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To: ‘Mayor Kevin Johnson; omkinchmn cet ‘Ben oacnko; Ga Hendels Jeff Dickerson; Kent Matlock: Marna Rss; Shaton Geldmacher;Tharen be Vala Alen Subject: ‘nother NCBM ED termination article Date: “Tuesday, September 10, 2013 11:27:55 AM Aisha N. Lowe, Ph.D. Mobile: 916-862-1149 You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "OMKINCBM" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to ‘ For more options, visit From: ‘cassandra Jenninas To: ‘mayor_echonrierdalea.aov Subject: ‘Changes in NCOM Support Lecter Date: “Thursday, August 08, 2013 8:33:09 AM Dear Mayor Dixon, Thope you are doing well. I also thank you for your support for Mayor Johnson an cleaning up the NCBM organization. ‘As mentioned in the membership call in July, we know that some mayors would like to be able to tangibly show their support for Mayor Johnson as President of NCBM and the efforts to tum around the organization, If you could agree to have your name added to the letter below we think this would be a strong sign of support. Please simply respond ?Yes? to this email to indicate your support [Start Letter] August, 2013 2 [believe that the NCBM should demonstrate the highest levels of excellence, and transparency 2 [support the efforts that President Johnson and the board are undertaking to improve the organization, including © the appointment of the Special Task Force © the engagement of Ballard Spahr as legal counsel © an audit of the NCBM organization 2 [believe that these steps are vital to restoring the integrity of the organization and building a better, stronger NCBM I agree with these statements and approve my name being added to this letter [End Letter] Again, if you could just respond with a Yes? indicating that you are willing to have your name added to the document above that would be all we need. Ifyou have any questions, please call me at 916-919-7766. ‘Thank you. Cassandra Jennings Senior Advisor to Mayor Kevin Johnson Lamence Scott MayorJohnson ‘Celt end the CBM and NOM Sunday, Apri 06, 2014 12:06:00 PM High Dear, Mr. Mayor, lama councilor of the Corporation of Hamilton, and | am sure thet you are aware of the wrangling that have been and are ongoing here regarding Vanessa Williams and Michael Blunt with the CBM and of course our Deputy Mayor Donal Smith who is linked with them in their effort to destroy our organizations. Jam on the outside and if you speak with your attorneys at Ballard Spahr; Blay Pak and Valerie Allen, they will vouch for my bona fides, What | am trying to ascertain is the extent to which your members of NCBM are supportive of this CSM and how many are likely to attend if this October 1* to §! 2014 event comes off (I am trying my level best to ensure it does not, because | don?t trust the people involved). What support does it have within the NCBM? Is there likely to be a statement from the NCBM about this travesty that is occurring by this usurpation of roles by Williams and Blunt et al Can you assist in this regard, it would be most helpful to me. Regards, Councillor City of Hamilton Bermuda larry lawrence g scott 46 West Side Road Sandy's MA04 735-2021 The content ofthis electronic message is confidential and may be legally professionally privileged. Ifyou are not the named and/or intended recipient, please reply to the sender immediately and then delete this message and all copies of it. Legal consequences may follow reccipt ofthis electronic message ‘Think green when sending receiving emails From: ishman200a0. Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 14:01:49 -0700 To: NATIONAL CONFERENE OF BLACK MAYORS, INC. ReplyTa: ‘Subject: CORRESPONDENCE FROM NCBM GENERAL COUNSEL RE: INVALID 2013 ELECTION Good Afternoon, kindly review the attached memo and please contact me if you require anything additional. ‘Thank you Sue M. Winchester Attorney At Law, California Bar Number 187756 Real Estate Broker, California Broker Number 01269564 Winchester Law Group 9107 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 450 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Phone: +1-310-461-3591, E-Fax: +1-310-388-6080 Worldwide IP Phone: +1-310-593-4577 Hong Keng Phone: +852-5808-3409 Bi cen caer thier doe rt is a IRS Circular 230 Disclosure ‘tacieers) arated witan obo use, ad cna be wad rte pupae & hava pence unde te al Revenue Coe 0) Additional Disclosures ‘Ts conmuncaon sal at eae wake or wasty a a, obtgatn oF ably of be ensued to cota orb an lesen sgratve. The ‘eruncaon ay cota norcon hel eoey gvloged caret er exe fom acon, ad eed ny forte named edesee), Youareret te eteded reopen please rte Malay dsseminaien, aetbuton, of expyig oe communication pronbted 190 NOT reo his conmuncatn ures ou ae ihe nde asses. Ifyou have reeves this communcaten er, please mal the sender and Pee th Seidel at You hae caved the cmmunoaton nao. Tank Yu CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEY CLIENT PI WINCHESTER LAW Group 9107 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD, SUITE 450 BEVERLY HILLS, CALIFORNIA 90210 TELEPHONE (310) 461-3591 E-FAX (310) 388-6080 MEMORANDUM Via Electronic Mail The National Conference of Black Mayors, Inc. FROM: Susan (Sue) M. Winchester, Esq General Counsel of the National Conference of Black Mayors, Ine. (*NCBM”) DATE: June 13, 2013 RE: 2013 Election and Violations of NCBM Bylaws Mayor Otis Wallace, E'sq., Parliamentarian of the National Conference of Black Mayors, Inc. (“NCBM”), has indicated to me that he has received complaints from several Mayors about the election process during the 39" annual convention held in Atlanta, GA. Mayor Wallace has requested me to review this matter. Accordingly, as General Counsel of NCBM, I am writing this memo pursuant to Mayor Wallace’s request and set forth below I address the specific issues that Mayor Wallace has identified Issues and Answers: 1. Did the procedures used in connection with the election during the 39" annual convention held in Atlanta, GA violate the Bylaws of NCBM? YES 2. Was the election that took place during the 39" annual convention in Atlanta, GA valid? NO ‘What is the current status of the Officers and Board of NCBM? THE BOARD AND OFFICERS OF NCBM UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF PRESIDENT MAYOR BOWSER IS STILL EFFECTIVE AND VALID. 4. What is the proper future course of action for doing a valid election? This question will be addressed in a separate memorandum. CONFIDENTIAL y CLIENT PRIVILEGED 5. What is the status of the items in connection with the meetings that took place on Thursday, May 30, 2013 and Friday May 31, 2013? THE ITEMS ARE NOT VALID AND HAVE NO FORCE OR EFFECT. With respect to this issue, I would like to point out that I addressed this issue last week in a letter I provided in response to a hostile e-mail I received from Ms. Valarie Allen, a partner of the law firm of Ballard Spahr. (See attached letter and accompanying e-mails) I informed Ms. Allen that the meeting held on May 31, 2013 did not comply with the Bylaws of NCBM and all of the items in connection therewith had no force or effect. Specifically, Ballard Spahr lacked the authority to represent NCBM. Also, the special task force is not valid. I transmitted a copy of this letter to the Board of Directors and Officers of NCBM. It has come to my attention that several recipients did not receive my letter because of issues related to spam/junk mail with the receiving host and/or transmission errors. However, Mayor Kevin Johnson did receive and read my letter because my e-mail host provider generated a “Read Receipt” which was deposited in my e-mail in-box. Notwithstanding, it has come to my attention that Mayor Kevin Johnson has taken certain action which reflect that he has disregarded my advice and role as General Counsel of NCBM. Also, Ballard Spahr has taken the same position want to call to your attention some of the actions and tactics of Ballard Spahr and the Special Task Force which are troubling. Ballard Spahr and Mayor Kevin Johnson, Chairman of the Special Task Force, were both aware that NCBM executive offices in Atlanta were closed last week because of the vacation given customarily to staff the week after the convention, However, it is my understanding that last week approximately 15 employees of Ballard Spahr appeated at the office building located on Peach Tree Street and requested entry to NCBM offices in order to remove NCBM property. Ballard Spahr misrepresented to building security it had been granted valid authority by Mayor Kevin Johnson and the NCBM Board of Directors. As proof of such authority, Ballard Spahr presented to the building security minutes that have not been approved by the Board of Directors of NCBM, Also, it is my understanding Mayor Kevin Johnson instructed NCBM staff to communicate only with him and prohibited staff from communicating with any other board member. As another example of inappropriate tactics, as I pointed out above Ms, Allen of Ballard Spahr sent me a very hostile e-mail. In the e-mail she made threats designed to harass me if I did not comply with her demands and she indicated she had the ability to improperly influence the State Bar of California to compel me to comply. In conclusion, with respeet to the special task force and Ballaid Spal, as general counsel of NCBM I stand by my position and the reasons stated in my previous letter to Ballard Spahr. Also, the invalid election provides additional reasons why the special task force is, not valid and why Ballard Spahr has no authority to act on behalf of or represent NCBM in any capacity Exolanation:

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