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The Metal House

Written by Ardron

Firstly, I would like to present the main plan (2D) of the house I imagined. It has 3 rooms + 1 corridor. If
you think that the corridor is extra, I can remove it, I left it empty, only with the doors.

As the night came, I went to sleep early, to be fresh for a new work day. Suddenly, I wake up siting on
something that appeared to be wooden and quite uncomfortable. Was I dreaming? That's what I was
thinking by that time, but quite soon I realized that it's no dream.
I started to panic a bit, but, following my training as a police officer, I managed to calm down, and I tried
to figure out where I was.
I stood up and started to look around. As I took a quick stare on the left sight, I noticed a turkey on a
plate that was on the ground. It looked uncooked. On the right side I noticed an oven, which wasn't
actually connected to the gas system, so it was useless to try to cook the turkey in it. Looked more to my
back where I noticed a bed with metal edges, and on the bed there was a spade. Almost near the bed on
the wall, I could notice some kind of book shelves. I made a step, when I noticed a crack sound under me.
I looked down, and I noticed a square shaped metal trap door. I tried to pull it open, but it wouldn't move
an inch.
This was what I saw (almost all, didn't have all the materials in the software):

Even tho the loom wasn't very lighted up,the only light source was a small and old light bulb located
above me, I saw the shape of a few windows, but even tho they didn't appear to be covered with
something, light didn't come trough it. I opened one of them, stretched my hand trough it, but the only
thing I could touch was a metal like wall that appeared to be outside of each window.
In the dark, I also noticed a big white door. I went close to it and tried to open it. It wouldn't move. Then
I started walking along the room, thinking who might have taken me there, what do they want from me,
am I someone's prisoner, is there someone guarding this place, what is this place, and other things.
The next thing that hit my mind was how to get out of that place. That's how I started investigating what
I can use from that room.
I took the spade in my hands, starting to hit the metal trapdoor.

No result, only making useless noise. That's how I broke the spade. The metal part of it fell out of the
wooden stick. I placed both parts on the bed, continuing to look around. I felt hungry, but the turkey was
not cooked, it still had feathers, so I started to pull off the feathers. I went to the oven, but I remembered
that it had no gas pipe connected, and I couldn't see any gas source in the room. Then, suddenly, I
remembered about the broken spade. I took the wooden part of it, started hitting the metal part of the bed
with it until it broke down into two parts. But that was not enough to light a fire. I looked to see if there is
any other wooden part in that room that I could use. That's when I remembered the wooden book shelf. I
pulled it on the ground, and started jumping on it, to break it in smaller peaces. After I managed to make
some wood pieces out of it, I took the spade metal part that was separated from the wooden stick, and
started to carve small pieces of wood that would light up easily. After I had a small gathering of very thin
wood pieces, I took the broken wood stick (2 pieces), and in one of the pieces I started to carve a small

hole using the spade metal part. I placed the wood dust that I made before, and placed it in the small hole
I have made in the other stick part. Then I threw the bigger wood pieces from the shelf in the oven. I
started to quickly move the first wooden stick piece with the small hole of the other, managing after a long
agony to light up the wood dust, and quickly threw it in the oven, which made the other wood to light up.
Then I took the turkey and placed it above the fire. I stood and waited for it to become cooked.
After some minutes, I pulled out the turkey and this time it looked to be cooked. Feeling very hungry, I
started eating it with my bare hands. As I was eating the turkey, suddenly, I felt a sharp metal thing hitting
my teeth. I took it out of my mouth, cleaned it a bit, and stared at it. It was a key! I wondered what it
would be useful for. I tried it on the trapdoor lock, but it wouldn't fit, so I tried it on the door. And it worked!
The door had opened!
The next place I found myself was a hallway. It appeared to be empty, but I noticed a few doors.

From what I've seen, I didn't see anything of use in that room, and the 2 doors that were at the ends of
the corridors wouldn't move, and they were made out of metal.
I went to the left of the room I have left, and saw a door on the left, a room next to the room I was in. I
opened it, and went inside.

Inside that room, I noticed it was quite empty, only again those black windows, that were covered by a
metal wall from the outside. I also noticed some newspaper in the corner, but I didn't pay attention to
them, as I didn't find them interesting.
I exited the room, and went to the other door that was located on the other side of the hallway, and tried
to open it. It was locked. I looked again trough the other 2 rooms I was in for another key, but after many
atempts, I couldn't find any. Then I looked at the lock of that door, and noticed it was a very basic one. I
went back to the first room, went to the bed, and started to take down the mattress, and took one of the
arcs from the mattress. I shaped it in the form of a lock pick, and started working on getting that door
open. After a few attempts, I managed to get that door open, and I went inside it.

As I entered the room, I started looking around, and on my right, I noticed an aquarium, which was filled
with water and some decorations, but no fish. As I was thirsty, I went closer, and took some water in my
hands, and started drinking out of it. It had been over 12 hours since I had any water. Even tho that water
might have not been safe to drink, I decided the risk is worth it, cause the water would give me more
strength to get out of there.
As I looked on the left, I noticed a piano, and again, those strange windows. As I am usually playing a
piano at home, I opened it up and took out a few piano wires, also called music wire, which are quite
strong as they are made out of tempered high-carbon steel, so they might come in handy.
I remembered that when I was drinking water from the aquarium, I noticed some pipes behind it, so I
took away the aquarium, and noticed some small metal pipes that were coming out of the floor. The pipes
appeared to be very solid, so breaking them would not be easy. I was thinking what to do. That's when I
noticed the piano wires that I took earlier in my pocket, so I went back in the first room, took one of the
less burnt wooden pieces, tied one of the piano wires to the wood piece. I used the tool to start cutting the
pipe, which was a slow process, and I broke the first piano wire in a couple of minutes. After about 1 hour
and more then 6 broken piano wires, I succesfully managed to cut open the pipe in 2 parts. I took a pipe
bar, and looked inside the pipe. It was empty. But I took the metal bar with me, and started looking around
the place again.
When I went back to the second room, I noticed something I haven't noticed before: a painting on the
wall. I moved it, and I was shocked when I saw a metal safe. It was locked with a code. Whatever code I
tried, I didn't manage to get open. There must be something here that could provide me with the code,
that stood on my mind. So I took each room one by one, and started looking around. After a while, I sat
down in the room with the paint, feeling hopeless. I sat down on those newspapers I have noticed before.
When I felt them, I took them in my hands and began to read them, thinking there might be something in
there that could help. From the first time I've read them, they appeared to be useless newspapers,
presenting random news pieces. But then I looked at the dates. one of them was dated 25.06.2015 and
the other was dated 03.12.2014. I started trying all the possible 8 number combinations out of them,
starting with the basic 2-5-0-6-0-3-1-2. The safe had opened!
Inside the safe I noticed a drilling machine. I took it out and ran straight to the first room, where I started
drilling on the trapdoor. The drilling machine had an accumulator, a battery, so I had to do that as quick as
possible, without mistakes. After I drilled half of it, the drilling machine stopped. The battery was depleted.
I took the metal bar I had from the third room, and began to hit hard on the trap door. After many hits, it
Don't think I didn't try the drilling machine on the doors or the windows part first, but the metal it was
made was just too hard for it.

Inside the trapdoor, there was only a small compartment. It was a tool compartment! Inside it, I found a
small hand gun, a sledge-hammer, another shovel and a pickaxe. I took the sledge-hammer and the
pickaxe, and started hitting hard on one of the doors. It barely did any damage to it. Same thing happened
beyond the windows. I got angry, and started to hit everything around. I broke the aquarium, destroyed
the piano, and hit every wall I could find. Then I started hitting the oven, when I heard a sharp noise. It
was gas! I firstly believed that there wasn't any gas, so I made fire with my own bare hands and some
wood! How was I mistaken! the gas started filling the room, so I exited the room and closed the door
behind me, thinking what's my next move. Then I remembered about the gun I had found earlier, so I took
the gun, checked if it had any bullets, and indeed, it had 1 bullet, maybe ment for me, in case I failed, but I
had a beter use for it. I tied some of the piano wires that were left to the trigger, went back in the room
filled with gas, placed the gun on the floor right near the door, glued to the door almost, in order for the
trigger to be pulled when I pull the wire (the gun against the door). I tied wire to wire until I dragged the
wire under the door of the third room. I stoped a bit to pray, then I took my faith in my hands, and pulled
out hard on the wire. I was leaning against the wall on the other side of the third room. There was a loud
noise when I pulled the trigger.
I went back in the first room and noticed that the hole room was filled by smoke, but in the darkness, I
noticed a glimpse of sun light! Then I noticed one of the metal walls or what metal piece it was in front of
the window couldn't stand the blast and it had a hole in it. I managed to pull myself trough that hole and I
was finally out.
I felt reborn.
(I can continue on that, but I think it's not usefull).

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