The Hoffex Memo

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ROFFEZ CONFERENCE BEATQUARTERS © ear 27 & 28, 7% 1 G00S2- agg ag 4. BARBARA CB I. CAST OF CHARACTERS A. Femily Members A. JAMES R. HOFFA (JBE), age 62 fors International Brotherhood of Veamsters (IBT), » Bloosfieli Township, since July 30, 1975. last approxinetely 2:5 p.n. that date. 2. JAMES P. EOFFA, age 33, Detroit Atto= JRE, merzied, two children. Eas provided mazes of nuzercus RH associates and has been cooperative. Wes vaéetioning at Traverse City, Mich gan, July 30, 1975. : 3. JOSEFHDVE HOFFA, ege 60, wife of JB weo reportediy received telephone call from JRH at their Ieke or on, Michiges sre¥idesce, 2:15 p.m., July 50, 1975. Has been cooperative and provided information regarding activities of JRE. Wes in Miami, Florida July 20-28, 1975. 2 busbend - ROBERT where they w _ yostra end calle TONY GIACAIONE *Uscle Tony", Es ts mown “ge wm badituel ter A 2. ANDHONY "TONY JACE" GIACATONE ++, oge 57, Detroit ys Cosa Nostra lieutenant end street boss who ves ¥ parted to pave set up meeting with JRE, July 30, 1975, end never chowed. Eas alibi being at Southfield Athleti c wo, July 30, 1975. Fersied toe FROVENZANO, who may be a relative, of ANTHONY FROVENZANO. oo 3. VITO “BILIZ JACK" GIACALONE °°, oge 53, brother + ef TONY, aleo Detroit Le Cosa Rostre licutenast, vaereabouts aka July 30,1975. Believed to be with TONT guy. 26, 1875, vaen Reeting set with Jaa-for Suly 30, 1975 A. BAFFAEL *JDOY Q"_QUASARANO * _ Detroit Ia Cosa Nostra nenber considered by sounces as likely to be involved in actual murder of JBZ, because of violeat ectivities in the past. ; — “5. .PAUL VITALE *, age 68, known Detroit Ia Cosa : Bostra nenber end associ te of QUASARSNO who acurces believe ely to be involved in JRE disapp: scence if QUASARANO wes. 6. BOLLAND MC MASTER *y age 61, former Becretary- Treasurer of Teensters Tocel 299 under both IPH and FRA "MONS. After being released froa prison he was appoint trative assistant to the president of Locel 299 oF E, FITZSDVOUs. He is suspect in numerous acts of violen within the Teansters Union and in eat aN lees 4. ANTHONY "TONY FRO" PROVEN! "*, ase 58, imown yew Jersey Le Cosa Nostre nexber end Teamster Lo. 560 Officer, ' Y° gerved tine in lewisburg Penitentiary with Ly bad a “falling out" with him while there. » 252 42, trusted associate of spony FRO", told Newark source RALPH PICARDO thet be did not de 5 participate in EOFFA hit, but wes left in Newars to prov: : alibi for "TONY FEO". (at the tine of this writing aNDRErTs 4s to appear before Federal Grand Jury (PGI) is Detrois after serving six weeks in Milan, Michigan, Prison f Contenzt of Court.) 3B. THOMAS ANDREPTA ++, age 38, brother of SPEFHEN, ", reported by Newary source trusted associate of "TONY F to be involved in actual disappearance of JRE. 4S. BALVAT "SAL" BRIGUGLIO *-", age 45, associate of “TONY FRO", reported by Fewart source to be Anvolved in actual disazpearence of IPE. . 5. GABRIEL "Gage" 5 *BAL", trusted associate of "TONY FRO", soured to be involved in actuel disappearance of 6. FRANCIS JOSE=H "FRANE" SIZERAN, age president Zocal 326, Wilmingto=, Delaware. Resides is Pailadelpei and is known associate of USS - Eastera Pennsylvania. His vehicle seen at moeti ostra figures in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania, August 29, aG75, and also in Detroit Decesber 4, 1975, dur appearence of New Jersey tei=evers;—Snowse be SESS ee eeae arendey end considéred to BEES tise of JRE disapp | D. Other Important Fimuzes : 4. LOUIS C. LINTEAU ~, also Knows 22 "The Pope", ‘owner Airport Service Lines, Fonties, Michigan, form ef TRE who, in F presids Deemster Tocal 614, Pontiac end £. exes, ‘the recent past, was considered to be JRE's best friend. ecording to LINTEAU, at 3:30 p.m. JRE called him to say : ee eee . Bed Fox (MRF), waich had been scheduled for 2:00 p.n., July 30, 1875. . . . 2. CYNTHIA GREEN‘, age 37, LINTEAU's business ladboctate and friend of JRE and JOS: = for past three years. She and LOVTEAU are inseparable; however, while ske has corroborate of LITFAU's testimony has not elweys . egreed with tines end dates LINTEAU hes given. 3. JOSEFE GIACAIONE **, 23, son of TONY ALONE, . Whose car O'SRIEN reported that he was deriving on the afternoon ef July 50, 1975. Not kmowr. to be Detroit La Cosa Nos zenbe> 4%, MARVIN ADELE >, age approxin: Detroit industrialist, who allowed O’BRI=W to i residence for the past year and a half. Pro with ride ‘to MEF img lot where he waited for encther P » ese ap: t, who gave O'BRIEN ride to troit Teaxster business Ase work every day fron MEP parking lot week preceeding JRE diceppeerence, Personal friend of O'BRIEN. 6. FRANK E. FITZSIMONS, age 65, current Intermational z Ie President of Teamsters Union and reported eneny of J was he who JRE put in charge of Teamster International Union while JEE in pris = JOS: 52. °', ese approximetely 50,° nd of president Iocel 614, Fontiec, Michigan, end close ff LONTEAU. Not }oown as e@ particularly close friend of IPE. He spent first week after the disappearance at JRY residence. JOSEPE "TONY" ZERILLT » age 48, 8. curtent underboss who reported runs Detroit La Cosa Nostra; however, currently incarcerated Sandstone Prison. Sources indicat! thout his approval. no Detroit hit would be made w: "9. Jos: oss of Detroit La Cosa Nostra wao HH ZERILGI, age 78, father of TONY, and ted to be senile, rep ut still hes e voice in Ia Cosa Nostre activities even reas it though bis so: 10, GIACAMO "JACZ" TOCCO, age 56, Detro b La Cosa Nos a + * mestified before Federal Grand Juzy, Detroit. ++ Appeared before Federal Grand Jury, Detroit, end refused to testify. s+* Brought before Federal Grand Jury for line-up only po questions asked. Refused to testify twice thes testified fr prepared statement. and other records, end travel activities. . This preseatation will limit itse during the Spring and Sumser of 1975, in which has revealed certain events leading up to the July 30, meeting 5 first kcown contact made toward any the EOF: family regarding ANTSONE O took . Decender, 1974, at Mieni, Floride, whe ANTHOIT CIAcAL JAMES P. HOFFA (Hoffe's son) in the hallwey of 2 cond + building being shared by GIACALOTE and J GIACALO! During this neeti told Hoffa's son that ANTHONY PROVSY NO was seying sone unpleasant things about JRE, and pressed Hoffa's son to have his father “set tos sthe” their divferences". During this Roffa's son that GIACAL too drunk to discuss any matters. gBS, Hoffa's son, ANPSONY GIACAIONE and his brother VITO GIACALON Coincidently, this recting took place the day after ANTHONY GIACALONE hed been arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Detroit, for a Mail Fraud wiolation, and the sane day JEE appeared before the FGI sitt: in Detroit. TRH wes aware of the meeting per his son, end the contents of the neeting, again centered around JBE's meeting hh ANTHONY PROVENZANO to "settle differences" and "clear the air". 3 URE advised both GIACALONEs he did not wish to meet with PEOVENZANO, celling PROVENZANO "e bun". According to young FOF GIACAIONEs persisted dm their attedpts to arraase stating “there's got to be a meeting", and further advising JRH that FROVENZANO was agreeable to meet JRH any place, any tine. The = ting terminated with HOFFA telling both GIACAIONEs he would not meet OVENZANO anywhere. . On June 3, 1975, JRE end bis wife, JOSEFHDIE, 2 to traveled to San Francisco, Califoraia, end fro= th Gas on Juze S$. While las Veges, Nevada, arriving at Les in Ias Vegas, HOFFA net MORRIS SH=NE=R, and parportedly also met with MOE as a fo: vootle, Rancho LaCosta. -8- Qa June 25, 1975, to New Yor city returning to his Michigan re same evening, purpose ef the trip untmoen. The following day, JBH, traveled to his cabin in Michigan's Upper Peninsual where he was Joined by his son, JAMES P. EOFFA and friends. ; According to Mrs. HOFFA, he returned to Lake Orion, Michigan on July 5, 1975,-which wes earlier than bed been +‘ anticipated, and was transported to hie home fron Detroit's Metropolitan Airport by IOUIS LINTSAU, of Airport Service isnes (ASL). Oa July 6, or July 12, 1975, (the July 6th date per Mrs. HOFFA, the duly 12th date per Hoffa's sox), ANTHONY axa -VIT0 GIACAIONE met JRE et his Iake Orion residence, and epon termination of this meeting, JRH told his wife that the GIACAIONEs wanted bin to assist then ia getting ALLEN DORFMAN to help the GIACAIONEs in someway! Farther, pri: to Hrs. EOFFA's departure for Florida on July 20, 1975 (perhaps July 10, 1975) JRE received a telephone cell at his residen e from ANTHONY FROY ZANO, per told his hie that VEHZANO bal 2 unknown matter, told his wife he did sot plan in helpin: dn any wey. oe Investigation reveals thet LOUIS LINTEAU of ASL ané a neighbor of JR's, confirmed that TONY and VITO GIICLIONE net with JRY at his residence on July 26, 1975. According to LINTEAU, JRH told bin a meeting wes s et for Wednesday (July 30, 1975) at the MRP Restaurant, nature of asd participants at the meeting were unknown to LEYTEAU. Om July 28-29, 1975, Jz picked up his wire et Detroit's Metropolitan Airport upon ber return from Florida. The following day July 29, 1975, he set with Detroit Mayor beve been confirned. — - : ———E—Em On July 50, 1975, JRE left bis residence at Lake oricn, at approxizately 1:10 - 115 p.m. and proceeded to the offices of ASL where he departed at 1:30 p.m. and from there he MRF, His whereabouts since that tine are unknown. : conctUSTONS : Based on the above investigation, it is felt toat were acting in a capacity of Rediators, to settle unknown differences between JRH and Ant WY FROVENZANO. It is apparent that JN resisted this ting for a lengthy period ead reasoas as to is velentiss to finally seet FRO: IZANO are unclear. vities ere centered around the fact that al: information regarding reetings between JRY and the CIACAIONEs axe furniched by -10-" oe Be ae e parties bei es only. Tb ae i gpree part és . BOFPA, and LOUIS LINTEAU. The credivilicy isien, and PAU is unknown to the Detroit Di coneition of Hrs. HOFFA was such es to raise quest go ner ability to recall certein events. Further, it appears thet Hoffa's son had been purposely éxciuded from pany dealings regarding his father and Ia Cosa Nostra connections. B. Airport Service Lines, Incorporated (ASL) This is a business engaged in the transportetion of Andividuels between Detroit Metropolitan Airport and various hotels in the Metropolitan ares. Tee business is located in Pontiac, Michigen, and = officiel, end 4s operated by LOUIS LINTEAU, ex-Teanst! a friend of JRE, end CYNTHIA GREEN, elso e« “friend of the : HOFFA femily. . Investigation at ASL bas consisted of num terviews of both Mr. LINTEAU and Ms. GREEN, as w: as all ‘office euployees and selected drivers. Further, various records, 4.e. tine cards, etc., were given to the FEI voluctarily, ineat and have been thoroughly reviewed for additonal per interviews. Information resulting fron tee indicates that Ln U had set vetween people wishing to see IRE : -1- EMrzau revealed that on et least tvo ANTHONY GIACALONE went through him to attempt meetings with JRH. The proposed dates for these tx | peetings being July 145, 16, oF 17, 1975, and July 22, Ba, 1975. LONPEAU purportedly furnished JRE with these requests, and was not avare of the outcone othe= thet the meetings never took place. LINTEAU has stated that he went to the residence o& July 26, 1975, and was told by Mr. HOFFA had just spoken to the GIACALONEs and "the meet: “de eet for Wednesday, ot the Machus". a LOIVTEAU steted that he wes not asked te go to tt meeting, nor did he pursue the nature of the meeting Me. HOFFA, as he felt EOFFA would nave told hin’ ir be 59 desired. i. "Om guly 29, 1975, LENTFAU called JRE at ni residence and asked what JPH had planned the folloy yto which JR: replied "ot! at two o'clock, nothing". / @he activities of Mr, LINTEAU on July 30, 1975. as provided by hin, are as follows: He and OTA ‘ departed ASL at approxin 4:40 p.c. which LINTEAU volunteered vas carlier than They traveled to a back in downto! = Pontiac, Mich: a then on to a resteurent, stopping at a store enroute, t5 4 to make a purchase, LINTEAU adv ellow Ms. GR aaa door . / ‘peturned to'ASE at epproxinately 3:05 p.s., and upon his yeturn, was advised by bis personnel that ASL, at 1:30 p.m., asking for hin. At this point LIVTEAU advises that } bis office at ASL and made 2 telephone cell to Iecel 299, EST, Detroit, Michigan, and shortly thereafter, the process to talking to an official at Detioit Metroze airport, when he was edvised by ELMER REEVES, a= exployee of ASL, that JRH was ‘on ‘the other line for hin. placed the tine of the HOFFA calzaE 3:30 p.=. Me_ 3? 30 Pe . Dering the conversation with JRA, NEEAU was . REPS ey ee rere A asked by HOFFA if the GIACATONEs had called, to which Lk replied in the negative. JR then advised LINTEA0 "t bestards are on hour snd a half late to reet = fusther advised LIOWPEAU that he was departing the M&F enroute tovhis residence, inasmuch as Mrs. HOFFA had steak 4i planned for 4:00 p.m. However, JRH advised LIN stop at ASL enroute. — 0 terendent Give stisation bas detersined that the ‘employees of ASL all concut that JRE did in fact err: ASL at approxinately 1:30 p.m. he pulled dato the and in fact sagas: an the garege area, This enployes stated JRH into the outer office of ASL where he “an enployee that he, JRH wanted LOUIS LINTS : -13- Kd sth bin. He further ateted to the eaployees that he hed ag meeting at the MAF with TONT G., and at this point the exployee advised he could no long: r hear any of the conversation. mis employee bas further stated that he remained inside ASL for approxinately five minutes, and as he was leaving, JBH wes elso in the process of le end they departed into the gerage area together. JRE told this employes he did not bave the time to discuss a probles this eaployee was having wegarding his pension, telling the exployee "I've got this meeting and, I've got to meet on tin Further investigation revealed that a telephone call wes placed from ASL to Tocal 299, et 2:35 p.n.,: according to the records of the Michigan Bell Telephone Company. Further, THOMAS CARSON, Supervisor at Detroit Metropolitan Airport, the individual LINTEs U adnits talking to, when the EOEFA telephone call.was received at ASL, atates be overheard 2 feuele tell LINTEAU that JRE was om another line. CARSON lplaces the tine of this telephone call betweea 1:50 end 2:30 p.n., stating that he believed it was closer to 2:30 Runerous intervies LINTEAU's time regarding the inconin: mor does anzo! all answering the EOFFA call. -L4- FET f LINTEAU's activities es pro ed by him reveal that he traveled to = locel outdoor entertains t center nt 5:30 p.m., in the company of Ms. GREEN end JOE BANE, SR., president of Tocal 614, IBT, to discuss certein labor probl eins experie: dat this lece UU edvises that he returned ‘to ASL after a brief stop at his residence at approximately 10:00 p.m. 7 Upon xe vurning to ASL, LINTE ‘messages from U aid not observe any » So’ he called the 50: AD idence and spoke to Mrs. EOF: . who advised him of “EO! 6 feilure to return ox: During this call Mes. EOFFA told IDTEW ip? the 2:15 pom. call she Lad xeceived fron her husband, and of “her ecncesa for Bis safety. EINTEAU advis do sone checking and get back te & Yes. HOFFA he vould At this point LINTEau initially stated he called the MRF and paged JZE with no success and then called JOE BANE, SB., to advise hin of the situation. LINTEAU later stated, after being confronted : with the fect, that’ BANE bad denied such e call, ps ke did not call 2. then acknovledged thet perhay “imitielly Lov: hed edvised that BAYE told i= during this eall to recontact the MEF end have TRY paged in a second dining rooz, which LINTEAU stated be dic with no suceess He then called at what he believed GIACALer to be GIACA s soa's with th facts as kaown swith GTACAIONE, which were denied tis- He then celled Cyimets GREE to telling mroceed to the HOFFA residence snd left for the resid! binself, arriving a little after 11:00 p-=. ZINTEAU, “ns, GREEN, and Mrs. HOFFA rezained at the resid ace through the evening and following morning, and at Jely 31, 1975, LINTEAU left the residence HOFFA's vehicle. He stopped at ASL, end called JOZ BsNz, SR advising BANE that JPH hed not returned to his residence end of his intention to proceed to the MRF to look for the HO. webicle. : . eo where he saw that he err: * .LENTEAU stat: Me. HOFFA's green Grenville, end celled Ms. GREEN at the HOJFA residence from a pay telephone edjacent to the restenrant in a shopping cent .' ° From this point, he returned to ASL, whereupon he‘notified the police and JOS JAMES P. HOPPA wes called in Traverse, City, Michigas,w Mes. HOFFA. - ' Investigation es to LOTEAU's state Phat JOE BANE, s ent eveals states tb t and only call he received from LDNPEAU was during the morning of July 31, 1975, at which tine LINTEAU advised his of the location of HO. Further, Hrs, i. ts any checking regardis stay at the residence. IMTEAU is known in the Met: politan Detroit esea as (, notorious "con man” and "an individual who would do anything for e buck". It is felt LIVTEAU was rade awere of the July 50, and ANTHONY PROVENZi2O 4975, meeting with Mr. GIACATG: py JER during the July 26, 1975, meeting at the EO: ‘Jy residence, and more than likely was either told ty I> U that LINTEAU's presence at least JRF implied to LIN was expected at the meeting en July 30, 1975. . FROB: 7 LOVTEAU's mesory is bad, oither genuinely o= by design. Further, he provides a msJozity of the informatics wegerding the HOFFA - GIACALONE relationship. LINTEAU elso holds 2ll employées at ASE usder his firm control, to euch a Sees ese eee eee eee LINTEAU tells tue to". Continue record Yeview and interviews LONTEAU's activities between the hours of 1:60 on July 30, 1975. & interviews will» ducted away from . MAGHUS RED FOX RESTAURUT (27) This restaurant, the location of the plansed peoting between JRE and ANTEO.TS GIACALONE and ANTEONS PROVENZLNO, is located in a medium si 4 shoppi 4m one of the nost affluent ereas of Oekland County, Michigan. The restaurent is one of several operated dy the sese conpany in the Surburban De it sree extremely populer. The nunber of iadividuals in the ares of, the restaurant and adjacent shopping center rekes it ons of the Dusiest areas to be found at the luncheon hour. Investigation in the vicinity of the MRF consisted ef hundreds of interviews at the resteurent itself, * ‘shopping center, including exployees of the various establish ments, and large surrounding neighborhood. Purthersore, all é=ployees of the WBF were _ interviewed, reservation lists, walk-in parties and tines, were obtained. The restaurant rece available ell credit card charges and house cherge slips ac well as guest checks yhich contained tine stamps showing the tine an order arrived at the were the cash register receipt topes for July 30, 1975, end through a £ the above. the De oners into the restuuran’ was able to pl their food, and paying their Bills within s suck mere speci: tine frane than the witnesses thenselves were edie to co pased on recall. te vast majority of investigation in ex the MBF vas negative regarding any sightings of JRE, or exy unusual activities. However, this investigation did reveal si wit: guly 50, =e Bud of these witnesses, five spoke to JHA. Tae tines cf these five spoke to JRA dses to the presence of JPR at the sightings as recalled by th 2:00 Pit to 2: 5 FM. One of the witnesses, cussion, was advised by JRE that about to undergo a cataract operation, a fact \mown to the general public. All of the eye-witnesses stated that JHE appeared to be vaiting for soxeone but none coult provide any information as to the method of departure J2 utilized from the MRF. Investigation at the MRF nas failed to place acy oth known participants to the July 50, meeting in vicinity. However, one witness does place SALVATORE BRIGUGLIO in the MPF parking lot which is being covered don the exten: vavinity of the MRF, it is felt that JHH was not physically -15- abducted at the restaurant on July 30, 1975. Further, it 4 that JRH arrived at the MBP et approxinately ds belie 2:00 PM and departed from the area of the MHF et eppro:i- —— mately 2:45-50 PM. PROSEE'S Fo significant problens regarding this wo than the leck-of any the investigation have occurred ott eye-witnesses to JK departure fr restaurant. aatrez= np mir FESDIGATION sziewing and Detroit is in the process of x displaying photographs to known custouers at thé MRF on” July 30, based on information now evailable regarding @ more specific tine frane established throush 2 review of the previously méntioned records. It is hoped that the nore precise tine elemeht may assist these custoners in recalling their activities prior to, during end after their luncheon at the MEY. 5 Be . -20- a D. "oN _JOs: Ot RRrEy Iavestigation regarding O'BRIEN has included bis activities prior to end efter JR's disappeorecce, associates, relatioaship with TONY GILACATONE and use of and access to JOEY GIACAIONE's 1975 Mercury. Two lengthy interviews with O'BRIEN vere conducted on August 6 end 18, 1975. Monday. July 28, 1975 - He said he was in his office all dey bis belongings at Teassters Headquarters in Detroit pa . | because he was being reassigned to the Bouthara Conference of Teazsters in Florida. MIRVIN ADELE, vith J. retains tor tue prio: year or 50, ezopped tin off 8 15 Mile Boad and Telegraph at.6:00 aM, (It is noted this ds the intersection where the IRF is located). . 50 ROLES, JR. picked hin up at about 8:20 AN, they dropped Sit BOIME’s son at school an¢ he arrived at bic office at about 9:00 AM. Ee rénained et bis office ror the renainder of the dey with no lunch, got 2 ride hone with MARVIU ADELE “end stayed with ADEID ell night. Muecday, July 29, 1975 - O'BRIEN s ag schedul Anteivicw that bis ao the vicinity of the Oo Pit, but could not he was at the office all day until recall how he got bone. He dined out that ev. the MARVIN ADELIs at a Chines: resteurent and returned to ‘their resideace for the evening, nei raking any cells. In the August 18, 1975 i bis story to say that at epproxizetely 1:00 > be was taken by JOE FRANCO to a golf outing at Brock Country Club. He did not pley golf end vas cropped off at the ADELL residence at about 5:00 PN, staying there x the rest of the night. (Ca August 8, 1975, JO: FRANCO seid he vas presest dn O'BRTEN's office around 2:00 PM, July..29, and told O'BRIEN he was to go to a golf olting when O'BRIEN asked hin for a ride to the ADELIs. They left at about 2:00 Pi play golf. FRANCO says he dropped O'BRIEN off et 5:30 Fit at the ADEIL 00 or - A photograph of the two wes taken at the outing. dnother witness, WILLIAM PROCES seys O'BRIEN . was seen by hin et the country club between 8:00 : 10:00 FM.) . O*RSTEN said bé celled TONY ef July 29, 1975, et JOEY Clicatone's dy ‘TO: GIACALONE that ke would be et eClud all dey om July 30, 1975, because be had there, was gesting a haircut end be ne uy Wednesday. July 30. 1975 - Oa August S, 1975, O'SRIEH said he was scheduled to go to Toronto, to a Teensters meeting, but because of his transfer to the Southern -22- eonferesce and because Other Teazsters would be in ettendence, he decided not to 60. In the sane interview he sei¢ ADEIL dropped his off at 8:00 AM, FOINES, OR. picke? bic. about 6:20 1M, and he arrived et his office at On August 18, 1975, O' SREY said he cecided on bis own net to g9 to Toronto on July 30, 1975, 6 5 again 4t yould be 2 wasted day if he were to 50. (BOBBY FOIMGS, SR. advised O'SSTEN did not tell im he wes not going end in fact he, EOIMES, weitet for O'BRIEN et the airport in vein.) O'BRIEN said at ebout 9:15 Ai he called PORSY HOLMES, JR. saying he ves sot going to Toronto end requested he bo picked up at the usual place “ADELL Gropned hin off et the intersection at about 8:05 4m. O'BRIEN bought a paper and sat on the cress curb until 8:30 AM ween EOLMES picked biz up. Vnile in his office at 11:15 AM = seczetexy told _ him a fish had errived air freight. O'BETEY signed for it, 2 40 pound saison seat by @ friend in Seattle to EOB HOLMES, SP. O'BRIEN took 4 upon ninsers to a ex the fish to HOINES, 5) ‘sg residence in Feraingto: O'EPIEY said the Minion station wegen was not available as the keys could not be located. O'SRIEN then called a GIAcALD 11:50 oF Ll: aise the street, pink vox got on his white sport shirt, i . -23- j . me put the package om the lefe rear floor area proppiag it against the seat. After dropping off GIACALONZ, he took the fish to the HOLMES residence. O'BRIEN estimated in the interview om August 16, that he arrived et the HOLMES residence at 1:00 PM, leaving at 2:15 or 2:25 FM. In the size interview, he then said 4 was 12:30 PM, departing 1:15 to 1:30 F : (tes. VIOLET EOLMES as sted him in cutting up the fish. She advised he ar ved 1:40 PI and remained until ebout 2:20 or 2:30 FM. O'BRIEN nade tvo attempts to make telephone calls but received no answer.) O'BRIEN said he tried to cell TONY GIAcatoNe at Phe Southfield Athletic Club and wes told GIACLIONE ves getting 2 rubd down end he cou! a not be distrubed end the call was terminated. A second call was made to MERVIN ADELL's office, but O' BRT: EN said he was told ADELE was out. ADELL said he got a call fron O'ERIEN between 2:00 PM end 2:30 FM. > 4s he left he saw the packase hed leaked onto the eeat exd floor mat - left rear end went to Jax Car Yash arriving about 2:15 PM and depart. ebout 2:40 Pr charged ges to bis Teas to bis own car wash chacge (The Standard O11 charge slip obta: cil conpeay for a $9.26 purchase on July 30, 19/5. ‘Tne : -24- - “Blip shows no time ste=p end efforts to get co: records at the cer wash were negative * g reguler prectice, shortly after Augus Anterviews were also negative.) oratiag they wer destroyed, 1, 1975. Esployee : O'BRIEN then changed bis errival time to 1:45 PM : end departure time to 2:00 PM. O'BRIEN then said he then went to the Bouthfielc “gtnletiec Club, first saying ke errived there eat 2:55 PH or + 3:00 FM, and later changing thie to 2:15 PM. a O'BRIEN said he went past the receptionist looking } for GTACALONS. (Receptionist “said O'ASTEN was not there that dey.) However, he found GIACALONE in the halle. - Smnediately outsi e the Southfield athletic Club. 9 Za the interview on August 6, O'BRIEN said he met with GIACATONS before his haircut. In the interview on August 18, O'BRTEY sei¢ he saw GIACAIONE after the haircut, thea reconsidered end NE after the haircut, seid he saw GIACLIONS before the baircut. afte: $100.00 bid. LACALO! fro! 5 son and daughter, O/SRIEN said be left at 3:15 F Bas non ‘thea ‘chenged his departing tine to JOE GIACALONE's office, estins! as graduation accepting ifts for (assusing he departed the Southfield Athletic Club at 2:30 PM). after 10 minutes he left with JOEY GTAc. car aad in the August 18, 1975, a . \ oo. t ew, said he did not ' now the time he gov to nis orrice, bu: bed left for the day. (She leaves at 4 of arrival at bis office to 3:35 Bu. + then changed his tis He got a ride to the Jax Car Wash fron fellow Geanster JOZ VALENTI. On dugust 6, 1975, O'BRIEN tote the FBI he left with VALEUTI et 5:00 PM, arrived at t car wash at 6:10 Fit where aD: : 2 Im the August 18, 1975, interview, ke said picked hin up at €:15 EX. . left with VaLENTI before 5:60 FM and arrived at the ces wash at 5:45 PM. After ap=it got his car washed, they ¢xove to ADELL's hone. ° (VALENTI said on dugest 5, 1975, thet o celled him et adout 4:00 ta 4:10 Fi requesting a rice. 3 B ° R They left at 4:30 or 4:35 PM, and O'BRIEN was drop > . ° - In the interview oa. hugust 16, O'ERIE says at 2 restaurant ecross from the car wash went out to eat with the ADSils that evening at abe’ 9:30 PM to a Chinese restaurest, and they retusned to residence after an hour or sc. He said he made a lo: distance call that evenips to his wife in West Avkensas, and received ne inconing calls. Thursday, July 52. 2 - 0 residence with ADEEL and was aph. After buying north of the MRF. He did act oe oee " gront of the restaurant. He seid he kiows the cer, but dia not see it parked where the police later zecovercd it. O'BRIEN arrived at his office at about sage from BABS. In mid-morning, he received 2 ae to call LOUIS LINTEAU since 525 did not core hoz LINTELU told hin'the "old mas" was missing end Hoffa's son had returned to bis Troy residence froz a vacation. peid he thes called Hoffa's son, ead these two above celts were a& 2:00 PM. . 4t 2:30 Pi, he Med him up about a belf hour later end they ied JOEY GIACALONE for a ride. ALONE's apartment. TONY GIACALONE wes’ there INTEAU had called him to cee whether he, GIACALONS, at with bin the pr: = daz end/or had an eppoiz (uty J0,.1975)- GIACALONE Yold O'BRIEN thet be izfor fintnent with hin end did not know bis whereabo: ? imNTZAU thet he had not seen JZH and did not bave en . left with JOEY GIACATONE who wes erroute to e ADELEs at about dina: arrived et th fe called Hoffa's son. After borrowing sDELL’s west to 6iis father's . : +t Lape . " Seiday. Aueuct 2. 1975 - dt edout 2:50 AM,.O'ERIEX weat to Eeffa's son after he bad JOE NE, JR. cone to th residence to protect the fazily. O'BRIEN said he set wits Eoffa's son and accused by Hoffa's son of knowing more then he ves saying. O'BRIEY s Hoffa's son wes ing like a ffa's som wes tired prosecutor. O'BSTEN said he felt.thet and thought it best to leave, Which he did et, ebour 4:45 aM. - As he was leaving, O'BRIEY said be was asked to exrange © necting between Hoffa's son und TONY GIACALONE for the next dey. O'BRIEN egreed to do it anc returned to ADELE‘ ec. O'BRIEN called GIACALONE in the morcing saying “Horfa's son wanted to meet, end GIACALONE, he said, responded that he would do anything he could to help. GIACAZONE tole hin thet LIVTZAU hed called again and he denied a July 30, 2975, meeting and did not mow anything. 7 " O'BRIEN thea seid He called Hoffa's som seying GIACAIONE would seet, and Eoffa's son seid he and his sister would handle it. . : O'EBTIEN agai: Tealled GIACAIONE, soid he called GINCaTONe end tole hin yhat Eoffa's sen would arrange & meeting binse O'BREEY said he not ed) ffa's son, nor did te say Hoffa's son was trying to “set bir up”. O'BRIEY said sone time oa ¢: August 1, 1975, 2 went to JOEY GIACATONE's apart: ~28- “gad bis wite and JOEY GIACAION GIACALD: 8 Cadillac and they went te the St. St. Gleir, Michigan. During the diss GIACAIONE told biz he would neke & b bin the next day. . Be spest the night veillezce dugast 1, 1975. At no O'BRIEN seen in the cohp of Grscatoun. (an Bad bis wife, JOEY, end a youns ferele, belieVed THORNGON, departed JOEY GIACATONE's apartcent ic The vehicle was lost in trsffic. The Cadilied, GIACAIONS driving, ret) ned to the epart=: passengers who could not be identified. oxizately'120 miles round trip. with enployees and several cust “Detwees s of the St. GIACALONES there.) aot thet later that evening, be weat to dincer wi (Detroit Police Depertment hed GIACATONS und: th TONY + Ee said he drove TONY Clair Ina in on sumiss 1. 1995. was NM. TOMY oe ETE the Cadillec. Interviews Claiz Ins 7:09 and 9:00 PM failed to place O'BRIEN or the Saturday. Aucust 2. 1975 - O'BRIEN seid he celled TONY GIACALon ‘at appoints: +t et the Southfield the ba= che Ciud.) He said be net the bazbes. hop. (Barber confiz=as - -29- i in the morning and wes told he bad 2 1:00 Pit o'BaIET s: he left the Southfield athletic Club complex at. about 3:30 PM end went to the ADELL residence, ater attending ROBERT ADELL's weddings. ° Sunday, Ausust 3. 1975 - O'BRTEN said he flew to Yest Mexphis, arkansas, to be with his vite, leaving sometime around 9:00 am. He said in his dugust 6, 1975, interview, he reseined taocre until he heerd the FEI was looking for him to interview bin end returned to Detroit om August 6, 1975. . In the int view cn August’ 18; O'BRIEY said be 7 forgot to tell the FSI he was in Weshington, D.C. at Teanster Headquarters to exrense for new cred: cards, etc. for his new Southers Confereace assignsest. He eaid ke dey 72iNz FITZSUMONS only to say "hello" and returned to West Mecpiis after 6:00 FH. (FITZSIMONS told the FBI he in fact hed a meeting with O'BRIEY that dey end dinected O'BRIEN to return to Detroit to meet with the FBI.) : CONCLUSTONS ° It appears fren all investigation to date, that O'BSTEY was used es an in gastrusent by TONY GIACALONE in the @isappeerance of JPZ. O'BRIEN is known to be one of the - , ¢ 1 fe¥ persons JRE vould get into a car with. | Q'BRIEI as alleged | | GIACALONE f£. a large sun of despite his denials to have with JRY in the Fall of 1975 _— inconsistencies and untmiths which collateral inte: O'BRIEN, by his cwa admission, was in the of the MBF on July 30, 1975. 4a eyewitness hes pheced his there with JRE in a Mercury siniler to JOzY GILcsIC: (See Eyewitness Section.) It is possible he hed zo. po: wmowledge of en abduction whea he pic! up, dus certainly hes detailed knowledse of later events. . Purther, O'SRIEN's activities and bebe’ he moved to Florida ere suspect, at the very leest. had no definable du sith the an Ganterecce vetle draws his $25,000.00 plus per yee> salary. Prioz te Cz’ eed en enero eee 1975, he moved back to West Me=phis, Arkassss ed back to West Mesphis, Arkasse5, sau! union functions evea nore unclear while he is ell wgporting directly to F2iN= FITZSIMONS. aes ere eee O'ERIEN's two (2) FBI interviews sze repleat «: have proved. O'BRIEN is described by even his closest f: as a’pathological lier who borders on bei totally inc His closest asrociates with organized crime and/or affiliation refuse to to the FEI, and as O —— nent before the have taken th more difficult -31- ASL employees identified hin as at-least one of the people JR mentioned he was to meet with at the MRF on July 30, 1975. (In view of the fact that this has been docunested in other investigative sections of this report, this section Will deal with whet 4s known of GIACAIONE's association yith ‘gak ‘and his activities during pertin ds). GIACALO! dship with JRE has been well docurente: over the years, and within th Ie Cose Nostra. GIACALONE is considered the Teazster contect man. GIACALONE's ex-girl sy EXHET;SVEVEX FARIS_Geceesed) was CnUCETE BEESTEILS mother. SYLVIA and JOSEPHINE HOF, “ ood friends, eng as O:BRIEX got older, he was eoudlly close to JRH sore : GIACAIONS, It is believed that tbrough these associations, ~ . GIACALOWE always knew whet vas happening with JRE end the " meansters. However, after JR was released from prison with his imposed union rest > he served no useful purpose to exgcazoité, and there is not 2 grest deal Of om m contact two men. the increased 7 Detween the dicates f Oa July 30, 1975, GIACALONE arrived at the SAC et 41:00 a.m. and left Inte in the afternoon. This has b: O'BRIE; stated he saw GIACALONE at SAC July 30, 1975, which was verified verified through extensive investigati oth were seen deparing SAC at 2:30 or 2:45 p.m. July 30, 1975. on office fron there O'BRIEN stated he then returned to his un: asd said that GIACAIONE told bir that he was going to see ic friend, BERNIE HU@PUREY, whose office is located in the sane complex as the SAC. This inforration wes verified when HUMPHREY advised that GIACALONE was in his office fron approximately 3:00 until approsdinately 4:15 p.m.. Their departure fri the SAC complex had been veri. Zed by additional [ievectigation, Atsost everyone interviewed at exe SAC complex revealed that GIACALOUE definitely eppeared to be establishing inasz a ch as he made bimself very visible, wi ck is not his normal style. : 2. Investigation revealed (and reported in other section) thot severel lmown telephone asd personal contacts occurred between O'BRIEN end GILCATONE during the following four days left for West Mexphis, Arkansas, which is his wife's bore, on Sundey, August 2, 7975.” coxcLustow It is belicved that because of extensive investigatica inte the activities of GIACALOIUE oa July 30, 1975, his apparent atten; = to establish an alibi, he definitely 3 -33- a het up the seeting that day, however r-ple S$ met with GIACALONE at the SAC at approximately 24 to ettend. Yaen 0'BRID 2130 or 2:85 p.m., St is believed that he either wes receiving additions] instructions or perhaps bad gotten "cold feet" end was trying to get out of Bie pert is the crine. O'BRIEN, in bis interview, indicated that he saw GIACALONE et ¢ vecause GIACALC! SAC NE wented to give him two $100 bills to give to his two children for geeduation presents. If the assumption is correct that O'SRIEY was trying not to becoze involved in the disappearence, this would explain why ed to wait et the MRP for a long period of time. PROBLEY @he problens concerning tris investigation is the sane as every other portion of investigation in » tb O'BRIE 4s involved, nasely,O'BRIEW is a hebitual lie=. GIACALONE refuses to be interviewed end took the Fifth Amendment efore the Detroit Federal Grend Jury. Since no information can be obtained from hin, other sources of information must be relied upoa. = 2 z TONY PZO's nane is closed in this case elsost isnediately following the disappearance of JRE when it was muspected that it was he who JBH was to meet at the MBF ea July 30, 19/5. (Facts surrounding this meeting nave been discussed in previous investigative s sions.) Initiel Anvestigation was limited to en interview of hin scoz the disappesrance at which time he seid he was in New Jersey ea July 30, 1975, end kmew nothing abot the whereabouts of vRE. TONY FS was subpoensed before Detroit FGJ, Septenber 5, 1975, but refused to testify. Even though TONY P! 0 continues bo be a suspect, no further evidence was developed to * corfoborate information that he was to meet JPE oa July 30, 1975 However, on November 5, 1975, RALPH PICARDO (protect Degen to furnish information to Bureau Agents regarding cr activities of TONY PRO, SALVATORE end GAHPTEL EETGUGLIO end TSOMAS and STEPHEN ANDRETTA, ell New Jersey Tea=sters associated with Local S69. PICARDO contended that he hed onal kmowledse of two other abor vz TONY FRO Taese purportedly occurred in Novesber of 1973, and Decenber of 1974. on a life. However, source did not mow who vecenne that these plans were not carried cut PICARDO alleges that in August, 1975, 5 rew after the disappecrancs Sersez State P. entiary (where he is Secend Degree Murder) by STE MARGIN SHINDLE2 to transact business Incorporated, a business owned by PICH ANDRETTA and SEINDIZR were out cf the ro edxSesions end references that PRO volved in the JHH disappearence and Eetet that the body was brought back to New Jersey by Gateway Transpostetion eC ee See SEE SE Cospany. STEPEEN ayn: in Detroit, RETTA stated that he vas not present but had stayed in New Jersey to provide en alll for‘TONY FRO. Investigation ‘at Newark shove? that PICARDO ees was visited by ANDRETTA snd SHINDLE2 during the ee ee time period, During interview of FROVENZANO cleined he was wi TEE‘ Giseppeerence. FICARDO speculates thes the ANDPETTAs ‘and ERIGUGLIOs ere FROV=K associates, that it would follow if P20’ in the disappearence of JBH they would t should be noted that usre illegal ec a by PICARDO. 360 in which nuns SOUSLUSTOUS, . TONY PRO served tine in Lewisbers Prisoa with @uring which tice it was reported thet we very g00d friends, they had a “felling their incerceratioz e during This arginest was repozt caused by JRE's refusal to assist’ TONY PRO in rece =e type of Meamster pension money which he felt JP= could ge for Bin. Bone sources have indicated other reescas for this fight. However, the restoration of TONY PRO's passion is prevalent reason. the most One thing seens certein, th: ergotent which resulted in'these two individ ewes an enenies prior to their release from pr It is believed that if Pic. DO's into: correct, TONY PEO was responsible for JRE's disappenrence and used his continued attempts to beve e seeting with JRE as an excuse for the set-up on July 30, 1975. Deteils of © the ebduction, if eny, are unknown; ho: AND: oh end the ERIGUGLIOs ‘figure to heve hed e pest FROSLEMS It appears as if TONY asd VETO G: to pirsuade JRH to attend this meet: diso, 4£ the Detroit LON was used to essist in the, disappearance, it 4s ‘uakno way the bedy would be transported back to New Jersey when Detroit Organized Crine people have proven in the past that they are cepable of teking care of such things. . f G. FUYSICAL EVIDEIcE ¥ Investigation to date has developed the following physical evidence: - “4. On July 31, 1975, e 197% Pontiac Grandville, two door, green with green vinyl top, 1975 Michigen license ERE-642, was obtained end determined to be the vehicle owned end driven on July 30, 1975; by JRE. Twenty-four latent fingerprints were obteined from ‘this vehicle by the Mick! gen Btate Police Crime Laboratory who conducted this exanination. Photographs of these ints were obtained end sent to the ¥BI Laboratory. Pour of these le! nts were of and twe of those were ident: reanin ied as those of TBH. of the lirts were unacceptable for comparison in their present fora. Nuzerous comparisons w: possible suspects in this case to date leave the remain: two latent fingerprints unidentified. : : 2. On August 9,.1975, 2 1975 marcos 2 ¥ Achigan licens? m1s+446;" wa’ Soot a97Sttichigan Licel \ search warrant issued at Detroit. This vehicle waich is owed vy JOSEFH GIACALONE, TONY GIACATON=! E's son, wis seized because CHUCEIE O'BRIEN had advised it was the vehicle ne bed driven saver of July 30, 1975. The vehicle was sterchet \. thoroughly oa August 9, 1975, vy FBI Iaborat Twenty-six latent fingerprints end tvo pale were taken from the vel cle. & Recington Wi 1 : : -33- Ei i: i glnp shotgua vas located in a black case in the trust the trunk was a box of 272 sau, double zero bu: as well as nuserous -38 end .22 caliber bullets wi were located in the glove compartment. Under th: peat was a black leather pistol holder. Ten of the letent ri prints which were were identical to these of CHR Lo RIEN axd one identical to the Agent who seized the caz. Of AS have not been identified to date. Os August 13 and August 15, 1975, + Gers scent dogs which belong to both the Bloomfield Tovnsh: Department and THOMAS P. MC GINN fron Fhiladelphie, Gwhose dogs have been used in numerous Bureau cases past) were brought in. ALL three dogs have excell reputations in the field of match: ng vedy scents. dogs indicated e etroag indication ef JRE sc! rear right seat of above Vehicle vehigie which could) not be coz since the scent of JRE could One dS 3S have drifted there seat. Both reiners of these dogs indicated © reactions Clearly indicated th ab sone tine back seat of that vehicle. A FBI Laboratory report dated Sep reported that in't a single three inch brown head » 0- . previously subaitted. Based on the cosparisons, could not be elinin ated that these bairs originated sane perso 4 positive reaction for Pee renee onl otne sc Miieereeaton ; for additional tests. 3. Pane Showing James R. FA Apvoin: Ga August 4, 1975, JOSEPHINE HOFFA provi ef scheduled events or notes which she advised were JRE's handwriting. his note appears to be a list of activities and/or telephone calls JRE felt he had to make for several days prior to his disappearance. The following notation appears in the middle of eleven other notations * PG 230 Wed 14 Mile Tel Fox Rest Meple Road". This paper was found taped to his lemp shade on his desk which was apparestly what JRE did with impostant messages. It sould be noted thet JRH later thought the m ting was for 2 o'clock p.m. because that is what he told LOUIS LINTE: U end his wite, JOSEFHINE. However, it is usimown if he actually told the People the wr he wrote the wro: piece’ of paper. y, it was believed that be waere the note was found that this message wes teken over the telephozs, but later took many wsages fros differcat pieces of popes and prepared'o: list for all appointuents end notes. : a : The address "14 Mile Tel" is incorrect, (the correct address is 15 Mile or Maple Road es it is scnetincs called, and Telegraph Road, indicating he wes not eccustoned so going to the MRF on a regular basis. The words "Maple Road” which is the correct street, was written by @ different pea indicating he probably later locked up the address oF, received additions] information concersing the correct address, from someone else. Interestingly, he was lest seez on the north side of the restaurant, vbich would be the Maple pied side of the restaurant, and alse’ bis car was perked on that side, indicating that the "Meple Road" could heve been an edditionel message telling hic w he was to velt dn relationship to the restaurent. restaurant requires a suit and tie which he was not wearing, indiceting that the. necting probably never was intendedto be inside the pestavcoss (Retails about the investigation at the Red wl vox dan be found in other 5 & e sections.) LENE-UP 1D 1239.9 ‘EENE-UP AD EYE tesone ‘On Decesber #, 1975, daned on information provided jars source, THOMAS ANDRETTA, SALVATORE BRIGUGLIO, end G ERIGUGLIO were brought before the Detroit FGI end asked if they would voluntarily appear before o line-up conceraing the disappearence of JRE. Each cf then exsw no aot yere then teken before U.S. District Judge JAMES CHEU2ZCELLL wero ordered then to appeer in a line-up to be Decenber 6, 1975- here ais order by the judge was the result of a FGJ request that a line-up be held based on inforaation they bad received thst possibly eny one of the three in- eee ee a The line-up was held as plenned Deceaber 6, 1975, overex not before much confusion was generated by thedz ettorsey, WILLIG =. BUFALINO, which resulted in the suspects! exrest for @ short period of time on the seme date. (The e' Willful Disobedience of a Court Order was later dis— ° Bissec.) . - Two actual witnesses Gelens with four (4) staged witnesses) viewed three (3) separate line-ups each containing HOLBERT RALL O'DELE (protect) was the gne oF #t epproxizately 2:00 Ft duty 30,.197/5. Ee bed previousiy bees interviewed on’ several occasions and bad pera Given a polygraph exanination which ¢eternined his pratenents to be truthful. O'DELL was unable to identify eny of the line-up participents as being those he had seea in the ebove— mentioned vehicle. O'DELL was re-interviewed December 12, 1975, at which tine he was shown cclor photographs of the .ine-up and he advised that he could neither eliminate nor Adestify eny of the ebove individuals as those he had seen dn the car! O'DELL did make severel statements during this interview which cast a doubt as to bis reliability ‘such as Pho read tho papers and it lookéd like they were getting away with St". From that etatonent and others, it appeared as if he wes tryiag to “do the FDI e favor". However, See eee eer peeeas that wnet he had ‘originally stoted he sav was the truth, and that he would be willins to testify to it. Preparations are being made to have O'DELL be-interviewed with the aid of a polyaragh to deteraine his reliability. Another witnéss MARIO yet WE BISSAIZION, (protect) was on August 15, 1975, was interviewed and bad stated she sav waite male a brow or maroon "fleshy" car at appr imately 2:00 the IF a of the xestaurant. On December 5, 1975, she was re- aa oe, hich time (prior to the interviewing gents telling her - ‘why they hed called) she said she was just going to telephone; the FBI becausd she hed seen a photogreph of SALVATORE BRIGUGLIO in the newspeper end believed that he was the in- dividual she had seea on July 30, 1975. at the line-up LTO as the person she sav ked vehicle et the rear of 1! and, therefore her eyewitness would be void. However, if additional physical evidence is ed to place SALVATORE BRIGUGLIO in the vicinity of ould definitely be a witness who could be used to substantiate other evidence or testimony. aS ) € I. ROLLAND B. MC MASTER NC MASTER served as an officer in Detroit Teausters Local 299 from 1955 to 1957, and since 1970 es a General Organizer for the Teamsters in Chicego and Detroit. Numerous acts of and the rr associat? of MO MAST’ ER, Because that NC MASTES however, in view ef this information the investigation was intensi ied. wo of the chi or AE onc QM wa are known "strong bac are nen" for SEEMREIY wo is now closely associated with f£ suspects developed in the case -H6- NC MASTER. ‘This case is still pending expectéd soon. tn SREETESED source advised that an individuel by the name ‘of SPCEERIEY cron Detroit kad o: ly in the investigation $50,000 to kill JBH. Ac! to the source this offer was made approximately one month before the disappearance. Source also indicated later in the sane interview that he felt of SESE vere prove his by the nas: TRH's death. developed indicating QERmaamy involved in any illegal activities. -4?- CONCLUSION Obviously, numerous pieces of unrelated information tend to imply that MC MASTER may be involved in the JRH disappearance. He was interviewed by the FS 6, 1975, end clained that he was et his farm all day July 30, 1975. This information has not. been verified to dato, inasauch as no one was found to have deen with h -43- QB @ J. MOTIVES FOR DISAPPE, RANGE 1. Tbe motive mentioned most recently by both confidential sources and teamster officiels is that. 2H was killed because of his attempts to re-enter Teamster Union politics. Several sources stated that TRH had told them personally that he expected to have his restrictions lifted by August, 1975. The family members have ell in- st JRH's dicated that they felt the restrictions eg: entry into union politics would be lifted soon, however, none of then hed ever been given e specific month. Source 3 re-entered Teanster Union information indicates t! dozel politics end eventually becene the hesd of the Inter: y to bendle as is FRA Union agnin, he would not be as us sources ings presumably at the Just . To date, ro infor- ever been received to substantiate the thet URE ever had or was intending to provide such mation. ~49- It is very possible that the motive for the disappearance and presumed murder would be a personal vi vendetta; namely, fron TONY FRO. The possibility could exist; however, that this vendetta was not that of FROVENZiNO's but someone totally unkmown in this case. 4s stated in other sec is believe responsible. 4, It should be rene: to disappear a - 3 III. DETBOIT ORGANIZED CRIME STRIRE FORCE AND FEDERAL GRAND JUBY INVESTIGATION A. Detroit Federal Grend Jury Beti a September 2, 1975 and December 11, 1975, a total of 95 individuals (some more then once) eppeared before the Federal Grand Jury (FGJ) in Detroit. Of these, 22 ex cs th duendment privi e end refused to testify. The rally knowi LaCosa Nostra including ors] arguments of Appeals during which ¢! attacked. The car remains in the custody of the D. as evidence. ooo MJ eppeared before the Detroit FGJ and refused to enter a lineup. Yollowing this, they were brought before U.S. District Judge JAMES P. CHURCHILL and ordered to ineup on December 6, 1975, which was eppeer in a the Detroit FGJ. (Investigation ia this x in Section II under Eyewitnesses and Lineup). During the lineup, abo e individuals were placed under arrest for feiluce to comply with a court order whea the, g lineup procedures. Bubjects lat ttorney, WILLIAM E. LIND, agreed to eppear nst then for feilure to comply b7C 2d. On J BEAM ecreed to testify after the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, oa January 20, 1976, had turned down his request for a hearing on the contempt charge. (4s of this writing, ~52- Stilying derone the Foy. testimony wiry be > 2nd aay snpont discusseg orally), Iv. ant Tnzediaters after ty the F *°2, complete ¢ Conen, end while we ally gives th FBI first, we can never be sure. It is our contention, however, that none of these leaks have ever been traced dire: It ehould be noted that a majority of the infor: which has led to suspects in Detroit and other Divisiozs 4: rovided by a very limited nurber o. uals without corroveratioa. The type of inforsavion revi ded has been very 9 Tae failed to >. investigative direction based on their findi the individuals who have talked before th! interviewed extensively by the FBI, and provided essentially the seme information. It is our fecling that the early witnesses were brought too quickly by the Detroit Strike Torce before t ta not exough tine between witnesses in order to review their infornation. Of 95 FGJ witnesses between Septexder 2, 1975 and December 11, 1975, 68 2: Beptexder 2, 1975 and September 17, 1975. D. ya in this cese is basically unclear end the Strike Force, Detroit, has indicated that regerdless of where the body is found, the prosecution will probably be by local euthor: gE. The lack of concrete inforn ion, especially froa top echelon informants, leads one to believe that ther s a linited nunber of people who Know the facts surrounding s would tead to = lev: dled Political Overtones In view of the fact thet the Teazsters Union is 2 large end powerful group of people, eny investigation into

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