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FreeSKA Pilot Academy

Instruction book for:

B-Gear/Brandy Burg

Useable for:

Beginner Intermediate Professional Expert

Written by Rockman1x
I: Introduction

Table of Contents
Unit/Section Title Page
2 Table of Contents 2
3 Foreword 3
4 Before you start reading… 4

5 The basics of flying a gear 5

6 Managing skillpoints 6
7 Weapons
8 Missiles
9 Shields and Energy

10 Introduction of the B-Gear

11 What are the differences between the B-Gear and the others?
12 B-Gear builds
13 Universal skills/options and Gear-specific skills/options
14 Choosing your arms
15 Grind for life!

16 Bombing: an introduction
17 Ground Bombing Mode : GBM
18 Say Hello to Mr. Shotgun: Air Bombing Mode
19 Chaffs : A little but crucial extra HP

20 Player versus Player, something else than grinding

21 Radar Usage
22 Tackling an A-Gear… If you survive it
23 Mothership is spawning, prepare to fight
24 Den Wars

A Checklist
B Glossary
I: Introduction

Many and many people starts to ask questions about what is a good build and what not, or maybe
some question are even more worse, like, “Why I should use Bawoos and how to enchant them”.
Almost all of the questions were answered completely, the only thing is, that some readers are a bit
lazy when they have to use the “Search” button placed on the forum itself.

SoulCharger made a guide for beginning B-Gears and it was very good indeed. I decided to make a
guide too, but I still respect what SoulCharger did, so on the first place, he will have my thanks.

Thank you for choosing the B-Gear as your primary gear and if not (also many people chooses the B-
gear as the secondary), I hope you understand the power and the importance of the B-gears’
existence. I’ll try to hold the guide neutral.

Regards, Rockman1x
I: Introduction

Before you start reading…

Before you start reading the guide, I assume you know the following:

 You know how to login normally.

 You know how to steer your gear at least.
 You know how to use the WASD-control.
 You know how to chat in-game.
 You know how to ask a question.
 And most importantly: you know how to read a guide.

Maybe these are stupid requirements, but still some people starts whining about the problem “Its
equipment, not skill”, but hey, if you picked this guide you’re lucky, because I will tell you how to fly.
Kind of me, huh?
II: Basics

The basics of flying a gear

Even the controls are very, very basic, at some points the controls can be tricky.
I will try to pull all controls to put here. But first the mouse movement.

Different from other flight combat simulator, the gear will move upwards (ascent) when the mouse is
moving up (along the y-axis). Your gear will descent when you move your mouse down. Moving you
mouse right/left, you gear will roll to right/left and turning to right/left. To increase your turning
speed, strafe to the direction where you want to go. Please note the following: when your mouse is
moving more and more to the edge of the screen, your gear will be more difficult to balance, and
more out control. Your angle of turning and ascending depends on your engine.

Flight mode

Button Action Notes

Mouse 1 Fire lasers Hold the button to fire full-auto
Mouse 2 Fire missiles Hold the button to auto-fire next wave
Mouse 3 (middle) Look behind Hold mouse 2 and drag to get nice screenshots
A Strafe left Double-tap to barrel-roll to left
D Strafe right Double-tap to barrel-roll to right
S Minimal speed When a zero speed engine is equipped, the gear
will stand still, but weapon systems are online.
E Fire missiles Hold the button to auto-fire next wave
Q Grab item box Will not work when the box is recent for
another player
R Look behind Hold mouse 2 and drag to get nice screenshots
C Land Land on a (supply)pad.
Enter Enter chat Works also as Accept
B + Enter Terminate Stops gear, but disables weapon systems.
F Show/Hide Your altimeter will not be shown, but gives
interface better view.
M Map Toggle map – minimap – disable in order
1 to 8 (ep3 to 0) Fast select Use key to use an active useable item (kits)
Tab Change fast You got 3 bars and when the game start, you
select bar start at Fast Select bar 1
Space Boost Boost to your maximum speed for a while


Button Action Notes

Move Move cursor
Mouse 1 Move char Click on a shop to open shop
Mouse 2 + drag Move camera In warehouse/inventory: multiple items action.
Enter Chat Chat, and it works as accept
Control Select Select multiple items in Warehouse
II: Basics

Managing Skillpoints
Skillpoints are strangely enough important things. When you’re about to run out of them, you’re
screwed… very screwed! Keep an eye on this gauge:

You can find it right of the status and the fill is yellow.

Skillpoints are used for many things, it makes your gear a bit stronger than usually and enables to use
special gear-specific skills. Toggle-skills eats skillpoints fast, and when you forget to turn off them,
you’ll run out of skillpoints and you won’t be able to roll any missile attack.

The following tips are handy to manage skillpoints:

1. Only use the buffs when needed.

2. Turn toggle skills on when needed and off when used.
3. Do not waste skillpoints in your form unless you’re a M-Gear with 500 skillpoints minimal!

Yes, these are easy but sometimes I forget them and run out of skillpoints when I got 7 aggro’s on the
II: Basics

Weapons are divided in two kinds of them: Standard and Advanced. The Standard one are your lasers
with a big amount of ammunition but weak, and the Advanced one are your missiles with a relatively
small amount of ammo and strong, but slow in re-attack.

Your Standard weapons are mainly your sidearm, and fires at high-speed laser (in-game mentioned
as bullets, although these are lasers) but not at a high precision. The B/M/I gears are depending most
on Advanced Weapons, but A-gears depending heavily their arms on cannons (which they are the
Standard) and the Advanced Weapons slot is then reserved for “Bundles”, and these are the weaker
counterpart of missiles.

The Standard Weapons are divided in several classes (from slow to über-fast):

Bigmounts A-Gear
Supremes A-Gear
BigSmashes A-Gear
Blasts B/M/I
Lancer B/M/I
Demonhunters B/M/I
Devilhunters B/M/I
(Twin)tails B/M/I
Sprints B/M/I
Drums B/M/I
Bate B/M/I
Please note that A-gear become deadly fast when used with Siege-mode (better name: rape mode).
And with HyperShot, a BigMount (the Ω-Mount) is the best choice to rape a rush and get massive
amount of killmarks… if you can afford it.
II: Basics

Beep… beep… beep… beep… BAM! Guess what did hit you? A full volley of missiles! This is the
serious work. No-one can outstand the annoying “beep, beep” sound and as bonus, you’ll give
massive damage to your opponent, if you know what you’re talking about. Advanced weapons
means (almost) directly: advanced stats. Many of the readers don’t know what the difference
between valid and induction angle is. In the table below, I’ll try to explain it clearly, so please go on.

Form Tag Comments

160 - 320 Attack power Attack points per MISSILE.
(1x2) Volleys How many missiles will be shot at one click:
95 - 120 Damage / Sec. Damage per second.
90,20% Probability How many of them will hit the target.
3300m Distance The distance that the missiles travels before they auto-
1,40sec Reattack time The time before you can use the missiles again.
6 degrees Valid angle How well you must aim to enable the tracking system.
300m/sec Speed How fast your missiles travels to the target.
150 degrees Induction angle How well your missiles turn.
0m Explosion radius The radius when the missiles explodes to the target.
220 Weight Loadcap will be extracted with the amount of weight.
Yellow : Enchant enabled
Grey : Enchant disabled
Green : Variable

Most of the stats can be affected by the prefix and the suffix made by the system. To enchant the
speed, you’ll have to buy a special card form the Warpoints shop to enchant the speed in
II: Basics

Shields and Energy

These are the hitpoints of your gear. When the shields are depleted, you’ll (still) be fine, but when
you’re short on Energy, it will get nasty, so keep an eye on it. You can always check you gears
hitpoints at the top-left of your screen.

A: Energy

Energy is your gear’s own hitpoints, when depleted, your gear’s engine will explode and crash (and
your pilot will still survive). The fill is orange.

B: Shield

Your shield is you gear’s main defense against lasers and missiles, but it’s still crucial for long-term
combat, especially during Mothership Wars and Last Nation Standing events. The fill is lightblue.

C: Speed

Speed, measured in meters per second .

(Yes, on some engines you’ll go 860m/s and that is Mach 2,55).

D: Boostbar

When depleted, you’ll be not able to boost for a while. The fill is always green.

Your shields will auto-recover when your ship is idling, but Energy have to be repaired at pads or by
using kits. Kits are a effective way to stand longer against a war. Sad but true, the one with the most
kits wins.
III: You and your gear

Introduction of the B-Gear

B-gear stands for a Bomber Gear (codenamed Brandy Burg), what means that the B-gear a powerful
gear with enormous attack power and ability to attack AND defense on the same time. As the only
gear, the B-gear can have Chaffs, whose they absorb damage before the gear itself will be damaged.
The B-gear is often said that it is overpowered compared to the I-gear and the A-gear, but the truth is
that only I-gears are underpowered in my opinion.

A-gears often fears B-gears and B-gears fears A-gears and I-Gears. And the fact that A-gears have the
Barrier skill, you'll have to flee from them.

People use B-gears in wars and camping with their powerful Ground Bombing Mode (from here on
known as GBM) and can take a hit from another B-gear.

Standard B-gear specifications: (Gray: static, green: customizable)

Note: Some of the information is compared with today impossible to achieve.

Official name Brandy Burg Manufacturer Next Generation Co. Ltd

Type no. NGT-BB-BG Serial no. NGT-B1-EXR
Pilot Decaian pilot Purpose of usage Attack, defense, ambush,
Function Gear and Cable, board Source of Energy Gas Optical Molecular Form
Output Minimum Output 1.170hp
Ordinary Output 2.850hp
Maximum Output ∞ (infinite)
Main Weapon Basic Weapon All weapon that can use the Auto-Contact system
Strategic Weapons Chip Creep Launcher
Armor, Height 4.048mm (4m)
resources Length 13.650mm (13,6m)
Width 815mm (8,15m)
Airframe mass 4.885kg (4,9t)
Weapon mass Basic 3.121kg + Chip Creep 1.565kg
1st Armor 101,74mm
2 Armor 82,35mm
Armor Parallel Acrylic Steel, Strong Moissanite, Carbon Steel
Pilot One person
Computer H.E.E Co. Ltd brand of Model 6-Tenpole Line No. II 4.15Thz, 0.960k TM Memory
Engine Freeway Co. Ltd brand of Mr. F Series No. III Fr
Max. Speed 4.620km/H ±Mach 13
Mach Back -1.200km/2,43sec
Max Gravity 13.37G
Note the 1337 (=elite) g-force in max gravity.
III: You and your gear

What are the differences between the B-Gear

and others?
B-gears are NOT just ordinary airplanes that fire missiles to the ground and air, but you can fully
customize your gear to your taste. For example: most M-gears go for a Spirit-Defense built and the
most I-gears go for an Attack-Agility built.

The statpoints are distributed evenly (3 per bonus stat), so you can go for an Evasion, Defense or
Attack built, roughly.

And as the only gear, B-gear has some powerful skills and attacks.

 Ground Bombing Mode

 Air Bombing Mode
 Chaffs
 Big Boom

If you look at the skills, you'll see that a B-gear more an attack gear than a defense gear.
III: You and your gear

B-Gear builds
Always stat to the right stat (atk, def, eva) so you won’t have to waste real-life money to buy a restat
card, although you’ll get one on the level 53 mission (Crimson Fire, Blue Thunder) and use it on late
level 60 (67-70). Please don’t mess up with these and DO NOT stat to shield, because it’s useless.

Basic build

Nothing special. This is the (minimal) stat for the level 27 engine.

Attack 27 Defense 27
Fuel 27 Spirit 62
Agility 27 Shield 3

Attack build
Most B-gears are attack build, to increase the damage and pierce probability to void defense builds.
Every attack build has the potential to One-Hit-Knock-Out anything that dares to engage them. But
you can easily pick Attack gears down, by just shooting 2-3 volleys on it. This is most used in wars.

Attack ∞ Defense 27
Fuel 27 Spirit 62
Agility 27 Shield 3

Defense build

Defense build are harder to kill than attack builds, but have a bit weaker attack than the attack build.
Defense builds can One-Hit-Knock-Out certain gears, especially mobs.

Attack 50-150 Defense ∞

Fuel 27 Spirit 40-70
Agility 27 Shield 30

Agility build

This build is a special one. Agility build is one of the hardest to war with but can be very hard to kill.
Because there is a decent amount of agility builds, most weapons are now enchanted to 120%
probability. For grinding too is the Agility build not the perfect build, because all mobs have base

Attack 120 Defense 3

Fuel 27 Spirit 62
Agility ∞ Shield 3
III: You and your gear

Want to go full on a build?

(Not recommended by/for the most players. From level 86 is this possible.)

300 attack +70.3% total damage, +45.05% pierce, +4.54% probability.

300 defense +50.15% defense
300 evasion +50.33% evasion
300 spirit 2400sp in total
Choose a build and let's take a look on the skills.
III: You and your gear

Universal skills/options and Gear-specific

Even if you got a good B-gear for your level, you will need some buffs (which means powering up
skills) to ensure One-Hit-Knock-Out shots and to hold longer out in wars or in very aggro maps (moon
maps). The table will provide the name, description and the effect of the skill.

Name Description Effect

Gear Specific Skills
Ground Bombing Mode This skill is the primary  Missiles are shot downwards.
skill for the B-Gear. It  Number of missiles per volley
will deal HUGE damage increased.
when hit on a gear. Best  Increase of explosion radius
when using Bawoos or
Hawkies. It is skillpoints
Air Bombing Mode And this one is the anti-  Missiles are shot (blind)
(a.k.a. Mr. Shotgun) air version of GBM. forwards.
Easier to aim, and giving  Number of missiles per volley
more rockets and increased a bit.
damage, this skill will  Increase of explosion radius.
keep your eyes peeled.
This is skillpoints
intensive, too.
Multitarget Not the most used skill,  Advanced radar range
but you can lock up to 5 increased.
enemies by increasing  Multiple targets increased
the range and the valid (instead of 1).
angle drastically on the  (Drastically) Increased valid
radar. Handy in tight angle.
spaces (Dens, tunnels).
Charged Shot Your laser will gather  Multiplies Standard Weapon
energy for a while and damage.
loose the gathered  Increase in Probability.
energy on a target  Doubles Distance.
(aiming required). The
charge will be
interrupted if you shoot
too fast.
Chaffs This skill is used to get a  Increases the number of
little but crucial HP chaffs.
before your shields get  Increases the health of chaffs.
damage. It will not work
on crashes and it have a
big cooldown to have a
new set of chaffs.
III: You and your gear

Reduce Damage It will reduce your  Decrease damage on your

damage on your shields, shield.
and depending on your
level, this skill will vary
from “it sucks” to
Back Move Mach By activating this, your  Move back for 1200m.
(BMM) gear will go instantly
backwards for 1200m.
This is also known as
the glitch move,
because many walls
glitch with this.
Duel-etiquette: Because you can still shoot while Back Moving, this is not really appreciated by the
most duelers. In wars is this OK.
Turn Around When you activate this,  Change direction immediately.
(TA) your gear will
immediately turn to the
opposite angle, and you
can avoid fatal
collisions, if you’re
Duel-etiquette: Because you could shoot an ABM on a opponent and then TA, you’ll be able to flee
away when your opponent isn’t able to roll your ABM, leaving him in a burning state. Not really
appreciated by some players. In dueling although, but in wars is this OK.
Invisible You will be invisible as  Disappear from player and
(abbreviated as long your skillpoints can monsters.
Invis; hold (using 11 sp/sec),  No attack nor skill can be used
Invis-wh0re and this mostly when invisible.
etc.) countered by the skill  SSOC REQUIRED TO UNLOCK
Scanning from a M-
Gear. The missiles that
were chasing you, will
remain chasing. And if
you fly in a hawky-spam
you can be located with
damage points.
Duel-etiquette: When you going invisible, you can easily backstab someone with a ABM and win a
duel. Not really fair although, because you’re facing someone that have a 80% chance that your
opponent do not got a SSOC and thus no Invisible.
III: You and your gear

Big Boom This is the ultimate skill  Self-destruct to damage

(abbreviated as BB) what a B-Gear can get. enemy in a certain range.
Your Energy points is  3 seconds casting.
the damage to ALL  30 minutes cooldown.
enemy inside the  Voids defense and evasion.
1000m radius and needs  FMSOC REQUIRED TO UNLOCK
a casting time, leaving AND UPGRADE
you sensitive for ANY  UPGRADE REQUIRES FMUC
attacks and Purify. (Finishing Move Upgrade Card)
Break camps like cake, if
you got a legend veil.
Standard/Universal skills
Fire Shot This gives a boost to  Power of Standard Weapons is
your standard weapons. increased marginally.
Not really useful,
because your lasers
won’t budge anything,
unless it got 1xx
damage per shot.
Missile Shot This is the main buff for  Power of Advanced Weapons
the B-Gear. Each missile is increased.
will be boosted and if
you using high-damage
missiles (e.g. Bawoos),
this is a drastic power-
up for your gear’s attack
Concentration And this one will boost  Probability is increased on
your probability on all Standard and Advanced
Buff weapons you’re weapons.
All carrying and tend more
to hit, mobs or players.
Voids Evasion.
Defense up Adds Defense to your  Defense against enemies is
stands and intends to increased marginally.
last longer against
attacks from players
and mobs. Voids Attack.
Evasion up Adds Evasion to your  Evasion against enemies is
stats and intends to increased marginally.
avoid missiles and lets
standard bullets miss.
But now useful for B-
Gears. Voids Probability.
III: You and your gear

Choosing your arms

Important for all gears, it is crucial to get the right weapons for the right job. And your job is, is to
destroy other gears until you fall down. For the B-gear, there are weapons made for hardcore
bombing and carnage and that is:

Bawoos!!!1111one, your best friend on the B-Gear

(Heavenly Sound) Most asked question on the forum :/

The characteristics of a Bawoo are quite simple:

 High Attack, Low damage per Second

 Low Reattack
 Nice prob (85%)
 Very slow (200m/sec)
 More a rocket than a missile (induction angle)

And what is the perfect (possible) Bawoo? Euh…

III: You and your gear

You’ll have to stick on Bawoos until level 64-66, and you’ll vary between Bawoos (Grinding, PvP,
camps) and Hawkies (PvP, wars, camping, wiping Dens).

Hawkies, fast, deadly and much reloading.

When you’re using Hawkies, you’ll shoot back to the time where you’re using the tracking feature
that was included with the missiles (otherwise we don’t call them missiles, but rockets), but when
shot with ABM/GBM, you will shoot MASSIVE amounts of Hawkies! With 100% probability (almost)
and some enchants on reattack, plus trails, is death-by-lag guaranteed! Note: Take multiple sets to a

This will you encounter more often, if you’re using Hawkies. (This is changed a
bit since Episode 3)


For our smart people: Why fires a Hawky spam so many missiles?
The answer is… The standard amount is (4x1)= 4 missiles. When a level 65 GBM is turned on, you will
get the following:
(4*(1+4))=(4*5)=20 →20*((1,4*0,5)*60)= 20*(0,7*60)= 20*42=840
Yes, 840 missiles per minute! But hey, I used a weapon called “Sniper Hawky of Sniper”, with enchant
10 on reattack. It’s scary, and even more with trails.
III: You and your gear

Standard Weapons, because it’s standard.

If you have seen my Bates on the screenshot above, note that it was not a recommend weapon. For
the most B-Gear I recommend Demon-/Devilhunters (non-Charging Shot), Blasts (Charging Shot).
Place some reattack/probability fixes and you’ll be in heaven. And you’ll be a god if you manage to
enchant it to 10 on reattack. At least, try to get 100%+ probability and -34% reattack (50% is OK too).

On the TeamSpeak Channel of the Horror-brig, raised one question:

“Why fixes or enchants on probability?”
The best answer was:
“You can better enchant on probability, because more bullets tend to miss, and even more with high

Yes, missed bullet won’t give any damage, but with a good distance (like 720 to 520 m) and 100%
probability, you’ll be a sniper with a small machine gun (and scoped of course).
III: You and your gear

Grind for life!

I still remember how I think when I was level 1 to 55, and I was extremely fast. Until level 60. Yup,
your fellow power Hawks is useless now, and you’ll have to trust on Ground Bombing Mode and you
will have to kill mobs a little smarter.

The best spots to grind, are maps with many ground mobs, because they are the easiest to Ground-
bomb them. Trying to keep the guide neutral, I will try to enlist neutral maps too. These are spoilers,
so beware! This is the grind description for BCU, although ANI can have a similar one (except Sunken

 Grind and do your missions until level 20 and do the mission “Reckless Courage”. Get your
first pair of Bawoos!
 Practice your Ground Bombing Mode on Oden Malls and when you get the rhythm of a GBM,
proceed to Blackburn Site.
 In Blackburn Site you’ll find Sand Malls and these are level 25. When you’re around 22-23,
you can start grinding on them.
 Do not proceed to Zaylope Beach until you’re level 30. Please note you’ll have to do your
missions first, if you didn’t.
 Gram a pair of Bawoo Bill and grind in Zaylope Beach on Behemoth (A-Gear disguise) until
you’re level 35
 The mission you’ll get on level 30 (“Starlite Valley”), is a bit hard. You can grind in Starlite if
you like. The A-Gears there are level 34.
 Your gear have to go to the operation Fallen Star. For killing-the-gears-missions, grab some
Arrows or Edrills. On the A-Gear Rebels, grab your Bawoos instead.
 You’ll fight the real Rebel Base. Get a form with a M-Gear and yourself included and start
GBM that thing! Do it fast, aggro’s will be irritating in this mission.
 From this point, you’ll have to grind on your own instinct, because typing it down is boring.
And not too exiting although.
 Do the Ancient Arrow Mission to get rid of that inventory usage and dump that weapon in
your Warehouse. Or sell it to an ANI for a Crossbow of Gigantic God, if you manage that.
 The mission to kill the Hornian Queens, is long, boring and a stupid one. Don’t try to solo it (I
assume you’re level 53.) but get a form with a M-Gear and an another friend.
 The Hornian King needs a full form. Get A-Gears and a M-Gear to rape him and his nest.
 Did you notice that the mission now have a 1-level interval instead of one level, one mission.
Do the Sidestory mission “For the Old Glory” (level 43) and gain access to Sunken City!
 Grind in Sunken City until level 65. Don’t bother about the Islands Dream missions. They will
be handy later. ANI: Try to sneak into Sunken City and when you see a BCU, just die and wait
several hours (or take a cup of coffee or coke) to resume your grind. But you’re NOT always
welcome, so beware.
 The Space mission maps are focused on ABM. Do the Sidestory mission “A planet called Eopi”
to gain access to this map. In Castor, grind with GBM on the big and ground mobs. It will do
until 69.
III: You and your gear

 Grind in Islands Dream and don’t do the mission until you got minimal 1,5 level more for it.
(like: if you want to do the level 74 mission, grind first to 75 and 50%, you’ll not bored so
 And here stops the small walkthrough. (Yes I stopped at level 70) and you’ll have to grind on
your own and keep in your mind the wait-with-mission-trick and focus on ABM/GBM.
 ANI can follow the tips above and the main focus is on GBM/ABM.
Because in-game I’m not ANI, I can only say: GBM the highest mob you can handle and take it
 Well, since EP3 you can get your hands on Nubarke Cave and grind on the Grosses on the
ground, decent XP, but mostly filled with KS’ers and sometimes ANI. If you got the mission
map, stay there (and never come out) till level 80. ANI: maybe you can sneak in Nubarke
Cave anyway, and maybe to TAKE OVER Nubarke Cave for certain minutes/hours/days and
even weeks. Kick every BCU out and start grinding with a camp on both sides plus M-Gears.
Actives/No-lifers/Ragegrinders/Hax-gears are required.
 Don’t forget to war, killmarks gives XP, too.

Other possible (good) grind spots (all nations)

 Alioth, Perkhad. Not safe Veteran and higher.

 Bark City Never safe Airman and higher.
 Chaos Safe possible, non safe spawns bosses Veteran and higher.
 Island’s Dream Safe possible, major duel/war ground Veteran and higher.
 Dimension Corridor Safe possible, ship grinders Mid-Veteran and higher.
 Fantasy Flow Not save, mostly by bipins Top-guns, Wing Commanders.
 Lumein Vulcano Not save, mostly by mobs and Heroes Top-guns and higher.
 Sunshine Born Never save, boss, high-level mobs Wing Commanders or Heroes.
IV: Skill Techniques

Bombing: An introduction
B-gears is the most powerful and flexible gear on AirRivals. Because of what? Bombing Mode of
course! Although skillpoint-intensive, it will be your best friend in all situations you can encounter. I
am not skilled anyway, but I’ll teach you the basics of Bombing Modes.

Bombing Modes are in two flavors:

 Air Bombing Mode:

This is the bombing mode that shoots through air and your rockets will explode after 1200m.
In duels is ABM very powerful, but when you able to sneak behind your opponent, it’s likely
to be a One-ABM-Knock-Out (my own term (OAKO)). All gears can easily out-roll an ABM;
even A-Gears can do it.

This guy rolled an ABM. And killed me in that 4 seconds cooldown.

 Ground Bombing Mode:
You will use Ground Bombing Mode to grind and to kill A-Gears effective. GBM eats your
skill-points very fast (at higher-level 6-8 per second) and the main difference is that GBM
shoots far more rockets than ABM does. The rockets will travel infinity until they smashing
against a wall, ground of any boundary, including gears.
IV: Skill Techniques

Ground Bombing Mode: GBM

Ground Bombing Mode is easy to use:

Aim with the reticule, that white thingy. But your rockets will follow a path and it can be handy to
know it. Please note that the most players underestimate the stat explosion radius. Some ANI got
enchant/upgrade 10 on explosion radius and they barely aim to put someone down (me included).

You don’t have to aim carefully, because the explosion radius will do the rest. But when grinding, as
the mobs are packed up each other, you’ll hook more aggro behind you and it can be tricky

The rockets of your GBM will travel a certain path before the hit something. Please proceed to the
theory of a GBM:
IV: Skill Techniques

1. Rockets goes straight out.

2. Rockets will pointing downwards and starts to engage
3. Path of rockets
4. (Ka-Boom!) Carnage within explosion radius.

On the 1st phase, your rockets will shoot the first 75m forwards, before they are about to angle
downwards. Use that to smash a flying mob to hell and beyond.

The 2nd phase, your rockets will go straight out infinity and explode on anything what contact the
rockets. Most gears are small, so not all rockets will hit.

The 4th phase, your rockets will impact on ground and explodes. But that means not that your rockets
will not damage everything: every mob or gear will take some damage when they are in the radius
where the rockets are impacted. An example: if you got explosion radius +50m, all gears and/or
mobs will be damaged when they are less than 50m in range at the place of impact.

Line 3, is just the total path of a GBM.

GBM is the most powerful thing on AirRivals and AceOnline, so be aware (and skilled) of the power of
Ground Bombing Mode. A warning: let your GBM skill on if you want to hit on high alt.
IV: Skill Techniques

Say Hello to Mr. Shotgun: Air Bombing Mode

Why we are calling ABM a shotgun? They are not different from each other, need examples?

 Shotguns are powerful. So ABM too.

 Shotguns fire more fragments than a single pistol. So ABM too.
 Shotguns are for close combat. So ABM too.
 Shotguns are slow. So ABM too.

How to use ABM proper

Using Air Bombing Mode can be (very) hard when PvPing, because all enemies will fly much faster
than a regular mob. Anyway, to compensate it, you’ll have to time.

First of all, try to predict a path with the current course of the enemy (red) and speed.
Second, fire your ABM before he/she reach your reticule (red box), how far away, that depends on
the speed, but generally: the faster a gear is, the earlier you must begin shooting. If the ABM hits,
your can get a killmark, and you may give yourself a cookie (chocolate flavor).
IV: Skill Techniques

Chaffs: A little, but crucial extra HP

Oh crap, luckily I got chaffs and kits!

More than a few times in wars, you can get on low HP slowly, especially in Dens, where you HP drains
and a few OHKO’s appears. When you gets hit, put some chaffs on and KIT FOR LIFE, your chaffs will
absorb the damage, while you’re kitting. Chaffs can be used for:

 Delayers for Big Boom.

 Rushes
 Suicide run tru Den
 Kitting
 Invis + kitting
 Invis + kitting + Big Boom
V: Player versus Player

Player vs. Player, something else than grinding

Even when you achieved level 86 or you got a decent gear, grinding become boring. Luckily for you,
the devs made PvP for AirRivals/AceOnline. The only thing is: you can’t just PvP before you got some
info on it and how to kill others, not the other way around.

A note about whining

^[UltraSkilledBg]Ned help in Brak, mny anis hre!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^[Hawx]Hell, there’s no ani there, only a vet.
^[UltraSkilledBg]But he killed me over a 100000000000000 times!!!
^[SmartAss1202]Go to another map
^[UltraSkilledBg]Just help me, more anis here
^[Hawx]A second ani, wtf.

ANI side…

^[IamsoAwesome]Free vet killmarks in Bark, got a noob/fag that spawns again and again.
^[DownWithBCU]Lets camp the crap out of him!


PvP in many flavors

Like ice cream, you can get PvP in 7 flavors:

 A Den war
 A Bark war
 A Mothership attack
 A Mothership defend
 A Strategic Point attack
 A Strategic Pont defence
 A occasional war in a random map
V: Player versus Player

Radar Usage/Abusing
Radars are the most (not) useful thing on AirRivals… But there is several reasons why people (not like
me) use radars. The first thing is that you can see enemies on your radar. The second one: the missle
warning, and without radar, you won’t get a warning (no beep or feedback) and third one: you can’t
lock stuff without it. On how to read your radar:

1. Your viewport Grayed

2. Yourself Yellow
3. Enemy Orange
4. Friendly (a bit obscured) Yellow with stick
5. Your nav-ring (fixed on your track)
6. Yourself on the minimap Bronze
7. The minimap
8. The maptoggle
9. Not viewed: form member Blue with stick
10. Not viewed: form member Green (minimap)
11. Mob/NPC Red with stick
12. Blue reticule, is the one your current lock

A general rule is: everything with a stick, is mid air.

And what is the point of this crap? Well, I can give you some examples and reviewing it (no actual

1. An enemy behind you.

When you got chasers (they never work alone), you can see this situation on the radar.
B-gears can (1) Turn-around and ABM the enemy, or (2) Back-move and chase HIM/her.
I-gears can see this trick and can BMM further and faster than you, so you’ll be a dead man
V: Player versus Player

2. An enemy camp is waiting at a gate.

When you’re a decent scouting B-gear (invis and WP armor with decent engine) you can
backstab many camps. Here on the radar depicted is just one camp, but the more, the worse
a war can be. If you decide to ninja a SP, you can better get some (trusted) high leveled
friends with invis (or a means of fast and/or stealth travel) without alerting spies and inform
the nation at 35% of the SP. Of course, always be aware of stackers. Is it just a single camp,
you can skip it OR GBM the formation leader (usually in the middle or front) to cause
confusion and finish the other form members. It’s sometimes worth to BB a (small) camp to
turn the tide of a bad war.
3. An enemy in front of you.

Bombs away!
4. Many enemies around you (and they are not dead).

Forget it, run for your farging killmark, or you end up in a wrecked gear worth of 0
V: Player versus Player

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