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Santiago, lunes, uno de junio de dos mil

(Santiago, Monday, first of June of 2015)
1. That by trade NO 20,063 dated May 20, 2015, the Department
of Computer Science at the University of Chile (Chile NIC)
notified the signed appointment as arbitrator to resolve the
conflict posed by the registration of the name domain
"". 2. That the undersigned has agreed and sworn
faithfully and in the shortest time possible to hold the office
which has been designated,
3. That the said office as it appears, are parties to it Accounts
Department (Promopark SA) as the first applicant and Torres
Patricio Montecino, as second applicant.
The provisions of Articles 5, 7 and 8 of Annex 1 on Mediation and
Arbitration Procedure of the CL domain,
FIRST: Note by arbitration constituted and installed the Arbitral
Tribunal, setting as headquarters for operating the home of
Augustinian Referee NO 1442, 60th Floor, Of.605, Santiago.
Hours 9.00 to 14.00.
SECOND: citase the parties to a conciliation hearing and / or
fixing of rules of procedure, which will take effect with the party
to attend in person or represented adequately enough to
reconcile or to set the rules of procedure power, on Wednesday,
June 24, 2015 at 14:30 am at the headquarters of the Arbitral
Tribunal. In case the audience is no agreement between the

parties produces or attend one of them, the Court shall issue

a resolution setting the rules of procedure and fees.
THIRD: Without prejudice to the fixing of the final fees
referee, to be made in the designated audience and as
established in the final paragraph of Article 8 of Annex 1 of
Procedure of Mediation and Arbitration, the part of Mr. Patricio
Torres Montecino as the second applicant, it must provide to the
day June 24, 2015 the
Image300.000, on account of the same, in the following account
200005623; Banco Itau; Title: Hector Bertolotto Villouta, Ruth no
8535950-9, phone 226 886 039.
This deposit shall communicate to email.
indicating the date hereof. amount deposited and the disputed
domain name.
FOURTH: If the parties enter into a judicial or extrajudicial
agreement that put an end to this conflict, withdrawal of the first
applicant or its respective application, the fees of the arbitrator
will be $ 300,000, which will be paid out of what is You have
sealed in accordance with the provisions of the third point of this
resolution or by whom the parties agree, in the presentation of
the transaction.
So link to the file the office received the Department of
Computer Science at the University of Chile.
Notifquese this resolution to the parties by registered letter, and
Chile email. Give yourself the role 18-2015.

Hctor Bertolotto Villouta

Juez rbitro

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