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The large area of central Italy extending east of the Apennines from the
high peak of the Gran Sasso in the north to the Apulian plain in the south.
There is also a long coastal strip where the mountains drop down to the sea.
For administrative purposes it is divided into two regions, but historically
and geographically Abruzzo and Molise are always considered as one.
Although situated between northern and southern Italy, their cooking
belongs to the south and consists of two distinct cuisines: the coastal one
based on fish and that of the mountainous inland based on pork and, to a
minor extent, on sheep and poultry.

Chickpea and Pasta Soup



Bucatini Amatriciana

Alla Chitarra

Tomato and Herb

Walnut and Parsley


CHICKEN HUNTER STYLE - Pollo alla cacciatore in bianco


The local word for chili pepper is DIAVOLICCHIO or DIAVOLILLO and it is the
protagonist of nearly all Abruzzesi dishes. It is in the local pasta dish maccheroni alla
CHITARRA, in the succulent 'NDOCCA 'NDOCCA, as well as in simpler pasta
sauces and all pork products.
The Abruzzese version of BRODETTO, the fish soup made along the length of
the Adriatic coast, is flavored with tomatoes, garlic, onion and bay leaves. Unlike
other versions of brodetto it contains no saffron, which is surprising since the crocus
from which saffron is extracted is ectensively cultivated near the capital of the region,
Aquila. In fact saffron appears in only one local dish, SCAPECE - pickled fish, which
is fried and then preserved under saffron- flavored white vinegar in wooden barrels.
The origins of this dish go back over the centuries to the Greeks, who landed on
the coast but never penetrated into the interiors as they did in other regions
Pasta-making was once a craft but is now a large-scale industry, with local brands
in strong competition with those from Naples. It is the tradition that has made the
modern product so successful, as well as the high- quality durum-wheat grown locally.
Vegetables abound in this region and many local spedalties have been created
around them. There is one soup which contains them all. It is an ancient recipe with a
strange name, LE VIRTU, the virtues. It is made at the beginning of May, when there
are still some dried pulses in the larder and the new vegetables are just ready for
The Abruzzesi have even managed to create a special occasion for eating
POLENTA, which is very much an everyday dish in northern Italy. When a hare has
been shot, it is boned, cut up in small pieces and stewed in wine. The cooked polenta,

meanwhile, is placed directly onto the table in a mound alongside the cooked hare,
and a contest ensues to see who can eat the most.
However, this is a minor affair compared to the PANARDA, served in Aquila on
special occasions and consisting of no less than thirty courses, which are served as a
series of different meals
PORCHETTA, suckling pig, is a specialty shared with the other regions of central
Italy. Other pork products include prosciutto d'Aquila, similar to the more famous
Spanish jamon serrano, and ventricina, a sausage made with the stomach of the pig
flavored with chili pepper, wild fennel and orange.
As in all other mountainous regions, lamb is prepared by the shepherds just as it
was hundreds of years ago. It might be cooked a catturo - in a large copper pan in the
open air, with basil, onion, sage and chili pepper, a method which, sadly, is dying out.
AGNELLO CASCE E OVO is still very popular as is agnello all'arrabiata, which
means "in the angry way," so called because the sauce contains chili pepper. Part of
the sauce is often used to dress pasta, which is then served as a first course.
Cheeses are of great importance in the regional diet, PECORINO being the
favorite. The local CACIOCAVALLO is made from buffalo's milk, and is, as might be
expected in the region, highly spiced with chili pepper. The mozzarella is made from
cow's instead of buffalo's milk, as is 5CAMORZA, another delicious soft cheese,
which is sometimes grilled on the sp
The Abruzzesi have a sweet tooth, too, and enjoy finishing their meal with a
dessert. Although the sweets themselves are only made on special occasions, the
variety is remarkable. Some are simple, others are elaborate, like the delicious NOCI
ATTORRATI - a version of almond praline.

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