Topic: Overall Maintenance Considerations For Functional and High Quality Buildings

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Topic: Overall Maintenance Considerations for Functional and High

Quality Buildings

Part I: Introduction to Building Maintenance

1.0 Definition of Building Maintenance

British Standard BS 3811 defines ‘maintenance’ as:
‘work undertaken in order to keep or restore every facilities, ie. Every part of a site,
building and contents to an acceptable standard’

However, this definition is more generally seen in an engineering context and the
Chartered Institute of Building supports the following definition:-

‘Building Maintenance is work undertaken to keep, restore or improve every facility,

ie, every part of a building, its services and surround to an agreed standard,
determined by the balance between need and available resources’

2.0 The objective of Maintenance

a. Global Objective of a Maintenance System
— Repair and replacement done when necessary
— Maintenance budget allocated on a needs basis

b. Objectives for a Social Organization

— Maximize, building life
— Achieve tenant satisfaction
— Working within constraints of budget available

c. Objectives for a Commercial Organization

— Ensure building functions efficiently
— Building yields an economic return
— Maximize building life
— Balance maintenance expenditure and building efficiency

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3.0 Concept of Building Maintenance
Maintenance Management can be divided into Building Maintenance Technology and
Building Maintenance Management proper. The former essentially deals with the
study of the occurrence of building defects, such as deterioration of building finishes/
fabric and the remedies which such defects would require. It involves the application
of the principles of the physical sciences to the process of determining the effects on
building performances produced by the intrinsic properties of building materials, the
loading distribution of the building structure and other related factors.

Building Maintenance Management should properly be regarded as describing how a

system of maintenance effort could be organized to deal with the problems of building
maintenance as whole. It recognizes that, aside from locating and rectifying defects,
an effective programme to curb maintenance costs must start with the design of the
building itself and must eventually justify itself, not only in terms of minimizing the
costs of maintenance, but also in maximizing the benefits of the investment, This
means that financial considerations and techniques play a vital role.

4.0 Classification of Maintenance

Generally, the nature or maintenance work is divided into three main aspects:
— Cyclic or Routine Maintenance
Specific tasks carried out at regular-intervals without prior inspection such as
clear-out of the curtain walling, flushing gutters, gullies, drains, manholes and
replacement periodically of times with a predictable life.

— Planned Maintenance (or called preventive maintenance)

Planned maintenance consists of taking corrective or preventive action in order
to avoid expected or avoidable failure. In Hong Kong government, ArchSD have
a planned maintenance scheme on government building annually, for example,
inspect theexternal wall and implement the renovation works. A well-though
maintenance plan can save considerable sums of money, although the need for
cost effectiveness must be borne in mind. For example, monitoring schemes may
be more costly than the periodic replacement of items with a predictable services
life. Moreover, planned maintenance may lead to over-maintenance work if life
time of building elements isn’t fully understood.

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— Emergency Maintenance
Emergency maintenance is the speedy action need to rectify failures of the
building elements. These can stem from failures in planned maintenance or from
natural or other causes, eg, storm, flood, accidents or security. However, it can be
reduced to a minimum if routine and planned maintenance are systemically
carried out and well-defined. In fact, extensive emergency maintenance is
disruptive to occupiers as well as being wasteful. For example, the sudden
breaking-down of the electrical switchboard.

5.0 Diagnosis and Investigation Techniques for building maintenance

Building diagnosis involved a process in which experts (eg: Building Surveyor,

Building Manager) investigate the existing condition of the building or the defect,
carry out the necessary tests, evaluate the data collected, make recommendations
professionally, and predict the future performance of the building or after repairing.

The diagnosis process will involve wide range of techniques from the most simple –
visual inspection to some scientific test, like the chloride test in evaluating the
strength of the spalling concrete. They all aims at transforming measurable
characteristics and properties of the defect or structure into valuable information
appropriate to the building condition and performance.

6.0 Principle of Diagnosis

In the diagnosis process, relevant professional should be analyzed the obtained data
carefully and hypothesis have to be tested to determine which one best explains the
causes of the defect. The whole process is never a simple straightforward one. On the
hand, it is iterative; the more unusual or complex the cause, the more will be the need
to go back and repeat all of the stage previously completed (Figure 1.).

In short, the investigation required for the diagnosis of the building defect which has
to be carried out thoroughly and systemically. Here are some points to be noted during
the diagnosis of the building defect:

— A list of the potential cause of a defect would be useful as a reference point to

return who unexplained symptoms are found or a diagnosis is challenged
— Diagnosis is required to be done step-by-step in a systematic manner. But it is

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essential to recognize that even the most obvious diagnosis may still lead to the
wrong conclusions because the symptoms, the investigation and the original
assumption of potential causes may all be incomplete.
— In real cases, defect is generally believed to be caused by a combination of
factors and seldom by a single factor. Some of these factors on their own may not
require remedial work, but where they are attacking the material in combination,
may need urgent attention.

Figure 1:- Systematic approach to building condition assessment

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7.0 Process of investigation
In order to have a complete and all-round investigation of the building defect, a plan
of action is required to make sure that the investigation process can progress without
causing unnecessary inconvenience to the occupants of the building. This process
normally entails the following steps:

1. Desktop Study
Documenting survey for which existing information on the building structure
and any relevant maintenance record obtaining from design and as-built
drawing, specification, suppliers’ record, contractors’ test record during
construction, record of defect and repairs, past and present usage of the
building, loadings and subsequent alteration, if any, is very important.

a. Drawing and Specification

All drawing and specifications, including those produced by the consultants,
specialists and sub-contractors, and used during the construction should
provide data on the materials used and details of construction. But these
documents do not necessarily include all the revisions made during

b. Site notes, Minutes and Contractor’s reports

Apart from giving information on modifications made during construction,
site notes, minutes and reports also give information regarding difficulties
encountered during construction; the quality of workmanship achieved; and
the precautions taken to protect the materials and the building subsequently
from the weather.
c. Maintenance Records and Manuals
These documents would reveal some useful information such as the history
of all defects in building. And it is helpful to find out the root cause of the

2. Interview with the occupants (Optional)

Interviews conducted by the surveyor or other investigator with any party
connected with the design, construction, maintenance and use of the building
can provide a valuable information on a number of aspects associated with a
defect. But such information should be treated with some caution because the
party providing the information may not always be true.

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3. Visual Inspection
On site investigation should begin with careful visual inspection of the
surrounding of the building, which replying mainly on the human sensory
perceptions such as sight, hearing. It is at this stage that many of the basic
tools such as binocular, hammer, scrapers are used. Graphic and photographic
records may also be made of critical members for further analysis.

In fact, from visual inspection, valuable information may be obtained relating

to workmanship, structural serviceability and signs of material deterioration. It
is particularly important that the surveyor or engineer doing the survey be
knowledgeable in these areas.

4. Testing and Monitoring

Many testing technique are available to suit the purpose and may be decided
upon after the visual inspection has been completed. These techniques include:
— Non-destructive methods, for example, infra-red scanning test, rebounded
— Chemical and physical analysis of the material, for example, chloride test
on the strength of the concrete
— Destructive method, for example: concrete core test

On the other hand, monitoring is also being a useful method of accessing the
movement of building structure over a period of time if the structural crack is
observed. This can be done by measuring the widths of the fractures or by
taking vertical alignment readings of the structure with a theodolite form a
datum position. However, monitoring is very time-consuming. The state of the
building and the needs of the client must be considered before using them.

5. Evaluations and Recommendations

After obtaining all the required information and test result, the engineer/
surveyor or relevant professional should try to analyze the cause of the defect
and make the creditable recommendations in repairing work.

The remedial works often chosen may belong to one of three general categories:
— Patching up
This recommendation is very often accepted because of relevant lower
costs. However, bear in mind, patching up should always believe as
temporary measure and employed only while the building has a limited

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functional or economic life and when more extensive rehabilitation or
improvement works are planned to be done in the near future.
— Replacement of parts
This should be the first consideration to give a permanent repair. However,
due to the limited time or high costs may give rise to problems to make
this recommendation unattractive. However, it is still be the best choice if
there is no other alternative.
— Complete renewal
Obviously, this is the most economics solution for buildings with a longer
life, and the process can either involve existing parts for the entire area or
providing a complete coverage over existing areas depending on adequate
fixing facilities being possible.

* sample condition report is attached in the Appendix for reference.

Part II: Main concerns in Building Structure and Building Services


(a) Structure
(1) Defective Concrete/ spalled concrete

Patch Repair
It is the most common repair method for minor concrete defects such as surface
spalled or called hairline cracks on the surfaces. Damaged or defective concrete is
to be hacked off down to sound substrate and patched up with appropriate repair
mortars to protect the steel reinforcement from rusting. Two types of materials are
commonly used for patching up by hand:-
(i) cementitious mortars such as cement mortar and polyester-modified
cementitious mortar because its properties is very similar to concrete, it
can provide a better key between old concrete and new mortar or;
(ii) resin-based mortar such as epoxy resin mortar and polyester resin mortar.

After all defected concrete has been hacked off, rusty reinforcement bars should
be properly clean and primed with suitable epoxy based primer (strong
anti-corrosive materials) for patching the steel bar if the environmental is
aggressive. Furthermore, before patching up with cementitious mortars, the
exposed concrete surface and the steel bars must be dust free to allow effective
bonding with the new repair mortars.

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Photo 1:- Spalled Concrete

Replacement of reinforcement bars

If the diameters of reinforcement bars are found substantially less than their
original sizes, addition or replacement of steel bars may be required. The process
involves identification of the type of existing steel bars, assessment on the
required replacement or additional of reinforcement bars and the required lapping
of the new and old bars. Structural calculation may also be required.

Partial/ complete demolition and replacement

When the defective concrete is extensive and penetrates beyond the steel bars or
serious deteriorated, partial or complete demolition and re-casting of affected
members may be required. Under such situation, a building professional such as a
Registered Structural Engineer is required to give advice on the details of the
materials and construction methods, and supervise the works. Precautionary
measures such as installation of temporary propping may be required.

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Photo 2:-Spalled concrete – partial removal or re-casting may be required

(ii) Structural Cracks

As discussed in Lecture 4, structural cracks deserve immediate attention.
Detailed investigation should be carried out first to identify the underlying
cause of the cracks. The causes of the problem must be properly addressed
before sealing up the structural cracks. Otherwise, the danger of sudden
collapse will be occurred.

Identifying the cause of the structural cracks should best be carried out by a
structural engineer who should also advise on courses of action to remove the
problem and the subsequent repair method. Such repair works should also be
carried out by contractors registered under the Buildings Ordinance.

After identifying and addressing the problem causing the cracks, the repair of
the cracks is usually done by pressure injects of epoxy resin or by open-up and
refill/recast with concrete.

(2) External Wall

(i) Wall tiles/ finishes
External wall tiles or panels of wall finishes insecurely fixed to external walls
will likely fall off without any further warning symptoms resulting in
disasters to pedestrians. All loose parts should first be removed to eliminate
the imminent danger and replaced to maintain protection to external walls.
A proper key between the existing concrete wall and the newly finished layer
as well as the bonding of individual tile to its bedding mortar is crucial to
avoid recurrence of the same defects. Proper preparation of the exposed
surfaces of the existing wall for a physical key with the new mortar; use of
suitable bonding agents or adhesives for the mortar; and special adhesives for
the tiles are essential means for this purpose.
(ii) Cracks
Crack should be repaired by injection of specially designed chemical or
through open up and repair by mortar with the required key mentioned in
Lecture 4.
(iii) loose concrete
After the external wall tiles or finishes have come off, loose concrete,
honeycombing, spalling may be revealed. Loose parts should be
thoroughly removed down to the sound concrete substrate. Then,

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suitable repair mortar should be applied in accordance with description in
Section (a)(1) of this note. Should the defects be found so extensive that
replacement/addition of steel reinforcement bars, partial or demolition
and re-casting of certain parts of concrete elements is considered

Photo 3:- Delaminated mosaic tiles

(3) Windows
(i) Repair
Glass panels
Any broken or cracked glass panes should be replaced at once with the
same type and thickness of glass.

Steel windows
Steel windows are subject to rusting and should be regularly re-painted
with primers and re-finished. Putty for holding glass panes should be
maintained. Hinges should be regularly lubricated and replaced if
necessary to avoid dislodgment of sashes.

Aluminium windows
Bar hinges in aluminium window system is one of the most common
sources of problem that leads to dislodgment of sashes. They should
be regularly checked for any loose fixings, deformation, cleared of dust
and dirt and lightly lubricated to avoid friction causing undue load on
the fixing. Should any of the aluminium angle for securing the glass
panes be found missing, replacement must be done at once to avoid
falling of glass panes.

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In the processing of replacing fixing components such as screws and rivets,
measures against bi-metallic action leading to corrosion must be taken to
avoid direct contact between two incompatible materials. A common
example of bi-metallic action is between aluminium and stainless steel.

Locking devices

Locking devices of window sashes should be replaced if they cannot

function properly. Otherwise, damage may result in typhoon.

(ii) Replacing major components

Deformed window sashes or frames, usually revealed after typhoon, are unstable
and have to be replaced at once.

Replacement of window frames is inevitable if:

— the frames have deformed, become insecure, deteriorated to a considerable
extent; and
— the quality of the frame or its waterproofing materials filling the gap
between the frame and the parent structure is in doubt, leading to constant
leakage beyond repair.

In the process of installing the new window frames, the following points should
be noted:
— window frames should be securely and rigidly fixed in place to window
opening in walls by fixing lugs;
— suitable waterproofing grouting should be properly applied between the
window frame and the opening with an additional coat of waterproofing
material around the frame;
— for aluminium windows, joints in window frames and sections should be
properly sealed with suitable sealant. The window frames should be
suitably equipped with water bars at its sill to prevent entry of water. A
continuous gasket of suitable materials should also be properly applied
along the whole perimeter between the window frame and openable sashes;
— glass panels installed to protect against the danger of falling should be
designed by an Authorised Person (AP) or Registered Structural Engineer
(RSE) and the installation works carried out by a Registered General
Building Contractor under the supervision of such AP or RSE.

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(b) Building Services Installations

(1) Electrical Installation

Registered Electrical Contractor/ works
The repair and maintenance of electricity supply system should be undertaken by
registered electrical contractors/workers. Name lists of registered electrical
contractors/workers are available for reference at the Electrical and Mechanical
Services Department’s (EMSD) Customer Services Office and web site, as well
as all District Offices

New installation, additions and alterations.

New installations, additions or alterations of electrical installations should
comply with the safety requirements of the Electricity Ordinance.

Before carrying out any addition or alteration:

— feasibility studies should be carried out by qualified building services

engineer or registered electrical contractor, depending on the scale of the
— future electricity consumption requirements should be considered; and
— consent by the electricity supplier and the Owners’ Corporation of the
building must be obtained.

When the electrical work (including new installation, addition, alteration and
repair) is completed, the qualified building services engineer and registered
electrical contractor should inspect and test the electrical installations and certify
that the installations are safe and comply with the safety requirements of the
Electrical Ordinance in the Work Completion Certificate (Form WR1).

Periodic Inspection
Owners should ensure that the power loading generated by the appliances and
installations do not exceed the maximum loading approved by the electricity
supply company. Qualified building services engineer or registered electrical
contractor should be consulted if in doubt.

Electrical installations with an approved loading exceeding 100 amperes (A) in

residential apartments, shops, offices and communal areas of the building should

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be inspected, tested and certified (Form WR2) at least once every 5 years to
ensure safety.

Some important issue

— All electricity installations should be properly earthed.
— Concealed electrical wiring of new installations should have mechanical
— Distribution boards should have identification labels to indicate the
purpose of individual electrical circuits.
— Sufficient socket outlets should be installed for individual heavy-current
electrical appliances.
— Earth leakage circuit breakers must be installed for socket outlets.
— Socket outlets should be installed as far away as practicable from water
taps, gas taps and cooking appliances to avoid danger of short circuits or
fire risks.
— No socket outlet should be installed in a bathroom except for electric
— If an electric water heater is installed in a bathroom, the on/off switch
should be installed outside the bathroom.
— Outdoor socket outlets or electric switches should be of weatherproof

(2) Fire Services Installations

Basic fire service installations in the building generally include hose reels, fire
extinguishers, fire alarm systems or automatic sprinkler systems. These
installations and equipment are for preventing spread of fire, giving alarms or
extinguishing fire.

To ensure that these installations work efficiently at all times, a registered fire
service installation contractor should be employed by the OC to maintain, inspect
and certify the installations at least once every year. When the fire service
installation is found not working properly or damaged, immediate repair should be
carried out.

(3) Lift and Escalator Installations

Reliable lift service not only enhances convenience to residents but can also save
lives. A registered lift (and escalator) contractor should be appointed to carry out
the following tasks:

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— Inspect, clean, lubricate and adjust the lift at least once a month;
— Test and examine the safety equipment annually; and
— Test the full load, overload device and the brake once every 5 years.

Apart from ensuring that the lift or escalator meets with the necessary safety
standards, building owners should also monitor the following aspects, including:
— annual renewal of the permit to use and operate the lift;
— keeping and updating of records of work for EMSD inspection;
— inspecting to ensure that no dangerous gaps exist in escalators; and
— upkeeping the lift machine room and the lift pits in clean and tidy

(4) Water Supply System

The water supply system usually consists of incoming pipes and gate valves,
upfeeding pumps, water tanks at various locations, downfeeding pipes, water
meters, special valves and accessories.

Fresh water supply systems

Many old buildings still use galvanized iron (G.I.) pipes for the fresh water
supply. As G.I. pipes are prone to corrosion over time, they are currently
prohibited by the Water Authority. Maintenance works in these buildings
should include the total replacement of the G.I. pipes by suitable approved
materials such as copper pipes or PVC lined G.I. pipes.

Seawater flushing systems

Many places in Hong Kong are supplied with sea-water for flushing purposes.
Therefore, the Water Authority requires that all flushing systems should be able
to withstand the attack of sea water even in areas where fresh water is supplied
for flushing. PVC pipes are commonly used for this purpose.

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Part III: Introduction to Buildings Ordinance
In Hong Kong, it is a statutory requirement that all proposed building works (which
defined under s.2 of the Buildings Ordinance, including extensive addition and
alteration works) must be submitted to the Building Authority for approval before
their commencement on site. The following part will provide you full picture of the
function of the Buildings Ordinance and its implications.

1.0 Buildings Ordinance and its relevant documents

Under Buildings Ordinance s.14, all building works*1 should be required to obtain
approval and consent for commencement. If any building works were carried out
without the BA’s consent, the offender could face a heavy fine or even a custodial
sentence under Buildings Ordinance s.40. Moreover, a demolition order will be issued
under BO s.2. But it should be noted that some buildings and building works are
exempted from the provision of the Buildings Ordinance.

*1 Buildings Ordinance s.2: The definition of the building works

"building" (建築物) includes the whole, or any part, of any domestic or public building or building
which is constructed or adapted for use for public entertainment, arch, bridge, cavern adapted or
constructed to be used for the storage of petroleum products, chimney, cook-house, cowshed, dock,
factory, garage, hangar, hoarding, latrine, matched, office, oil storage installation, out-house, pier,
shelter, shop, stable, stairs, wall, warehouse, wharf, workshop or tower, sea-wall, breakwater, jetty,
mole, quay, cavern or any underground space

Exempted Building:
These are stated in BO s.41 and include:
1. Buildings belong to government;
2. Building upon any land vested in the Housing Authority or over which the
Housing Authority has control and management;
3. Naval, military , or air force services;
4. Any temporary building to be used as a place of public entertainment.

Exempted Building Works:

In fact, Buildings Ordinance does not control all building works. Works which may be
carried out without approval from Building Authority under BO s.14 include:

1. Not involve the building structure

2. Not contravene to the Buildings Ordinance, for example, the demolition of the

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public toilet in shopping hall, will not reduce the number of the public toilet that
required under Buildings Ordinance
3. Drainage works in an existing building if it does not involve:
- the structure of the building;
- any drain or sewer into which their there is discharged, or it is intended to
discharge, any trade effluent, chemical refuse, waste steam, petroleum spirit,
carbide of calcium, acids, grease or oils;
- altering any manhole at which any drain or sewer from the building is
connected with a public sewer;

In fact, the main function of the Buildings Ordinance is to lay down the basic
requirement of public health and safety in the building development (Figure 2). While
the building designer follows the requirement which stated in the Buildings Ordinance,
this will ensure the building will give a minimum acceptable standard of safety and
health to the end-user.

Figure 2: - The spirits of Buildings Ordinance (CAP.123)

On the other hand, the Buildings Ordinance includes a set of the building regulations
which elaborate on the various requirements of Buildings Ordinance: For example:

1. Buildings (Administration) Ordinance: it stated clearly on the statutory period of

approval and consent, the information required to be shown on the submitted
building plan
2. Building (Construction) Ordinance: it stated the minimum requirement in the
building construction, for example, the height of the railing, the performance of

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the material required, minimum loading capacity of the building structure, etc.
3. Building (Planning) Ordinance: it’s stated the requirement in lighting and
ventilation, requirement of mean of the escape, building height and so on.

However, it is not possible to state all the detailed through the Buildings Ordinance
(which is passed by legislative council). Instead, the Building Authority has a series of
Code of Practice that further explain on the technical requirements of the regulation.
For example:

1. Code of Practice on the Provisions of Means of Escape in Case of Fire: in the

Buildings Ordinance s.42, it only lay down that the sufficient mean of escape is
required in the building. However, no specific number or design criteria are listed
in the Building Ordinance. Thus, the provisions of this Code of Practice stated on
the design criteria and number of exit routes, width of the mean of escape in the
building and so on.
2. Code of Practice on the Provision of Fire Resistance Construction: it stated the
minimum duration of the fire resistance material in the building structure such as
the separation between the different usages.

Besides, the Building Authority also issues a series of the Practice Note for
Authorized Person (PNAP) in order to classify any ambiguous area in Buildings
Ordinance. It is a fast and effective way of communication to inform the designer (or
Authorized Person) about the latest interpretation of Buildings Ordinance (as they are
issued by Building Authority without going through any legislative process).

For example, the provision of exempted gross floor area, under Building (Planning)
Regulation s.23 (3b)*2, it does not give the clear view on the exempted gross floor
area. In order to classify the ambiguous area, PNAP 13, 68, 116 and 229 give a further
justification on the criteria in exempting the gross floor area under different

*2 Buildings Ordinance s.23(3b) states that:

(b) In determining the gross floor area for the purposes of regulations 20, 21 and 22, the Building
Authority may disregard any floor space that he is satisfied is constructed or intended to be used solely
for parking motor vehicles, loading or unloading of motor vehicles, or for refuse storage chambers,
refuse storage and material recovery chambers, material recovery chambers, refuse storage and
material recovery rooms, refuse chutes, refuse hopper rooms and other types of facilities provided to
facilitate the separation of refuse to the satisfaction of the Building Authority, or for access facilities for

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telecommunications and broadcasting services, or occupied solely by machinery or equipment for any
lift, air-conditioning or heating system or any similar service.

2.0 Statutory Period for Approval & Consent under Buildings (Administration)
Regulation s.30(3) and 32(3)

Under Buildings Ordinance s.15, it state solidly that approval of plans or consent
for commencement of the buildings work must be obtained from the Building
Authority. The statutory time limit for each process is shown below:

— 60 days*2 for first submission of plans

— 60 days for re-submission of plan with ‘major’ revision
— 30 days for re-submission of plan with ‘minor’ revision
— 28 days for consent to the commencement of approved plan

*2 for A&A works (do not affect the major aspects of the buildings, for example,
the lighting and ventilation under B(P)R s.32), the Buildings Department may
adapt a fast-track processing to process the A&A work and give the approval
within 30days.

Question: Is Addition or alternation works require to obtain the approval and consent
from the Buildings Department?
— Is it contravened to the Buildings Ordinance?
— Involve any structural alteration?
— Is it Exempted building works?

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Appendix - Sample report
A comprehensive report usually comprises the following parts:-
— Project Title
— Details of building or structure, for example, location, age, type and
current and past usage. client’s name and name of surveyor or engineer
and/or the firm engaged
— Preface, which is a brief summary of the important information presented
in the report
— Lists of contents
— Introductions, contains the history and subjected matter of the report, the
brief, and scope and limitation of the works.
— Body, usually includes the background and history of the structure, details
of inspections carried out, results and calculations, and all details of the
— Conclusions, based on firm, reasonable judgment reached after careful
evaluation of all information obtained.
— Recommendations should tally with the rest of the report and usually
include proposals of remedial work, regular maintenance inspection or
inspections to detect further deteriorations.


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