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LIMPOPO TRAVEL A/S & DIANA JAGTREJSER -- 40 r med jagtoplevelser 1974 - 2014

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Xxxxxxxx / LIMPOPO

Let the Hunting Dream come true



S 101 Select //
Noble and elegant. These are the features of the new
SAUER 101 Select. This bolt action sets itself apart from
a normal hunting rifle. The fine laser-grained walnut stock
and the jeweled bolt make this rifle a real eye-catcher.

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015


Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Your Hunting Travel

Team is ready to make
the Dream come True
Jan Krossteig

Tina Jeppesen




Ulla Fregerslev

Linda Bertelsen

Anne Fick

Erik P. Brinkmann





Kjeld Friis

Robert Riha

Sylvia Gabauer

Andrew Venables


Jacob Konter

Attila Papp



Tel +44 7767365804



Lars Storgaard

Ling Yang

Bo Finn Poulsen

Sacha Schaffrath


Eva Hellemose

Mette Skovsgaard




Nicole Brnder

Joakim H. Pedersen

Andreas Larsen

Jane Lyng Pedersen

se Svedal

Mogens Larsen







Tel. +45 40 25 83 20

Erik Hahn


Kristina Mller
& B2B,

Sten Sjgren
Tel. +46 708 3053 43


South Africa
Mark Dedekind Safaris.............. 6
Limpopo Safaris........................ 8
Western Safaris....................... 10
Gers Safaris............................ 11
Frontier Safaris....................... 12
Loock Safaris.......................... 13
Makuya Safaris....................... 15
Balule River Camp.................. 16
Tourism.................................. 17

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015



Mauritius.............................. 18
Etosha Heights Game Safaris.. 20
ARU Game Lodges................. 22
Omujeve Safaris..................... 24
Osonjiva Hunting Safaris........ 25
Khan River............................. 26
Caprivi................................... 27
Tourism.................................. 29
Western Safaris....................... 30
Roger Whittall Safaris............. 31
Kwalata Safaris....................... 32
Munyamadzi Safaris............... 34
Tourism.................................. 35
Marromeu Safaris................... 36
Western Safaris....................... 37
Roger Whittall Safaris............. 38
Zanzibar................................ 39
M.M. Safaris........................... 40
Burkina Faso........................ 42
Cameroon............................. 43
General Conditions................ 45

Limpopo Travel A/S

Faaborgvej 240 5700 Svendborg
Phone +45 62 20 25 40
Langemosevej 3 4100 Ringsted
Phone + 45 43 56 11 11


Primary Airports
Primary Cities
Hunting Areas

African challenges
It isnt always easy being a hunting travel
ings we receive is increasing. We like to
agency specialising in Africa. Over the last
believe that our customers - hunters - are
year, for example, the whole industry has
a significantly more rational clientele than
had to face the challenge of the conflict in the average package tour holidaymaker.
the Middle East. Even though this conflict Finally a little thought that I would like us
is taking place far from Africa, it is putting
all to contemplate. When we, as hunters,
a damper on peoples desire to travel. An
present ourselves and our passion on the
even greater challenge to the industry has social media, we should be in no doubt
been the extensive outbreak of ebola in
that in principle EVERYBODY is followWest Africa. Even though the area most
ing us. Most people are rational and
affected is as far from Johannesburg as it
have a relaxed view of hunting, but there
is from Northern Europe, it has nevertheis a small group of rabid anti-hunting
less led to cancellation of sight-seeing and
protestors, who are skilled in manipulathunting tours throughout Africa.
ing the social media. We have nothing to
Another challenge, which is growing year
be ashamed of, but it is perhaps worth
by year, are the often very aggressive cam- taking a look at our posts that extra time,
paigns against trophy hunting that take
before putting them online. Do we want
place on the social media. Typically these
to run the risk of our words and pictures
arise through ignorance and prejudice.
being used in a negative context?
But even though we all well know the
truth of the matter, we are not blind to
Good hunting
the damage these so-called shit-storms
do to the cause of hunting - and on a
more selfish level, to the hunting travel industry, and thus also to the worlds largest
hunting travel agency.
But despite all these challenges, we are
proud to state that the numbers of bookTina Jeppesen, CEO


Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015








Rain Forest





Masai Mara







Nigel Archer













Etosha Heights




Big Game

Okvango Delta


Cape Cross


Aru Game






Gers Safaris





Aldo Elephant Park





Le Chasseur

Loock Safaris
Garden Route









Fish River



Western Whittall








Etosha National Park




Lower Zambesi
Kafue Flats





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SOUTH AFRICA / Mark Dedekind Safaris

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

South Africa
Mark Dedekind Safaris have
access to enormous hunting
districts in the attractive
Kwa-Zulu-Natal, a province
that is known amongst antelope hunters for wealth of
species. Here you can find
the worlds best population
of the beautiful nyala together with more or less the
full range of typical South
African antelope species.


Trophy quality in these districts, which
total around 40,000 hectares, is top
class, and the same can be said about
the hunting and the accommodation.
Marks own hunting district is around a
6 hour drive from Johannesburg. The
district is hilly, fertile and very varied.
The other district, which is closer to
Johannesburg - is very different from
the first, and it can be a good idea to
divide your time hunting between the
districts and so enjoy some very varied
hunting. Typically a hunt will consist of

spotting huntable game from a vehicle

and then stalking your quarry on foot.
Regardless of how fit the hunter is, this
district can give some really exciting
and challenging hunting. In the main
district you will stay in a luxurious
thatched lodge built in traditional
African style, which offers great views
over the fantastic local wildlife directly
from the terrace. In addition we can
offer attractive cull-hunts on Marks
district in Kwa-Zulu Natal. Mark also
has access to a 40,000 ha. hunting
district around a 3 hour drive north of

Johannesburg. Here hunting only takes

place from mid-April to mid-September.
This hunting district is very popular, so
we recommend booking early. Here
you will find some of the best trophy
hunting in South Africa! With excellent
quality trophies of kudu, sable, impala
and buffalo, amongst others. If you
are a warthog enthusiast there are an
incredible number of warthogs here.
During 2014 900 warthogs were culled here!! They are plenty, and many of
them are BIG!! Accommodation here is
in a real African tented camp.

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Mark Dedekind Safaris / SOUTH AFRICA

Kwa-Zulu Natal is a perfect family holiday destination. There are plenty of exciting
attractions, and we can warmly recommend putting a few days aside before or
after the hunt for an eventful sightseeing tour - we can suggest plenty of great

Price-list hunt
incl. 5 days hunt, 6 days accommodation with full board and transfers to/from
Price per hunter 2:1
Euro 2,040
Price per hunter 1:1
Euro 2,605
Price per non-hunter
Euro 710
Zululand Nyala Special
Incl. trophy fee for a nyala of up to 25,
5 days hunting, 6 days accommodation
with full board and transfers to/from
Price per hunter 2:1
Euro 3,025
Price per hunter 1:1
Euro 3,590

SOUTH AFRICA / Limpopo Safaris

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Limpopo Safaris, which lies close to Musina in the north east corner of South Africa, is
one of the best known and most popular districts in Africa amongst our hunters. This
game rich district covers a nearly unbelievable 450 square kilometers and is managed
by caring hands as a coherent nature reserve. The shooting policy here is very strict
and this has for the last many years led to an outstanding game population and many
record class trophies - and the quality just gets better year after year!

Limpopo Safaris / SOUTH AFRICA

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Imagine a hunting district so big, it forms its own

independant biosphere. Here you can experience
the nature of northern South Africa as it was more
than a century ago.

Limpopo Travel have had this outstanding district in their portfolio for many
years, and many of our customers are
regular visitors, some have even visited
the place more than five times. As a
hunting guest at Limpopo Safaris you
will experience antelope hunting in
Africa in its purest form. Breathless excitement, big trophies and the untamed
African bush! The whole landscape
is magnificent, and the wildlife here
thriving, a fact that is reflected by the
formidable quality of the trophies. The

range of species available is large, and

it is especially the waterbuck, kudu and
nyala that can produce world-class
trophies in this exclusive hunting district. The accommodation here is well
worth writing home about. Guests stay
in luxurious lodges built in traditional
African style. The camp - River View lies right next to a dammed up section
of the River Njelele, and most guest
suites have views over the water. From
the many decks and terraces you can
watch the game at close quarters,
when they come down to the river to

drink. This destination is particularly

well suited to families and there are
plenty of exciting activities available in
the district itself as well as day trips to
surrounding attractions.
Price example:
6 days accommodation / 5 days hunting
Price per hunter 2:1
Euro 2,545
Price per hunter 1:1
Euro 3,295
Price per non-hunter
Euro 1,250
There is a 10% discount on these prices in
the low season: (15/11-20/12 and 10/0101/03 - but not including weeks 7 and 8)


SOUTH AFRICA / Western Safaris

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Western Safaris offer a wide range of exciting hunts that naturally include traditional antelope hunts as well as more unusual hunts such as mountain hunts for
vaal rhebok and hunting for bushpig with dogs.

The hunting district is close to the town
of Grahamstown, around a 2 hour
drive from Port Elizabeth airport in the
malaria-free Eastern Cape. The district,
together with the neighbouring farms,
make up the 16,000 ha. Fish River
Conservancy - an incredibly beautiful
area with enormous plains, classic
savannah and bush-covered mountains and hills. Thanks to concerted
wildlife management efforts the game
populations here are particularly good.
Hunting for vaal rhebok, blue duiker,
bontebok, grysbok, caracal and many
other species is offered here.
Hunters stay in comfortable and

spacious wooden cabins, with en-suite

bathrooms, close to the farmhouse.
The lodge lies high in the landscape
and offers impressive views over the
hunting district and the mountains of
the Eastern Cape. There is a separate
sitting area with a fireplace, lounge
and dining room. The destination is
very family friendly and there are many
exciting attractions in the vicinity for
non-hunting guests.
Price example:
6 days accommodation / 5 days hunting
Price per hunter 4:2
Euro 1,425
Price per hunter 2:1
Euro 1,650
Price per hunter 1:1
Euro 1,895
Price per non-hunter
Euro 750

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Gers Safaris / SOUTH AFRICA

The farm lies in the malaria-free
Northern Cape on a flat highland plateau covered with wild olive and camphor bushes. The hunting here is not
physically demanding, and it is possible
to hunt year round. The hunt is carried
out as a traditional stalk but there is also
a well developed network of hides for
bow hunters. Julius Gers own farm
now covers 10,000 ha., but he also has
access to concessions totalling more
than 30,000 ha.
The lodge, which has been built in
traditional colonial style, lies on a plain
over which the game can move freely.
Here you can observe wild rhino and
masses of antelope, only a stones throw
away, while you enjoy your sundowner
in the fading light of the evening. There
are a total of 14 comfortable double
rooms with en-suite facilities. Meals,
which often feature the local game, are
of a high gastronomic standard and are
served with a choice of South African
wines from the lodges wine cellar. For
non-hunting guests there are plenty of
opportunities to go shopping, on excursions, bushwalks, photo safaris, bush
picnics, visit a spa and much more.
Price example:
6 days accommodation / 5 days hunting
Price per hunter 2:1
Euro 1,650
Price per hunter 1:1
Euro 2,095
Price per non-hunter
Euro 750

The district - Klein Papkuil - is home to more than 30 huntable species of

game incl. buffalo, rhino, roan and sable. The district is also well known
for its colour variations of springbuck, blesbok, wildebeest and impala.



SOUTH AFRICA / Frontier Safaris

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

ANTELO the Eastern Cape has a lly

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We have now had customers visiting Frontier Safaris for a number of

seasons and the feedback we have received is very positive. Our hunters have been surprised to find that standards at this destination are
just as high as at much more expensive destinations.
The price is a rock bottom, but there
is nothing lacking with the hunting,
accommodation, food or trophy
quality - quite the opposite! The hunt
takes place on a well cared for district
covering 27,000 hectares in one continuous area - quite big enough for the
game populations to live out a natural
life in the bush. You stay in an attractive lodge in the midst of the district.
There is no hunting in small put and
take fenced-in areas, and there are no
long transfers between the lodge and
the hunting area. Here you hunt in
the traditional way - on foot, after the
game has been spotted from a vehicle.
In this district you can find good populations of all the local native antelope
species such as kudu, blue and black
wildebeest, eland, waterbuck, oryx,
zebra etc. In total you can hunt more
than 30 species here!
Hunters can choose to book the best
value hunting package on the market,
which includes hunting, accommoda-

tion and trophy fees for the most

popular species in the district, or you
can choose to hunt following the price
list. If you choose the second option
hunting and accommodation is FREE we repeat FREE!!!! Both offers compare
favourably with absolutely anything
else the market can offer - quite simply
you wont find anything similar at this
The best value fixed price package on
the market
Incl. 6 head of game (1 kudu, 1 oryx, 1
wildebeest, 1 impala, 1 warthog, 1 duiker)
Price per hunter 2:1
Euro 3,305
Price per hunter 1:1
Euro 3,970
Price list hunts - SPECIAL PRICE
6 days accommodation / 5 days hunting
Price per hunter 2:1
Price per hunter 1:1
Price per non-hunter
Euro 820
The only requirement is that you should
pay a trophy deposit of min. US$ 2,500 you must shoot trophies worth at least this
amount to qualify for the special price for
hunting and accommodation.

Loock Safaris / SOUTH AFRICA

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

The outfitter offers individual hunts in

their beautiful district a four hour drive
north of Port Elizabeth in the Eastern
Cape. It is possible to hunt all year
in this highland district. The district
does not present any serious physical
challenges. For 2015 we can offer
both trophy and cull hunts - at very
attractive prices.

Loock Safaris hunting district is big,
wild and hilly. It is home to vast
numbers of the species typically found
in this region such as springbuck,
mountain reedbuck and Cape kudu as
well as a wide range of other South
African species. It is also possible to
find some of the more exotic species
such as the much sought after scimitar
horned oryx.

Driven hunts for springbucks can also

be arranged (on prior agreement)

6 days accommodation/ 5 days hunting
Price per hunter 2:1
Euro 1,500
Price per hunter 1:1
Euro 1,670
Price per non-hunting guest Euro 780
Classic package
6 days accommodation/ 5 days hunting
Incl. 7 cull animals (6 different species):
1 x kudu, 1 x impala, 1 x mountain reedbuck, 1 x blesbok, 1 x black wildebeest,
2 x springbuck
Price per hunter 2:1
Euro 2,575
Price per hunter 1:1
Euro 2,775
Exclusive package
7 days accommodation/ 6 days hunting
Incl. 9 cull animals (9 different species):
springbuck, black springbuck, white
springbuck, blesbok, impala, black wildebeest, blue wildebeest, kudu, mountain
Price per hunter 2:1
Euro 3,425
Price per hunter 1:1
Euro 3,680

Hunters stay in an attractive annex on

the Loock familys own farm, Spring
Fountain, and during their stay they
are treated like friends of the family.






Side 1

ADVERTISING / Jensen Rifle

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

For your next SAFARI you should order a

BESPOKE SAFARI RIFLE of BEST quality from us
Our SAFARI RIFLE are chambered
for the following standard
BIG GAME calibres:
.375 Jensen,
.375 Remington Ultra Mag.,
.375 Weatherby Mag.,
.375 Holland & Holland Mag.,
.400 Holland & Holland Mag.,
.404 Jeffery, .416 Remington Mag.,
.458 Winchester Mag. and
.465 Holland & Holland Mag.

Should you prefer a more

POWERFULL cartridge
and/or a left handed
versIon, same can be
discussed. We also
build LESS powerfull
rifles in assorted calibres and replace wornout barrels with our own
CUT rifle barrels. Delivery 6-9
months after order.

For specifications and prices, please contact us at:


Makuya Safaris / SOUTH AFRICA

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Big Game Hunting

In a very close and intensive partner
ship with the Makuya tribe we can
offer big game hunting in a totally
unique part of Africa. Our partnership
started in 2008, and in the first few
years the lucky few hunters, who
hunted in this fascinating district could
experience how special it was. In
particular the hunting for buffalo and
elephant was absolutely first class. Unfortunately politics became involved
in the hunting and we were forced to
take a break for a few years. Now the
authorities, to our great happiness,
have again issued a limited number of

licenses. Makuya Nature Reserve lies in

the north-east corner of South Africa,
next to the Kruger National Park. For
a distance of nearly 50km, the shallow
waters of the River Levuvhu form a natural border to the park, and the game
animals can move freely back and forth
over the river. The quality of buffalo
trophies here is impressively high, bulls
with a span of 40 inches are easy to
find, while trophies of 44 -45 inches,
and right up to 48 inches are seen
in the district. There are also good
populations of other game species, the
trophy quality of nyala and kudu being
especially good.

The camp is beautifully situated on Baobab Hill, high above the River Levuvhu
and offers wonderful views over the Kruger National Park and the surrounding
bush. It is a classic tented camp of a high standard. There are a total of 7 spacious, well furnished tents all with a private bathroom and toilet, and a terrace
from where you can enjoy the view. There is also a large common mess tent and a
small swimming pool.

The trophy quality of Makuyas huge

elephants is - and the same can also be
said for the buffalo - legendary. In the
years we have been able to hunt here,
elephants of between 53 and 80 lbs
were taken here. Bigger bulls can be
found in the district, but formally speaking we do not go after bulls of more
than 70lbs. So if you would like a really
good African elephant, this district is
your best bet. Licenses are very limited.
Price examples incl. flights from Europe,
transfers, accommodation with full board
and hunting licence:
7 day buffalo hunt 1:1 Euro 8,590.14 day elephant hunt Euro 17,390.-



SOUTH AFRICA / Balule River Camp

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Take the family on a photo safari but with

the opportunity of you doing a little hunting.
Price example
Price per person

Euro 1,000

The price includes:

Transfers between the airport and Balule
River Camp 7 nights in a standard
bedroom Full board (excluding drinks)
Full day safari in Kruger National Park
2 morning game drives in Balule Nature
Reserve (one including a champagne
breakfast) 2 sundowner game drives
in Balule Nature Reserve A bush walk in
Balule Nature Reserve One Thornybush
game drive One game drive and bush
braai in Balule Nature Reserve.
Hunt prices (payable directly at Balule):
Per hunting day 1:1
Rand 2,400
Rifle hire per day
Rand 600
Return transport per day
Rand 750
Example trophy fees:

BALULE River Camp

There is room for only 12 guests, so
you can be sure of really good service
and attention from the staff.
With its perfect location, right in the
heart of the absolutely best safari district in South Africa - the Great Kruger
National Park - you will enjoy seeing
Africas exciting animal life, in a magnificent, wild setting while on safari here.

Rand 3,900
Rand 3,900
Rand 5,625
Rand 11,625

Accommodation at Balule is always

from Friday to Friday, and there are
a wealth of activities. You can be
absolutely certain your family wont get
bored while you are out hunting. The
hunting district is around an hours
drive from Balule River Camp. A holiday
at Balule is therefore perfect for anyone
who would like to enjoy sharing a
wonderful safari with their family, and
spice up their stay with 1 or 2 days

hunti e your
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Mashatu Game Reserve, Botswana

If you wish to break up your hunt at Limpopo Safaris,
we strongly advise you to visit Mashatu Game Reserve in
Botswana. It is a 1 hours drive to Pont Drift, which is
the border between South Africa and Botswana. At Pont
Drift you will be met by a representative from Mashatu
and driven to Mashatu Main Camp or tented camp.
Mashatu has a great reputation for its photo safaris, and
you have a great chance of seeing elephant, lions and
leopards - even in broad daylight. You will find luxurious
accommodation, no matter which camp you choose.

A wonderful, inexpensive, week-long tour that will

take you through South Africa and Swaziland and
end on the shores of the Indian Ocean.

The price includes accommodation in a shared double

tent/suite with full board and photo safaris in the afternoon/evening on your arrival day and the morning of
your departure day.
The price does not include drinks or return transport
from Limpopo Safaris to Pont Drift.

This tour fits perfectly with hunting at Limpopo Safaris,

and hunting with Mark Dedekind Safaris in Zululand. If
hunting in Zululand you simply turn the tour around.
2 day visit to a smaller reserve close to Kruger National
Park - including full-board
1 night at Hazyview - close to Blyde River Canyon including breakfast
1 night at a small, charming country hotel in
Swaziland - including half-board
3 nights in a lovely guesthouse in St Lucia on the coast
of the Indian Ocean - including breakfast
Shared hire car, cat. B for 8 days.

Price per person in main camp

Euro 390
Price per person in tented camp Euro 280






Price per person sharing, from Euro 665






Garden Route / Wine district / Cape Town

After a hunt in the Eastern Cape you are ideally placed
for extending your holiday with this tour along the
outstanding Garden Route. This tour also includes a
couple of days in the wine district and ends with 3 days
in the beautiful city of Cape Town.

1 week hunting in South Africa + 1 week beach holiday
on Mauritius - the perfect combination!
For example including a stay at the 5-star Heritage Awali
Prices are based on a visit to Mauritius in the period 1st
May - 30th September 2015. If you travel outside this
period a mid- or high-season supplement is applicable.
The price includes: Transfers from Mauritius airport to the
hotel and back/ 7 day stay - all inclusive.
Heritage, per person sharing from Euro 1,250
Based on 2 people staying in a shared double room.

2 nights at Milkwood Manor in Plettenberg Bay, which

is said to be South Africas St. Tropez. Includes breakfast.
2 nights at Cliff Lodge in Gansbaai. From June to December it is often possible to see whales here. Includes
2 nights at Franschhoek Country House, from where
you can explore the marvellous wine district with its
old, historic vineyards, charming towns, and of course
its many wines. Includes breakfast.
3 nights in the self catering Lawhill Luxury Apartments.
Includes a hire car, cat. B for 10 days
Price per person, from Euro 1,120
Based on 2 people staying in a shared double room.
(prices can vary slightly depending on the season in South Africa)





Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015


Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Le Chasseur Mauricien
A true tropical paradise - far out in the
Indian Ocean, the isolated island realm
of Mauritius beats your wildest fantasies of sunny, palm-fringed beaches and
multi-coloured coral reefs. But Mauritius
can also offer much more, including a
wide range of unique hunting and fishing experiences. Mauritius offers hunting for world class rusa stags. We have
access to the best district, where the
stags are huge and where only stags
of SCI-gold medal winning class are
shot. An unusual trophy for your collection - and one of an impressive size
to boot. The same outfitter can also
arrange hunting for the islands variety
of wild boar - brown pigs - together
with wing-shooting for pheasant and
partridge. Amongst sports fishermen
the island is perhaps best known for
the excellent big-game fishing that

There are plenty of different challenges - you could try to catch a sailfish,
shoot a rusa stag and bag a brace of
pheasants within 24hrs - a so-called
McMorris - the ultimate tropical version
of the classic McNab!
If you grow tired of hunting and
fishing there are endless other ways to
enjoy this tropical paradise: golf, scuba
diving (on one of the worlds biggest
coral reefs) trekking and all kinds of
other sports. You COULD also just
choose to relax and enjoy the islands
excellent cuisine.

can be had here between November

and May. Do you still have a secret
boyhood dream of one day fighting
1,000 lbs of pure muscle, whipping up
a maelstrom of foam at the end of your
fishing line? If so Mauritius is where
you can make your dreams can come,
while your better half sits back and
enjoys a mojito under the palm trees in
the wellness centre of a luxury lodge!
Marlin, sailfish, wahoo, dorado and
many kinds of shark can be caught
around the island.
Price example (June-Sept): 1 hunter,
1 non-hunter incl. return flight Frankfurt/
Paris/London-Mauritius, 7 days all inclusive
accommodation at 5* Awali Golf & Spa
resort, transfers, licenses and trophy fee
for a gold medal rusa stag Euro 8,300.Stay for 2 children up to 12 years of age
is free of charge provided they share their
parents room. They only pay for flights.

You will stay in one of the beautiful hotels built right next to The Indian Ocean. Hunters and fishermen will be collected at their lodgings - other guests
are free to choose whether they will
also join the chase or whether they
will simply do their own thing. Come
here if you need a breath of fresh air Mauritius is also famous for having the
cleanest air in the world



NAMIBIA / Etosha Heights Game Safaris

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015


Hunters who really know hunting in Africa simply love this district in northern Namibia.
This is clearly due to a successful combination of a huge hunting district bordering Etosha
National Park, fantastic accommodation in an outstanding location,and a level of personal service that is far above average.


From 2015 all our customers will
be staying at SAFARI lodge, which is
currently being thoroughly renovated
(everything will be ready for the start
of the hunting season on 1st February
2015). The 4 old standard rooms are
being upgraded, and a further 8 new
rooms are being built. There will also
still be 2 luxury rooms and the suite.
This destination is very family friendly
and also offers a number of activities
for the whole family. A visit to Etosha
Heights is also a really memorable
culinary experience.

Etosha Heights Game Safaris / NAMIBIA

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Customers who visit EHGS often return

home full of enthusiasm - it is their hearty recommendations that constantly
bring new customers to this exclusive
As a hunter visiting this district you will
enjoy classical plains game hunting,
stalking on foot after all of the typical Namibian game species. Game
populations are - thanks to professional

game- and reserve management dense and trophy quality is very good.
Success rates are always very good
and the terrain, which varies from
uplands to savannah, can offer a challenging hunt for everyone regardless
of age and fitness. In addition to the
Namibian antelope species, which can
be found all over the district, you can
find both white and black rhino, lion,

leopard, cheetah, elephant and hyena

together with some more unusual
plains game species such as Hartmans
zebra and sable.

Price example:
8 days accommodation / 7 hunting days
Per hunter 2:1
Euro 2,730.Per hunter 1:1
Euro 3,290.Per non-hunter
Euro 1,400.-



NAMIBIA / Aru Game Lodges

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

It is also the perfect place for a group

of hunters who wish to travel to Africa
and take part in a lot of good hunting, and enjoy relaxing hours in each
others good company.

Aru Game Lodges / NAMIBIA

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015


ARU represents the best of the best
in hunting and accommodation. This
outfitter runs two very luxurious lodges
(Kalakwa and Veronica), which are respectively located in two very different
types of hunting terrain. This gives
you the opportunity of enjoying a very
exciting and varied safari experience,
spending three to four hunting days in
each location.

The districts offer hunting for all of the

characteristic Namibian species including the challenging mountain zebra.
Great emphasis is laid on fair-chase
hunting and the hunter should be
prepared to work for his trophies. For
the more usual plains-game species, as
long as you are in reasonable condition you will easily be able to meet the
challenges set by the terrain.
ARU is one of the best lodges for

non-hunting guests that we have in

Africa, which is an opinion backed-up
by the positive feedback we receive
from families and couples who have
stayed here.
Price examples
8 days accommodation / 7 hunting days
Per hunter 2:1
Euro 2,965
Per hunter 1:1
Euro 3,575
Per non-hunter
Euro 2,110



NAMIBIA / Omujeve Safaris

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015



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A sure fire hit year after year! Omujeve

Safaris offers plains game hunting at a
very attractive price, plus tasteful accommodation only 45km from the airport,
and plenty of facilities for non-hunting
guests. Season after season Omujeve
Safaris have delivered the goods to
our customers. During the low season
Omujeve Safaris often have some really
special offers that result in your complete Namibian hunting adventure being
incredibly inexpensive! The outfitter
has two different districts and it is quite
usual to stay and hunt at both places.
The hunting is typically spot and stalk,
where you spot your quarry from a
vehicle then stalk in on foot through the
bush. Guests stay in attractive safari lodges with a main central building, large
double rooms, and a swimming pool
(no swimming pool in the southern
farm). There are many different activities
available locally for non-hunting family
SPECIAL PRICES: Feb April / Oct. - Nov.
7 days accommodation / 7 days hunting
Per hunter 2:1
Euro 1,680.Per hunter 1:1
Euro 1,865.Per non-hunter
Euro 0 / 535.-

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Osonjiva Hunting Safaris / NAMIBIA

LOOK!: During the whole of

2015 FREE accommodation
for 1 non-hunting guest per


Here hunters can find real value for
money! At Osonjiva you can hunt all
the antelope species that have come
to typify Namibia, and trophy fees are
low for many attractive species such
as oryx and blue wildebeest. Osonjiva
Hunting Safaris is known and loved by
our hunters, who have been visiting
this destination throughout the many
years that Limpopo Travel has represented them.
Game populations on this hunting
farm are fantastic and trophy quality
very good. The lodge that has been
constructed in traditional African style
with stone walls and a thatched roof,
provides very comfortable accommodation and effortlessly gives your
stay here a real African atmosphere.
Price example:
8 days accommodation / 7 days hunting
Price per hunter 2:1
Euro 1,700.Price per hunter 1:1
Euro 2,190.Price per non-hunting guest Euro
0.(free accommodation for
one guest per hunter)
Price per extra non-hunter Euro 1,350.(A charge of Euro 535 is made for return
transfers between Windhoek airport and
Osonjiva, which is split between the participants in your group).

Whether you are an experienced antelope hunter or

a new beginner is not important - Osonjiva can offer
the perfect setting for your next adventure!



NAMIBIA / Khan River

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Cull hunting package

6 days accommodation / 6 days hunting
2:1 Includes 8 cull animals per hunter (5
oryx, 1 blue wildebeest, 1springbuck, 1
Price per hunter
with a group of 4 hunters Euro 2,555.with a group of 2 hunters Euro 2,855.with 1 hunter
Euro 3,335.Trophy hunts
5 days accommodation/ 5 days hunting
Price per hunter 2:1
Euro 1,890.Price per hunter 1:1
Euro 2,320.Price per non-hunter
Euro 1,115.-


During 2014 we started sending
hunters to Khan River in ernest, and
we have to admit it exceeded all our
expectations. Everybody, without
exception, was full of praise for the
destination and its staff. We are therefore delighted to still be able to include
Khan River in our range of hunts. Will
you only accept hunting in a 100%
free range area ? Khan River, which
is a former cattle ranch, is part of the
200,000 hectare Okawi Conservancy,
where the game roams totally free.
For hunters who will on principle not

accept fences, the Khan River district is

just the thing! The district is suitable for
all hunters - experienced or beginner,
and of all ages. The hunt is carried
out either as standard stalking or from
high-seats. At Khan River we offer both
cull- and trophy hunts. Khan River
offers a top class hunting experience,
with hunting in a totally unfenced area
- which is becoming a rarity, even in
Namibia. The camp is really welcoming and has a great atmosphere, but
it is most s uitable for hunters without
non-hunting companions, as few acti
vities other than hunting are available.

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Caprivi / NAMIBIA

Day rate per hunter 1:1 Euro 1,600
Day rate per non-hunter Euro 350

Namibia is best known for the dry bush-land that covers most of this vast country.
What not many people realise is that from the countrys most east corner, a relatively narrow tongue of land stretches 450km to the east - the so-called Caprivi - strip.

Trophy fees (US$):

Buffalo (10 day hunt)
Crocodile 4,865
Elephant (14 day hunt)
up to 50 pounds
50 pounds and above
Leopard (14 day hunt)
Spotted Hyena
You will also need to budget for return
flights to Windhoek, and between
Windhoek and Katima Mulilo.

Our partner ARU offers hunting in this attractive district, so if you dream about buffalo,
crocodile, elephant, leopard, hippo or even a great antelope hunt - then Caprivi could
well be the ideal destination for your perfect African adventure!

This area of land was added to, what
was then, the German colony of
German South-west Africa in 1890 in
a deal with Great Britain. The idea was
to create a corridor between German
South-west Africa and German East
Africa - the two German colonies
in southern Africa. The project was
never completed, but the Caprivi-strip
remained attached to Namibia when
it gained independence.
This narrow strip of land has borders
with Angola, Botswana and Zambia
in an undisturbed corner of Africa
famous for its great wealth of game
animals. It therefore should come at
no great surprise that Caprivi offers big
game hunting as well as plains-game
hunts of a very high standard. In the
Caprivi strip the landscape is markedly
more lush than in the rest of Namibia.



ADVERTISING / Karoo Taxidermy

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Sightseeing / NAMIBIA

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015




1: 7

Coast / desert / photo safari

3 nights in a charming hotel in the seaside resort of
Swakopmund - with breakfast (Swakopmund Hotel)
2 nights in an exciting lodge in the desert with half
board (Sossusvlei Lodge)
2 nights in the Erindi Private Game Reserve - with full
board and photo safari
Shared hire car, cat. K (Hyundai IX35 or similar)
for 8 days

Price per person sharing from Euro 1,798.-




2: 9


Photo safari at Etosha / Ugab terraces

/ seal colony / coast / desert / fantastic
hotel in Windhoek
2 nights in an attractive lodge near Etosha National
Park - with full board and photo safari included (Etosha Mountain Lodge)
1 night in the region known as the Ugab terraces .
with half board (Vingerklip Lodge)
1 night in Cape Cross, close to the seal colony, with
half board (Cape Cross Lodge)
2 nights in a charming hotel in the seaside resort of
Swakopmund - with breakfast (Swakopmund Hotel)
2 nights in an exciting lodge in the desert - with half
board (Sossusvlei Lodge)
1 night in the Hotel Heinitzburg in Windhoek incl.
Shared hire car, cat.K (Hyundai IX35 or similar)
for 10 days

Price per person sharing from Euro 1,915.-



ZIMBABWE / Western Safaris

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015


This partner is one of the

worlds leading outfitters
for leopard hunts.
Their success rate is of a high international standard, and their trophies are
also exceptionally good. Their secret
is the outstanding Marula hunting
district west of Bulawayo, which provides an ideal habitat for these spotted
cats. Our customers over the last few

seasons a gathered a truly wonderful

collection of fantastic leopard trophies
here, which naturally can be seen in
the record books!
The district is also home to a good
population of plains game including
eland, kudu, reedbuck and warthog,
It is absolutely possible to combine a

leopard hunt with the exciting hunting

for antelope. Western Safaris also
have access to a number of big game
concessions in Zimbabwe and can
therefore offer some fantastic hunting
for elephant, buffalo, lion, hippopotamus and crocodile in this classic safari

Roger Whittall Safaris / ZIMBABWE

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015


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g bow
The outstanding Big-5 hunting district
- Humani, forms a part of the worlds
largest privately owned nature reserve
- the Save Valley Conservancy - which
at 3,200 square km2 is bigger than
the country of Luxembourg. Here you
can find not only the full spectrum of
plains game species in good numbers,
but also all of the local Big-5 species:
Elephant, black rhino, buffalo, lion and

Accommodation is safari-style, either

in tents or thatched huts, all with
en-suite facilities that are wonderfully
located to offer great views over the
bush and rivers. All meals and service
are also first class. Humani is situated
deep in the African wilderness, so unless non-hunting guests enjoy following the hunting, there are few other
activities available as there are no real
tourist attractions close by. We should
however perhaps mention that many
of our travelers finish their adventure in
Zimbabwe with a stay at the majestic
Victoria Falls.

Because of a disagreement with the authorities in Zimbabwe there has been no

hunting in this district for 2 years. A settlement has now been made, and we therefore have high expectations for the 2015 season. Do you wish to hunt for a record
trophy in Zimbabwe..?

leopard. Regardless whether your next

safari will be for big game or plains
game, Roger Whittall Safaris is a safe
choice. The outfitter has decades of
experience and a fantastic reputation
for quality amongst traveling hunters
from all over the world. As their guest
you will be in no doubt that you have
ended up in good hands when you
hunt in Humani - the atmosphere is
permeated with a sense of sheer profes-

sionalism and you can see the effects of

far sighted management of the districts
outstanding natural resources. That the
aggressive anti-poaching policy and the
many habitat improvement schemes
have borne fruit in the form of large
game populations and excellent tro
phies should be a surprise to nobody. It
will warm every African hunters heart to
see how well African wildlife can thrive
when it is given a chance!



ZAMBIA / Kwalata Safaris


Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

All of our customers who visited during
2014 were full of praise for the hunting arranged by Kwalata Safaris. Everybody got
what they wanted, and often much more
on top. The combination of outstanding
hunting districts and professional staff has,
in the seasons we have had this destination in our portfolio, resulted in a wealth of
excellent trophies. We have many regular
customers who have hunted with this
outfitter time and again. They consistently
report back to us about the totally outstanding - and apparently habit forming safari atmosphere on these hunts. All the
hunting districts lie far off the beaten track
and are therefore not really suitable for
non-hunting guests unless they also share
a fascination for life in the bush.

Luangwa Valley
Our primary buffalo district in Zambia
stretches over 120,000 ha. of the
Luangwa Valley. It borders the River
Luangwa and offers 2 different camps.
The most important species here other
than buffalo are roan and leopard,
but you will also find a good population of Lichtensteins Hartebeest, large
numbers of Chobe bushbuck, kudu,
lion and last but not least crocodile
and hippopotamus. If you are longing
to add a really good roan to your trophy collection, here you will have the
chance of a trophy approaching 30.
You hunt from early in the morning to
late evening, naturally taking a break
for lunch, under the shadow of a tree,
or back in camp if preferred. Normally
hunting is with 1 PH per hunter, but
it is possible to choose hunting 2:1 if
you would like to share your experience. Hunting is carried out as Spot
and Stalk using a 4wd vehicle, but if
you prefer an Old Style safari on foot
that is also possible.

Kwalata Safaris / ZAMBIA

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015


Bangeweulu Swamps

Kafue Flats

This district stretches over all of

500,000 ha - around twice the size
of the country of Luxembourg! Up to
2013, when Kwalata Safaris obtained
access to this district, there had been
no organised hunting in this area,
which is covered in undisturbed bush.
The district lies on the west side of the
well known Kafue National park and
is home to really good populations
of sable, roan, leopard, lion, Lichtensteins hartebeest, oribi and defassa
waterbuck. It is also possible to find
buffalo in this district. If you would like
to shoot a really good sable antelope
in the open countryside, this is the
district for you. The outfitter guarantees
trophies over 40, and over the last
couple of years trophies of up to no
less than 48 have been bagged!
Accommodation is in a newly built
tented camp. There are bathroom and
toilet facilities in all tents, and a common dining area. It is difficult not to be
smitten by the classic safari atmosphere
found here!

Most people have heard of the Okavango Delta and its rich animal life, the
Bangweulu Swamps are a wetland of
comparable size and with a comparable fauna. The hunting here is only for
those hunters who are willing to work
for their results, but on the other hand
it is home to some very special species
such as sitatunga and black lechwe - a
species that can hunted nowhere else
in the world. Additionally you can find
good trophies of oribi and tessebe, and
the hunting itself is given excitement
by the fact that you are often hunting
amongst large herds of buffalo and
elephant. It goes without saying that
the birdlife in this wildlife paradise is
outstanding and an incredible experience in its own-right Accommodation
is relatively simple, in huts/safari tents
- but they all have their own bathroom
and toilet. In this district it is also possible to hunt from fly camps deeper in
the swamps. By their very nature these
camps are very primitive but they are
really close to the wild heart of Africa!

These 650,000 hectares of partially

flooded plains are home to the Kafue
lechwe, which is the primary goal of
the hunting here. The very flatness of
this district makes it possible to spot
game from a very long distance - but
this is also where the challenge lies, as
you also need to stalk your game from
far away! You will find that the fauna
of this fertile, always well watered
district is overwhelming. The hunts are
carried out as day long excursions from
Zambias capital city of Lusaka, typically
as an extension of a hunt on one of
Kwalatas other districts. You will stay in
a hotel in the city.


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ZAMBIA / Munyamadzi

Munyamadzi is the name of a 20,000
ha. private game-reserve on the banks
of the River Luangwa. Munyamadzi is
one of Zambias finest game reserves
and there are no fences. The hunting
here is managed by the Danish PH Thor Kirchner.
One of the things that makes Munyamadzi unique is that there is no interference from government agencies as it

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

is a private game-reserve. This helps to

create the impression that visitors are
really out in the wilds under mother
natures own premises. While hunting
you will be accompanied by a Game
scout, your PH and tracker, and you
have the whole district at your disposal
during the hunt.
When you arrive in the camp on the
banks of the River Luangwa you cant
help finding this huge river and the

wildlife that thrives in and around the

river absolutely breathtaking. The camp
personnel are all keen and willing to
give you the best possible service. The
district is outstanding and Munyamadzi leaves you feeling that this is how
hunting in Africa really should be like.
Thor has also a great deal of experience of guiding bow hunters, and has
successfully guided bow hunts for both
buffalo and hippo.

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015



5 62 2
for mo
0 25 4
tourism information
in Zam
and M
ia, Zim

The fantastic Victoria Falls Hotel

Experience the majestic hotel that is more
than a century old. The place echoes with
the footsteps of bygone explorers and reflects
the pride of the British Empire. The hotels colonial style and its modern comforts together
with its almost pompous position in the front
row of one of Africas greatest natural wonders - the Victoria Falls make it totally unique.
Enjoy a few days here, during which time
you can arrange activities such as sailing/
sundowner on the River Zambezi, a safari in
the Zambezi National Park, bungee jumping,
fishing for tigerfish and white water rafting.

Stay in a luxury 5 star hotel on

the Zambian side of the waterfalls.
The Tongabezi is a romantic and luxurious
lodge built on the banks of the River Zambezi,
above the Victoria Falls. The Tongabezi offers
a range of chalets and huts, decorated and
furnished with items from all over Africa. The
beautifully furnished huts are built right by
the river, allowing you to enjoy wonderful
views from your own terrace.
The Tongabezi is the perfect place for romantics, and the perfect place to celebrate a
special occasion, or simply enjoy the beautiful

The white sandy beaches of

If you are hunting in Zimbabwe the white
sandy beaches and turquoise water of Mozambiques Indian Ocean coastline are only a
short flight away.
If you enjoy snorkelling or diving, Mozambique can offer some outstanding coral reefs,
while the culinary experience you enjoy here
is really worth writing home about.
Ring us for more details.


More or less right on the border of four countries Namibia,

Botswana, Zimbabwe and Zambia can be found one of the
Seven Wonders of the World the incredible Victoria Falls.
One of the worlds biggest waterfalls, it is a must see if you
are already hunting in either Zimbabwe or Zambia.



MOZAMBIQUE / Marromeu Safaris

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015


An untamed paradise for hunters, with good populations of sought after game. The Coutada 10 concession consists of the
southern part of the Zambezi river delta. In the vast marshlands of the delta a population of over 13,000 buffalo lives side
by side with large herds of Sable, Nyala and Waterbuck, together with plenty of smaller species as well as the resident hippos and crocodiles.

The district covers around 300,000 ha.,
and by its very nature the hunting is
both very challenging and eventful.
Here you meet untamed Africa face
to face - and it will be a meeting you
will never forget! The camp is a typical
big-game camp with reed huts with
private bathroom and toilet rustic but
well organized and absolutely in order,
precisely as you should expect of a
classic hunting safari camp.

The main means of transport on the

district are Argo amphibious vehicles these are the only machines that can
move through the deltas muddy reed
swamps and bring hunters into the far
flung areas, where the buffalo can be
found. In the districts woodlands you
can find unusually large numbers of
the sought after species of small antelope, the Blue and Red Duikers, as well
as Suni and Oribi - four of the small
ten all in one place.

Western Safaris / MOZAMBIQUE

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

This district which covers a total of
220,000 hectares has no human activity other than a few small villages in its
outer fringes and this sparse population
is deeply involved in the development
of this unique natural environment.
Here it is possible not only to hunt a
wide range of plains game, but also
big game species such as lion, leopard
and elephant. Antelope hunters will
take particular note of the presence of

attractive species such as sable, nyala,

lichtensteins hartebeest, suni and oribi
- more usual species such as impala,
kudu, bushbuck, warthog etc. are also
found in this beautiful and totally unspoiled landscape. The districts boasts
a varied landscape with huge dried
out (in the hunting season) riverbeds,
extensive grassy plains with outcrops of
rocks, and extensive miombo and panga panga forests. The hunt is typically
carried out as spot and stalk, where

Westerns district - Nhacainga - makes up the central,

totally uninhabited, part of the enormous hunting concession in central Mozambique known as Coutada 9.

you start stalking your game after it has

been spotted from a 4wd. vehicle. The
going is relatively easy, the terrain setting no great demand on your fitness.
You will stay in a newly built camp with
brick huts that lies on the banks of the
bed of the dried out River Nyamafunda.
the camp has wonderful views over the
unspoilt bush. This destination totally
revolves around wildlife and hunting you could not be further away from the
stresses of the everyday grind!



MOZAMBIQUE / Roger Whitall Safaris

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Experience the exciting Nungo concession south-east of

the enormous Niassa Reserve in the north of Mozambique
- one of the worlds best destinations for sable and leopard!


In the district which is made up of
open plains, volcanic rock formations
and miombo forest, conditions are
ideal for elephant, leopard and sable
antelope. The annual rainfall here is
relatively high and this in combination
with the mineral rich soils makes the
area extremely fertile. Herds of wild
Sable antelope are a gift from the
(hunting) gods - no where else on the
planet can you find such a concentration of these animals. At the time of writing all our sable hunters have returned
home having added good trophies of
the impressive Roosevelt sable to their
safari journals.
On this 500,000 hectare district, which
borders the Niassa National park, you
will stay in comfortable safari tents,
with running hot and cold water, a
toilet and bath in every tent. It is also
possible to make use of a fly camp, if
you need to move deep into this enormous tract of wilderness and overnight
in the heart of the African landscape.

Sightseeing / ZANZIBAR

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

There are many different possibilities, whether
you would simply like to relax on a beach holiday, enjoy a photo-safari in Tanzanias famous
National Parks such as the Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Tarangire, Lake Manyara or Ruaha, or perhaps take the challenge of climbing to the top
of Mount Kilimanjaro, Africas highest mountain.
6 days Kifaru safari to Lake Manyara, the
Serengeti and Ngoro ngoro from Euro 1,400.7 days Kilimanjaro climb
from Euro 1,465.-

A relaxing beach holiday on a coral island in the
Indian Ocean with the most wonderful sandy
beaches. It is first and foremost the white palm
fringed beaches, the tropical climate and the
warm azure blue water that brings people to
Zanzibar. You can also find coral reefs many
places around the coast, which are home to
creatures such as turtles and whale sharks.
Zanzibar is also known as the Spice Island, and
more than 50 different spices are made and
traded here as well as exotic fruits. The historic
Stone Town, simply referred to as the town, has
hardly changed over the years, and now has
been given protected status as one of UNESCOs
world heritage sites. Here you can enjoy walking through the winding narrow streets and
explore the big and small shops, markets and
old historic buildings.
Stay at Breezes Beach Club & Spa, a luxurious
5 star hotel, with a unique position on Bwejuu
Beach, which is said to be amongst the 10 best
beaches in the world.
5 nights at the 5* Breezes Beach Club in a deluxe
room with half board from Euro 495.-

In connection with a hunting safari not just to Tanzania,

but also to a range of other countries such as Zambia,
South Africa and Mozambique, we recommend that you
combine your hunting safari with a sight-seeing holiday.



TANZANIA / Michel Mantheakis Safaris

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015


Tanzania is regarded by international big game hunters as the finest big game destination
in Africa - a position the county has laid claim to for more than three decades.

When you are hunting in Lukwati you fly

to Dar Es Salaam and from there by charter
plane to the hunting area. Alternatively you
can take a domestic flight to Mbeya, and
from there it is a 6 hours drive to camp

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Michel Mantheakis Safaris / TANZANIA

For nearly twenty years we have enjoyed a close working relationship with
one of the countrys leading outfitters
Michel Mantheakis. This partnership
really has borne fruit in the form of
some outstanding safari experiences
for our clients - many of whom are faithfully returning to Tanzanias hunting
districts on a regular basis. Mantheakis
is regarded as being one of Tanzanias
very best professional hunters and
is renowned for always making that
extra effort that transforms a good
safari into a sublime safari experience.
Here we can offer classic East African
hunting in some of the countrys most
beautiful hunting districts!
All camps are built in typical East
African style with luxury double tents
with their own bathroom and toilet
facilities. Their locations are always
spectacular and the same can be said
of the cuisine, which offer 3-course
dinners, accompanied by carefully
chosen wines and spirits. A luxury safari in Tanzania has never been cheap
- but the experience and the memories that last a lifetime are truly priceless!
Please contact us for a detailed offer.


Lake Natron Game Controlled Area lies
in Masailand. In this district you can find
the Masais holy mountain, the nearly
3,000m high active volcano Oldonyo
Lengai together with Lake Natron with
its breeding population of no less than
2.5 million flamingos. Huge areas of
open savannah, dense forest and a great
range of altitude give the district its wild
character and its rich, varied fauna. Here
you can find all the Masailand species
such as the lesser kudu, gerenuk, fringed
eared oryx, Grants-, Roberts - and

Thomsons gazelle, Chandlers mountain

reedbuck, Bohor reedbuck, East African
impala, Kirks dik-dik, Cokes hartebeest,
klipspringer and Masai bushbuck. In
addition the district has enormous
leopards, good buffalo and endless, very
good and very varied wing-shooting.
Lake Natron is only a few hours drive
from Arusha, and after the safari you can
of course enjoy all the nearby National
Parks, the Serengeti, Ngorongoro, Lake
Manyara and Tarangire.
Lukwati South Game Reserve lies in
western Tanzania and is a fantastic big

game concession. In fact it can be said

to be one of Tanzanias most productive
districts thanks to the great variations in
its landscape, plenty of water and many
diverse habitats. All of this supports large,
varied populations of game. In Lukwati you are able to hunt the following
species: lion, buffalo, leopard, elephant,
sable, kudu, roan, eland, hippopotamus, crocodile, Lichtensteins hartebeest,
defassa waterbuck, zebra, southern reedbuck, warthog, oribi, bushpig, common
duiker, impala, hyena and jackal.




Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Burkina Faso
Are the West African trophies missing from your collection? All the hunters we
have had in Burkina Faso got the trophies they wanted, and all the feedback about the
organization, guiding, game populations and trophy quality has also been very positive.

The Singou/ Ouamou concession is a

260,000 hectare hunting district in the
former French colony of Burkina Faso.
It is considered to be one of the very
best concessions in the country, with
good populations of interesting species
such as western savannah buffalo, western roan, major hartebeest, western
kob, defassa waterbuck, harnessed
bushbuck and Nigerian bohor reedbuck. You also find good numbers of
lion, hippopotamus, elephants, oribi,
warthogs and baboons in the district.

Hunting in West Africa is best suited

to hunters with experience of hunting
in Africa, who are looking for further
challenges on the dark continent
after having tested themselves in the
hunting districts of southern Africa.
Hunters should be prepared for a relatively strenuous hunt on foot, with long
marches through the district every day.
Hunt organization is very professional.
The hunting authorities in Burkino Faso
maintain a strict hunting policy, and
each hunting district is given an annual

fixed quota, which is carefully enforced. The prof. hunter is South African,
so there is no language problem.
The camp is only a 15min. drive from
the hunting concession; it is spacious
and very comfortable by West African
standards. It consists of thatched bungalows with facilities such as air-conditioning and en-suite bathrooms. The
cottages are very simply furnished but
have everything you really need.


Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Two different sides of Africa
in the same country!

Cameroon offers some extraordinary nature- and hunting adventures. Sub-tropical savannah with the worlds biggest antelope - the imposing giant eland in the north and dense jungle filled with bongos and gorillas in the south.

Our partner here is one of the most

established and best known outfitters
in the important central African hunting destination of Cameroon.
The company has access to more than
1,000,000 hectares of wilderness
spread over 9 different concessions.
Here we can offer both of the two
totally different types of hunt that this
country if famous for. In the rain forest

the beautiful bongo antelope with

its fabulous orange and white striped coat, is the goal of most hunters
But the small forest elephants, sitatunga, forest buffalo, giant forest hogs and
a wide range of exotic duikers that you
can only hunt here, have also captured
the attention of international big game

The star of the savannah in the north

is the giant eland, but there is also
excellent hunting for western roan
and buffalo. In all of the districts you
will find comfortable accommodation
built in traditional African style and catering of a very high standard. Trophy
quality here has been excellent year
after year, and the same is true of the
success rate!




Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Your trophy


- we get it safely
home for you
Agility is Europes most experienced trophy transporter, which is
your best guarantee for not facing unforeseen surprises.
Contact us before you leave for hunt, in order to get advice and guidance, and you will be
in safe hands - wherever in the world you are going for hunt!
More than 20 years of experience and many hunters before you, is your
guarantee for professional assistance.
Focus on taking your trophy - well get it safely home for you.

Hammerholmen 39D. DK-2650 Hvidovre.

Tel. +45 7010 2066.
Fax +45 7010 2067.

Specialised employees
is your best guarantee:
Bob Karlsen:
Henrik Prebensen:

Let the HUNTING dream come true 2015

Limpopo Travel A/S and Diana Hunting

tours will be referred to as the Bureau in
the following:
Law on package tours
All travel arrangements are subject to the
Law on package tours, that has as one of its
aims, to give wider consumer protection.
Travel agents must be able to document,
that when a travel arrangement has been
booked and before the deposit has been
paid by the customer, that they have drawn
attention to all possible aspects of the travel
arrangement, including costs, conditions
regarding changes etc. In accordance
with this the Bureau refers to the Bureaus
brochure, pricelists, invoices, voucher, travel
documents, practical information, insurance
documents and separate product-liability
Most of the Bureaus partners require a
deposit on booking; therefore it will not
be possible to obtain a deposit refund on
If the trip is cancelled less than 45 days
before departure the total amount is lost.
This is not the case if war, natural disaster or
a similar situation occurs in the country of
destination less than 14 days prior to departure. In such a situation, the total amount
will be refunded. We advise you to take out
cancellation insurance to cover you against
cancellation due to sickness or such like.
Please read the section about insurance.
Interrupted trips:
If, for any reason, the client wants to interrupt their trip, there will be no refund for
missed days or arrangements.
The Bureaus liability for defects as well as
human and object damage is limited by an
international convention on compensation
applied to the service supplier that the
Bureau uses for the trip bought by the client.
It is the Warsaw Convention that is relevant
to international flight transport, though
the amounts of compensation are often
quite low. Injury compensation awarded
in connection with flights is only roughly
Euro 13,500. The Bureau is member of the
Danish State Travel Guarantee Fund (reg.
no.1462), which guarantees the client all
money back or help in connection with the
return trip from their destination in case of
payment suspension by, or bankruptcy of,
the Bureau. Any action against the Bureau
will be determined under Danish law and
should be made through a Danish court
or referred to arbitration in Denmark. The
Bureaus catalogue is valid for 2015. The
period for which the prices are valid is clearly
stated. The customer has the responsibility
to make him or herself familiar with and fulfil
the conditions, which are stated in all delivered publications and documents, including
General Conditions.
Please be aware that unforeseen changes in
the law conc. import and export of trophies
might take place, and might then cause
problems. If such changes happen after
the hunt has taken place it might make
it impossible to export/import the trophies.
In such cases the bureau cannot be held
Rules and liability with regard to treatment of trophies.
We all know that a trophy hunt is only 100%
complete when the trophies arrive at the
hunters home residence. Unfortunately
problems occasionally arise in the form of
mistakes during trophy preparation and taxidermy or in connection with the transport
of trophies home. To be able to solve these
problems as efficiently as possibly it is important that one knows who bears responsibility
for what, and not least, what you can do to
protect yourself and your trophies in the best
possible manner:
Read our rules regarding liability in relation
to our trophies on our website.

Payment details:
Nordea Bank Danmark A/S
Centrumpladsen 8,
DK-5700 Svendborg
Reg. No. 2680
Account No. 8474 909 663
Swift code: NDEADKKK
Iban: DK 61 2000 8474 9096 63
US$- account
Reg. No. 2680
Account no. 5036 071 631
Swift code: NDEADKKK
Iban: DK4220005036071631
Reg. No. 2680
Account no. 5036 060 281
Swift code: NDEADKKK
Iban: DK6920005036060281
Reknr. 1377.29.855
Swift code: RABONL2U
Iban: NL17RABO0137729855
Booking and payment:
On booking a trip, 50% of the total price
must be paid within 10 days if other
arrangements have not been made. The
booking is binding for both the travel agent
and customer. The remainder is due 45
days prior to departure. If these conditions
are not met the Bureau retains the right to
cancel the hunt and keep the deposit. If it is
necessary to send out a reminder the client
will be charged a fee of Euro 25. Interest at a
rate of 1,5% per month will also be charged
to the client on any unpaid dues.
The Bureau draws your attention to the fact
that copyright applies to all photographs
and text in this brochure and that the pictures used are not necessarily used under the
correct partner or destination.
EU Firearms License:
EU Firearms License is required in all EU
countries. No European Union Firearms
License is required for trips outside the EU.
However, if the client has a stopover in a EU
country a EU Firearm License is required.
Flight Tickets:
Flight tickets cannot be altered or cancelled
after they have been issued. The Bureau
draws attention to the fact that it is the
customers responsibility to give the correct
name to the Bureau. It is very important
that it is the same as that it appears in your
passport and any visa. If the ticket is issued
in the wrong name it could cost the price of
a new ticket or a fee of approx. Euro 150 to
correct it. In addition to this fee the Bureau
will charge an administration fee of Euro 75.
It is the customer responsibility that tickets
and other travel documents are issued under
the correct name.
The customer must make sure that they have
the correct documentation when checking
in at the airport, as well as all relevant documents for the continuation of the journey.
The customer also has the responsibility to
be aware of any changes in flight times and
must, when travelling abroad, reconfirm
their flight tickets at least 72 hour before departure. This can be done with the relevant
airline or with the Bureaus agent at your
The Bureau has, during a long-standing
working relationship with Gouda Travel insurance, developed the Bureaus own special
travel insurance. This travel insurance is only
available via the Bureau and is not comparable with other insurances on the market.
This insurance includes a cancellation- and
travel insurance that is tailored to the needs
of hunters.
With this cancellation insurance you are
covered if you, your immediate family, or
your travelling companion, is affected by
an acute illness. But you are also covered if
you are forced to cancel the hunt due to a
less serious physical ailment that would ruin
the value of the tour for the hunter. In these
circumstances the Bureau will issue a credit
note equal to the sum paid. Even during
the hunt the Bureaus hunting insurance
covers many different points, such as a
compensation tour, being summoned home,
liability, baggage etc. For more details,

read the Gouda Travel Insurances advert,
or request an insurance brochure. If during
your tour you get into an acute situation
that is covered by your insurance, you can
ring to Goudas 24hr help service on +45 33
15 60 60.
With the special cancellation insurance charged 4% of the tours cost, which we offer
in partnership with Gouda, in the event of
cancellation covered by the policy, will issue
a credit note for a new hunting tour with
the Bureau. If you would prefer your money
to be refunded, then you should take out
the normal cancellation insurance charged
at 6% of the tours cost. The travel insurance
includes hunting liability (expecting that
covered by your hunting licence) if you are
the holder of a valid hunting license.
General information:
The client must always remember to read
the general information concerning their
destination, because it contains very important information relating to their specific
hunting area.
Importing trophies:
Some species are on the Washing ton
Conventions list of endangered species.
These require a special import permit that
the client can obtain from the authorities in
their native country. Please note that it is the
clients responsibility to obtain this permit.
Check to find the nearest
office at which to apply.
Contact via helpline:
The Bureau can be reached 24 hours a day
in an emergency situation you will receive
the number with your travel documents.
Normal opening times are from Monday to
Friday from 8.30 17.00 on tel: (+45) 62 20
25 40 or (+45) 62 23 11 10. Thursdays from
Credit cards:
Payment with credit cards issued outside
Denmark entails a min. 3% supplement (depending on the type of card). Check www. for further info.
Transfer of journey:
If the customer wishes to transfer a package
already booked to another person, it is possible, if there are still spaces free. However
it is necessary that the Bureau is informed
at least 30 days before departure, so all the
necessary changes can be made. Both parties are now responsible for any remaining
balance or extra charges associated with
the transfer.
Prices in this brochure are given in Euro
if not otherwise stated. With regard to
package prices that include flights, the flight
price is based on the lowest economy class.
The price is dependent on spaces being free
in this price class.
Price adjustment:
The Bureau reserves the right to adjust their
charges resulting from price changes beyond
their control, eg, flights, taxes and currency
fluctuations etc. So, if a trip is booked at
a price of Euro 2,000 based on the US$
exchange rate of 80 on 01.11.2014, and
the rate rises to 90 on the day payment is
received, there will be an increase of 12,5%
for part of the hunt which is to be settled in
US$. In this example it could be Euro 1,500
that is paid on, therefore the exchange rate
adjustment will be 12,5% of the Euro 1,500
= Euro 187,50.
If something unforeseen or a problem
occurs during your tour, the Bureau must be
contacted immediately, if the client and the
Bureau partner cannot solve the problem
themselves. If this is not done, the client will
have no right to make any claim after his/
her return.
Most problems, big or small, can be solved
with a single phone call.
In the case of tours where you reach your
destination in your own car or a hire car,
you can generally assume that this car will
be used during the hunt, if the need arises.
The use of your own car or a hire car in the
hunting district is your own responsibility.


If you use the hunting districts vehicles,

you should be prepared to pay extra for
transport. The only exceptions are the tours,
which clearly state, that transport during the
hunt is included in the price.
The Bureau advises clients to contact their
doctor in good time before departure to
receive the correct advice. Please also refer
to the Bureaus general information for each
Weapons and ammunition:
When travelling with weapons and ammunition, there are some simple precautions
that must be taken. The Bureau will inform
you about how you should travel with
your weapons and ammunition, apply for
importation permits, and inform airlines. As
with all other baggage, there is a risk that
you weapon case will be delayed or even
lost. Should this happen, it does not give the
client the right to cancel the hunt or receive
any partial refund, as long as the Bureau
can provide a replacement weapon within 2
days. If you do not wish to travel with your
weapons, they can often be hired in the
hunting district at a reasonable cost.
Change of arrangement before or after
beginning of the hunt:
If the Bureau has to change or cancel a
hunt, the client will be notified as soon as
possible. Should this occur the client has
to inform the Bureau in reasonable time if
intending to make a claim for compensation.
If this is not done, the right to advance a
claim is dropped. The client has no right
to advance any claim if a possible change
or cancellation has been drawn to their
attention when the hunt was booked, or if
the changes are caused by an unauthorized
third person and the Bureau could not have
foreseen or prevented it.
If the client wants to make a change before
the beginning of the hunt, there is a fee of
Euro 75.
Not all hunts can be changes. If a hunt is
shortened, there will normally be no refund.
Transport of trophies home:
The Bureau offers help with the transport of
trophies home from a number of individual
destinations. If you do not use the Bureaus
transport arrangements, it is the customers
own responsibility to get the trophies home
from the relevant hunting destination. The
Bureau advises their customers to take out
insurance, which covers the trophies against
possible accidents. Such insurance can be
taken out at a shipping agent.
We cannot be held responsible for printing
errors. Limpopo Travel A/S and Diana Hunting Tours - December 2014
For the sake of good order we would like to
define what a test hunt actually is:
We arrange test hunts to new districts that
we think look promising, but have not yet
had any first hand experience hunting the
area. Test hunts are always offered at a lower
price than the same hunt will be sold at
later, but we can offer no guarantee about
the quality of the hunting, or indeed the
package as a whole, as these are just the
things we will be testing.
A hunt organiser who hosts a test group
knows that he is up for an examination,
and that any future tours from LIMPOPO/
DIANA hunters depends on what the test
group experiences. Because of this most
of these first time hunts work out really
well, - but they are offered on a take it or
leave it basis.
On a few, extremely rare occasions, it may
be necessary for us to cancel or postpone a
planned test hunt. This may be due to any
one of a number of reasons and if it proves
necessary for us to do this we will of course
refund all monies paid in to us, but other
than this we cannot accept any other claims
for compensations
We will also accept no compensation claims
that relate to the quality of the hunting
We also really appreciate it if all the test-hunters give LIMPOPO/DIANA a report about
their experiences on their return home.

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