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Join State Senator Daniel Squadron,

New York City Department of

Community Board 3 and Paths to Pier 42
Come and help beautify the design for the new median coming to
South Street on the Lower East Side!
Join your neighbors, local community organizations, and the
Department of Transportation to envision a safer South Street,
complete with temporary public art installations. All are welcome!

Wednesday, August 5th, 2015

7:15 PM
Goldie Chu Community Room, Two Bridges Tower
82 Rutgers Slip, New York, New York 10002
For more information or to RSVP contact Senator Squadrons office
at 212-298-5565 or at
Thank you to Two Bridges Neighborhood Council for providing space for this meeting


Goldie Chu
82 Rutgers Slip, New York, NY 10002

nase al Senador Estatal Daniel Squadron,

Departamento de Transporte de la Ciudad
de Nueva York,
Junta Comunitaria 3 y Paths to Pier 42
Venga a ayudar a embellecer el diseo de el nuevo mediano de calle que
viene a South Street en el Lower East Side!
nase a sus vecinos, organizaciones comunitarias locales y el
Departamento de Transporte para imaginar una South Street ms segura,
con instalaciones temporarias de arte pblica. Todos son bienvenidos!

Mircoles, 5 de agosto 2015

7:15 PM
Goldie Chu Community Room, Two Bridges Tower
82 Rutgers Slip, New York, New York 10002
Para ms informacin contacte a la oficina del Senador Squadron
a 212-298-5565 o
Gracias a Two Bridges Neighborhood Council por proveer espacio para esta reunin

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