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Amendment Worksheet

Write the number of the amendment described on

the blank next to each statement.

Guarantees the right to a speedy trial.


Outlaws paying a tax as a condition for voting.


Set s out the Presidential succession to office and a Vice-Presidential vacancy.


Protects against excessive bails and cruel and unusual punishment.


Guarantees representation in criminal proceedings.


Guarantees the right to vote to all persons without reference to race, color, or previous


Protects us from having to keep troops in our homes in peacetime.


Forbids slavery in the U.S.


Congressional pay raises will not go into effect until after the next congressional election.

__________10. Grant the District of Columbia Presidential electors.

__________11. Says that powers not delegated to the national government, and not prohibited to the States,
belong to the States.
__________12. Made changes in the Electoral College system.
__________13. Prohibited the sale, manufacture, transportation, importation, and exportation of all
intoxicating liquors in the United States.
__________14. Stipulates that a President can serve no more than two elected terms.
__________15. Gives the right to a jury trial in civil cases that exceed a certain amount of money.
__________16. Provides for the right to petition the government.
__________17. Changes the way we elect our U.S. Senators in each State.
__________18. Gives us the right to confront our accusers when charged with a criminal offense.
__________19. Prohibits being forced to give testimony that might implicate oneself in a crime.

__________20. . A State may not be sued in federal court by residents of another State or by foreign
__________21. Explains the dates that Congress will convene and the President will take office, and what will
happen if the President-elect dies.
__________22. Guarantees freedom of the press.
__________23. Prohibits trying someone twice for the same offense.
__________24. Repealed the 18th Amendment.
__________25. States that the people of the United States retain certain unenumerated rights that cannot be
taken away.
__________26. Guarantees that one must be told the charges if arrested.
__________27. Protects freedom of religion and speech.
__________28. Gives right to bear arms.
__________29. Entitles the accused to a grand jury indictment in all capital cases.
__________30. Guarantees the rights of all citizens born or naturalized in the U.S.
__________31. Lowers voting age from 21 to 18.
__________32. Established individual income tax.
__________33. Extended the right to vote to women.
__________34. Protects against unreasonable searches and seizures by law officers.
__________35. Contains the second due process clause of the Constitution.
__________36. Contains the equal protection clause.
__________37. Sets up the precedent of eminent domain.
__________38. Provides for freedom of expression.
__________39. Provides for the right to assemble.
__________40. Contains the first due process clause in the Constitution.

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