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ISSN 1541-308X, Physics of Wave Phenomena, 2007, Vol. 15. No. 3, pp. 131–136. © Allerton Press, Inc. 2007.


Experimental Evidence of Transmutation of Hg

into Au under Laser Exposure
of Hg Nanodrops in D2 O
G. A. Shafeev a, F. Bozon-Verduraz b, and M. Robert c
Wave Research Center, Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 119991 Russia
ITODYS, UMR CNRS 7086, Université Paris-7, 75251 Paris Cedex 05, France
Laboratoire d’Electrochimie Moléculaire, UMR CNRS 7591, Université Paris-7, 75251 Paris Cedex 05, France
Received May 16, 2007

Abstract — Laser irradiation of suspensions of Hg nanodrops in D2O induces partial transformation of Hg

into Au. The Hg–Au conversion depends on the characteristics of the laser source used (Cu vapor, femtosec-
ond Ti:sapphire, 90-ps Nd:YAG, 350-ps Nd:YAG) and on the initial Hg isotopic composition. For Hg of
natural isotopic composition, the conversion gives the 196Hg content close to initial (0.15 %). Starting with
Hg-enriched (52 %) Hg, the conversion yields 10 %. This transmutation is assigned to the generation of
thermal neutrons during laser exposure of Hg nanodrops in D2O. Possible mechanisms of neutron release are
PACS numbers: 42.62.–b, 61.46.+w, 78.66.–w
DOI: 10.3103/S1541308X07030016

INTRODUCTION energies of about 10 keV are observed [5, 6]. Recent

study of the so-called wake-field acceleration showed
Excitation of nuclei in plasma produced by femto-
that a sufficiently intense laser beam propagating
second laser radiation has been reported recently for
through a plasma may separate ions and electrons and
both 181Ta and 201Hg nuclei [1, 2]. Laser plasma may
thus induce a high electric field in which electrons
contain hot electrons necessary for excitation of nu-
acquire energies in the GeV range [7]. These energies
clear levels, which further decay with emission of γ-
exceed the binding energy of some nuclei and, there-
photons. A detailed review of the initiation of nuclear
fore, may result in direct excitation of nuclear energy
reactions in plasma produced on solid targets by ultra-
levels. Therefore, the energy required for initiation of
short laser pulses, typically femtosecond, has been
nuclear reactions lies within the energy range of mod-
published recently [3]. This transformation (transmu-
ern lasers.
tation) may occur upon absorption of particles (e.g.,
neutrons) that do not need to overcome the potential Laser exposure of bulk targets has a serious draw-
barrier and can penetrate a nucleus due to their neu- back: shielding of the laser beam from the target by
trality. X-rays with MeV energies have been observed the plasma formed above it. Indeed, laser radiation is
under ablation of a Ta target in vacuum by femtosec- reflected from the plasma as soon as the plasma elec-
ond laser radiation with an estimated intensity of tron frequency exceeds the laser frequency. At the
1018 W cm–2 [4]. In this intensity range, electrons in same time, nanoparticles are optically thin at the
the laser-produced plasma acquire relativistic veloci- wavelengths of most generally used lasers. Despite
ties. These photons induce subsequent fission of a Be small size (about 10 nm), these nanoparticles can ef-
target and generation of thermal neutrons. It was pro- fectively absorb laser radiation. The efficiency of this
posed in [4] to use photoinduced neutron emission for interaction is a function of numerous experimental
transmutation of Hg into Au. In denser environment, parameters, such as the particle size, detuning of the
e.g., in aqueous solutions of various salts exposed to laser frequency from the position of the plasmon reso-
femtosecond laser radiation, characteristic X-rays with nance in nanoparticles, etc. However, in most cases


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