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The Enhanced Receiving Inspection solution leverages the functionality in Oracle

Purchasing, Oracle Quality and OPM Quality.
Currently, in 11.5.10, a workflow is sent out when there is a Receipt that requires Quality
Samples to be taken and Inspected. A Sample is then taken from the Receipt and Analysis
done to determine if the Receipt is to be Accepted or Rejected. However, there is no
intimation to the Receiving Inspector to let them know if the Receipt was to be Accepted
or Rejected. This gap has now been closed in the R12 Enhanced Receiving Inspection
functionality by sending information back to the receiving Inspector to let them know
whether to Accept the receipt and delivery it to Inventory, or, Reject the receipt and send
it back to the Supplier.
The Inspection in Oracle Quality would mainly record the physical attributes of the
materials being received, e.g damaged cartons, etc. The OPM Quality testing would
mainly be involved with Material analysis, e.g bio-chemical compostion, potency, etc.,
and would have Specifications setup with a need for Samples to be taken.
An OPM Quality Collection Element is introduced in the Oracle Quality Collection Plans
reflecting the final OPM Quality disposition for the Sample and helps determine if the
receipt is Accepted or Rejected.
It is important to note that on the Quality Results screen, the Results can be Saved only
once. Once the Results are Saved as Accept on this screen, the Receipt is delivered to
Inventory, if any detail or other Result has been missed, it cant be entered.
In this Note, the setups in Oracle Inventory, Purchasing, Oracle Quality, OPM Quality,
Workflow and AME required to enable this functionality are described.
The functionality is illustrated through receiving Item 9853 on a PO into a Receiving
location, thus generating a Workflow notification to take a Sample for testing in an OPM
Lab. A Sample is created from the Workflow notification and Test Results are recorded
for the Sample. The Sample is Accepted, the Sample disposition is directly populated into
the Collection plan so that the quality results are available to the Receiving person. The
Receiving person drills down to enter the Collection Plan results and decides on an
overall Inpection Result Accept, or, Reject. The Accepted quantities are then delivered
into Inventory.

(1) Setup in Oracle Inventory
Resp: Oracle Inventory > Items > Organization Item
Item Master Setup for Item 9853 >

The Item has Lot and Child Lot control enabled

(2) Setup in OPM

Resp: Quality Manager > Specifications > Specifications Create a New Specification
for Item: 9853 >

Approve the Specification Actions > Change Status:

[Validity Rules] > [New] > [Supplier]

Create a Supplier Validity Rule for Supplier 5069
Approve the Validity Rule Actions > Change Status

Thus, the defined Specification for Item 9853 is valid for Supplier 5069.

(3) Setup in AME and Workflow

(a) Enable Receiving Workflow for OPM Resp: Workflow Administrator Web Applications > Adminsitrator Workflow > Business
Events query up oracle.apps.gml.po.receipt.created and verify that it is Enabled.

Verify that the Subscription is Enabled for this Event

(b) Setting up Approval Groups

Resp: Approvals Management Business Analyst query up Transaction Type Process
Quality Receiving%, under Approval Process Setup.

This brings up two Transaction Types Process Quality Receiving Transaction Sample
Creation and Process Quality Receiving into Inventory, select the former.
(Note: AME would need to be setup from scratch if implementing on a non-Vision
database to setup these Transaction Types)

Click on Approval Groups for Transaction Type = Process Quality Receiving

Transaction Sample Creation this brings up two seeded Groups: Process
Manufacturing Approvals and Process Manufacturing Notifications.

Click on Process Manufacturing Approvals >

The Approver defined in the Process MFG Approvals Group is Sandra Copeland.
(Note: On a non-Vision database, the Approver would need to be set up).

(c) Setting up Approval Rules

Access Rules under Define Approval Rules for Transaction Type = Process Quality
Receiving Transaction Sample Creation >



No Conditions are defined for this Rule.


Select Action as Require approval from Process MFG Approvals



(d) Verify if Workflow Background Engines and Agent Listeners are Up.
Resp: System Administrator > Workflow: Oracle Applications Manager > Workflow

Since the Background Engines are down, need to submit a Request to Activate them.

Click [Schedule] and setup the WFlow Background Engine to run every Minute.

After Submitting the above Request, the background Engine is now Active.

Click on the Agent Listener engine and ensure that the following are Running

Workflow Deferred Agent Listener

Workflow Deferred Notification Agent Listener
Workflow Error Agent Listener
Workflow Inbound Notifications Agent Listener

(4) Setup in Oracle Inventory / PO

The attribute Receipt Routing needs to be configured to Inspection at various levels.
(a) In the Org-Item [Receiving] tab -

(b) In Purchasing > Setup > Organizations > Receiving Options

Receipt Routing is set to Inspection Required.

(5) Setup in Oracle Quality

(a) Profile option QA: PO Inspection set to Oracle Quality.

(b) Create a Collection Plan by copying it from the Template OPM Receiving Inspection
Collection Plan and modifying it as necessary.
Oracle Quality > Setup > Copy Collection Plan

Create a new Plan DKP Inspection Plan1


( c ) Query up this newly created Collection Plan

Quality > Setup > Collection Plan

A new Collection Element Sample Disposition Code has been seeded to enable
Enhanced Receiving Inspection for OPM.

This seeded Sample Disposition Code has the following pre-defined Action conditions -


Description (Meaning)
In Progress
Accept with Variance

The above codes are available from the following Sql

SQL> select lookup_code, meaning
from gem_lookups
where lookup_type like 'GMD_QC_SAMPLE_DISP';

(d) The Transactions and the Triggers that activate an Action on this Collection Plan are
defined as follows >
Click on [Transactions] button on the Collection Plan and Find the Inspection
Transactions (Oracle Purchasing) Transaction.

Check the Mandatory and the Enabled boxes.

Specify a Trigger for Item 5863 ( the Item for which we want this Collection Plan to be
triggered when it is being received on a PO). The Trigger defined acts as a Filter, if no
Trigger is defined, then this Plan will be applicable to all Items being received on POs.

Process Flow
(1) Create a PO Receipt
(a) Create a PO# 3895 for Item 9853 and Approve it
Resp: Mfg and Dist Manager > PO > Purchase Orders

(b) Receive Goods

Resp: Mfg and Dist Manager > Purchasing > Receiving > Receipts > receive qty = 115.

Note: Destination Type = Receiving and Routing = Inspection Required.

Query up this Receipt in Purchasing > Receiving > Receiving Transactions

The Receipt No. is 17670

(2) OPM Quality Sample Creation Workflow Notification
(a) Resp: Quality Manager > Workflow > Advanced Worklist.

Note: The login of the Quality manager in this example is setup with HR User
asSandra Copeland.

Click on the Sample Required. Item 9853 text to verify the details and authorisation
to create a Sample for testing from Receipt # 17670

The OPM Item Samples form can be directly launched from this Notification by clicking
on the Related Applications > Applications Form.

(3) Sample Creation and Testing

Select a Laboratory LA0 - to do the Sample testing in and Save the form to create a
Sample number.

Enter [Results] for this Sample >

The Sample Result above is within the Mini and the Maxm levels specified .

Action > Change Disposition To: Complete

The Sample Disposition changes to Accept.

(4) Further process the PO Receipts

Purchasing > Receiving Transactions query up the Receipt

The Inspection Status is Not Inspected-Inspection Required.

This brings up the Collection Plan where the results for other Collection Elements can be

The Inspection status is now Accepted and the Receipt now has Destination Type
On Saving this record, one is prompted to enter the Subinventory and the Locator
information. The Lot-Serial button is also Active and a Lot no has to be selected before
the goods can be delivered to Inventory.
These can be generated via the [Generate Parent] and [Generate Lot] buttons.
Lot number: L2S1: is created.

The Coco is now available in Inventory and can be queried in the On-Hand Availability
screen in Inventory.

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