this guys life were actively (Mars) asking him to change (Pluto).
Whether he does or doesnt, is a choice he had to make. Whatever his wife said to him, triggered him in
such a way that he made several very bad choices down the line that got them both killed. His choice in
this situation was not to actively (Mars) change (Pluto) but to end it the relationship (Nodes/Pluto/Hades)
Here is the sixth midpoint picture in his chart:
P. Pluto
N. Hades N. Venus
We have progressed Pluto at the midpoint between his natal Hades and Venus.
COMMENT: This particular midpoint structure is asking him to change and transform (Pluto) a messy,
deteriorating (Hades) marriage (Venus) and get it on the right track instead or to sever (Pluto/Hades) the
marriage/love relationship (Venus) forever (Pluto).
INTERPRETATION: Its obvious to a professional astrologer that this midpoint structure is about how he
feels/sees/regards his love-life and marriage relationship with his wife (Venus). It was in a state of gradual
deterioration (Hadesdust to dust) and that he was going to do something transformative (Pluto) about
it. I dont believe he went into this argument with his wife with the intent of killing her and himself. I believe
it got out of hand (Pluto) and he chose his destructive side (Hades) to get even with his wife for bringing
up the ills of their marriage or things that needed to be repaired in their marriage to make it viable and
ongoing between them (Venus).
Here is the seventh midpoint picture in his chart:
N. Saturn
P. Mars/N. Pluto
This is an opposition on the 90 degree dial; or it appears to be and in real life on a 360 degree natal
chart, it would involve a cardinal planet (Saturn) with two fixed planets (Mars/Pluto) and in actuality, could
be a square aspect. But on a 90-degree dial, they show up as an opposition. The mans natal Saturn is
in a powerful opposition energy with progressed Mars which is simultaneously conjuncting his natal Pluto.
COMMENT: Any time we want to see where the action is in a persons life, we always look at the
progressed Sun and Mars. These two planets (luminary and planet) are the key triggers to very important

life choices and changes made by all of us. It doesnt necessarily mean death and dying but one of
these is always present in major life events/crisis, from getting a job, a birth, a death, a change of
fortunes, a move, getting fired, etc.
This young man came in and set up this situation; this tension between his natal Saturn and Pluto to see
if he could master, overcome and work through it in a more mature and constructive way this time. Or,
perhaps, this was one of those windows/crisis points where hed either accomplished all that he could in
this lifetime, and he was opting out. Or, he was way off his life track that his soul wanted to learn, and was
opting out early because there was no way to get back on track, at least in this life time. His soul pulled
the plug so he could leave, to start again, in another life down the line. Or, he was a young soul learning
about the destructive nature of anger and how it could harm others. Only when he died and watched his
life move by him, would he get it. As we review our life after leaving our physical body, we feel EVERY
EMOTION IN OTHERS that we dealt withpositive or otherwise. It is feeling how weve dealt with others
in our life that is our main teacher. Im sure this soul, after killing his wife, not only felt her anguished
emotions, but that of her family and her children, who also grieved her sudden loss. Many possibilities are
presented with this configuration. We cant judge the person, we can only hope to understand there was
something greater, unseen and invisible to us, that was playing out. When we judge others, we literally
freeze our own ability to grow, too.
INTERPRETATION: I call Saturn-Pluto the put up or shut up team in our lives. We all own this in one
way or another. Its: Lay your cards on the table, make your choice and whatever you chooseyoure
stuck with. Another way to look at this is: Well, make a choice. Whatever it is, you lie in bed with it. (You
made your bed, now lie in it). This doesnt have to be negative in the least. Saturn-Pluto is about to make
a powerful, slow, gradual evolutionary change at the soul level. Most of us do this without getting dramatic
about it and flipping a jeep over and flying down a cliff and killing ourselves.
However, this young man chose NOT to act with maturity (Saturn) and decided to transform (Pluto)
himself and his wife and it was expressed through anger (Mars) and testosterone (Mars/Pluto) in a very
finalizing (Pluto) way.
You can see that ALL these aspects were in motion at the time of his death. You can also see that he had
a lot of choicesand he made em. He had OTHER choices, too, but he disregarded them. This could
easily have been a powerful window of opportunity to transform his marriage. Well, what does that mean?
It meant he could stay in the marriage, made the personal, transformative changes that were necessary
to keep it viable OR he could get a divorce and go on with his life without her. It certainly did not have to
end in death of both individuals. An astrologer would certainly have seen the crisis in his chart and Im
sure, would have warned him beforehand of not losing his temper and being careful of accidents
But to say: Youre gonna die. No. None of us could have said with 100% finalityYep, this is your day to
die, son. It was a day for him to transform, was all. The CHOICES he made, took it, in my opinion, to the
worst case scenario instead of a more probable, hopeful, outcome. Each soul has choices to make,
however, and we, as astrologers, certainly cannot know ahead of time if this guy was going to act like an
infantile teenager with hormones/testosterone/hurt Ego and drive off like a maniac and get even with his
wife in this argument. Those were all free will choices he put into play.


This particular case, the son was called by his mother that his father had passed away in his sleep. The
mother had gone in that morning (they slept in separate rooms) to wake him up, and he was dead.
Ultimately, the Sheriff suspected the mother of killing the father (she didnt) and an autopsy was
performed to find out the cause of death (the disease, cancer) by the country medical examiner. Heres
what the sons 90-degree dial solar arc progressed chart looked like that afternoon he received the call
from his mother:
P. Saturn
N. Midheaven N. Hades
COMMENT: Here we have two natal planets and you can see it is the progression that triggers off this
event in the sons chart.
INTERPRETATION: The MC (Midheaven), the Ego, the Self for this lifetime is engaged with Hades
(dissolve something, dust to dust). Saturn, this time, becomes the Timekeeper (Father Time is one of his
symbols) and in the sons chart is saying: something is coming to pass with finality. Time is up. It will affect
the son directly (Midheaven). Interestingly, there was no love-loss between father and son, so when the
son got the call, he was not in a state of grief then or later. The Hades in his chart was mirroring the
dissolving of some THING in his lifeand Saturn is certainly a symbol of the father in all our chartsor an
older man (be it uncle, cousin, nephew, etc.).
Second midpoint structure:
P. Kronos
N. Saturn/Venus N. Moon
Here we have progressed Kronos at the midpoint of the sons natal Saturn/Venus and his Moon.
COMMENT: Kronos is always about ones peer group. In this case, the sheriffs department, a
government body, the medical examiner, is stepping in. Kronos can also symbolize the father, since, in
Greek mythology, Kronos was the father of Saturn. Usually Kronos means a government body who has
control or power with or over us (like the IRS, as an example). The peer group, Kronos is at the midpoint
between the sons Saturn/Venus and his Moon.
INTERPRETATION: A government body was going play an important part in the sons life (Kronos). His
mother (Moon) was thought to be a murderer (Saturn/Venus) and of course, this upset the son
emotionally (Moon) a lot more than his fathers passing. Someone he loved (Venus) was potentially going
to prison (Saturn) and put there by the sheriff (Kronos).
Third midpoint structure:
P. Admetos/N. Node
N. Saturn/Venus

Progressed Admetos was conjuncting the Nodes in the sons chart and in opposition to his natal Saturn
and Venus.
COMMENT: Admetos deals with hidden agendas, hidden things and information that is in the dark for a
period of time. It represents the skeletons in the family closet and how it affects the son. It was conjunct
the Nodes (connections) and it mean that something that was in the dark, would be manifested by either a
connection to something new (rebirth) or a loss of a connection (death). Added to this was an opposition
to his Saturn (father) and Venus (love of mother). And also, his dealing with an unloving, abusive father
INTERPRETATION: Admetos is like fog, or like the film that is being developed in the dark room of life. It
is our subconscious, it is hidden and it is not obvious. With P. Admetos to the sons Nodes, it mean that a
connection could either be forged (north node) or lost and disconnected (south node) and in this case, it
was the mysterious passing (Nodes) of his father (Saturn) in his sleep (Admetos). And this passing
involved a loved one (father and mother, although the son said he never loved his father). The fact the
father died in his sleep is very Admetos-like. The fact his father died of cancer, but it took an autopsy, is all
about hidden Admetos. Detective work of some kind may involve anything with an active Admetos in it, as
it was in the sons chart.
The promise of a good outcome was the Venus in this configuration. Venus, in this case, promised a
fortunate or happy end to a murky (Admetos) father situation.
Third midpoint structure:
P. Sun/N. Uranus
Again, the main trigger planets, either the Sun or Mars, if involved in a progressed situation, means an
important event that will alter the persons forever, is going to occur. Many astrologers, looking at this,
would predict an accident or surgery (Uranus) for the person who owned this chart (the son). However,
it did not manifest in this wayand one would have to look at the other configurations to perhaps come to
a different conclusion. There was a death by accident herebut it was not the sonit was his fathers
sudden, unexpected passing, for no one knew he had cancer until the autopsy! The Sun/Uranus provided
surprises for the son. It did not provide him an accident or surgery.
There is an addendum to this story. The son called me thirty years after his father passed. His mother
came for a visit and finally broke down and told him that his father was not the father that died. Shed had
a first marriage and became pregnant at the end of the divorce with the son. She let the son think her
second husband was his natural father and he was not. The Admetos was conjunct in the 90 degree dial
with the sons North/South Nodes natally speaking. From a natal perspective in the sons chart, it hinted
of murky doings in family connections (nodes) as well. In his case, he never really got to know his real
father because by the time the mother told the truth, he too had died. Such is the hidden aspects, the
secrets held by Admetos.

As you can see now, there are many types of death and that just because certain planets set up in
configuration and aspect does not mean that the person is going to croak! As in the sons chart, it meant
the death of a step-father in his life. The death of his emotional chasm with his step-father was passing.
Now, the son would have to deal with a lot of suppressed emotions regarding how he felt toward his stepfather. Nevertheless, it was an EMOTIONAL death for the son, not a physical one.
In the other example, it was a physical death of the man and his wife. However, this could have played
out much differently on three other levels, too. Choices we make in an instant can change our lives on
any one of these four levels, or, perhaps all of them. The key here is: choices are in our hands. Not the
astrologer reading the chart.
Lets look at the planets who usually play a prominent part in our death. You certainly dont have to have
all of them, but youll find 3 to 5 active in a chart at the time of a persons passing. Keeping in mind it is
always the progressions that show potential dying, not the transits.
Saturn is often seen as Father Timewhen your times upyoure going. Father Time is here for all of us.
We are all going to die some day. However, we move through many mini-deaths throughout our lives on
the spiritual, emotional and mental level, too with Saturns transiting and progressions through our chart.
And Father Time does erode our body so that when were in our sixties, our body does not function as a
twenty-year olds will, too. Saturn is about boundaries. You can either run into a brick wall, literally with
Saturn, and kill yourself with it, or you can go around the wall, climb it or work through the wall, brick by
brick. Its your choice on how you handle Saturns energy.
A Saturn death is a lingering death. It doesnt happen quickly; it happens over time. It can become a long,
suffering time of a decade or more. Saturn is one of the planets of longevity in ones life, also. The good
side of Saturn, so to speak. A conjunction, sextile or trine between this planet and your Sun can give you
a long, long life, although the whole chart must be taken into consideration for this.
Uranus is implicated in surgery and accidents. Usually accidents of a weird or unusual naturesuch as
sky diving, bungee jumping, while youre skiing you run into and hit a tree and kill yourselfor some other
loopy, dumb kind of thing that no one would ever think could happen and it does, creating the accident.
Uranus also rules airplanes and flightwhether its in a single-engine airplane, a commercial jet, an ultra
light or parachute/sky diving kind of flight. It can mean an air crash or crash of another type of flight
It also rules over lightning and electricity and as a result, many people get a jolteither by an electric cord,
by a lightning bolt or zapped through some strange, odd way. It can also mean sudden information
coming and traumatizing or shocking us (such as the son finding out his real father wasnt the one he
grew up with). Surgery is co-ruled with Uranus along with Mars. With Uranus, you can have a weird car
accident, or unexpected surgery (minor or major, depending upon the rest of the progressed chart).

A Uranus death is always sudden. There is no lingering on for years with this planet.
Drug over doses, recreation drug death, death by Strep A flesh eating bacteria, by a nasty virus, or by
prescription or over-the-counter drugs fall under Neptunes massive prevue. Drowning accidents figure
prominently here, as well. Water related deaths or near deaths always find Neptune and Admetos active
at the time. Inhaling a hazardous material can occur (chlorine as an example, if on fire and inhaled, can
quickly kill you). Of course, there is death by drowning of having too much fluid in your lungs; drowning by
suffocation. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, such as asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia and
emphysema are Neptunes rulership as well.
Anything having to do with water inside or outside the body is Neptunes base of operation. It could be a
flood that kills someone. Or a flood of liquid, such as blood in the pericardial sac that surrounds the heart
and stops the heart from beating. Deaths or near deaths that have Neptune prominently figured will
always have a cloak of mystery about them, too. In some cases, no one will ever really know how it
happened or what the person died of or from. And sometimes, the body is never found (as in the case of
Marcia Moore, a famous astrologer in the 1970s-1980s).
People with an active Neptune at the time of their death will usually die in their sleep (a lovely way to go).
Or, they will die of suffocation (more than likely, lack of oxygen and perfusion, which means they simply
can fall asleep and not wake up in this dimension again). A nice trine from ones Sun to Neptune means a
quiet, gentle passing in ones sleep. No muss, no fuss. The ultimate way to go.
Transformation is asked for by this planet. Can you change? If you can, you wont die. But you can die
trying, too, although Ive really not seen this with Pluto in my cliental. There can be the slow death of an
attitude, an emotion or feeling, of a spiritual way of looking at things, or a physical, bodily death. My
experience with this planet is that if youre WILLING to transform/evolve/do the changes asked of you
(and were talking slow changes herenot immediate or abrupt ones as youll find with Uranus), then Pluto
is going to support you through this cycle in a positive way, not through death. You will come out the other
end of a Pluto time gauntlet older, wiser and better off. Or, you can dig in your heels, refuse to
move/grow/transform and then Pluto will push back and you can take off for another dimensionbut
againits your choice. Pluto deaths are usually pretty final and not always pretty. They usually involve
massive trauma to the body, or theres little left to identify or its hard to identify.
Deaths with Pluto can be violent; and a good example of this is the heart attack, where it comes out of
nowhere, hits with the velocity of a Mac truck, is massive and nothing can be done to save the person, no
matter what. The heart can literally, explode. Or, a aorta can blow and the person bleeds to death in
three to five minutes. Or a massive stroke or hemorrhage will finish them off quickly. Theres something to
be said for a swift death and Pluto helps make that possible. Im not for slow, lingering deaths, thank you
very much. Thats Saturns territory.

A good sign of longevity is a conjunction, sextile or trine between ones Pluto and Sun; although the whole
chart must be taken into consideration for this.
Very often, Mars acts as a trigger for death or a near-death experience. It also rules knives, guns and
fires. You will see an active Mars in a lot of gang-banger drive-by shootings. Mars is about a violent
death (road rage) of some sort and it can be by any of the above, or usually, through some kind of sportrelated accident or a car accident. Mars rules mechanical things and machinery and often, people slice off
a finger, get their arm ripped off in a combine, or are decapitated or lose a leg in an accident.
Mars is one of the co-rulers of surgery, so any accident involving Mars may mean minor or major surgery,
too. Since Mars rules anger, temper and male testosterone, these additions can make or break if there
will be an accident or deathor not. If the person handles their Ego issues, turns the killing anger into
some kind of positive use of it (instead of reaching for a gun or knife), then there can be a useful,
productive outcome to this. Again, the choice is in the hands of the person concerned.
Deaths with Mars are usually violent and sudden and the person may die instantly (as in a bullet to the
head) or linger on for a couple of days, and maybe a weekbut no more than that. A Mars death is almost
always clean and swift, unless there are aspects counter to the normal Martian energy.
This is one of the Uranian planets and is considered the planet of disintegration. Of what? It could take
issue with a spiritual, mental or emotional concept or it could mean the physical body, too. Just depends.
Hades is about dust to dust. Its about the erosion and dissolving of an issueeither internal or external.
It is about our past and the past coming up to stare us in the face of our present. How do we handle it?
How do we handle the can of worms that Hades brings to us to look at. We must understand that Hades
is not doing this to usthis is garbage weve repressed or suppressed within ourselvesall our ugly little
feelings, our hatreds/prejudice/shame/loss of self esteem/humiliation/anger and the list goes on.
It is Hades job to dredge up our emotional wounds weve either brought from a past life into this one, or
ones we acquired in this present life. It all comes from our subconscious into the light of day of our
consciousness. So what do we do when we stare at our own garbage in the mirror of our life? Some
people lose it and go off the deep end. Some shove it back down, way deep, into their subconscious,
thinking denial will do it. It wont. If you dont look at your own emotional wounding garbage then Hades
will turn this festering mass of bad feelings and experiences into a diseasea chronic oneto get your
attention so that you will handle matters in a more straight-forward fashion. And if you dont, you will die of
a chronic disease, instead. Those who will do the hard work of healing their wounds over a long period of
time stay disease-free and tend to live very long lives. Again, the CHOICE is yours to make. The flip side
of Hades is psychotherapy, shamanic healing or ceremonial healing of some sort from antiquity or the
ancient past which can help save your life and get you back on track with yourself.
A Hades death is slow, arduous, a cell at a time and can take decades to slowly erode and dissolve the
walls/cells/bones of our body until theres very little left. AIDS is a good example of a Hades disease.

This is another Uranian planet. For those who love to suppress/repress/block/stop their hard feelings,
their hard knocks in life, their bitterness, their bad luck, their trauma, their PTSD, and shove it way down
deep, is doing an Admetos gig. Admetos has an affinity for the Moon and is often seen as the other
symbol for the mother. It is also about our subconscious. In its most lurid form, the monsters and the
Shadow within ourselves is mirrored by this planet.
Very often, with a strong Admetos natally in ones chart, this can mean that a photograph of a trauma
occurred very early in lifeespecially in uterowhile being carried by Momand it stains the persons entire
life. The persons job is to first, identify it, and secondly, to work through it. Admetos is hard to detect and
is a lot like Neptune in some ways, but is darker and deeper and not as easy to access.
This planet rules strangulation of the person. The person suffocates in some way. It could be due to an
overdose of prescription, over-the-counter or other drugs, inhaling poisonous gas of some kind (think of
freon from the refrigerator, natural gas, etc.), being poisoned by drinking water that it tainted (think of lead
poisoning here), or inhaling poisonous air that accumulates and you get sick and die from it.
Admetos is about the hidden, poisonous things in our everyday environment that can potentially kill us.
Conversely, our own emotional wounding is our internal poison and if we dont access it and work
through it, guaranteed it will poison us and shorten our life. And these arent obvious things, either. Think
of the Uranium deposits beneath your house and you get Radon gas poisoningthat is truly Admetos at
work. Think of buying a house that used to be a hazardous material land fillbut you dont know thatand
you and a number of members of our family end up with some rare form of cancer, as a consequence.
Also think of inhaling any poisonous gaslike mustard gas, Sarin, a nerve gas or think long the lines of
those Gulf War vets who know have diseases from biological warfareall of it hidden, under wraps and
deadly to those who unknowingly and unwittingly inhaled it, drank it or had it on their skin and it was
absorbed into their body.
Admetos means death by slow, gradual onset and poisoning. The only question is: where is it coming
from? And what is it? It will take true detective work to find out who, what, when, why and how with
An Admetos death can take years, if not decades. And the person suffers enormously over time, if the
source of the poisoning in them is not identified. A person slowly being poisoned by arsenic being
deliberately placed in their food daily, is a good example of thisa lotta liver pain, a lot of suffering, but its
slow and unmerciful. Bonaparte Napoleon did this number.
The Moons Nodes are intimately concerned with the forging of connections and the dissolving of
connections. These connections are with other people, places, associations, groups, your
company/corporation and possibly, the country you live in.
We are constantly cutting ties and making new ones. The North Node is about creating new ties. The
South Node is about recreating old connections with old, familiar places, people or things. It also stands
for the cutting of ties with people.
They will be active in a marriage, in a divorce, in a birth, in a death, in the creation of a company, or the
dissolving of a corporation or country.

They are said to be ones karma but frankly, everything in your chart is your karmanot just the Nodes!
To pick them out and say this is it, I believe, is very short-sighted. Our entire life is our karma.
Chiron is the gatekeeper to the Underground (our subconscious). He is often active when a person takes
on a dis-ease in order to move and learn deeper, more enriching enlightenment about ones self or others.
It is a short track to spiritual perfection. Around age 50, many people will take on a dis-ease. This is not to
say they are bad people. No, not at all. There are hidden blessings in disease and Ive seen Chiron act
like a fast track to spiritual evolution for a person when this happens.
Chiron can figure in the death of a person tooon any and all levels: spiritual, mental, emotional or
physical. It just depends upon what CHOICES you want to make as to how you will use the life-changing
Chironic energy, thats all. If you use it positively, then you will go on a shamanic type of learning path: the
wounded healer. But you WILL survive it.
A Chiron death can be quick and merciful or drag on forever; and much depends upon aspect to it from
other planets.
When someone is in the process of dying, I always like to see one of two planets around, Venus or
Jupiter. They are both guardian angels of a type; although Jupiters other side can be heavily involved in
a death. Venus promises no suffering, or a very short period of suffering. There is grace with this planet
when it comes to dying. It says that the dying will be easy or painless or less of something other than it
could have been. Venus is sometimes seen in deaths where the person dies in their sleep. It also shows
that another person, most likely a caregiver, is there to help the person transit. Or hospice is involved and
supportive to the caregiver and to the one who is dying.
I like to see Venus around because the person sees their journey into death as something beautiful,
creative and an opening, not an ending or a closing or a loss.
Its amazing what good press coverage Jupiter gets, but I can tell you from the medical perspective,
Jupiter is the pits. I often see Jupiter involved in aggressive cancers where there is cellular regeneration
at optimum, and tumors are present, or an aggressive lymphoma quickly kills the person. Ailments
involving the liver can also come from this planet, as well. Tumors are Jupiters thing. It is also, by corulership of the liver, tied into the lymphatic system as well which is why, in many forms of cancer and
dying of cancer, the Jupiter is active by transit or progression.
On the other hand, Jupiter is also the guardian angel aspect and I like to see it around when a person is
dying, provided it is in good, soft aspect at the time. If it is, it means a gentle, non-struggling death. Transit
is easy and comes all at once, although the person may linger for days, weeks, or even months. With a
good Jupiter aspect around the time, the person does not suffer one-tenth as much; and thats good
news. Jupiter then represents the GRACE in the persons life. They will also have a wonderful, optimistic,
open attitude about their passing into the next world. Typical of a Sagittarius frame of mind, they see it or

perceive it as their next adventure and they are truly looking forward to it. Death is a joy for them and
they make it easy on those they are going to leave behind.
This Uranian planet is very often involved in a death aspect. One wouldnt think so, but it is, or at least in
the charts Ive seen over the years. When you think about it, having Poseidon around when you die, is the
perfect close to one door and the opening of another.
Poseidon was the God of the Ocean. Consider it a higher spiritual octave of Neptune. Consider it the
master energy expression far beyond Neptune. It symbolizes the initiate. This planet is about TRUTH.
Truth or lies, depending upon the person, their energy expression and where they are at in their spiritual
People who have Poseidon active at the time they die have seen their personal Truth. By dying, they
receive incredible illumination during the death transit. Frequently, I see Poseidon active in slow, gradual
deaths. And it is only when the end has finally come, that this planet makes its final station, that the
person gets some kind of incredible, soul breakthrough. A great, wonderful, Cosmic aha! is the blessing
of Poseidon. And once they have this aha moment, they pass over quickly.
Yes, our own Sun can be intimately tied into our death time. It should be, because the Sun is the epitome,
the bottom-line of ourselves for this lifetime. Remember, the two big triggers in progressed charts is your
Mars and Sun. I see the Sun in usually, older peoples charts, and it truly is their timetheyve learned all
they could for this life (and they usually have) and now, it is a window of opportunity to go and pass over
to another exciting adventure in the invisible realms.
Many times, in many deaths, the Sun is not prominent. I see this as an early option of leaving because
things were either learned more quickly than anticipated by the soul, or the person had made too many
wrong choices and was way off track from what they had wanted to learn and there was no way to back
track to get on that path again. With the Sun involved, it usually means the person has truly fulfilled all
there soul desires this time around and it is a natural time to move on.
A Sun death can be slow or quick. Usually, there is some beautiful gift of awareness, a deeper soul
connection made with the self before passinga gift is given because these people have earned such
grace by working hard, being responsible and shouldering the loads they came in to carry and learn from
or give back to humanity in the balance of their unique karma.
Its always interesting to me that the Moon is one of the most prominent and active in a person dying.
Considering the Moon rules our emotions, and all of us are incarnated and taking on emotional wounds, it
makes sense it would be at our leaving, too. People who have refused to get in touch with their emotional
wounds linger on for years or decades. Over this slow period of time, much like the tide coming in, they

finally contact it on a conscious level. At that time, they will give themselves permission to die. In other
cases, if the person has done an admirable job of working through his or her woundings, they may leave
early because they want to get on with their spiritual soul development.
The Moon can be prominent at a persons death on any of the four angles. That includes the Ascendant
(people who surround you in your life (the IC or 4th house cusp, our family woundings), the 7th house or
DSC, where our spouse plays an important part in our marriage or relationship, or the MC or 10th house
cusp, dealing with our own Ego issues and coming to grips with ourselves. Sometimes, I see the
transiting Moon in aspect to a persons south or north Node, too.
The Moon symbolizes our emotional journey through our life. Do we get it right? Do we stuff our
emotions away because its too painful to look at them, much less work through them? Or, do we meet
every challenge up front and dont stuff anything? The Moon has more to say with the length of our life,
the quality of our life and how long well be in body than any other planet (including the Uranian planets)
in my personal opinion. We are born into a family that creates our wounds. Weve deliberately chose them
so we can work through the emotional trauma and right it or heal it to the best of our ability. I see people
of this type who live very, very long lives. They are fearless in the face of their emotional wounding. And
their gift is a long and useful life free of chronic disease.
As you can see, many planets can play a part in death and dying. All of them do. You cannot look at just
one planet, one aspect or one configurationit is the culmination of all of them that must be looked at in
totality. And even then, if the person decides to utilize this death energy on another plane of expression
and 75% of the time they dowell, theyll keep on living and breathing and being around for some time to
By Eileen reference Comments Off Tags: astrology, death, dying, medical astrology, midpoints, planetary
pictures,planets, uranian astrology, zodiac

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