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exceed 1 mM in bipolar-cell synaptic term-

Synaptic vesicle inals, even with moderate stimulation. So
releasable vesicles would be exhausted rapid-
ly if the exocytosis machinery here were as
Synaptotagmin sensitive as that at the calyx of Held. Perhaps
Synaptobrevin low Ca2& affinity is a hallmark of sustained
neurotransmitter release, whereas the brev-
Ca2+ Ca2+ Ca2+ ity of Ca2& signals driven by action potentials
Ca2+ Ca2+ allows for higher Ca2& affinity and greater
Vesicle Ca2+
Inside membrane integration of local Ca2& signals.
It is almost 50 years since Katz and col-
membrane } leagues embarked on the work that still
forms the cornerstone of our understanding
Ca2+ channel Ca2+ channel of how neurons talk to each other8. But this
Ca2+ Syntaxin SNAP-25 Ca2+ field is as exciting as ever, and it is thrilling to
be able to watch single vesicles as they fuse, to
Figure 2 Kinetics of calcium-dependent neurotransmitter release. This close-up view of a nerve observe directly the stages before exocytosis,
terminal shows a synaptic vesicle docked at the plasma membrane near two Ca2& channels. During and to begin to glimpse the calcium signals
priming, the plasma-membrane proteins syntaxin and SNAP-25 and the vesicle protein that trigger fusion. ■
synaptobrevin form a complex required for vesicle fusion with the plasma membrane9. The Ca2& Gary Matthews is in the Department of
sensor that triggers fusion is thought to be the vesicle protein synaptotagmin9. Schneggenburger and Neurobiology and Behavior, State University of New
Neher2 and Bollmann et al.3 show that the Ca2& concentration needed to trigger fusion is lower than York, Stony Brook, New York 11794-5230, USA.
previously thought. So the Ca2& sensor does not need to be close to a single Ca2& channel, where the e-mail:
Ca2& concentration is very high. Instead it can be some distance away from the channels, where the 1. Zenisek, D., Steyer, J. A. & Almers, W. Nature 406, 849–854
Ca2& concentration is lower as a result of diffusion. This means that more than one Ca2& channel can (2000).
2. Schneggenburger, R. & Neher, E. Nature 406, 889–893 (2000).
influence neurotransmitter release. (Modified from ref. 10.)
3. Bollmann, J. H., Sakmann, B. & Borst, J. G. G. Science 289,
953–956 (2000).
Meanwhile, Schneggenburger and Neher2 These results2,3 differ significantly from 4. Steyer, J. A., Horstmann, H. & Almers, W. Nature 388, 474–478
and Bollmann et al.3 have been looking at those of similar experiments on retinal (1997).
5. Steyer, J. A. & Almers, W. Biophys. J. 76, 2262–2271 (2000).
the way in which vesicle fusion depends on bipolar neurons7, where increases in Ca2& 6. Neher, E. Neuron 20, 389–399 (1998).
calcium. Averaged across the whole terminal, concentration to 10–100 mM were needed to 7. Heidelberger, R., Heinemann, C., Neher, E. & Matthews, G.
the concentration of Ca2& inside the neuron drive exocytosis. But unlike neurons in the Nature 371, 513–515 (1994).
rises from about 0.1 mM to just under 0.5 mM calyx of Held, bipolar neurons release neuro- 8. Katz, B. The Release of Neural Transmitter Substances (Liverpool
Univ. Press, Liverpool, 1969).
during neuronal stimulation. But vesicle transmitters over relatively long periods and 9. Südhof, T. C. Nature 375, 645–653 (1995).
fusion is thought to be triggered by the much do not fire action potentials, which tend to be 10. Matthews, G. Neurobiology: Molecules, Cells and Systems 2nd
higher Ca2& concentrations (more than brief. The global Ca2& concentration can edn (Blackwell, Malden, MA, in the press).
100 mM) near the open mouth of individual
Ca2& channels6 (Fig. 2). It now appears2,3 that
such high concentrations are not needed. Chemistry
Schneggenburger and Neher2 and Bollmann
et al.3 released ‘caged’ Ca2& to produce known
levels of Ca2& in the calyx of Held — a large Another noble gas conquered
synaptic terminal that allows nerve impulses Gernot Frenking
in both the signalling and the receiving
neurons to be recorded simultaneously. The
authors found that a rise in Ca2& concentra-

n page 874 of this issue Khriachtchev et
tion in the signalling neuron to 10 mM or less al.1 report the synthesis of the first H
was enough to drive fast neurotransmitter compound containing the noble gas
release. They estimate that an action poten- argon. This leaves only two stable elements in
tial (the electrical change in a neuron that the periodic table — helium and neon — for Figure 1 Argon is no longer alone. The first
follows stimulation) activates the exocytosis which no neutral compound exists. But the neutral argon molecule, synthesized by
of synaptic vesicles by raising Ca2& levels to experimental strategy that was successful for Khriachtchev et al.,1 is HArF, a stable hydride
10–25 mM for about 0.5 ms. argon might also work for these elements. compound. The numbers give the calculated
Apparently, it is not important for the One of the most fundamental questions distances between the atoms in picometres.
exocytosis machinery and Ca2& channels to in chemistry, which remained unanswered
be near each other to allow rapid neurotrans- for a long time, was what drives the chemical is the filling of electron shells by release or
mitter release (Fig. 2) — Ca2& can diffuse elements to form stable molecules. Why are uptake of electrons, or by sharing electrons
some distance away from a channel into the some elements very reactive, some less reac- with neighbouring atoms, which leads to the
cell, its concentration declining as it diffuses, tive, and a peculiar small group of elements, formation of chemical bonds.
and still trigger neurotransmitter release. known as noble gases, not reactive at all? The noble gases have a completely filled
This means that single vesicles might be Quantum theory finally explained these outer electron shell, so there is no driving
influenced by Ca2& ions entering through observations by showing that the electrons force for these elements to engage in chemi-
several channels. If so, and if the Ca2& sensor within atoms are arranged in shells around cal bonding, as the energetically most stable
is therefore not saturated by concentrated the atomic nucleus. Each shell can only take a arrangement of electrons already exists in
Ca2& influx through a single open channel, fixed number of electrons, and a completely the neutral atoms. Many chemists believed
greater control of neurotransmitter release filled shell is energetically very favourable. So that it was impossible to synthesize a stable
becomes possible. the driving force behind chemical reactions molecule containing a noble gas element,
836 © 2000 Macmillan Magazines Ltd NATURE | VOL 406 | 24 AUGUST 2000 |
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Lights go on all over Europe


Astronomers at last week’s

general assembly of the
International Astronomical 100 YEARS AGO
Union in Manchester expressed An interesting and detailed account of Count
concerns about rampant light von Zeppelin’s successful trial trip of his
pollution. High-resolution navigable balloon on July 2 is given in Die
satellite images reveal the extent Umschau by an anonymous author, who has
of the problem (Cinzano, P. et al. endeavoured to dispel the somewhat
Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc., in the exaggerated reports which have been
press). This map of Europe shows circulated as to the success or failure of the
the ratios between artificial and experiment. It is pointed out that the delay in
natural sky brightness (red is the ascent, which some persons attributed
the worst at more than 9:1). to an accident, was really caused by the
wind being too strong at the time originally
proposed for the trip. The wind-velocity at
but others saw the reluctance of the elements the first stable neutral argon compound, the time of starting was 5.5 metres per
helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and HArF (Fig. 1). This is an important mile- second, and the balloon was actually driven
radioactive radon to form chemical bonds as stone in the history of chemistry, because the forwards for a short time in the face of this
a great challenge to experimental chemistry. number of elements for which no neutral wind… The wind causing the balloon to drift
They were supported in their quest by theo- molecule has been synthesized is now only towards the shore, a descent was made in
retical predictions made by the late Nobel two. It is also an exciting accomplishment order that Count Zeppelin might land on the
prizewinner Linus Pauling2, who predicted because the strategy used by the authors was water (to use an Irishism), and thus have his
in 1933 that molecules containing xenon and different from the one suggested by theory. machine towed back by steamer. The
krypton should exist. HArF is not a salt compound. More exciting descent was very gradual, the cars gently
It took nearly 30 years before Pauling’s is the fact that the type of noble-gas bonding sinking down to the water without the
theory was verified by experiment. The in HArF might also be found in the neon sudden jerk which is commonly experienced
breakthrough came in 1962 when Neil compound HNeF, and even in the helium in an ordinary balloon.
Bartlett found that the strongly oxidizing compound HHeF. In fact, theoretical calcu- From Nature 23 August 1900.
agent platinum hexafluoride, PtF6, is power- lations announced last year predicted that
ful enough to ionize (that is, to remove an HHeF could be a stable neutral molecule7. 50 YEARS AGO
electron from) an oxygen molecule, O2, It should be noted that molecules such as If we slide one solid body over another, there
yielding the stable salt compound HArF are only kinetically stable and exist is a resistance to the motion which we call
(O2)&(PtF6)1. Bartlett recognized that the only in a low-temperature solid matrix (in friction. What is the cause of this, and what
energy needed to remove an electron from this case made from inert argon). The mole- is really happening at the interface between
xenon is slightly less than the ionization cules rapidly decompose if they come into the solids during sliding? It is usually
energy of O2, so he carried out the same contact with each other or if they are warmed considered that friction is a nuisance, and
experiment with xenon and PtF6. The spon- up, because they break up into unbound from the earliest times man has made
taneous reaction produced the first neutral argon atoms and HF, which are much more ingenious attempts to eliminate or to
compound to contain a noble gas3. Bartlett’s stable species. It is only the energy barrier diminish it to as small a value as possible.
discovery was soon followed by syntheses of involved in breaking the weak H–ArF bond It is not so much the work we have to do in
many other compounds of xenon, and also that prevents it from spontaneous decom- overcoming the friction—the power loss—
of krypton, which has only a slightly higher position. So HArF does not fall into the same which is important, although this can be
ionization energy than xenon4. category as the numerous xenon and kryp- considerable. In a modern motor-car, for
This suggests that the ionization energy ton compounds, which can easily be pre- example, about 20 per cent of the power is
of the noble gases should be a measure of pared and handled in solutions or as solid wasted in overcoming friction… The real
their willingness to form a chemical bond. salt compounds. Nonetheless, the work of trouble is the damage that is done by the
The ionization energy, IE, is measured in Khriachtchev et al. is a further breakthrough friction—the wear or seizure of some vital
electron volts, eV. Xenon (IE = 12.13 eV) in the field of noble-gas chemistry, and part of the machine. It is this factor, perhaps
compounds are indeed more stable than might even help chemists to conquer the two more than any other, which limits the design
krypton (IE = 14.00 eV) compounds. least reactive elements, neon and helium. ■ and which shortens the effective life of,
Quantum chemical calculations predicted Gernot Frenking is at the Fachbereich Chemie, say, an aero-engine or other complex
that neutral compounds of argon (IE = 15.76 Philipps-Universität Marburg, Hans-Meerwein- machine. Nevertheless, the credit side is
eV) should also exist, because its ionization Strasse, D-35039 Marburg, Germany. considerable: if the coefficient of friction
energy is still lower than that of fluorine e-mail: were much less than it is, walking would
(IE = 17.42 eV). Therefore, salt compounds 1. Khriachtchev, L., Pettersson, M., Runeberg, N., Lundell, J. & be impossible and we should have to use
of ArF& with suitable anions might be stable, Räsänen, M. Nature 406, 874–876 (2000). cog wheels or perhaps some system of
2. Pauling, L. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 55, 1895–1900 (1933).
although synthesizing them would be a 3. Bartlett, N. Proc. Chem. Soc. 218 (1962).
suction pads like an octopus to get about at
formidable task5. Compounds of helium 4. Laszlo, P. & Schrobilgen, G. Angew. Chem. Int. Edn Engl. 27, all. Conversely, if it were much higher than
(IE = 24.59 eV) and neon (IE = 21.56 eV) 479–489 (1988). it is, we should just stick fast wherever we
5. Frenking, G., Koch, W., Deakyne, C. A., Liebman, J. & Bartlett,
were not expected to be stable because of were put.
N. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 111, 31–33 (1989).
their very high ionization energies6. 6. Frenking, G. & Cremer, D. Structure Bonding 73, 17–95 (1990). From Nature 26 August 1950.
Khriachtchev et al.1 have now synthesized 7. Wong, M. W. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 122, 6289–6290 (2000).

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