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"O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."

Thanks for Today and Bright Hope for Tomorrow


e are already look

ith the words of the

w;ing at new oppor

psalmist: "Bless the

Lord, O my soul, and all that is
within me, bless his holy

tunities and challenges that

the Lord is laying before us

name," we enter 2004 in our

in 2004. However, in this

missionary outreach to Central

and Eastern Europe. The year
of 2003 was challenging end
productive. We thank the Lord
for his blessings and praise his
holy name along with the
psalmist: "Bless the Lord, O my
soul, and forget not all his benefits"
(Ps.103:1-2). Also, we thank all of
you, our friends and supporters, for

issue of The Crier, we pause

to review joys we experi

enced last year in our work

on both sides of the ocean.

The primary mission of

Global Missionary Ministries
(I. to r.) George Repetski,
David McFadden (Board member},
George Bajenski in Warsaw, Poland

is to proclaim Christ's un
changing message to the people of
a changing post-communist Europe.
Together, with you and our national

your true interest, prayers and financial support of

ministries conducted through us in Poland, Belarus,

coworkers, we are helping build the Church of our

Lord Jesus Christ in these spiritually devastated

Ukraine, Lithuania and Czech Republic.


GMM's Informational Meeting in Toronto Area, February 20, 2004

Global Missionary Ministries' Annual Informational Meeting will take place Friday, February 20, 2004
In Mississauga, Ontario. This will be followed the next day by GMM's Boards of Directors' meetings.
We invite all interested friends in the Toronto area to join us at 7:00 pm in Logos Christian Family
Church located at 3535 Dixie Road in Mississauga. GMM's staff members will give a report of the mis
sion's activites throughout 2003. We are also planning to have two coworkers from Europe with us at the

meeting who will tell us about their respective ministries: Andrew Bajenski from Warsaw, Poland, and
Viktor Pavlov from Salcininkai, Lithuania.

We also invite any interested friends from other areas of the USA and Canada to be present. We
can assist you with local hotel arrangements, if desired. We would encourage any supporting
churches to send their representatives and we look forward to their presence with us.

Outreach in Central and Eastern Europe

January-February 2004

Here or a few of our accomplishments from last year:

local churches.

In Europe:
maintained close contact with 4 churches. About

70 people were baptized.

assisted in printing three issues of a Christian mag
azine for children.

provided material that was used in Belarusion

Christian radio programing and then published in
a local Christian magazine.
supported and were personally involved in three
Belarusian camps. Two were operated by local
churches to serve children in the surrounding com
munity and one served children who came from
all parts of the country. In all a total of 1,200
campers participated. As a result many of these
children and their parents have begun attending

Campers taking their belongings to a bus

at the end of their camp,
Pearl Camp near Kobryn, Belarus


assisted in the work of a new church in Turysk

throughout 2003.
until Brother Vasil Shakhveta's sudden death in

November we supported the production and

broadcast of radio programs in Kovel.
supported and were personally involved in two
camps. One camp was organized by a church
in Turysk and the other was organized by a

church, for children from a city orphanage, in

the city of Lutsk. At the Turysk Camp nonchurched teenagers came from the local high
school with 27 responding to the invitation to
follow Jesus. In the orphanage camp 180 chil
Church worker and GMM partr}er, with his daughter.
Good News Church, Minsk, Belarus.

dren were served.

arranged and worked with Canadian praise

and worship musicians who came to minister in
Ukraine and Poland.

continued to work with Viktor and Lodia Pavlov, as

they ministered to needy families in Salcininkai and

surrounding area. In 2003 they realized 4 bap

assisted in organizing a camp for teenagers and a

Daily Vacation Bible School. Some accepted Christ
as their personal Savior and Lord.

with you and our national
coworkers, we are helping to build the
Church of our Lord Jesus Christ in

Czech Republic
assisted a local congregation in Prague that is
served by Daniel Heczko.
organized and led two visits with some of our North
American partners in the cities of Prague and



"Bless the Lord, Omy soul, Qnd forQ6t HOt OI HIS 3n G ItS


saw steady growth of the Christian Fellowship

Church in Warsaw with whom we maintain a

close relationship. The Church was meeting at

two locations, in north and south Warsaw,
with a combined attendance of 650.

Throughout the year 46 people were bap


with GMM's participation Christian Fellowship

Church continued its internet ministry
with GMM's assistance the Ciechanow

Church continued its effective evangelistic out

reach. There were 12 baptisms in 2003.
as a result of Ciechanow's evangelistic work,
two new churches in Dzialdowo and Lizbark

became fully functional congregations.

oversaw 14 weeks of camp at Ostr6da,
Poland, that included all ages: children, youth,
students, and seniors. Each session had a par
ticular emphasis: English language, music,
and a Jewish emphasis for Jewish children
from Ukraine. Many decisions for Christ were

Ostr6da Camp has undergone a major

change in leadership. The new director is
Zbigniw Chojnacki.
under new leadership Ostroda Camp began
major renovations of its facilities. Plans have
been laid to make this a year round facility.

Camp hr orphans near Lutsk, Ukraine

assisted financially in renovation pro|ects for

two other churches in Poland.

worked with 5 short-term mission groups from

the USA and Canada.

In North America:

God blessed us with the coming of Brent

Williams, minister of Westway Christian
Church, Toronto, who is helping us on a parttime basis.
recreated our website under the name of

produced a new logo and printed full-color

promotional material.
assisted 4 foreign Bible college students.
sent 75 care parcels to needy people in
Belarus, Ukraine, and Lithuania.

complied with American and Canadian gov

ernment legal requirements and met all proected mission expenses, ending 2003 in the

An old-fashioned horse and wagon ride in Ukraine



Here or a few of our plans and prayers for this year: ^


GMM Missionaries

Trusting that the

Lord will provide oil

that is needed to accom
encourage progress

in establishing a

plish his purposes in 2004^

we continue praying and

home in Belarus.

working toward God's

help in establishing a

beautiful tomorrow.

new church in Kovel,

the Lord wants us to do

over the next 5 to 10

in light of the 9/11

terrorist act, GMM is

complying with government

regulations in support of pro
grams abroad.


conduct a youth camp and a

Vacation Bible School with a church in

in keeping with our goals, we will be

taking steps to establish Ostrodo Camp
as a year round church development
centre in Poland.

assist in establishing one new church

plant in Poland.
be more involved in evangelistic out
reach and Church building in the Czech
build bridges between Europe
and North America with
short-term mission

Poland and Ukraine

George & Vera Bajenski

George Repetsl<i
Brent Wiliiams
GMM Boards of Directors

During January and February George

Bajenski is with our coworkers and churches
in Poland and Ukraine. We are looking at the
possibility of working with a new church plant
in Kovel, a city in northwest Ukraine, near the
Polish border. Also George will be involved
in central Ukraine, where we are laying plans
for ministry with a Messianic Jewish congre
gation in Zhytomir. While in Poland, he
will be conferring with our

Jim Gregory
Rod Huron
Victor Knowles

David McFadden
Harold Smith
Les White
Ken Wood
Ernie Atkinson

Phil Dempster
Michael Isaac
Jim Tune

coworkers in Warsaw and

Ostroda concerning
further development

groups travelling
both ways.

of a Ministry

visit more

Center at

churches in
Canada and
the USA and

Ostroda Camp.
Please pray for
him asking God
to protect him

GMM at

and make his

time profitable


for the Lord's


envisioning what

The primary mission ot

Global Missionary Ministries
is to proclaim Christ's unchanging

message of salvation to the

people ol a changing postcommunist Central and Eastern


Global Missionary Ministries

Rockwood Mall Postal Outlet
P.O.Box 41201

MIssissauga, ON L4W 5C9


Tel. (905)564-3578


PnntM in Canada

Encouraging a family in a Polish village


Living 'MemoriaCs

in memory of / Giver By

Joan & Tennie Ficych, Michael

Zidkovich, John Zidovich
Samuel & Anna Ficych
Katie Wandich

Olga Emter

Benjamin Bajenski
Phiiathea Class, First Christian

Address Change
Please riote that our address

has recently been changed.

Any correspondence with us
must be addressed as follows:


Global Missionary Ministries

Martha & Thomas Green

Rockwood Mall Postal Outlet

Evelyn & Rudy Penner

Jan & Larry Snyder

MIssissauga, ON L4W 509

P.O.Box 41201

January-February 2004



'0 Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet biast... your God is coming.

Free of Debt, but still '^Debtors"

After hearing reports from two of our invited
guests from Lithuania and Poland and following
lengthy Board discussions,by faith we are committing
more of our time and mission resources to bringing
in more souls to Christ in 2004.

How? By working with our national co-workers,

we will...

With guests from Europe: (L to R.)

Andrew Bajenski (Poland)^ George Bajenski,
George Repetski and Viktor Pavlov (Lithuania)
The Boards of the Canadian and American

organizations of Global Missionary Ministries held

their Annual Meeting February 21, 2004. We are
happy to inform you that, by God's grace, our last
year of intensive missionary activity in Europe closed
"in the black." We are free of debt and had no

unfinished mission business.

Yet, we feel like the apostle Paul who wrote to

the Romans (Rom. 1:14-15] that we are "debtors,"
eager and "under obligation to preach the Gospel to
the wise and the foolish," to all who live in today's
Poland, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania and Czech
Republic. This is our mission's mandate.

start new churches in Poland and strengthen

struggling weaker ones
establish a Training Center for practical
ministry at our existing Ostroda Camp in

energize the work in Solcininkai, Lithuania

print more Christian literature in Belarus
help develop a work on behalf of children in
Belarus who were victimized by the
Chernobyl Nuclear Station accident in 1986
support in a new church work in Kovel,

assist in outreach to Jewish children in

Ukraine, Belarus and Russia

continue to encourage church work in

Prague, Czech Republic
organize and assist throughout the summer
months 5 different short term mission teams
from the United States and Canada to serve

in Europe.

Godcommitted it to us and we cannot foil Him.

Friends, we of GMM constitute a small mission,

yet with your help and God's blessings we serve

people in five different cultures and language groups
of Central Europe. Thank you for your interest and
involvement in this strategic mission field of a rapidly
changing post-communist Europe. There are new
challenges before us.


eager and "under obligation

to preach the Gospel to the wise and
the foolish,''
(Rom. 1:14-15}

Outreach in Central and Eastern Europe

March-April 2004

Report From Lithuania

One of the countries in which GMM works is

Lithuania, a smali country with over 3 million people

that is joining the

more about God and the Bible.

Soon after she accepted Jesus as Saviour and


close to the borders

We continued writing,
meeting, and finally
decided to marry.
GR: Tell us about your

speak Polish, Russian or


European Union. While

the dominant language is

Lithuanian, people living

VP: Salcininkai is a

Belorusian. Most

small city with a population

of 6,000, only 5 km. from

Lithuanians adhere to

traditional Catholicism
with a mix of occultic

practices. Viktor Pavlov,

our co-worker, was

the Belarusian border. 80%

of the population is Polish,

10% Lithuanian and the

Chapel in which congregation meets

recently with us at our

Annual Board meeting.
Here is the interview conducted by George Repetski:
GR: Viktor, please tell us something about yourself
and your family.
VP: I serve as a pastor in a small church in the
town of Salcininkai (pronounced:
Shal-chee-neen-kai) in southern
Lithuania. My family consists of
Lodia, my wife, and two sons. We
serve the Lord together. Our sons,
who are 16 and 14 years old,

remaining 10% are

Russian, Belarusian,
Ukrainian and others. Praise God, we have a small

church in this town and we minister there.

GR: How did the work in Salcininkai begin?

VP: For a while in this city we were the only
evangelical Christian family along
with one elderly lady. We started
with Bible studies conducted in the

local Russian school. Later, the city

authorities allowed us to meet in the
Belarusian Cultural Center. We met

there on Sunday mornings for several

years. Other meetings during the
week were held in our apartment.

attend a local Polish school.

GR: How did you become

acquainted with your wife?

GR: I remember that room. It was

VP: After service in the Soviet

Army another Christian and I

small and rather invisible to the

worked on trains and traveled all

general public. We suggested you

look for a place that would make
you more visible. How were you able
to finally procure the land you now

over the Soviet Union. My wife

also worked for the railroad

company. During one stop in the

Siberian city of Barnaul she came
to us asking for help. Lodia and


VP: Yes, we could only dream of

having our own place for gathering!
Our meeting room sometimes smelled

her co-worker needed assistance

in unlocking the door of their

berth. That's how we met. Later, in

kindness they invited us to their

The Pavlov Family

Salcininkai, Lithuania

room for lunch. We came,

became acquainted, and witnessed to them about

Jesus Christ. When Lodia returned home she went to

a local church in Vilnius, as we suggested, to learn

of smoke or alcohol and was not too

conducive for worship. This bothered

us, so we started praying and
searching for a more appropriate place.
There was a plot of land in our town with
a crumbling, filthy building on it.

March-April 2004

Report From Lithuanio

Once a milk-bottling factory, it was now a place
where people threw their garbage. With the help of
Global Missionary Ministries we were able to
purchase this land..We cleaned out the debris, which
was knee deep in the building. We built a small
wood-frame chapel for immediate use. Thanks to
your help, we conduct our services in the chapel. We
thank God for what He's given us because more
people know about us now that we are more visible.
GR; How many people are attending your
services and who are they?
VP: Various kinds of people attend. Some need to
make a definite decision about their relationship to
God. Others are baptized believers who responded
as a result of our work. On average 25 people
attend. We have other people who come to
Salcininkai from neighboring villages. We conduct
Sunday services. On Tuesdays we have Bible study.
On Fridays it's prayer service. Our people have so
many needs. We bring these needs to the Lord.
GR: Can you tell us of people who came to the
Lord and were changed by Him?
VP: Yes. In each case lives were truly broken and
in great need of change. Since accepting the Lord,
we can see great changes that have taken place
spiritually and physically. Several were alcohol
dependent. They merely existed. God has granted
them new life In Christ. Tadeush was a sick man who

drank constantly. He injured his spinal cord in an

accident, ended up in prison, and got into drugs.
Praise the Lord, he turned to God, was baptized,
and left his old life behind. He's a new person now

Viktor Pavlov baptizing a recent convert

and rejoicing in his new life with Christ and

making progress in this relationship. Another lady
was Involved In the occult and engaged in fortune
telling. After hearing the Gospel at a village service,
she believed in the Lord and turned her back on all

those former practices. She brings her children to our

services. Such people become a great testimony of
Christ's saving and changing power to others close
to them.

GR: Viktor, I know that you've done no small

amount of work with children. What about this year?

VP: Each summer we conduct camp and VBS for

children. We'll be doing the same this year. We sow
God's word in hearts. We believe that it will remain
in their hearts and have an effect on the next

generation. This summer we ore planning two

children's VBS programs. One will be conducted with
a group from the United States, and the other with
a group of Polish Christians.
GR: Why do the parents allow their children to
participate in your DVBS programs?
VP: Parents reacted in various ways. At the

beginning some were afraid to allow their children

to come for VBS. But with time, more parents started
sending their children to us. During the first year we
could gather only 13 children. This year we will have
40 children or more. This testifies to the fact that

parents see our programs as useful. Some have

commented that their children have become more

obedient after being with us. Yes, they give positive

Taking of communion in Salcininkai Church



Report From Lithuonio


VP: We want to renovate the

GR: What about an outreach to

VP: We conduct outreach to children
and adults. This summer we will have

special services for alcoholics. We'll be

sharing the Gospel with each group in
terms that they will understand. GMM's
support of our outreach to children and
adults is greatly appreciated.
GR; What help do you offer people
who live in poverty?
VP: We offer spiritual and material
help. You

basement of our church building. We

cannot do this ourselves. We depend on
the Lord to supply us with necessary

GMM Missionaries

finances. This will serve for our children's

ministry, plus a soup kitchen to feed the

hungry and destitute of our town. We're
planning to install a shower for the
"down-n-outers." This will give a hearing
for the Gospel in their lives. We hope to
complete full construction on our church
building and from there reach out to the

George & Vera Bajenski

George Repetski
Brent Williams

GMM Boards of Directors


Jim Gregory


remember Jesus'

words, "you visit

Rod Huron

GR: How

Victor Knowles
David McFadden

ed me when I

can we help

was sick, you

fed me when I

VP: By

was hungry."

prayer. The

Ernie Atkinson

We offer cloth

needs are

David Dyker

ing and food to

great. Prayer is

families because
of their dire

the key. Please

needs. Many

as we face the

Les White
Ken Wood

Phil Dempste

remember us

thank us. We
come to them
with bread in

physical and
spiritual needs
of people
around us. If the Lord lays it on some
body's heart we would welcome finan
cial assistance to complete the church
basement and upper floors, that in all of
this we would still help many and bring
glory to God..

Preparing food hampers for needy people

one hand and spiritual bread in the

other - an attempt to meet all their needs.
GR: What plans do you have for
construction on your permanent church

Harold Smith

Michael Isaac

Jim Tune

The primary mission of

Global Missionary Ministries

is to proclaim Christ's unchanging
message of salvation to the
people of a changing postcommunist Central and Eastern


Global Missionary Ministries

Rockwood Mall Postal Outlet,
P.O. Box 41201

MIssissauga, ON L.4W 5C9


Tel. (905)564-3578


Printed In Canada

Living MetnoriaCs
Joe Honchoruk
Ramono Hancharuk

In memory of / Given By

Benjamin Bajenski
Aileen Chisholm

Mike Zidkovich, John Zidkovich, John T.

Patricia Ing


Eva Nourse

Warren & Mary Kroeker

Terry Tanner, James MocDonold
Eileen Tonner
Katie Wandich

Fred & Pauline Noyduk

Alice Humeny, Fred Posnikoff
Nody & Pauline Posnikoff

March-April 2004

tfiis is tde wtCC of QotC,

tdat 1 sfiould not Cose even one

of aCC tftose 7(e fias given 'M.e..."

Jodn 6:3p

Irene Neville

Paul F. Nourse

Gary & Nancy Vessell

Eva Nourse

Charles Neville
Irene Neville



"O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."

"That They May Know...

As of May 2004, three countries in which GMM is
involved hove become full members of the European
Union-Czech Republic, Lithuania and Poland.
What will this mean for Christians and churches

functioning under this new world order? Time will

tell but we can certainly say that there will be more
freedom for travel to and in these countries, more

employment opportunities and greater political

On the other hand, prices and living expenses in
these countries will increase. People will have even
less time and interest to be thinking about spiritual
matters while busying themselves with the pursuit
of material gain.
Another two countries in which GMM is involved

are Belarus and Ukraine. As we look at their politi

cal, economic and religious conditions,
we see a different picture
emerging. These


Poland, Czech Republic and Lithuania.

A friend from Belarus recently wrote us stating:
"Unfortunately the relationship between the church
and state is still uneasy.
The law that was legislated last year is being
enforced. In one town believers held a prayer
meeting in a private home. The police came, told
them what they were doing was illegal and forced
them to pay a fine. The believers went to court to
contest the action token by the police, but the judge
told them that the police acted in accordance with
the law. In another town the police and
representatives of the state came to the Christmas
service held by a group of believers and warned
them that it was an illegal meeting. They were told
to stop the meeting. In another Belarusian town and
surrounding villages, children in public

countries still remain

under the cloud of

schools were asked who of

them attended Sunday

School in evangelical
churches. They then
had to report the
names of their



days. Their
economies ore




Politically they
do not display
the stability that

churches were

totally burned
during last year.

we see in the

West. In religious

Churches hear
threats such as: 'We

life Christians are

facing opposition from

government and traditional
religious groups. Yet there ore
more Bible-believing and
Bible-preaching churches in
Belarus and Ukraine than in

that they may know the

mystery of God^ namely^ Christ,
in whom are hidden all the treasures of

wisdom and Icnowledge^^ (Col. 2:2-3).

will burn your churches;

we will drive you out of your
church buildings.' Please
support us in your prayers in

this struggle."

Outreach in Central and Eastern Europe

May-June 2004

May-June 2004


faith with these young people

For me it all began in 1996

when my husband and

who knew so little about

I ventured to Ostroda,

God's Word and His

Poland, to serve at a

Son was a rich

2-week music camp.


But I

wasn't the only one

I fell in love with the

people of Poland.
Not only that, but I
found myself singing
and dancing "Hava
Nagilah" with a group of

Paula: What could a

Belarusian Jewish women

52-year-old American

staying at the camp! Since

that time, God has deepened
my love for Poland and has
burned in my heart a commitment
to His Jewish people.

from our team whose

life was greatly


Home visitation in Zhytomir, Ultraine

(Author of articie, Sandy Hatfield,
is 2nd from the right)

Last summer (2003) these two passions were wed

woman have in common

with Ukrainian Jewish
children? The love of Christ

bridges the gap between any dif

ferences in age, culture, likes, dis
likes, customs, or thoughts.
His love truly conquers all!

as I returned to Ostroda with a team from our

church, this time to lead a camp for Ukrainian Jewish

children. 35 children, ages 7-14, plus 9 adults,
travelled 24 hours by bus from Zhytomir, Ukraine, to
come to this camp. At first the names were strange
(Vlad? Ruslan? Luda?), but in less than a day we
knew each one, and each became dear.

As we

compared notes with the leaders from Ukraine, we

realized God had led us to prepare the same

We combined our resources and took the

Brad and Nancy: One lasting memory that remains

etched in our minds is that of the children worshiping
God in song, arms draped over each other's
shoulders, swaying back and forth while they sang
unto the Lord. It was amazing how quickly our boys
bonded with the kids from Ukraine. The bonding was
accelerated by the exceptional facilities of Camp
Ostroda. A typical day of available sporting
activities included soccer, basketball, swimming and

children on an

various games.

amazing journey,

The time our son

beginning with
creation, explaining

Nikolas spent at
the camp

the covenants, and

culminating in the
coming of the
promised Jewish
Messiah. Our days

affected his life.

were full of lessons,

His nightly
prayers include
God's blessing
and protection

music, games, and

over his new




To share my life and

Chiidren singing in Zhytomir


May-June 2004


Kezia (age 20):

It is impossible

Shabbat servic

children we

es, packed with

people eager to
worship God;
and we gazed in

worked with in

wonder at the

Ostroda or to
condense all
that the Lord has


to summarize

my heart for the

Messianic Center

which will serve

as both worship
done through
and conference
this ministry. I
center. And, of
will simply say
course, we talked
that my life was
Bible lesson at Osfroda Camp
Camp 2004." Why camp? Zhytomir is not far from
changed; I fell deeply in love with the 35 children
Chernobyl, the site of the nuclear disaster in 1986.
there; and I ache for my precious friends in Ukraine
Parents are eager for their children to vacation away
to know Jesus. I am in constant contact with them
from Zhytomir ... to enjoy fresh air, clean water,
through letters, e-mails, and phone calls, which
relaxation, and fun. Many of these Jewish children
makes being far apart slightly less difficult. 1am
attend Jewish orthodox schools. The chances of
committed to these kids and pray daily for them,
them hearing the Gospel are very slim. Yet if there
their families, and friends. This past summer has
is an opportunity to go to such a place as Camp
completely shifted my focus for the future. My heart
Ostroda, the parents are willing to send their child,
is heavily burdened for the people there and I am
even though it is a "Christian" facility. It is a great
praying fervently about working overseas long term.
opportunity to share the Gospel with these dear
This January we had the great privilege of joining
families. Already we have seen fruit as parents
George Bajenski on a trip to Ukraine. It was
wonderful to be reunited with several of the children

hove responded out of gratitude for the love

and workers from the camp! Arkadi

Morgulis, the Messianic Pastor in
Zhytomir, was our gracious host

extended to their children.

convinced that this camp outreach is

a valid and effective means of

reaching the lost, especially

the lost sheep of Israel.

and we were able to experi

ence first-hand the work God

is doing there. We
watched as plates of

I thank GMM for the

special privilege of com

ing alongside them in this
work. It is my prayer that

home-cooked food were

served at the soup

kitchens (] 3 kitchens
serving 500 dally); we
visited elderly Jewish

more and more children

believers whose faith

remains strong in the midst

of difficult circumstances; we

Arkadi Morgulis sharing bread

shared in three Messianic

with Jewish children at Ostroda


We are


can come to camp and

meet Yeshua pesus), their
loving Messiah.
Sandy Hatfield (Brighton,



Often we face hard choices in life.

We would like to organize and conduct

summer camps for children and young
people in Belarus, however, our friend in
that country writes: "Unfortunately,
according to a new policy by our state,
it is very difficult for us to organize such
camps in Belarus." He asks us if it would
be possible to send some of their
children to Poland for camp with our

C h

conducted throughout the summer

months. Living cost for one camper per

GMM Missionaries

day is approximately $10.

What should we do? Our prayer and
desire is: "Yes, Lord, we would like to

bring as many campers as possible to

Poland, that they may come to "know
you and all the treasures of wisdom and
knowledge that rests in you."
Friends, please help us make this

George & Vera Bajenski

George Repetski
Brent Williams

This summer we will conduct various

GMM Boards of Directors

camp sessions in Ostroda for different

groups-for seniors, children from
Zhytomir, Ukraine, and possibly youth


Jim Gregory
Rod Huron

Victor Knowles
David McFadden
Harold Smith

from Belarus and Russia. We will

George Bajenski
with Arkadi visiting an
elderly man in Zhytomir

conduct youth camps for Polish children

(possibly some from Belarus will be
present), English language camps for
young people of
various ages, music camps, and a
Sunday School teachers' camp. We will
also be involved in a VBS camp in
Lithuania, two camps in western Ukraine
and one at the Pearl Health Center in

As already stated in a previous page,

organizing a camp in the vicinity of the
city of Zhytomir, Ukraine, where we
have contact with many children, is not
recommended because of its proximity
to the city of Chernobyl.
In Poland, where there are no obstacles,

we have a church camp property in the

city of Ostroda where camps will be

Les While

Ken Wood

Ernie Atkinson

Phil Dempster
David Dyke
Michael Isaac
Jim Tune

The primary mission of

Global Missionary Ministries

is to proclaim Christ's unchanging
message of salvation to the

people ol a changing post-


communist Central and Eastern


Friends of GMM, your prayers and

financial help will be greatly
appreciated. Will you please consider
sending in a contribution for "summer
camps" so that GMM can assist in this
very vital ministry?

Global Missionary Ministries

Rockwood Mall Postal Outlet
RO. Box 41201

Mississauga, ON L4W SC9


Tel. (905)564-3578


PnmM In Canada

Living MemoriaCs
In memory of / Given By

"Tlie 6ocCy...S(xmxjjerisfia6fe...raisecfimj>en5fia6[e" (i Corintfiians 15:42).

Don Plevin
Carole Plevin
Paul F. Nourse

Nancy & Gary Vessell

May-June 2004


Alice Humeny & Fred Posnikoff

Nady & Pauline Posnikoff
Benjamin Bajenski
Janice & Larry Snyder



"O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."

" NewGeneration
Chrisfian missionary

who conceived a new vision to

outreach to Central and

establish a Center for Church

Eastern Europe, from one

Development in Poland.
This ministry will revitalize
existing congregations and plant
new ones throughout the country.
To accomplish this task, more

Toronto-based mission, was

initiated by our fathers in the
early 1960's. In June of 1965
Westway Christian Church in
Toronto sent George Bajenski

workers are needed. We thank

to Poland with a prayer of

dedication. In 1971, by the

the Lord that He has sent us one

couple of his choosing, Luke and

Marisa Bajenski. We are thrilled
to introduce them to you. They
Luke and Marisa Bajenski
George Repetski joined this
are joining us in this new venture
missionary endeavor. In the mid-70's we were
of reaching today's generation with the Gospel of
known as a radio ministry reaching out with the
Christ. Let us welcome them as GMM's newest
Gospel to millions behind the "Iron Curtain."
missionary partners to Poland.
Since that time we have seen many political and
economic changes taking place in Europe. This has
We fhank God for their decision and present them
motivated us to make appropriate adjustments in
to you today as worthy of your prayers and support.
some of our ways of presenting the unchanging
Our prayer is that God may use them greatly in this
strategic partnership of reaching Europe, which was message of Christ to the people of these new
democracies in Central and Eastern Europe.
once a leading Christian continent, but today is one
invitation of John Huk of
Toronto Christian Mission,

of the most secular.

Our present mission strategy for Europe

is to evangelize and plant new churches. We strive
to encourage young national Christians to train and
enter full-time Christian ministry in their native land.
Working with Polish churches, we are now in the
process of adapting Ostroda Camp, which was
founded by us some 30 years ago, into a
year-round Center for Evangelism and Mission.
We are also encouraging and assisting a long time
minister of the Warsaw Church, Andrew Bajenski,

Luke and Marisa are available for speaking

engagements with your church or mission
committee. You may contact them directly by using
their e-mail address;

Or you may contact them through GMM at:
We wholeheartedly recommend them to you.

Outreach in Central and Eastern Europe

July-August 2004

July August 2004

Luke and Morisa's Sfory


into all the world and preach the Good News to

all creation" (Luke 16:15).

Luke's Story I grew up in the

In this learning process God

surrounded me with amazing people
who have followed Him much longer
than I to serve as my mentors.

Christian Fellowship
Church in Warsaw, Poland, where
my father, Andrew, has been

serving as senior pastor for the

past 25 years. The witness of my
parents' life and ministry gave me
a solid foundation for Christian

faith. Bible stories, hymns, camp

experiences, and excellent
models of Christian men and

women were all part of my world,

but it was the unexpected death of
Benjamin Bajenski, my childhood
friend, that prompted me to commit my life to
Christ. As I progressed through high school that
commitment deepened and developed into a desire
to be in the ministry. Through the generosity of a
number of individuals and churches I was given the
opportunity to prepare for the ministry at Hope
International University in Fullerton, CA.
For my maior I chose Church Ministry and
Preaching and studied rigorously to condense the
4-year degree into 3 years to allow me to return to
Poland sooner. I did not realize that most of my
education was going to take place outside of the
classroom. New culture, new ideas, new lifestyles,
new opportunities - on the outside I kept my
composure keeping to my initial plan, but inside
everything I knew was being challenged. My world
expanded a thousand times almost overnight and
all of a sudden things were not so clear anymorel
What does it mean to follow Jesus in my own life?
Why do I believe? What do I believe?
What difference does it make? Which road do I

He also put Morisa on my

path, first, as a much-needed
friend, then, much-admired girl
friend, even eventually, to be my
much-undeserved wife and partner
in ministry. Only God could have
known that a perfect match for me
was a Mexican-Spanish-DutchGerman girl from Los AngelesI Add
Polish to the mix and our children will need a world

map just to figure out who they arel

While still in college, Marisa and I began

serving at a local church, she as a Children's
Director and I as the College Pastor. Then we
moved to Pasadena, CA to allow me to finish my
M.A. in Intercultural Studies (Missions] at the School
of World Mission of Fuller Theological Seminary.

Here I currently manage the Doctor of Ministry

Program, or "D. Min.," as we call it, which is a
learning community for experienced pastors and

denominational leaders looking to enhance their

ministry skills while remaining in their ministry context. I have the daily privilege of working with
some of the most respected Christian leaders of our
time. I try to absorb as much as possible in
preparation for the ministry of equipping and
resourcing Christian leaders in Poland. At the same
time, working with my father, Andrew, we are
developing a new strategy for the Church
Development Center. We would like this Center to
be known as "ProEcclesia," i.e. "Pro Church

take given all these new opportunities? In hindsight,

I know God had to challenge what I
thought I already knew to
teach me to trust Him in a

brand new way.


Pro Church Center."

-The Cribr

July - August 2004

Luke and Marisa's Story


had an only Son and he made him a

missionary" David Livingston.
Marisa's Story I grew up in southern
California, a suburb

of Los Angeles. I was raised in the

Catholic Church tradition, but I always
felt something was missing spiritually
in my life. Then at 16 a friend invited
me to a high school camp organized
by her church. Something was
different about the people I met there.
They seemed to have something to
live for. By the end of camp, I
realized that it was their close

relationship with Jesus that made the difference.

The last evening before I went home, I asked God
to be in my life. Since then I know my life has a
purpose. Later in college I was blessed to have

for counseling while leading

recovery groups in the church. It is an
amazing sight to see God's love trans
form and restore broken

After Luke and I married and

moved to Pasadena, to allow him to

finish his studies, I began working as

a substitute teacher. One of my calls
was to substitute in a special
education classroom working with
students with emotional and psychological
difficulties. It was a perfect match for me. After a
couple of weeks I was asked to stay as a full-time
teacher in that classroom and have been there ever

since. I could not have picked a better fit for

myself. I am able to use my passion for teaching,
counseling, mentoring, and mothering with my
students every day. Next year I will finish my
credentialing program and graduate with an M.A.
in Special Education from California State
My passions are teaching and counseling. I
have loved children ever since I was a child myselfl University. Special education is a very challenging
ministry, but every morning God fills my heart up
I love just being a part of a child's life and
with enough love, to allow me to express it to my
showing them how much God loves them. I could
students. I know I would not have enough love on
not wait to be a babysitter. While in high school I
volunteered in a pediatrics ward of a local hospital my own, but I know God uses me to love these
students Ln ways their
and taught gymnastics..
Three generations of Christian workers families and society
Child and Adolescent
cannot. I am excited to
Development seemed like
move to Poland not just
an obvious choice for my
because I love the
major in college. During
people there, but
my studies 1also pro
because I know God
gressed up the teaching

Luke baptize me at Parkcrest Christian Church in

Long Beach, CA, which was our home church at
that time. As I have grown in my faith I realized
that I want to serve God with everything that I am.

ladder, in various
schools, from childcare
worker to teachers'

assistant to preschool
teacher, eventually to
become a Children's
Director at our church. I

had my first opportunities From I. to r - George &Nfera, Andrew & Ursaila, Luke & Moriso

The Crier

wants to use my passion

for special education

and counseling among
Polish families.







During the month of June, July and August George Repetski and
George Bajenski are ministering with our coworkers in Central
Europe. Here are some activities in which they are engaging:

GMM Missionaries

ministering in the cities of Kovel and Turysk, Ukraine, In churches and

preaching in churches and ministering at a
children's camp in Belarus
preaching and singing in various churches
throughout Ukraine, Belarus and Poland with
George & Vera Bajenski
George Repetski

the Rostvit Twins from Colorado

recording sermons in the Belarusian language

for radio broadcasting
helping in VBS in Salcininkai Church in Lithuania with a mission team from

Brent Williams
GMM Boards of Directors

Beaverton, OR

Jim Gregory

participating with a mission team from the Parkcrest Church, Long Beach, CA
in a junior camp for Polish children at Ostroda
working with a mission team from the
Brighton Church, ML, In outreach to

Victor Knowles
David McFadden

Rod Huron

Harold Smith
Les White

Ken Wood

Jewish children from Ukraine and

Ernie Atkinson

Phil Dempster

Belarus at the Ostroda Camp

working In evangelistic outreach In the

David D^e
Michael Isaac
Jim Tune

cities of Radom and Plock, Poland

with Teen Mission, led by Greg

Herriford and John Hampton of First
Christian Church, Canton, OH
participating In an English Language Camp in
Ostroda, Poland
assisting in a Music Camp at Ostroda

visiting churches and camp in Poland with Victor

The primary mission ot

Global Missionary Ministries
is to proclaim CttrisI's unchanging
message of salvation to the
people of a changing postcommunist Central and Eastern


Global Missionary Ministries

Rockwood Mail Postal Outlet

P.O. Box 41201

Mlsslssauga, ON L4W 509


Knowles, of Peace On Earth Ministries

ministering in the Warsaw Church with Clark and Glennie Tanner from
Beaverton Christian Church, Beaverton, OR

Tel. (905)564-3578
e-malt: gmm@ldlrectcom


visiting with a church in Prague, Czech Republic

participating in a pastors' conference in Poland

Primed in Canada

We appreciate

Living QAemoriaCs

your prayers on

in memory of / Given By

behalf of all our

"Tfe Body...sown jferisfiaSCe...raise({imjjerisfiaSCe" (i Corintdians 15:42).

ministries in

Europe this
summer and all

work being done

at home in our
Canadian office.
July-August 2004

Alice Humeny & Fred Posnikoff / Nady & Pauline Posnikoff

Donald W. MacQuorrie / Donald & Ethel MacQuarrie

Rev. I. and Mary Sidorchuk, Joseph Redllch, Lily Zurbillo / John Sidorchuk
Benjamin Bajenski / George and Vera Bajenski
In honor and memory of Benjamin Bajenski & Dr. Robert Stamper / Rev. Bryan Stamper





September 2004


Dear Friends,


Beslan is geographically far from the message of love and reconciliation preached by Global
Missionary Ministries, but as soon as we heard the news of hostage taking in Beslan, we prayed for
the Lord to intervene.When the tragic end of this episode happened, we cried and prayed even
more and we could not remain indifferent.We shared this sad news with our GMM prayer
partners, and the rest is already God's doing. Nowwe are only''responding in loveto this act of



Victor Knowles of Peace on Earth Ministries in Joplin, MO was first to respond and wrote:
"George,we have to do something..."

In the small communityof Beslan in southern Russia (population of about 30,000 people),
more than 350 individuals, most of them being children, were killed in the local school as a result
of terrorists' actions. An additional 540 were wounded and were sent to hospitals. Some are still
unaccounted for. When we learned that next to the school building where the tragedy took place
stands an Evangelical Christian-Baptist Church, and 33 children who attended that church plus one
of their Sunday Schoolteachers were among those killed, hospitalized or missing, our hearts




became even more heavy.

Then we read one more letter in which a pastor from Moscow, visiting the church,wrote the
following: "When I entered the church before the Sundayworship service, Isensed the
tremendous griefand sorrow in that place... The voices of many children could no longer be heard
in this worship service because they were with the Lord in heaven at that very moment. These
were the children who formed the backbone of the Sunday School and wonderful children's choir.
Every person in the servicefelt deep sadness at his or her loss. No one even tried to hold back
their tears... One Christian lady from the church, whose children had been held hostage, told a
non-Christianwoman standing next to her that there is hope only in God. The unbelieving woman
responded by promising that, ifshe and her son survived this ordeal, they would certainly turn to
God and come to church." MayGod grant that we hear many more such testimonies.
Friends, after prayerful consideration we have decided to inform you that we would like to do
more than just pray, but also help in this tragic situation.Wewant to send a love offering to those
people, families and children who still sufferso much as a result of what happened to them. We
would like to provide them with relief and assistance. It is our intention to take "the hope of
Bethlehem to the people of Beslan" before Christmas.








Global Missionary Ministries and Peace on Earth Ministries are joiningforces to raise needed
funds to send or personallydeliver, if possible,to "respond in loveto this act of hatred." Ifyour
heart is so inclined, you may send your Canadian contribution to our GMM Canadian address, or
American donors maysend to "Peace on Earth Ministries," P. O. Box 275,Joplin, MO 64802-0275.
rk your checks with a side note - Beslan Project.

Yours sincerely for Christ,

George Bajenski

Rockwood Mall Postal Outlet, P.O. Box 41201

Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5C9 Canada

Phone: 905-564-3578 Fax: 905-564-6732 E-mail:



"O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."








"Paul had a vision of a man from Macedonia who was

Obviously Paul/
the Apostle, was
tuned in to God's


standing and begging him: 'Come over fa Macedonia and help us.'
After Paul hod seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for
Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the Gospel
to them" (Acts 16:9-10).

He heard the call

and immediately

riF7TIS-Drog9, Prawd^ i Z^yciem

responded. It can be
said, he was the first

missionary who come

with Christ's message

Satan continues

to do his work

by keeping the
hearts and

minds of many
people closed to the
Gospel. There is a
great need and
many opportunities

to Europe. However,

for mission work in

as we look at this old

Central Europe.
If some of you hear
this urgent call
to evangelize post-

continent, we see that

its once solid Christian

foundation, is eroding.
Today Europe is uniting,

communist Europe,

but her leaders cannot

agree on her Christian


basis for society. Even


though millions of her

people are highly

educated, culturally

You can talk with us atioul

nho is uurl.OKD and


Confon, Ohio rDission group with church in Plock, Poland

"odvalKed and veTy'

religious, most of them do not know Christ. The old

we will be glad to
talk with you. There
are opportunities for

fulkime missionary
work and short-term

missions. Churches

are looking for

~ -

Missionary Ministries ore striving to do our part in

reaching Europe for Christ, but to accomplish this we
need your help. God opened the door for the Gospel
message to make new inroads into European

children and youth workers, English-language

teachers, worship leaders (with an appreciation for
older and newer styles of music), evangelists and
church planters. May God help us to reach Europe
for Christ during this time that is left for us to labor for
the Lord and His Kingdom. In this issue of The Crier,
we would like to share a few pictures, comments, and
observations given by several individuals who were
traveling with us in Europe this post summer. May
God use these words to inspire and motivate all
of us to do what the Apostle Paul did when he

societies since the fall of communism.

heard the Macedonian call.

Macedonian Gospel call is again being echoed.

Come over and help us in Europe! Precisely this
theme will be discussed by GMM and other
missionaries at one workshop during the National
Missionary Convention in Peoria, 111, September
30 - October 3. Come and hear us! We of Global

Outreach in Central and Eastern Europe

September - October 2004

September - October 2004


HCtebttMM OniMKni

the value ofthe opportunity

to influence the young
people for Christ in a
camp setting without

need that Cross County

Christian Church would

guests could come and

too many restrictions or

like to explore is the pos

sibility of remodeling the
chapel so that it could

feel comfortable hearing

the message of Jesus?
What if a growing

distractions. Very strong

become a home to a

congregation could use

Christian congregation
among the counselors
from the community.
and campers - bonds that Twelve years ago I
may very well last into
worked on building a
eternity. The Church in
stage for the chapel that
Poland has the challenge had once been a barn.
now of reaching out to a It was so great this
bonds were made

George Ba/enski with Parkcrest

and Cross Counfy Christian
Church group
Steve Boeder

(back row 2nd r.)

Steve Boeder, minister

of Cross County Christian

Church, Garden Grove,
CA, writes:

"My impression of
Poland after 12 years of
not being there is that the
country is more colorful
and vibrant, as it has

Croup from Beaverton

Christian Church (Oregon) in
Salcininka, Lithuania

shaken much of its gray

influenceof the communist

community that has many

era. Iwas most impressed

with the strength of the

more choices and

influences which

Church in Poland.
1 observed this in the

compete with the Gospel.

These challenges are

Youth CampatOstroda.

similar to the ones we

The counselors give up

face here in the States.

2 weeks of their time to

The Gospel presentation

spend with the young

children. They do so
willingly and cheerfully.
They have a 24/7 schedule
with very few breaks.
I am sure that they grow
weary at times but they

needs to have a hook,

the camp facilities to

reach out to the

surrounding community?
These are not only my
dreams, but dreams of

the camp staff and many

Polish believers in

summer to see the


counselors presenting
skits on that stage, the
children reciting Scripture
on that stage, receiving
rewards and singing
praises to the Lord on
that stage. What if the
stage was improved

One comment Steve

made about his summer

travel is very significant:

"God used me a little,

but taught me much I"


so that it could

accommodate a worship

ed me a lif//


taught me

Ostroda can\pers bid farewell
with tears and joy

or many will not even

give it a second glance.

Then comes the problem

of the hook being the
end goal, as opposed to
the message of Jesus and

team and a pastor?

What if the Lord's supper
would be served regularly
from that platform? What
if the walls and floors

seem more resilient than

his sacrificial love. Even

those of us in the West.

facilities now matter

were insulated allowing

a local congregation to

I believe they understand

more in Poland. One

meet there each week

Tke Crier

to honor God? What if

Evangelistic outreach in a

Lithuanian village

September - October 2004


Greg Herriford of Teen

was the willingness of

Mission writes:

"I was quite impressed

churches to work with

other folks that call

with New Testament

themselves Christians.

churches in the country of

I met several CMA

Poland. I did not realize

that the Restoration

(Christian and Missionary

Alliance} missionaries that

the adults had liquor on

their breath (but were very

friendly). On Sunday
morning, we worshiped
with the congregation in
a rented office space. In
Radom I met a man

Movement had been in

are active in the churches

named Jarek. He was a

Poland almost 100 years!

In particular, the church in
Warsaw (where Andrzej
Bajenski preaches) is quite
impressive. It sort of serves
as the 'flagship' church.
They have over 600
people in attendance on
Sundays. The church has

and helping with new

church plants.

non-instrumental preacher.
His home church group
was so small that they had

Our team worked with the

small Christian Church in

planting new congregations. of Radom.
Radom's population is
approximately 250,000
people. I'm told there are
less than 100 evangelicals
in the entire city. On
Saturday afternoon, our

The Christian Churches

team did an outreach

seemed to be well

event in a park/square in
the city (a site where a
Jewish synagogue had

also been active in

organized in Poland.
We were able to attend

for Christ in Central and

Eastern Europe."
Victor Knowles of
POEM Ministries writes:

John Hampton welcomed

byAndrzej Bajenski

there. Nearly all the

churches were

I had come from a non-

represented. They have a

set structure for leadership

instrumental background
and how positive things
were happening with the
independent churches and

Convention while we were

that resembles a

denominational structure,

but does not carry any of

the creeds or additions

that would come with it.

Another thing I noticed

Greg Herriford (r) with street

peopleof Radom

was part of this group.

He writes: "Thoughts of
Poland are still very much
in my mind. As Paul said
in Philipplans 1:3: '1 thank
my God every time I
remember you.' Looking
forward to seeing the

trying to get things from

the Americans. Many of

Union of Evangelical
Christians In 1930 and

1936. This part of Ukraine

was then part of Poland.
A picture of that huge
conference Is on the wall
of the church and in the

Evangelical Christian
Church though It is

went well as we had

were not aggressive In

A prizedpiece of
handicraft, Jewish Camp

two conferences of the

John Hamptori/ senior

minister of First Christian

very well behaved and

Cauldron of Russia) led

This church is still an

Church In Canton, OH,

dance. The children were

"A big thrill for me was

preaching in a church in
Rivne, a large city where
Ivan Prokhanov (In the

non-instrumental ones back

in the USA."

once stood). The event

around 40 youth (not

counting adults) In atten

teachers, Ostroda, Poland

work of Poland grow and

be an everJncreasIng Jight_

sought out the Radom

congregation for
fellowship.! told him that

the Polish Christian

Victor Knowles speaking with

Belarusian camp

church's memorial book.

officially called
Evangelical ChristianBaptist. The church
building was confiscated
by the government In
1962. Today they have o
big, beautiful building.
I believe they hove 350
baptized members."

The Crier



George Repetski and Rostvit Twins

porticipafing in village evangelism in

We were also privileged to work with

Janice and Faye Rostvit of Colorado
Springs, CO. Their music and personal
testimony from a world of mission fields
inspired and challenged believers in many
places in Ukraine, Belarus and Poland.

restrictions in evangelical activity of our

churches, we realize our personal
responsibility before God and people
to present the project of an evangelistic
automobile race across Belarus, during
which time we plan to sow God's Word
and encourage churches in Belarus to be
involved in evangelistic outreach.
''Belarus for Christ" is not just a slogan,
but a movement for God's glory in which
churches must be involved and through
which many people in our country must get
to know Jesus Christ on a personal level."
Let's be in prayer for their special days
of evangelistic outreach across Belarus,


GMM Missionaries

George & Vera Bajenski

George Repetski

GMM Boards of Directors


Jim Gregory

October 2 to November 7, 2004.

Rod Huron

Victor Knowles

They served at Pearl Camp near the city

of Kobryn, Belarus. Pearl Camp conducts
several camp sessions each summer with
approximately 180 children from every part

David McFadden
Haroid Smith
Les While
Ken Wood

Ernie Atkinson

of Belarus in attendance in each session. In

Phil Dempster

keeping with the need to evangelize their

people, we received an exciting letter from
believers in Belarus, who write: "In spite of
difficulties and obstacles in evangelism.

David Dyke
Michael Isaac
Jim Tune

Outdoor activity at Pearl Camp

The primary mission of

Global Missionary Ministries
is to proclaim Christ's unchanging
message ot salvation to the

people of a changing pest-

Thank you. Brent!

Brent Williams worked part-time with GMM for the last 18

months. He was simultaneously serving as pastor of Westway

Chrisitan Church in Toronto, ON. As of August 2004, Brent
resigned from these positions. Brent and Ann have moved to
Edmonton, AB, where Brent assumed new responsibilities with
another Christian organization. It was a privilege having Brent

communist Central and Eastern


Global Missionary Ministries

Rockwood Mall Postal Outlet
P.O. Box 41201

Mississauga, ON LAW5C9

Tel. (905)564-3578


work with GMM and we wish Brent and Ann God's richest

blessings and success in their new ventures.

Printed In Canada

Living ^emoriaCJ
In memory of / Given By

"Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord... they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them" (Rev. 14:13).
Alice Humeny & Fred Posnikoff
Nody & Pauline Posnikoff
Paul F. Nourse

Nancy & Gary Vessell

Hiram K. Mechling
Bill & Carol Holland

September - October 2004

Benjamin Bajenski
Elsie Tobok

Deonna Harvey
Gordon & Rebecca Souder

Patricia Ing

Larry & Janice Snyder

Bill & Carol Holland
Robert Zachrich



"O Crier of Good News... shout with the voice of a trumpet blast... your God is coming."

.Heaven and Earth

Rejoice ^day

AnnolQ and
anH nemnlo
hanril\/ celebrate.
people happily


Christ is born, God incarnate,/^

Shepherds greet Him, worsliip Him,
And procialm this miracle.

Angels serve the Lord,

They sing, Glory to the Newborn.


Three wise men appear from the East,

They bring myrrh, frankincense and gold.
Today we too glorify Him,
There is praise in heaven and earth,

ong of peace to Him.

(Traditional Ukrainian Christmas Carol)

Outreach in Central and Eastern Europe

November-December 2004

November-December 2004

Dearest ones in Christ,

It is Christmas again! "For God so loved the world that

He gave His only Son..." Jesus! And He is with us. This
is why we celebrate. Many years ago He told us, "1
am with you always even to the end of the world."
He also said, "Trust in God, trust also in Me..." We

know that everything He said is true. From the time

He was a little baby, through the cross, the
triumphant resurrection and His glorious
ascension, the Spirit of the Lord was always
with Him. Even now He says, "Peace I leave
with you, My peace I give you."

May we truly celebrate this Christmas in His peace and immersed in

His love. Let us love one another, as we anticipate the day of which
He said, "I will come bock and take you to be with Me that you
also may be where I am." May the excitement of His soon return
bless you!
Yours because of Him, Vera and George Bajenski

To our friends.

We greet you with a new

celebration of Jesus
Christ's birth. Christ is

born! Let us praise Him! Let

us praise Him for coming to

us and becoming like us.
How deep is the mystery that
"in the beginning was the



to the world

Word, and the Word was with

God, and the Word was God... The Word became flesh and made his

dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and
Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth" Pohn 1:1, 1:14).
Because He, Who did not tenaciously hold on to his divinity in heaven, but took
on the form of a servant and came to us as a baby in human form, then became
obedient to death, even death on the cross, we, who belong to Him, are blessed beyond
description. Ours is a tremendous hope for a glorious future with our Lord, which brings
joy to all of us. This is true because He first came to us as a baby in Bethlehem.

We wish you God's richest blessings and His joy during the Christmas season and in the
coming New Year. George & Lucille Repetski

The Crier

November-December 2004

"God is with us!"

Let us remember God's constant and

astounding presence in our lives.

God is with us!

Let us learn to live our daily

lives in full dependence on
that presence.
God is with us!

Let us celebrate the timeless hope we have in

Jesus Christ.

With Christmas wishes,

Luke and Marisa Bajenski


"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas/

just like the ones
I used to know...,"

as the old song

goes. And it looks
like Christmas in

Canada will look snov^

enough to resemble my
Polish home. For all of you
who are away from home or
luckily with their families, God
bless you at this special time of the year. Let the holidays
remind you of God's great love and his masterful plan for
everyone, and how to trust in His promises.
Once known as a student from JBC,
Ruben Karel

-The Cr/er


Trip to Beslan ^


Hope of Bethlehem for the People of Beslan

In recent correspondence concerning the
tragedy in Beslan, Russia, we find the
following words, written by Pastor Sergei
Totiev of the Evangelical Christian-Baptist
Church in that city: "To strike Russian
children is to strike at the very soul of
Russia. In the days that followed [after
the hostage-taking tragedy], a pervasive
grief has consumed the community of
Beslan. Now the days of mourning are
over and revenge has been promised."
The church, in which Pastor Sergei
ministers, is located just down the street

GMM Missionaries

the Christmas season just around the

corner, we too would like to take the

peace and hope of Bethlehem to the

people of this region. Since our initial
writing, many of you responded with a
one-time gift. We thank you for your
open hearts, but today we would also
like to inform you that steps are now
being taken for George and Vera
Bajenski and Victor Knowles of POEM
Ministries, Joplin, MO, also a member of
GMM's Board of Directors, to travel to

eorge Repetski

GMM Boards of Directors


Jim Gregory

Moscow in December and on to Beslan

Rod Huron

with a local church leader. They will meet

from the Beslan School where the
with families affected by this tragedy,
tragedy took place. Thirty four children,
with the local church and community
who attended this church, and one of
leaders to express our love and deep
their Sunday School teachers were
sympathy to the suffering people in the
among those killed, hospitalized or
city. They will present Christmas gifts to
missing, including some of Sergei's
help some needy families and
children. Yet the Christians of this church
assist the local church in their Gospel
began reaching out to others who were
mourning and without hope as a result of outreach to the city. In this way they will
losing their precious children. The Beslan represent all Canadian and American
friends who, through prayers and gifts,
Church became a place of comfort and
encouragement for a grieving community. reached out in love. We pray that the
Lord will bless those still hurting and
It became a center for prayer and
make His face to shine upon them and
support. People from around the world
them peace. May the evil works of
are still praying for a change of heart
the devil be replaced with the good
and spiritual revival for Beslan and
works of the Lord Jesus Christ.
surrounding area of North Ossetia. We
at GMM are doing the same. With

Victor Knowles

David McFadden
Harold Smitti
Les Wtiite
Ken Wood

Ernie Atkinson

Ptiil Dempster
David Dyke
Michiael Isaac
Jim Tune

The primary mission oi

Global Missionary Ministries

is lo proclaim Christ's unchanging

message of salvation to the

people of a changing postcommunist Central and Eastern


Global Missionary Ministries

P.O. Box 41201

RPO Rockwood Mall

Mississauga, ON L4W 5C9


Tel. (905)564-3578


Pnnladln Canada

Alice Humeny &Fred Posnlkoff

Nady & Pauline Posnikoff
Stephen Leshkewich
Mary Leshkewich
Benjamin Bajenski
Jan & Larry Snyder
Pauline Nayduk
Katie Wandich

Pauline Nayduk

Living 'MemoriaCs

Lydio Shawlinski
Fred Sotz

Mr. & Mrs. J. Forsiuk

Olga Forsiuk

Alice Humeny
Nettie Forsiuk

Peter Forsiuk

in Honor of Elsie Tabak and her 90th

Tom Shawlinski


Edward Showlinski
Walter Shawiinski
Nettie Forsiuk

Lydio Shawlinski

November-December 2004

Fred Posnikoff

In memory of / Given By

George & Lucille Repetski

Art & Lenora Klein

Myrna Klein

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