(1883) Visitation of The County of Worchester

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^ICcu-c^ Iv-tl^-
Sfje Cits of TOorcestct.

Conimon Seal.

StatiitelMerchant Seal.

Wife Compans of TOeabcrs, 3Ealfters, anli Clothiers of Worcester.

Common Seal. Coimter-Seal.

To face Title.
tCIje Wisimion

Countj> of Mcirce0ter.


In Ertnitu Facaron, 1682,



M Erinitg Facacon, 1683,


SIR HENRY ST. GEORGE, Glarenceux Kinge of Ai^ea.

With Additions by the Late SIR THOMAS PHILLIPPS, Bart.




Privately printed for the Editor l/i/



(2 5.^37


The original, and a copy, of this, the latest Visitation of

Worcestershire are at the College of Arms ;

another copy is in

the extensive and valuable collection of MSS. formed by the

late Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart, No other copy is known to

exist elsewhere.

Additions by Sir Thomas are given in italics; a few notes

are given in parentheses.

For information regarding Corporation Seals, the Editor is in-

debted to Messrs. Samuel Southall, Thomas Cox, James Morton

and Richard Hemingway, the Town Clerks of Worcester,

Evesham, Kidderminster and Bewdley, and to Mr. John H.

Hooper, late High Master of The Fraternity of the Weavers,

Walkers and Clothiers of Worcester; in those instances in

which the originals are forthcoming, woodcuts are given from

impressions kindly supplied by those gentlemen.



Pedigrees, alphabetically an-anged ... 1 — 110

Kefbhexces to Cobpouations :

City of Worcester 111

Woodcuts ijf the Coiumou Seal and Statute Merchant Seal Fadnq Title

Woodcuts of the Mayor's Seal Facing page 112

Company of Weavers, Walkebs and Clothibrs 111

Womlcuts of the Common Seal Facing Title

Borough of Evesham ... 112

Woodcuts of the Common Seal Facing page 112

Borough of Kidderminster 112

Woo<lndx of the Common Seal .

Facing page 112

Borough of Bewdlby ... 113

Borough of Droitwich 114

Disclaimers, alphabetically arranged 115

NOTANDA ... 116

Index 117—124

f Ije Hisitatidtt d tfe Ctratttg of Wiiixttsitx,

®te Corintn of Wovasttt, begun by
IJisxtatiott of tl)^
Thomas May, Chester, and Gregory King, Rouge Dragon,
in Trinity Vacation 168J, and finished by Henry Dethick,
Richmond, and the said Kouge Dragon, Pursuivant, in Trinity
Vacation IG83, by virtue of several Deputations from Sir
Henry St. George, Kt., Clarenceux King of Arms.

^ntinlus of IBarnes ^alL

Arms. — Gidrs a saltive Or iher/'on another Vert.

Crest. —A Moor's head cotqted in profile Sable.

Thomas Andrews of Barnes Hall= =Elizabefch, dau. of

and of ReddHiO', co. Wore, living John Field, Citizen
1634," ob. circa 1635. of London.

Mary, dau. of John=j=.Tonathan Andrewes of=j=Sarali, dau. of=j=Sarah, dau. of

Burgoyne of Row- London, Merchant, and John Frognier John Parham
ington, CO. W.arw., 1 of Barnes Hall.co. Wore, of Claines, co. of London,

wife, oh. 1630, a:t. ob. 1667, ffit. 66. "Wore, 2 wife. Merchant,

Barbara, wife
of Thomas
8arah, wife
Elizabeth, mar. 1 to William
Yaughan of Brampton, co.
3 wife.

ob. Hanis of Symonds Hereford, and 2 to Philip

coelebs. Wore, Attor- of Worces- Parry of Landivillog, co.
ney at Law. ter. Brecon.


Thomas Andrewes, Jonathan, Vii\liam,=j=M(tri/, dan. of Sarah,

aet. circa 9, 1683. tet 7. ffit. 4. .. Grosvenor. set. 2,

...only Ahifjail.- --John York of . Murij,^... Hasclwood, Anne,=Rev. William

son, oh. Richmond, CO. oh.s.p. of Wick, near oh. Hopton,3son
s.p. York. Pemhm-e. s.p. of ... Hapton
of Canon
Frome, co.

1 r~' I
,.., 1 son, sold Barnes ..., 2 son. ,
1 dan. ...,2dan. ...,3daii.
Hall almit 1767.

prefer 0f MlfUantr.

Arms. —Azure three arroics 2 and 1 pheons dowmrurd Or.

Ckest. — Out of a mural coronet Or a drat/on'.t head Arfjf-.nt.

Huniplirey Archer=j=Auno, dan. of Kobert=2. Edmund Colles

of Uiubcrsladc. Townshend. of Leir/h.

1. Andrew Archer of=j= 2. John Archer =Eleanor, dau. and co-heir

Uniljerslade Hall i. of "Welland, oo. of Richai-d Fruin of
TuHicorth, Esq. Wore, 1634. Hank'}-, co. Wore.

Sir tihnon=Anne, dan. of Sir 3.Francis Archer 4. Ricliard Archer of
Archer, John Ferrers of of London, mar. London, mar. and had
Kt. and CaMle lirommch. and had issue issue several children,
Bart. Reuben and John. of whom William only
living, 1683.

6. Simon=i=Cccilj, dau. of Roger ^lohun 5. William Archer

Archer of of Wenlock, co. Salop, and of Ludlow, Salop,
Welland. widow of Daniel Dunn. mar. but had no

Thomas. Simon

Edward Arclier= Bridget, dau. 2. Jolin= =Cecily, dau. 7. Robert= =... dau. of
of Hanley and lieir of Archer of of John Arclier of ... Skinner
Caatle, co. John Thome Wcllaud, IJenthall of Wore, of Wore.
Wore. of Gloucester. ob. circa Benthall, co. living
1644, ajt. Salop, ob. 1683.
circa 60. circa 16-57.

John and 1. Eleanor, 2. INIary, Edward. Simon. Anne.

several other wife to mar. 1 to
sons, died ... of ... Thomas Robert. ElizabetL
ivithout Guillim. Rache, 2 to
issue. ... ilorlcy. Hannah.

Nathan Past,= Anne. =2. ... Panting.

1 hush. 3. . .. Moore.

3. William Archer 2. Sampson= =... dau. Eleanor, mar.

of London, went to Arclicr of of ... in Geo. Dalton
sea and has not yet Dublin, ob. Ireland. of London,
returned, mar. ... circa 1676. 2. Edward
Black wall of
John. London.

Catherine, dau. of= =1. John Archer

of Welland,= 'Elizabeth, dau. of
John Worville of ffit.
1683, Ensign in
49, Thomas Beale and
Bransford Court, Captain Xanfan's Company in widow of John
p'sh of Powick, CO. the militia of co. Wore. Allen.

John Archer, ret. circa Catherine, jet. 22, Thomas Archer, tet.

20, 1683, and unm. 1683. 3i years, 1683.

^sbbg of WioxasUx.
Arms. —Azure, a chevron Ermine hetween three leojxinh' faces Or.

Mr. A. exhibited these arms, but he must moke better proof before they can be allow'd to him.

Antony. Richard A-shhi/ of Acton in C/aines, G/'iit., 1500, ^f^Elli nor.

Will 1600. Robert Steijner his hrother in Ion:


Antony. Ann. Richard Ashby of= John Ashhy of St. Nicho-

Beoley, co. Wore, las Worcader, Clothier,
Thomas. Sarah. ob. circa 1658, xi. 1600. (from Mr. Cooke's
circa 70. Evidences, No. 1 and 49
Elinor. and. o9.)

Edward Ashby of the City=j=Anne, da. of ... Stonnoll

of Wore, ob. circa 1660, of Wore, living 1682,
set. circa 50. ajt. circa 70.

1. Lancelot 2. Kicliard= =Elizal>etli, dan. Elizabetli, now=Nicholas

Ashbye of Aslibye of of Edward An- wife of John Bagnall of
London, set. Wore, set. drew.s of Wore. Asteley of Wore,
circa 31. 28, 1682. Slio is now liv- Wore, Attor- 1 husb.
ing 1682. ney at Law.

Edward Ashbye only child, Anne and Elizabeth,

aged ahnost 2 years, 1682. died infants.

^b^nant ai ^bdsku Mablj.

Arms. —Ermine on a pale Gules a cross flortj Or on a chii-f of the second a luasde of
the third hdwenn two escallops Anji'nt.

Ckest. —A iiarrofs h'-ad Vert healced Gides lietween a 2>air of wings.

Alexander Avenant of King's=j= Alice, dau. of ... of Edgbaston, co. Warw.,

Norton, co. Wore ob. circa 1638, £et. circa 108.

1. Edward=i

IBagsbaltr nf Eusb in Inkli^rrolu.

Arms. —(Argent) a hwjle horn (Snhle) befirceii three roses (Gides pierced Or).

Mr. Bagshaw produced a gold seal which he says was his Great Grandfather's, but they are
the amis of Bagshaw of Ridge, co. Derby, and Farewell, co. Stafford.

Anne, dau. of Heury,= ^VrtUur Bagshaw of Hush in the parish=..., dau. of

and sister of Raph.iel, of Inkbarrow, CO. "Wore., descended of and
Hunt of Hanbury, co. the Bagshaws of co. Stafford, died circa widow of
Wore., viarri'Kjf li- 1 643, ajt. 1 05. Atih iir Baijshaw in 1592 . . .
cence dated 1585. was son in law to Francis Hunhurij, 2 wife.
Gent., of Inkberroic.

Mary, dau. =]

1. Arthur,
ob. inf.

Christopher Baker of Tenter- 'Margaret, dau. of Humphry Tufton

Jen, t'pe H. VIII. of Ashford in Kent, Esq.


Anne, da. of "William= =2.

George Baker of London,= Anne, dau. or widow of
Swainc of Hackney in Esq., Chief Surgeon to Q. Paul French a Prebend
MiJdx., 1 wife. Elizabeth. of Windsor, 2 wife.

1. Frances, wife of 2. Douglas, George, Grace, wife of Elizabeth, wife

Robert I'owles of wife of ob. s.p. ...Whinniaid, of Sir .John
Xew "Windsor, Gent., Aaron Housekeeper Farwell, a Gent
father of Sir Wil- Woodcock, of Hampton PensionertoK.
liam Bowles, Master of Rother- Court, he died Charles I. She
of the Tents and hithe in July 1634. died 31 Aug.
Pavilions to His Surrey. 1633.

Alice, dau.=j=AIexander Baker of=Fi'ances, dau. of Michael Anne, wife of

of Edward London, Esq., Jus- Gri^^'f' sister of Michael John Green of
Jervys of Peace for
tice of the Grif ' Sheriff of Beds, Clifford's Inn
Hants, 1 Midd. 1634. He was and widow of Francis and of the p'sh
wife. Chirurgeon to lying Pendleton, 2 wife. of St. Clements
James. Danes, London

2. Mary, wife 1.Alice, wife of Henry 3. Anno, wife of 4. Winifred,

of Charles Seymour of Marwell in Thomas Packing- wife of Sir
Havers, Esq., a Hants, Esq., son of Sir ton of Edware in Edward Wid-
Gent.-Pension- John Seymour of L^swell- Middx., Esq. of nell of Tand-
er to King borough (Owsleliury) in the Body to K. ridge, co.
Charles I. Hants, brother of the Charles I. Surrey, Kt.
Duke of Somerset.

1. John Bak
aker=r=rrances, da. of 2. Alexander Ba^
=EIizabeth, dau. 3.
of Egham, co. Sir Thomas Hen- ker of Clilfoitl's of Thomas Far- ob. ccelebs.
Surrey, ob. ley of Cuckfield, Inn, now of Xew rar of London
circa 1660. CO. Susse.x, Kt. Windsor, set. 78, and of Harold,
1683. CO. Beds.

Frances, George, John Baker of=j=Elizabeth, Jfary, wife of I'enelope, wife

wife of ob. New Windsor, eldest dau. Joliu Dugdale, of Robert Lyt-
... Wood- ccelebs. ob. circa ^667, and coheir. Windsor Her- ton, Esq., son
rooffc of a;t. circa 30. ald, only son and heir of Sir
London. of Sir Wil- Robert Lytton
liam Dugdale, of Knebworth,
Garter King of CO. Herts., Kt.

John, James, and Charles Baker of the Inner Temple, J*Iary, now
Elizabeth, died London, only son, bom circa 1663, living, 1683.
infants. now living unm.

1. Peter Baker of Katcliffe in thc=^Susan, dan. of William Stockton, Chaplain

to K. H. VIII, and sister or niece to Ca-
palish of Stepney, co. ilidd., eldest
son, Admiral under Q. Elizabeth therine Holland, wife to William Holland
in her wars with Spain, taken of Ratcliffe, one of the 4 ma.?ters of Her
prisoner and died in Spain 1584. Majesty's Xavy she died 158.3. ;

Peter Baker, = Erances,dau. of John Susan, William 2. Christo-=i=..., da. of

son and heir, Sadler of Stratford wife of anil ^lavy, pher Baker Sir Wil-
bom at Eat- on Avon, gi-andson William died in- ofRatcliffe, liam
cliffe, circa of John Sadler a Williams fants, vita ob. circa Walsh of
1576, settled Captain at Bullein, of ... in patris. 1630. Kent or
at Stratford younger brother to Suffolk. Essex, Kt
on Avon and Sir Ralph Sadler of I

died 13 Aug. Standon, co. Herts, Denis and Elizabeth, dau. and solo heir,
1651. Kt. Jano, died mar. to ... Quatennains, a
infants. native of Holland.

Anne, da. of=f=William Baker of=^Iary, dau. of Peter Baker, born Margaret, born
Thomas Sy- Stratford on Avon William ]Mose- circa 1627, Lieut- circa 1620,mar.
monds of and now of Feck- ley of Sibson, Col, to the Em- 1 Henry Har-
Coventry, enham, co. Wore, co. Leic.Gent., peror of Muscovy rington of
Gent., died Attorney at Law and widow of mar. a Swedish Stratford on
23 Xov. and one of the Richard Grif- Lady and had Avon, after to
1657, bur. Coroners for co. fin of Haseler, several cliildren, Benjamin
at Stratford Wore., born 4 co. Warw., who all died unm. Jones of the
on Avon, 1 ilay 1634. Gent., 2 wife. same place,
wife. Gent., living
John Baker, onlychild,borul658,died21 July 1667,cet. 9. 1683.

3. William Baker of-j=Catherine, dau. of Robert Bathui-st of Goudhurst

Cranbrooke in Kent. in Kent, Esq., lived to be very old.

1. John Baker.- dau. of 4.William= dau. 3.

Walter=j=May, dau.
Merchant in SirThomas Baker of of Baker of of William
London, died Holmden of Uoughton Dover, Clegat of
at Rotterdam Tenchleys in Kent. Kent. Canterbury.
in Holland. (in Limps-
field) in Sur- Edward Bakei
re}', Kt.

Robert Ba-=Jane, 4 dau. of 1. John Baker, a- Catherine, 2. Walter Baker of

ker, Envoy SirJohnCoop- Capt. of Horse and dau. of Sandwich, Kent
at Madrid 4 er of Rock- Sea Captain in the James now living 1683.
years, temp, borne in Hants, service of Chas. I Greenstreet
Car. I, s.p. widow of Sir and II, one of the of Fever- 3. James Baker,

circa 1681. William Sand- Gent, of hi.s Maj' sham. sometime a Lieut,
erson, brother Horse Guartls, at sea.
of the Viscount 1683^
James Baker, now 1. :Mary. 3. Anne.
living, set. 16,1683.
2. Catherine. 4. Susanna.



Anne, dau. =
=Joyce, dau. of= =2.Edward Baker of Patricksbourne,-=Margaret,
of Stephen John Jowles Kent, and also of Canterbury, Gent., dau. of
Scare, 1 wife, of Alkham, living and aged circa 70, 1663, unni. John
ob. s.p. Kent, 2 wife. tunc temporis, mar. 4, Elizabeth, widow Swan,
of Geo. Wood, and 5, Jane, dau. of . . . 3 wife.

Amy, dau. of John= =1. John Baker^^]\rary, da. of Tliomas Susan, wife of
Buncombe of Great of Canterbury, Lancelot and Robert Smith
Brickhill, co. Bucks, now of Bewd- Gawton of Robert, of Sandwich
and widow of Nicho- ley, CO. "Wore, Powick, co. ob. s.p. and of Dane
las Denton of Bar- a3t. circa 56, Wore. 2 wife.
cosl. Court in the
ton, CO. Beds., 1 wife. 168.3. Isle of Thanet,
Joyce, wife of Edward Wliichcot
of Stoke, CO. Salop, Esq.

A'RMH.- Sahle, a lion passant gaidant hchcecii time escallops Argent.


Crest. —A lion coucluud ijardant Sable.

Richard Barnehy=f=Mar>j, 1 da. and coheir of Richard

of Acton. Hahimjton of Broclxhumpton.

1. William- --Bridget, da. 2. Robert Barnehij of= Catherine, da. of

Bi.muilnj. of ... Tovcy Lauion and BrocJc- Spooner of
. . .

of Kent. liampdon, co. Hertford. Lcnctov,

Jolm Barneby of= 'Catherine, da. of Sir Thomas Tltomas= 'Elizahcth, da. of Wil-
Hull, CO. Wore, Cornwall of Burford, co. Banieliy. liam Ingram of Earl's
living 1634. Salop, Kt. Conrt in St. John's

Anne, wife of 3. Joyce. 5. Ursula, wife of 6. Martha. 7. Elizabeth,

... fn Ireland. John Phillips of now living,
4. Sarah, Burford, co. Salop, unm. 1682.
2 Catherine. b. 1634. hap. 1627.

1. Thomas, and 3. Sir John Bamaby of Hull, living^pMary, da. of Nicholetts . . .

2. WUliain, at Little (?King's) Pyon, co. Here- of Hopton (Solcis), CO,

ob. coeL ford, a5t. 61, 1682, oh. 170L Heref.

1. Mary, wife 2. Anne, Francis. 1. Xicholetts= =Anne, dau. of 2. John

of Thomas Ber- now liv- Barneby of Sir William Barneby,
ington of Little ing unm. HuU, now J. P. Child of Kin- living
1682. for CO. Wore, lett, CO.Salop, unni.,a;t.
Pyon, Esq.,
l>ap. 1643. iBt.38, UAug. Kt., one of the 37 circa
1682, but hath Masters in 1682, oh.
as yet no issue, Chancery. 1710.
ob. 1707.

Mary, da. and heir of=^Jolm Barnfhi/. -Alke, da. awl heir of
Elizaheth Rowden of Richard Stud/ei/ of
Mmcdev, co. Hprfifwd, Shrewsbury, oh. IGGG.


Ann, (ef. 10,=Tirnotliy Brirj- Richard=f=IsaheUa, da. of Nicholas

1683. (jimhatc. Bamehy. Lechmere. 1

Phibp Lutlei/ of Lawton,=r=Penfllo]x', da. and heir,

CO. Heref. or Salop. cut. 4, 1683, mar. 1707.

Bariholoinew, took the name=f'I^etty, da. of John

of Bamehy, oh. 1783. Freeman of Gaines.

John Barnehi/,=j=Flizaheth, da. and heir of Rohert

ob. 1817. Bullcdey of co. Che^tei; ob. 1^33.


Flizaheth,=j=Rohert Bid- John Bar- ..., da. of... William Edmund, of Salt-
mar, dulph Phil- nchy, Elioes of Barnehy marsh, co. Hereford
1834. lipps of 1841. Golesborn, of Wor- took the name oj
Longworth, CO. Gloe. cester. Higgimon.

., a dau. ..., a dau. .,

1 son. ..., 2 son

JJauub of f^imniitg, to. (Bhm,

Arms. — Gnlen, n fenn vm'r hdmeen three miillofs Argent an annnh't for differcace.

CitEST. — Out of '{ ilucdl enrmict Or a tulhot sejcoit Sahh;.

Edward Baugh of=f=Margaret, dan. of John Stratford of Farnecott,

Twininq, cm. Glove, CO. Glonc. Will 1589 at Glonc. Gives to Siisan
icill 1571 at Glow: Stratford, to Joyce Gcde, and Joyce Fishes:

liaJph Per.sontt. Anve.=T^John Stevens.

Mary, Ifnl. Joyce, l')71. Gatlutrine, 1571. John, 1589.

RowlaiKl= Marii, dull, if William of^ =Janr, llohert Baugh ofHan- 'Alice,
Baiigli of John Crolcer of Hanh'^i, will ley, living 1571, oh. da. of
Twining, Ilooli Norton, 1592,' dated ante 1559. Will. W. Richard
Esq. CO. Oxon, Esq. 1587. 1572, had a farm in Yfr-
Tyherton. vorth.

Margaret. John, to have Richard, to Rowland, living Elinor,

land in K.emer- have Tyher- 1571 to have the 1589.
t(m. ton. land in Ke-iner-

Margaret, mar. Mary, mar. Alice,mar. Steiihen Baugh,

TlnmasGrims- Anthony Richard died with Sir
difch if Grirns- Nash of Wheeler if Francis Drale,
ditch, CO. Ches- Stratford, CO. Wine. s.p.
ter. CO. Wane.

1. Edicard Baugh of=Consiance, 2. John'=F=Eleanor, dan. of

2'wining, Esq. Will at dan. of Baugh. Thomas Copley of
Gloc. IGJfl, bought the Thoiuas Bredon, co. Wore.
Manor of Twining of Folyot of
Raljih Sadler, eldest co. Wore. I I

son 1589. Thomas Baugh, Rowland.

absent in Vir- —
ginia, 1634. 3 daus.

William=Mary, dan. of 4. Richarih -Anne, dan. of John Gower
Baugh, lie- ... Waheman Jlnngh liv- of Woodhcdl in Kemj^sey,
ing lG3Jf. of CO. Gloc. ing KiSJ^. CO. Wore.

1. Edward. 2. William. .3. John. 1. Anne, wife of 2. Mai-y.

Ami/rose Minshin,
ftekt. ^kuA4>iu4 . X2fcM dMtuA^ 't-J*j^ ^k^iUc^ -fif-itccrL /^OMafi r hxaH44 . - - •

-Ut^t- JUci/uf l^^UUcuti. fSoM^k- -f^.^tiu 3/ . . '*« ^ '^ '*'' '


6. Th<nnas=j=l)<ir<ithij, dan. Rowland Daiigli of . .

., co.= Judith, dau. of Rich-
11/ Jul) a Goircr Xtii'tliainpton, 5tli soil, ard Allison of Lon<lon
l/(ililii;ivf f;it!i. (if Wnrccdi r- was of Milcdiiil)!.', CO. (sliould, no doubt be
Oxni), and reeordod liis Alliinson as in the Vi.s.
ped. (at tho A'is. of Ox- referred to, and see tlie
tievcnd cldldn foi'd-sliire) 1634 (seo tliat Vis. of London 1G34,
Vis. Ilarl. Soc, p. 320). Harl. .Son., i, ji. 12).

3. Kowlaiid liaiigli, 1. ..., wife 2. Elizabetli, wife of 3. Anne, wife et

3 sun, died in tlio of ... Gib- . . . Lawn of Lonilon, Gaweii of
service of Iv. Chas. T, bart of . . .
, Vintner, «'/. 13, London, 2 hus-
unni. cujcd 14, lO't't- CO. O.xon. 1634. band, wt. 4, 1034-

1. Kicliard liaii.yli of Twining, co. Glouc. ,=j= Alice, dau. 2. I d r;ard-

Esq., by the gift of his uncle P'dward, and ciiheir of ]laugh, now
who died s.p., this Kichanl was a Justice John Koberts, of Kuniford,
of the Peace for co. Glouc, and Captain of of Fidding- CO. Essex,
Foot in Militia of that County, died 19 ton,co. Glouc., living 1682,
June, 1682, set. circ. 68. Gent. <?^. i(>76 a<jod2,li]34-

1.Judith, eldest dau. 2. Mary, wife of Eliz., 3 da. Edward, Anne,
and coheir, inar. Char- I'rideaux Hodges and coheir, ob. s.p.
les Hancock
of Play- of Hampton Lo- living unm. ^lari aret.

stow, in the p'sh of Vf.t, CO. Wore, 1682. Richard.

West Ham, co. E'ssex, Clerk, both living 3. dau.
and of Twining, co. 1682. Hhe. oh. John.
Glouc, r.arrister at 168(L <(ct. 33.
Law, both living 1682.

IBaitgb 0f f ^nsbam*
Arms. —As before, a rrexrnif fur dlfffinmc.

Thomas Laugh of I'cn.sam, co. 'WiiK.,^£limhi'th,

2nd brother to Rowland Baugh of 13S9.
Twyning, Esq., son to I'^lward.

1 . Edward I?augh=f=Mary, dau. of 2. Tho.s.-pAnnii, dau. 1. Jane. 4. Elizabeth.

of I'ershore, co Leonard Jelfreys 1 !augh of Richard
Wore, ob. 1643, Earlcs Atwood of 2. Mary. 5.

ast. circa 68. CO,

Wore, liciu'j
ob. circa Pershore. — Margaret.

1644- 1646. 3. Dorothy.


1. Thomas.

2. Eleanor, born 1633,

1. AiiiiL', ?«»-«=[=Edmund Couclicr of Clifton, Mary,
1027. CO. Herefortl und of Ledbury. wife of John T(jnihs of born
the City of Wore. 1636.

John, bom Philip, Jiom Thomas,

1665. 1667. bap. 1671.

3. I'hilip ]5L'arcroft=j=Eilboro\v, dau. of Giles 4. Humphry l>car-==Alice, dau.

of the City of "Wore, .Smart of the City of croft of the City of Martin . . .

Mercer, ob. 1669, Gloc. She died April of IJristol, Mer- of the City
set. circ-i 40. 1681, set. circa 50. cer, ob. 1669, jet. of Bristol,
36. Apothecary.

Philip Bearcroft of the City of Wore,

now living, tet. circa 27, 1682.

1. JohnBcarcroft'^Frances, dau. of 2. Francis Bear-=p]Mary, dau. of Thomas

of Meer Green Edward Vernon croft of Tibber- Harris of Crowle, M.A.
Hall, now livinj? of Hanbury, co. ton, CO. Wore, and widow of Walter
1682, £et. 62, Wore. She is now living, aet. Glisson of ^larnhull, co.
J. P. for CO. Wore. living 1682, mar. 60, 1682. Dorset, clerk. She is liv-

16U, died 1685, ing 1682, wt. 70.

cet. 66.

1. Elizabeth, wife 2. Eleanor, wife 2. Franci.s, I.Elizabeth. 4. Sarah.
of (ieorge Faithin of Thomas Lacy and
(Faytinge), Rec- of Feckcnham, 3. John, 2. Anne, ob. 5. Grace.
tor of All Hal- CO. born
Wore, now living
low.s ill the City lOol, died 1676. and uniii. 3. Eleanor. 6. Mary.
of Wore, and
M.A., born 164-'>.

Mary, dau. of Tho-

1. Philip Bearcroft=f=Mi

of Tibberton, living mas Hooper of Tib-

3. Frances, wife 1. Philii) Bear- 1682,861. 35. bert<.>n. She is living
of John Mensc croft of Lincoln'.s iet. circa 30.
ofHanbury, co. of Inn, ob. circa
Wore. boryi lO.'i^,
, 1674, ret. circa I

mar. 1680. 2.5, nnni. ob. 1. Philip, 2. Thomas, Frances,

1674, s.p. JEt. circa a;t. diniid. aet. 3.
8. ann.

2. John Bearcroft=j=Sarah,dau. of Rieh- 3. Edward= -Susan, dau. of Edward,

of Shernock ard Bracegirdle. of Bearcroft of ... Jii/nf, sister horn and
Court, CO. Wore, Wolverhampton, co. the Chan- of Henry Ihjne died 1656.
living 1682, aet. She is living,
Staff. ccrv Oflice, of Carsltalton,
circa 33, o(!/.i66£». 1682. livingl682, CO. Surrey.
a3t. 24.


Jolin 'Re.a,TCToit,=f^Jmie, dan. of Francis, ajt. Philip, Eil ward, only son,=
aged lialf a year, FarroU, 2, 1682, liv- hap. 1685, Captain in the
1682. living 1758. ing 1711. oh. g.jx 0.1- ford, BliKs at
the Baltic 0/ Dd-

Jane, horn 1713. Maria, horn 1718, Eiizaheth, Elizahdh.-- --Robert Long-
living 1758. horn 1721. croft of Kew,
Fniiicrs, hum Will 1753. CO. Midd.
1716, oh. 1741. i^iiroh, horn 1723,
oh. 1736.
Edward=Gathi:rinr, dan. of Sir John, born 1717, Eli::ahdh. Thviaas, oh.

Bnarcroft Sir William Coinpton oh. s.p. 1811

oh. 1793, and sister of Sir Wit- — Marg.
in the East
id. 77, liainConiptonof Hart- Benjamin, horn Indies.

s.jx I'urij, CO. (llunc. 1719, oh. 1722. Siusan.

Edward Lungcroft eldest^ -Elizahdh, daio of ... Baijlis

son, oh. 1812. of the Lloijneij, CO. Radnor.

Edw'dLow Elizabeth, dan.

Charles, Eliza-^William

croft, took of . Bowon of
. . at school hefh. Butler of Lloyd.
the name of Pontydewy, co. 1821.
Bearcrr. ft, Pembroke,
oh. 1832. 1812.

Edward' dau. of dau. of Thomas, Henry, of Eiizaheth.

of Meer

... Coleby
Redor if Ricliard In- Curate Droitiricli,

(f ... near lladsor. gram Rector of Pontes- 1852. Charlotte,
1852. Swansea, co. of St. Peters, hury.
= —
Glamorgan. Droitwich. Ellen, dau Marian.
N^ of George
., 1 son. Vernon of

%mxtxiiii of Morc^st^r.
Arm3 of Bearcroft and Chkst as in tlie last Pedigree.

Thomas Bearcroft if Meer Green Hall hr-

Hunhury, co, Wore, 10 Edw. 3.

Tliowas Bearcrift, 44 Edw. 5.=f=...

WUUam Bearcroft, 15 Rich. 2, 1392.^^


Richard Bearcroft, 26 Hen. 6, IW-T- •

Thomas Bearcroft, 5 Hen. 7, 1490.=f. . .

John Bearcroft, 2 Hen. 8, 1510,' dan. of ... Mence.

Ranger of Feckenham Forest.

2. Clement Bearcroft of Inkherrow.=r=. . . Robert .

4. dau's

John, 1593. Thomas and coheir of Thomas

Dorothy. Bearc.roft.=^Anne, da.
34 Hen. 8, 15Jfi. Laker alius Foxleij of Foxleij,
CO. Lane.


Thomas Bearcroft <i/ Edmtmd Bearcroft 4. ChrisUqiher Bearcroft.

Temple Browjhton. of Inkherrow.

Margery, dau. of Hnmf Arclicr of Tan-=|=,Johii

Bearcroft=i=Elizabet]i, dau. and coheir
worth, CO. Warw., sister of Andrew of Mecr place, of Humphry Jennetts of
Archer, Esq., father of Sir Simon, CO, Wore,, will Xorgrove, co. Wore, Esq.,
1 wife, mar. 1.579. 1610. 2 wife.

Philip Bearcroft of Meer Green. Elinor, horn 1593.=Pliilip Dobbins.

(See the last Pedigree).

1. John Bearcroft,=^... dan. of ... Herbert, Esq., 3. Edniond Bearcroft, a clothier

eldest son, ob. 8. p. son of ])r. Herbert, one of in Wore, mar. but died wiili-
vita patris. the i\la'rs of requests. out issue.

One only dau.

Anne, wife of ... Wylde Richard Bearcroft,- TJwmas,

of Hanbury Astwood, co. horn 1584. horn 1579.
Wore, Gent., mar. 1607.

...a dau. Elizabeth, born Maryerij, Joan, horn John, born

bom 1622. and died 1621. horn 1619. 1613. 1611.

I i

Margery, born 1583, 2. Thomas BeaTcroft= =Bridgctt, dau. of John

viar. 1606 to Robert of the city of Wore, Hanbury of Hanbuvy,
Hamersley. ob. 1651, set. 60. CO. Wore, oh. 1656.


1. Anne, wife of 2. Elizabeth, wife- of 3. Thomas, died •5.

Stephen, now
Kichard Brindley Roger ISlacknier of unm. 23 May, livingunin. 1683,
olWoTchomlOi^. Wore, lorn 1013. 1680. set. circa 52.


7.Robert, died 8. George Bearcroft= 9, William l>ear-=Cathenne, dau. of

beyond sea of Tower Street, croft of the city Richard liaylis of
unm. London. of Wore. let. fere Ehnlcy Castle,
44, 1683, liathas co. Wore,
vet no issue.
Stephen, set. 12. Susanna, set. 10.

George, jet. 3. Elizabeth, set. 1 mens.

4. Kichard Bearcroft of Wore. 6. Edmund Bear-= =Anne, dau. of James

T' croft of Wore, Hill of Greenfields
died circa 1665. in p'sh of Upton,
Richard. CO. Wore.

Thomas. Mary. Thomas, only= =Bridget, dau. of ...

surviving son, Mason of Berlinghani,
Anne. ait 28, 1683. CO. Wore.

1. Bridget. 2. Hannah. 3. Mary.

1. John Bearcroft of the city= =Jane, dau. of 2. IMiilip' Bearcroft ^Bridget, dau.
of Wore, died 19 May, 1680, James Hill of of the city of Wore, of Kichard
64 vol 65, In-ing at that
ajt. Geoenfields in ob. 3 May, 1661. Dagget of
time J. P. for tlio said city, p'sh of Upton, set. circa 42. Wore.
Mayor of Ware. 1669. CO. Wore.

1. Thomas liear- 2. John, a-t. 30. 1. Bridget, 2. Mary, wife

croft of Wore, now living of Lancelot
xt. 32, 1683, 3. Stephen, unm. 1633. Bromwich
unnt. set. 24. of Wore.

Philip Bearcroft of 1. Anne, wife of 2. Elizabeth, wife of

Wore, now living John Hardman John Buckncll of

unm., jet. 3C. of Wore. Wore.

* Sir Thomas Phillipps gives Philip's marriages thus :

Mary, dau. of RidMrd Weston, Oent.=r^PhUip Bearcroft, fi son of=Elizabeth, dau.
ob, IG..., bur. at St Helen's, Wore. Thoinas and Bridgett. of P. Poi-d.

Mar}p=Jolm Mokc of the Sock.


IB^rkel^U of Hab^n Hill

Arms. — lrul<i!< a cheonm lii'tmeiM ten cronni-,:< pateo Anjent.

Crest. — A b-iir'a hcml roapi'il id flu' iwrk Anient mnzxh-d Gidcs, an annulet on a
croKCCid fill' diffi'rcni'i'.

Sir Robert Beikuloy, Kt. one of=f=Elizabeth, 3 duu. aud coheir of Tliomas

the Judges of th(> King'.s Bench, Conyers of Sockburno, co. York, and
ob. Aug. 1656, set. 72, bur. ut .. of East Barnet, co. Herts.


Thomas Berkeley of=j=ATine, -dau. of Will 1.Catherine, mar. 2. Isabel, mar.

Ravonhill, co. Wore, Darrell of Seotnoy, Robert Crescet of Philip Packer
Kent. She is (of Groom Bridge,
only son, ;et. circa CO. Upton Crcscot, co.
53, 1683. now living 168-'?. Salop. Kent, Es(i.

1. Anne, died young. 1. Roljert Berkeley of=Elizabeth, dau. and coheir

Spcchlcy, Esq. set. 33, of Sir Richard Blake of

2. Elizabeth, wife of 1683, and liath as yet St. John's near Clerken-
Thomas Burton of no issue, born 1650. well, Kt.
Longnor, Salop, gent.

2. Thomas Berkeley^ =Elizabetli, da. and sole heir of William

of Ravenhill, a;t. 29, Holliock of JS'orton Basset (Baggott),
1683. CO. Warw., gent.

Robert, only child, aged

half a year, 1683.

lirb of O^bBsbam.
Arms. — Or on a rhevivn emjmiied- Gules hittiemn thre'' li())h^ rampant Suhle cis mantj
fleurs do lijs On
For proof of these Arms Mr. Bird referred to the! books of- the office, biit nothing to be found.

Henry Bird of Bradforton hear Evesham, co. Worc.,=i= . ,

descended from-the Birds of Lincolnshire,

William Bird of Bradforto7i,=j=Atary, dau. of Michael Rutter

ob. circa 1640, ob. loGha-i.I, of Burton on the Hill, co.
nee Inq. p.m. 15 Gluts. J, Glonc, baj'-


Anil, dan. uf Ituhcrb AVilliiiiii liinl of

llauiptoii juxta=^j\Iin;;ci y, dan. of Thomas
Coj- of CfP'tM'rll, EvL'sliani, attorney at law, v.jk, Flctclicr of Paxford, co.
ro. Wdir. ol). circa 1628. Will 16'29,hcl,l W(in\, ui'ir. id liliwldi'i/.
kmilx III,
Cmr, Houyliurn, (iiiil

lh'i-fl'i)iion. TliiiinKK- -Anil

01, rile, Hi'mini).
Peter Bird of Wotton=j=Mar!/, dau. if Hamfrij cirea
under Ediit',ai.(iliiitr. Fader <f the lioyx in

"William P.ird =Anuc, Eiiziiheth,

of Evi'sliani, dan. of irifi of
Ann. Sn-^'tin. Ml try, iclfi: of Will in in ^Vttorni'y at Th(jina.>< Thomas
Leii/h of Paiiifidch. law, only Chetle Smith of
child, mt. 1(1, of Wore. Badsey.
I ""^ I
15 Car. I, City.
Williaiii ift. <lile.-<. nichard. wt. h?,, 1683.

Anne, mar. In 1670= =John Brawn, Reiioi-=^Klizuhcth dau. of ,

John Keyt= =Mar-
at Bri'tforton, died. of Baintbury, co. Sir Rieh'dBinhoji of Ik'oad- gery.
In 1680. (ilouc. Clerk. ofBrid.t/i'lon-n, co. way, Cent.
iVarn:', oh. 1705,
let. 7^, 2 wife.

Anne, only child, Hugh Bruicn, John Brairit, Jl/ctor John Keyt, Mary.
1683, hap. 1680. oh. 'l72H, of Sainthuri/, oh. 1683. —
let. 72. 1736, wt. 81. Anne.

Hannah.' =John Goodwin of Weston under

Edge, CO. Glouc, mar. 1681.

Anne, oi\]y=f=Thoniaf Dnrhum of WiUrrgey, oh. 1722,

child,1683. and of Old Goomhe in Gainpden.

Iter. WilHttin Yiate.=j=Anne, dan. and heir. See deedg in

posaeKnion of licr. Mr. Mould uf
Willersey, and of Mr. John Hull
of Brctforton.

Thomas, 1722, of Thame,

CO. Oxon, in 1750.

!6l0unt 0f fallalti.
Anyis.— Bit rri/ tichnhi of xix Or and Sable.
Crest. — A dextev gniintlef Argent mtrounded by rays of the sun Or.

Giles Blount of Keucswick, co. Wore.,=

living 1634

1Bl0^bani of Offiutljam.
Abms. — Sahlc, a fens iluncettee between three henildic t'Kjet^^ heads erased: Argent.

Mr. Bloxliiun proiUiced these and referred to Oxfordshire wliere there is not anything to be
found. Therefore better proofe must be made.

Ralph Blnxham alias Imilea of Anton gnh Edge,

CO. GJonc, Yeoman. Will at 'Glow:, 1597-1601,
to he bur. in Mickleton, mar. Margaret Southeme
in 1550, who died in 1565, his nrife Jane was
living in 1697.

(jrisigona, born 1554. Michael, bom Antony, born 1572, Anne, born
1567, Kvinff living 1597. 1576, livinq
Richard, born 1554- 1597. 1597.
John, horn 1574-
Elimheth, horn 1562. John, horn
1570, livin<i Til omas, living 1597.

Isabella, horn 1568. 1597.

Eobert IJloxham of Aston= Katherine, da. William Bloxham=f=Anne

suL edge, co. Glouc, came of ... Wilkes mar. at Aston sub Walher.
from Bloxluiiu, co. Oxen, of Bretforton, Edge, born 1551.
ob. circa 1620 (1613, vide CO. Wore, mar.
Inq. p.m.), hup. 1560. 1587.
Ralph, ham 1582. Richard,
— horn 1587.
Anne, wife of Dorothy, wife Elizabeth, wife WiUiam,horn 1583. —
... Canning of of Towns-
... of Wiiklows
. . .
— Edmund,
Todcnhani, co. hend of Austen of INIickleton, Jane, horv 1584. born 1594-
Glonc, horn near Stratford CO. Glouc, born.
1611. on Avon, born 1600. Margaret, born 1585.
1598. _ Elixabetli,
horn 1590.
John, bom 1586.

]\Iary, wife of Margaret, 1. Ralph, Nicholas Blox-

Jolm Fowler of da. of Ed- ob. coelobs, hani. Minister
Mickleton, co. //(«)irZ Perks horn 1590. of Great Wal-

Glouc, born of Mickle- denfioldinSuff.

1588, mar. ton.

Thomas. Robert Bloxliaiii of

Hams. London, living 1682.

2. Thomas Bloxham of= =Anne, da, and 3. Ricliard Blox-=pElizabeth, da. of

Offenhaiu, co. Wove, coheir of Rich- ham of Aston sub William Smitli
ob. circa 1672, horn ard Cooper of Edge, £et. 86, 1682 of Stratford on
1592. Offeiiham. hwn 1695, oh. Avon, oh. 1G84.

Richard Bloxham of= 'Hannah, da. of Thomas Dorothy, wife of

Offenham,.a Lieut. Robert Yates, of and William Vernon
under Sir William Yardley, co. Elizabeth, of Hanbury, co.
Keyt, Bart. a ,
T^ieut. Wore, and- a sis- ob. young. Wore. surviffd,

CoL of Foot in tlic ter of

Captain loill 1700.
Wore. Militia, ;et. Robert Yates of
55, 1682. Yardley.

1 Rehecccv =2. Robert Bloxham,=j=Jl/a>7/. Sarah, xt.=j=John At- Elizabeth, set.

Hojte of .son and heir app., 28, 1682, wood. 26, 1682, unm.
Broadway, 16, 1682, livinr/ unni. cMehs 1700,
mar. 1729. 1700, hail nn estate third in eivtail.
at Great Alne hy I

will of his aunt Do- John, junr., second in the

roth i/ Vernon, oh. entail of Great Alne.
1742, a;t. 76.

Reherca, Godhard, Godhard, Rehecca, Edurird,

horn laOO, horn and, horn and horn 1696, horn 1692,
died 1601. died 1695. died 1707. died 1711. dleil 1725.

Dorotlty, hjrn 169o, viar.=f=Phillij)s Lyttelton of Stadeley

at Great Alne, 17^5. Castle, CO. Wane.

Rolmi Lyt-=^Leonora Phillips John. Georr/r;, EHzaheth,

telton. Rutland. Lyttelton. oh. S.J). oh. s.2>.

Dorothy. •YFrands Holyouh'


Francis. Thomas. Oarolme.

Mary Ifaniniond= -\. Thomi\s=f=El ixaheth. 2.Richard 3. John Mary.

of atrntford, dau. ISloxhamof da. of Wil- lUo.xham Bloxham,
and heir of ..., Aston 8id> lii.im Pierce of Aston, Chaplain Eliz.abeth.
oh. 1728, (i't. 6,j, Edi/e^ oh. of Berks, unm. to the Loni
hur. at Severn 172,i, hnr. oh. 1678 Mayor of and others.
Stoke, 2 loife. at Mickle- u'A. 28, London.


Anthony Bloxham,=f=8ar(t/i, dan. of Mutlicw Others. ElirMMh,=j=J(ihn Durham

oh. 1752, at Ovcr- HoUicwh of Mi'riihn, one (laii. if London,
hury. CO. Wnrin. only, 1U8J. Dnu/(j>tt,

..., Cuthhertxon of=..., ilnn. and=^..., Oliver of Ji rent-

London, Attorni'i/, heir. ford, Apothecary.

1 husltand. |

..., son ami heir.


Mathew Bloj-hfnn,=j=Ehzaheth, da. Richard Woj-hinH=j=Elizaheth, dau. if Wd-

Rector of Baneell. of ... Timwr of tliiiclcley, co.Ham Crosdey of Bir-
of Wore. Leic, Surgeon. mingham.

Sir Mafheie Blox-=f=...,ilau. and. Richard Blo.vham=f=Sii,mn, da. of Siiinuel Ron.se

ham of London. heir of ... of Alcester, Sur- of Marlcei Harhorouijh, co.
Baker. geon. Leic. Draper.

WiHiam,=. Richard Rouse Bloxham,=f=Anne, dcm. of Tliomas Lawrence of

1800. Buckley. Rector of BrinMow and Greek Street, London, sister of Sir
Mastei' of Rughy School. Thomas, the jiortrait painter.

Richard Rouse Blox- Thomas Laiv- Anne Moore.=John Walcot Andreir.

ham of Milford Ha- rence Blox- of Wore.

ven, CO. Pembroke. ham. Mathi'w.

IBraa nf Hill Cuurt antr lobi^rtrak

ARMS.^AS^«.y« a Lend. Argent between two dexter cubit arms in bend vested of the seconil
the hands proper.

Cri!ST. —An arm embossed vest in chain mail Argent the hand, proper grasping a
scipnetar proper pomel and hilt Or.

William Brace if Dodderhill,=(=Margery, dau.

oh. 1543. of i ... Porter.

Philip Brace of Hill=j=.. ,

da. and coheir
Court, eldest son. of ... Nficpmi.

Ollci; icife (if Mary.- Nicholnx Diivios of Jinie., wife Elizaheili.=f=Ed'ward

Jiihn Onion. Droit iricli, ]ii,s will ofEdward Barrett.
at Wore. IIUI. Daniel.

Elizabijth. Jane. Elirun: Braa; a son.


Nkholax. Philip. Edicanl. Gcnrije.

Charles. Humfrtj.

2. Philij) Bfm->; 3. Frandit Brac<>, 4. Litth'ton Brace. 5. Thomas

ob. s.p. I'll.
s.'i'. Brace.

])RACE of Hill Court.

John IJrace of Hill Court,=j=Cecily, eldest da. of Sir ^ianiuel

CO. Wore. Sandys of Oniliersley, co. Wore.

Brace of Doverdale.

2. Edwin Brace, Rector=j=Anne, dan. of Mercy.=f=Francis Sheldon of Abberton,

of Doverdale, co. Wore. John Lencli CO. Wore, Esq.
Iiv8 1683, jet. circa 68. of Doverdale,

John Brace,
I.I. Esq^

Eleanor, wife; 2. Eliza- Thomas Bushell of=Cecilia.=2nd, John

only son, of Thomas heth, Cleevu Prior, oh. Freeman of
aged circa Partington of living,' 1712. Sainthury.
25 and unni. Hadsor, co. unni.
1683. Wore., Attor- 1683.
nay at law.

1. Brace of Hill Court, eldest= 'Elizabeth, da. of John

son, 1634, after of Doverdale, ob. Wii.slib(nirnc of Wicli-
1 May, 1673, let. fere 60. ingfonl, CO. Wore.

Cecily, 2. Penelope, 3. Mercy, wife of Sir 4. Elizabeth, wife .5.

ob. inf. now living Simon Clarke of Sal- of William Mills wife of Francis
unni. inWorc. ford Abbots, eo. Warw. of Mickleton and Woolmcr of
1683. Bart, (he died 10 Nov. if Welford, CO. Grafton, co
1687). Gloue., she died Wore.

John Brace, eldest 2. Samuel Brace, 3.Philip Brace,

ob. ccelcbs 28 ob. 25 June,
son.ob. 8 0c .1671,
set. circa 27, cuilebs. Oct. 1672. 1674, ccelcbs.


IBromku of Holt Castle antt Epton on ^eberit.


Chest. —A phewaiit KUtini/ prupi'r.

Elizabetli, dan. of=f=Sir Heniy Broniley of=pAinu', dan. of Sir Tlionia.s

Sit Will. Pelliain, Holt Ca.stle, CO. Wore, Scott of Scotts Hall, CO.
Kt, 1 wif.'. Kt., ni,. an:. Kent.

Mar^v: Elizabeth. EUwujr,pora 1588. Cathfvini', oh: i/oiiiiifr

ThoA. Srrivcii. John Frjfiine,

Sir Thomas Broiiilcy= =AuiU', da. and coheir of.Sir^^2. ^b'«K(/««(o/r Pijttg,
of Holt Castle, Kt., Richard Wclslio of Sheldes- EtK^., of Kijrc Wijonl.
ob. circa 1644, set. ley Welshe, co. Wore, {sic,
circa 63. but should be Walshe).

Henry ,l!roiiiley=j=l)catric6,
dan. Muriel, 2. JohiiI!roiiilc!y=f=Elizabeth, Joyce,
Holt, Escj., of Sir Richard wife of of the College dau. of Sir wife of
ob. 1652, cet. Newport of ...... of Wore, bb. Henry Long- William
50 vel supra. Ighton, CO. Bastard. 1674, (vt. 03. vile of CO. Cottoii of
Salop, Es(i.,, North'ton, Bellaport,
living 1682, CO. Salop,
and ob. -11,1(111, Esq.;

1. Catiieriiie,Avife 2. Mary, 3. Anne, Victoria,. Beatrice, wife of

of ..'. Grove of living ciel. ob. poeb living unm. Daniel Kendrick
Hall Close in Al- 1682. 1682. . , .
l'682. of Wore, Clerk.
veley; CO. Salop. . .

EranceS-rffJohti- Griffith, Rector, of

;St; Nicholas, Wore.
'- Si/. .

of- Griffith).

Rachel, Diana, living 1. Thomas, bb.' inf; John, slain in a duel

ob. cu;lebs. mini. 1682, in Ireland, circa 1667
born 164()- 4. Richard, ob. inf. ccelebs.-

2. Henry Bromley= =Mercy, dau. of Edward^^. George

of Holt Castle, Es(j. Pitts of Kyre Wyard, Walsh.
ob. 1670, set. circa CO. Wore, son and heir
48, ? 38. of Sir Jas., ob. 1699.

1. Henry, 2. William Broniley=j-Mar<;aret, dau. and coheir Elizabeth and

died young, of Holt Castle, a;t. of Sir Rowland Berkeley Mercy, ob. inf.
set. 37 years. circa 26 and s.p., ob. of Cothoridge, co. Wore.
1707, wt. 50.
(See Burke's Peerage, Baron Montfort.)

5. Thomas Bromley,= =..., dau. of Sir 6. Francis Bromley= Anne, da. and heir

slainon board the Alexander Eraser. of Ahherli'ti, living, of Joseph Walsh of

Royal James in the Kt., Physician to aged 37, 'l682, d. Ahherley.
sea fight against the Kin" Chas. II. 1703.

Afarr/aret. Ann. Elizuheth. Oduvia, Catherine, Henrij,

oh. 1713, oh. 171Jf, oh. 1698,
wt. 9. wt. 15. wt. 5.

Elizabeth, dau. of John=f William Jiromley of=j=Sarah, da. and coheir of

Holloway ofOxfwd, son Ahherley, oh. 1769, William Panncefote of
of Judge Holloway, wt. 79. Corse Wall, co. Glouc.
1 wife.
William, ob. young.

Henry, oh. cod. Robert, nnm. 1779. Thomas, ob. cad.

Henry Bromley of Upton"f=Mary, dau. of Sir

upon Severn, ob. 1648, William Lygon of
aet. circa 56. Madresfield, Kt.

1. Henry Bromley 'Dorothy, dau. of John, 1. Anne. Thomas

of Upton, ob. 1667, Jolin Godbold, ob. C(b1. Bromley,
Kit. 42. Sergeant at Law. 2. Elizabeth. 52 and
unm, 1682.
3. Mary.

Mary, at 32, Dorothy, wife of George Elizabeth, Samuel, ob. inf.

coeL Wicherley, Rector of a;t. 19, coel. sot. 12 weeks.

Wem, Salop, ob. 1681.


Tliomas. Henry Bromley of=f=ElizabetIi, dau. and sole heir of John

(see Nash's Upton on Severn, I,ench of Doverdale, son and heir of
History vf cTt. 29, 1682. Joliii Lunch by Penelope, dau. and
CO. Worr.J lieir of Sir John Acton.

1. Thomas. 3. Henry Bromley, 1. Jlercie, set. 2. Elizabeth,

— ret. 2 years and 5 8 voiirs. tre. 7 months.
Henry, died month.«, 1682.

Mcmi Moore, oh. s.p.=Williaia Bromletj,=f Judith, dau. of ...

1737, mt. .'A horn 1685, died, Hnnhurij, died 1770,
1756. mt. 54.

John Martin=Juflith, da.

of Overhury. and heir.

Inll of lallolu f ark.

Asms. — Oules a hand awl r.uhil arm in armour hold iaij a sirord erect Argent pomel
and. hilt Or.

Crest. —A hull po.isnnt Sahle armed Or out of the mouth a lahel inscribed "God
is cortucs."

Mr. Bull exhibited these his airaes, but nothing to be found, theiefore must make better proof.

Sir Stei)hen=j=Anne, dau. and sole hefr

Bull, Kt. of Jevan ap I>owis.

Jolin Bull.=f=..., dau. of John Knill.

Robert Bull.=i=Ellen Lloyd.

Hugh Bull.=i=...

L John Bull, Doctor 2. Edward liull of=

of Music, ob. C(L'lebs. ..., co. Warw.

Anthony Bull of London, =j=Aiinc, dau. of Hinuphry Holman of

ob. circa 1652, set.74. I
Podsmead, co. Glouc., Gent.


Humphry Burlton of Wribbon=j=Anne, dan. of ... "Welles of

Hall, CO. Wore, ob. circa 1664, Kiddenninster, co. Wore,
a;t. eiiea 54. now living, set, 52, 1682.

Thomas Burlton of=^Catherine, daii.of William Iremonger Mary,

Sambovne, co. Wore, of Burton on tlie Wolds, co. I/jic.
set. 3L 1682. She is now livin''.

1. William IJurlton, 2. John, aged Catherine, and Elizabeth,

set. 3, 1682. almost 2. died young.

Cartnartitn^ of Witixasht.

Arms. —Suhlc a hand bow in bend befiwen tiro piteous Artjctd.

These were produced as the Arms of the family, but see C. 25-64, where they are entered for Cardiff
which this family doth not joine to.

John Carwardine of Worcester, Iwrn at=|=Susannah, dau. of ... Skinner

Cliilston, CO. Heref., a younger brotlier. of Ledbury, co. Heref.

1. John Carwardineof=i=..., dau. of Thomas=Robert Stirrup,

Wortister, ob. Heming, Bailiff of sometime Mayor

1650, ffit. 40. Wore. of Worc.,2husb.

Anne, dau. and heir, widow of

Thomas Smith of Wore, Clotliier.

>Iaigartt, dau. of=j=2. Ricliard Carwardine,^ =Elizal)eth, dau. of

Thomas Hacket, sometime Mayor of John Penris of
Aldeiman of Wore.ob. 1674,8et. 63. Crowle, ? ob. 1692,
Wore, 1 wife. Wm at Tlo/e. 1674. 2 wife.

4. Charles, 5. Thomas Carwardine,=f=3/<rr// Yaii-x,=Mafhew Martin

died young. livingunm.cet.21,1683, mar. 1683. of Leiqlt, mar.

ob. 1702, of St. Joint's 1704.


Thomas, born and Richard, FAIzahdh,

died 1691. d. 1691. bom 1694.

1. Richard Carwardine of St. John's,= =Margaret, dau. of

Pedwardiiie, and of Lincoln's Inn, Kdward Xewbery
Barrister, jet. 43, 1683, hatli no issue ofWore, and
? oh. 1690. sole lieir.

Elizabeth, ob. inf.

2. Jo8epli=Hesther, dau. of Saintiel 3. Benjaniin=pElizabeth, da. of

Carwardine Doverdale of Crowle, Carwardine John Holding
of Wore, CO. Wore, and widow ofWorc.,ob. of Powick.
set. 38 and of John Parker of circa 1673.

s.p. 1683. Spernoll, co. Warw. Ricliard, only son,

ffit. 12, 1683.

Cabe of (Bbfsbant.

Arus. —Azure fretty Argent on a fens Or a ijreyhound courant Sahle the whole
within a bordure Or charged with eight pellets.

Richard Cave, of Leigh, Yeoman, hrother=y=...

ill law
of John Hill nf Castle Morton who
died about 1564.


Thomas Cave of Leigh=j=Elizabetli, dau. Elvimor.=Richaril Dorothij.^

Siiitoii,only son, set. of Richiii'd Ar- Strou/Jr of Hough of
70 vol supra 1682, don of Martley, Crailleij, Martley.
oh. 1692. oh. 169,1 CO. Here/.

1. Elizabotli, wife 2. Eleanor, wife of 3. Anne, wife 4. Dorothy, wife of

of James Gilbert Henry Toye of of Thomas Hill Edward Burlton of
of Longdon, co. Kidderminster, of Worcester, of Slirawley, co.
Wore. Attorney. Clothier. Wore, Clerk, oh.
1718, wf. 72.

5. Catherine, wife 6. Susanna, wife of Tho. 2.Walter Cave, a Chaplain

of AdamLyttleton Hunt of Wribbenhall, of Christ Churcli,
Oxon, set.
of Bewdloy. Attornev-at-law. 44,1682.

1. Richard Cave=i=Anne, dau. 3. Thomas Cave=... dau. of 4. Williain=j=... dau.

of l'>veshani, ofJohnHunt of London, Gro- ... Gawton Cave of of...
Cham1)erlain of ofParkhall, cer, living 1682, of London, Martley, Ingram
Evesham and CO. Wore, .but has no issue. Mercliant. set. circa ofRody
Under Sheriff Gent. 28, 1682. HilI,co.
of A\'orcestersh., Wore.
Kt. 46, 1682.

I.Richard 3. Thomas, 1. set. 23. 3. Anne, William

Cave.aet. 13,
2. Adam=y=..
Cave,iet. set. 8.
— set. 16. Cave, set.

1682. 12. 2. Dorothy, iet. 19. circa 3,


Thomas Caw, of Evesham, oh.=j=Elizaheth ,

dan. of Richard Fisher of
1713, hitr. hi All Saintf. Wdlinghormujh ,
CO. NortKtov, oh. 171)^

Tlonnas Cave of Jinlford.=f=Elizahcth, da. aiidcuheir (f

Thomas Wilkes of Bidford.

Thomas. Richurd.-- 'Frances, dau. of Rev. William John.

Smith of Norfolk.

Frances. Frances. Thomas


Ctok of alalljousi.
Arms. — Argent a f/^gs danceftcc, Gulnts a crcAi'iit for iJiffffence.

These arms were exhibited, but the family disclaimed in 16.34, therefore cannot be allowed
them without better proof.

Thomas Clieatle of tlie city of Worc.,={= .. dan. to ... Haubiiry,

ob. circa 1640, aet. circa 88. Auditor to Kiug'James.

1. Margaret, wife of 2. Eleanor, wife of 3. Jane, wife of 4.Mary, wife of

William Berkeley Edward Vernon of Humfrey Baker William Young
of Cotheridge, Esq. Hanbury, >ihe oh. of Cleyne.i, co. of Strctton, co.
1678, ivt. 84. Wore. Heref.

5. Elizabeth, wife of John Kyrk", 1. Ricliard CheatU" =^largaret,dau.

son and heir of Sir John Kyrle of of the Middle Temple , of Robert Hen-
Homni House, co. Heref., Bart. Barrister, ob. circa ley of theKing's
163.5, s.p.s. Bench office,
ob. circa 1662,
aet. 80.

Tliomas Cheatle of= =Anne, dau. of Thomas Richard. Thomas ? William. Joha.
Wore, ob. circa Heniing of Wore, ob. All died s.p.
1636, set. 48. circa 1674.

1. Jane, ob. unm. Elizabeth, wife Anne, wife of Margaret, wife of

ofThomasSmith William Bird Richard Wolley
of Badsey, co. of Evesliam. of Wore.

2. Richard Cheatle 3. William Cheatle of= =... dau. of Richard

of Wore, mar. ... Wore, ict. circa 48. Hall of Ledbury.
dau. of ... Perkcs
of Wore, and died
Thomas. Francis. Joseph. William.

1. Thomas Cheatle of= =Mary, dau. and heir of^ =Cathenne, dau. of
Walhouse, parisli of Jolin Cook of Fecken- John Cocks of
Hanbury, aet. 67, 1682, hani, CO. Wore, ob. Clayncs, co. Wore,
ob. 1600. circa 1641. living 1682.

77(0»i«x. Tlwmas.

2. John, ob. num. 1. Catherine. 2. Jane. 3. Elizabctli. 4. Jano.

All livins mini. 1682.

Thos. Chetle of=j=Anne, clau. of Adam William Chetle of= =lsaljel, dau. of John
Walhouse, rot. Rouse of Rouse Eldersfield, co. Hill of Dodderhill,
34. 1682. Lench, CO. Wore. Wore., rot. 25. CO. Wore.

1. Thomas Chetle, 2. John, xt. 3. Peter, 1, Mary. 2. Eliza- Thomas. Catherine,

set. circa 6, 1682, circa 3. almost a betli.

oh. 1700, a-t. 23. year old.

Abms. — Argent a chiwron between, three pina cones Gulis slipped Vert a chief Sable a
creiicent for difference.

of these arms.
Nothing to be found to justify the bearing

... ..

... Christopher. .. Christopher. =f=...

William Christopher of Newton in the=j= Christopher.

p'sh of Stoke Prior, co. Wore
Anne, dau. =;= William Chris-=^Elizabeth, SirRobertChristopher=j= ..,
toplier of New of Alford, CO. Lincoln, ...
of Stephen dau. of ..., I

Smith of 2 wife. temp. Charles II. Sneath.

ton, ob. circa
Stoke Prior, 1659, rot. circa
1 wife. 70.
and heir, mar.
Elizab(!th, solo dau.
Bennet, Lord Sherard of Staple-
ford, CO. Leic^

Richard Rebecca, wife of mar.

Chris-=j=.. John, ,

ob. John Jones of Thomas

Alcester. Smith of
ter,aet. circa 40, ccel.
1682. Halm Green
in Eecken-
Mary, mar. to her

2husband...Mor- ham.
Anne. Rebecca.
gan of Alcestei'.

Thomas Christopher, of=

Alice, dau. of John Marston ..., wife of Thomas
Stoke Prior, set. circa 60, of Hall Green in the p'sli Parr of Bromsfrrove.
1682. of Yardley, co. Wore.

Tliomas Christopher, only son,=f=. . . Alice,

set. 24, and unm. 1682. I ob. coeL

John, Jane, sister and heir, Edmund Makepeace of Pensham, oh.

oh. s.p. oh. 1750, cet. 63. 1766, cet. 66, hur. at Tardley, M.I.

Um 0f Caltoall.
Arms.- -Quarterly, 1 and 4, Or, three chevrondU Gules within a hordure engrailed
Azure; 2, Argent, a elievron hetwe/'ii three spear-heads Gvles on a chief
Azure three martlets Or ; 3, Or, two lions passant the one in chief Gules
the other Azure tm'thiii a bordure of the second.

Sir Francis Clare of Cawdwell,=j=Muriel, 3rd dau. of Ralph Sheldon

near Kidderminster. of Beoley, hai?. 1566.

Sir Ralpli Clare of Caldwell, Francis Clare of Kidderminster, Esq.,=j=

ob. coel. 1670, let. 84- Vide Captain of Foot in the service of
inscription at Kidderminster. Chas. I, ob. 1680, set. circa 70.

r I

. ,
n^Joint, 3 son of Francis Clare of Cawd- Ralph Clare, Anne, ret.

dun. Charles Acton of well, Esq., son and ffit. circa 10, circa 14,
Elndeij Lovctt. heir, set. 16, 1682. 1682. 1682.

Clutton of p^naaae.
Arms. — Argent a chevron Sdlile surmounted by another Ermine between three annulets

Owen Clutton of Cawrthyn, co.=f=Marf5ery, dau. of Hunifrey Wilbrali:nn

Chester, .son and heir of Ralpli. of Burlaud, co. Chester.


1. Thomas Glutton of Cawrthyn, 2. HenryClutton=j=..

from whom Richard Clutton of of Edge, co. Chos-
Giwrthyiie is
lineally descended. ter.

Richard Glutton of EJge,-

co. Chester, son and heir.

Richard Chitton, horn at Edge, hut=j=Margar('t, dan. of Richard

resided and died at Xorton, Salop, Cotton of Norton. j

1. William Clutton of 2. Richard 3. John Clutton, Coni-=j=Martha, dau. of

Norton, mar. and had Clutton of mon Hunt of the City Sir Alan Cotton,

issue, but there is no Drayton, co. of London, Jan. 1669, Knt. he was Lord ,

male issue surviving. Salop, ob. set. fere 70. Mayor of London
ccel. 1626.

Johanna, dau. of Henry= =John Clutton= =Mary, dau. of Martha, wife of

Townshend of Elnieley of Pensax, co. Thomas Jobber Matthias Moysey
Lovet,CO. Wore, Esq., Wore, set. 48, of Aston, CO. of Shackeidiurst,
and widow of Henry 1682. Salop, 2 wife. CO. Wore, Esq.
Mucklowof Areley Regis,
CO. Wore.

Allan, jEt. fere Mary, set. fere 1 1 ,

Thomas Clutton, ouly= --Annaretta, dan. of Sir
9, 1682,o/y. ,v.^). 1682, mar. Rev. child, a;t. 9 months Thoman (? John) Mor-
1691. Cliarlfs Stephen.'!, 1682, marriage settle- ijai), of Kiimerdey,
Rf'doi- of Elmleii ment 1726, liviiujl75S, Bart., Imng 17-58.

Lord, mar. 1711. oh. circa 1754.

Thomas Clut^f=Atine, a William, John of Ah- Henry of Shiff^=. Richard

ton,hmil710, iciilow, horn 1711. herleij Lodi/e, nail, CO. Salop. Clutton of
oh. 17S6. 1758. born 1712. Apoiheeari/. Hildeic, CO.
Willat Here- Will p.d.c. Wore, will
ford 1758. 1768. P.0.C.1753.
John, horn 1733, died 1756.

Cnrks of Mitkg.
No arms exhibited.

Gilbert Cocks of Claynes,=f=. . .

juxta Worcester.

Eleanor, dau. of= =John Cocks of Clayncs,' =Ann(!, dau. of William

Henry Baker of ob. circa 1640. Worville of Bransford,
Wore, Clothier. near Powick, 2 wife.

I.Henry Cocks= Frdnces,clivu. 2. Gilbert Cocks=j=Annc, dan. 3.Thoinas Cocks=|=...

of Hinlip, CO. of William of Claynes, now of Alexan- of Shenton, dau.
\Vorc.,o1i. eivcji Aniphlett of living at Witley, der StajJes Salop, living set. of...
1677, iut. cireu (,'lent, CO. CO. W(jrc. ipt. ,
of Notting- 50 et supra,
65. Stafford. circa 61. ham 1683.


Anne. Catherine. 'Mary. Dorothy.

3. AVilliam William Gilbert Cocks^ =Mary, dan. of Alexander

Cocks, living Cocks, of Witley, a't. William Roper of Cocks, a ^ler-
unni. 1683. living unn;. fere 30, 1683. King's Norton, chant in the
168.3. CO. Wore. East Indies,

John Cocks of Hiulip,- =Elizabeth, dau. of ... Sarah, only child,

ob. circa 1679, ret. Bennett of Mapleton, aged 9 months,
circa 40. CO. llcref. 1683.

Elizabeth. Frances. Mary.

Co0k 0f WiCiutsUx.
Mr. Cooke [irutends to be desceudsd from the Cooks of Giddy Hall, but the Pedigree doth not join
to that family.

Anm;, dau. of Thomas Cooke=f=Janies Cook, a younger^=... dau. of ... Williams of

of Cook in the parish of brother of the Cooks of "\\'ales, 2 wife, by \vh(3m
Shrawley, co. Wore. 1 wife. Giddy Hall, co. Essex. there were divers children.

William Cook, son and heir,=T=.Tane, dau. of John SaVa<'e

ob. circa 1636, aet. 86. of Powyck, CO. Wore.

Thomas Cook, Vicar of Cotlieridge=T=Anne, dau. of Roger Gardiner

and Rector of Martin, co. Wore., of Grove Place, Bucks, Esq.
ob. 1670, set. fere 80.

1. Theophilus Cook, m.a.,= Alice, dau. 2. Thomas Cook=i-Anne, dau. A])poline,

Prebend of Hereford, of William of Worcester, I of ... Butler wife of
Vicar of Cotheridge, and Trawnter of Mercer, sot. 50, |
of Timber Francis
Rector of Acton I'eau- Otecroft, CO. 1683. Hanger in ^layris of
champ, CO. Wore, .Tt. •^)9, Heref., m.d. the p'isli of Ilanbury,
1683. Bromsgrove. co. Wore.


Thomas and Thomas Cook, 1. Samuel, 3. Jonathan. Mary.

aged 18, 1683.

Theophilus, ob. young. 2. Thomas. 4. Benjamin.

Cookes of IB^ntkg Paunt£f0t^.

Arms (See Grunts, "\'ol. iii, 217.)

— Argent, tiro chiTfoiiels t>dween six martlets Gules
three, two, one.

Crest. — Out of a mural coronet on unn enibowed in armour the hand grasping a
swordjfro2K'r pomel hilt and garnishing of the armunr Gold. The cutiit
part of the arm chmrgi'd, with two eherronels Gules.

William Cookes of IJclbroughton,- =A<'nes

CO. Wore, temp. H. 8.

Henry Cooke.s of Slieltwood in=[=... d.au. of Thomas Cookes of Burcot^

the p'ish of Tiirdebi^'g,(:o. 'Wt irc. Underwood if
, ( in p'ish of Bromsgrovo, co.
Gent. " Vir Grandeous. Hales Owen, Wore, Gout, Will 16W.
CO. Salop.

William Cookes of Xorgrove= =Anne, dau. and coheir Henry Cookes= =Anne.
in the parish of Feckeidiam, of Humfrey Jennetts of of Burcot.
born 26 July, 1567, ob. v. p. Norgrove, Esq.

1. Elizabeth, Mary, wife Thomas Cookes of Amjihillis, dau. Margaret, dau.

wife of (ico. of John Bentley Pauncefote, k colieir, wife & coheir, wife
Chambere of Sjiarry of Just, of Peace, mar. of Edward of William
Tardebigg, Clint, CO. but died s.p. Siieldon of Penn of Broms-
Gent. Stafford, Burcot, living grove, Gent. ,
Gent. 1683, ret. 66. living 1683,
fet. 55.

Edward Cookes of= =Mary, dau. of Nicholas Alice, dau.= =John Cookes of
Bentley Pauncefote Cotton of Hornehurch, of William Lincoln's Inn
in the p'ish of Tarde- CO. Essex, and of the Edmonds of and of Tookey's
big, Just, of Peace, M iddlc Temple, Barrister, Wibheath in Farm in Fecken-
ob. 7 April, 1637. ob. 10 Aug., 1666. Tardebig, ham.

Alice.=j=John Arris Anne, wife 1. Mary, wife Anne, wife Alice, wife
of Charring- of Eichard of Thomas of William of Henry
worth, CO. Amj)hlett of Chetle of Cookes of Mathews of
Clone., Gent. Clint, CO. Walhouse, Norgrove Murcotllall,
Stailbrd. ob. s.p. ob. s.p. CO. WarAV.,

(Vide jwst) Gent.

Murg,^ ^Tholnas
da. and Barnesley.


EdwarJ=j-Jane, da.
Cookes of

Conkes of ?^£ntk^.
No arms exhibited.

John Cooke.s of Bculley,=

CO. Wore, ob, circa 1640.

Thomas Cookes of Ik'iitky, (;l).=j=Alic(.', dan. of ... Stuart of

circa 1662, set. circa .')2. Owlborongli, cii. Wore.

WiUiam Cookes

Thomas Cookes 2.
Mary. 5.
Anne. 1. Eleanor, wife 4.

of Bentlev,
of IJentley, aet. — — of Jonas Nash wife of
ifit. 25, 27,1682.' 6. Isabel. S.Alice, of Thickenham,
4 ,, CO. Wore.
All nnm.

Cooks^g of WoxasUx,
Arsis. — Arfjent on a hend Azure tltrec ciuqufffoils Or.

Mr. Cooksej' produced these arms, but made no proof ;

but see C. 30, 26 and 27, the name in
Kidderminster Church notes and G. 9, 14.

Itifluml Couksey^f...
of Worcester.

John Cookscy of Worc.= 'Margaret, dan. of Roger

city, ob. circa 1646, aet. 43. Brookes of Wore, city,
died 1666.

John and George, Edward Cookscy, lute=f=Joice, dan. of (Jeorge Rohurt Dance^.
ob. young. AMcrmiin of Wore Longmore of Ui)i)er of St. Andrew's
living 1683, set. 68 Areley, CO. Staff., Wore,
ol>. 1600 or 1692. ob. 1681.

2.George Cuoksey of=f=lJorothy, dan. of =EdwanlCook- =Joan, Fran-

Wore, living ret. 34, Henry Taylor of 2 injc. sey of Wore, dan. of ces, h.

1683, oh, 1700, hiir. Wore. St. Atidretifs, Robert 1657.

viSt.AiuJrrir'y, Won: living 1683. Dance,
oh. 16S4.

lulward, ;et. 7. Margaret, tet. 8. Anne, Mary, Edward,
horn horn hap. 1684.
James, »t. 3. Anne, 5. 1694. 1695.

George, set. 1. Joice, 3.


1. Anne, wife of 2. Margaret, wife of 3. Mary, wife of 4. Sarah, wife of

James Higgins
Hi Eiluumd Okluall of Thomas Oldnall Jonathan Higgins
of Wore. of Wore. of Wore.
Worcy =j=

See Oldnall. See Oldnall.

John Cooksey of White=f=Anne, dau. and sole heir of

I^adieS near Worcester, Richard Blurton of White
ob. 1679. Ladies, living 1683.

John Cooksey, Edwaril, Kichaixl=T=v4?iM, dau. of ... Meadoic- Anne, aet. 4,

set. 7. aet. 6. Cooksey, court, 7ietce to J. Holland, 1683.
set. 3. Warden of Merton Coll.

Hollarul. Edward Ingram=f=Anne, dau. Mary.= 'Thomas Thomas,

of Upper Home. and coheir. Clerk.

Bimlen of Cljarlton, EttimitrkiJ, IBromsgrnH

aittr Hankn Castle.

Arms. —Argent a fess Sablf in chief a mullet between hen pellets.

Crest. — Out of a ducal coronet a dnyon's head Or.

Henry Dineley of=j=Mary, dau. of Sir

Charlton, co. Wore. Edward Neville.

Dineley of Hanley Castle.

rrancis= ^Elizabeth, ? Edward.= Alice, dau.=j=Henry Dineley=j=Magdalen,

/ . . .
Dineley of dau. of Sir of William of Hanley, co. dau. of
lAm^. Iha ,
IbtiCi W^ Charlton, Thomas Blekhen- AVorc, ob. Richard
:L,C^7ktvjJu fnijf^ son and Biggs of I
den and circa 1640, Egioke of
f- JitoULci ilii>^ •
heir, oh. LenchWick, Edward, horn Catherine 2 son. Salfoi-d, CO.
ivi liurHu UJ^^^ 1624, CO. Wore, 1589, at St. Wigsall, Warw.,Esq.,
Will at Lawrence, his wife, 2 wife.
Wore. 1632, Eoeaham. 1 wife.
mar. 1575.

Catherine, wife of Thomas

Banester, of Starton, co. Glouc.

1. Henry,

John, 3. Antliony, -Sunnie/ Kdwunl, oh.- ^Ricludil

horn lo94- lo'Jo nt antp 1632.
— I'/i/i.

Blijiji: Millhiijton.

Giles, .
lin'iK/ 16-U. i M I

bom 1500. Kihcaril, f'rancw. Cathennr,

Ilrhnj 10.J2.


2. Williaiiw/A/zv/A//, iliii'. 4. riiilii)= Ih'iii'v Diiit'ley^Jaiic, dan. of Sir

Dincley. a/ ... Kcilvij,
Diiicley, of Cluiiitoii, CO. Edward I'itt of
timr. KiOV. hwii lOOJ, Wore, oil. v.p. Ever, co. Wore.
firiiii/ 1031. hffom 16SJf.

! I M till I I I I

horn 1611.
hufii 1612.
— 1628.

— alive 1632. — Kti::iilii'th, hunt 1633. Will ia/ii, horn

AiDir, born Fruiifjxjioni
— — 1640.
1615. 1610, alirc horn 1636. born
— Suniiwl,
— 1643.
Murij, born 1638. Richanl, born 1651.

1. Edward Dineley, see Dineley of Charlton, b, p. 42.

2. Francis Dineley, see Dineley of Ridmarley, c, p. 43.

3. Williani= dan. 4. Tlioiiia.s l)inck'V=i=... dau. 5. Joliu Din('l(.'V=f=... dan,

Dineley of of ...
ofWitliallsCliapel, of ... of Sugarlirook, of ...

Nanton CO. Wore, living |

co. Wore.
Beaucliamp. 1682. I

Edward Dineley, 1682, oli.=^.. Thomas Dineley ,=f=. . . Thomas

1685 (jet. 40, of Nanton.
I 1682. Dineley.

Edward, WiUiain, Elimbetti, Edward, menliuncd in hid cousin

oh. 1686. oh.I684. ob. 1685. Mnr/r's will, in 1682.

7. Maark Dineky, see Dineley of Bromsgrove, d, p. 43.

6. James 8. Clement Dineley of= =Anne, dau. of

Dineley, lladsey, co. Wore, ... Smith of
ob. cool. u-hnon at Wore, 1662. Bwl-i'ij, mar.

1. Edward. 3. Thomas.

B, see p. 41.
—DiNELEY of Charlton.
1. Kdwnnl Dineley of Charlton (iii= =J(iyi;e,, dnu. of Sir=;.; ... Lairn'tice
Crojitliorn) co. "Wore, E-sq., eldest Samuel Sandy.s (unci'dur of
son, (lied 4 Mareli, 1C46, ict. 46, of Ombersley, co. GUim^ Lawrence
bur. at Croptliorii. Wore, Kt. of Peru/lore. J

Saiiiue]Dii)eloy=f=Mary, dan. 2. John Dineley, 3. Sir Edward Dine-= =Erance.s,dan.
of Iver, CO. Bucks, of Ricliard oli. ca'l. 1646, ley of Charlton, of Sir Lewis
died in London lierengcr (jf <T>t. circa 19, knighted by his pre- Watson,
circa 1654, set. 26. Iver, 15ucks, />orit lOoO. sent :Ma,je"sty, A.V. Lonl Rock-
Esq. and Dejiuty Lieut, ingham, she
for CO. "\Vorc. ret. 48, is
1682, hop. Itj.iJ,. 1682.
Maiy, wife of Elizabeth. =f="\Vhit]ock
Henry Collins liulstrode, li
of Heston, CO. 2 son of Sir 2 sons El( Etlward (iood-
Middx. eldest Richard. died year, only son
son to Antony before of Edward
Collins, Esq., a I ba])tism. (toodyear of
Bencher of the ... a noil, Eiizahefli, Burghope,
^liddle Temple. about 3, CO. Heref.
1082. 1682.
I)indeii,ohiitl682, Eleanor.
elded sun. ohiU 1683.

Mercie, niar.l Sir Williiini Cookes of Northgi-ovo, Elizabeth, wiin^llichard Yaten

CO. Wora, IJart., an(l 2 Mark Dineley of Nor- of Michael Ber- of Feclienham.
borough, CO. Wore, her cousin, eldest son toJlark ington of Lon-
Dineley of Church Eench before mentioned. don, Gent.

.Ioy(-e.=j=Sir Richard Bulstrode, Kt. Samuel Gardner of Evasham.-


Ed ivard Bulfil r(ide=f^Mar Grorije, Anne, oh. Alice of=x=...

of Teirhediury, oh, mar. will P. a O. -.p. ccelelig. liewdleij Da vies.
i7-J7, intexiah: 1678. 17o0, d,dr willdated 1720.
1720. 172U. ^1

Alice. Anne.
Both lunaticB.

Mnrii.=RoJiert Ehmbf.th.^Bicliard Watemtan. Samuel, oh. s.p.

Bradlei/. ante 1730.

Edward Bulstrode=Elimheth, da. and heir of Thomas Liipton

of Clifford's Inn. of London, Merchant, mar. 1707.


c, see p. 41. —Dineley of Riclinarley.

2. Fnincis Uiueley of= =Elizabetli, dan. of

Rediuarley Dabitot, Richard Cox of
CO. Wore, 2 son, died Castletlitch, co.
in London, 8 June, Herof., Esq.
circa 1675, »t. 71.

1. Charles Dineley'=j

S(irah.=J(imcs Manj.- Thomas Dineleii= WilUavi,

Hin/)W.s. Jcitii/iiij-: of lilniuiKiham. oh. ,s:2h

I I ! 1

Jiilin Diiii'irij (if 3 chiUroii 2 died

l^lriiiiiuilKiiii. ih'ml ijoit:/'/. uiimar.

John I)i)it;7i/=j=...
Gf'or</e=j=E! iza^iefh , Jodah Dhu'leii ofFeo-=r=3I(irij, dan.
of Pershove. Dindey, dan. of Ar- pJeton. Will dated 30 of, Lucas, . .

liecfor of moll Green Jan., 1821, proved at mar. at Old

I Peopldon, of Upton Worceder, 12 Dec, Church,
Joskih . . let. 92, J842. SiiodsJiiiri/. 1824, ?>«'•• nt people- Birmimj-
of Pflrshorc. oh. 18-!/ or 5.
ton. hnni.

JosiahDineley, Fjancis, died Frederic Dineley Rev. Genrcje

in the Excise, dan. I
Sfminton. at Malvern. of Peopleton, Dineley
1837. ^ Solicitor. of ...

Jamah Samuel Dinele)i,rn<ir.id^ 'Elizaheth,( la ii. of Catherine==T7i07nas Day

Dineley of All Saints, Worcester, Richard Bryar of Pershore, of Pinvin.
London in Marrh, 1811/., hap. at of Bransford, in 1837, a
the Excise, Peopleton. Exor. of his Leijh, CO. Wore, widow.
fet. 52, father's will, livirn/ at hiir. at Castle
1837. 'Campden in 1837. Morton, 1834.

Mark, mt. 19, 1837. George, eut. 10. William, ret. 3. Ann. Elizabeth. Sarah.

Josicth, at. 16. Samuel, cd. 8. Mary. Catherine.

Jfiitrba* oi ^hdbt.
Arms.-— Bendy of six Or and Sable a /ess Ermine.

Mr. Fincher [iroduoed these Anns, but there must be better proof before they are allowed.

.Tolin Fiiicliur of Shelve =Elizabetli, diui. of ... John Mence of=f=Eliza.heth,

(in Haiib'.ii'y), co. Wore, Ilaubury of Ilaiiljury, Himhleton, oh. da. of . . .

nil. circa 1663, tut. fere 80. sister of Francis Hau- 1025. Boi/ce, oh.
biiry of Ilaubury. 1049.

1. Anne, wife of Eichanl 3.Eleanor, wife of Francis 4. Sarah. =pEobert

.Tuyce of Wore. Clotliier. Elvins of the parisli of Monce of
llanbury. Ilimbleton,
2. Dorothy, wife of Thomas oh. 1635.
AViddes :)f i\w i)nri.sh of 5. Elizabeth, wife of Philip 1

Hinibletoii, eo. Wore. Ikirlton of lvi<l(lerniinster, Robert. Richard.

CO. Wore. —
Francis. Smnuel.

Rebecca.=^. , . Walter. Sarah.


1. John Finchev, Attorney 5. Robert Finclier of Wore, vet.

fere=f=Elizal)cth, dau.
at Law, was first a Clerk 58, 1682, mar. 1 Ursula, dau. of of John Derby
to Judge Green, ob. ca-l. Merriniaii andwidow of Alexander of Fladbury,
Smith of Wore, and 3 Jane, dau. of 2 wife.
3. Tlioraas Finclier, died Roger Penn of Hales Owen.
in Ireland, unm.

John Fincher, set. 17, 1682. Elizabeth, aet. 15.

7. William^Catherine, Elizabeth, dau. of=f=6. Richard Fincher=Rebecca,

Finclier of dau. of ... Hall of St. of Clains near Wore, widow of
Birming- Cros.se of John's Bay, city set. 56, 1682. ... Mabor
ham, living CO. Staff. of Wore. of Exeter.


John. Elizabeth. I

John. Elizabeth.
SamueL Catherine.

2. George Fincher,==Jane, dau, of . . . 4. Philip

Fiiicher=j=.Joau, dau. of
Minister of Acton Brooks, Minister of Shelve, oh. Richard Payton
Beauchamp, ob. circa of Acton Beau- circa 1661, set. 40. of Tardbick, co.
167S. champ. Warw. (? Wore.)

1. John, 2. Nathaniel 3. Ezra 4. Thomas Fincher, 5. Samuel Elizabeth.

d. young Fincher. Fincher. lived in London and Fincher.
=1= married there.
Rohi'.rt Stmffiird of
' ' W<(lf(ii-(l,=j=M(i.rtha, ..
IIooJi(',=j=Ma>yaref, a widow
CO. Hnri-.f. |
1705. in 1705.

Aii)ii:=^Johii Hookp, icill dated 1705.

Anne.=f William Elizalx'th, dau. of= =John Fincher .Tonatlian, Elizabeth,

i lloiji'YH of .lohn Hooke of of Sludve, let. a3t. 28. CCl'l.

Ni'wi-id, Crooks in Glouc. .30, 1682.

CO. (iloiic. ill I'aiiidli'i/ jtnriiih. Philip,
a3t. 26.


Man/, r/idip, 1705, EltzaMh. Man/. Sunih.

1705. to have Crooks
in Pioinfli'ij. Anne. llonmdi.

Arms. — Anj/'id, a fc^x bi'ficfnt tlircf rinqitf-foilx irHliin a hnnlHre Sahle (Foley of

Chest.—A vumpaiit lion Ari/nii hohlimj an I'scnrliwn nf ihc iirnu.

Arms. — Aiyent, a fess Jmtwei'n thrt'f nini'irftiils irithin. a Ixirdnrc Snhli' on a cniifon
Guh's a ducal airoiti't Or.

Chest. — -4 lion sejant Argent hohliiuj in the fore jiaicg a dw.al coronet Or (Foley of

A Patent from Sir Edward Walker and Gaiter to Robert Foley of Sturbridge, co. Wore., Esq.,
High Sheriff of the County at that time, reciting that he hiul for some time psxat born
Argent afess em/railed between three ciminefoiU nit/iin a bordure Sahlf, and for the Cre.Ht, alion
sejant Argent holding between tlie fore paws an escucheon of the said arms, granting to the
said Kobert the addition and augmentation as depicted, 1"2 December, 1671.

... dau. of^Ricliai'd Foley of Stourbrid^re,=j=Alice, dau. of ...

. .. 1 wife. CO. Wore, ob. circa 1658, set. lirindley of co.

fere 80. Stafford.

1. Richard Foley of Longton Anno, wife of 2. Priscilla, mar. 1 Ezekiel

Hall, CO. Staff., mar. 3 wives William Xormansell Wallis of Bristol, 2 Henry
but now no issue male surviviii''. of Wolverhampton. Gloverof OldSwinford.Worc.

3. Honor, wife of 4. Margaret, wife 5.Sarah, mar. 1 John 15aker
Henry Pretty of Edward Tyson, of St. James near Bridg-
of Ireland. Alderman of north, after to George Hill
Bristol. of the same place.

2.Edward Foley of Samuel Foley of Clon-=j=. dau. . . John Foley,

Dudley, co. Wore, nielj,and afterwards of a Turkey
married, but died of Dublin in Ireland, Merchant,
p., circa 1622. ob. circa 1678. living set.
50, 1682.

Samuel John Solomon . . . wife of . . . Dominick

Foley. Foley. Foley. of Dublin, M.D.

Foley of Whitley. Foley of Sturbridge.

3. Thomas Foley= =Anne, dau. Anne, dau.=j=4. Robert Foley=Elizabeth, dau. of

of Whitley ofJohn of John of vSturln-idge, Sir... Sniith,Kt. and

Court, CO. Wore, Browne of Blurtou of co. Wore, some- widow of William
sometime High Spelmanden, Worcester, time High Ack worth of Kent,
Slieritf, ob. CO.Kent. Gent., Sheriff and mar. 3 Copell Han-
1 Oct., 1677, 1 wife. Justice of Peace bury of Wliorston,
ffit. 61. of tlie County, near Bewdhjy, Esq.
ob. circa 1676.

Martha, eldest ilau. 2. Sarah, mar. 1 1. Anne, wife of 2. Honor, wife of

of "William Jolliffc Essex Knightley Edward Bontley, Robert Master, a

of London, Mer- of Fawsley, co. eldest son of younger son of Sir
chant, youiiLjiT Xorthamiiton, Charles Bentlej', "William :\Ia.ster of
brotluT of Thomas ¥.»([., and after- of Kineton, co. Cirencester, Kt.
Jolliffc of Cofton wards ... Warw., Es(i.
Hall, CO. Wore, Hampden.

l'aul=i=Mary, Philip Foley= =Penelo]ie, RobertFoleyof^Anne, dau. of

Foley of (lau. of of Prest- dan. of liord Stourljridge, Dudley, Lori

Stoke John wood, CO. Paget of Jn.stice of ^^oith, and sis-
Edith, Lane of Stafford, ;et. Beaudeselt. Peace for co. ter of Charles,
CO. Heru- London, 30, 168.-5. Wcjrc, iet. I^ord Xorth,
f<jrd, ;et. (Jent. iTT~ circa 30, 1682. living 1682.
34,1683. 1. Letitia. 4. Eliziibeth.

2. Anne. .5. Essex. 1. North Foley, '

2. John Foley,
Thomas Foley set. set. 5, 1682. £Et. 3.

circa 14, 1683. 3. Frances. 6. Penelope.

Thomas Foley of Whitley,= ^Elizabeth, dau. of 3. Dudley Anne, iet. 6 years,

High Sheriir of AVorc, circa Edward Ash of Foley, ret. 9 months, 1682.
1676, set. 40, 1683. Heytesbury, co. Wilts.

1. Thomas
Richard. 1.
Elizabeth. 3.

2. Edward. 4. John. 2. Anne. 4, Mary.

jFoUott of JEartitt Hussintr^.

Arms. — Or a lion mmpant Piirpun:
Mr. Foliott produced these iw his Arms and says he is descendetl from the Foliotts of Worcester-
shire, but the pedigree doth not join to that Family, and the Arms are somewhat (litl'ercnt,
therefore better pnxjf must l)e aocjuired, but see D )2-16, and G. 9-10.

(Juthlake Foliott of Worcester City, descended=

from the Foliotts of Purton, co. Wore.

Henry Foliott of Worc.,- =... dau. of ...= =... dau. of 1. Isabel, 3. Eleanor,
a-Ca])tain of Foot in and widow of ... Farlow, wife of wife of
the Service of Charles I, C]iai)man, 1 Aldernuin of John lla- .Matthew
ob. .s.p.,
circa 1652. wife. Worcester, selack of Walton of
2 wife. Wore. CO. Wore


Guthlake Foliott of=j=Eleaiior, dan. of

Worcester, son and ..Sheldon of the
heir, ob. circa 1635, family of Sheldon
cet. 32. of Beoley.

Edward Eoliott,=f=Mary, dan. 3. Ilinry Elizabeth, mar. Eleanor,

a Merchant, died of Tlior- . . .
Foliott, Tolm I'ovey, mar. Koger
at Powyck, CO ley of Holt, died at Justice of tlie Vaughan
Wore, and bur. co. Wore. Lisbon, King's Bencli of ]\Ioccas,
there ci rca 1 6 6 2 . im id . iu Ireland. CO. Ileref.

Eleanor, ob.
cocl. set. 13.

2. Guthlake Foliott of=f=EIizabetli, dan. of Roger

]\fartinlIussingtree,co. llarlakenden of Colne
Wore, ict. 52, 1683. Prior, co. Essex.

! I

1. Jolm, and 2, Guthlake, 1. Elizabeth, niar. 2, Frances, 3. Eleanor.


twins, died infants. Robert Burrington living unni.

! died
of Kirton,co. Devon, cBt. circa 1 6, 4. Mary.
now a Cornet of 1683. young.
3. Guthlake, ob. inf.

Horse in Ireland. 5. Mary. J

•JFolim^s 0f ^toh Prior.

Abms. —Axara in i-hiefiiro eaij/'.-i ili.iplaijc.il and hi /•a.-'r n watli't Anient

These arms were taken from an eacoeheon painted on silk, )>ut, nothing more apjiearing for
proof, they are not allowed.

John Fownes of Stokc=f..., widow of ...

Prioi', CO. Wore. j Egiock of Egiock.

George Fownes= =... 'iau. of ... Margaret, wife of --Thvinas Fownes of

of Stoke Prior. lierkeley of Row- Nicholas Knight ,
Stokr Prior, lotll at
ley, CO. Wore. of ]}arr(>lls (Jreen, Wore, 1607.
CO. Warw.

II George. Margaret.
II Mary.

Thomas Fownes=f=Marv, dau wife of George dau. of=f=2. George Fownes

of Stoke Prior, of ..White I'earson of High- ... White of Stoke Prior.
ob.circa 1660,;et. of CO. Oxon. ley, Salop. of CO. Oxon.
60 et amplius.
Frances, wife of ...

Goodwin of co. Oxford.


1. Edwanl 1. Eliziil)eth, 2. Mary, wife of George Fowiu'.s^y^Fi-anceSidau. of

aiul wife of Jolm T'^rban Eyres of of IJroinsgrovr. ... AVebb and
2. Tlioiiiiiti, Pouiitiioy of Hartlebiiry, co. widow of ..

nil. cu-1. Hij^lilov, CO. Wore. Xorris.

GeorKe Fownes.

Joim Fowiies of=f=Elizabeth, dan. of

Stoke Prioi-, a?t. Kiehard Sniallbrooke
18, 1682. of I)roitwicli.

1. Elizabeth, set. 15. 2. lulward 1. John Fownes of=Jaiie, dan. of ...

Fownes, Stok(; I'rior, set. 22, Harper and widow
2. Mary, let. 1:5. a?t. 20. 1682. of .Jasper Kaus,
3. Sarah, let. 10.

.}. Kiehaic 4. Thiiiiias i). William

Fownes, Fownes, Fownes,
set. 18. vet. 6. aet. 4.

(Boimt of Droithurb.
Akms. —Azure a chevron bdiceea t/irei' imloea' or ijowers' Itewh erused Or,

.. (lower. =p...

Thomas Gower.= Jolin Gower=j=-Vlice, dau. of

of Wieli, Edward Itarrett
Hvint? 1G;U. of Wiche.

Nicholas Gower,= Thomas John Gower of=j=Elizabetli,

i of Droit iricli. ob. ctt'l. Droitwich, ob. dau. of John
circa 1670. Davies of

Mary, wife Catherine, mar. to 1. .lohn and Alice, .sLster and

of Edward Wintonr Harris,
— Iieir, mar. Henry
Wheeler. Apothecary, Alder- 2. Thomas, Hodges of Droit-
man of Worcester. olj. coel. wich.

Elizabeth, wife of=? Francis Uroml,

John T'.dbot of (li'uf. of Halfont,
Okeley, Esq. Wane, in JOo^.

^ —>

Arms. — Anjciit on a /<"« Azure brficomi. Ihrcc jtcllctt^ facli rhanji'd irilli a lion's livad
I'fdM'd of the Jii'/il
'jrijfin iia-ifdid hrtin-cn tiro I'^rnlliijis Of.

Sir Kicliard (ji'eaves of ^roseI('y,=f=AiiiR', dau. of Thor.ias Leighton

CO. Wore, Kt., ol). circa 1628, of WatlesVxjrongli, co. Salop, Esq.,
a_'t. 53, oil. 1HS2. oh. 165^.

1. Elizabeth. 2. ^furidl, wife of .3.

Alary, wife of Edward,
ob. coel. Edward (Jwcu of the AVilliam Jones of ob. coel.
AVood House, CO. SaiifordjCo. Salop,
Salop, Esq. Es,|.

1. Thomas Greaves, Esq.,=i=Mary, dan. of ... 3. Richard Greaves^ =Anne, dau. of

eldest son, ob. circa 167.5, Wardle of Curbe, of Moseley,ob.l671, Thomas Hen-
aet. 74. CO. Norff. set. 53. shaw. Citizen
of I.,ondon.

Anne, wife of ... Elizabeth, Anne, 3. Elizabeth. Uiana, now

Wood of Wardend, ob. C(el. ob. inf. living, unm.
CO. Warw., Esq., ? i. Letitia. 1683.
Ward of Woodend.
5. Anne.

Richard Greaves^Elcanor, dau. of Sir Charles Benjamin=f=.--Joan, dau.

of Moseley,Esq., John Winford of Greaves Greaves, of oh.
. . .

ffit.30,1683. fob. Astley, co. Wore, sot. 20. set. 17, ? 1710.
1688. Kt. horn 1665.

Daiuell, bap. Heashaw, bap. Benjamin, Anne, hap.

1682, ob. 1691. 1692, oh. 1708. bap. 168^. 1687.

Arms. —Azure a chevron between three dolphins (the two in clduf respecting each other)

Mr. Griffith produced these arms and referred to Buck.s, where there is nothing to be found.

John Griffith, 'Vicai'=j=. . .

of Buckingham. I

Paul Griffith of .

CO. Wore, Clerk.


Paul (Jriffith, Rectoi'= =Ursula, dau. of ...

of Kimble, iioar Britton of Teken,
Aylesljuvy,co. I'lUckf;, near Daventry, co.

living 1 683, mt. circa XorthtoH.


1. Hesther, 2. Catherine, 2. Thomas (Jriffith, 3. Benjamin 4. Paul Griffitli,

wife of Joliii living unm. Clerk, one of the Griffith, a ser- an Apprentice in
Humphries, 1683. Cath. of Chichester, vanttotheLo. London.
Citizen of ffit. circa 27. Coventry.

1. John Griffith, Rector=f=Erances, .5 dau. of

of St. Xicliohis, Wore, Jolm Brondey, 2
and a minor canon of brother of Henry
Wore, ret. 35, 1683. fl"/*- Bromley, of Holt,
will at Woir. Esq.

John Griffitli, only Elizabeth, Frances, Victoria,

son, 8et. 6, 1683. let. 5. set. 4. set. 2.

Rei^ John Gnffl,tha,=f=

Virar of Broadway,
1706, oh. 1736.

Ndthiin Gnffith-^ ^Doruthij, duu. of

(if LavrrtoH ill, Henri/ Wal'eman
Jiilflliiiiil, ri). of Ash ton Undfir-
aim: frill.

Diiiild (rrifiith.'<=f Sarah, dan. of

(if Laiierton. CharlcK Hi(jf(>rd.

John Griffithx=j=Chrixh'aii, dan. of John

if Uroadiraij. Dodd of Ew<ham.

,Tnhn Grijfithx^Siixan, dan. of Nathan Griffi,th>t=j= Franceit. =T=lie>!. 1 f 'illiian

of Caiiqtdi'll. Williain Eden of Ch ildxirirhtin. Phillipps of

of Norton. Broadwaij.

Williain. Mario =... Sarllli'of Aihlvj/, dan.- =... Bah'r if John Hiiiford
Colrhivtcr, and heir. Binninijliinn, I'hillipii)', III
John. CO. Esxi.i: Attiirncil-at-Laii'. .ii-hoolatllcref.,
M/ IHJfi.

(^'qUs of ^Uricklen.

Arms. — Giilei!a croi<ii ht'tin-eu fonr ciqiA icithoni cocurs Or mi ti

chief iirijnid tlnvc
pelicuns Sahh' indncil Guh'^t.

Crest. — 0^^t of a cap Or fhree roxen Gules dipp&l Vmi.

No proof made of these arms.

The grant of these arms is in the possession of Mr. Parsloe of Alveston, ro. OUmc, 1774 R.B.C.
(i.e. Ralph liigland, Clarenccux).

Anthony Gylos of Solhampton,=f=..., daii. and coheir of ... Potter

p'ish of Astley, co. Wore. of Areley, co. Wore.

John Gyles of=j=..., dan. of ...

Solhanipton. jMinister of Astley.

John Gyles, William Joseph Susanna,

eldest son, Gyles. Gyks. wife of
mar. but died nr John
John Harris. s.p.
Several children. One
I dau.
Vicaris of

Elizahei]i.=j=J. Green. Joyce, dan. and=f=Samuel Gyles=T=j;iizaheth, d

coheir of John ifSolluunpton, of ... Tihhetts
Harris of Prii:k- a^t. G3, 1683. of CO. Stad'ord.
ley, CO. W(ir<;.,
1 wife. I

Elizabeth, dau. and= Elizabeth, only da.

sole heir, widoic in Pasneij. by 2 Avife.
8 W. S.

Mary, wife Susanna, John Gylos= =Martha, dau. Samuel Ambrose

of Michael livinir of Priekley, of James Gyles, Gyles,
Hay of Ab- iBt.33, 1683, Xash of set. 24, tet. 22,

botsley, co. living 8 W. Putford, CO. coel. coel.

Wore. a. Wore.

John Gyles,

Haitrork nf ^Inining, to. (Blwxc,

Arms. —Gules a sinister liaml Argent on a chief of the second three cocks of the field.

Mr. Hancock referred himself to tlie Devonshii-e Books, wliere there is nothing to be found.
But this coat without tlie hand was granted to Edward Hancock of Comb Martin, co.
Devon, by Cooke, Chuenceux. Hee his Grants, fo. 23 ^. See also Grants, vol. ii, p. 549.

William Hancock of Twyning,=p.. ,

dan. of
CO. Glouc, descended out of Ley of
Devonshire. CO. Glou.

Edward Hancock, of= 'Alice, dau. of ... Jeffreys

Twyning, co. Glouc. of CO. Olotic.

1. Edward. = 2. Kicliard.=f=. 4. Thomas=..., da. of Panting,

. .

4^ Hancock. of Holt, co. Wore.

3. John 'iian-=^Miirijiurf, Sarah, dau.= =WiiliamHancock of Lon-= =Cath('rine,

cock of Twill- dan. of.. of Jacob don, youngest son, High dau. of ...
in(j. Will 1668. Best. J>onaniy of Sheriff of CO. Wore, 166-"), ... Mayle
London. died circa 1676, set. 82. of Tewkes-
See London Visitation. bury.

Rirhard.=j=. William Hancock- =Anne, dau. of Charles lIancock= =Judith,

of Twyning, co. Kichard Uow- of Playstow, Es- eldest dau.

Glouc, "b. v.p. deswell of sex, and of Twyn- and coheir

L Jloinland. 1675, jBt. 43, a-t. Poole Court, ing, IJarristcr at of Kicliard

10, 1637. Worc.,Esi[. Law, born 13 liaugh of

2. Se2)timn.i. March 1643, liv- Twining,

ing 1682, mar. Oil. 20,
3. John. 1668. 1668.

Jf. George. 1.Anne, living 2. Judith, wife of 3. Catherine, 4. Alice,

James Simpson liviuR unm.

num. 1682. living

J. Charles. of Tewkesbury.

0. William.
1. AVilliiini
HancoBk=j=^Iary, dau. 2. Kichard, 4. Charles,
7. Richard. of Norton juxta Ih'e- of William set. 28. set. 15.

don, CO. Wore, and Harewell — •

of the Inner Temple, of Worce.s- 3. Edward,

Barrister, net. 29, ter. aet. 26.
Anne, only child, aged
14 months, 1682.


Hastings of ladles fortr.

No arms exhibited.

.lolm Hastiiiifs oi'^E'litli, ihiii. if Sir Rlclnn'il i

Yelfoiil, CO. OxDii. }'(//•/.• of Ydfl:.


Mar I/. EiizahethyWifii Dorothy, Edward. . William^iVanres, dan. of

of Ferdinandfi wifcofJohti Hastings. John Chapman
OsbcdJestoH of WaJwiju of John. of ...

Ediiif/ton. Dfii/Iesford.

Siiuoii Hastings of Yelfoiib =Eleanor, dau. John Hastings'^Atir/', dan. of

ami of DaylesfoitljCo. Wore, oi ... Gibbons of London. William Cole,
oh. 1627, let. 82. of ... Goldsmith.

2. Geor},'e, ob. unm. (lau.

of^=j=John Ha.'itings=j=Mary, William. Mary.
circa 30.

...Fettiplace of Daylesford, ilau. of — —

of CO. Oxon. oh. 6 Gar. I. Henry James. Elizabeth.
3. Charles, ob. unm., See Inq. p.m. Pudsey —
living 1646. of Lang- John.
4. Hercules, ob. unm.

Margaret, wife of John Hastings^ =Elizabetli, dau. of Sir 1. Mary, wife of

Thomas Lodge of of Daylesford, Thomas Ponestoue, .lohu Walter of
Chipping Xortf>n. aged 55, 1682. IJart., died 1652,ffit. Norton, no. Mon-
ciru.i 20. nioutli.

Peneston HastiugS'^Elizabetli, dau. of Honor, wife Elizabeth, wife

of Daylesford, sei. Samuel Creswick of Jiihii liray of Philip Cecil
30, 1682. of Moreton-in-tiie- of FyficIdjCO. of tlielXiflerin,
marsh, co. Gloua O.xou. CO. Monmouth.

=T=1 . Samuel Hastings, 2. John, Henry, Elizabeth, Honoria, Theophilus,

ret. 1682, ? sold
7, iEt. 6, ;et. 2, horn 1690, born 1693, horn 1693,
Daylesford, in 1715, 1676. horn. oh. 1730. oh. 1757. oh. 1720?
him 1675. 1679.

.. eldest.

liei: Peneston Hastings,=j=/'/vx'-///«, (hm. of William

ivt. born 1678, Rector
4, dardiner (f Lower Gnitinij,
of Daylesford. mar. 170.i.

Siiinw'l, ...,li()ni 171 1, . . .

liorn II rill'I 1740,

nio. aii'l ill I'll Ill-Ill

II It iilfiri-
11/ tlir

Arms. —A /'w.s- wavi/ hctirpi-n > jlmiri^ do hjn.

Crest. —A duijs hcwJ ajtqvd at the necli.

No colours marked.
Mr. Hicks ])ro(liiced a se;U of these arms and nutkiug else being fnund and this family being
entered witlicmt arms in the last Visitation therefore cannot be allowed. ;

Rirluird Hijcli's of Iktr-^^Aiii), dun. nf ... IiHirKiii,

rliM.ci; CO. Wiirir. l <if Wn/fard.

Fraiici.i ITi/cLx, M.A.,=j=Ktimhf't/i , d'ln. af Tlniimts

nf liari'hri'ion. M/iinli/ (if liiKlslmtt.

TJton. Ilh-A-x, William Hicks of .Sliip-=j=Aiiiu>, diiii. ui Maiydrt. -Wn/iam Civft

M.A.,ofBaliol st<>ii-ui)()n-Stoui', CO. 1

Henry Siuitli of of TodcidiaM,

Ool/., d.r<m. Woi'c.,iiiul of Lincoln'.-* >Stratfor(l-on-

Inn, I>iiiT.-iit-law, Avon, living

1652, set. .54. 1682, set. 8.5.

2. Henry, i lb. Elizabctli, He.sther, 3. Jolm Hickes of= -..., oldest dau. of

young. wife of living London, Coatseller, James Fleetwood,

Richanl iinm. at ob. circa 1662. I5ishop of Wore.
4. William, Wiitkins, Sliipston-
ob. in Vir- Rector of on-Stour. I

ginia, unm. Wichford, ^Martha, co^l Honor, ccel.

CO. Warw. 1682. 1682.

3.HenryHickes,=j=J/((/7/, dau. of •Tuditli, dau.= =Erancis Hickes=^[ary, dau. of

Clerk, Rector of AVilliani ISar- and co-lieir of of Shipston-on- William Croft
Stretton-snper- tliolomew, Thomas Gard- Stour, ret. .58, of Toddenliam,

Fo.sse,(;o.Warw., Vicar of Cliip- ner of Ship- 1682. CO. (ilouc.

ait. 49, 1682, ping Camden, ston.

Vicar of Cnmp- CO. Glouc, oil. I
. ..i
den, b. 1632, ob. 1701, a;t. 68. William Hickes, son and heir Llizabetli,
1700. apparent, set. 28 and coel. ob. ccel.

John, Marfjaret, dau.= =Henry Baptist^C///vV/«/(, dan. of Elizabeth, ^67/0 of

cwlebs. ofSirLlcwelltin Hicke.s. Hickes, Tliotiiax IIal>:s of Wilh'am Allen of
Thomas. Rector Coventrii,oh.l707, Campden.
ofStrd- mt. 43.
ton. Anno, icife of
TJwmas Savage
of Meon.
Thomas, cet. Margaret. Anne, dau. and heir,
oh. 1719, td. 15. Mary, wife of
..% 172^.

Smart of Clifford


||t00tns 0f Morr^st^r.
Arms. —Aiynnt a cliecroii vair Or and Guhs between three hurts each charged with a
lion's f/anih erased of the field.

There is nothing to be found to justify the bearing of these arms (They are the arras of
Hoogan of Castle Acre, co. Norf.)

Thcs. Higgiiis of
Newent, co. Glouc,

.Tohn Higgins of the City of=j=Maiy, dau. of John Wyld

Wore, St. Andrew's, oh. circa of Wore, ob. circa 1674,

1676, ffit. 77, bur. mm.

ret. 71 or 2.

Edward Higgins of Worc.=f=Margery, dau. of Daniel Bradley

ob. 1682, set. circa 60. of Drayton, co. Salop.

2. Jonathan Hig- =Sarah, dau. of 3. John Higgins=^rary, dau. of John

gins of Worcester Edw. Cooksey, of Worcester, xt. Parkinson of Dray-
St. Andrew's, set. of Wore. circa 30, 1683. ton, co. Salop.
circa 31, 1683.

Humphry Wildey of St.-

Joyce, only child. Andrew's, Wore, ob. 1683.

.1 I I

1. Edward Higgins of=pAbigail, dau. of Mnri/, baj). Hamjthrij, bap.

Worcester, St. Andrew's, Humphry Wil- 16o7. 1059.
ob. 1680, aet. circa 30. diiy of Wore.

1. Margery, Abigail, born Posthuma Mary,

Jjorn 1S7-J. 1H77. Imrn 1070.

2. John Higgins of Wore., St. Andrew's,-- oan, dau. of John Iteming of Wore.
ob. circa 1674, aet.circa 49. and of Drmtwich, ob. circa 1676.

U.I I i

.lolin Higgins Thomas, 1. Llizabetli.

of Wore, aei.
brn'n dau. of ...
— James,
24 and mar. 166 i, of St. Matthew, 2. Mary, born 1667.
1682, l,orn Andrew's. born 1608. 1661.
16o!J. James,
I I TT I n Anne. l)orn
Jane,b(qi. l)orci(s,l>(ij). Joseph, bap. Joseph, bap.
1091. limit. 16U7. bap. 1700. Dorcas, liorn
F.lizulieth, Mari/aret, Junies, Imp. Robert, bap.
lKqhl693. bap.' 1696. 1099. 1703.

3. Thomas Ilk'tjins of Woi'costoi',=i=Aiino, dm. of Robsrt (J lui'le

a?t. circa 50, 1682. of ^\^.l b. 1678.

I.Thomas. Sarah.
I i



Mary, =f=Timothy Clare Judith,

I il

Higi^'ins, '*/*. of Wore, ,S7.

2. John. Klizabetli. Anne. only son, l(i97. Aivlfoc'ii. Hannah,

living iL't. and
All died young. 7. Anne, '

Mary, ol: 1681. living unm.

Anne. =j='Tohn Onions Mathew=j=Mary. 4. James nig-=Aniie, dau. 3. Sarah,

of "Wore. White of gins of Wore, of Edward ob.
London. living s.p.s. and Cookscy of young.
£et. 45, 1682. Wore, liv-

ing 1682.

1 i

Thomas, horn. 1G5G. Edward, horn 1659. Marijaret, Edirard,

hornl686. hornl694.
Martha, horn 1657. James, horn 1662.

Hill of WiiiXttsUx.
Arms. — A water houget within an orle of eii/ht roimdlen. No colors.

No proof exhibited neither is there any to be found.

Henry Hill of the Cit^' of Worcester, =[=Mary, dm. of William Walker

died there, circa 1662, ait. 72. of ..., co. Wort

Mary, wife of John Elizabeth, wife of 2. Richard 6. Edward Hill^. . . dau.

Rathbone, IJaylitt'of Rowland "Hughes Hill, living of Wore I of ...

Litchfield. of Wore. unm. 1683.


Edward. Henry, &c.

Hannah,= 3. Walter llill=rAnne,dau.of 4. Rali)h=i

dau. of of Worcester, 2 wife
Richard livin" 1683.
Bell of
Broms- I I I

j'rove. Walter. Hannah

John. other children.


Henry Hill of Wore, eldest soii,= Elizabeth, dan. and sole licir of
died 1674, set. 49. Eobert Langley of Worcester.

l.Elizal)ctb,wifeof 2. ^liiry, wife of 3. E(imnnd^Elizabeth, 4. Langley

Henry IJoswortli, Cliarles Savery, Hill of dan. of Hill, a scholar
son of William son of Thomas Worcester, Humplnvy at Oriel Coll.
IJoswortli of Lye. Savery of Ten- s.j).
1683. Hiij^hcs of Oxon.
burv. Hallow, CO.

llenrv Hill=j=Marv,
dan. 2. .John= Sarah, dan. William, =... dan.
;"). 6. Philip
of Won-., set. I
ofWilliam Hill of of Robert HillofLon- of... Hill, ret.
30, 1683. ]
Dosworthof Worces- (iuest of (lon,?et. cir- Ijii.-Jsey circa 17.

Shiridge; in ter, ;et. Worcester. ca 19. of Lon-

p'isli of Lye. circa 26. don.

Elizabeth. Marv.
Harry Hill, Langley, William, Elizabeth, twin
aged 8 a;t. 3. fere 2. with William.

Hubgfs of Broitlutclj.

Akms. -Or Hiree civuccii/k Sulifc on a vaiilun n/ flic xi'coiiil a ilnml vnn in'l Or.

These anus were taken from a Fuuer.il EHOiiehctm anil are those of Hodyes of Chiuaouk, co.
Som'set to wlioiii this family cloth not join.

Thoma.s Hodges, Yeoman=j=...

of i\w Bowmen to the

King Hen. 8, lived in


Thomas Hodges^
of Devonshire,
a younger son.

1. William Hodges, l).D.,=j=Sarah, dan. of Dr. Jonathan Hodges Nicholas Hodges
Archdeacon of Wore, ob. .lohn I'rideaux, of Devon, mar. of Devon, mar.
3 Sejit, 1670, a-t. circa 74, IJishop ufWorc. and left issue. and left issue.
elde.^it .son.


— ami
Jolni 3. Savali,
2. Dorothy,
wife of Francis

Mary, mar.
to William
3. Thomas=.rane, dan.
Hodges, ... Harris of

2. William, TuiLenillcof Colnianof Rip- Wiiide of Vicar of A\'oodstock,

olj. cool. Twilling, co. pki, CO. Wore, Stoke Editli, ISaiiiptoii, Es({.
Glouc, Gent. Gent. CO. Ilcruf. ,
CO. Oxon.,
after to "Wil- ob. s.p. 4
liam Walton days be-
of the same fore his
])laco. father.

.5. Prideaux -
4. Henry HodL;es^=Alice, dan. of Hodges, ^^fary, 2 dau,
of Ih-oitwich, ict. John and sister Rector of Hamilton aixl coheir of
37, 1683, and and heir of Lovet, CO. Wore. let. Richard Jiaugh

hath as yet no Thomas Gower 34, and hatli a.s

yet of Twining, co.
issue. of Driiitwicli. no issue. Glouc.

1|0Uitt0ton of Albrrlntrrb.
Arms, — Sahlr a frd Anjcuf.
Mr. Hulliiigtou produuecl theie as belonging to him, but they are the Arms of Harrington,
therefore are not allowed.

Joliu Hollington alias HarrinKtou.=T^...

Joliii Hollington of Ullenhall,=j=Elizabeth, dau. and heir of CHlbert Eownes

ob. circa 16")8, a't. 97. of Webheatli, //* Tanlfhij, co. Wore.

1. Richard Hollington 2.William Hollington, LL.D., =pElizabetli, dau. Anne,wifeof

of 15radeley, co. Wore, Rector of Alchnrch, Wore., of John Lacy John Lewes
left issue several cliild- and JAing ]\Iar.ston, co. Glouc, of l!iim])ton,co. of Tardebig.
I'cn, all dead s.p. Clia])Iain to Kings Chas. 1 and Oxon., Cient.
II, ret. circa 65, 1C82.

Anne, 2.Elizabeth, 3. Eleanor. 5. Dorothy, Giles Holling-

wife of wife of I'ar- wife of Thomas ton, xt. 26.
William naby IIol- 4. Mary, Veale of Okeii-
Tovey of beac.h of eiid in Solihull, Dixy Holling-
W^orc, Bentlcy, co. unm. 1682. eo.Warw.,M.l), ton, set. 24.
Clothier. Warw.

1. John Holling-=]=Mary, dau. of Thomas Persehouse George Hol- =Anne, dau. of

ton, eldest son, ret. of Persehouse Hall, co. Staff., and lington of Thomas Perse-
30, 1682. widow of Thomas Heynes of Rav- Alchurch,a»t. house of Pcrs-
ncy Green, co. Wore. circa 28. liouse, <•{!.

William, let. ITizabeth, Anne, Dorothy, AVilliam, only child

6, 1682. ijet. 5. set. 4. ict. 3. ffit. 3, 1682.

Au.MS. — .i.'Jiiri' oil a hi:ii<( I'lnhnltli'd Anjciit a (jri'ijltunitd vniii'iutt li/'ficren tiro t'ncuUujiis

Ralph Honiyolil.=j=...

John lloniyold of l}lack-=f=Elizahetli, dau. of •2.

Ralph lloniyol.l,
www Park in tlu".
of Sir Thomas llus- a IJarristcr-at-Iyaw of

llaiilcy Caslk', of which soil ofSticushain, thii Tt'inple,o1).unni.

]>lace tliL' family avo Tionls, co. AVorc, Kt.

ob. 1643, ift. 60.

1. Mary, now 3. Margaret, ^. Frances, and 4. Anne, mar. to 2. John

living num. now living
— Johndoniond of Hornyuld,
1683. num. 2. Elizabeth. Kilpeck, co. lie- lunn. circa
ob. unni. roford. 1667.

Margaret, dau. of= A. Thomas llornyohb =Dorotliy, dau. of George

Robert Gowcr of of ]>lackmore Park, Ihent, younger son Rich-
Coleniersh, co. son and heir, now ard IJrent of Stoke, co.
Wore, 1 wife. living, iet. .55, 1683. Gloc, Esij., 2 wife.

Several other sons Margaret, wife 2. Mavy. 5. Winifred. Dorothy,

and dan's who died of Charles — — £et. fere

y»'oung. Pogge of Yel- 3. Elizabeth. 6. Cntherine. 3 mens,

dersley, co.

Derby, Gent. 4. Anne.

Robert lIornyold,^J)ridget, dau. of Thoma.s, let. 19, 1683.

eldest son, set. 22, Anthony Windsor,
1 683, now residing son and heir of Sir .bihn, *t. 17, 108,).
at lilackinorel'ark, Edmund Wiinlsor,
oh. 171.1, (d. 54. Kt., liy ... dau. of Francis, a>t. 16, 1683.
Sir Widter Blount,
Bart. Ralph, ait. 10, 1C83.

John IlornyoUl, only=j=J/«r//, (Ian. of Sir

son, ad fere unius ann. Pli'r-t Mosii/ii of

1683, ol,.1771. Tiilocrr, CO. Flint.

T/ioinun Ifoni/joli/.^^Miiri/, ouhj iloti. uf ... (I dau., Miji: Chndes

Jiirliiinl Tuwidi'ij of Budi'.Hhaui of Mul/icrinis,

TuwiiU'ij, CO. Latic. CO. Heref., AVy.


Hunt of IBlorkkii, Moh %xMt]i, antr

Hallolu Jfi£l5s.
Arms. — Aziwe on a be/id Mirwii i<i.i:
luvpard--! fuccx Or tln-ff indcr homjds Suhk:

Crest. — On a chapeau Gulnit tnrtu'd. up frniinn n. ttiJImt dtuj datmit Anjfnt ntrs Sahlc.

Hi'iiry Himt^pAiinc, ilini. of TIkiiii;!.'; I'caufoy nf Mi'itoii

of I-iiiil.'^ey.
Hall ami KliiicscC'to, co. Wanv.

1. Tlioina.s, and •">.

(Jlmjij^i' Hunt (if=p('atln'rin(', daii. (if

Lind^cy anil Hallnu- I'licnias Fiiliutt of

2. Henry, olj. i^.j). iiclds, co. Wuc Pirton, cu. Wore.

Ilenrv Hunt of=i=... dan. of Koliert de Francis Hnnt, to whom his

Lindscy, p'ish of Clongh of Alihot's father E^ioek, in the
lnkl)arrow. Morton, CO Wore. .

p'ish of Inkbavrow.

Thomas Hunt=|=... dan. of ... Cookes 2. Henry Hunt,

of Lindsev. I of Tardebij.'. see Hunt of Hallow Fields, a, p. 63.

Henry Hnnt=j=Aliee, dau. of ... Aleworth of Mor-

of Lindsey. I ton Hall, p'ish of Inkbarrow.


Thomas Hunt of^pElizubeth, divu. of Thomas Henry of IJeau

X* \ 7. T *
ir-..i *
e T..1.1 .... .1 -/"^
Lindsey, hnrii-ij in. Huband of Inkl)arro\v,
1 .

champ.s Comt, ii'ish of


IiiIiIifiYdir C/i lire//. father of Sir Thoma Alecster, co. Warw.

Hint of IJloekley

1. Heiny Hunt==^Aniie, ilau. Thomas Hunt-=p^lar^'cry, dan. Elizabeth, Julin

of Lindsey, <ih. of William <if Inkbarrow iind coheir of only chil
s.li.,to b(i
liHi-if'il 1 )yson of and afterwards (
leoli'ry Egiock mar. Robert
ill JiiJilicrroic HoUowHelds, of J^indsey, ob. of Sh(!ruock, Haynes of
Church iiciir/iiti co. Wore., circa 1638, ;ct. p'ish of Fee- Clod.sale in

father. Will mar. 1394. circa 93. kenham, ob. Inkbarrow,

ikded 6 Jar. I circa 1663, set. co. Wore,
id Worcester. circa 95.

Isabel, wife of Eleanor, wife of Francis, wife of Anne, 2 wife

William Bobbins Francis Green Henry liallard of of Kaphael
of Shidli'v, '
CO. of I'ransford, CO. Morton Underbill, Hunt of Sto-
Wv.vw. AVcic. p'ish of Inkbarrow. ken liradlev.

Henry Hunt=j=Cathariue, clan, of William Gregory

of Lindsey. of llarloston, co. Xortli'ton, 2 son of
Valentino Gregory of Ilarrodon, co.
Xortli'ton, bapt. 5 Nov., 1605, ob. 6
Feb. 1630.

3. Samuel Ilunt^ =Catlierine, Hannah, dau. of^ -2. Hunt= "Elizabeth, dau. of
of Stourbi'itlj,'e, (lau. of Richard Watts of Wore, John Elcocks of

Attorney-at-La\v, RicharLl of Tithorington, nisy-at-Law, aet. Wore., Goldsmith,

set. 44. Stroud of CO. (Uouc. 46, 1682, ob. oh. 1705, cet. Jfi.

Cradley, 1703, qd. 67. This John Elcock

CO. Iloref., mar. EUzahdh,
Gent. dau. of Edmund
George Hunt, only child, Turbm-vUleofTeir
Henry Hunt, a ^lorchant in Student at Wadham Coll., keshurij.
London, a?t. 20 in May, 1682. Oxon., set. 18, 1682.

Elizabeth, Ureula, dau and=j=Thomas Hunt of=j=Mary, dau. of Henry Jones

aet. 41 and coheir of Robert Lindsey, living of Chastleton, co. Oxon., and
coel. 1682. Chapman of in Blockley, co. widow of Edward Palmer of
Hanging Aston, Wore, set. 48, Blockley, Gent., 2 wife, mar.
CO. Wore, Gent. 1682. at Blocldey, 1666.

1. Gregory Hunt, only child, 2. Thomas Hunt, 3. Henry Hunt,

Student at the Middle Temple, ob. 4 June, 1673, set. 11 years, 1
fet. 20, 1 Sept., 1682. a^t. circa 5. June, 1682.

A (sue p. 62), Hu.vT of Hallow Fields.

2. Henry Hunt of Stock Greenup...

and I'.r.idley, co. Warw.

William Hunt of IluUoway^f-...

in the p'ish of Ilanbury.

John Hunt of=

Holloway Fields.

Henry Hunt of=j=...

Holloway Fields.

Raphael Hunt of Hollow.iy=f=Ui'.-!ula, dau. of Henry Hunt,

Fields Kiid Hlok' fr/-w/(^', I William If awes of see Hunt of St>k(M>;':idley
ob. rh-v.x 1612, xt. 70. I
Solihull, co. Warw. c, p. 64.


Ursula, wife
of Kobert
II Anne, wife
Robert Eleete

Bridget, wife
of Ricliaid of Williiuu
Margery, wife Constance,
ob. nnni.
Kendrick of of tlio City of Minict of liircli. Rector
Xing's Sutton, Wore. .\Lirsbtielil, of Kyngton,
CO. Nortb'ton. co. (!louc. co. Wore.

Henry Hunt of=pJoan, dau. of Thomas Jolm Hunt of J'arkhall,=j=Aune, dau. of

Holloway Field.s, Cooke of Rethnarley, CO. Wore., ob. 1678, Thomas Burlton
ob. 1646, !Bt. 40. CO. Wore. set. 6.3. of Ombersley.

Jonatlian= =Anne, dau. of Sarah, John Hunt Anne, Eleanor, Mary, wife
Hunt of William Bick- wife of of Parkhall, wife of wife ()f ofWilliam
Holloway erton of Eat- J ohn ict. 19 and Richard William Farwell of
Fields, oIj. ington, CO. Bicker- uum. Cave of Hope of Bromsgrove.
1676, £et. Warw. ton of Evesham. Bewdley.
38. Eatington,

Raphael Hunt, William, ict. 12. Henry, set. 8. Elizabeth, set. 14.
jet. 17, 1682.

c (see p. 63), Hunt of Stoke Bradley.

Henry Hunt of Stoken Bradley, co. Worc.,= =Mary, dau. of Richard

2 son of Henry Hunt of Halloway, ob. circa Russell of Fliford, co.
1635, set. 50, et amplius. Wore.

John Hunt, ^
=... dau. Henry Hunt= =Elizabetli, 1. Anne, wife 2. Ursida,

Baker in of ... of Stoken dau. of ofRobert Hunt wife of

Worcester. Bradley. Thomas of Tanworth, George
Haynes of CO. Warw. Biddle of
Feckenliam. Dormeston,
Jolm Hunt, Baker, I I I
CO. Wore.
in Worcester. I.Mary. 2. Susanna. Elizabeth.

Anne, eldest dan.==Raphsel Hunt of Stokenn=Anne, dau. of Thomas Hunt

of John Paget of Bradley, ob. circa 1674, of Lindsey. Vide antea. I

Belbrouditon. set. 60.

Margaret, dau.^ =Henry Hunt of=|=Catherine, dau. of 2. John, and Anne, wife
ofWilliam Stoken Bradley, Tliomas Moore of
of Richard
Heath of Rej'- a't. 64, 1682. Walton-on-the-liill, 3. Raphael, Smithof St.
gate, Surrey. Surrey. ob. ca'l. John's by

John Hunt, Anne, set. Charles, Henry, Catherine,

ffit.l7, 1682. 15, 1682. set. 9. set. 3. set. 5.

1. Hannah. 2. Elizabeth, wife of Thos. Rand 3. Mary, wife of Tliomas Oliver

of Inkbarrow, Blacksniith. of Stourbridge, Butcher,

Kam^s of ^stbg.
Arms. —Azure on a cheiron Mween three lions passant regardant Or as many escallops
Sable a crescent for difference.

Crest. — Oid of a mural coronet a dnni-lion regardant Or plain collared Azure holding
between the paws on escallop Sable.

John James of Astlcy, co. Worc.,= =Jane, dau. and heir of

died at Ti-ipleton,co. Heref., in William Higgius of
May, 1681, ait. 71. Tripleton.

Mercy, sister of= =Hig»ins James of Astley=Elizabeth, dau. of Hon'hle 2. John.

Samuel of
Pi/tts and Tripleton, sot. 48, and Wallop Brabazon of Eaton,
Kyre, mar. 1698. s.p. 1682, ob. 1709, s.x>. co. Heref., living 1682.

loUtfi^ or lolkg of Cofton fall.

Anns.— Argent 071 a pile Vert three dexter hands couped at the wrist appaumeemid
cresi)of the field.

Crest. — An aim crest couped rested Vert charged irith a pile Argent the hand pn'crper
holding a broad sword of the second hi/ted Or.

Margaret, dau. of Lawrence=j=Thomas JoUey of Leek,=j=£lizabetli, dau. of Edward

Swettenliam of Somerford, CO. Stafford, and of Bug- Mainwaring of Whitniore,
CO. Chester, 1 wife. lawton, CO. Chester. CO. Cliester, 2 wife.

... wife of ... Sarah, wife of Mary, wife of Anne, mar. 1 Joseph Parker,
Hill of Hawkes- PliilipShcrwin John Harrison Citizen ofLondon, and after
ton, CO. Salop. of Js'ewcastle, of Leek. to Sir John Uethick, Lord
CO Staff. Mayor of London.

Rebecca, da. of===.Iohn Jolley, Merchant= 2. Thomas, 3. Edward,

Walter Bootliby and Alilerman of Lon- dau. of ob. ccdI. set. Citizen of
of London, Mer- don. 25. London, ob.
chant. coel.

Joane, wife of Robert Gregg . . . wife of William .Tolley of the= =Annp, dau. of
of Hai>iiersf()rd, co. Chester, John Hollins ])()tlioms in the p'ish IJencdict \V(4
Examiner of the Exchequer of Moselee, of Cheadio, co. Staff. of Kiiigswood

Court, Chester. co. Staff. Esq.ob.ll.Iunel669, CO. (llouc. or

set. 8r>. Wilts.

1. Elizabeth, mar. 1. William

Sarah, wife of Mari,'aret, wife Anne, wife of
IJowyer, Esq., eldest son of Sir l^arneyMorden James Wain- Francis Phillips,
William IJowyer of Knippers- of London, wri.L;ht, Citizen Judffe of the
ley. CO. Statt'.,l!ai't., afterwards ^[(^rehant. of London. Shoritt's Court,
to Edward Ashe of London, London.

Martha, eldest dan. of= ="\\'illiam

Tolley,=j=Lady Mary Hastings, dan. of Fordin-
Thomas Foley of Whit- Merchant Lon- ando. Earl of lInntini,'don, andsi.ster of
ley, CO. Wore, Esq. don, living 1682. Theophilus, present Earl, 2 wife.

Anne, livin Cf Lucie, set. 6,

unm. 1682, 1682.

Margaret, dan. of Richard= =1 . Thomas Jolley= =Mary, dau. of Sir Gabriel 2. Benedict
SkinnerofCoftonhy Mar- of Cofton Hall, Lowe, Kt. of Xewark, Jolley,died
garet his 3 wife, da. of CO. Wore, Jus- CO. Cilouc. and widow of at Constan-
Sir l^lward Lyttleton of tice of Peace, ret. Kobert IJucy of Little tinople,
Pillaton, CO. Staff. 85, 1682. Aston, CO. Staff'., died May c(b1.

William Jolley, died in London,

unm. 6 Marcli 1680, set. 23.

William, ob. ea?l. John Jolley, Benjamin Anne, wife of Margaret, wife
set. 13. set. 30 et am- Jolley, :et. Alexander Fitton of Tilston Bruin
plius, c(b1. circa 29, of Gawsworth, co. of Stapleford,
Thomas, ob. ctel. 1682. coeL Chester, Esq. co. Chester, Esq.
ajt. 26.

Monts of (Strhiin %ach-

Arms. — Or a lion rampant wrthm a hordure Azure.
Philii) Jones of Edvin Lotch, co. Worc.,=j=Catherine, dau. of James
Gent., of the same family with Jones of T(jnd<ins of Woobley, co.
Droitwich, buried at Edwin Loch 23 Aug. Heref., bur. at Edwin
1610. Loch 22 Feb. 1604.

Samuel William Jones, 7. Timothy Jones. 10. Richard Jones 1. Cather-
Jones. ob. ccel. — of the Bache, co. ine.
— — 8. John Jones. Heref., ob. coel. —
James 6. Philip Jone.s.
— circa 1664, set. cir- 2. Eleanor,
Jones. 9. Edward Jones. ca 90.

Tlionias Jones of Edviu=pAnne, dau. of Lod<j\vic;k ,(<mc'S.

I»tcli, sou and heir, ob. j
Kidiard liarnos of Ludlow, co.
circa 1630, set. 88. of ... Saloii.

I'liilip Jones uf Kdvin= =

I!('alri.\-, dan. of Jolm Jones, slain Walter Junes
Lotcli, .son and heir, Tlionias Iloult of at Edge Hill, ex of Ludlow.
living 1683, set. circa Newton in 8tokc p'te Kegis.
90. T.acy, co'. llcrcf.

1. Elizabeth, ;et. 58 Anne, dau. of AVilliaui^Janies .lones,=j=Elizalfli

and cool. 1683. .Stanton, Citizen and Citizen and if Robert
Woodmong(,'r of Lon- Eeltniaker of Citizen and Felt-
2. IJoatrix, wif<> of don. London, a't. maker.
James Thompson of circa 38.

Ingtiiorp, CO. Kut-

S(iveral children IClizabeth, Edmund Jones,
iliecl vouu''. died vonni'. Uvear old, 1683.

Philii) Jones, Richard Jones of Edwin=y=Aiine, da. of Ednnind Parlor

ob. coelebs. Loch, ;et. circa 60, 1083. ! of Harsnet, co. llercf.

Samuel Jones,
ob. coelebs. I II II I

1.Philip ± Richard. 4. James. only

Jones, a.'t. — — IJeatiix,
dau., a't. circa
14. ."). 'Hiouias. .). Samuel. l.j, 1683.

3. Edward Jone.s,=pMargaret, ila. of 4. Christopher Jones,^Estlicr, dau. of

citizen of London, i Thomas ISeck tif and Cloth-
Citizen '

Heuiv Lvdeu,
ob. circa 1679. MaidstiMie, Kejit, worker of London, Citizen and
(lent. a't. circa 46, 1682. Clothworker.

lichi Jones of=f=Anne, Beatrix, wife Christoplier Eieanor, iet. 17,
London, Citizen dau. of of Pliaroah
. . .
Jonits, only wife of Richanl
and Merchant, ret. of London. son, born in ISurt of London,
circa 22, 1683. July 1069. Attorney.

Anne, a't. 1 year, 1683.


loit^s of t\)t Iniu^r.

AMS.--^c.o*c/vWrf^^c;/e«m^/treer/r/.cv.. (sliould probably be G'.J.e a cr>m on

tluee rjneces Or ioT Jones
Nothing exhibited but a gold seal of these amis.

John Jones of CJrendon, co.

Hcref.^^Mary, dau. of John
died about 80 years
ago. Aubrey of Grendon.

Walter Jones of the IJower in tlie

p'sh^Lucv, dan. of Ko^cr Wi-"
of Rock, CO. Wore, ob.
1C60, wt. 66. of Odiam, ,o. Hants.

2. Xevill Jones of ;?. John Jones of

Cecily, wife of JFary, wife of Win-
Ramsey, co. limits.
York, ret. circa Andrew Savery cclaus Liliani, an
=r 46 and coelelis. of Pankliani,
Italian, Cha])lain to
CO. Hci'ef. Lord Coventry.

1. Walter Jones of
tlie=j=Elizab(!th, dau. of JCdward l^irtin^ton
Lower, £Et. .'52, 1683. I
Rector of Rock, livinrr 1683.

Walter Jones, PBt.

Edward. John, aMar\', .Viiue,
circa 14, 1683. set. 12. iPt. 3. a>t. 17. let. 16.

liti^ijt of Moh prior.

AuJis —T/irtf br.njlifh irithhi <i honlnrc and on a raiif,„i a sjmr
CnKST.~-yl ,k'i,/i cai/i'e
rUiiiii n-lth a xjmr on it.-' hca];.

No coIouKS >nark«l. All that wa.s

produced wa.s a pajKT of tluao arms' without colours, neither
IS theie
anything to be found to justify the bearing of the same.

H(Uiry Knight of Stok(' I'rior, co. Worc.=j=. . .

tcnii). Y\\, a younger son of the


Knights of Danbury, co. Oxon.

Stephen Knight. =i=Agnes Heller.

Henry Knight. =j=... dau. of ... Wiecler. William



Stephen Knight of Stoke Prior,= dau. of Francis. William. John.

ob. circa 1632, jet. 82. Cooke.

! 1
Stephen Knight of Stoke=j=Anne, dau. of Richard Knight of Swinford
Prior, ob. eiica 1674. ... Ihickwell. Regis-, eo. Stall'.

1 I

1. Henry Knight, Aniphillis, =2.RicliardKniglit= . . . dau. of

a Capt. in tlic wife of dau. of dan. of of Stoke Prior, . .. Bolton.
service of 'King John Crab Knight. Stanley. Hit. circa .50.
Chas. I, ob. coel. of Broni.s-
William, Richard. Several children.

Franci.sKnighl=j=Mary, dau. of 2.Judith,wife of 3. Elizabeth, wife of John
of Stoke Prior, Thomas Allen Tliouias Lilly Partridge of Worley Wigoni
*t. 60, 1682. of iJroitwich. of Stoke Prior, co. Wore.

Stephen Knight, 2. Francis, 3. Thomas, 1.

eldest son, c-et. 28, £Et. 27. wt. 13. —
Isabella, ]

and cu3l. 1682. 2. Mary. |-

AH living unm.

3. Ainic. j

Ingcin of ^aDrfsM&.
AhJIS.— Anjriit lira liiiii^ hiissiiiif (hiiililr nncitcil (liilcS.

Chest. — A xarnaucn h<uil iiffniiiii''t: praper n-ffntlti'd Aiyn/.

SirWillJMni ]jy<^iin=f=J'J/i::'ihr//i ,
iloi. i>f
of ^ladresliekl, co. John I'll' i/il I'll I
Wore, Kt. .. I'D. lii'.rkg.

William Lygon=f=^rary, dau. of Sir .lolm Lygou Mitrij, wlfi' Margaret, mar.
of Madreslicld, Francis Egiock of of Lincoln of Ilininj Thomas Moore
Esq.,ob.29 Jan., Egiock, CO. Wore, Coll., O.xon., Urinitli'ij iif of the Family
1680, set. 68. Kt. and lu'ir to ob. unm. UptllH-llll- of the Moores
her brother .John, Si'i'i'i'ii. fif
Liudley, CO.
ob. imS, td. ')!!.


1. Willium Lygon, Bridget, youngest- 2. Richard Lygon of=Anno, dau. of Sir

eldest son, oij. inf. dan, and coheir of Madresfield, Esijl, Francis Kussell of
Jolni Lisle of Mo.x- <et.45, 1683, a Caji- Stren.shani, co. Wore,
4. Edward Ly,i;oii hidl, CO. A\'ar\v., j
tain iu the Militia Uart., 2 wife, living
of the Middle Tuiu- lOsc]., 1 wife. of Worcestersh., ob. 1683, ob.l735.
ob. I(i87. =2 to ...
= 3 fuSIr Jvlni Cri/ht'

of EbiioiT, Glor.
5. Tliomas Lygon, William Lygon, only
livin" imm. 1683. child, ob. young.

6. George Lygon, 1. Mary, living 2. Elizabeth, 3. ]'>leanor, Anne, wife of

the Middle Tem- unni. 1683. wife of John living ninii. lOdward Bull of
ple Barrister, ob. AValshani of 1G83. Hollow Park,
cael., ob. IGSO. Knill, CO. He- CO. Wore, ob.

Toi.,oh. 1074. 1707, will dated


Margnrd, dan. ni/.d hirii-=f3. William Ly un, a jfrocer^ ^Klizabetli, dau. (jf ...
of Tlioiii(t.f Corby II (if/f/ill iu ISread St. Londou,a't. 41, Bridges, Citizen of
End, born 1058, mar. 1 683, ob. 1720, wt. 79, bnrivd London, died s. \i.
1688, oh. 1699. at Mulcrrii.

Thimms, horn William Lijiion,=Marfi'(r(;t, dau. o/=2. Pliil/ji,

1696,ob.l711. born 1691, ob. Gharb'.f Govhi>f of jirdEnrlof
J 710. Woriy'tcr. Ilardicivli.

c n*iu^].
CorbijH L!i<jon,=^Ian<\ dun. o/ l^wir Manjun't, 'mar.=f=l{i'ijii/alil Pijndur ff^ .IJT,^
mar. 1707. Talb-ii of Cormt 1713, ob. 1736. of Kl'inillrlJ, CO. CiU: 3?
(iordni hllkMvrccr.
= J. . .
Biddaliih (tlonc, 1 hitsb.

of Lalbiiri/.
.}f(iri/oref, ab. .•./i.

Wcitman Wi/n.-=j=l'<'nrlopi'. Pliilip. l{i'</in'dd,=^Sii!<aniia, William.=j=Kidlif.'riiu;

...~i( ..*• 71.'..., ^,.,'.7. fl,„ ,7,,,, ..J--
nlatt of Dijtn

took till dau. of dan. of ..

or/,: \i/
nainr of William Baker.
k.j Lt.fHi', till' Wi/nnia/l'< if Lijijon: Ilanmnr
Stan foil, CO. (rloiu:, and ofBdtrA-
of (Juitiiiij Ciriiiii/i\ I
field,Flint. lifijinuld. Katlivrine,
wife of
Baker of
William, M.P. for=^Gath<;rine,dan. Elizahef/i.=Jolin Yor/,-i; .j-tli
Worc'-derahire, cre- of Jami's Dcnn Kon of Loril
ated liaron, Bran- Hardwicli.
clianqi ofPoicicI; and
Earl Beancliamp.

^arst0tt of Hall Olmtt.

Arms. —A chevron dan'teltec Ermine hetween three fieurs de lys.

Crest. —A demi-hoar.
All that was produced was a gold seal, but see C. 30, Vincent's Worcestershire, but this
family doth not join to them, therefore better proof must be made.

John Marston of the Hall Green=f=Isabella, Executrix

in the p'sli of Yanlley, co. Wore. of her husband.
Will dated 9 June, 1589, proved
11 Nov., 1589.

Isabel, wife of William John Marston=i=Alicia, dau. of Walter

lionel, son and lieir of son and heir. Rotton of Moseley, co.
Thomas Bonel of Shel- Wore, and sister of
don,CO. Warw. Richard Rotton.

1. Walter Mars-= =Susan, da. and heir 2. John Mars-= =Mary, dau.

ton of Hall Green, of Job Durham of ton of King's of William

oh. circa 1646, ret. Hampton Curlew, Norton, co. Bacho of
circa 60. CO. Warwick. Worc.,ob. cir- Northfield,
ca 1677. CO. Wore.

John ^larstoT), Job Marston of Hall

died youn<,',a;t. Green, let. circa 46 and Mary, set. circa
circa 7. unm. 1683.o6.s.^.i7'W. 7, 1683.

Elizabetli, ob. Thomas Christopher=j=Alice,

unm. set. circa of Stoke Prior, co.
21. Wore.

Jlirnnas Chris^=f=...

John, Jane, gister anil=fEdmnnd Mahepeaee,

oJi.s.p. heir, oh. 17r,0, Esy.fOfPi'nshaiii, oh.
n-t. 63. 1766, <ut, 66.

...=f=... Grc-iiroM.

Henry Gremeold of
Midvern HilL


Arm.s. — A(/// of c/i/hf Ari/i'nf i.dul Gides a lion rampant Salili:

Steplieu Maylavd, Kugistor of tln'=j=...

Dean ami Cha])tpr of Worcosti'i'. I

Thomas= 2. John Maylard of=j=Ainpliillis, Edward May-=

Maylard, dau. of r>ayton, co. Wore, dim. of John lard of Ijondon. dau! of
eldest ob. circa Oct. 1680 Whittington
(in the margin 16.56) of Paiitley
set. .50 vol snpra. Hall,co.Gloc.


1. Stephen. Francis Maylard of=f=Anno, da. of Thomas

Bayton, only child Unrnell of Kinlett, co.
2. Thomas. 2. Eleanor, ob. circa Oct. 1680, Salop, ol). circa 1678.
wife of . . . {et. circa 50.

John Maylard of= =Elizabeth, dau. of Francis, Anne, wife Elizabeth,

Sliakeiduii-st in John Yates and ob. age 3. of Arthur coolebs,
tliep'shofBayton, widow of Mathias Trowe of 1682.
»t. 301 1682. Meysoy of Shaken- Bayton.
hurst, Esq.

Thomas Maylard, set. 3, 1682. John, aet. 10 months.

w^ of ^amlik.
Arms. —Argent a /ess Gules hetioeen three cinquefoils inerced Sahle.

Ckest. — A head quaiierly Or and Azure.


Thomas Meysey of Checonhors,=f=Susan, dau. of Henry Perkins

CO. Wore, had 7 sons. of Hillesley, co. Berks.

Francis, dau. of=i=Martha, dau.=j=Mathias Meysoy=j=Elizabeth, da.=Jb/»* Maylard

Robert Middle- of John Glut- of Checonhors, of Yates of ofShakenhurst, . . .

more of Edgbas- ton of Pensax, died circa 1678. Berks, 3 wife. 2 hush.
ton, CO. Warw., CO. Wore, 2

Esq., 1 wife. wife. Elizabeth, living

John, ob. nnm, unm. 1682.

Thomas and I.Mary, wife of ... Catherine, mar. John Fox of Elizabeth,
Robert, Freeman of ... near Leighton, co. Heref., afterwards went beyond
ob, ccel. Edgbaston, co.Warw. to Thomas Lingen of Leighton. sea.

1 1 1

Andrew, Thomas,

Jleinkri^ of ^t\jmx Mokt.

Arms. — Sable three ixiUcts Ermum ; i>n a canton Aiyent a lion jian^ant Azure.

Crest. — A tiun rampant Azure.

Mr. Newlierie exhibited these arms but he must make better jjroof before thev eau be
allowed him.

Ralph Xewberie, Master=j=...

of the Printing house to
Queen Elizabeth and
Kin" James.

Francis Newberie of Wolfines,=^Mary, eldest dau. of

Berks, died there circa 1651, Sir H(niry Rowc,
and was buried at White Wal- Kt., Lord !Mayor of
thaui, Berks. London.

Elizabeth, dau. =3. John Xewbcrio=Euc\', dau. of 2. Ralph Kowberie= =Anne,

of Richard El- of Twiford, Hants, Michael Cobb of Bray, co. Berks, dau. of .

leyof\Von.stoii, born Aug. 2, 1602, oftheGrange, ob. circa 1673. Clarke.

Hants. ob. circa 1676, s.p. Hants, living
1682. Ralph Newberie.

4. James, ob. unni. 5. Thomas, went 6. Richard of 1. Anne, ob. unnL

at Shacklewell, E.s- into the Low Southwark,
sex. (?Prittlcwell.) countries and mar., but d. 2. Elizabeth, wife of John
mar., but ob. s.p. s.p. 1665. Leigh of Hattield, Herts.

Henry Newberie= 'Frances, dau. of
of Woltines, ob. circa Dr. Thomas Wil-
1670, set. 76. son, Dean of Wore.

John Newberie, D.D.,= 'Dorothy, dau. of Francis New- Susan, wife 2. Sarah, wife
Rector of Severn stoke, William Rogers berie, ob. coil. of Richard of John Mun-
CO. Wore, set. 42 ot of Horton, near 1676, set. 36. Mallet of dy of Henley-
ampl.' and s.p. 1682, Leek, co. Staff. Somerset, on-Thames.
uh. 1685. living 1682.

Henrj' Newberie, a Surveyor Cecily, dau. of Sir William

of Customs, London, ob. 31 Morton, Kt., Justice of tlie
Aug., 1679, a!t. 38. King's Bench.

Henry Newberie, only Cecily, Elizabeth,

aet. 2 et set 7. 5.
80H, ampL set,

Ati3is.—Arffe}tt afess hetwemi time crescents Sable.

For proof of these arms Mr. N. referred to Northamptonshire, where there is nothing to
be found. But see C. 14-50, where the match of John Newport and Anne Newton
John Newport of Welton,-
CO. North'ton.

John NeM-port of Over=^Anne, dau. of John

Handley, co. Wore. Newton of co. Salop.

John Newport of Upper =Eliziibeth, dan. of John Hamond of

Handley, set. 60, 1683. Hainond, p'ish of Kinlet, co. Salop.

John Newport, Edward, Elizabeth, Anne, Catherine,

set. 18, 1683. set. 14. xt 16. set. 15. set. 11.

a^Itntall of Mtmt.
Arms. — Salle on a/ess Argent between two ehevronds three human sculls of the field.
Respited for proof but none made. (See Herald's, rol. vi, p. 92.)

Roger Oldnall of Stone,=

near Chaddesley Corbet,
CO. Wore.

Margpry. Joan.=... Lavrrence. Jolm Oldnall of= =Margery, dau. of

Stone, ob. circa John Taylor of
Jwlith. 1640,8et.40. IFiV? Chaddesley Corbet.
at Worcester da-
Isabel. ted 1643.

3. AVilliani. 5. Edniond Oldnall- =Margarot, daii. of Mary, wife of

of AN'orcestor, ob. Edward Cook.iey, John Smith of
4. Samuel, 1683, spt. 4.5. late Aldennan of Drayton in Cliad-
ob. c(fl. Wore, m St. An- desley Corliet.

Mary, wife of John Joyco, living

Smith of Wore. iinni. 1683.

6. Thomas ()ldnall=pMary, dan. of Edward 7. Frances 01dnalI=j=Hesther dan. of

of Worcoster, set. Cooksey, Alder-
lato of Worcester, ob. John Wihuot of
43. man of Worccstor. circa 1670. Mittou in ILir-

Thomas, set 13. Anne, FninriK, Richard. Mary.

set. 6. born,
John, set. 8. 1683. John. Anne.
Edward, a3t. 7. set. 4. Thomas. Dorothy.

James, set 1^. Francis. Sarah.

Roger Oldnall of= =Mary, dau. of John Oldnall of Hill=j=Margery, dau. of

Stone, CO. Wor- ... French of Pool in Chaddesley Parkes of Sedgeley,
cester, ob. circa Salwarp, co. Corbet, ob. circa 1669. CO. Stafford, Gent.
1670, ajt. 50. Wore

John Oldnall, 1. 1. John. 1. Mary.

only son, ict. —

19, 1683. 2. Anne. 2. William. 2. Anne.

3. Elizabeth. 3. Edward.

Arms. —Azure a chevron Ermine between three


Mr. Paraona exhibited theae arms ))ut are entered in the last Visitation without arms,
therefore these are not allowed.

Francis Pur- Qoodith. Philip. John Pur- Maria,= WilUam Henry=Y'.

fons of Com- SOllKOfOf- mar. Harnson. Lang-
berton. Will fenham. 1579. don.
proved 1598.

Ann.=Clarlie. Mary. Philip Parsons=f=Elizabeth, dau. of Francis. Antony

of Offenham Henry Lanj^'ton of

and Overburv, Sedgborow, co. William. Henry.
ob.l674,iBt.7'9. Wore, .living 1682,
xt. circa 70.
f^UrU-^-^-A^^ «,^^.^ft^^/«.>^-^ *- 5'^/''—
- •3- «»->»••«


6. Francis= =. . . widow 7. Willianv dau. 1. Anne, wife of 2. Elizabeth, wife

Parsons of of ... Parsons of of Roberts Freeman of Edmund Baugh

Clements London, of Bushley, co. of Pcnsham, co.

Inn,aet38, Liiieu Dra- Wore, and after to Wore.

1682. per,©!), circa Thomas Simonds
1668. of Wliiteladyes 3. Mary, wife of
Philip Parsons. Aston, CO. Wore. Henry Holford of
Philip Parsons, Evesham.
let circa 7.

3. Edward= =... dau. of ... John Parsons,

4. 4. Susanna, wife 5. Sarah, wife
Parsons of Robinson, ^sis- £et 42, andunm. of Edward Baugh of Francis Ruf-
Exeter, co. ter of Sir John of Sedgebmrmv, of Shothanger, co. ford of Sapye,
Devon, set. Robinson. oh. 1713, ad. 76, Glouc. CO. Wore.
circa 48, horn 16S7.

Philip Parsons. 5 other children.

1. Giles Parsons^Elizabeth, dau. of John Philip Parsons= -Elizabeth, dau. of

of Offenham and Freeman of Battesford, of Sedgeborow, Hopewell Hayward
Overbury, fet. 51, CO. Glouc, living 1682. CO. Wore, set. of Forthhampton,
1682. 40, 1682. CO. Glouc.


John Parsons, Edward, set. 8. Dorothy, set. 10. set. 5. ... a da.
eldest son, set. — — Philip,

11, 1682. Richard, set. 3. Elizabeth, set. 6.

William, set. 1. Anne, set. 3.

Sarah, set. 2.

^QXitx of i^ap^nbalL
Arms. —Argent afess engrailed Vert fretty Or and in chief three hells Sable.

Crest.—.4 /oa; sejard Or plain collared Vert and lined Argent holding in the fwe jiaw»
a hell Sable garnished Or.

John Porter of Tappenhall=j=Anne, dau. and at length

in the parish of Claynes, co. lieir of Walter Thomas of
Wore. Tredonock, co. Monm.

John Porter of=j=Mary, dau. of William 2. Edward Por-=j=. Edmund Mary, wife
Tappenhall, liv- Scudaiuore of Balling- tor of Worces- Porter, of Willimu
ing 1634. ham, CO. Hereford. ter. di('(l. Turbervillo
of Tewkes-
Phineas and Edward, bury.
both ob. unm.


2. Ricliai'd, 1. Sarah, living 3. Elizaiietli, mar. 3.Edward Porter,=i=Aiine, dau.

ob. coel. num. 1683. 1, Thomas Talbot West Hide of
late of Payne . . .

of Okeley, co. now of Binder's of Eown-

Antliony, 2. Mary, ob. ucel. j Wore, Es(i., and Court, Heref. hope, Heref.
ob. ccel. 2, Thomas Barker
of Gray's Inn, p|~| [J]
Barrister. l. Scudamore. 1. Sarah.

2. Edward. 2. Mary.
John Porter of
Tappen^Alice, dau. and sole heir
hall, son an<l heir, ob. of George Brynsmead of 3. Richard. 3. Mary.
circa 1671, at. circa 52. St. Andrew's, Holborn.

1. Anne, died young. George Porter of=Elizabeth dan. and 2. John Por-
Tappenhall, born sole lieir of John ter, ob. coel.

Alice, living coel. 1 683. 12 Dec., 1651, Parker of Loxley, co.

living 1683, s.p. Warw., a younger
Mary, wife of John branch of Parker of
Best of London. Olney, Bucks.

3. Philip Porter=-Elizabeth, 4. William Porter-=f=Mary, dau. of Rev. Andrew

of London, liv- dau. of ... of London, living Parsons, sometime Minister
ing 1683, s.p. Butter. 1683. of Wem, CO. Salop.

George, an Mary, aet. circa

infant. 1 year, 1683.

f artman of ^stkg.
Arms. — Or afleur de lijx Azmv a mullet for difference.

Crest. — A Talbot sejant Azure collared Or.

Taken from an escocheon painted at Worcester but being the arma of Portman of Somerset-
shire and the pedigree not joining to that they are not allowed.

Pliilip Portman of Somersetshire,

Philip Portman, was a Retainer to the^
Court temp. Mary or Edward VI.

John Portman, born at Ombersleyi= =Anne, dau. of

CO. Wore, but lived at Astley and Robert Hill of
died at Cropthorn, co. Wore. Astley

Walter Portnian of Astley,=j=Dorothy, dau. Jolm Portman, a Major

CO. Wore, o1). circa 1643, i«t. of ... Bourne ill tlie Low Countries,
circa 55. of Ombersley. died there unm.

Thomas Portman,= =
Alice Taylor. 3. Philip. 4. Robert. Sarah, wife
liviu}' 1682. All died qi Roliert

5. James. I
in the Yarrington
service of Areley
Jolm, eldest son, other 6. Walter. of King King's, CO.
25 and coel. 1682. issue. Charles I. Worcester.
7. Joseph.

John Portman of Astley,= =Anne, dau. of Thomas Taylor

ob. circa 1672, £et. circa of Winterfould in Chaddesley,
60. CO. Wore.

1. John, 3. Joseph Port-=j=Eli zabeth ,

4. .Tames Portiuan= Dorothy, wife
ob. inf. man of Worces- dau. of . . . of Worcester. of Ambiose
ter,ob. circa 1671, Bui'fordof Mascal of Red-
ret. circa 24. Wore. dich ill Tarde-
Edward Portman, Elizabeth. children.
died young.

2. John Portman^ =Joan, dau. of William=Joan, dau. of John Temple

of Astley, a;t. 46, Ilui'leston, cousin ger- of Middlesex, a younger son
1682. man to Sir AVilliain of Sir Richard Temple, 2
Hurle-ston of Lauca- wife,
shire, 1 wife.

William and Mary, Anne, aet. Alice, Eliza,

ob. inf. 21,1682. let. 17. ict.10.

^uraljuU of pursIjiiU.
Arms. — Two barn wavy over a all heiul charged with three hours' heads coaiitd.

Cbest. — Out of a dwal coronet a howr'g head.

Mr. PurshuU says these are the arms of the family, and produced only a seal for priH)f.
And nothing apiiearing in justification besides, iKStter proof must be made before
they can be allowed. One Kdmund PurshuU of Elmbridge, c<>. Wore, disclaimed.

ntonian Purghidl of PurshuU Hull in Elinhridij(:,=^Jvaii.

Yeoman. Will lo7'.J to he huried in Doddcrhill
Church. Will at Worcester.

2. John, to have
houxo atKidthr-
— Ann. Ednumd

Pursluill ars=j=AiiiK', daii. of Samuel
of Pursluill Cawdwell of Hope,
minster. Antony. Manjarct. Hall, co. Wore ob. co. Wore.
1651, tbt. 96, h. 1555.

Ednuinil, da. of ...=T=Gerard Piirshull= =Alice, dau. of 3. James. Anne,

eldest soil. Cutchen, 1st ofPiireliuUHall, .James Parot wife of
wife. ob. circa of Eell Hall, 4. John. ...Jen-
(Bt. 80. CO. Wore, 2 ""^^s-

6. Benjamin.
Thomas, Anne, wife of William
ob. coel. Stephens of London. 7. Joseph.

8. Thomas.
Mary, dau.=

=James Purshull=j=Magdalen,daii.

Eleanor, wife —
of . . . Wood of Purshull, ait of John Addis of Daniel Wall 9. CHlbert.

ofClent,co. 50, 1682. of I.yde Arnold, of Kidderinin-

Staff. co. Heref. ster.

Conyers Purshull, Elizabeth. James, Benjamin, Anne,

set. 26, 1682. set. 6. set. 4. set. 10.

Arms. —Argent a chevron bettceen three trefoils slipped Sable.

Roger Rufford of=f=Christian, dau. of John Fido

Sapey, co. Wore. of Standford, co. Wore.

William Rufford=Eleannr, Mathcw Rufford,=p. . . John Rufford of Lon-

of Sapey. dau. of . . . livinp; 1683. I
don, ob. circa 1675.

Joyce, ob. cool.

Francis Rufford of Sapy, ob.-pMargaret, dau. of ... Bridges of Upleadeii,
circa 1678, let. circa 82. CO. Heref., living 1683.

Francis Rufford=j»=Sarah, dau. of Tamerlane= Benjamin, Anne, wife of John

' 37, Philip Parsons Rufford of ob. cojI. Yarranton of Red-
1683. of Oldnall, liv- London, 1680. stone, co. Wore.
ing 1683.
One dau.

Francis Rufford, jet. 7, 1683. Philip, set. 4. Elizabeth, set. 9.


of ^nrkkii. -^^2^.^^.^^./^^^^- A//2.

Arms. — Or on a per pale Azure and Gales
chevron, three roses of tlm field.

Crest. — On a mount and in front of a palm Vert a tree lion statant ijardant Gules.

John Rumnoy,=j=Anne, dau. of

Lnlssley, co. Jolm Berrington Hen4^tar^ . Jk'U.fc/i^

Wore. of Stoke T^cy,

nc\ *
JTAfpf /
7Lf-fuji^. ^.(^ftx

Thoiii.18, eldest==... dau. of 2. Peter^... dau. of Lancelot^= Elizabeth, dau. of

son, ob. S.I). ... Brokell. Rumney. )/''*;4,Heje.s. Rumney. William Coles.
T~r ;^ r -i.urtf^:
fwlui> \ £u.c4:iz. ...dau. of= William Rumney =j=Frances, dau. of . . .

.. Hiett. of Suckley, co. Wicks of Morton,

Wore., ob. circa CO. Heref.
1632, set. circa, 80.

Peter, died. Paul Rumney of= =Joyco, dau. and Sarah, wife of Alex-
Suckley, ob.' 20 heir of William ander Gretton, Clerk
July, 1665, 8et.63. Browne of Bos- of the Spicery to
bury, CO. Heref. Kings Chas. I and II.

1. Marf^aret and 2. Sarah, wife 3. Elizabeth, wife 4. Frances, wife

— of Joseph Skin- of Thomas Lane of .Tohn Oliver
7. Rachel, ob.ccL'l. ner of Pikles, of Tedstciiie, liv- of l!romridge,co.
CO. Hertf.,dead. ing 1682. Heref., dead.

5. Joyce, wife of 6. Hesther, wife 8. Sarah, 2. Peter,

William Hart of of John Ballard living unm. ob. inf.
Bromirdge, co. of Suckley,living.
Heref. , living

. J I

William Rum-= =Anne, dau. of Paul Rumney= =.Jane, dau. 4. Francis= •... dau. of
ney of Suckley, William Kin- of Bromyard, of ...Gib- Rumney of ...
set. 55, 1682.' nard of Leigh, CO. Heref., set. bons of CO. Bosl)ury,co. of Rodmor-
CO. Wore. 48, 1682. Heref. Heref., set. ton.

Paul Ruuniey, Paul.

John Rumney, ait fere 10.
William, set. Anne,
set. 7, 1682. fere 6. ffit. 4.

Husljont 0f llortbhiirh.

Thibaut Eushout, nol)le= Dame Jeanne de la

Clicvalier Aiiglois, vivoit Val en Bretiigne, fille du
environ I'au 1300. Guy, Compte de la Val.

Messire Tri8tan= 'Dame Perenelle Danie Jeanne Eushout,

Eushout, Chev- de Thouars, iille femnie de Messire
alier de <^rande de Louis, Viti- Eubert de Dreux, Baron
nierite. contedeThouars. et Seif>ii'' d'Esneval.

Messire Jean Eusliout,= 'Dame Jeanne du Bellay,

tres vaillant Chevalier. Mile du Seigneur du Bellay,
Prince d'Yvetot.

Messire Joachim Eushout,= =Dame Franjoise de Messire Abel Eush-= =Dame Anne
Chevalier S'' de Gamaches, Volviere, femnie du out, Ch''Gouverneur de Mouchy.
Marechal de France. S' de Gamaches. de Valongue.

Messire Adolph^ 'Dame Gabri- Messire Thi-= =Dame Messire John= =I)ameJaque-
Eushout, Chev"^ elle de Mon- baut, Ch' Jeanne Eushout, vint liiie de Go-
S'' de Gamaches. tigny de la Seign'' de de Sav- en Flanders. deryes bonne
maison de Eioulx. euse du et noble fam-
Salvert. dit lieu ille de Flan-
et de dre Galli-
Carignij. cante.

Messire Adolphe- =Dame Jaqueline Dame Barbe Eushout,

Eushout, Chev'', de Soissons dite heritierede Eioulx,
S'' de Gamaches. Moreul. Saveuse et Carignij
femme de Messire Ad-
rien Tierselin Ch""

Seign"^ de Brosse.

Dame Anna E. se Dame Claudine=j=Messire Adolphe=f=Dame Marguerite

mariaFan 1512 au Chabot, po f. Eushout, Chev' S"" de Theon, 2">^ f.
S'' Nicholas de de Thiembronne.
Montmorency, S"'

de Bours, Chev. Dame Claudine E. femme Messire=.

de Mess. Henri de Niatha Adolphe
(? Nielle), Seign"' du diet lieu. Eushout.

Dame Charlotto=Messiro Nicholas Rushout,=f=Dame Claude

de Lenoncourt, Chev'' S'' de Gamaches et de Maricourfc,
P® femme. de Beauchamp. 2™® femme.

Messire Nicolas Rushout,=j=Dame Fran^oise

Ch"", laissa plusieurs enfans. Mangot.

Messire Franfois Rushout, Rene Rushout,

Marquis de Gamaches.

Messire Nicolas Rushout.

Frfere Gabriel Rushout,

Ch-f de Malta


5. Dame Catherino Rusli- 6. D'"'^ Anne R. Mens"" Jacques Rush = ^Alice, fille et
out nee 25 Xov. IG'SG, nee 10 Oct. 1641, out de North wick en seule heritiere
espuusa 1™ Jean Maynard espousa Guill. la Cont6 de Wore, de M'' Edm.
de Tooting en Surrey et Adams de S]irow- ne 22 Mars, 1643, Pitt de Harrow
de Isleham en laComit^ de ston en la Conte 17 June,
fait liaronet sur le Mont,
Cambridge, Ch'', 2'"" Eras. de Norffolk, liart. 1661, vivant 1683. Middx.
Buller de Shillingham in

Guillaume Rushout, Catherine, nee Jacques Rushout, Guillaume R.

ne 9 Oct., 1670, k Londres, 16 ne 12 Juillet, ne 1 Jan. ,

morut dans sa jeu- Avril, 1676, 1677, vivant, h, 1679, m. dans

ncsse. vivante. cetteheure, 1683. sa jeunesse.

Alice, nee k Montpelier =Edwin Sandys Jane, nee 21 Elizabeth, nee

en France, 2.5 Mai, of Omhersleij. Fev., 1681, 20 Fev. 1682,
1672, vivante 1683, vivante. vivante.
mar. 1694-

This Pedigree from Thibaut Rushaut first above mentioned to S'' James Rushout and his
B'' and S" was copied from a fair Pedigree in Velome with the arms and matches depicted,
...exhibited unto us, H. Dethick, Richmond and G. King, Rouge Dragon, by the said S'
James Rushout, Bart., attested by Henry Prevost de la Val, Esq., Artois King of Arms
to his Catholic Majesty, residing at Brussells under his hand and the seal of his office
-countersigu'd and seal'd by M. Shindertachen, Notary Public, 30 October 1652.

Eussdl 0f ^tr^nsljam.
Arms. —Ardent a chevron between three cross crossletn JitcJiee Sable.

•Crest. — 1. Out of an urn Or a double plume of seceri ostrich feathers 3 and 4, the three
iqrper of the first, the four lower Azure.
2. A demi lion rampant Or holding In the paws a cross crosslet jilchee Sable.
Sir William Russell of Strensham,= =Frances, dau. of Sir Thomas
CO. Wore, Bart., ob. circa 1670, Read Brockett
of H:ill, co.
8et. circa 70. Herts, Kt.

Mary, mar. Wingfield Cromwell, Earl

1 Anne, wife of Sir Elizabeth,
of Ardglass in Ireland, 2 Charles Cotton Thomas Millington ob. ccel.
of Beresford, co. Staff., Esq. of London, M.D.

Thomas Russell, ob.= -... dau. (if Lord William Russell, Esq., 3. John,
v.p. without surviv- Scudamore. survived his brother ob. coel.
and died unm.


5. Robert, 8. Henry, of the Middle 4. Edmond=Mary, dau. of

ob. coel. Temple, Barrister, ob. coel. Russell, ob. Atwood of Wolves-

s-p. ley, CO. Wore.

7. George Russell of
the Middle Temple,
Sir Francis Russell of=f=Anne, dau. ^f Sir Rowland
Strenshara, Bart. mar. Litton of Knebworth, Herts,
Barrister,living 1683, 1662, set. 45, 1683, Kt., oh. 1709.
uum. ob. 1704.
mC cri^.

fu2iflt~ II \.
T, . -.Anne, wife of Richard) 2. Mary, living William Dansey q/'=j=Elizabeth, living
u. [ U^Zji Lygon of Madresfield, oh.)
unm. 1683. Bnnsop, co. Heref. unm. 1683.
\ 17S5 s.p. _ ^
'/Uk> In J

Catherinp, a)iil=f=Johii Ravenhill,=^Siisanna, 2 dau. of

da. Aim, oh. s.p.

heir,ob.l737,mt.36. vh. 1754, vet. 53. Henry Hoare,2 wife. at Brussels.

Rev. Richard Nash, D.D.,= =Franrjis, da. and= 'Sir Charles Trtd)shaw William,
of Olerkenleap, co. Wore, heir, oh. 1781. Withers, oh. 1804, oh. younrj.
oh. 1757, 1 hush.

mbage. of Clwat ff alburn.

Alias.—Argent six lions rampant 3, 2, and 1 Sable.

Crest. —-A unicot-n's liead erased.

William Savage, oh.= 'Ann, dau. of John Knotsford,

1616 of Maivei-n. Sergeant-at-Amis, oh. 32 Eliz.,
oumer of Mcdvern Priory.

Mary.=Sir Thomas Giles Savage of= =Katherine, dau. of Thwnas, George=

Estcourt. Elmley Ca.stle, Richard Darleston lunaticits, Savage.
CO. Wore. ob. ,
ofWormington, co. 1631.
1631, aet. circa Glouc, one of the William,
40, bap. 1581 at Judges of CO. Wales- 1631.
Malvern. ob. 1674, cat. 84.

William Savage, 3. Giles, and John Savage of Mary, wife of Thomas

ob. circa 1 655, Egiocke (see Wild of the Comman-
set. circa 30 et 4. John, Gole^ escheats, ders of the city of
coelebs. died young. vol. 3, p. 137.) Wore.
fee*, cCcOa. .p-Uji . 7 fun**Ai n aA/i,0tu^ ^ fuJct CinMJ-.i^ H&AAnaieJc g^. mb ^ .

iltlcuun. == l^ Vkrtuu^
cf. d Hl
c^iU^ -fcuj-txft^, t/P^ ^LMfe XaiM^j^t^ f^Kfoh^m^,

h 73%. Miu.JctM^>^ m':cuIiU^ui/


S(mA o^ i,l'^tU^'=^*''^'^'^^7^^^J^^ of Ein,i Castle,=i=Mary, dau. of Sir

High Sheriflf of Wore, and aged John Hare of Nor-
59, 1682. folk, Kt.

Thomas Savage of Great= -Margaret, dau. of Sir Philip Mary, wife of John
Malvern, co. Wore, aet. Woodhouse of Kimberley, Willis of Fen Ditton,
38, 1682. CO. Norf., Bart. CO. Cantab., Esq.

Philip, set. Thomas, John, William, Margaret, Mary, Anne,

12, 1682, 88t. 9. set. 6. aet. 2. set. 10. ist. 8. set. 5.

\t\stxxi 0f Potoirk.
Arms. —Argent on a chevron Sable nine bezants.

Cke8T. — A slipped Or.


No proof made of these arms.

John Severn of Shrawley, possessed lands=

in Shrawley and Broadway, co. Wore.

1. John=f= 2. Thomas Severn of Broad-=i=Elizabeth 3. William. Elizabeth.

Severn. way, ob. 36 Eliz., inherited Nash of
lands in Broadway and pur- Martley, 4. Richard.
chased other lands in Powick CO. Wore.
and Grimley.

John Severn, Ward=f=Mary, dau. of

Jane,=p William Sam- Elizabetli, William. to Queen Elizabeth, ...
Laiigley of
mar. bach of Broad- wife of John sold his estate at the Abbey in
1578. way. Savage. Broadway to enlarge Shrewsbury,
that in Powick, 4 .sister to John,
I years old at his grandfather of
John, hap. Christian, Frances,= William father's deatli, ob. 1 3 Sirllenry Lang-
1579. bap. 1580. hap. 1582. Hobtlay. April, 1660. ley.

Thomas Severn John Severn of=rAlice, dau. Elizabeth, Mary, wife of John Walsh
of Powick, liv- Wallop, CO. Sa- of . . .
Bagot ob. cobI. of the Moor, near Here ford.
ing in Wore, lop, Mayor of of Prees,
1682, ibt. 62, Shrewsbury, CO. Salop. Catherine, wife of John
andca3l.,M.A.of circa 1677, liv- Somers of Clifton upon
Christ Church, ingl682. Severn, co. Wore.

1. Thomas. 3. Samuel. 1. Mary, wife of ...

Gough 2. Catherine,
of the Marsh, co. Salop or —
2, John, Montgomery. 3, Elizabeth.
Visit ATlOi^ OF Worcester, 1682-I 87

blkg of Epton an ^tbttn.

Arm8. —Argent a chevron between three sole fish.

Entered in the last Visitation without colours.

John Solley of Smite, p'ish=

of Warndon, co. Wora

... (la. of . ="Williiini Solley of^Martha, daii. of Humphry Solley 2. John

Walter of Horde8loy,eo. Wore. Richard WiLioii of Smite, eld(wt Solley,
Bordesley. living aet. 63 and of liordosloy in son, ob. ecul. ob. ctsl.
s.p. Tardebig. circa 1647.

Mary, dau. of= =3. Thomas Solley= -Mary, dau. of Thomiis Elizfibeth, wife of
WilliamSheriff of Smite, (et.60, Thorley of Holt, co. Tristram Holton
ofWarndou,eo. 1683. Wore, and widow of of Hippesley, co.
Wore ... Foliot of Powyck. Wore.

Thomas Solley Humphry Solley= =Sai'ah, dau. of Mary, mar Thomas Barber of
of Smite, eldest of Upton on Se- Geo.Alseabrook Bacheley (? Birchley), and 2
son, set. circa vern, set. circa 32. of ^v'ottinf'ham. Edward Solley of Bewdley.
44, 1683.
Elizabeth, wife of John Hill of
Bennets in the p'ish of Keyn-
ham, CO. Salop.

^olkg 0f oEorast^r,
Abms. — Vert a chevron per pctle Or and Guleo hetioeeii three sole fi^h Argent.

Crbht. — On a a crescent Oi' solefiih Argent.

Mr. Solley produced a pedigree with thes arms painted upon it, but there must better proof
be made before they are allowed. See C. 30,100.

George Solley of Orlton, p'ish of Eastham, co.=

Wore, descended from the SoUeys of Hinlip.

1. George. 3. William. Edmund Solley, born=f=Cecily, dau. of 2 dau's.
at Orleton, died circa ... Marten of
2. John. 4. Richard. 1631, set. 78. Bugden, Hants.

William Solley=j=Alice, widow Anne, wife of Tliomas 3 other dau'rs all dead.
of Wore, of William Coningsby of Morton
Bagenal. Baj^ot.

Alice, wife of Henry William=j=l)orothy, dan. of

Johnstone of Wiuk, Solley. Robert Wdde of
CO. Wore. Coniaunders.

Anne, wife of Francis ... of Wottoii,

CO. Salop, now living in Wore, 1683.

Margaret, dau.=i=F.(l ward Solley=j=Mary, dau. of=p]lizabeth, dan. of=j=... dau. of

of John Street of Wore., Al Rowland Ho])(! and widow of and widow of
of Worcester, 1 dernian, eet. 81, of Mathcrn, co. ... Cave of Wore,
wife. 1682. Wore, 2 wife. 3 wife. of Wore, i
5 children,
all died youni% Edward, ob. young.

Edward, Thomas Solley, George Solley,=T=Mary, dau. of Robert, Elizabeth,

ob. cu3l. died in Virgi- now Mayor of John Hough- — wife of Al-
nia, married Wore, ;et. 43, ton of Wor- Mary, dermanPow-
there, but died 1682. cester City. — ell of Wor-

s.p. Richard, cester.


eldest son, aet.


William, George,
II Thomas,
died young.

aet. fere 14.

fere 8. »t. fere 7. ;et. 4. set. 2.
fere 12, 1682. Elizabeth, aet. fero 13.
(See Jewitt's Keliciuary, xviii, 207, and xix, 28).

Xancy, aet.

mit^ of itckwi.
No arms exhibited, but see pedigree of Sqlley of Upton- on-Sevem, and C. 30, 100.

John Solley of BewdIey,=f=XJrsula, dau. of ... Hill

CO. Wore of Silton, co. Salop.

John Solley of-j=Mary dau. Ursula wife of Joyce, wife Henry Solley of=

Bewdley, ob. of Thomas Thomas Wilde, of Walter Bolas, CO. Salop, dau.
circii 1652, aet.
Boylson of Alderman of Pooler of Clerk. of...
circa 60. Bewdley. Worcester. Bewdley.

Thomas Solley of Hartlebury, co. Sarah, and other

Wore, Clerk, mar. but ob. s.p. children.

Edward Sollcy Thomas Solloy, Mary, wife of Sarali, wife of Elizabeth, wife
of Kil)bonliall, soiiictiine of Loii- Ricliard Wal- Tliomas Wells of Tlioiiias
CO. Wore, liv- don, Citizen aud ker of Onihnry, of Stoke Prior. ]!aldwiu of
iii" 1682. Salter. Salop. Kidderminster.

John SoUev of P>ewdley,=pCatherine, dau. of Richard

ffit. 60, 1682. Horton of Xorthfield.

Joseph Solley, set. Thomas Sollcy, Mary, died Elizabeth, mar. John Bourne
21 et ampl. ccel. a3t. 19. unm.,ret. 17. of Acton Hall, co. Wore.

Elizabeth ,=f^ o\\\\ SoUoy of Lickhill,=j=Anno, dau. of Thomas, Lord Foliott

dan^ of . . . CO. Wore, set. 25, 1682. of Lickhill, ob. 1696, cet. Jfi.

Humphrii, ob. 1700, Rebecca, only child, set.

(et. !) months. 10 months, 1683.

^jptar 0f ^iam.
Arms. — Sdhle a fess embrittled between three lions rampant Or.

Crest. — A round tower embattled and cnpolu Are/ent.

Granted to Kobeit Spicer of Kimptun, co. Warwick, Esq., Surveyor of her Maj'a FortiBcitions
of Berwick by Cooke Clarenceiix, 4 Nov., 1501.

John Spicer of Somersetshire. =j=...

sic. William Spicer of Knapton (Naptoii), co. Warwick, Esq.,=j=...dau. of... Griffin
Survevf.r of her Maj's Town and Fortification of Berwick, of London.

William Sjiieer of Warwick, Deputy Recorder=j=. . .

circa 1620, ob. circa 1622, set. circa 46.

William Sjjicer, Vicar of Stone, co.=j=Ursula, dau. of John Riigoley

Wore, ob. circa 1659, set. circa 70. of Warwick, died circa 1603.

. . 1

William Spicer, =f=Catlierine, dau. of Jasper Griffin, John Spicer=^Sarah, dau. of

Vicar of Stone, Rector of Churchill, co. Wore, of Xeweiit, JohnS|)il.sbury
set. circa 62,1683. living; set. circa 42, 1683. co. of
(Jlouc, Hiyhinton,
set. circa 5 1 . CO. Wore.
W illiam
.. I.

Spicer, only son, Bridget, Elizabeth,

aged 2 months, 1683. act. 7. set. 5.


Sutton of %xthisn.
No arms exhibited nor aiivHiin<!r (o be found in Notts.

William Sutton, D.D., Chancellor of Glouc.-=j=Catherine, eldest dau. of

and Rector of Bredon, eo. Wore, descended Myles Smith, Bishop of
from Sutton of Aram (Averhani), co. Xotts. Gloucester.

Elizabeth, dau. of=i=Henry Sutton, D.D.,=j=Dorothy, dau. of

John Prideaux, Rector of I>ieedon,only William Brydges of
D.D., Bishop of surviving son, a;t. circa Tibberton,co. Heref.,
Worcester. 55, 1683. Esq., 2 wife.

Catherine, wife of Anne, wife of Theodosius Marshall Arabella,

John Beard of John Abbott of Sutton, ajt. Sutton, a^t. 16.
Glouc, Clerk. Glouc, Clerk. 18. at. 14.

Myies Sutton, M. .\., Rector- =Anne, dau. and en- Several other
of Abingdon, Berks, ob. circa heir of Myles Cleut children who
1680, ret. 32. of Glouc, Gent. tiled unm.

Prideaux Sutton, Clent Sutton,

set. 6, 1683. died young.

Mmh of WiovctsUt,
Arms :
— Or a cJieumii hai'vij iiebahj of six Ari/eitl and Az'ik halween 3 stags courant

Mr. Swift produced these as tha amn of hi.s family, bat they were granted to Uobsrt Swift
of Rotherham iu Yorka by Sir Gilbert Dethick, Garter, 1561, therefore not allowed.


Abigail, ob. umu. Charle-s Swift

ilartha, wife Mary, wife; Sarali, wife of 4.

of Artluir of Eihvanl Hercules Un- of London, Ha-

Abigail, ob.
5. inf. berdasher, ast.
Hart, Esq., rhilleyof... ilerhill. Esc].,
Sheriff of near Brom- eldest sou of 21 and nnm.
Bristol, 1681. yard, CO. He- Sir William 3. James, ob. coel.
ref. Underhill of
Idleycot, co. 4. John, ob. ca>l.


William Swift of=j=Mary, dan. of ... Steel Sam\iel Swift of=Sarah, only dan. of

Worc.,I)rai)er,a't. of London, a brother Wore, Grocer iet. Thomas Shcwriiig of

25, 1682. of Jud"e Steel. 23 and s.p. AVorc., now Sheriif
of Wore.

William Swift, ai-t. 3, 1682. Martha, ret. half-a-year.

Wa^lox of ^oxhm^.
Arms.- —A lion rumpant over all a bend charged loith three eseaUop>>,

Cbest. —A (love rising.

No coloui-n.
These arms taken from a iwper but iio proof made.

William Taylor, whose father caTne=(=

out of the Xorth and was servant to
the Bishop of Wore, temp. Hen. 8.

Henry Taylor of l)arn--f=. . . dau. of Ralph Taylor of Banigrcen.

green, near Alchurch, Badeger of
CO. Wore. Wore.
7 .sons and 1 dau.

Ralph Taylor of Fockbury= =Anne, dau. of John Thomas Taylor of= j=... dau. of...

(Foxberry), near Broms- Bache of Tanwood, liarngreen, living Sedgwick of

CO. Wore. »t. 80, 1683. CO. Stafford.
gTOve,ob. circa 1670, iEt. 68.

4. Francis Taylor, a Fac- 1. Anne, wife of John 2. INIary, wife of Thomas

tor in Virginia, died Middlemore of Haux- Culcheth of Wattenbury,
there, circa 1670. low, CO. Wore, Esq. CO. Warw.

John Taylor of=j=Catherine, dau. of John Barnes- Henry Taylor of Ricliard Tayloi
set. ley of Barnesley Hall in Broms- Great Queen'.s of St. Giles ir
44, 1683. grovc, CO. Wore. Street, London, the Ficld.s,Loi.
Distiller, ;et. circa don,andof Ta^
42,thricc married. jjeldiall, CO.

Catheriue, aet. 16 Anne, Worc.'T=

and unm. 1683. ob. inf. J

Ahms. — Enniiie fi'ctt// and a chief ijiilen.

Ckests. — An heraldic Hger sejant Argent vtaned and tufted Sahk seviee of pellets.
A fox statant proper.
Jolm Thornborougli of Salisbui'y,=j=...
younger brotlier of John Tliorn-
boi'ough, Bishop of Worcester.

Thomas ThornV)orough,=f=Rose, dau. of Giles Thornborough, .. .wife of Emmanuel

eldest son. ... remar. ... Prebendary of Wore, Smith, Parson of Har-
Knightley. living 1634. tlebury, co. Wore.

John Thornborough of Suckley, co. Worc.,=j=Anne, dau. Thomas Thornborough,

aged 12, 1634, made liis will 28 Nov. of John ob. ctelebs, circa 1660.
1648, and died sliortly after. Hanbury.

Jolm Thornborough, only son, living=j=Letice, dau. of James

at Suckley, fet. circa 37, 1683. Rosse of Suckley.

John Thornborough, Benjamin, Letice,

set. 11, 1683. set. 10. ret. 13.

f otonsbmti of (Blmkg loktt.

Arms. — Quarterly of 12, 1 and 12, Amre a chevron Ermine between three escallopf
Argent ; 2, Gvles a cherron between three feiirs de lis Or (Ilayville) ;

3, Argent a lion rampant Gides ducally crowned Or

within an orle of cross
rrosslets of the second (Brewse) 4, Sable a
cross engrailed Or (Ufford) ;

5, Gules a cross Argeid witliina hordei- engrailed Or (Carbonel) 6, Argent ;

a chevron Gtdes between three cross crosslets fitchee Azure (Shardelow) ; 7,

Gides a chevron beticeen three lions' gambs erased Argeid all within a
bordure of the second (Browne) 8, Azure a chevron Or between three

swans Argeid (Carlton); 9, Per bend .sinister Sable and Or a lion rampant
counterchanged (Francis); 10, Gvles a fess and bordure engrailed Ermine,
a mullet for difference (Acton); 11, Gules three pheons points upwards
Argent (Bockleton).
Crest. — A stag or roebuck proper armed and unguled Or.
Elizabeth, dau. and coheir^ =Henry Townshend of Elm- =Dorothea, dau. of Henry
of Sir John Acton uf Elni- ley Lovett, CO. Wore, ob. Bright and widow of
ley Lovett, Kt., 1 wife. 1663, £et. 63. John Dobbins.

Elizabeth, 2. John Towii-=f=... dau. of 1. Robert Town- 2. Edward

ob. coel. sheiid of Lon- Smitli. shend, ob.at Ox- and
don, Grocer. ford, circa 1658, 3. Thomas,
8et.l8,andcoelebs. ob. younj,'.

John. Edward.

Dorothy, Joan, mar.

1 Henry Charles Town-
1.Henry Town-= =Anne, dau. of ob. coelebs. Mucklow, Esq., 2 sliend, Vicar of
shend of Ehnley John Dobbins John Glutton of Ledbury, CO. He-
Lovett, ;et. 57, of Evesbacli, Pensa.x. ref., ob. 1681,
1682. CO. Heref. fet. 35.

Dorotliy, Robert Townsliend, Rowland Townshend,=Elizabeth, dau. of

num. Rector of Ilaubury, LL.D., and Fellow of widow of
£et. 26 and cad. All Souls' Coll., Oxon., Hoskins of Led-
ajt. circa 36, now living, bury.
Henry Townshend= =Mary, eldest dau.
of Elmley Lovett, of Thomas Vernon,
iet. 29, 1682. Esq., Reg. of the
Diocese of Wore.

Anne, died an infant.

Arms. — Or on a fens hdweeii two chevrons Gules three mullets pierced of the field,

Samuel Toye of the High Trees=j=>Iargarel, dau. and coheir

in the parish of O.'er Arcley, co. of Henry I^ongmorc of
Staff., ob. circa 1676, ict. 79. Over Areloy.

1. Longmore, 2. John Toye of= =Elizabeth, Joan, ob. Mary, wife of Walter
ob. iinni. Wolverley, co. dau. of ... unm. IJowyer of Kidder-
Wore, ob. 1647. Browne. minster,

I I I !
1. Henry, and Jonathan Toye of Thomas Toye=fvrane, dau. of 4. Samuel.
Wolverley, mar. 2 of Rameslev. Xicliolls
3. Samuel, wives and hath of CO. Salop. Sarah,
ob. unm. issue by both. died young.

1. Samuel. Margery.


aI ,

Eleanor, dan. of=j=5. Henry Toye=f=Erances, dan. of Elizabeth, wife

Thomas Cave of ofKidderniin.ster, George I'riilgnian of Thomas Long-
!Martley, co.Worc. , Attorney-at-Law, of ISymplislield, move of Eames-
wife. ae.t fere 49, 1683. CO. Gloc., Esij., 2
(lent., 1 ley, CO. Salop.


John Twitty of= =Elizabeth, dau. of Richard 2. Robert Twittp =JIary, dau. of
cir- WingfieW, a younger brother of Langar, Xotts, ... Ridgway of
ca 166G, vet. of Wingiield of Leoi)aril, ol>. circa 1669, ret. CO. Salop.
circa 5o. of AVardenon, co. \^^orc. circa 53.

Mary, dan. of=j=John Twitly=... dan. of John Twitty, Jonathan Elizabeth,

Ricliard Wing- of St. i\Iar- Walter Minister of Twitty of unm.1682.
iiekl, and sister tinsbyWorc, Thomas of Wath,co.York, Leominster,
of Elizabetli ict. circa 40, Clayues, 2 livingand mar. co. Hcref.,
above named, 1 168-2. wife. 1682. a Proctor
wife. in the Ec-
... a dau., and oidy clesiastical

child, set. circa 10. Court, unm.


Mai-gery, dau.= =3. Thomas Twitty= =Elizabcth, dau. Elizabeth, wife of Alice, wife
of William of Ciaynes and of of Kev.Thomas Thomas Norris of of Thomas
Burford of Wore. City, one of Taylor, Rector Ciaynes, a younger Eythern of
Wore, and the rulers of Clif- of Leigh, CO. brother of Richard Cradeley,
widow of . . . ford's Inn, and Wore, 1 wife. Norris of in the
. . . CO. Ileref.

Symonds of Clerk of the Peace parish of BlocJdey.

Wore, 2 wife. for Wore, aet. 59,
23 July, 1682.

Thomas Twitty= =Hesther, dau. of Ceorge Twitty of Worc.==Anne, only dan. of

of Lincoln'sinn, William IJryd- City, Clerk of the Peace Tlios. Symmes of
set. 22, Jan. ges of Tibberton, for CO. Wore, on the ro- Whitelady Aston,
1681. CO. Plerof., mar. signation of his father, co. Wore, Esi[.
1680. ret. 31, Sept. 1682.

1. John Twitty, a Student in Christ Elizabeth, living

Ch., O-Kon., ob. c(wl. 1680, iut..23. unm. 1682.

i^gas 0f tWioxttsttx.
No armcs exhibited.

Tijas.=^Anni', dau. of ... ah. KiSo.

(et. 93, hiir. id Povicl:

Sir Daniel Tyas, knighted at Worcester by=T=Elizabeth, dau. of ... Johnson

K. Chas. I, in tlie time of his Mayoralty, of tlic City of Worc.,o//. /6'~<y,
circa 1615, ob. 1673, ret. 87, hur. at Pon-'irl;, ait. ferr SO.


1. Daniel, and 1. Elizabeth, 2. Ilannab, wife Winifred, wife Awdre}', wife

Avife of Joliu of Kicliai'd Sher- of Joseph Jack- of William Bar-
3. William, Joucs of Lon- man of Wore. son of Clun, CO. row of Wore,
ob. coel. don, M.D. Salop, Clerk. Clothier.

Isabel, wife of William Col- Anno, wife of James Brown

lins of Wore., Apothecary. of Wore, Apothecary.

Thomas Davies= =]SIary,one of 3 dau's of Jolin=j=John Tyas,Esq. =Margaret, dau. of

of Droitv/ich, 1 Talbot of Okeley, co. Wore. Alderman of Robert Skinner,
husband. and sister of John Talbot of Wore., iet. circa Bishop of Worces-
Okeley who died s.p.m. (he 47, 1682. ter, living 1682,
lefta dau. and lieir, Olive, who 2 wife.
died s.^h)

..., a dau. 1. Penelope, Elizabeth, dau. and heir of her Daniel Tyas, set. 11.
ob. s.p. ob. 1666. mother and coheir with her two
— aunts of Olive Talbot, dau. and John Tyas, ffit. 19.
2. Mary, ob. heir of John Talbot, son of
inf. Jolm Talbot of Okeley above Frances, a;t. 12, 1683.
mentioned, living unm. 1683.

fctton of ||anb«r^ anli Morast^r.

Arms. — Or on afe^s Azure three r/arhs o/ the field in the centre chief point a croxH
crosslet Gules.

Richard Yornon, Rector=j=...

of Ilanbury, co. Wore.

1. Anne, wife Frances, wife of Richard Sarah, wife of Elizabeth, wife

of ... Whee- Charringworth of Stoke .
Rowney of
. . of Nash of
. . .

ler of Ast- Prior. Dorcoat, co. St. Peter's, near

wood. Wore, i.e., Droitwich.

Marj', wife of ... Tris- Darlingscote
tram f)f Belbroughton. in Tredington,
CO. Wore.

Alice, wife of Ursula, wife Ilumfry Ver- Richard=f=. . .

Henrij Izod, of ... West- non, some- Vernon.

Parson of Stan- coat of CO. time ALayor
ton, CO. Glouc. Wore. of Worces-
ter. Richard. John.


Richard. John, William,


Edwiuxl Venion= =Eloaiior, dau. of 4. John Vernon,===Susauna, youngest dau.

of Haubui'v, ob. Thomas Chetlo of Kector of Han- of Thomas Holland,
circa 1658, set. the City of Wore. bury, ob. 1681, S.T. P., and Regius Pro-
fere 80. set. 82 circa. fessor of Oxford.

1. Richard Vernon, John Vernon, M. A., =Sarah, dau. of 3.Sarali,wife of William

eldest son, died Rector of Hartley, Robert Wylde Clutterbuck of Bristol.
young. and Arelev, co. of Comaunders
Wore. , set. 49, 1 683. near Wore. Susanna, living in
3.Edward, died Wore, unm. 1683.

Henry Vernon of London, =Mary, dau. of F,ranees

. . .
-Bi/rom Ealon, D.D.,
Citizen and Mercer, ob. Lane, Citizen of Principal of GIoiic.
circa 1679. London. Hall, Oxford.

Henry Vernon, eet. a dau. ... a dau., a Benefactor to

circa 5, 1683. Worcester Coll., Oxford.

1. Richard Vernon= Jane, dau. of ... Thomas Vernon of tl

ie=i==Mary, dau. of
of Hanbury, ob. Carter of Bucks, Precincts of the Col- Richard Hall of
circa 1679, a;t. 63. Clerk, and sister of lege, Wore, Register Ludlow, CO. Salop,
of Sir John Carter. to the Bishop of Wore. ,
and at length heir
and a Justice of Peace, to her brother,
set. 60 et amplius. Thomas Hall.


Thomas ^ ernon ()f=Marv, dau. of Eleanor, Mary, wife of Henry Town-

Hanbury, now resi- Anthony Keck, ob. ciel. shend of Elndcy Lovett, co.
ding in I^incoln's Bamster-at-Law. Wore, Barrister-at-Law of
Inn Fields in Lon- the Middle Temple, and
don, Barrister-at-Law. Justice of Peace.

Eilwanl, Frances, wif(! of .John Bear- Jane, wife of ... Eleanor, wife of
ob. young, croft of Mere Green, co. Baldwyn of Long- Thomas Scott of
Wore. don, CO. Wore. BaiT, CO. Staff.

Mary, dau. of= William \cxnnxv= Dorothy, dau. of George Vernon of^ =...dau.
... Baylies of of Edgiock, CO. ? John Savar/e of Milford Stoke, of .John
Stoke Prior, near Wore, living 1683. £]yiock,and widow CO. Salop, 1683. Wyldo
Bromstirove. of Edtoard Green of Ast-
of Great Abie, oh. wood,co.
s.p. Wore

,.. dau. of Samiieh William Vernon, eldest Several Edward Elianor.

Bowater, Rector of son, ofOoldirell in Kid- other Vernon,
Shrawley. derminster. children. eldest son. Elizabeth.

'Bowater. ... 2 son.


Malls of |3 aimers.

Arms. — Air/ent three hears' heads erased Gules muzzled Or in chief three torteaux.

Crest. — Out of a mural coronet Or a bear's head as in the arms hettoeen two wings

These arms were produced as the arms of Rock,* but there is nothing to be found to
justify the bearing them.
* Sic — Bat I mistake for " Walls nf Rock ;
theij are in fact the arms of Barker, Oarter King
of Arms.— P. J. Rd., 1S32.

... Walls of Palmers in p'ish of=p...

Rock, CO. Wore, ob. circa 1652.

Waiter Walls==Anne, dau. of 1. Alice, wife of John John

4. Eleanor, wife of
of Towccster, CO. Tliomas Browne, Hill of Silvingtou Hall, Guilliam of Rock.
Nortli'ton, ob. Gent. co. Salop, Gent.
— iVlary, mar. 1, Edward
2. Martha, wife of Smith, of Bewdley and
William Handley of 2, Spencer Macaffry of
Rock. Ireland.

! i

William Walls of=j=Mary, dau. of John Car- Thomas^... dau. of John Walls,
Palmers, eet circa ver of Buttow.s, p'ish of Walls of Sallows. killed at Wi-
64,1682. King's Peon, CO. Heref. London. gan,oxp'tcR.

2. George Walls Benjamin Walls of Elizabotli, wife of Rebecca, wife of

nfCh. Ch.,0.xon., Ch. Cli.,()xoii,M.A., Richard Watkis of Richard Corbin of
B.D. ca-l. 1682. now residing at tlie Harloy, co. Salop. Eymor, co. Wore,
Colle-e oi Bristol, Gent.
Jonathan Walls, nnm Mary, wife of Esau
Apprentice in Watkis of Shrews- Hailnah, ccel. 1682.
London. bury, Bookbinder.

William Walls,=f=EIizabeth, da. 3. Jolm Walls=j=Anne, dau of .

Attorney-at-Law, of John Wyld of Bristol, liv- Joy, Minister

ob. circa 1678, ofAtwood, CO. ing 1682. of Chennor, co.
a;t circa 32. Wore. Oxon.

William Walls, Thomas, Mary, at. Anne.

el lest son, set. set. 5. circa 17.
circa 12, 1682.

Malsfe of Stockton.
Arms. — Arijeid u fi:ss between six martlets Siihle a mulli't far difference.

Crest. —A ijriffin's head era><t'd Argent eared and lanr/iied Or a mullet for difference.

Jolm AValshc of Shel(ies-=j=Mar<,'ery or Marf,'arct, dan. of Jolin lilount of Sodiiigton

ley Walsh, co. Wore. CO. Wore, Esc^., and sister of Sir Edward Blount, Kt.

W.-iltcr Walsho, Gent, Jolin Walshe Thomas Walsh, Margaret, wife of

of the Privy Chamber of .Sheldesley a ISaron of the Kichard Rotsey of
to Kiiiij Hen. 8." Walsh. Exchequer. King's Xorton,co.

Richard Walshe, Piiest,==p]'^lizal)eth, dau. of Kohert

Rector of Holt, co. Wore, Xcwbolil of l)Osworth,co.
temp. Ed. VI. Derby.

Thomas Walshe of=j=Anne, dau. uf Kichard Bullingham, Esq., and

Stockton, CO. Wore, widow of .John Sebright of Blackhall, co. Wore,
oh. circa 1640. father of Sir Edward Sebright, Bart.

Anne, wife of Philii) Edwaril Mitton,= Catherine.=f=Thomas Berkeley, uncle

Awbrey of Colleton, bro. to Mitton of to Sir Rowland Iicrkeley.
CO. Heref. Shipton, Salo]i, |

1 husl). I i I

Thomas. John. Maurice.

Edward Walsh of Stockton, =f=Susan, only dau. of Thomas Amies

«t. 55, et amplius, 1 683. of Stoddertoii, co. Salop.

T. Thomas, £et. 24. 3. George, set. 20. Boneham, l.Elizabeth,iet.25. S.Susannah,

— — ffit. 16. — iet. 15. '

2. Edward, aet. 22. 4. Richard, xt. 18. 2. Martha, set. 23.

Mary, dau. of Thomas=pKichard Walshe of =Mary, eldest dau. of Sir

Clempson of l>abbing- Stockton, ob. 1660, Thomas Skrimshire of

ton, CO. Stafford. a;t. circa 63. A(piilate, CO. Staff., Kt.


Theodosia, now Anne, wife of Sebright Walshe=j=Anne, dau. Mary, wife of

r 1 11y-t f-wt-r /~tt .1 n mi • -Tir ii Til
unm. John Cornwall of Wore, Clothier, of Thomas Walter Jobber
— of Buckland, set. circa 45, 1683. Sellers, Aid. of Acton, co.

Catherine, now co. Heref. of Wore Staff.

living, unm. \l/

... dau. of Rer....--=Tho)Has Waltih=SiU!aii, dau. of John Wahh of Rei;. ... Walsh
Parker of Coin- of Worccsttr, Jouas Maiden, Wore, M.I). (f Hullou:
herton, 2 wife. M.D. M.D.


aliop 0f Mirk.
Arms. —A bend and Imnln/v Ermine in sinister diff a talbot passant.

Crest. — Out a mural i>f a coronet wi/cern wings expaiuled.

Walwyn of=[=Joyce, dau. of
Little Malvern, co. .. Kuddall of
Wore. Ruddall.

Penelope, dau. of ... and= =Kobert Walwyn of Brock- 'Elizabeth, dau. of

sL-ster of Sir William bury, [)'isli of Colwall, CO. Herbert Westfaling,
Ligou of ^NFadreslield, 2 Heref., and afterwards of Bishop of Hereford,
wife. Newland, co. Wore. 1 vfiie..

l.JulniWal^ dau. 2.
Riehard=f=. . . dau. of
wyn, eldest of Walwyn. ... Evett.

Elizabeth, dau. Walwyn. Several

and heir, mar. other
Walter White of children.

John Walwyn, Rector

of Snodland, Kent, only
surviving male issue of
Richard,' 1683.

! i 1

5. Edward, Herbert Wal---=i

- - of
6. Humphry, co.Worc, died
both died at circa 1668, set.

sea unm. 72.


Hatson of U^ngduortlj.
AiiMS. — Two Sims a ellii'f Ermine ami in base a coney lejanf.

.foliu Watson of ]5(nigc\vortli=f=...

juxta Evesham.

? Hemnj John Watson of Bradfoiton,= Jiine^ ilan.--^=Thomas Watson

liv(j 162Jf. had issue 7 sons
CO. AVoro., (Ian. of of (lei)r<ji' f IJengeworth,
anil 3 (la's. Egioi!ke ob. s.p., mar.
and sister 1585.
of Alice
1. John. 2. Jolm. Thomas. Henry. Robert. before na-

William AA'atson=j=Alice, dan. of ... E(jioke and

of l!enge\v(nih,ob. sister of George Egiokc of
circa 1635, set. 63, Salford, co. Warw., ob. 1645,
horn 1572. icill dated 1642, proved 16^5.

William Watson,= =Cecilic, dau. John Watscn, a=j=Aune, dau. and coheir
Dr. of Physic and of ... Con- Proctor in Doctors of George Dethick of
I'arson of Sutton ingsby of co. Commons, and Graj'sinn, Esq., eldest
Coleti(,'ld,co. Warw. Heref. sometime Register son of Sir William
let. fere 60, 1683, of the Colh^ge of Dethick, Kt., Garter
horn 1623. Arni.s. Kill}' of Arms.

Thomas Watson=j='Miiry, dau. of Jane, oh. 1683,'

= William Jarret
of l>enge\vortli, William Walter wt. 73. of Aldinijton in
let. 71, 1683, ob. of Norton, co. liadsey, o!>. 1681,
Sit. 77, horn 16 12, iIonmoutli,Esq. wt. 73.
vide man. Inscrip. ob. circa 1663.

I I I i

William Jarret Thomas. Aiojiustin. Jane. Mary.- =Hnmfry Mayor

of London, Mer- of Hope, CO. Ueref.
chant, 1685.

William Watson, an James Watson, Thomasine, Anne, ob.

Attorney in Clifford's living beyond ccel. 1683. cix-l.

Inn, 1683. sea, 1683.

102 visitatio:n of Worcester, 1682-3.

Mary, wife of Joliu J(>phcott, 2. Frances, 3. Jane, Richard, ob.

D.T)., Rector of St. Lawrence living unm. living unm. unm. beyond
ami All Saints', Evesliam, tthe 168.3. 1683. .sea.
oh. 1728, cut. 95.

Thomas Watson, ;vt. 35, and unm. Joliu Watson, an= =Mary, da. of ... Clark,
oh. 76. Parson of .... co. Glouc.
1683, 1716, u't.
Attorney in Glouc.
ob. 1681.

Rachel, dan. of=f= William Watson,=j=Mary, dan. of John Thomas John.

Ednmnd Wil oldest son, aet. fere Hastings of Dayles- Watson, —
lianvj of Reddi- 50, 1683, hom ford, CO. Wore, and set. WiUiam.
main, co. Mon- 1633. widow of Captain 1683.

mouth. John Walter of Nor- Richard.
ton, CO. Monmouth.

a dan.

2. Sylvanus Watson=f=Frances. 1. Thomas Wahon,

ret. 23 and unm. I
it't. 25 and unm.

Thoim.is Watmn Syivaniis. . . . tu have tlie^= Frances.^^Ruht'.rtSpragge
of BetKjaworth, jiidurc of Si/l- Ballard of of Offenhaw..
oh. 1732, id. 34. vanus WaUon Willeivey.
Iter father.

xXU of Morast^r.
Arms. — Anjeut oil a chief Sahle three martlets of Die field.

CuEST. — A lion passant ijurdant Gules the dexter fore-'pav; restinij on an escochcon

Robert Wylde of tlie= =Anne, dau. of Robert

Comaunders, ob. 1650, Stayner of Worcester,
set 55. ob. 1671.

Samuel Wylde=... dan. Edward Anne, wife Dorothy, wife Sarah, wife
of London, Gold- of ...
Wylde, of Richard of William of JohnVer-
smith, ob. 1676, Bridget, mar. twice. Browne of Solley of Wor- non of Mart-
set. circa 40,
s.p, Acton Hall, Brewer. ley,co.Worc.,
CO. Wore. Clerk.

Thomas WyUe of=f=^Iary, dau. of James Robert Wykle of=f=Elizabcth, dau.

the Comauudors in Savage of Ehneley the City of Wor- of ... Dennis,
the City of Wore, Castlo, CO. Wore. cester, rot. -59, liv- Vicar of St.
ob. 1669, set. 47. ing 1682. Helen's, Wore.

Robert Wylde of=Sarah, dau. of Thomas Wylde, Dorothy, ret. 8.

the Comannders, Thomas Dennia, aged 12, 1682.

set. 19, 1682, oh. Vicar of St. He- — Elizabeth, £et. 7.

1683. len's. Wore. Edmund, a3t. 5.

Sarah, set. 4. Mary, a;t. 3. Anne, set. 2. Catherine, a3t. 1.

il5^ ai Mdhxmt^ljUn,
Arms. — Argent on a chief Sable three nmrtlets of the field.

Mr. Wylde affirmed these to be his arras, but they are the arms of Wyld of Worcestershire
to which this pedigree does not join, therefore better must be made.

John Wylde of Astwood in the parish of Doddenhill, co. Worc.=

Thomas Wylde of= •Anne, dau. of John Bevecroft

r- J
Astwood, ob. circa ami half-.tixter of Philip f^ John J
1652, ffit. 98. Berecrott of Meregi'een,co.Worc.

3. riiilip Wylde =
... widow of Thomas Wylde,- Elizabeth, wife
of Droitwicli, co. ... Watkins. Captain of Foot, of of ... Wheeler
Wovc.,ob. s.p.s.
kilie<l in Ireland. of Droitwich,
CO. Wore.
Charles, h. 1650. Richard, ob. uum.

1. John Wylde of=f=Leriott, dau. and coheir of John

Astwood, living ppt. Pagett of Belbroughton, co. Wore,
74, 1682. and sister and coheir of Sir .John.

1. John, Thomas Wyld(- =Mary, dau. of

2. 1. Eleanor, 2. Elizabeth, wife 3. Mary,
died an of Belbroughton, John llobdy, wife of ofAVilliauiWalLs, living
infant.- co. Wore, living al's Lacy of George Ver- eldest son of Wil- \nim.
1682, ajt. 38. Lanchouse in non of Han- liam Walls of the 1682.
p'sh of Fecken- bury, CO. Rock, CO. Wore.
ham, CO. Wore. Wore.

John Wylde, eldest son, Thomas, set. Charles, ait. Mary, Anne,
£P.t. 4, et supra 1682. 3 years, 3 months. net. 9. set. 7.

H^. jH^yntlP^''^^^^ .,

ilmot 0f Hi&trermtnst^r.
Arms. — Argmt on a fens Gules between three ewjles' heads Sable as many escallops Or.
Crkst. An Hiv'com sejant Or.
Taken from an Kscocheon painted at Oxford about a year before, which is all the authority
lie knows of, therefore they are not allowed.

Jolin Wilmot of ..., co. "VVorc.=j=..

John Wilmot of Hartlebury, co. Worc.^ . dau. of . . .

Middleniore, rem. to . . Avenant.

John Wihuot of Hartlebury, co. Mary, wife of ... Bo- Elizabeth, wife
Wore, mar., but d. s.p. water of Kind's Norton. of ... Priehard
of Solihull.

of ... Rotton=]=Mary, dau. of Henry=j=Robert Wilmot of Ward-=... dau. of

of near Birming-
... Partridge of Harborn, end in the parish of Newey and
ham, 1 wife. CO. Stafford, 2 wife. ... CO. Warw., afterwards and widow
of Smithwick, co. Staff., of ...
Sarah, wife of John and lastly of Kidilermin- 3 wife.
Egginton of Robas- Foreign oo. Wore,
ton, CO. Stafl'. ob. circa 1678, eet. 70 vel
I 1
Robert Wilmot of Har-=j=Jane, dau. of James Wilmot=j=Catherine, dau. of
tlebury, co. Wore, ret. William Hunt of Hartlebury, ICdward Cooper,
circa 46, 1682. of Hartlebury. iut. 39, 1682." Minister of Hamp-
t(jnLovett in Birts-

Robert. 1,



mortoii, CO. Wore


2. Love. 2. Mary. 1. Jamo" 3. Edward. 1. Elizabeth.

3. John. 3. Elizabeth. 6. 2. Robert. 4. J..lui. 2. Hesther.

4. William. 3. Olive.
I !

Thomas Wilmot, ^'icarof=j=Joshuall, dan. of Hesther, wife Mary, wife of William

Bromsgrove and King's Joseph Smith of of Francis Old- I'enn of Agljorougli,

Norton, co. Wore, ffit. Sileby, co. Leic, nail of Wor- p'isli of Kidderminster,

37, 1682. Clerk. cester ? if not CO. Wore

dau. of John
Yvilmot, See Ileb(!cca, wife of Ben-

Thomas, set. 8, 1682. Sarah, set. 11. ped. of Oldnall. jamin Taylor of Kid-
derminster, CO. Wore.

John Wilmot of Kidderminster Foreign,=j=Jane, dau. of William Piu.son of

CO. Wore, set. circa 50, 1682. j
Wolverhampton, Attorney-at-Law.

Pinson Wilmot, son=^Iaitha, dau. 2.


John, 1. Jane,

and heir apparent, ofGilbertJu- Wilniot,n't.

ffit. circa 21, 1682, lian of iHid- circa 11. Robert, V ,'
2. Rebecca.
and hath as yet no ley, co. Wore. and I

issue. Mary, J
3. Elizabeth.

tntrsor of %xthtin.

Hprry, Lonl Winihor.=pAnne, dau. and coheir Walter Hickman of Ke\v,=

if Sir Tliomas Rivett CO.Surrey, 3 brother to Sir
of Chippenham, CO. William Hickman of Gains-
Cambridge. borough, CO. Line, Kt.

Thomas, LokI Elizabeth, 2 dau. and coheir, wife Elizabeth, eldest= =Dixey Hick-
Windsor, ob. 8. p. of Andrew Windsor, son and dau. and coheir. man of Kew,
heir of Andrew Windsor, 3 CO. Surrey,
brother of Henry, Lord Windsor, Esq.
above mentioned.

1. Elizabeth, wife of 2. Anne, wife of ... 3. Marina, wife of Catherine,

.Tames Ware, Auditor Viscount Chaworth, Sir Henry Hunloke wife of John
General of Ireland, son mother of the present of Wingerwortli, co. Columbell of
and heir of Sir James Viscount. Derby, Bart. Dailey, co.

AVare. Derby, Esq.

Anne,da.of Sir= =Thomas Windsor, re-. .Ursula, dau. ] )ixi'y Windsor Eleanor,
M^lliam Savile stored to the title and and heir of of Kt'ddit.jli, CO. <lan. of
oi'Thornliill,co. jilace of the antient Sir Thomas Wore., ob. 1681, Konlk
York, liart.,. sis- Lord Windsor, per pat. Widdrington bur. at Tarliick. Knotti'S-
ter of George, 16 June, 1660, was of Cherry- foi'd of
Earl of Halifax, sometime Governor of borne Grange, Studley,
died 22 March, .Jamaica and Admiral CO. Northum- CO. War
1666, bur. at of those seas, and now berland, Kt., sister of

Tarbick, in the Lord-Lieutenant of the 2 Vfito, living Sir John.

Chancel, 1 wife. county of Wore, set. 1682.
.55, 1682.

. . . I I I I

Other Windsor=f=Elizabeth, Mary, wife of Sir Thomas, wt. 13.
2..Thomas, 1. Ursula, a^t. 9.

of I'reodon, co. ilau. and Thomas Cookes

Wore., Esq., sole heir of of Norgrove, co. 3. Dixey, a>,t. 10, 2,Elizabeth,.'Pt,7.
son and heir Thomas Wora, Bart. — —
Turvey of — 4. Andrew, set. 4. 3. Marina, set. 5.
22, 1682.

Walcot,co. Anne, died young.

— —
Wore., Esq. 5. William, set. 4 4. Frances, ait. 2.

menSjOb. July,1682.

Other Windsor, Iwrn


Henry Windsor, Dixey Windsor,


Anne, wife of
27 Aug. 1679, living born in May, in the seafight at Tan- William Anilrc\v>
1682. 1681,livingl682. gier against the Moors, of Southwell,
1681, V. p. Notts.

Minforti of ^stkg.
Arms. — Ardent a rlwrnm hotimcn three qnatrefoih Sahle.

Crest. — Out of a ducal coronet Or a moor's head in m-ccned profile.

Richard Win/ord or=^Elizaheth, dau. of Walter

Wind^ixford of Scqyy, Blount of Axtley, 3 son
CO. Hei-ef., 1584. of Blmnt of Kinlet.

Walter Winford=f=Joan, dau. and heir 2. Edward Winford^^Anne, dau. of

of Adleij, mar. of Walter Stow; of of Leominster. Mohert Perks of
1576. Astleij. Leominster.

John Winford of Ast-=pKatlierine, dau. of George==77iOT7ias Braine

ley, CO. Wore, ob. Hornyold of Bredon, co. of Little Deane,
1637, mar. 160 Jf. Wore. CO. Olmic.

Thomas WiiifoKl=f=. dau. of

. . Walter Winford, William Winford=j=Anne, dau.
of Dunsley, co. Sir Henry died unm. of co. Midd'x. of ...

Staff. Hastings of
...CO. Staff.
William Winford, set.

Katherine, unm. circa 22, 1682.

Anne, dau. of Sir Jolin=f=Sir John Winford=j=Elizabeth, second dau.

r)ridgman, Kt., Chief of Astley, Kt., oh. of Sir Henry Williams
Justice of Chester, and 2 July,' 1682, »t. of (Juerneved, co. Bre-
of CO. GloHc.mar. 1635. fere 72. con, Kt., mar. 1641.

John Winford of l'o\vick,=Dorothy, dau. of William Try

Esq., set 44,ands.p. 1682, of Hardwick, co. Glouc, Esq.,
of Crmole in 1679.\ mt. 22, 1679, mar. lie. 1679.

Eliznhoth, wife of Elinor, imm. Thomas Winfor.l,one nf==...dau. of William Win-

•lolm Ilolindonof 1682. Prothonotaries of tlie ... of the ford of Lon-
'rowle, CO. Wore, Common Pleas, sBt. 36, City of don, set. 36
E«i[., Justice of 16H2, oh. 170.i,(et. 5S. London. and unm.

Henry Winford of=j=Maiy, dau. of Sir Edward Winford. Richaril Winford

Astlt^y, IJarrister-at- William Cookes B.U., Fellow of All ofLondon, »t.32,
Law,'.-Bt. 39, 1682, of Norgrove, co. Souls', Oxon,, ait. and unm.
ob. 1685. Wore. 34, and unm.

John, aet. 6. Elizabetli, Beatrix, dau.

of=Sir 'Ilwma,!i=E/hal>cf/i, (htii. of
— aet. 3. Henry Parhtr \Vinford,set. Tliouia-t Wit mot,
Harry, set. 5. of H(miii<jtoii,co. 8, 1682, ob. Viaii of Broms-
Warw. »'./>. ijrnv., oh. s.p.

Timothy Geers ti/=Mercy, -xt 7, Geo.Draper of Mitton= =Elinor, aet.

Brid(jeSole)-s,He- i mar. 1695, Park in Kvldermin- 8 months.

ref, will 1750. liviwj l?^?. »ter, ob. 1733.


Sarah, dmi. of nioman'Y^ofnas Geem, Georije Draper Eleanm:=j=BiiHham Cald-

Lntwyche, Barrister: circa 1731, of of Aiffwooil in trail of Bewd-
Glasuhampton. Droituich, mil ley, iiL.r. 1731.


Sarah.^Sambrooke Free- Harnett, Bonham Caldicell,=^Penplopr, day. of

inan of Fawley 1777. mar. 1766. Rowland Hill of
Pmi/rt, Biwltx. Bewdley.

Bonham Caldwall of Bewdley,=j=Anne, dau. of Richard Hayling

Mei-cer, ob. 1824, cet 58. of Leominster, eo. Heref.

Bonham Caldwall of Leo- Mary.=fFranciif Woodhouse

minster, ccelebs 1833.

1st son. 2nd.
of Leominster.

3rd. 4th.

Mistiii of ^Ifrtck.
Ahms. Grdes three demi-wildmen fvll faced jrroper each lioldimj In both handx a club
Imidwise across the Imdy and resting on the rlijht shoulder Or.

Mr. Wood produced a pedigree deducing him from the Woods of Shinewoo<l, oo. Salop but, ;

the pedigree being of no authenticity, there must be proof made before the arms are allowed.

William Wood —
of Muckleton, in the=f=Anne,J dau. of ... Wood of EUei^line in
the pari.sh of Hij<h Ercall, co. Salop.
parish of Shenbury, co. Salop.


Anne. Elizabeth. dau. of . .

.=j=Ri(;hard Wood
of Wrough

Buckley of El- ton in Higli Ercall p'sh, co.

Mary. leKline, Salop. Salop.


William Wood. Anne.

l08 Visitation of Worcester, I6S2-3.

Robert Wood=T=Elizabetli, dau. of .. Povey of . William Wood of= ^Mai'garet, dau. of

of Muckleton, tlie Woodsease, co. Salop, sis- EUerdine, set. 60, ...Heath of Uffin-
living set. 64, ter to Sir John Povey, Kt., 1682. ton, CO. S'llop.
1682. Lord Chief Justice of Ireland.

Robert Wood= =. dau. of Mary. 1. William, Robert Wood,

of Muckleton,

. . .

Bostock — and living unni.

aet. 35, 1682. of ... Eleanor. 2. Richard, 1682.
ob. cceL
William. Richard. Lettic

Dorothy, wife of Elizabeth, Thomas Wood of Alfrick,=j=Anue, dau. of Thomas

John Jackson of unni. 1682. p'sh of Suckley, co.Worc, Hayes of Tuudridge in
CO. Salop. tet. 41, 1682. Suckley.

Alexander Wood, 8Bt. 13. Daniel, <et. 9. Abel, xt. 5.-

mrigbt of CBxball (to. marto.)

No arms exhibited.

Richard Wright of Exall, co. Warw.,ob. circa 1652.=j=...

1. Richard Wright= Anne, dau. of Henry, Anne, wife of

of Exall. ... Clo[iton of
— |

I All Martin of
. . .

CO. Warw. Humphry, ! died Stafford.

and s.p.

Aline, wife of Joice, wife of Richard 2. Thomas Wright of=^Lucie, dau. of Richard
1 )r. Acock of Acock's Bitford, CO. Warw., Huxleye of Broseley,
Dean of Wore. Green, co. Warw. ob. circa 1663, set. 74. CO. Salop.

John Wright, Rec-' -Anne, dau. of Thomas Richard= =... dau. Thomas and Eleanor,
tor of Exall, a3t. 53, King, D.D., Rector of Wright of ... both coeL, 1683.
1683. Hmington, co. Warw. of Exall.

— 15, 1683. John,
I l<

set. 10. Anne,
set. 2.
Richard, John.
II Anne.

Charles, mt. 12. Bichaxd, mt, 6.

Visitation of wuKCESTtK, 16^2-3. 109

}Joun0 of J0OI 1ious£, Hankn.

Arms. — Quiirterly Anjint on k. Imud Sdldn tlinv 'jn'Jiiw' linulx cnixi.'d Or : 2, Or
Gules (Youiij,') 3, An/t'iit two (//''rronr/s hdinvit nine nutrflets
thri'f roxeg ;

Sable (Jennutts) 4, Anjent an a /txg Gales hetirreti fln-'C Irares Vert


Mulkeil Or as niaiii/ l>e-:iiiifs (I'iiinock).

CiussT. —A wolf pussiiut Sable.

Sir PliiliiJ Yoiig, of Kaynlwi, co. Sulop, Kt.-=p...

Sir William Yong of Kayiiton, Kt.=j=...

Fi"d.ncifi Yong of=j=Aiiiic, diui. of John Yong of=j=Jau(^, dau. and cohuir of Kiuliaii

Kaynton, Esq. Kichartl Cliarl- CronieDabitot, Jeiinetts by.lanc,lu.s wife,dau.iit'

ton, Esq. CO. Wore. HughWi'ottesluyofStaffordsliiru.

William Yong of Kayutou.=f=Auue, 4 dau. of Sir William Suede.

William Yong,=pSusau, dau. of Kobert
only son. Corbet of Stanwarduie.

William Young of Kaynton,=j=Elizabeth, dau. of

sou and heir. Roger Gough.

Pliililj Yong. William. Mary.

Dorothy, wife««^. William Margaret. =|=... Fowler. Sir Thomas Young, a PrieSt.
of Waller Had- Saunders.
don of London. Ann. Edward Young, killed with
an arrow in London.

Humphry Yong= =Elizabetli, dau. dau. (>/= Walter Young=]= Mary, dau.of Paul
of Crome Dabi- of ...Underbill ...K(joe,co. of London. Dan^ll of l.illings-
tot, afterwartls of Eaton, CO. Kent, ton Darell, Bucks,
called Young's Warw., Esq. I'".S<|.

Henry Yomig.

i I I I I

Edward Young (//j-Eleanor, dau. of Thomas Thomas.

St ration. Aucllei/, j
Harwell of Besfoixi, »<«/. — —

Oxoit. I
cirai loo J. Arthur'. Joan.

John Young, eldest' =Mary, dau. and heir of Walter Yong, 2 son, Anne.
son, lived at Ilanley William Pinnock of died by Cronio, co.
Castle, CO. Wore, Peal House in Hanley, Wore.
and died there circa by Mary,dau. of Richard
1641, »t. 88. Sheldon of Spechley.

Francis Young, \Mlliani Young, Margaret, wife -Marv, died

died in Berks, died at Wore, of John Stan-
unni. circa 106.5, unm. circa 1663, ley of Sussex.
aet. 70. set. 60.

Thomas Young of= =Editha, dau. of Lovell Young of=Dorolhy, dau. of John
Hanley, died circa Anthony Stough- Hanley, died in Fitzhcrl of Somersall,

1657, 'set. 63. ton of St. John's, !March last past, co. Derby, widow of John

juxta Warwick. set. 76, .s.p. Boswortla of Upton, Wore.

Anthony Y(oung=j=rJano, dau. and Dorothy, wife of Francis, died

of PoolHouse in heir of Talbot Thomas Higgins an infant.
Hanley, Gent.,8et Badger of Pool of Eastnor, co.

44, 1683. House. Heref.,Gent.

Talbot Young, Thomas, died Francis, died Richard, died Jane, set. 6,
aet. 5, 1683. young. young. young. 1683.

Citg o( Witxtct&tn,

(In the Visitation thorn are two Coats

of Arms tricked, one, QuaHerlij Sahle and Gules
ori'f III/ a ra-ttle tripMowered Argent ; the other, Arqent a /ess Imfween

till- -p }>i'ors 'inlile ; alsq two Seals, being the Common Seal and the Seal of

the Statute Merchant ; woodcuts of these two last are given opposite the

title, and one of the Mayor's Seal, which is not referred to in the Visita-

tion, faces the next page. The Common Seal is endorsed ex dono thomj:

The antient and modem Arms and Common Seal of the City and Corporation of

Worcester, founded to he a City hy Wolfarius, King of the Mercians, A" 679, Beselius

lieing the Bishop ; many was incorporated by the name of Bayliffs,

years after it
.\ldermen, Chamberlains, and Citizens and in the 19"* year of the Eeign of King

James of blessed memory the same City was incorjwrated by the name of Mayor,
Aldermen, and Citizens of the City op Worcester and at this present Visitation ;

made A" 1682, George Solley, Gent. Mayor, Sir Thomas Street, Kt, one of the

Barons of his Majesty's Exchequer, Recorder, James Higgins, Edward Solley, Edmund
Pitt, Edward Cooksey, Samuel Mathews, and Wintour Harris, Aldermen and JnMiee>

of the Peai-p ; Thomas Shewring, SJierif, Thomas Harris, Barrist(!r at law, Tmrn
Clerk, Tho. Bercroft, and "William Evans, CJiamherlahis of tlie said City.

f be Compann of Witabtts, Mnlktvs mh Hlothms

of Mortester.

(The Seal and Counter-Seal are given opposite the title page to this book ; they are not
tricked in the Visitation.)

Tlie Coinmoii Seal of tlie Fraternity of Clothiers hioorpomtcd by Queen Elizabotli

in the 32° y<':ir of her reign by the name of the Master, Wardens and Comonalty
OF THE Company of Weavers, Walkers, and Clothiers within the City of
WoRCESTEii; and .at this present Visitation, scil* 18 August, 1682, Thomas Higgins,
1/iijh Mnnti'r of tlie saiil Corporation, John Chetle and Thomas Bearcroft, W'anli-uH

„f the WoiiviMs
and Clothiere, Eob't Smith and Eichard Chance, Wardenx of the
Walker.^ and Clothiers, and Eobert Fincher, Glerk of the said Company.

lorongb of ^ksbam.
(Woodcuts of this Common Seal and the Counter-Seal face this page; they are tricked
in the Visitation, together with a smaller Seal, bearing the same Arms
without the legend, and it is there stated that " all these three Seals are

in the custody of the Mayor.")

The Amies and Com'on Scales of the Maior, Aldermen, and Burgesses of the

Borough and Corporation of Evesham, incorporated by King James of blessed

memory at the humble suit of his dearly beloved son, Henry, Prince of Wales,

whereby became
it a Corporation by the name of Mayor, Aldermen, and Burgesses
OF THE lioROUGH OF EvESHAM. The Said Arms were exemplified, ratified, and
confirmed to the said Borough A" 1604, by William Camden, Glurenceux King of Anna;
and at this present Visitation, scil't 16 Aug. 1683, Mr. Nicholas Field is Mayor,
Justice of the Peace, and Quorum; Henry Parker of the Inner Temple, Esq., Recorder,
Justice of the Peace, and Quorum Thomas Savage, Esq., the present High Sheriff

of the County ;
Thomas Watson, Gent., Edmund Field, and Thomas Milward,
Justices of the Peace ; Mr. Robert Martin, one of the three Aldermen, the other two
being vacant by the death of Thomas Jones and John Keighley Thomas Yarnold :

{? Hornyold),
Richard Cave, Richard loung, Thomas Harris, William Lane, William

Riidge, ^lartin Ballard, George Hopkins, William Martin, James Michel!, and John
II(U-ne, Capital Bur(jes!<es, wliereof all but ^Ir. Richard Cave, wlio is Clianihi'rlain, and
Mr. John Home, have been Mayors of the said Borough, and the Right Hon'ble John,
Lord Coventry, Baron of Alesborough, Hifih Steioard.

Sorottgb oi '^xhhtxminsitx.
(A woodcut of this Seal faces this page ;
it is not tricked in tlie Visitation).

The Common Seal of the ancient Borough of Kiilderminster in the County of

Worci^ster, first incorporated by liis late Ma' tie King CharhiS the first of blessed

memory, by Letters Patent under the Great Seal of England bearing date 4 Aug.
in the 12 year of his Reign, and thereby made a Free Borough and Body Corjwrate

and Politique by the name of Bavi.iff and Burgesses of the Borough of Keder-
MINBTER in peri)etnal succession, with power to purchase lands to plead and be
have a com'on seal alterable at pleasure, to have a Bailiff and twelve
imi)l(!aded, to

Capital Burgesses,
which Capital Burge.sses sliall be of the Com'on Council and
Assistants til tin- n.iiiiff ;
To make Laws for the good Government of the said Borough
Seal of the Miiyor of Woreestcr.

E\)t Boroug!) of lEbcsl)nm.

Common Seal. Counter-Seal.

€\it iSorougi) of Itiutierminstcr.

Cuinii: i. ,,..1.

fo faice p. lli.
.ViSlTAtroK O^' WUlRCfeSTER, 1682-3. ll^

and to make assessments for repairing Bridges, Streets, &c; constituting John Freestone
liie first Bailiff, and .itjliu Radford, Ricliard Potter, William Best, John I'ersall,

Elias Artch, William Yates, Robert Green, John Doolittle, Simon I'otter, ^Mlliam
Siver, Simon Doolittle, and William BroWiie, the first Capital Bukoesses ;
Biilitf to be cliosen annually one of the said Capital Burgesses the Muuday after
Michiielmas To have a High Steward, Sir Raphe Clare of Ca\vd\V(!ll ^)eing con-

stituted the first High Stewauu To have an able I^awyer for their Under Steward,

John Wyld, Esq., being constituted the first Under Steward, with power to the
Bailiff and Chief Burgesses to chose five and twenty assistants and so many constables
as they were wout to li ivo ;
To h ive a (jrrammar School which sliall be called the
Free Grammar Schole of King Charles in Kidderminster with a head master
and under master ;
The Governors whereof to be the Ordinary of the Diocese of
AVorcester for the time being, and the J?ailitf and Chief Burgesses aforesaid, which
Governors shall be a Body Corj)orate and have a com'on seal and power to purchase
lands for the maintenance of the said Schole, to chose a master an<l inider master, U>

plead and be impleaded, to make statutes and ordinances for the good Government of

tlie said f^hole; That tlio Bailifl' and former Bailiff and Under Steward shall b;;
Justices of the Peace within the said Borough and liljerties ; Granting and confirming
to the said Bailiff and Burgesses all lands, tenements. Fairs, Markets, iV;c., anciently
belonging to them.

IBnrottgb of IBctoikg.
(In the Visitation is tricked, on a Seal, an anchor in pale siinnoivuted by a fetterlock,
wi'thin the fetterlofk mi the ilcxter mlc nf the amihor a aword erect on the
siiii^ti'r side of fh'- anchor a rose. Legend, Sigillum : libbrtatis : burgi :

DE beauuklby.
: An impression of the Common Seal now in use has bi,en

kindly furnished by Ma
R. Hemingway, Town Clerk of lii^vdley

(wliicli is not now forthcoming),

it corresponds with the older Seal

except that beaudeley is spelt Bewdley according to modern usage.)

The Common Seal of the Borough of Beaudeley in the County of Worcester, first

incorpoTiiteil by King Edward IV, being a Member of the Ivirldom of Manh, and
again incorporated by King James of blessed memory in the 3rd year of his icign by
the name of Bayliff and Burgesses, consisting of a Baylifl, being head of the .siiid

Corporation and twelve Capital Burgesses ; they have idso a Recorder and a Deputy
Recorder ;
Tlie Bsiyliff of the present year is a Justice of the Peace and (,)iioruni,

an<l the precedent Biiyliff is a Justice of the Peace within the .said
Borough and
lilicrties thereof. And at tliis present Visitation, scil't, 21 Aug., 1G82, John Clare,

Bailiff, Sir Thos. Walcot, Kt., Barrister-at-Law and a Judge of the Welch Circuit,
Recorder, Leonanl Simpson, Barrister-at-Law, Deputy liecorder ; William Deddicot,
John SoUey, Thomas Hiulton, Peter
the last precedent BayliH', Justice of the Peace;

Walter, John Bury," Peter Bmnch, Samuel Moore, Jo.seph Pooler, Thomas Watmoi-e,
Richard Cook Sanmel Slade, and Humphry Yanington, Capital Bunjesses.


IBorottgd of Iroitfaiirlj.

(In the Visitation are given in trick, on a shield, A sword of data jmlewaijs point
downwairh tiHnnoimted of two limis pcusaat imjxi'iiuj Quarterly 1 and 4
Ohequi) Aiyeiit and Sable 2 and 3 Gules two barrows (mit haslcets) Anjent,
also the Common Seal of the town bearing the same Arms without the
impalement ; Legend, + Sigillum + Commune + V]i.i,e + de Wytchie,

and another Seal bearing the arms impaled above ; Ixgend, Thu Sbalb
OF THE Statute Merchant of the Towne of Droitwich. Woodcuts
of the first and third would have been here given, if attention to an
application to the Town Clerk for impressions had not been too long
delayed ; it is believed that the second is not now forthcoming. )

The Arms and Common Seal of the Town and Borough of JJroitwich in the

County of Worcester incorporated in theseventh year of King John of England by

the name of Burgesses of Wich in the aforesjiid County To which Charter were

witnesses Lord Henry, Archbishop of Dublin, the Lord AVilliam, Bishop of


Coventry, R. Earl of Chester, William, Earl of Chester, W. Earl of Ferrers, Hubert

de Burgo, Justice of England, Walter de Lacy, H. de Mortimer, G. Fitz Renfrid,
Brian de Lisle ;
as also confirm'd by Richard the Second in the year of his Reign,

King Henry the Fourth and Henry the Fifth his son. King Henry the Eighth,
Edward the Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, and continued by King James of
blessed memory by his letters Patent
by the name of Bailiffs axu Burgesses of the-
Town and JiououGH op Wich alias Droitwich The Bailiffs of the time being to

be Justices of Peace and Quorum, The Retiorder, Justice of the Peace, and the

two precedent Bailiffs for the year following also Justices of the Peace ; And at this
present Visitation, scil' 13 Aug., 1683, are Eilward Barrett and Edward Clifford,
Bailiffs, Sir Thomas Street, Kt., (me of th<! Barons of the Exchequer, Jin-order,
Wintour Hanis and Henry Hodges, the precedent Bailiffs and Justices of tlie Peace,
the Earl of Shrewsbury, Plymouth, the Lo-.d Coventry, Sir John
tlie Earl of

Packington, Samuel Sandys, Esq., and several other gentlemen of note and principal
Inhabitants of the Borough are Baryesscs, John Philpot, Town Clerk.

fThese names, being alphabetically arranged, are not included in the Index.)

Addenbrook, Edwanl, Vicar of Sapey. Feild, Nicholas, Evesham.

Adilonbmok, Nicholas, Stourbridge. Fletcher, Ricliard, Paxford.

Api)lebie, John, Clerk, Earl's Crooma Fincher, Thomas, Worcester.

Arnold, John, Rector of Pendock. Ford, Simon, D.D., Stourbridge.

Aynesworth, John, Kynaston. Freeman, William, Frickley.

15ailf;er, John, Clerk, St. John's. George, Robert, Badsey.
Ballard, John, Suckley. GnaU, Jolm, Worcester.
Barnes, Thomas, Qtioenhill. Gorle, John, Kemsey.
Bartlett, Thomas, Evesham. i
Gower, Richard, Hagley.
Bellamie, Thomas, Kidderminster. Greene, Robert, Worcester.
Birch, William, Rector of Kington. Gregory, ...

Blondell, Robert, Norton. Grymes, John, Vicar of LongJon.

Pioraston, John, Rector of Ribsford. Gyles, Samuel, Astley.
Bordall, David, Rector of Beoly. Hackluit, Samuel, Beaudeley.

Boylston, Cares, Rector of Rock. Halward, Thomas, l<'rickley.

Bracton, Arthur, Vicar of Himbleton. Hardy, John, Worcester.
r.rooke, James, Upton. Harris, Thomas, Evesliam.
Brooke, Thomas, Vicar of Bishampton. Harvey, William, Rector of Burlingham.
Brooke, William, Bradley. Haye, John, Alderchurch.
Broughton, Williiim, D.D.,Chadsley Corbet. Hewood, Raphel, Acton Beau champ.
Browning, William, Martley. Hickman, Edward, Gloucester.
Bucke, George, Oddingley. Hill, John, Rector of Upton Warren.
Burt, Robert, Worcester. Hodge, Thomas, Vicar of Cropthorne.
Burton, John, Ombersley. Hopkins, Thomas, Shrawley.
Bury, Humphry, Mamble. Howman, WiHiam, Worcester.
Bury, Thomas, Mamble. Jenners, Anne, Widow, Warloy, Wigoni.
Chariett, Arthur, Hill. Johnson, James, Vicar of Stoke Prior.
Charlett, John, I'iddle. Johnson, William, Alfrick.
Clarke, Jolin, Minister of Holy Cross. Jordan, William, Vicar of Kidderminster.
Clarke, James, Hampton. Juice, Samuel, Rector of Birts Morton.

Crowley, Ambrose, Stourbridge. Kemsey, William, Martley.

Dowley, Robert, Bradley. Kendrick, Christopher, Vicar of Ecking
Draper, Gregory, Burton in Sapy. ton.

Drinkwater, Thomas, Rector of Oldberrow. Lane, William, Evesham.

Feild, Edwiird, Evesham. Ley, Samuel, Rector of Flyford Flavol.
Feild, .John, Worcester. Litherland, William, Ridmarley Oliver. .


Lowbridge, Tliomas, Bradley. Shewringe, Thomas, Worcester City.

Lynall, John, Worco.ster. Smith, George, Worcester City.
Marshall, Fmiicis, Vicar of Grindey. Smith, Jarritt, Evesham.
Martin, William, Little Hampton. Sparrye; John, Stourbridge.
Mason, John, Rector of Salwarp. Stretal, John, Astley.
Mason, Richard, Puirlingham. Stretch, John, Astley.
Mathews, Samuel, WorBsstpr. Taylor, Rowland, Worcester.
Mence, John. Tristram, John, of Bel Broughton, of
Mence, John, Ilanibury. an antient family and hath a right
Miliier, Thonms, Kveshani. to boar Arms.

Milward, Ivlward, Leighe. Vicaris, Robert, Astley.

Mitchill or Michell, James, Evesham. Vickors, Robert, Beaudeley.
Moore, Humphry, Alvecliurch. Wade, James, Pensham.
Xewnian, James, Chadsley Corbet. Walters, Peter, Beaudeley.
Parkes, Thomas, Vicar of Upton Snodsbury. Webb, Thomas, Readmary Addams.
Parsons, William, Haiiley Castle. Weston, John, Worcester.
Perks, W^illiam, King's Norton. Wheeler, Gervase, Hartlebury.
Pitcher, George, Pensham. White, Thomas, Castle Morton.
Pooler, Joseph, Beaudeley. Wliitefoot, Paul, Rector of Spetchley.
Porter, William, Bromsgrove. Williamson, George, Bromsgrove.
Radford, Thomas, Wribenhall. Willimot, Janres, see Ped. of Wilmot.
Reynolds, Francis, Vicar of Crowle. Winshurst, William, Stourbridge.
Reynolds, Thomas, Worcester. Wright, Thomas, Rector of Witley
Rosse, Edward, Suckley. Magna.
Rudge, William, Evesham. Wyatt, Edmund, Worcester.
Russell, Edward, Martley. Yarnold, Thomas, Evesham.
Rut home, Joseph, Evesham. Yarranton, Lancelot, Astley.

Page 34, for Moyite.y read JE.'ysey."
„ .^)2, Pulfwd means Pii.lfi)ril in Martley."
„ :>->, Stiiliill means Stnbliill."

,, 80, Li/de Arnold means "Lye Darvold."


Pe«li.;ree. are given in f'vPiT.vi.s. Arms in italics. The List of Disclaimers at pp. 115, 116, being

alphabetically arranged, is not included in this Index.

A. Bagott,
— ,
86 ; Alice, 86 Berkeley, 17
Baoshaw, 5 Berkeley, Jo., 99 ; Louissi, 39 ;

Abbot, Jo., 90 Bagsluiw, 5 Mary, 25 ; Maurice, 99 ; Rich.,

Abrahall, Anne, 58 Jas>., 58 ; Baker, 5 39 ; Sir Rowl., 25, 99 ; Tho.,
Ackworth, Wm., 46 BaJcer, 5 99 Wm., 31
Acock, Rich., 108 Baker, , 22,
— 51, 70 ; El., 34 ;

Berry, Mary, 73 Tho., 73

Acton, 92 Hen., L'6; Humf., 31 Jeremy, ; Best,— 53 Jo., 78 ; Marg., 53 ;
, ;

Acton, Chas., 33 ; Eliz., 92 Jo., 70; Jo., 46; Kath, 70 Wm., 113
33 Sir Jo., 26, 92 Penelope,

Baldwin, , 97 ;

Tho., 89 Bewtley, Borough of, 113
; ;

Ballard, —
102, Hen., 62; Jo.,
, Bickerton, Anne, 64 Jo., 64 ; ;

Adams, Wm., 84 81 Martin, 112

; Wm., 64
Addis, Jo 80 Magd., SO Banester, Thos., 40 Biddle, Geo., 64

— ;

62 Alice, 62 Barber, Tho., 87 70—

— 94, Jo., 94


Baker ! Watts, 98
—, 41

Allanson, see Allison Barker, Tho., 78 Biggs, Eliz., 40 ;

Sir Tho.. 40
Allen, Jo., 3 ; JIarv, 69 ; The, Barnaby, 8 Birch, Wm., 64
69 ; Wm., .56
Barnaby, 8 Bird, i7
Allison, Jud., 11 ; Rich., 11 Barnes, Anne, 67 ; Rich., 67 ; Bint, 17
Alseabrof>k, Gef)., 87 Sarah, 87 ; Wm., 4 Bird. Wm., 31
Amies, Susan, 99 Tho., 99 ; Bamesley, Catb., 91 ; Jo., 91 Bisliop. Eliz., 18 Sir Rich., IS ; ;

Amphlett, Fr., 35 Wm., 35 Tho., 36 Blackmer, Uog., 16

Andrews, 1


23 Alice, 49; Edw., Blackwell, Edw., 3
, ;

Andrews, 1 23, 49, 114 Blake, Eliz., 7 Sir Rich., 17 ;

Andrews, Edw., 4 ; Eliz., 4 Barrow, Wm., 96

; Hlekheuden, Alice, 40 Wm., 40
Wm 105 Bartholomew, Mary, 56 Wm.,56 Blou.st, 19

.\p-Lewis, Anne, 26 Jevan, 26 Bastard, 24 — Blount, 19


; ,

Ahchkr, 2 Bathurst, Cath., 7 ; Rob., 7 Blount, Blunt, ,

61 ;
Sir Chas.
Arclier, 2 Badoh, 10, 11 55 Charlotte, 5.') Sir Edw.
; ;

Archer, Andr., 15 Henry, 15 ; ; Baugh, 10 99 Eliz., 106 ;, Jo., 99 Marg.,

; ;

.Marg., 15 Sir Simon, 15

Baugh, Edm., 77 Edw., 12, ; 99 Walt., 106 Sir Walt, 61.
; ;

Artch, Elias, 113 77 Jud 53 Mary, 12, 60

; , ; ; Bloxham, 20
Arden, 30
Eliz., Rich., 30 Rich., 53, 60 Bloxham, 20
Ai-ris, Jo., Mary, 36

— 97 Mary, 97 Blurton, Anne, 39, 40 .Jo, 46

Ash, Edw., 47, 66 ; Eli/,., 47
; Baylies,
— 14; Cath., 16;


Eliz., Rich., 39

ASHBT, 3 14 4 Rich., 16 Bockleton, 92

Anlihy, 3 Beale,

29 Eleanor, 29

Eliz., Bodenham, Char., 61

A.shenlmrat, Tlio., 94 3 ;

Tho., 3
; ;

Bolton, — , 69
A.-<tley, Anth., 45 ; Jo., 4 BSARCROtT, 12, 14 Bouamv, .Jacob, 53 Sarah, 53
Atwooil, —
85 ,Anne, 11 ; ; .To., Beara-oft, 12 Boncl, Tho., 71 ; Wm.,

21 ; Maiy. 85 Rich., 11 Bearcroft, Anne, 5, 103 Edm., 55
; ; Bookey (?), Bovey, Eliz.,
Aubrey, Jo., (,8 ; Mary, 68 5 ;Jas., 39 ; Jo., 97, 103 , Fulk., 55
.\VE.S-.\NT, 4 Ph., 103; Tho., Ill,6t8 lioothby, Rob., 85 Walt, 65
Aienant, 4 Beard, Jo., 90 Boroughes,

37 Jane, 3"

— ,
104 Beauchamp, Jo., 90 Martha, 90 ; Bostock,

108 ,
, ;

Beaufoy, Anne, 82 Tho., 62 ; B<wvdrth, Hen., 59 Jo., 110 ;

Beck, Marg., 67 ; Tho., 67 .Mary, 59 Wm., 59 ;

Bell, Hannah, 58 ; Rich., 58 BouuNK, 19

B. Bennett, , 35, 43 Eliz., 35
— Bimrne, 19
Benthall, Cecily, 3 ; Jo., 3

Bourne, —
79; Uor., 79 .Jo., 89
, ;

Bache, Anne, 91 ; Jo., 91 : Mary, Bentley, Chas., 47 Edw., 47 ;

Bovey (?) Bookey, Eliz., 55
71 ; TIio., 3 Wm., 71 Berenger, Mary, 42 ; Rich., 42 Fulk., 55

, 91

Berington, Anne, 81 Jo., 81 Bowater, —

97, 104 Sam., 97
Badger. Jane, 110 ; Talbot, 110 Tho., 9
; ;

Bowen, 14— , Eliz., 14



Bagenal, Alice, 88 ; Wm., 88 Berkeley, 17 Bowles, Fr., 6 ; l{ob., 6; SirVfm.,

Bagnall, Nicfa., 4 6
118 INDEX.

Bowyer, Walter, 93 Wm., 60 ; ; Bury, Jo., 113 Cole, Alice, 54 ; Wm., 55

Sir Win., 66 Bushell, Tho., 23 —,14
— 44 — Coleby,
Boyce, , Eliz., 44
Boylson, Mary, 88 Tho., 88
; Bussey,
— 3559 Anne, 35 Wm., 4

Edm., 2
81 ; Wm., 81
65 Hon.

— , ; ;

Wallop, 65
EUz., ;

Butter, , ; Eliz., Collins,
42 ; Hen., 42 ;

Bk&ce, 22 Colman, Fr., 60

Brace, 22 Columbell, Henry, 105
Bracegirdle, Rich., 13; Sarah, 13 Comptou, Cath., 14 Sir Wm., 14
Bradley, Dan., 57 Mary, 57 ; Coningsby, 101 — , ;

Cecilie, l(h ;

Bi-aine, Tho., 106 Tho., 88

Branch, Peter, 113 Caldwell, Bonham, 107 ; Mary, Conyera, Eliz., 17 ; Tho., 17
Brawn, Hugh, 18 ; Jo., 18 107 Cook, 35
Bray, Jo., 54 Cameron, Chas., 39 Cook, Jo., 31 Mary, 31
Breut, Dor., 61 Geo., 61
Campbell, Capt., 55 Rich., Cooke, —
69 ; Joan, 64 Rich.,

61 Canning,


— ,
113 Tho., 64 ;
, ;

Srewie, 92 Canon, Esther, 12 Peter, 12 ; CooKES, 36, 38

Breynton, Mary, 73 Rich., 73 Carbonell, 92 Coohes, 36
— 70, 80 , Dor., 90 Cardwakdine, 28 ;

; Cookes, —
62 Mary, 106 Sir
, ; ;

KHz., 70 Hesther, 95 Marg ; Cardwardine, 28 ; , Tho., 105 Sir Wm., 106 ;

80 Wm 90, 95 Carlton, 92 COOKSEY, 38


— 102

Carpenter, Cath., 40, Tho., 40 Cooksey, 38

Bridgman, Anne, 106 Fr., 94

Carter, 97 Jane, 97 ; Sir ; ;

— , ; Cooksey, Anne, 58 Edw., 57, ;

Geo., 94 Sir Jo., 106 ; Jo., 97 58, 75, 76, 111 Marg., 75 ; ;

Brigginshaw, Tim., 9 Carver, Jo., 98 ; Mary, 98 Maiy, 76 Sarah, 57 ;

Bright., Dor., 92 Hen., 92 Cave, 29 Cooper, Anne, 21 Cath., 104


46 Alice, 46 Cave, 29

Edw., 104 Jane, 7 Sir Jo.,

; ;

Rich.. 16

Cave, 88

Eliz., 88, 74

— , ; ;
7; Rich., 21
; ;

Brinsmead, Alice, 78 Geo., 78 Rich., 64, 112 ; Tho., 94 Copley, El., 10 Tho., 10
— 51 Urs., 51
, Cawdwell, Anne, 80

Sam., 80 ; Corbet, Rob., 109 ; Susan, 109


Brodd, Fr., 49 Cecil, PhiUp, 54 Corbyn, Marg., 79 ; Rich. 98 ;

Broken, — 81 Chabot, Claudine, 83 Tho., 70
Bko.mi,et, 24

Chambers, 39 Geo., 36
— , ; Cornw.all, Cath., 8 Jo., 99 ; Sir ;

Bromley, 24 Chance, Rich., Ill Tho., 8

Bromley, Fr., 51 Hen., 57, 69 Chapman, ; 8, 47 Jane, 8 ;
— , ; ; Cotton, Sir Alan, 34 Chaa, 84 ; ;

Jo., 51 Rob., 63 Ur^., 63 Marg., 34 ; Martha, 34 Mary,

Broinsgrove, Wm., 5 Chapus?tte, 65
— ,
36 Nich., 36
; Rich., 34 ; ;

Bromwich, Lane, 16 Charlett, Arthur, 19 Eliz., 19 Wm., 24

— ,
45 Jane, 45 Mary, Charlton, Anne, 109 Rich., 109
; ; ;

Coventry, IjO. Baron of Ales-

38 ; Rog., 38 Charringworth, Rich., 90 borough, 112, 114
Browne, 92 Chaworth, Vise, 105 Cowcher, Edm., 13 Jo., 94 ; ;

Browne, Anne, 46, 98 Jas., 96 Chetle, 31 ; ; Tho., 94

.lo., 46 ;Joyce, 81 Tho., 98 Chetle, 31 ; ', Cox, Ann, 18 Eliz., 43 Rich., ; ;

Rich., U12 Wm., 81, 113 ; Chetle, .'Vnne, 18 Eleanor, 97 ; ;

43 Rob., 18

Browning, Anne, 29 Jo., 29 Jo., Ill Tho., 18, 36, 97 Crab, Jo., 69
ISniin, Tilston, 06 Child, Anne, 9 Sir Wm., 9
; ;

; Cratford, 94 — ,

Bryar, Eliz., 44 Rich., 44 Chhistoi'her, 32 Crescet, Rob., 17

— 22, 107 ,

C/iristophei, 32 Creswick, Eliz., 54 Sam., 54 ;

Hucknell, Jo., 18 Christopher, Jaue, 71 Jo., 71 Croft, Mary, 56 Wm., 56

BuckweU, —
09 Anne, 09 , Tho., 71 ;
; ;

Croker, Jo., 10 Mary, 10 ;


Bulkeley, Eliz., 9 Jo., 9 Clare, 33 ; Cromwell, Wingfield, E. of Ard-

Bull, 26 Clare, 33 glass, 84
Bull, 26 Clare, Jo., 113 -S'tJ-
Rafe, 113; ; Crosse, 45 —
Cath., 45
, ;

Bull, Edw., 70 Tim, 58 Crossley, Eliz., 22 Wm., 22

Buller, Fr., 84 74, 102 Anne, 74 — Culcheth, Tho., 91

BuUinglmm, Anne, ^Q Rich., 99

Mary, 102 Sir Simon. 23
, ; ;

Cutchen, 80 —
Buhner, Maiy, 39 Clegat, Marg.. 7 Wm., 7
; ;

; Cuthbertson,
— ,
BULSTHODK, 42 Clempson, Mai-y, 99 Tlio., 99 ;

Bulstrode, Sir Rich., 42 Whit- Clent, Anne, 90 Myle-s 90 ; ;

lock, 42 Clifford, Edw., 114

—79 79 Clopton, 108 Anne, 108 — D.
Marg., 95 Wm., 95

; Clough,

02 Rob., 62

— ,


Burgoyne, Jo., 1 Mary, 1 Clutterbuck, Wm., 97

; Dagget, Br., 16 ; Rich., 16
BUHLTON, 27 Cn TTON, 33 Dal tun, Geo., 3
BurUon, 27 CluUon, 33 Dance, Fr., 38; Joan.,38; Rob.,38
Burltcni, Anne, 64 Edw., 30 Clutton, Jo., 93 ; ; Daniel, Edw., 23
Ph., 44 Tho., 64, 113
; Cobb, Lucy, 74 Nich., 74 ; Dansey, Ann, 85 Cath., 85 ; ;

Burnell, Anne, 72 Tlio., 72 CocK-s, 34 Wm., 85

Burriiigton, Rob., 48 Cooks, Cockes,

19 Anne, 19 — , ; ; Darlestou, Kath., 85 Rich., 85 ;

Burt, RiKh., 67 (^ath, 31 Chas., 70 Jo., 31 ; ; ; Darrell, Anne, 17 Mary, 109 ; ;

Burt<jn,— 27 Edw.,27 Tho., 17

, ; Sir Jo., 19; Marg., 70 ; Paul, 109 ; Wm., 17
Davies, Brace, 23 Chas., '2S Eaton, Bryom, D.D., 97 Eraser,
— 25 -Sir Alex 25
Edw., 23 ; Elinor, 23 VMz.,Eden, Susan, 51 Wm., 51


; Freeman, —



&; Eliz.
•23, 49 ; Geo. 23 ; Huuil., 23 ; Edmonds, Alice, 36 Wm., 36 ; ,
77 Jo., 9, 23, 77
: ; Rob., 77j
Jane 23 49 Nich., 23 ; 104 -•-Sambrooke, 107 <^--<4
Jo., ;; Eggington, Jo., ^<f,/>i
Philip, 23 Tho., 66 Egiock, 12 Freestone, P., 113
Day, Tho. 44

Egioek, 101 Alice, 101

— , ; ; French, —
76; Anne, 6; Geo., ,

Deddicot, \Vm., 113 EUz., 12 Hir Fr., 12, 69 ; ; 12; Mary, 76 Paul, 6 ;

l)e Dreux, Rob. Baron d'Edneval Geof., 62 Geo., his, lul ; ; Frugmer, Jo., 1 Sarah, 1 ;

82 Jane, 101 Jo., 69 Magd., ; ;

De Goderyes, Jaq. Dame, 82 40 Marg., 62 Mary, 69 ; ; ;

De la Val, Guy, ConUe, 82 Rich., 40 ;

Jeanne, Dame, 82 Elcocks, Eliz., 63; Jo., 63 O.

De Le noucoiirt, Charlotte, Dame, Eldersfield, 29 — ,

83 EUey, Eliz., 74 Rich., 74 :

Gale, Joyce, 10
De Maricourt, Claude, Dame, 83 Elvins, Fr., 44 Gardiner, Anne, 35 Pris., 54 ; ;

De Meulenaer, Louise, 83 Elwes, ,9 Rog., 3o Wm., 54 ;

Do Montigny, Gabrielle, Dame, Escuurt, Sir Tho., 85 Gardner, Alice, '42 Anne, 42 ; ;
82 Uvans, Win., Ill Geo., 42 ; Jud., 56 Sam, 42 ; ;

De Montmorency, Nich., 83 EVKSHA.M, Borough of, 112 Tho., 56

Do Mouchy, Anne, 82 Evett, 100 — Gawen, — 11
De Niatha, Hen., 83 Eyres, Urban, 49

Oawton, ,30 — ,

; Lane, 8; Mary, 8
Denn, Cath., 70 Jas., 70 Eythem, Tho., 95 Geers, Tim., 107 Tho., 107
Dennis, —
103 Eliz., 103 ;

Gibbart, 11 — ;

Sarah, 103 Tho., 103



— , 54, 81 ; EL, 54 ;

Denton, Nich., 8 Jane, 81

Derby, 5 Eliz., 45 Jo., 4.5
; ; Gilbert, Jas., 30
De Savesse, Jeanne, Dave 82 F. Gilding, Wm., 40
De Soisson.?, Jaq., Dame, dite, Giles, Jo., 27 and see Gyles
Moreul, 82 Farlow,
—,47 Glisson, Walter, 13

De Thcon, Marguerite, 83 .
arrar, Eliz., 6 Tho., 6 ; Glover, Hen., 46
Dethick, Anne, 101 Geo., 101 ; ; Farwell, Sir John, 6 ; Wm., 64 ; Godbold, Dor., 25 Jo., 25 ;

SiV Jo., 6.5 S^r^XTa.., 101 Godeschalch, Anne, 83

Faytinge, Geo., 13 ; Jean,
De Thouarn, Louis, VincotUe, 82 Ferrers, Anne, 2 Sir Jo., 2 83 Joiis, 83
Perenelle, Dam£, 82

— 54


Jo., 61
Detton, — 73 ,
Fido, Chr., 80

; Jo., 80 Goodwin, Jo., 18

De Volviere, Francoise de, 82 Field, Jo., 1 ; Eliz., 1 ; Fdm., Goodyear, Dinely, 42 ; Edw., 42 ;

Dickens, Eliz., 100, bis Jo., 100 ; 112; Nich., 112 El., 42
bit ; Tho., 100 86 189 Roger,
Fielding, Basil, 37 Gough,— , ; Eliz., ;

DlXELEY, 40 109 FiNCHKB, 44

Dindeij, 40 Pincher, 44 flourle, Anne, 58 ; Rob., 58
Dineley, Edw., 37 Sir Edw., 37 Fincher, 94 Wal, 94 Jo., GowEB,We //a
; ;
— , ; ;

Mark, 37 Mercy, 37 ; 94 Rob., Ill ;

DlstL.MMER.s, al[)hal«tically ar- Finnette, Eliz.', 83 Sir John, 83 Gower, Alice, 60 Anne, 10 ; ; ;

ranged and nvt imluded in this Fisher, Eliz., 30 Joyce, 10 ; Dor., 11 Jo., 10, 11, 60 ; ; ;

index, 115 Rich., 30 Marg. 61 Rob., 61 Tho., 60 ; ;

Dubbings, Ph., 15 Fitton, Alex., 66 GllEAVES, 50

Dobbins, Anne, 93 J.>., 92, 93 Fitzherbert, Dor., 1 10 ;
Jo., 110 Oreaves, 50 :

Dixld, Chr., 51 Jo., il Fleet, aVs Waldegrave, Edw., Green, Armell, 44

Edw., 97 ; ;

Dominick, 46 73 Mary, 73 Eliz., ,52; Fr., 6.' J., 52 Jo.,

; ; ;

Doolittle, Jo., 113; Sim, 113 Fleete, Rob., 64 6 Rob., ll;i

>ovfr(Iale, Hester, 29 Sam,, 29 Fleetwo ml, 56 ; Jas., 56 Greenstreet,
; Cath.. 7 Jiis., 7 — ,

Dowdeswell, Anne, 53 Rich., 53 Fletcher, Marg., 18 Nich., 5 Gregg, Rob., 6.5

; ; ;

Dowley, Rob., 5 Tho., 18 63 Val, 63 ;

(Jregory, Catb.., ;

Draper, Edw., 40 Eleanor, 107 Foley, 46 V\ 63 m

Geo. 107 Mary, 40 Let., 40
; Foley, 46

; , 71

Hen., 71
— ;

Sampson, 40 Somerset, 40 Foley, Martha, 66 Thos., 66 Gretton, Alex., 81

Ducy, Rob., 66

FouoTT, 47 Griffin, 89 Cath., 89 ; Jasper,

— , ;

Dboitivich, Borough of, 114 PdioU, 47 89 : Rich., 7

Dugdale, Jo., 6 Sir Wm., 6 FoUott, Anne, 89
; Cath., 62 Griffith, .50 ; ;

Duncombe, Amy, 8 Jo., 8 Const., 10 Tho., 10, 62 Tho., Griffith, 50

; ; ;

Dunn, Daniel, 2 Lo., 89 Griffith, Jo., 24

Durham, — 22 Anne, 18 ; Jo., Ford, Anne, 4 Eliz., 16 ; F., 16
, ; Grigg, Fr., 6 Mich., 6^ ; ; ;

Job, 71 22 ;Su«.,71 Thos., 18 Hen., 4 Grimsditch, Tho., 10

Duston, — ;

43 Marg., 43 Fortescue, Jos., 39 Mary, 39


Grosvenor, 2 Mary, 2

Dyson, Anne, 62 Wm., 62
, ;

Foster, Mary, 18 Hum!., 18 Grove, 24


— , ;


109 ; Ann, 109 Jo., Guest, Sarah, 59 Rob., 59 — ; ,


Guilliam, GMillini, 3 Jo., 98

; ;

— , ;

E. Fowues, Eliz., 60 Gilb., 60 Guise, Sir Jo., 70 ;

Fox, Jo., 72 Gtles, 52 aiid see Giles

— ,
83 John, 83 Mary, Foxley, see Laker
; Gi/les, 52 ;

83 ; Wm., 83 Prancia, 92

H Hiett, ,
81 — I.

Higford, Char., 51 Sarah, 51 ;

Habingtoii, Maiy, 8 ; Rich., 8 HKiGINS, 57 Iinhoft, Chr., 55

Hacket, Marg., -IH Tho., 28 ; Higgiua, James, 39, 111 ; Jane, Ingram, 14, 30, 56

Ann, 39,, ;

HadJoii, Walter, 1(!9 65 Jo., 55 ; Jonath., 39 ; 56 Edw., 39 Eliz., 8 Rich.,

—31, 45 , Kli/.., 45; Mary, ; Tho., 110,

HI ; Wm., 65 14

;];u.ssell, 39 Wm., 8


97 ; Rich., 31. 97 Tho., 97 ;

Higginson, Edm., 9 Iremonger, Cath., 2i< Wm., 28 ;

HaUs, Chr., 56 Tho., 66

Hamersley, Roh., 15
; Hilt,,
—58 65, 88
, ; Anne, 16, 78 ;
Izod, Heiny, 96

Hammond, Mary, 21 Geo., 46 ; Isab., 32 Jane, 16 ; ;

Hamon, Mary, 43 ; Tho., 43 Jivs., 16, bis ; Jo., 29, 32, 87,
Hamond, EHz., 7''5 Jo., 75 98 Penelope, 107 Rob., 78
Hampden, — 47
; ;

Rowland, 107 ; Tho., 30

; ;

Jackson, Jo., 108 96

— 31, 44 Anne, 92 ,

; ; Urs., 88

James, ii>
; Jos.,

Br., 15 Copell, 46; Eliz., 44;

Hoare, Hen., 86 Gus., 85 ; James, 6)
Fr., 5, 44 Jo., 15, 92 ;
Hobday, Wm., 86 Jarrett, .\ugustin, 101 ; Jane,
H.\yc(icK, 53 Hobdy, al'iat Lacy, Jo., 103 ;
101 ; Mary, 101 ; Tho., 101 ;
Ilaitcock, 53 Mary, 103 Wm., /-/» 101
Hancock, Chas., II Hodges, 58 .Jefferj's. I.ion, 11 ; Mary, 11
Hanmer, Sua., 70; Wm., 7() Uudijes, 59 I
JenneWs, 109
Hardman, Jo., 16 Hodges, Hen., 49, 11 « Prid., 11 ;

Jennetts, Aime, 36; Eli/,., 15;

Hardwiek, Ph., Enrl of, 7" Holbeach, Barn., 60 Math., 22; Humf., 1.5, 36 ; Jane, 109
Hardy, 27— Sarah, 22

Rich., 1(.9

Hare, Hh- Jo., 86


Maiy, 86 ;
Holding, Eliz., 29 Jo., 29 ; JenningK, ;
— ,
80 Moses, 44
Harewell, Mary, 53 Wm., 53 ; Holford, Hen., 77 Jephcott, Jo., D.D. 102
Harlakeudeu, Kliz., 48 Hog., 48 Holland, Cath, 7 39 6 Edw., 6

49; Jane, 49 ,

97 ; Tho., D.D., 97
; J.,

Jervys, Alice,
Jobber, Mary, 34 ; Tho.,

34 ;

Harrington, Hen., 7 H()LI,lNGTo^•, 60 Walter, 99

Harris, ,

20, 60 Eliz., 52 ; ; Hollins, Jo., 65 Johnson, — , 95 ; Eliz., 95
Hen 5 Jane, 60 Jo., 52
, ; ; ;
Holliock, Edw., 17 Wm., 17 ; Johnstone, Hen., 88
Joyce, 52 Mary, 5, 13 ; Tho., ; HoUoway, Eliz., 25 Jo., 25 ; ; JOLLipn:, or Jolley, 65
1, 13, 111, 112 Wintour, 49, ; Judf/e, 25 JMiJ^e, or JoUey, 65
111, 114 Holman, Anne, 27 Humph., 27 Jolliffe, Martha, 47 Tho., 47
Harrison, Jo., 6o Wm., 76 ;
Holmden, 7 Jo., 106
— -Sir , ;

; Wm., 47
; ;

Hart, Arthur, 91 Wm., 91 ;

Tho., 7 Joncheer, Anna, 83
Harwell, EL, 109 Tho., 109 Hoi ton, Tristram, 87 Jones, 66, 68
Hasehvood, 2,
— ;

Holyoike, Caroline, 21 Fr., 21 Jones, 66, 68

H.vsTiNOS, 54 Tho., 21
; ;


5 Ben^., 7 Cecily, 5
Hastings, 106 — Ferd., Marl , ; Hooke, — ,
45 ; Anne, 45 ; Eliz., Edm., 37 Isabel, 37




of Hunt, 66 Sir Hen., 106 ; ; 45 63 Jo., 32, 96

; Kath, 29 ; ;

Marj-, 102 Ixidji Mary, 66 :

; Hooper, Mary, 13 Tho., 13 Mary, 63 Tho., 112 Walter, ;

m ; ;

Theoph., ]:., Hope, Mary, 88 Rowland, 88 :

29 Wm., 50.

Havers, Cha.s., 6 Wni. 64 Jowles, Jo., 8 ; Joyce, 8

Hawes, L'rs., 63 Wwi., 63 Hopkins, Geo. 112


— 98 Anne, 98
Hay, Nich., 52

Hopton, 2 —
Jiee. Wm., 2
, ;
Julian, Gilb, 104
, ;

; Martha, 104
Hayes, Anne, 108; Tho., 108 Home, Jo., 112 Juyce, Rich., 44
Hayliug, Anne, 107 Rich., 107 ; HoBMcjr.D, 61
Haynes, Eliz., 64 Ja«., 44 ; ; JfmuifolU, 01
Rob., 62 The, 64 ; Hornyold, Geo., 106 Ka'h. 106 ;

Hayville, 92 Korton, Cuth., 89 Rich., 89 K. ;

- 93
Hayward, Eliz., 7i Hopewell, 77 ; Hoskin.i, Eliz., 9:5 , ;

Heath, —, 108 Marg.. 64, 108 ; Hough, Adam, 30

; Kaus, Jasper, 49
Wm., 64 Houghton, Jo., 88 his Mary, 88 Keck, A nth., 97 Mary, 97 ; ;

Heller, Agnes, 68 Hoult, Beatr., 67 Tho., 67 Keighley, Jo., 112 ;

Hk .ing, 55 Howes, Eliz., 67 Rob., 67 Kendrick, Daniel, 24 Rob. 64

; ;

Ihm'mn, 55 Huband, Eliz., 62 Tho., 62 Ketley, -, 41 Dor., 41


Heming, 28, 94
—Anne, 18, , ; Hughes, Eliz., 59 Humph. 59 KiDDEKMiNsTEU, Borough of, 112 ;


31 Geo., 94; Joan, 57

; Jo., ; Rowland, 58 Keyt, Anne, 18 Jo., 18 Mary, ; ;

57 Tho., 28, 31
; Humphries, Jo., 51 18 S,r Wm., 21 ;

Henley, Fr., 6 Marg., 31 Rob., ; ; Hunloke, Sir Hen., 105 King, Anne, 108 Tho.,7>./>., 108 ;

31 Sir Tho., 6 Hunt, 62 Kinnard, Anne, 81 81

— 37 Eliz., Wm.,
; ;

Henshaw, Anne, 50 Tho., 50 Hunt, 62 37

Herbert, 15 IM:, 15— ;

Hunt, Anne, 5, 30 Hen., 5

Knight, (58
, ;




Jane, 104 Jo., 27, 30 Knight, 68

; ;

Heynes, Tho., 60

Raphael, 5, 27 Tho. 30

Knightley, ,
92 ; Essex., 47 ;

— ;

Heyte, Reb., 21 Wm 104 Rose, 92

Hickman, Dixey, 105 ;

Walter, Huntley, Sir Geo., 27 Leonard, Kuill, 26 Je., 26 ; I

— , ;

105; 6(V Wm., 10^ 27 Knottesford, Anne, 85 EL, 105 ; ;

Hicks, 56 Hurleston, Joiui, 79 ; Wm., 79 Foulk, 105 Jo., 85 Sir Jo., ; ; ;

If Irks, 56 *'()• Wm., 79 105

— , 7a Huileye, Lucy, 108 ; Rich., 108 Kyrle, Jo., 31 ; Sir Jo., 31 i
INDEX. 121

L. 13, 43, 108 Alice, NichoUs, 93 Jane, 93 Martin, — , ;

— , ;

Mary, 43 Math., 28 Normansell, Wm., 46 13

Lacy, Eliz., 60 Tho., 13 Rob., 112 ; Wm., 112 Nonis, ,
49 Rich., 95 Tho.,

; ;
— ; ;

Laker alias Foxley, Anne, 15 Mascal, Ambr., 79 95

Tho., ]5 Mason, 16 Br., 16 North, Anne, 47 Chas., Ia>., 47

— , : ; ;

Lane, 97 Jo., 47
, Mary, 47, Master, Rob., 47 Sir Wm., 47
; Dudley, Lo., 47

97 Tho., 81 \Vm., 112 Mathews, Hen., 36 Sam, 111


Langley, 86 —
Eliz., 59 Matl.vpd, 72

; ;

Mary, 86 Rob., 59 Maylard, 72


Langton, L.ingston, Ant., 76 Maylard, Jo., 72 O.

Eliz., 76 Er., 76; Hen., 76 ; Mayle, 53 Cath., 53

— , ;

Wm., 76 Maynard, Jo., 84 Oldnali., 75

Lawn, 11 Mayor, Humfr., 101 Oldnall, 75
La«Tence, 42 —
Aune, 22 Mayris, Fr., 35 Oldnali, Edm., 39 Fr., 104 ;
Giles, 42 The, 22 Sir Tho., Meadowcourt,

39 Ann, 39

Tho., 39
— ;


Mence, 15 Fr., 44 Jo., 13, Oliver,


22 Jo., 81 Tho., 64
— , ;
, ;

— , ; ;

Lechmere, Eliz., 9 Nicb., 9 16, 44 Rich., 44 Reb., 44

; Onion, Jo., 23 ; ; ;

Leigh, Jo., 74 Wm., 18 Rob, 44; Sam., 44; Sarah, Osbaldiston, Ferd., 54

Leighton, Anne, 50 Tho., 50, 94 44 Owen, Edw., 50

Lench, —
12 Anne, 2-3 , Eliz., Merriman,
; 45 Ui-s., 45

— , ;

12, 26 Jo., 23, 26

; Metsey, 72
Lewes, Jo., 60 Meyaeij, 72
— 53 , Meysey, Math., 34, 72
Libani, Wine, 68 Michell, Jas., 112
LUly, Tho., 69 Middlemore, 104 Fr., 72
— , ; ;

Lingen, Tho., 72 Jo., 91 Rob., 72 Packer, Ph., 17 ;

Lisle, Beatr, 70; Jo., 70 Millington, Cath., 41 Edw., 41 Packiugton, Sm- Jo., 114 Tho., 6 ; ; ;

Litton, Anne, 85 ; Sir Rowland Fr., 41 Rich., 41 Sir Tho.,

Paget, Anne, 64 Jo., 64 ; ;
; ;

85 84 Sir Jo., 103 Leriott, 103 ; ;

Lloyd, Ellen, 26 Tho. 14 Mills, Wm., 23 ; Lo., 47 Penelope, 47

; ;

Lodge, Tho., 54 Milward, Thos., 112 Palmer, Edw., 63

LOXGCBOTT, 14 Miniet, Rich., 64 Panting, 3, 53
— ,

Longmore, Geo., 38 Hen. 93 Minshin, .*mbr., 10 „ Parham, Jo., 1 Sarah, 1

; ; ;

Joice, 38 ; Mary, 93 The, 94 Mitton, Edw., 99 Parker, Beatr., 107

Eliz., 78 ; ;

Longvile, Eliz., 24 Sir Hen., 24 Mohun, Cecily, 2 Roger, 2 Henrj-. 107, 112 Jo., 29, 78
Lovested, Fr., 43 Jo., 43 Moore, 3 Cath., 64

Sam., Jos., 65 Itev. 99 — ;

— ; ;

, ; ;
; ,

Lowe, Sir (J.-ibr., 66 Mary, 66 113 Tho., 64, 69 76 Marg., 76

Lucas, 44— Mary, 44 Morden, Barney, 66

Parkinson, Jo., 57 Mary, 57

, ;

Luddington, 29.


Morgan, ,
32 Annaretta, 34 Parlor, Anne, 67 Edm., 67
— , ; ;

Lupton, Eliz., 42 Tho., 42 6'!>Tho. (? John) 34 Parr, Tho., 33

Lutley, Eliz., 9 Morley, 3

Parrott, 14 Alice, 80 — ,
— , ; ;

Lutwyche, Sarah, 107 Tho., 107 Morton, Cec, 74 Sir Wm., 74 Jane, 14
; Jas. 80 ; ;

Lyden, Esth., 67 Hen., 67 Moseley, Marg., 7 Wm., 7 ;

Parry, Ph., 1 ;

Ltoon, 69 Mostyn, Mary, 67 Sir Piers, 61 Pah.sons, 76 ;

Lygon, 69 Mucklow, Henry, 34, 93 Parsons, 76


100 Anne, 27 Rich., Mugg,
, 104
; Parsons, 4 ; Jler. Andr., 78
— ,
— , ; ;
85 ; Penelofje, 100 ;Wm., 27 Mundy, Eliz., 56 ; Jo., 74 Tho., Eliz., 12 Joyce, 10 ; Mary,
; ; ;

Sir Wm., 25, 100 56 10, 78 Ph., 12, 80; Ralph, ;

Lyttelton, Adam, 30 Dor., 21 10

Sarah, 80 ;

SiV Edw., 66 Eliz., 21; Geo., ;

Partington, Edw., 68 Eliz., 68 ;

21 Jo., 21
; Marg., 66 ; Ph., ;
Tho., 23
21 ; Rob., 21 N. Partridge, Henry, 104 Jo., 69 ;

Lytton, Rob., 6 Sir Rob., 6

Maiy, 104


Nanfan, 73 Passey, 52 ,

Narifan, 73 Past, Nathan, 3

Nash, 96 Antli., 10 Eliz., Pauncefote, Sarah, 25 Wm., 25 —
86 Ja.1., 62 Jonas, 38 Payne, 78 Anne, 78 ;
, ;


— , ;

Marth, 52 Rich., J). I)., 85 Payton, Joan, 45 Rich., 45 ; ;

Neville, Sir Edw., 40 Mary, 40 Pegge, Cliar., 61

Mabor, ,45 — Newberie, 74 Pelham, Eliz., 24 Sir 24

Wm ,

Macaffry, Spencer, 98 Newberie, 74 Pembiidge, Eliz., 73 Tho., 73 ;

Mac Raith, Jane, 37 Rob., 37 Newbold, Eliz., 99 Rob.. 99 Pendleton, Kr

; :

Mainwaring, Edw., &h Eliz., 65 Newbury, Edw., 29 Marg., 29 Penestone, Eliz., 54 Sir Tho.
Makepeace, Edni., 71 Newey, 104 54

— ; ;

Maiden, Jones, 99 Susan, 99 Newlove, 27 Thomnsine, 27 Penn, Jane, 45 Rog., 45 Wm.,

— ,

, ; ; ;

Mallett, Rich., 74 Newport, 75 36, 104

Mangot, Frangoise, Dame, 83 Ncivpcn-t, 75 Peiiani, Cath., 42 Benj., 42
Mabston, 71 Newport, 22 Beatr., 24 Penrice, El., 28, Jo., 28
— , ; ;


Martian, 71 .^^ir Rich., 24 Rob., 55

Marston, Alice, 33 ; Jo., 33 Ntwton, Anne, 75 Jo., 75 Perkins, Hen., 72 Jo., 43

, 87 ; Cecily, 87 Nicl:.jletts, 9 Maiy, 9 M.iry, 43 Sus 72. — , ;

; ,

122 INDEX.
— ,Anne, 106 Edm., Robinson,
31 ; 77 Sir Jo., 77 ;
— , ; ; Sheldon, 48 Cec, 23
— , ; ;
20 Jane,20 Marg., 20 Rich., 29
; ; Edw., 36 Eleanor, 48 Fr., ; ;

Rob., 106 Tho., 20 ;Rogers, Dor., 74 Mary, 45 ; ; 23; Mary, 110; Muriel, 33;
Persall, Jo., 113 AVm., 45, 74 Ralph, 33 Rich., 110 ;

Persehouse, Anne, 60 Mary, 60 Roper, Maiy, 35 Wm., 35 ; ; ;

Sherard, Bennet, Lo., 32
Tho., 60 Rosse, Jas., 92 Letice, 92
Pharoah, 67,
— Rotsey, Rich., 99
; Sheriff, Mary, 87
Sherman, Rich., 9S
Wm., 87 ;

Philip, Awbrey, 99 Rotton,— , 104; Alicia, 71; Dor., Sherwin, Ph., 05

Philley. Edw., 91 4 Jo., 4 Rich, 71 Walt., 71 ; ; ; Shewring, Sarah, 91 Tho., 91, ;

Phillipp.s, Jo. H., 51 K. B., 9 ; Rouse, Adam, 32 Anne, 32 ; ; ;

Rer. \Vm., 51 Sam, 22 Susan, 22 ;
Shrewsbury, E. of, 114
Phillips, Fr., 66 Jo., 8 ; Rowden, Eliz., 9 Mary, 9 ; Simonds, The, 77
Philpot, Jo., 114 Rowe, Sir Hen., 74 Mary, 74 Simpson, Jas., 53 Leon. 113
Pierce. Eliz., 21 Jo.i, 43 ; ;
Wm., Rowney, 96 — ;

Siver, Wm.,113

21 Ruddall, — ,

100 ; Joyce, 100 Skinner,—, 3, 28; Jos., 81 Marg., :

Pigott, Edm., 19 ; Fr., 19 RCKKORD, 80 66 Maiy, 96

; Rich., 66 ; ;

Pinnock, 109 Riifford, 80 Rob., Bp., 96 Sus., 28 ;

Pinnoek, Mary, 110 Wm., 110 ; Rufford, Fr., 77 Skrimshire, Mary, 99 Sir Tlio., ;

Pinson, Jane, 104 Wm., 104 ;

Kudge, Wm., 112 99
Pitt, Alice, 84 Edw., 84, 111 ; ; Rugeley, Jo., 89 ; Urs., 89 aiade, SrtUi., 113
Sir Edm., 41 Jane, 41 RUM>EY, 81
Smallbrooke, Eliz., 49 Rich., ;

Pitts, Pytts, Edw., 25 Sir Jas., Rumney, 81 49


25 Mercy, 25, 65 Sam., 65

; ; ; Rf-SHOUT, 82 Smart, 56 Edb., 13, Giles, ; ;

Scudamore, 24 RCSSELL, 84 13
Pleydell, Eliz., 69 Jo., 69 Rugsell, 84 Smith, — 41, 93 Sir —, 46
Plymouth, £. of, 114

— , 19, 37 ; Anne, 19, Alex., 45

Anne, 32, 41, 56, ;

; ;

Pooler, Jos., 113 Walter, 88 ;

70; Eliz., 37, 61 ;
Sir Fr., 70; 100 Edw., 98
; Eliz., 21 ; ;

PORTKH, 77 Marj-, 64 ; Rich., 64 -SiV ; Emm., 92 Fr., 30 Hen. 56 ; ; ;

Porter, 77 Tho., 61 Jo., 70, 104; Joshuah, 104 ;

—22 Marg., 22
, ; Rutland, Lever, 21 Rich., 64, 100 Rob., 8, 111 ; ;

PORTJI.VN, 78 Rutter, Mary, 17 Mich., 17 ; Steph., 32 Tho., 28, 31, 32 ; ;

Portman, 78 Rer. Wm., 30

Potter, — 52 Rich., 113 Smyth, Cath.,90; Myles, Bp., 90

, ; ;

Simon, 113 Sneathe, ,

Pountney, Jo., 49 Snede, Anne, 109 ; Sir Wm., 109
—108 Jo., 48 Sir Jo.,
, ; ;
Soley, Eliz., 19 ; Jo., 19
108 Soi,i,i:y, 87 bis, 88
Powell, AM., 88 Sadler, Fr., 7 ; Jo., 7 ; Sir SoUey, 87 his
Pretty, Hen., 46 Solley, Edw., 87, 111 ; Geo., Ill;
Prichard, 104 — ^> /i-fj ,
Jo., 113; Wm., 102
Ralph, 7
— ,
Prideaux, Eliz., 90 ijo., 59 Jo., Somers, Jo., 86 ;
Sambach, Chr.,86 ; Fr., 86 ;

£p., 90 Sarah, -lg.5"i^-

Jo., 86 Southerne, Marg. 20 ; Wm., 86 ,

Prynne, Jo., 24 Sanderson, Si; Wm., 7 Sparrer, Jo., 36

Pudsej-, Hen., 54 Mary, 54 Sandys, Cec., 23 Edw., 84; Spickr, 89

PciisHci.i,, 79 Joyce, 42 Sam., 114 Sir Spicer, 89 ; ;

Purslnill, 79 Sam., 23, 42 Spilsbury, Jo., 89 Sarah, 89

Pyndar, Rog., 70 Saunders, Wm,, 109 Spooner, 8 Catli., 8 — , ;

Sav.\ge, 85 Spragge, Rob., 102

Snrarje, 85 Stanley, 69 Jo., 110 Mary, — , ; ;

Savage, Dor., 97 Eliz., 5 ;-Ja3., 37 Rich., 37 ; ;

103 Jane, 35 Jo., 35, 86, Stanton, Anne, 67 Mm., 67 ; ; ;

Q. 97 Mary, 103 Rob., 5 ; Staples, Alex., 35 ; Anne, 35

Tho., 56, 112 Staunton, 44

— ,
Qnartermains, 7
SaveiT, Andrew, 68 Chas., 59 ; Stayner, Anne, 102 Rob., 102

Tho., 59 Steel, 91 Jud/je, 91; Mary,


— ;

Savile, 51 Anne, 37, 105 91 — ,

, ;

Geo., E. of Halifax, 37 ; Af. .Stephen, Anne, 8 Geare, 8 ;

R. of Halifax, 105 Sir Wm., 37, Stephens, Ret: Chas 34; Thos., ; ,

105 1 Wm., 80 ;

Radford, Jo., 113 Scott, Anne, 24 Tho., 97 Sir Stevens; Cath., 10; Jo., 10 ; ;

Rand, Tho., 64 Tho., 24 Steyncr, Anne, 27 Rob., 3, 27 ;

Rathbone, Jo., 58 Scriven, Tho., 24 Stinup, Rob., 28

Ravenhill, Fr., 85 Jo., 85; Wm., Scudamore, 84 Lo., 84
; Stockton, Susan, 7; Wm., 7 — , ; ;

85 Mary, 77 Wm., 77 Stone, Joan, 106 AValter, 106

Rea, Jo., 37 Maria, 37 Sebright, Sir Edw., 99 Jo., ^^ StonnoU, 4 Anne, 4

— ;

Read, Fr., 84 Sir TIio., 84


Sedgwick, 91 Stoughton, Auth., 110; Edisha, — ; , ;

RiDCWAY, 95— Mary, 95


Sellers, Anne, 99
Tho 99 ;

; ,

Rivett, Ann, 105 *'ir Tho., 105 Sevkrn, 86 Stratford, Anne, i'}', Jo., 10;
Roberts, —
109 Alice, 11
, Severn, 86

; Marg., 10: Rob., 45; Susan, 10


Jo., II, 12 Seymour, Hen., C Sir Jo., 6 Street, Jo., 88 Marg., 88 ; Sir ; ;

Robins, AVm., 62 Sliardelon: 92 Tho., Ill, 114 1

INDEX. 123

Stroud, Cath., 63 Rich.. 30, 63 Tyas, 95 Watsos, 101

Stuart. —AUce, 38
38 Tyson, Edw., 46

WaUon, 101
StuiUey, Alice, 9; Rich., 9 Watson, Fr., 42; S'lV Lewis, io.,
SUTTOX, 90 Rockingham, 42; Tho., Hi
Swain, Anne, 6 Wm., 6 : Watts, Hannah, 63 Rich., 63 ;

Swan, Jo., 8 Mary, 8 ; Weavers, Walkeiw and

Swettenham, LawT., 63 Marg., U. : Clothikks of Wore, 111
65 Webb, — 49 Anne, 65 Bened.,
, ; ;

Swift, 90 t/ffmit, 92 65 Fr., 49

Swift, 90 Underhill, 109; Eliz., 109: — , Wells, —

, ; Anne, 28 ; Jo.,
Symmes, Anne, 95 ; Tho., 95 Hercul&s, 91 Sir Wm., 91 12 Tho., 89
— 95 ; Anne, 7 ; Jo., Underwood,
, 36 — ,
; ;

Weutworth, Jane., 83 ; Wm.,

1 Tho., 7 (Tho.) E. of Cleveland, 83

— 40; Anne, 40 , Westcoat, — ,

Westfaling, Eliz., 100 ; Hubert.,
Bp., 100
Weston, Mary, 16 Rich., 16
\Vheeler, — 103 Edw.
68, 69,

Vanceuler, Abr., 84 109 ; Rich., 10

Vaughan, Rog., 48 ; Wm., 1 Whiohcot, Edw., 8
Vejile, Tho., Whiuniard, 6 — ,

Talbot, Jo., 49, 96 ; Mary, 96 ; Vkuxox, 96 White, Math., 58 Walter, lOO ;

Olive, 96 ; The, 78 y'ernon, 96 Whittington, Amph., 72 Hen., ;

Taylor, 91 Vernon, Edw., 13, 31 Ellen, 14 ; ;

i2 Jo., 72

Tai/loi; 91 Fr., 13 Geo., 14, 103 ; Jo., Wieherley, Geo., 25

Taylor, Alice, 7 9; Anne, 79; Benj., 102 ;

Mary, 93 Tho., 93 ; ; Wicks, 81—Fr., 81

, ;

104; Eliz., 95; Dor., 38; Hen., Wm., 21 Wiclle-s, Tho., 44

38 Jo., 75 ; Marg., 75 ; Tho.,
; Vicari.s, Jo., 52 Widdlngton, Sir Tho., 105 ;

79; Rev. The. 95 Ur.s., 1C5

Temple, Joan, 79 ; Jo., 79 ; Sir Widuell, .S'iVEduL, 6

Rich., 79 Wisg, Lucy, 68 Rog, 68
Thomas, —
95; Anne, 77; Eliz.,
, Wig.sall, Catli., 40

1 ; Jo., 39; •Sic Llew., 56 ; W. Wilbraliiun, Hump., 33 ; Marg.,

Marg., 56; Maiy, 39; Xev. Tho., 33
39 Walter, 77, 95; Wm., Bp., Wadley,
— 81 Wilde, 102, 103

Wilde, 102, 103 Wakoiuan,


— ,
10 ; Dor., 51 ;

Thompson, Jas., Hen., 51 67

Mary, 10 Wild, Dor., 88 Tho., 85, 88 ;

48 ; Mary, 48, 87
, Walcot, Jo., 22 Sir Tho., 113 WiMey, .\big,iil, 57
; Humiih.,

; ;

Tho., 87 Waldegrave, al'a Fleet, Edw., 73; .'.7

Mary, 57 Tho. 88
Thorsborocoh, 92 Mary, 73 Wilkes, 20 Eliz., 30 Kath.,

— , ;

Thornborouffh, 92 Walker, Anne, 20; Mary, 58; 30 Tho., 30

Thome, Br., 3; Jo., 3 Rich., 89 Wm., 58 Williams, 35 Edm., 102


52 Eliz., 52 , Wall, Daniel, 80 ; Eliz., !06 Sir Henry, 106 ;
; ,

; ;

Tierselin, Adrien, 82 Waller, Alicii, 40 Edm., 40 Rac'iel, 1U2; Wm., 7 ;

Tombs, Jo., 13 Wallis, Ezek., 40 Williamson, Jo., 94

Tomkins, Cath., 66; Jas., 66 Walls, 98 Willis, Jo., 8 a

8 Br., 8 Wm., 60
, Walh, I Barter, 98
; ; Willoughby, 90 Abigail, 90 — , ;

Townley, Mary, 61 Rich., 61 WalU, Wm., 103 ; WlLMOT, 101

TOWNSHEND, 92 Wal-shk, 99 Wllmnt, 104
TovjnsJiend, 92 Walshe, 99 Wilmot, Eliz., 107 Jo., 70 ;
Tow-nshend, 20 Anne, 2 —
Walsh, ,7 Aune, 24, 25 ; Hesther, 76 ; Tho., 107 — , ; ; ;

Henry, 34, 97 Joan, 34; Rob., Geo., 25 Jo., 86 Joseph, 25

; Wilson, Fr., 74 Dr. Tho., 74 ; ; ; ;

2 Sir Rich., 24 Sir Wm., 7 Winde, Wm., 60 ;

TOYE, 93 WaLsham, Jo., 70 Windsor, 105

Toye, 93 Walter, 87 Jo., 54 Capt. Windsor, Anth., 01

Br., 61 , ; ; ; ;

Toye, Hen., 30 Jo., 102; Mary, 101 Peter, Sir Edm., 61 Ladji Mary, ; ;

Trawnter, Alice, 35 Wm., 35 iri; Wm., 101 37 Tho., I-Jarl of Plymo\ith,

Tristram, 96 — , Walton, Math., 47 Wm., 60

37 ;

Trowe, Arthur, 72 Walwvx, 100 WiNKOiiD, 106

Trubehaw, Sir Cliar., 85 Wahcyn, 100 ll'i.i/orJ, 106
Try, Dor., 106 Wm., 106 Walwyn, Jo., 54 Winfonl, El, 50 Hen. 37 Sir
Tufton, Humph., 6; Marg.,

Ward ? Wood, 50 Jo., 37, .10

— ,
; :

TuUy, Lsaac, 70 Jane, 70 Wardall, Lucr., 1 Tho., 1 Wiugfield, Eliz., 93 Mary, 95 ;

Turljerville, Eliz., 63 Edm., 63 Wardle,

, 50 Mary, 50 ; Rich., 95 ;
— ;

Wm., 60, 77 Ware, Jas., 105 Sir Jas., 105 Wollev, Rxh., 31 ;

Turloot, Cath., 83 Warme.stre, Dr., 108 Wood" 107

Tumor, —
22 ; Eliz., 22 Warren, 55 Hester, 55 M'onO, Vu


Tur\ey, Eliz., 105 Tho., 105 Washbourne, Eliz., 23 Jo., 23 Wood, 52, 80 Eliz., 8 Geo.,
, ;

TWITTY, 94 Watkins,

lOS Rich., 56 8 Marv, 80 — ; , ; ;

TwiUt/, 94 Watkis, E.sau, 98 Ricli., 98 Woo.!, ? Ward, 50

, ;


— ,

W.atm-ire, Tho., 113 Wojdcock, Aaroa, 6

124 INDEX.
Woodhouse, Fr., 107 ; Marg., 86; Wyld, — , 15, 97 ; Ame, 15, 19 ; Yates,
—72 Kliz., 72 ; Hannah,
, ;

Sir Ph., 86 Eliz., 98; Jo., 57,97,98, 113; 21 Jo., 72 ; Mary, 28

; Rob., ;

Woodman, Hastings, 55 ; Jo. 55 ; Mary, 57 ; Rob., 19, 97 Sarah,

; 21 ;Wm., 113
Tho., 55 97 Yeate, Tho., 18 Jiev. Wm., 18
Woodrooffe, ,

6 Wynniatt, Wenman, 70 Yerworth, Ahce, 10 Rich., 10

Woodward, Wm , 4-3
York, Edith, 54 Jo., 2 70 Sir ;

Woolmer, Fr., 23 Rich., 54

Worcester, City of. 111 Young, 109
Won ille, Anne, 34 ; Oath., 3 ; Y. Young, 109
Jo., 3 Wra., 34
Young, Rich., 112 Wm., 31 ;

Wright, 108 Yamold, 43 ; Anne, 43 ; Tho.,

Wright, Jo., 43 112
Wrottesley, Ha^h, 1C9; Jane, Yarranton, Jo., 80
109 Yarrington, Humph., 113 Rob.,
Wylde, tee Wilde 79

— ,
55 ; App., 55

W. PoLLABD, Printer, North Street, E.xeter.


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