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A New Year - A New Beginning

'In Christ..the old has gone, the new has come'

(2 Corinth. 5:17).

By the grace of God we have entered the new,

yet unknown to us, year of 2009. There may be
some concerns about tomorrow, but the voice of the

Lord says clearly: "Do not be afraid, for I am with

you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will
strengthen you. I will help you." (Is.41:10). We thank
the Lord. He keeps His word. We believe in Him,
therefore, we trust Him and

gladly share His Good News

both at home, here in North

America and in Europe.

The message we preach in
both places is the same. God

(TOM). He was working closely with Brother John K.

Huk and Gene Dulin. Together they were develop
ing a missionary outreach "behind the Iron Curtain."
George was a faithful voice of the Belarusian
Gospel radio. He contributed much in translating
and writing books, brochures and articles in the
Belarusian language. The greatest contribution was
his part in the collective work of
translating and typesetting the
whole Bible into contemporary
Belarusian. We wish George
and his wife, Lucille, who is

also retiring from public health

work, good health and many
happy and busy days during
their years of retirement.
The second reason why this
year will be a "new beginning"
in our GMM-European mission
ary outreach is due to our
administrative restructuring and
partnering with the work of Jim
Tune and Impact Canada. We
are looking forward to the time

loves all of us. He "does not

show favoritism but accepts

men from every nation who
fear Him and do what is right"
{Acts 10:34-35). He made it
possible that "whoever believes
in Him shall not perish but have
eternal life" (John 3:16).
It is awesome what God

has done for us in the past and

what He will do for us in the

future. This motivates us to sing

George Repetski

with you even now the old

familiar Gospel hymn: "Great is Thy Faithfulness, O

God My Father...Thou changest not, Thy compas
sions, they fail not; as Thou has been, Thou forever

wilt be." With this confidence we are looking forward

to what lies ahead and are ready to teach, preach
and "Ring the Bells" for Him, because time is short.
You may have noticed we started this writing
with the words: "A New Year - A New Beginning."
For us, at GMM it means at least two things. As of
March 1, 2009 George Repetski, our longtime
Belarusian missionary, coworker and friend, will be
retiring. George R. joined this mission in 1971 when
it was still known as Toronto Christian Mission

Outreach in Central and Eastern Europe

when we will be known as

GMM-lmpact Europe. Both of

these organizations are well acquainted with church
life in Canada and Europe and are dedicated to
starting new churches and strengthening existing
ones. We believe this consolidation and close part
nership will be beneficial to both organizations and
will bring glory to our Heavenly Father.

Please remember us, friends, during this new

and challenging year.
All of us at GMM wish you a Happy New Year.
May the words spoken by Apostle Paul be a
comfort for you today: "Be strong with the Lord's
mighty power" (Eph. 6:10).
January - February 2009

A Lifetime of Ministry with GMM
I well remember the day back in
February of 1971. Lucille and I flew

early 1990's when I was invited to

submit weekly 10-minute sermons
in Belarusian to a program entitled

Canadian city of Edmonton to meet

"For Believers and Non-believers"





with John K. Huk and Gene Dulin,

in Minsk. Every week for 3 years

workers of Toronto Christian

Mission. I was a student at the

the sermons went out across cable

University of Alberta studying

Russian literature and writing my
thesis for a Master's Degree. We
met with them and discussed the

radio (most apartments have such

a radio in Belarus). Many listened
and, as it was told to me,
Lucille and George Repetski


turned to the Lord.

I am so thankful to the Lord for

possibility of having us move to Toronto and

become a part of TCM. Our discussions went well
and by September of 1971 Lucille and I moved to to
the big city. I began working with Brother Huk in

opportunities to be involved in literature work that

included books and articles which were printed and
distributed in Eastern Europe. The most significant
for me personally was being involved with the trans

radio and literature work. Lucille found work as an

lator of the Bible, Vasil Siomukha from Minsk,

Belarus, in providing the full Bible in contemporary

instructor at a local School of Nursing. And so our

working careers began.
During the early 1970's I was able to travel to
the Soviet Union on three occasions but in 1976 my
application came back from the Embassy of the
USSR stating that a visa had been denied. How
devastating at the time. This lasted until 1989 when
1 received a phone call from a pastor friend in
Belarus telling me that the way had been opened for
me to again travel to the Soviet Union. I was over
joyed! From that time I've had the wonderful privi

Belarusian. Together we worked on accuracy for

certain passages and I first typeset the New
Testament and later the full Bible.

1 recall, when I was only 12 years old, being at a

Christian service camp and committing my life "to
reach my people behind the Iron Curtain." I felt the
call of God and shared that with the staff and

campers. And guess what? God made It happen!

I'm so thankful to the Lord, to Brother Huk and

Gene Dulin who gave me a start and supported me.

lege of visiting many of the new independent

I'm thankful to Charles and Maxine Branum who

European countries. It was wonderful to visit both

village and city churches. On many occasions I was
blessed to travel with the singing Rostvit Twins,
Alan Dunbar, Hansi and others presenting the
Gospel message not only in churches, but also in
hospitals, schools, camps and orphanages. Some
experiences were most unique and will always
remain in my memory as special times that the Lord

worked with us as we launched Global Missionary

(Radio) Ministries after TCM moved to the USA. I'm
thankful to George and Vera Bajenski for their many
years of cooperative work together and support. I
also thank everyone of you, my friends, who sup
ported Lucille and me and the total work of Global
Missionary Ministries both financially and through
prayer. And I also thank my wife, Lucille, and my
sons, Tim and Ian, for their unwavering support as

afforded us as team workers.

I am thankful to the Lord for the opportunity he

gave me to be involved in produc
ing Russian and Belarusian radio
broadcasts. I assisted Brother

at times I would leave to serve overseas and be

Huk in recording the "Everlasting

Gospel" program in Russian.
Later we produced "On Wings of
Thought" in which apologetic
material was presented to the lis
tener. In the 1980's, with my

for all he has done! I would kind

ly ask each and every one of you

to continue supporting the work
of GMM. It plays a vital support
ive role in many ministries in
Central and Eastern Europe,
including Belarus.

father, we worked on the "Good

News" program in Belarusian. All

of these programs were sent to
various international Christian
shortwave stations and broad
cast into the USSR. One other

very significant period was the

away for weeks at a time.

My life as a missionary to my
people has been such a fulfilling
one and I will cherish it to my
dying day. All praise to the Lord

Someone has stated that

GMM missionary staff In 1980's
Back row I to r: George Repetski,

George Bajenski, Wray Graham

workers in God's vineyard come

and go, but the work of the Lord
goes on forever. George Repetski

Front row: John Huk. Charies Branum

Outreach in Central and Eastern Europe

January - February 2009

Good News from Belarus

began a youth club

ministry and many
young people attend

From the earliest days of our missionary involve

ment in church life of Central and Eastern Europe
Belarus has always been our high priority. This was
very natural in view of the fact that John K. Huk,
who was instrumental in starting this ministry, and
George Repetski were closely associated with this
country. Today Dema and Lena Lazouta are GMM's
closest Belarusian missionary partners. Dema

activities there. This is

a good prospect for a

new church.

At a recent bap
tismal service con

ducted by Good News

Church one young
person testified that
during childhood he

serves as pastor of Good News Church in Minsk.

He writes that God has given Lena and him "a great
desire to expand the Kingdom of God in Belarus,
and even extend it into other Russian-speaking
countries." It was eighteen years ago that Dema
started Good News Church; today it is progressive
and one of the leading Bible-believing churches in
the country. They are innovative in their evangelistic

received a children's


ducts seminars which develop effective church lead




God. However, as he

got older he turned his

activities. They reach out to the younger and older,

balancing their music styles and providing practical

Biblical answers to people's questions. Dema con


found himself close to

Baptism Good News Church

back on God but life

became meaningless
for him without God. On one occasion he appeared
at Good News Church's service and accepted
Jesus as personal Savior. Unfortunately, his parents
opposed him being baptized. Half a year ago he
wanted to be baptized but did not go through with it
because he feared them. But at the most recent

baptismal service he was baptized without his par

ents knowing. This is typical for many young people.
Parents oppose their children being baptized upon
profession of faith. They consider all evangelical
churches that teach immersion as "sects," which is

Christmas baptism

- In recent years Good News Church has been

instrumental in starting 5 new churches.
Concerning this Dema writes: "During the last two
years we planted several churches. For example,

the same as saying "cults." Still God works in peo

ple's hearts.
In September Dema plans to launch a school for
church workers/apprentices with the purpose of
preparing workers for new church starts. "We will
blend academic studies with practical forms of ser
vice. Please pray for this project. Also, during the
-last 6 months we have not been able to rent a meet

ing facility for our new Light of Hope Church. Pray

that local authorities will allow this to happen. The

we first started New Land Church in Minsk with 70

persons leaving our Good News Church. At the pre

sent time 150 to 200 people attend its services, and
for the most part, these are young people. Last year
we ordained another worker and blessed 60 people
for service with the Light of Hope Church in Minsk.
In the city of Brest 27 people from the central
church began a new congregation. At the present
time 130 are attending its services. In Grodno we
assisted a young man in planting a new church and
today approximately 50 people attend that congre
gation. At the moment we are praying for and hold
ing discussions with another brother in the city of
Pinsk (with a population of 140,000). That brother
January - February 2009

A new home church gathering

Outreach in Central and Eastern Europe

Belarusian ruble was recently devalued by 20%.

Pray that we might acquire necessary funding to
start new churches. Pray also that at this time of
financial crisis people will turn to God."


The third weekend of February 2009 will be an

historical one in the life of Global Missionary

Ministries. In Toronto we will be hosting two mis
sionary guests from Europe: Dema L from Belarus

and Andrew B. from Poland. We will be praying

together and sharing mission experiences and
plans for the future.
On February 21^^, GMM's Canadian and

American Boards will meet for their annual meeting.

George Repetski worked on the original typeset of the

above Belarusian Bible, it was published in Belarus by
the translator (V. Siomukha). To date it is the only
complete contemporary Belarusian translation of the

In the evening, beginning at 7 pm, another GMM

International Informative Meeting will take place.
Guests and friends of the ministry from the Toronto
area of Ontario, from the USA and Europe will be
present. All who are interested in this program and
would like to know more about GMM-impact Europe
are cordially invited.
The location of this meeting is Rexdale Alliance
Church, 2459 Islington Ave., Etobicoke, Ontario.
(Saturday, February 2P*, 2009 at 7:00 pm).
One important point of this meeting will be: "The
revelation of George Repetski and his retirement
plan." We look forward to seeing you there.

Bible in use.

Living Memorials
In memory of / Given by

Throughout 2008 George Repetski was in the

process of writing a book in Belarusian. The book's

subject is that age-old question of why an alMoving

and all-prowerful God allows people to suffer. For
many in Belarus this is no small question. Many still
remember the horrendous treatment by their com
munist government and autrocities of WW II. Why
did God allow this, many ask. The book answers
the question and shows that God is the greatest

Battle'sfoutfit, tfie race iswon andtftou

art croionedat fast."
Art Klein

Michael Tarasiuk

Antony & Brigitte Peron

Vi Tarasiuk

Mr. Joe Redltch

Rev. & Mrs. Egnat Sidorchuk

Mr. & Mrs. Nick Newar, Sr.

source of hope in suffering and comfort. As soon as

Rev. & Mrs. John K. Huk

the book will be completed, we would like to print it

and put it in the hands of Belarusian people who

Mr. John Huk

are searching for answers and God. As a matter of

prayer, we are informing you about it in this special
issue of The Crier, and look fonward to have you

Ruthann Tarasiuk

Benjamin Bajenski
Sherry & Lacy L. Hall
Ethel Worsham

Mr. Daniel Huk

Wallace Worsham

Sarah Redlich

Sandra Worsham

hear more about it in the future.


Global Missionary Ministries

P.O. Box 41201


RPO Rockwood Mall

Mississauga, ON L4W 5C9

Tel. (905)564-3578
Fax. (905) 564-6732
E-mail: Web:

The primary mission ofGlobal Missionary Ministries is toproclaim

Ctirist's unchanging message of salvation to the people of a changing''

post-communist Central and Eastern Europe.
GMM Missionaries: George & Vera Bajenski, George Repetski,
David & Sandy Hatfield
Canadian Board: Phil Dempster, Michael Isaac, Jim Tune, Lee Wood

American Board: George Bajenski, Jim Gregory, Jim Grella,

David McFadden, Harold Smith, Ken Wood

Notice: Spending of funds is confined to programs and projects approved by the onjanization. Each restricted contribution designated towards such an approved
program or project will be used as designated with the understanding that when the need for such a program or project has been met, or cannot be completed for
any reason determined by the organization, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where needed most.

January - February 2009

Outreach in Central and Eastern Europe

Printed in Canada

Ukraine - a Land of Opportunity for the Gospel

People sometimes ask us how Christian ministry
is going in countries of the former Soviet Union. We
know/ that following the break up of the union each
of the former republics declared independence and
established their own national governments. During
the early 1990's many evangelical groups from
western countries sent their representatives to
Russia and other countries of the former Soviet

empire and conducted reli

gious meetings. At first
there was great interest in
these efforts. Large crowds
appeared at special adver
tised meetings and the gov
ernments put up no barri
ers. However, with the pas
sage of time there was less
and less interest by the
public and governments
began to put up more strin
gent rules so that western
organizations felt more
squeezed. Still during the
1990's many new Christian
ministries were developed
and scores of new churches

What is the present situ
ation in starting new church

main Orthodox Church organizations. One has its

highest patriarch in Moscow, the other in Kiev. We
see this reality in the city of Kovel. Two Orthodox
Churches exist almost side by side - one loyal to
the patriarch in Moscow, the other to the patriarch in
Kiev. The two have no relationship with one another.
With the government needing to take a more neutral
position with these two groups, our fellow believers
enjoy greater freedom.
In the past GMM has
been involved in many mis
sion projects across the
vast land of Ukraine. For

example, we preached and

lectured in seminars and

churches in Crimean and


helped in humanitarian aid

and Messianic outreach in
the cities of Zhitomir and




greatest involvement has

been concentrated in the

part of
Ukraine, called Volyn. It
was here that through the
efforts Ivan Prokhanov, the




statue of Ukrainian hero in center of Kyiv
es in the countries that
movement, many new
came out of the USSR? It varies. In some it is still
churches were started. Last September one of them
easier to begin new works, even with the help of
in Kovel celebrated its 100^^ anniversary. Last year
outside missions, while in others we see greater
we shared with you how from this central church in
restrictions. One of the countries that presently
Kovel new churches emerged. We are helping in
shows greater freedom is Ukraine. Our friends there
these newly developing churches.
tell us that at this time there is full freedom to start
The Turysk Church is one of them. In more
and grow new churches. Why? This is partially
recent years a second congregation was launched

because of the political situation in the country. As a

result of the Orange Revolution, Ukraine remains a
more democratic country today, which gives believ
ers more opportunities to develop Christian min
istries. The Ukrainian governing authorities take a
more neutral approach to religious groups function
ing within its borders. For example, there are two

Outreach in Central and Eastern Europe

in Kovel. GMM continues to be involved in the

Messianic work In the city of Zhitomir which reaches

out to both Jews and non-Jews.

On the following pages we will hear from minis

ters of the the Turysk and Kovel churches, as they
share the scope of their present ministries and chal
lenges for the future.

March - April 2009

News From Immanuel Church, Turysk

Paul Karpuk and family

Christmas gifts for children

Paul Karpuk, minister of the Turysk Church,

celebration. We also held a Christmas celebration

recently wrote:
"Some things have changed in our church's life.

for children in the village of Bobly. We are very

grateful to God for such opportunities to bring joy to
people's hearts and tell them about our Savior.
Along with the New Year's service, we conducted
a meeting for young families that included families
from our church and their non-believing friends.
During our time together there was a great comfort

Now children participate in every Sunday service;

they sing songs and recite poetry. Before this was a
rarity, but now a constant. Children of non-believing
parents have been attending our services. Last year
we had a change in the youth leader, and even our
youth is changing. Some have married, left us to
study elsewhere, but in their place new young peo
ple are coming.
Last year we opened an informational site con
cerning our church where people can find out about
current church events, its ministries, or take a look

at photographs. Our former youth pastor launched a

missionary service in one of the villages in our
region. Several young families now gather there:
husbands with their wives and children. Often they'll
come over to our Turysk Church. Last year one lady
from the village was baptized in the Turysk Church
(since at the time there were no other believers in
her village). Last Sunday another young lady from
that village repented in our church.
Many people came for the Christmas program;
the youth put on a great program and children par
ticipated too. On the following day we conducted a
special children's program. We prepared 100 gift
packets for the children. It was a joyful Christmas

able discussion about salvation and life with Christ.

In May we're planning to hold family camp and

invite non-believing families. In June we're planning
to run a youth camp in tents on the banks of a local
lake and we'll be inviting non-believing teen
agers.We're hoping to hold a children's camp in
August We continue to pray for the Lord's help by
providing necessary funding. The world financial cri
sis has also hit people's finances here in Ukraine.
We intend to continue evangelistic outreach in
villages within the Turysk Region and in Turysk
itself. We will be organizing conferences for youth
workers for the Kovel Region.
Last year we sold the old vehicle that we had
been using in ministry {it was already 20 years old
and kept breaking down, all too often). In its place
we purchased a minivan. Now we can transport
more people whenever we travel anywhere for
evangelism efforts in the village or pick people up to
bring to church. Yes, we had to borrow funds and at


Home Bible study

Outreach in Central and Eastern Europe

Children at Turysk Church camp

March - April 2009

this time owe $5,900. We believe the Lord will help
us pay for it.
Beginning in February, we plan to begin renova
tion work on the church facility. We need to remove

the old roof covering, lift some walls and lay down a
new roof. All of this is extremely expensive and diffi
cult work, but we believe that with the Lord we can
do this.

News from Grace Church, Kovel

Valery and Lana Kubsky of Grace Church, Kovel

Valery Kubsky baptizing, Kovel

Valery Karpuk, minister of the Grace Church in

Kovel recently wrote;
Grace Church has been preaching the Gospel in
the city of Kovel and its surrounding communities
for the last 6 years. God has blessed us abundantly
by continuously adding new people to the church.
We're asking Him to help us proclaim His word
clearly this year so that many will hear it.
Every Sunday our service takes place in a rent
ed facility. All who wish to praise the Lord sing,
recite poetry, preach and testify of personal growth

We also discuss construction work to be done on

our future church building.

Every Thursday we have small group meetings.
At the present time we have 4 such groups gather
ing in different parts of the city. We invite non-believ
ers, friends and acquaintances to come for Bible
Every Friday young men gather for training in
the art of preaching so that they can present God's
Word clearly and effectively.
We will conduct several camps this year. In May
we'll have a camp for ladies at the Dubechno camp
facility. Ladies fellowship one with another, hear
God's Word, pray and deepen their relationship with
the Lord. In June we will run a children's camp in
Dubechno for approximately 100 children. In July
youth camp will take place at which time youth will
be given ample opportunity to study God's Word,
learn about Christ in greater depth, accept Him as
personal Saviour and praise God, their Creator.
We conduct an ongoing ministry to children in

Bible study at youth camp, Dubechno

Children's camp in forest near Kovel

in the Lord.

Every Monday we conduct a members' meeting

when members of the church gather for Bible study,
raise questions and make decisions concerning vital
church matters.

Every Wednesday we have a men's meeting

during which time men pray for the church, lay down
plans for the services and deal with pressing issues.

March - April 2009

Outreach in Central and Eastern Europe

our church. Every Sunday children study Scripture,

fellowship with each other and play all sorts of
games. Many children now pray for their non-believ
ing parents asking God to open their hearts to Him.

We also continue a special ministry for women.

presented by this fine group of American students.

At the same time we pray that the hearts of these
young people will be touched and challenged as a
result of being together.

This happens once a month. We invite ladies from

the city to come and hear teaching from the Bible,

followed by a time of fellowship in small groups and
discussion on matters that were touched upon in the
Bible lesson. Ladies that come are encouraged to
ask any questions they may have about life's issues
and how the Gospel relates to them. Also, every
week ladies meet in smaller groups throughout vari
ous parts of the city.

'Do not be afraid for I know that you are
looking for Jesus...
He is not here, He has risen!"

LCC Students to Serve in Poiand

GMM-lmpact Europe is excited to welcome 12

students from Lincoln Christian College and
Seminary (Lincoln, IL) as they travel to Poland to
participate in a "week of evangelism" April 3 -11. In
cooperation with the team leader, Prof. Mike

Nichols, and Sandy Hatfield, GMM has arranged a

variety of ministry opportunities, one of them being
testifying about Christ in the city where Kostek
Jakoniuk, a 1964 graduate of LCC, preaches. They
will be serving in smaller towns and villages, teach
ing English, preaching and sharing personal testi
monies in local churches, assisting in a Messianic
Passover service in Warsaw, and visiting and recol
lecting holocaust days. George Bajenski, who is
also a 1964 graduate of LCC, will travel with the
group and coordinate the group's activities. It is our
prayer that Poles will be affected by the messages

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow,

Because He iives, all fear is gone,

Because I know, He holds the future,

And life is worth the living...

Just because He lives!

Living H/lemon'ais

In memory of / Given by

"^Uie Batik'sfought, tfie race iswon andthou

art croiimedat fast."
Paul Nourse

John K. Huk

Deborah Nourse Jordan

Benjamin Bajenski
Betty Trumpore

Emma & Michael Paceila

Fred & Nady Posnikoff

Alice Humeny

Paul Nourse

Benjamin Bajenski
Eva Nourse

Pauline Posnikoff

LCC Students meet with David and Sandy Hatfield

Global Missionary Ministries
P.O. Box 41201

RPO Rockwood Mall

Mississauga, ON L4W 5C9


Tel. (905)564-3578
Fax. (905) 564-6732

E-mail: Web:

The primary mliSidh of Ghbaf MissionaryWhrstnes is toproclaim

Christ's unchanging message ofsalvation to the people of a changin^,^
post-communist Central and Eastern Europe.
GMM Missionaries: George &Vera Bajenski
David & Sandy Hatfield
Canadian Board; Phil Dempster, Michael Isaac. Jim Tune, Lee Wood

American Board: George Bajenski, Jim Gregory, Jim Grella,

David McFadden, Harold Smith, Ken Wood

Notice: Spending of funds is confined to programs and projects approved by the organization. Each restricted contribution designated towards such an approved
program or projectwill be used as designated with the understanding that when the need forsuch a programor projecthas been met, or cannot be completedfor

anyreason determined by the organization, the remaining restricted contributions will be usedwhere neededmost.
March - April 2009

Outreach in Central and Eastern Europe

Printed in Canada

March 2009

Dear Friends in Mission,

Ten year old Nikita was shy and reluctant toparticipate inany competitive games oractivities.
Hewas also deafin one ear. His grandmother had traveled with him from Kaliningrad, Russia to
Ostroda, Poland sothat hecould attend a Bible camp. I found out later that heloved music and

had played the violin since he was five. He came to camp without a relationship with Jesus.

On the first night ofcamp we gave the children a name tag with their name written on it in both
Russian and English. This helps them toidentify itifthey do not speak English and ithelps the
English-speaking counselors begin to know the youth's names at least in English.
Nikita had lost his name tag but I had found it. My only problem was he had not had his name
written down on his name tag in English. I was trying to pronounce his name with my limited
knowledge ofthe Russian characters. I got the N, the Kand the Tright but my vowels were a
little shaky. He recognized his name tag and came to me to receive it. He thanked me with the

only two English words he knew and my name, "Thank you, David." We became fnends for the
duration of camp.

Through the course ofthe camp, Nikita attended all the Bible classes but not all the outdoor
recreational activities. He did find his way tothe "Main Event" each evening where he enjoyed

the music and the large group games. On the final day, atthe conclusion ofthe last Bible class,
Nikita made a first time decision togive his life over toGod and His purposes. He went home to
Kaliningrad with his grandmother a believer in Jesus.

Nikita came to camp because someone covered his expenses. Otherwise, he would not have been
able to attend. He found salvation through Jesus at Camp Ostroda. We are praying for 40 more^

youth to be able to find theu* way to Camp Ostroda this summer. The cost ofcamp for 2009 will
be$150 for ten days inOstroda. Remarkably, this is less expensive than itwas last summer.
Would vou be willing to assistone vouth in attending camp in Ostroda. Poland? Your gift is tax

deductible. Just follow the instructions below and place intheenvelope provided. If you are

able to do so, we would like to follow up by sending you a picture ofone ofthe campers (after the
camp has taken place) so that you can pray for them over the next year. The camp takes place
June 13-22,2009. Your prayers during this time would also be cherished. (Colossians 4:2)

God has opened adoor for His Word to go forth. We are preparing to walk through that door.
Thank youfor helping us to accomplish His purposes.

(DavidGlobal Missionary Ministries

cut cilong dotted line

Yes, I want to assist one youth to attend Bible Camp inCamp Ostroda.
I would like to assist
(number ofyouth) youth to attend Camp Ostroda.
One for $150, Two for $300, Three for $450, Tenfor $1500

My tax-deductible check is in the envelope provided in the amount of$_

Made payable to: Global Missionary Ministries with Camp Fund on memo Ime
Full Name

Email address

(needed if you want a picture ofcamper)

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