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#-----------------------------------------------------------------------#-----------------------------------------------------------------------# Simplified pseudo code to explain how settings in a trunk

# profile effects the creation of INVITE and REGISTER SIP messages.
# Info is provided "as is" and may change at any moment or new release.
#-----------------------------------------------------------------------# Uri parts
# sip:uri.userPart()@uri.hostPart();parameters(s)
# Syntax of uristringX, fromuriX
# sip:?@hostpart;parameters(s)
# "?" is where the to or from number is inserted to the uri.userPart.
# The hostpart is a dns entry or dottet Ip-address.
# Parametr(s) are any optional data required by receiver.
dialed number = %to-user
calling number = %from-user
presentation resrtriction = privacyRequested
presentation allowed = noPrivacyRequested
Data set by profile data is encloed in square brackets.
Ex: [dataFromProfile:yes].
Data set by cammand is enclosed in less ans grater than.
Ex: <-commandParameter>
Dynamic call data is proceeded with %:
Ex %to-user
Data to output creating SIP message.
Ex: ->Text: This text will be placed in message =>
# //Create INVITE header
# if ([requestUriFromRegisterString:no])
# {
->INVITE <-uristringX(%to-user)>;transport=<-protocol> SIP/2.0 =>
# }
# else
# // [requestUriFromRegisterString:yes]
# {
->INVITE <-registerstring>;transport=<-protocol> SIP/2.0 =>
// parameters as in uristringX
# }
# //Create To field
# {
->To: <-uristringX(%to-user)>;transport=<-protocol> =>



if ([SipSendUserParameter:yes])
->;user=phone =>

//Create From field

if ([hideUserWhenRestricted:no] + <-fromuriX.empty()>)
->From: <-uristringX(%from-user)> =>
if ([SipSendUserParameter:yes])
->;user=phone =>
elseif ([hideUserWhenRestricted:no] + <-fromuriX.exist()>)
->From: [fromuriX(%from-user)] =>
if ([SipSendUserParameter:yes])
->;user=phone =>
elseif ([hideUserWhenRestricted:yes] + %privacyRequested)
->From: anonymous@anonymous.invalid =>
if ([SipSendUserParameter:yes])
->;user=phone =>
elseif ([hideUserWhenRestricted:yes] + %noPrivacyRequested + <-fromuriX.empty()>)
->From: [uristringX(%from-user)] =>
if ([SipSendUserParameter:yes])
->;user=phone =>
elseif ([hideUserWhenRestricted:yes] + %noPrivacyRequested + <-fromuriX.exist()>)
->From: <-fromuriX(%from-user)> =>
if ([SipSendUserParameter:yes])
->;user=phone =>

//Create Contact field




if ([hideUserWhenRestricted:no])
->Contact: %from-user@%aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd;transport=<-protocol> =>
// user at dotted ip address of server
// [hideUserWhenRestricted:yes]
->Contact: anonymous@%aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd;transport=<-protocol> =>
// unknown user at dotted ip address

if ([privacy:trusted_privacy_user] + %privacyRequested)
->Privacy: user =>
elseif ([privacy:trusted_privacy_id] + %privacyRequested)
->Privacy: id =>
elseif ([privacy:hideHistoryInfo])
->Privacy: history =>
->Privacy: none =>

//Create P-Asserted-Identity field

if ([sendIdentity:p_asserted_identity])
if ([trustedPartySource:registerstring])
->P-Asserted-Identity: <-registerstring> =>
elseif (<-fromuriX.empty()>)
->P-Asserted-Identity: <-uristringX(%from-user)> =>
->P-Asserted-Identity: <-uristringX(%from-user)> =>
//Create P-Preferred-Identity field
elseif [sendIdentity:send_preferred_identity]



if ([trustedPartySource:registerstring])
->P-Preferred-Identity: <-registerstring> =>
elseif ([fromuriX.empty()])
->P-Preferred-Identity: <-uristringX(%from-user)> =>
->P-Preferred-Identity: <-uristringX(%from-user)> =>


-//Create REGISTER header

->REGISTER <-registerstring>;transport=<-protocol> SIP/2.0 =>

-//Create To field
->To: <-registerstring>;transport=<-protocol> =>

-//Create From field

->From: <-registerstring>;transport=<-protocol> =>

-//Create Contact field

->Contact: <-registerstring.userPart()>@%aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd =>
// user at dotted ip address of server




This file holds a template used when creating trunk profile.

The syntax of the configuration file is that hash (#) starts a comment,
that continues to the end of the line. If the character hash (#)
is needed it can be escaped with a backslash as \#, to avoid starting
a comment. Lines can be continued with a backslash (\) as the last
character of the line.
(Line continuation is done before comments are stripped.)
The configuration file is case sensitive.
Non comment lines have the syntax:
key:subkey: value
There can be several lines with the same key to specify more values
for a key. One line can have several values separated by a comma (,).

# Predefined commands
#-------------------# When using sip_route -set -profile XXX -route Y, sip_route command must be followed by
# 1. ROCAI:ROU=Y.. for services
# 2. RODAI:ROU=Y,TYPE=TL66,VARI=00000000,VARC=00000000,VARO=00000000;
# 3. ROEQI:ROU=Y,TRU=<lim>-1;
# 4. RODDI:ROU=<route-number>,DEST=<dest-number>,ADC=0005000000000250000000001000,SRT=<srt>;
# commandsInit is provided for the above commands as default for
# route data non SIP specific.
# This data is used by A700 configuration or MTS.
# May be used in command line interface by copy/paste.
0;|ROEQI:ROU=<route-number>,TRU=1-1;|number_initiate -numbertype ED -number
# additionalCommands is provided as defaults for other non route data,
# typecally data for other services connected to the trunk, ie: operators
# diversion data etc.
# This data is used by A700 configuration or MTS.
# May be used in command line interface by copy/paste.
TrunkProfile:XXX:additionalCommands: "csta_initiate -lim 1 -protocol xml|number_initiate
-numbertype oc -number <common-operator-number>|number_initiate -numbertype od -number
<common-operator-number>|number_initiate -numbertype oc -number
<common-operator-DID-number>|number_initiate -numbertype od -number
<common-operator-DID-number>|number_initiate -numbertype ED -number
<internal-call-queue-number>|number_data_initiate -externalnumber
<internal-call-queue-number> -minlength <internal-call-queue-number-length> -maxlength
,ADC=1505000000000250005001010000,trc=0,srt=1,numack=0;|number_initiate -numbertype ED


-number <external-call-queue-number>|number_data_initiate -externalnumber

<external-call-queue-number> -minlength <external-call-queue-number-length> -maxlength
,ADC=1505000000000250005001010000,trc=0,srt=1,numack=0;|number_initiate -numbertype ac
# sip_route command parameters controlled by profile
#-------------------------------------------------# Used to specify SIP related trunk data/settings.
# required parameters:
uristring0 or the alias uristring
# Complete list:
# [outbound]
remoteport, protocol, proxyip, proxyport, password, realm,
uristring(0-7), fromuri(0-7), remotetelip, rexfromuri, rexstring,
# [inbound]
accept, match, priority, contexta(0-7), contextb(0-7),
mwinumber, handleasexn, challenge
# [registration]
timer, numbers, registerstring, registerport, authname, password,
realm, localdomain, supervise, supervisetime
# [common]
codecs, protocol
#Extended parameter handling
#--------------------------# When the command is entered the profile can control the entered
# parameters.
# It is done by defining required parameters or suggesting default values.
# Suggestions are printed by sip_route command, when parameter is
# missing or by A700 configuration or MTS.
# Some parameters can be excluded from the command, if they are not
# used in the profile (which will result in the default value)
# or if the parameter shall have a locked preset value.
# The parameters and optional values are separated by "|".
# The parameters -register and -trusted are normally excluded per default
# when using profiles as profiles have more detailed settings, than register/trusted.
# See also: SIP_interop_readme.txt file.
# -register => replaced below by


registratedTrunk: no/yes[default=no]
# -trusted => replaced below by
privacy: {privacy_no,privacy_id,privacy_user} [default=privacy_no]
->sendIdentity: {p_asserted_identity/p_preferred_identity} [default=p_asserted_identity]
->handleIncomingPAssertedIdentity: {yes/no}[default=yes]
# Require parameter input with suggestion/hint on value.
# format: "<parameter>=<default value>"
# This example is valid for a non registered trunk
# Exclude parameter input with and without default vale.
# format: <parameter>=<locked value> or <parameter>
# Excluded parameters in the command sip_route
# TrunkProfile:XXX:parListExcluded: "register|trusted|challange=yes"
TrunkProfile:XXX:parListExcluded: "register|trusted"

# Registration
#---------------# MX-ONE may send REGISTER to a sip registrar (could be an service provider)
TrunkProfile:XXX:registratedTrunk: no
# If registratedTrunk:yes, then REGISTER will be sent
# -registerstring "sip:'pbx-id'@'service provider reg'". Below there are references to
# parts of -registerstring, 'pbx-id' and 'service provider' or the whole string.
# -uristringX "sip:?@'service provider access'. ? is replaces by the called number
Req-URI = sip:[<service provider access> / <service provider reg>]
requestUriFromRegisterString maps to the values above as (no/yes).
TrunkProfile:XXX:requestUriFromRegisterString: no
From: <sip:'pbx-id'@'service provider reg'>
<sip:'pbx-id'@'service provider reg'>
Contact: <sip:['pbx-id'@'service provider reg']/['pbx-id'@IP address of Telephony Server]
contactFromRegisterString:(yes/no). XXX: no
TrunkProfile:XXX:contactFromRegisterString: no
Proxy-Require: gin
Require: gin
Supported: path
Contact: <sip:...;bnc>;
TrunkProfile:XXX:rfc6140RegistrationHeaders: no
# Outgoing traffic
#---------------# If registratedTrunk:yes, then MX-ONE will send INVITE with reference to the registered


# -fromuriX 'sip:?@'service provider access'. ? is replaces by the calling number
# If configured, -fromuriX is used in the From: header, otherwise From: header will get
# the value from -uristringX (except that ? follows the context)
# -uristringX configures the Req-Uri and To: header
# in outgoing INVITEs P-Asserted-Identity. For a non registered trunk 'user' is always used.
To: [-uristringX]
From: [-fromuriX or -uristringX]
P-Asserted-Identity/P-Preferred-Identity: [From header value]/[-registerstring]>
# trustedPartySource:{user/registerstring} ['user' as specified in From header or
TrunkProfile:XXX:trustedPartySource: user
# RFC3323 (privacy_user) or RFC3325 (privacy_id)
TrunkProfile:XXX:privacy: no
# If privacy is set, then send identity in P-Asserted-Identity(p_asserted_identity) or
# P-Preferred-Identity(p_preferred_identity)
TrunkProfile:XXX:sendIdentity: p_asserted_identity
# If hideUserWhenRestricted:yes, then From: and Contact: identity is set to Anonomous
# From: "Anonymous" <sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid>
# Contact: "Anonymous" <sip:anonymous@'IP address of Telephony Server'
TrunkProfile:XXX:hideUserWhenRestricted: yes
# Incoming traffic
#---------------# Handle incoming P-Asserted-Identity. Show identity part of P-Asserted-Identity instead of
TrunkProfile:XXX:handleIncomingPAssertedIdentity: yes
The B-party number is normally fetched from the INVITE's reqURI
However, some ISPs only show the B-party number in the To: header
bNumberSource: request_uri/to_header[default=request_uri]
TrunkProfile:XXX:bNumberSource: request_uri
If SipUseIncomingPCalledPartyId is enabled. If the B-party number is fetched via
P-Called-Party-Id and To has a different value, the Diversion identity is
fetched from To. The below parameter is implicitly set via -register SIP_DDI
in combination with bNumberSource: to_header
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipUseIncomingPCalledPartyId: no
# The following configuration can only be set via profile (not
# possible to set using RODAI.
# send Alert-Info URNs for outgoing calls: yes/no
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipSendAlertInfo: no
# re-negotiate reliably negotiated early media at 200OK: yes/no
TrunkProfile:XXX:RenegotiateEarlyReliableMedia: yes
# supervise early media and order ringback tone if absent: yes/no
TrunkProfile:XXX:MediaSuperviseEarlyMedia: yes
# use FQDN in host portion of contact URI (default is to use IP address)
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipUseFqdnInContact: no
# Insert Record-Route header
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipInsertRecordRouteHeader: yes
# ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes/no : When SST requested at received REFER request should
dialled number be replaced
TrunkProfile:XXX:ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes


# ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes/no : When SST requested at received REFER request should

subsequent diversion be allowed
TrunkProfile:XXX:ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes

For defined profiles (except Default, which is backward compatible),

MX-ONE will read and use values below instead of the VAR data in RODAI.
For profile Default you can override the Default profile with
non zero values in RODAI VAR parameters.


# RODAI:ROU=Y,TYPE=TL66,VARI=00000000,VARC=00000000,VARO=00000000;
# Mapping between RODAI and below settings
# Each digit(Dx) is a hex value (0x) with parameters mapped to bit values.
# Dx has in the command value range 0x0-0xF(base 16).
# However each Dx may have up to 4 parameter values according to a bitmap, 0000-1111(base 2).
# In the mapping, each bit is referenced as B3B2B1B0. The number is the multiple of 2
# B3 = 2^3(dec 8)
# B2 = 2^2(dec 4)
# B1 = 2^1(dec 2)
# B0 = 2^0(dec 1)
# Default value for each parameter Bx is always 0. However the default value in
# the trunk profile is sometimes the reversed, ie 'yes'(1).
# To indicate the reversed value, the mapping is prefixed "-1"
# Example:
# In VARC D7, enabled bit is for a suppressed media capabilities, whereas in the trunk
# profile the value corresponds to whether a media capability is sent.
# VARC D7:B0<-1(MediaSendCN)> and VARC D7:B1<-1(MediaSendFaxCapabilities)>
# => VARC D7 = hex 3 (binary 11) => MediaSendCN: no, MediaSendFaxCapabilities: no
# send comfort noise in SDP: yes/no
# VARC D7:B0 <-1(MediaSendCN)>
TrunkProfile:XXX:MediaSendCN: yes
# announce T38 capabilities in SDP: yes/no
# VARC D7:B1 <-1(MediaSendFaxCapabilities)>
TrunkProfile:XXX:MediaSendFaxCapabilities: yes
# enforce fax pass through, i.e. never use T38: yes/no
# VARC D5:B3 <(MediaEnforceFaxPassThrough)>
TrunkProfile:XXX:MediaEnforceFaxPassThrough: no
# include telephone event in SDP if supported: yes/no
# VARC D7:B2 <-1(MediaSendTelephoneEvent)>
TrunkProfile:XXX:MediaSendTelephoneEvent: yes
# Fallback method if RFC4733 isn't supported, INFO with Content-Type application/dtmf-relay
or in-band DTMF (requires G711): info/dtmf
# VARC D8:B2 <MediaDtmfFallbackMethod>
TrunkProfile:XXX:MediaDtmfFallbackMethod: info
# include clearmode codec in SDP if supported: yes/no
# VARC D7:B3 <-1(MediaSendClearmodeCodec)>
TrunkProfile:XXX:MediaSendClearmodeCodec: yes
# send rva as early media, otherwise send early 200 OK: yes/no
# VARI D8:B0 <-1(MediaSendRvaAsEarlyMedia)>
TrunkProfile:XXX:MediaSendRvaAsEarlyMedia: yes


# automaticallly enable end-to-end DTMF: yes/no

# VARC D8:B1 <MediaAutomaticEndToEndDTMF>
# Depreciated value: VARO D7:B0
TrunkProfile:XXX:MediaAutomaticEndToEndDTMF: no
# force media connection through gateway: yes/no
# VARC D5:B0 <MediaForcedGateway>
TrunkProfile:XXX:MediaForcedGateway: no
# enabling QSIG-like services: yes/no
# VARC D6:B0 <SipTrunkServices>
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipTrunkServices: no
# add parameter user=phone: yes/no
# VARC D5:B2 <-1(SipSendUserParameter)>
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipSendUserParameter: yes
# use Private (internal) numbers: yes/no
# VARC D8:B0 <-1(SipUsePrivateNumbers)>
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipUsePrivateNumbers: no
# send 181 when diversion: yes/no
# VARI D8:B1 <-1(SipSend181atDiversion)>
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipSend181atDiversion: yes
# treat 183 as 180: yes/no
# VARO D7:B2 <SipTreat183as180>
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipTreat183as180: no
# use incoming History-Info: yes/no
# VARI D7:B0 <SipUseIncomingHistoryInfo>
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipUseIncomingHistoryInfo: no
# use incoming Diversion: yes/no
# VARI D7:B1 <SipUseIncomingDiversion>
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipUseIncomingDiversion: no
# use incoming ReferredBy: yes/no
# VARI D7:B2 <SipUseIncomingReferredBy>
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipUseIncomingReferredBy: no
# treat 404,485 and 604 as nework congestion : yes/no
# VARO D5:B0 <SipTreatNotFoundAsNetworkError>
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipTreatNotFoundAsNetworkError: no
# use outgoing History-Info: yes/no
# VARO D5:B1 <-1(SipUseOutgoingHistoryInfo)>
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipUseOutgoingHistoryInfo: yes
# use outgoing Diversion: yes/no
# VARO D5:B2 <-1(SipUseOutgoingDiversion)>
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipUseOutgoingDiversion: yes
# maximum time for inital response (range 0-9s):
# VARO D6 <SipMaxTimeForInitialResponse>
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipMaxTimeForInitialResponse: 1


# inter-digit timeout at outgoing call (range 0-9s):

# VARO D8 <SipInterDigitTimeout>
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipInterDigitTimeout: 4
# update call monitor with number found in Contact:
# VARO D7:B1 <SipUpdateMonitorWithContactNumber>
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipUpdateMonitorWithContactNumber: no
# hide name of a-party, incomming from trunk:
# VARC D6:B3 <SipHideNameOffExternalParty>
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipHideNameOffExternalParty: no
# use original untranslated a number for outgoin REX calls:
# VARO D7:B3 <SipUseOrigIncommingTrunkAnumberFor_REX>
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipUseOrigIncommingTrunkAnumberFor_REX: no
# usage of session timer to supervise calls: yes/no
# VARC D5:B1 <-1(SipSessionTimer)>
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipSessionTimer: yes
# use Replaces to update remote end (speech parking etc.): yes/no
# VARC D4:B0 <SipMayUseReplaces>
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipMayUseReplaces: no
# use Early replaces to update remote end (i.e. ringing): yes/no
# early replaces implies that replaces works aswell.
# VARC D4:B1 <SipMayUseEarlyReplaces>
TrunkProfile:XXX:SipMayUseEarlyReplaces: no
# CryptoOfferMethod: SAVP/AVP : If AVP, offer crypto according to
# VARC D3:B0 <CryptoOfferMethod>
# B0 = 0 (AVP), B0 = 1 (SAVP)
TrunkProfile:XXX:CryptoOfferMethod: AVP




This file holds the default trunk profile. These values can be overridden
in a specialized profile
The syntax of the configuration file is that hash (#) starts a comment,
that continues to the end of the line. If the character hash (#)
is needed it can be escaped with a backslash as \#, to avoid starting
a comment. Lines can be continued with a backslash (\) as the last
character of the line.
(Line continuation is done before comments are stripped.)
The configuration file is case sensitive.
Non-comment lines have the syntax:
key:subkey: value
There can be several lines with the same key to specify more values
for a key. One line can have several values separated by a comma (,).

#The minimum setting for a Default route is -route and -uristring0

TrunkProfile:Default:parListRequired: "uristring0=sip:+?@<remote-proxy-ip>"
TrunkProfile:Default:registratedTrunk: no
TrunkProfile:Default:rfc6140RegistrationHeaders: no
TrunkProfile:Default:requestUriFromRegisterString: no
TrunkProfile:Default:contactFromRegisterString: no
TrunkProfile:Default:trustedPartySource: user
TrunkProfile:Default:privacy: privacy_no
TrunkProfile:Default:sendIdentity: p_asserted_identity
TrunkProfile:Default:hideUserWhenRestricted: yes
TrunkProfile:Default:handleIncomingPAssertedIdentity: yes
TrunkProfile:Default:bNumberSource: request_uri
TrunkProfile:Default:SipUseIncomingPCalledPartyId: no
#commandInit is used by MTS to set up a default maximum service profile
#ROCAI has the same values as the AMCC trunk profile
#RODAI has VARC D8:B1 (dec 2) set for MediaAutomaticEndToEndDTMF (order public (ISDN) to
detect DTMF)
0;|ROEQI:ROU=<route-number>,TRU=<tru-server-numbers>;|number_initiate -numbertype ED -number
# send Alert-Info URNs for outgoing calls: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:SipSendAlertInfo: no
# re-negotiate reliably negotiated early media at 200OK: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:RenegotiateEarlyReliableMedia: yes
# supervise early media and order ringback tone if absent: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:MediaSuperviseEarlyMedia: yes
# use FQDN in host portion of contact URI (default is to use IP address)
TrunkProfile:Default:SipUseFqdnInContact: no
# Insert Record-Route header
TrunkProfile:Default:SipInsertRecordRouteHeader: yes


# ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes/no : When SST requested at received REFER request should

dialled number be replaced
TrunkProfile:Default:ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes
# ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes/no : When SST requested at received REFER request should
subsequent diversion be allowed
TrunkProfile:Default:ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes

#The below values are inherited from RODAI{TYPE=TL66,VARI,VARC,VARO}

#The mapping between the RODAI values and the trunk profile values listed here
#are shown in trunk_profile.template
# send comfort noise in SDP: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:MediaSendCN: yes
# announce T38 capabilities in SDP: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:MediaSendFaxCapabilities: yes
# enforce fax pass through, i.e. never use T38: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:MediaEnforceFaxPassThrough: no
# include telephone event in SDP if supported: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:MediaSendTelephoneEvent: yes
# Fall-back method if RFC4733 isn't supported, INFO with Content-Type application/dtmf-relay
or in-band DTMF: info/inband
TrunkProfile:Default:MediaDtmfFallbackMethod: info
# include clearmode codec in SDP if supported: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:MediaSendClearmodeCodec: yes
# send rva as early media, otherwise send early 200 OK: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:MediaSendRvaAsEarlyMedia: yes
# automatically enable end-to-end DTMF: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:MediaAutomaticEndToEndDTMF: no
# force media connection through gateway: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:MediaForcedGateway: no
# the power level of the tone, expressed in dBm0 after dropping the sign
# valid range is from 0 to -36 dBm0
TrunkProfile:Default:MediaRfc2833DtmfVolume: 6
# event duration specified in milliseconds, maximum 255ms.
TrunkProfile:Default:MediaRfc2833DtmfDuration: 100
# enabling QSIG-like services: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:SipTrunkServices: no
# add parameter user=phone: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:SipSendUserParameter: yes
# use Private (internal) numbers: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:SipUsePrivateNumbers: no
# send 181 when diversion: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:SipSend181atDiversion: yes
# treat 183 as 180: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:SipTreat183as180: no
# use incoming History-Info: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:SipUseIncomingHistoryInfo: no
# use incoming Diversion: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:SipUseIncomingDiversion: no
# use incoming ReferredBy: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:SipUseIncomingReferredBy: no
# treat 404,485 and 604 as network congestion : yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:SipTreatNotFoundAsNetworkError: no
# use outgoing History-Info: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:SipUseOutgoingHistoryInfo: yes
# use outgoing Diversion: yes/no


TrunkProfile:Default:SipUseOutgoingDiversion: yes
# maximum time for initial response:
TrunkProfile:Default:SipMaxTimeForInitialResponse: 1
# inter-digit time-out at outgoing call:
TrunkProfile:Default:SipInterDigitTimeout: 4
# update call monitor with number found in Contact:
TrunkProfile:Default:SipUpdateMonitorWithContactNumber: no
# hide name of a-party, incoming from trunk:
TrunkProfile:Default:SipHideNameOffExternalParty: no
# use original untranslated a number for outgoing REX calls:
TrunkProfile:Default:SipUseOrigIncommingTrunkAnumberFor_REX: no
# usage of session timer to supervise calls: yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:SipSessionTimer: yes
# use Replaces to update remote end (speech parking etc.): yes/no
TrunkProfile:Default:SipMayUseReplaces: no
# use Early replaces to update remote end (i.e. ringing): yes/no
# early replaces implies that replaces works as well.
TrunkProfile:Default:SipMayUseEarlyReplaces: no
# CryptoOfferMethod: SAVP/AVP : If AVP, offer crypto according to
TrunkProfile:Default:CryptoOfferMethod: AVP




This file holds the AMCC trunk profile(s), overriding the default profile
The syntax of the configuration file is that hash (#) starts a comment,
that continues to the end of the line. If the character hash (#)
is needed it can be escaped with a backslash as \#, to avoid starting
a comment. Lines can be continued with a backslash (\) as the last
character of the line.
(Line continuation is done before comments are stripped.)
The configuration file is case sensitive.
Non-comment lines have the syntax:
key:subkey: value
There can be several lines with the same key to specify more values
for a key. One line can have several values separated by a comma (,).

TrunkProfile:AMCC:parListExcluded: "register|trusted"
#Changes from default explained:
# SERV=3100000007(D2-Call back allowed, D10-number conversion shall be made)
# SIG=1111110000A0 (D1-Dial tone is sent to own device)
# BCAP=001100 (D3-3,1 kHz Audio allowed,D4-SPEECH allowed)
# ADC=0227000000000250002001110000
#(D2-National Private Number called,D3-National Private Number calling,
#D19- set as D2, D22-original A number sent on Diversion,
#D23-original A-number's TON sent, D24-Enhanced A-number conversion)
0;|ROEQI:ROU=<route-number>,TRU=<tru-server-numbers>;|number_initiate -numbertype ED -number
TrunkProfile:AMCC:privacy: privacy_id
TrunkProfile:AMCC:sendIdentity: p_asserted_identity
TrunkProfile:AMCC:hideUserWhenRestricted: yes
TrunkProfile:AMCC:handleIncomingPAssertedIdentity: yes
TrunkProfile:AMCC:bNumberSource: request_uri
#AMCC uses Default settings for RODAI:ROU=X,TYPE=TL66,VARI=,VARC=,VARO=
# send confort noise in SDP: yes/no
TrunkProfile:AMCC:MediaSendCN: yes
# announce T38 capabilities in SDP: yes/no
TrunkProfile:AMCC:MediaSendFaxCapabilities: yes
# enforce fax pass through, i.e. never use T38: yes/no
TrunkProfile:AMCC:MediaEnforceFaxPassThrough: no


# include telephone event in SDP if supported: yes/no [Default: yes]

TrunkProfile:AMCC:MediaSendTelephoneEvent: no
# Fallback method if RFC4733 isn't supported, INFO with Content-Type application/dtmf-relay
or in-band DTMF: info/dtmf
TrunkProfile:AMCC:MediaDtmfFallbackMethod: info
# include clearmode codec in SDP if supported: yes/no
TrunkProfile:AMCC:MediaSendClearmodeCodec: yes
# send rva as early media, otherwise send early 200 OK: yes/no
TrunkProfile:AMCC:MediaSendRvaAsEarlyMedia: yes
# automaticallly enable end-to-end DTMF: yes/no [Default:no]
TrunkProfile:AMCC:MediaAutomaticEndToEndDTMF: yes
# force media connection through gateway: yes/no
TrunkProfile:AMCC:MediaForcedGateway: no
# supervise early media and order ringback tone if absent: yes/no
TrunkProfile:AMCC:MediaSuperviseEarlyMedia: yes
# enabling QSIG-like services: yes/no
TrunkProfile:AMCC:SipTrunkServices: no
# add parameter user=phone: yes/no
TrunkProfile:AMCC:SipSendUserParameter: yes
# use Private (internal) numbers: yes/no
TrunkProfile:AMCC:SipUsePrivateNumbers: no
# send 181 when diversion: yes/no
TrunkProfile:AMCC:SipSend181atDiversion: yes
# treat 183 as 180: yes/no [Default:no]
TrunkProfile:AMCC:SipTreat183as180: yes
# use incoming History-Info: yes/no
TrunkProfile:AMCC:SipUseIncomingHistoryInfo: no
# use incoming Diversion: yes/no
TrunkProfile:AMCC:SipUseIncomingDiversion: no
# treat 404,485 and 604 as nework congestion : yes/no
TrunkProfile:AMCC:SipTreatNotFoundAsNetworkError: no
# use outgoing History-Info: yes/no
TrunkProfile:AMCC:SipUseOutgoingHistoryInfo: yes
# use outgoing Diversion: yes/no
TrunkProfile:AMCC:SipUseOutgoingDiversion: yes
# maximum time for inital response:
TrunkProfile:AMCC:SipMaxTimeForInitialResponse: 1
# inter-digit timeout at outgoing call: [Default: 4]
TrunkProfile:AMCC:SipInterDigitTimeout: 1
# update call monitor with number found in Contact:
TrunkProfile:AMCC:SipUpdateMonitorWithContactNumber: no
# hide name of a-party, incomming from trunk:
TrunkProfile:AMCC:SipHideNameOffExternalParty: no
# use original untranslated a number for outgoin REX calls:
TrunkProfile:AMCC:SipUseOrigIncommingTrunkAnumberFor_REX: no
# usage of session timer to supervise calls: yes/no
TrunkProfile:AMCC:SipSessionTimer: yes
# use Replaces to update remote end (speech parking etc.): yes/no
TrunkProfile:AMCC:SipMayUseReplaces: no
# use Early replaces to update remote end (i.e. ringing): yes/no
# early replaces implies that replaces works aswell.
TrunkProfile:AMCC:SipMayUseEarlyReplaces: no
# CryptoOfferMethod: SAVP/AVP : If AVP, offer crypto according to
TrunkProfile:AMCC:CryptoOfferMethod: AVP
# ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes/no : When SST requested at received REFER request should
dialled number be replaced


TrunkProfile:AMCC:ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes
# ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes/no : When SST requested at received REFER request should
subsequent diversion be allowed
TrunkProfile:AMCC:ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes
# send Alert-Info URNs for outgoing calls: yes/no
TrunkProfile:AMCC:SipSendAlertInfo: no




Cisco trunk profile can be used to directly connect to:

- Cisco VCS (Video Communication Server); formerly Tandberg VCS
Video terminals, as for example EX60/90 or Profile 42 are then registered to the VCS.
- CUCM (Cisco Unified Communication Manager); Cisco CallManager
The syntax of the configuration file is that hash (#) starts a comment,
that continues to the end of the line. If the character hash (#)
is needed it can be escaped with a backslash as \#, to avoid starting
a comment. Lines can be continued with a backslash (\) as the last
character of the line.
(Line continuation is done before comments are stripped.)
The configuration file is case sensitive.
Non-comment lines have the syntax:
key:subkey: value
There can be several lines with the same key to specify more values
for a key. One line can have several values separated by a comma (,).

TrunkProfile:Cisco:parListExcluded: "register|trusted"
0;|ROEQI:ROU=<route-number>,TRU=<tru-server-numbers>;|number_initiate -numbertype ED -number
TrunkProfile:Cisco:registratedTrunk: no
TrunkProfile:Cisco:requestUriFromRegisterString: no
TrunkProfile:Cisco:contactFromRegisterString: no
TrunkProfile:Cisco:trustedPartySource: user
TrunkProfile:Cisco:privacy: privacy_user
TrunkProfile:Cisco:sendIdentity: p_asserted_identity
TrunkProfile:Cisco:hideUserWhenRestricted: no
TrunkProfile:Cisco:handleIncomingPAssertedIdentity: yes
TrunkProfile:Cisco:bNumberSource: request_uri
TrunkProfile:Cisco:MediaSendCN: yes
TrunkProfile:Cisco:MediaSendFaxCapabilities: yes
TrunkProfile:Cisco:MediaEnforceFaxPassThrough: no
TrunkProfile:Cisco:MediaSendTelephoneEvent: yes
TrunkProfile:Cisco:MediaDtmfFallbackMethod: info
TrunkProfile:Cisco:MediaSendClearmodeCodec: yes
TrunkProfile:Cisco:MediaSendRvaAsEarlyMedia: yes
# automaticallly enable end-to-end DTMF: yes/no [Cisco: yes]
TrunkProfile:Cisco:MediaAutomaticEndToEndDTMF: yes
TrunkProfile:Cisco:MediaForcedGateway: no
TrunkProfile:Cisco:MediaSuperviseEarlyMedia: yes


# enabling QSIG-like services: yes/no [Cisco: yes]

TrunkProfile:Cisco:SipTrunkServices: yes
TrunkProfile:Cisco:SipSendUserParameter: yes
# use Private (internal) numbers: yes/no [Cisco: yes]
TrunkProfile:Cisco:SipUsePrivateNumbers: yes
TrunkProfile:Cisco:SipSend181atDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Cisco:SipTreat183as180: no
TrunkProfile:Cisco:SipUseIncomingHistoryInfo: no
# use incoming Diversion: yes/no [Cisco: yes]
TrunkProfile:Cisco:SipUseIncomingDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Cisco:SipTreatNotFoundAsNetworkError: no
TrunkProfile:Cisco:SipUseOutgoingHistoryInfo: yes
TrunkProfile:Cisco:SipUseOutgoingDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Cisco:SipMaxTimeForInitialResponse: 1
TrunkProfile:Cisco:SipInterDigitTimeout: 4
TrunkProfile:Cisco:SipUpdateMonitorWithContactNumber: no
TrunkProfile:Cisco:SipHideNameOffExternalParty: no
TrunkProfile:Cisco:SipUseOrigIncommingTrunkAnumberFor_REX: no
TrunkProfile:Cisco:SipSessionTimer: yes
# use Replaces to update remote end (speech parking etc.): yes/no [Cisco: yes]
TrunkProfile:Cisco:SipMayUseReplaces: yes
TrunkProfile:Cisco:SipMayUseEarlyReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:Cisco:CryptoOfferMethod: AVP
TrunkProfile:Cisco:ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes
TrunkProfile:Cisco:ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Cisco:SipSendAlertInfo: yes




This file holds the Elion trunk profile(s), overriding the default profile
The syntax of the configuration file is that hash (#) starts a comment,
that continues to the end of the line. If the character hash (#)
is needed it can be escaped with a backslash as \#, to avoid starting
a comment. Lines can be continued with a backslash (\) as the last
character of the line.
(Line continuation is done before comments are stripped.)
The configuration file is case sensitive.
Non-comment lines have the syntax:
key:subkey: value
There can be several lines with the same key to specify more values
for a key. One line can have several values separated by a comma (,).

#Changes from default explained:
# SERV=3100000003(D2-Call back allowed, D10-number conversion and bearer capability shall be
# SIG=1111111000A0 (D1-Dial tone is sent to own device, D6-Extending of calls without clear,
D7-Ring tone from network)
# BCAP=111111 (all types allowed)
# ADC=0005000000000250000001010000 (D22-Original A-number sent D24-Enhanced A-number
#Note, that RODAI parameters are set in this file instead(see below), but ROEQI demands
RODAI to be executed with a least default values.
-numbertype ED -number
TrunkProfile:Elion:registratedTrunk: yes
TrunkProfile:Elion:privacy: privacy_id
TrunkProfile:Elion:sendIdentity: p_preferred_identity
TrunkProfile:Elion:hideUserWhenRestricted: no
TrunkProfile:Elion:handleIncomingPAssertedIdentity: yes
TrunkProfile:Elion:contactFromRegisterString: yes
TrunkProfile:Elion:requestUriFromRegisterString: false
TrunkProfile:Elion:bNumberSource: to_header


TrunkProfile:Elion:trustedPartySource: registerstring

#Elion uses the equivalent settings for

TrunkProfile:Elion:MediaSendCN: yes
TrunkProfile:Elion:MediaSendFaxCapabilities: yes
TrunkProfile:Elion:MediaEnforceFaxPassThrough: no
TrunkProfile:Elion:MediaSendTelephoneEvent: yes
TrunkProfile:Elion:MediaDtmfFallbackMethod: info
TrunkProfile:Elion:MediaSendClearmodeCodec: yes
# send rva as early media, otherwise send early 200 OK: yes/no [default:yes]
TrunkProfile:Elion:MediaSendRvaAsEarlyMedia: no
TrunkProfile:Elion:MediaAutomaticEndToEndDTMF: no
# force media connection through gateway: yes/no [default:no]
TrunkProfile:Elion:MediaForcedGateway: yes
TrunkProfile:Elion:MediaSuperviseEarlyMedia: yes
TrunkProfile:Elion:SipTrunkServices: no
TrunkProfile:Elion:SipSendUserParameter: yes
TrunkProfile:Elion:SipUsePrivateNumbers: no
TrunkProfile:Elion:SipSend181atDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Elion:SipTreat183as180: no
TrunkProfile:Elion:SipUseIncomingHistoryInfo: no
TrunkProfile:Elion:SipUseIncomingDiversion: no
TrunkProfile:Default:SipUseIncomingReferredBy: no
TrunkProfile:Elion:SipTreatNotFoundAsNetworkError: no
TrunkProfile:Elion:SipUseOutgoingHistoryInfo: yes
TrunkProfile:Elion:SipUseOutgoingDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Elion:SipMaxTimeForInitialResponse: 1
TrunkProfile:Elion:SipInterDigitTimeout: 4
TrunkProfile:Elion:SipUpdateMonitorWithContactNumber: no
TrunkProfile:Elion:SipHideNameOffExternalParty: no
TrunkProfile:Elion:SipUseOrigIncommingTrunkAnumberFor_REX: no
TrunkProfile:Elion:SipSessionTimer: yes
TrunkProfile:Elion:SipMayUseReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:Elion:SipMayUseEarlyReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:Elion:CryptoOfferMethod: AVP
TrunkProfile:Elion:ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes
TrunkProfile:Elion:ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Elion:SipSendAlertInfo: no




This file holds the default trunk profile. These values can be overridden
in a specialized profile
The syntax of the configuration file is that hash (#) starts a comment,
that continues to the end of the line. If the character hash (#)
is needed it can be escaped with a backslash as \#, to avoid starting
a comment. Lines can be continued with a backslash (\) as the last
character of the line.
(Line continuation is done before comments are stripped.)
The configuration file is case sensitive.
Non-comment lines have the syntax:
key:subkey: value
There can be several lines with the same key to specify more values
for a key. One line can have several values separated by a comma (,).

TrunkProfile:InAttend:parListExcluded: "register|trusted"
TrunkProfile:InAttend:additionalCommands: "csta_initiate -lim 1 -protocol
xml|number_initiate -numbertype oc -number <common-operator-number>|number_initiate
-numbertype od -number <common-operator-number>|number_initiate -numbertype oc -number
<common-operator-DID-number>|number_initiate -numbertype od -number
<common-operator-DID-number>|number_initiate -numbertype ED -number
<dest-internal-call-queue-number>|number_data_initiate -externalnumber
<dest-internal-call-queue-number> -minlength <dest-internal-call-queue-number-length>
-numbertype ED -number <dest-external-call-queue-number>|number_data_initiate
-externalnumber <dest-external-call-queue-number> -minlength
<dest-external-call-queue-number-length> -maxlength
-numbertype ac -number


TrunkProfile:InAttend:registratedTrunk: no
TrunkProfile:InAttend:requestUriFromRegisterString: no
TrunkProfile:InAttend:contactFromRegisterString: no
TrunkProfile:InAttend:trustedPartySource: user
TrunkProfile:InAttend:privacy: privacy_user
TrunkProfile:InAttend:sendIdentity: p_asserted_identity
TrunkProfile:InAttend:hideUserWhenRestricted: no
TrunkProfile:InAttend:handleIncomingPAssertedIdentity: yes
TrunkProfile:InAttend:bNumberSource: request_uri
TrunkProfile:InAttend:MediaSendCN: yes
TrunkProfile:InAttend:MediaSendFaxCapabilities: yes
TrunkProfile:InAttend:MediaEnforceFaxPassThrough: no
TrunkProfile:InAttend:MediaSendTelephoneEvent: yes
TrunkProfile:InAttend:MediaDtmfFallbackMethod: info
TrunkProfile:InAttend:MediaSendClearmodeCodec: yes
TrunkProfile:InAttend:MediaSendRvaAsEarlyMedia: yes
# automaticallly enable end-to-end DTMF: yes/no [InAttend: yes]
TrunkProfile:InAttend:MediaAutomaticEndToEndDTMF: yes
TrunkProfile:InAttend:MediaForcedGateway: no
TrunkProfile:InAttend:MediaSuperviseEarlyMedia: yes
# enabling QSIG-like services: yes/no [InAttend: yes]
TrunkProfile:InAttend:SipTrunkServices: yes
TrunkProfile:InAttend:SipSendUserParameter: yes
# use Private (internal) numbers: yes/no [InAttend: yes]
TrunkProfile:InAttend:SipUsePrivateNumbers: yes
TrunkProfile:InAttend:SipSend181atDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:InAttend:SipTreat183as180: no
TrunkProfile:InAttend:SipUseIncomingHistoryInfo: no
# use incoming Diversion: yes/no [InAttend: yes]
TrunkProfile:InAttend:SipUseIncomingDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:InAttend:SipTreatNotFoundAsNetworkError: no
TrunkProfile:InAttend:SipUseOutgoingHistoryInfo: yes
TrunkProfile:InAttend:SipUseOutgoingDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:InAttend:SipMaxTimeForInitialResponse: 1
TrunkProfile:InAttend:SipInterDigitTimeout: 4
TrunkProfile:InAttend:SipUpdateMonitorWithContactNumber: no
TrunkProfile:InAttend:SipHideNameOffExternalParty: no
TrunkProfile:InAttend:SipUseOrigIncommingTrunkAnumberFor_REX: no
TrunkProfile:InAttend:SipSessionTimer: yes
# use Replaces to update remote end (speech parking etc.): yes/no [InAttend: yes]
TrunkProfile:InAttend:SipMayUseReplaces: yes
TrunkProfile:InAttend:SipMayUseEarlyReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:InAttend:CryptoOfferMethod: AVP
TrunkProfile:InAttend:ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes
TrunkProfile:InAttend:ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:InAttend:SipSendAlertInfo: yes



# This file holds the KPN trunk profile(s), overriding the default profile
# The syntax of the configuration file is that hash (#) starts a comment, that continues to
the end of the line. If the character hash (#)
# is needed it can be escaped with a backslash as \#, to avoid starting a comment. Lines can
be continued with a backslash (\) as the last
# character of the line. (Line continuation is done before comments are stripped.)
# The configuration file is case sensitive.
# Non-comment lines have the syntax:
key:subkey: value
# There can be several lines with the same key to specify more values for a key. One line
can have several values separated by a comma (,).
# KPN trunk profile: KPN VoIP Connect (KPN-VC)
# sip_route command
# =================
# Complete parameter list:
remoteport, protocol, proxyip, proxyport, password, realm, uristring, fromuri,
remotetelip, rexfromuri, rexstring,
accept, match, priority, context, mwinumber, handleasexn, challenge
sosnumber, sosaton, sosdestnumber
# KPN VoIP Connect default parameters:
# KPN VoIP Connect required parameters:
accept, fromuri0, match, remoteport, uristring0
# KPN VoIP Connect excluded parameters:
register, trusted
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:parListExcluded: "register|trusted"
# KPN VoIP Connect predefined commands
0;|ROEQI:ROU=<route-number>,TRU=<tru-server-numbers>;|number_initiate -numbertype ED -number
# KPN VoIP Connect excluded sip_route parameters and their replacements in the profile
# -register => replaced below by
registratedTrunk: no/yes[default=no]
# -trusted => replaced below by



privacy: {privacy_no,privacy_id,privacy_user} [default=privacy_no]

->sendIdentity: {p_asserted_identity/p_preferred_identity} [default=p_asserted_identity]
handleIncomingPAssertedIdentity: {yes/no}[default=yes]
bNumberSource: from_request_uri/from_to_header[default=request_uri]

# KPN VoIP Connect sip_route related

# Registration
# ---------------# MX-ONE may send REGISTER to a sip registrar (could be an service provider)
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:registratedTrunk: no
# If registratedTrunk:yes, then REGISTER will be sent -registerstring "sip:'pbx-id'@'service
provider reg'". Below there are references to
# parts of -registerstring, 'pbx-id' and 'service provider' or the whole string. -uristringX
"sip:?@'service provider access'. ? is replaced
# by the called number
Req-URI = sip:[<service provider access> / <service provider reg>]
requestUriFromRegisterString maps to the values above as (no/yes).
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:requestUriFromRegisterString: no
From: <sip:'pbx-id'@'service provider reg'>
<sip:'pbx-id'@'service provider reg'>
Contact: <sip:['pbx-id'@'service provider reg']/['pbx-id'@IP address of Telephony Server]
contactFromRegisterString:(yes/no). KPN-VC: no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:contactFromRegisterString: no
# Outgoing traffic
# ---------------# If registratedTrunk:yes, then MX-ONE will send INVITE with reference to the registered
trunk. -fromuriX "sip:?@'service provider access'.
# ? is replaces by the calling number. If configured, -fromuriX is used in the From: header,
otherwise From: header will get the value from
# -uristringX (except that ? follows the context). -uristringX configures the Req-Uri and
To: header in outgoing INVITEs P-Asserted-Identity.
# For a non registered trunk 'user' is always used.
To: [-uristringX]
From: [-fromuriX or -uristringX]
P-Asserted-Identity/P-Preferred-Identity: [From header value]/[-registerstring]>
# trustedPartySource:{user/registerstring} ['user' as specified in From header or
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:trustedPartySource: user
# RFC3323 (privacy_user) or RFC3325 (privacy_id)
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:privacy: privacy_id
# If privacy is set, then send identity in P-Asserted-Identity(p_asserted_identity) or
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:sendIdentity: p_asserted_identity
# If hideUserWhenRestricted:yes, then From: and Contact: identity is set to Anonomous
From: "Anonymous" <sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid>


Contact: "Anonymous" <sip:anonymous@'IP address of Telephony Server'
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:hideUserWhenRestricted: yes
# Incoming traffic
# ---------------# Handle incoming P-Asserted-Identity. Show identity part of P-Asserted-Identity instead of
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:handleIncomingPAssertedIdentity: yes
# The B-party number is normally fetched from the INVITE's reqURI. However, some ISPs only
show the B-party number in the To: header
# bNumberSource: request_uri/to_header[default=request_uri]
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:bNumberSource: request_uri
# The following values comes from RODAI:ROU=X,TYPE=TL66,VARI=,VARC=,VARO=
# When sip_route -profile KPN-VC -route Y is set, it must be followed by
# 1. ROCAI:ROU=Y.. for services
# 2. RODAI:ROU=Y,TYPE=TL66,VARI=00000000,VARC=00000000,VARO=00000000;
# ROEQI requires RODAI to be set, but the values are disregarded by SIPLP
# RODAI only has an impact for profile KPN-VC
# 3. ROEQI:ROU=Y,TRU=<lim>-1;
# send confort noise in SDP: yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:MediaSendCN: yes
# announce T38 capabilities in SDP: yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:MediaSendFaxCapabilities: yes
# enforce fax pass through, i.e. never use T38: yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:MediaEnforceFaxPassThrough: yes
# include telephone event in SDP if supported: yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:MediaSendTelephoneEvent: yes
# Fallback method if RFC4733 isn't supported, INFO with Content-Type application/dtmf-relay
or in-band DTMF: info/dtmf
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:MediaDtmfFallbackMethod: info
# include clearmode codec in SDP if supported: yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:MediaSendClearmodeCodec: yes
# send rva as early media, otherwise send early 200 OK: yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:MediaSendRvaAsEarlyMedia: yes
# automaticallly enable end-to-end DTMF: yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:MediaAutomaticEndToEndDTMF: yes
# force media connection through gateway: yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:MediaForcedGateway: no
# supervise early media and order ringback tone if absent: yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:MediaSuperviseEarlyMedia: yes
# enabling QSIG-like services: yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:SipTrunkServices: no
# add parameter user=phone: yes/no


TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:SipSendUserParameter: yes
# use Private (internal) numbers: yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:SipUsePrivateNumbers: no
# send 181 when diversion: yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:SipSend181atDiversion: yes
# treat 183 as 180: yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:SipTreat183as180: yes
# use incoming History-Info: yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:SipUseIncomingHistoryInfo: no
# use incoming Diversion: yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:SipUseIncomingDiversion: yes
# treat 404,485 and 604 as network congestion : yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:SipTreatNotFoundAsNetworkError: no
# use outgoing History-Info: yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:SipUseOutgoingHistoryInfo: yes
# use outgoing Diversion: yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:SipUseOutgoingDiversion: yes
# maximum time for initial response:
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:SipMaxTimeForInitialResponse: 1
# inter-digit timeout at outgoing call:
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:SipInterDigitTimeout: 4
# update call monitor with number found in Contact:
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:SipUpdateMonitorWithContactNumber: no
# hide name of a-party, incomming from trunk:
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:SipHideNameOffExternalParty: no
# use original untranslated a number for outgoing REX calls:
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:SipUseOrigIncommingTrunkAnumberFor_REX: no
# usage of session timer to supervise calls: yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:SipSessionTimer: yes
# use Replaces to update remote end (speech parking etc.): yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:SipMayUseReplaces: no
# use Early replaces to update remote end (i.e. ringing): yes/no
# early replaces implies that replaces works aswell.
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:SipMayUseEarlyReplaces: no
# CryptoOfferMethod: SAVP/AVP : If AVP, offer crypto according to
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:CryptoOfferMethod: AVP
# ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes/no : When SST requested at received REFER request should
dialled number be replaced


TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes
# ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes/no : When SST requested at received REFER request should
subsequent diversion be allowed
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes
# send Alert-Info URNs for outgoing calls: yes/no
TrunkProfile:KPN-VC:SipSendAlertInfo: no




This file holds the Lync trunk profile, overriding the default profile
The syntax of the configuration file is that hash (#) starts a comment,
that continues to the end of the line. If the character hash (#)
is needed it can be escaped with a backslash as \#, to avoid starting
a comment. Lines can be continued with a backslash (\) as the last
character of the line.
(Line continuation is done before comments are stripped.)
The configuration file is case sensitive.
Non-comment lines have the syntax:
key:subkey: value
There can be several lines with the same key to specify more values
for a key. One line can have several values separated by a comma (,).

TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:parListExcluded: "register|trusted|protocol=tcp"
0;|ROEQI:ROU=<route-number>,TRU=<tru-server-numbers>;|number_initiate -numbertype ED -number
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:MediaSendCN: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:MediaSendFaxCapabilities: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:MediaEnforceFaxPassThrough: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:MediaSendTelephoneEvent: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:MediaDtmfFallbackMethod: info
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:MediaSendClearmodeCodec: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:MediaSendRvaAsEarlyMedia: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:MediaAutomaticEndToEndDTMF: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:MediaForcedGateway: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:MediaSuperviseEarlyMedia: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:RenegotiateEarlyReliableMedia: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipTrunkServices: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipSendUserParameter: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipUsePrivateNumbers: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipSend181atDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipTreat183as180: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipUseIncomingHistoryInfo: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipUseIncomingDiversion: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipUseIncomingReferredBy: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipTreatNotFoundAsNetworkError: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipUseOutgoingHistoryInfo: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipUseOutgoingDiversion: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipMaxTimeForInitialResponse: 9
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipInterDigitTimeout: 4


TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipUpdateMonitorWithContactNumber: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipHideNameOffExternalParty: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipUseOrigIncommingTrunkAnumberFor_REX: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipSessionTimer: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipMayUseReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipMayUseEarlyReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipUseFqdnInContact: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipInsertRecordRouteHeader: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:CryptoOfferMethod: AVP
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TCP:SipSendAlertInfo: no

TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:parListExcluded: "register|trusted|protocol=tls"
0;|ROEQI:ROU=<route-number>,TRU=<tru-server-numbers>;|number_initiate -numbertype ED -number
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:MediaSendCN: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:MediaSendFaxCapabilities: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:MediaEnforceFaxPassThrough: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:MediaSendTelephoneEvent: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:MediaDtmfFallbackMethod: info
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:MediaSendClearmodeCodec: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:MediaSendRvaAsEarlyMedia: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:MediaAutomaticEndToEndDTMF: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:MediaForcedGateway: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:MediaSuperviseEarlyMedia: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:RenegotiateEarlyReliableMedia: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipTrunkServices: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipSendUserParameter: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipUsePrivateNumbers: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipSend181atDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipTreat183as180: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipUseIncomingHistoryInfo: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipUseIncomingDiversion: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipUseIncomingReferredBy: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipTreatNotFoundAsNetworkError: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipUseOutgoingHistoryInfo: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipUseOutgoingDiversion: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipMaxTimeForInitialResponse: 9
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipInterDigitTimeout: 4
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipUpdateMonitorWithContactNumber: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipHideNameOffExternalParty: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipUseOrigIncommingTrunkAnumberFor_REX: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipSessionTimer: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipMayUseReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipMayUseEarlyReplaces: no


TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipUseFqdnInContact: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipInsertRecordRouteHeader: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:CryptoOfferMethod: AVP
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS:SipSendAlertInfo: no

TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:parListExcluded: "register|trusted|protocol=tls"
0;|ROEQI:ROU=<route-number>,TRU=<tru-server-numbers>;|number_initiate -numbertype ED -number
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:MediaSendCN: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:MediaSendFaxCapabilities: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:MediaEnforceFaxPassThrough: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:MediaSendTelephoneEvent: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:MediaDtmfFallbackMethod: info
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:MediaSendClearmodeCodec: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:MediaSendRvaAsEarlyMedia: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:MediaAutomaticEndToEndDTMF: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:MediaForcedGateway: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:MediaSuperviseEarlyMedia: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:RenegotiateEarlyReliableMedia: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipTrunkServices: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipSendUserParameter: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipUsePrivateNumbers: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipSend181atDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipTreat183as180: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipUseIncomingHistoryInfo: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipUseIncomingDiversion: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipUseIncomingReferredBy: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipTreatNotFoundAsNetworkError: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipUseOutgoingHistoryInfo: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipUseOutgoingDiversion: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipMaxTimeForInitialResponse: 9
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipInterDigitTimeout: 4
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipUpdateMonitorWithContactNumber: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipHideNameOffExternalParty: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipUseOrigIncommingTrunkAnumberFor_REX: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipSessionTimer: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipMayUseReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipMayUseEarlyReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipUseFqdnInContact: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipInsertRecordRouteHeader: no
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:CryptoOfferMethod: SAVP
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Lync_TLS_SRTP:SipSendAlertInfo: no


#FIr MX-ONE tielines using trunk groups rfc4904 to associate to a certain route
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:parListExcluded: "register|trusted"
#Changes from default explained:
# SERV=3110000001(D1-Call Waiting tone allowed, D2-Call Back allowed, D3-Tie line,
D10-number conversion shall be made = yes (usually a flat number plan
within a system (ie D10(0)), but there is no harm enabling it as
number_conversion also needs to be set))
# SIG=1111110000A0 (D1-Dial tone is sent to own device, D6-Extending of calls without clear,
# BCAP=001100 (D1 unrestricted 64 kbit allowed, D3-3,1 kHz Audio allowed,D4-SPEECH allowed)
# ADC=0005000000000250000001000000 (D22-Original A-number)
0;|ROEQI:ROU=<route-number>,TRU=<tru-server-numbers>;|number_initiate -numbertype ED -number
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:privacy: privacy_user
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:sendIdentity: p_asserted_identity
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:hideUserWhenRestricted: no
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:handleIncomingPAssertedIdentity: yes
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:bNumberSource: request_uri
#MXONE-tieline uses the equivalence to the following settings
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:MediaSendCN: yes
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:MediaSendFaxCapabilities: yes
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:MediaEnforceFaxPassThrough: no
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:MediaSendTelephoneEvent: yes
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:MediaDtmfFallbackMethod: info
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:MediaSendClearmodeCodec: yes
# send rva as early media, otherwise send early 200 OK: yes/no [Default:yes]
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:MediaSendRvaAsEarlyMedia: no
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:MediaAutomaticEndToEndDTMF: no
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:MediaForcedGateway: no
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:MediaSuperviseEarlyMedia: yes
# enabling QSIG-like services: yes/no [Default:no]
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:SipTrunkServices: yes
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:SipSendUserParameter: yes
# use Private (internal) numbers: yes/no [Default:no]
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:SipUsePrivateNumbers: yes
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:SipSend181atDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:SipTreat183as180: no
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:SipUseIncomingHistoryInfo: no
# use incoming Diversion: yes/no [Default:no]
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:SipUseIncomingDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:SipTreatNotFoundAsNetworkError: no


TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:SipUseOutgoingHistoryInfo: yes
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:SipUseOutgoingDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:SipMaxTimeForInitialResponse: 1
# inter-digit timeout at outgoing call:[Default:4]
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:SipInterDigitTimeout: 2
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:SipUpdateMonitorWithContactNumber: no
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:SipHideNameOffExternalParty: no
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:SipUseOrigIncommingTrunkAnumberFor_REX: no
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:SipSessionTimer: yes
# use Replaces to update remote end (speech parking etc.): yes/no [Default:no]
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:SipMayUseReplaces: yes
# use Early replaces to update remote end (i.e. ringing): yes/no
# early replaces implies that replaces works as well.[Default:no]
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:SipMayUseEarlyReplaces: yes
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:CryptoOfferMethod: AVP
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:MXONE-tieline:SipSendAlertInfo: yes




This file holds the Skype Connect trunk profile.

The syntax of the configuration file is that hash (#) starts a comment,
that continues to the end of the line. If the character hash (#)
is needed it can be escaped with a backslash as \#, to avoid starting
a comment. Lines can be continued with a backslash (\) as the last
character of the line.
(Line continuation is done before comments are stripped.)
The configuration file is case sensitive.
Non comment lines have the syntax:
key:subkey: value
There can be several lines with the same key to specify more values
for a key. One line can have several values separated by a comma (,).

TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:parListExcluded: "register|trusted"
0;|ROEQI:ROU=<route-number>,TRU=<tru-server-numbers>;|number_initiate -numbertype ED -number
# Registration
#---------------TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:registratedTrunk: no
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:rfc6140RegistrationHeaders: no
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:requestUriFromRegisterString: no
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:contactFromRegisterString: no
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:trustedPartySource: user
# Outgoing traffic
#---------------TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:privacy: privacy_no
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:sendIdentity: p_asserted_identity
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:hideUserWhenRestricted: yes
# Incoming traffic
#---------------TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:handleIncomingPAssertedIdentity: yes
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:bNumberSource: request_uri

# send Alert-Info URNs for outgoing calls: yes/no

TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:SipSendAlertInfo: no
# re-negotiate reliably negotiated early media at 200OK: yes/no
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:RenegotiateEarlyReliableMedia: yes



TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:MediaSendCN: yes
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:MediaSendFaxCapabilities: yes
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:MediaEnforceFaxPassThrough: no
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:MediaSendTelephoneEvent: yes
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:MediaDtmfFallbackMethod: info
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:MediaSendClearmodeCodec: yes
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:MediaSendRvaAsEarlyMedia: yes
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:MediaAutomaticEndToEndDTMF: no
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:MediaForcedGateway: no
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:MediaSuperviseEarlyMedia: yes
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:SipTrunkServices: no
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:SipSendUserParameter: yes
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:SipUsePrivateNumbers: no
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:SipSend181atDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:SipTreat183as180: no
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:SipUseIncomingHistoryInfo: no
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:SipUseIncomingDiversion: no
TrunkProfile:Default:SipUseIncomingReferredBy: no
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:SipTreatNotFoundAsNetworkError: no
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:SipUseOutgoingHistoryInfo: yes
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:SipUseOutgoingDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:SipMaxTimeForInitialResponse: 1
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:SipInterDigitTimeout: 4
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:SipUpdateMonitorWithContactNumber: no
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:SipHideNameOffExternalParty: no
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:SipUseOrigIncommingTrunkAnumberFor_REX: no
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:SipSessionTimer: yes
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:SipMayUseReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:SipMayUseEarlyReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:CryptoOfferMethod: AVP
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes
TrunkProfile:SkypeConnect:ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes



# This file holds the TDC trunk profile(s), overriding the default profile
# The syntax of the configuration file is that hash (#) starts a comment,
# that continues to the end of the line. If the character hash (#)
# is needed it can be escaped with a backslash as \#, to avoid starting
# a comment. Lines can be continued with a backslash (\) as the last
# character of the line.
# (Line continuation is done before comments are stripped.)
# The configuration file is case sensitive.
# Non-comment lines have the syntax:
key:subkey: value
# There can be several lines with the same key to specify more values
# for a key. One line can have several values separated by a comma (,).
#parListRequired with TDC required parameters for a trunk only (not for Mobile Extension)
TrunkProfile:TDC:parListExcluded: "register|trusted|challenge=no"
-numbertype ED -number
TrunkProfile:TDC:registratedTrunk: no
TrunkProfile:TDC:trustedPartySource: user
TrunkProfile:TDC:privacy: privacy_user
TrunkProfile:TDC:sendIdentity: p_asserted_identity
TrunkProfile:TDC:hideUserWhenRestricted: no
TrunkProfile:TDC:handleIncomingPAssertedIdentity: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC:bNumberSource: request_uri
TrunkProfile:TDC:MediaSendCN: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC:MediaSendFaxCapabilities: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC:MediaEnforceFaxPassThrough: no
TrunkProfile:TDC:MediaSendTelephoneEvent: no
TrunkProfile:TDC:MediaDtmfFallbackMethod: info
TrunkProfile:TDC:MediaSendClearmodeCodec: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC:MediaSendRvaAsEarlyMedia: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC:MediaAutomaticEndToEndDTMF: no
TrunkProfile:TDC:MediaForcedGateway: no
TrunkProfile:TDC:MediaSuperviseEarlyMedia: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC:SipTrunkServices: no
TrunkProfile:TDC:SipSendUserParameter: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC:SipUsePrivateNumbers: no
TrunkProfile:TDC:SipSend181atDiversion: yes


TrunkProfile:TDC:SipTreat183as180: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC:SipUseIncomingHistoryInfo: no
TrunkProfile:TDC:SipUseIncomingDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC:SipTreatNotFoundAsNetworkError: no
TrunkProfile:TDC:SipUseOutgoingHistoryInfo: no
TrunkProfile:TDC:SipUseOutgoingDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC:SipMaxTimeForInitialResponse: 1
TrunkProfile:TDC:SipInterDigitTimeout: 4
TrunkProfile:TDC:SipUpdateMonitorWithContactNumber: no
TrunkProfile:TDC:SipHideNameOffExternalParty: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC:SipUseOrigIncommingTrunkAnumberFor_REX: no
TrunkProfile:TDC:SipSessionTimer: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC:SipMayUseReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:TDC:SipMayUseEarlyReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:TDC:CryptoOfferMethod: AVP
TrunkProfile:TDC:ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC:ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC:SipSendAlertInfo: no

#parListRequired with TDC required parameters for a trunk with Mobile Extension - TDC-MEX
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:parListExcluded: "register|trusted|challenge=no"
-numbertype ED -number
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:registratedTrunk: no
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:trustedPartySource: user
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:privacy: privacy_user
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:sendIdentity: p_asserted_identity
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:hideUserWhenRestricted: no
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:handleIncomingPAssertedIdentity: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:bNumberSource: request_uri
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:MediaSendCN: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:MediaSendFaxCapabilities: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:MediaEnforceFaxPassThrough: no
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:MediaSendTelephoneEvent: no
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:MediaDtmfFallbackMethod: info
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:MediaSendClearmodeCodec: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:MediaSendRvaAsEarlyMedia: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:MediaAutomaticEndToEndDTMF: no
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:MediaForcedGateway: no
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:MediaSuperviseEarlyMedia: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:SipTrunkServices: no
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:SipSendUserParameter: yes


TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:SipUsePrivateNumbers: no
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:SipSend181atDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:SipTreat183as180: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:SipUseIncomingHistoryInfo: no
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:SipUseIncomingDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:SipTreatNotFoundAsNetworkError: no
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:SipUseOutgoingHistoryInfo: no
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:SipUseOutgoingDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:SipMaxTimeForInitialResponse: 1
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:SipInterDigitTimeout: 4
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:SipUpdateMonitorWithContactNumber: no
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:SipHideNameOffExternalParty: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:SipUseOrigIncommingTrunkAnumberFor_REX: no
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:SipSessionTimer: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:SipMayUseReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:SipMayUseEarlyReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:CryptoOfferMethod: AVP
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:TDC-MEX:SipSendAlertInfo: no




This file holds the Telefonica trunk profile(s), overriding the default profile
The syntax of the configuration file is that hash (#) starts a comment,
that continues to the end of the line. If the character hash (#)
is needed it can be escaped with a backslash as \#, to avoid starting
a comment. Lines can be continued with a backslash (\) as the last
character of the line.
(Line continuation is done before comments are stripped.)
The configuration file is case sensitive.
Non-comment lines have the syntax:
key:subkey: value
There can be several lines with the same key to specify more values
for a key. One line can have several values separated by a comma (,).

TrunkProfile:Telefonica:parListExcluded: "register|trusted"
#Changes from default explained:
# SERV=3100000001(D2-Call back allowed, D10-number conversion shall be made)
# SIG=1111110000A0 (D1-Dial tone is sent to own device, D6-Extending of calls without clear)
# BCAP=001100 (D3-3,1 kHz Audio allowed,D4-SPEECH allowed)
# ADC=0005000000000250000001011000 (D22-Original A-number sent D24-Enhanced A-number
0;|ROEQI:ROU=<route-number>,TRU=<tru-server-numbers>;|number_initiate -numbertype ED -number
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:privacy: privacy_id
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:sendIdentity: p_asserted_identity
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:hideUserWhenRestricted: yes
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:handleIncomingPAssertedIdentity: yes
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:bNumberSource: request_uri
#Telefonica uses Default settings for RODAI:ROU=X,TYPE=TL66,VARI=,VARC=,VARO=
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:MediaSendCN: yes
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:MediaSendFaxCapabilities: yes
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:MediaEnforceFaxPassThrough: no
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:MediaSendTelephoneEvent: yes
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:MediaDtmfFallbackMethod: info
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:MediaSendClearmodeCodec: yes
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:MediaSendRvaAsEarlyMedia: yes
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:MediaAutomaticEndToEndDTMF: no
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:MediaForcedGateway: no


TrunkProfile:Telefonica:MediaSuperviseEarlyMedia: yes
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:SipTrunkServices: no
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:SipSendUserParameter: yes
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:SipUsePrivateNumbers: no
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:SipSend181atDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:SipTreat183as180: no
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:SipUseIncomingHistoryInfo: no
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:SipUseIncomingDiversion: no
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:SipTreatNotFoundAsNetworkError: no
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:SipUseOutgoingHistoryInfo: yes
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:SipUseOutgoingDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:SipMaxTimeForInitialResponse: 1
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:SipInterDigitTimeout: 4
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:SipUpdateMonitorWithContactNumber: no
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:SipHideNameOffExternalParty: no
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:SipUseOrigIncommingTrunkAnumberFor_REX: no
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:SipSessionTimer: yes
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:SipMayUseReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:SipMayUseEarlyReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:CryptoOfferMethod: AVP
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Telefonica:SipSendAlertInfo: no




This file holds the Telenor trunk profile(s), overriding the default profile
The syntax of the configuration file is that hash (#) starts a comment,
that continues to the end of the line. If the character hash (#)
is needed it can be escaped with a backslash as \#, to avoid starting
a comment. Lines can be continued with a backslash (\) as the last
character of the line.
(Line continuation is done before comments are stripped.)
The configuration file is case sensitive.
Non-comment lines have the syntax:
key:subkey: value
There can be several lines with the same key to specify more values
for a key. One line can have several values separated by a comma (,).

TrunkProfile:Telenor:parListExcluded: "register|trusted"
#Changes from default explained:
# SERV=3100001011(D2-Call back allowed, D7-Mobile Extension without R1 allowed, D9-Request
A-number from PSTN, D10-number conversion shall be made)
# SIG=1111110000A0 (D1-Dial tone is sent to own device, D6-Extending of calls without clear,
D11-Signaling SIP(A))
# BCAP=001100 (D3-3,1 kHz Audio allowed,D4-SPEECH allowed)
# ADC=0005000000000250000001010000 (D22-Original A-number sent D24-Enhanced A-number
#Note, that RODAI parameters are set in this file instead(see below), but ROEQI demands
RODAI to be executed with a least default values.
-numbertype ED -number
TrunkProfile:Telenor:privacy: privacy_no
TrunkProfile:Telenor:sendIdentity: p_asserted_identity
TrunkProfile:Telenor:hideUserWhenRestricted: yes
TrunkProfile:Telenor:handleIncomingPAssertedIdentity: yes
TrunkProfile:Telenor:bNumberSource: request_uri
#Note if rfc3325 using P-Asserted-Identity is to be used the following settings should apply
#TrunkProfile:Telenor:privacy: privacy_id
#TrunkProfile:Telenor:sendIdentity: p_asserted_identity


#TrunkProfile:Telenor:hideUserWhenRestricted: no
#TrunkProfile:Telenor:handleIncomingPAssertedIdentity: yes
#TrunkProfile:Telenor:bNumberSource: request_uri
#Telenor uses the equivalent settings for
TrunkProfile:Telenor:MediaSendCN: no
TrunkProfile:Telenor:MediaSendFaxCapabilities: yes
TrunkProfile:Telenor:MediaEnforceFaxPassThrough: no
TrunkProfile:Telenor:MediaSendTelephoneEvent: yes
TrunkProfile:Telenor:MediaDtmfFallbackMethod: info
TrunkProfile:Telenor:MediaSendClearmodeCodec: yes
TrunkProfile:Telenor:MediaSendRvaAsEarlyMedia: yes
TrunkProfile:Telenor:MediaAutomaticEndToEndDTMF: yes
TrunkProfile:Telenor:MediaForcedGateway: no
TrunkProfile:Telenor:MediaSuperviseEarlyMedia: yes
TrunkProfile:Telenor:SipTrunkServices: no
TrunkProfile:Telenor:SipSendUserParameter: yes
TrunkProfile:Telenor:SipUsePrivateNumbers: no
TrunkProfile:Telenor:SipSend181atDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Telenor:SipTreat183as180: no
TrunkProfile:Telenor:SipUseIncomingHistoryInfo: yes
TrunkProfile:Telenor:SipUseIncomingDiversion: no
TrunkProfile:Telenor:SipTreatNotFoundAsNetworkError: no
TrunkProfile:Telenor:SipUseOutgoingHistoryInfo: yes
TrunkProfile:Telenor:SipUseOutgoingDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Telenor:SipMaxTimeForInitialResponse: 1
TrunkProfile:Telenor:SipInterDigitTimeout: 4
TrunkProfile:Telenor:SipUpdateMonitorWithContactNumber: no
TrunkProfile:Telenor:SipHideNameOffExternalParty: no
TrunkProfile:Telenor:SipUseOrigIncommingTrunkAnumberFor_REX: no
TrunkProfile:Telenor:SipSessionTimer: yes
TrunkProfile:Telenor:SipMayUseReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:Telenor:SipMayUseEarlyReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:Telenor:CryptoOfferMethod: AVP
TrunkProfile:Telenor:ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes
TrunkProfile:Telenor:ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Telenor:SipSendAlertInfo: no




This file holds the Telia trunk profile(s), overriding the default profile
The syntax of the configuration file is that hash (#) starts a comment,
that continues to the end of the line. If the character hash (#)
is needed it can be escaped with a backslash as \#, to avoid starting
a comment. Lines can be continued with a backslash (\) as the last
character of the line.
(Line continuation is done before comments are stripped.)
The configuration file is case sensitive.
Non-comment lines have the syntax:
key:subkey: value
There can be several lines with the same key to specify more values
for a key. One line can have several values separated by a comma (,).

TrunkProfile:Telia:parListExcluded: "register|trusted|codecs=PCMA"
#Changes from default explained:
# SERV=3100001011(D2-Call back allowed, D7-Mobile Extension without R1 allowed, D9-Request
A-number from PSTN, D10-number conversion shall be made)
# SIG=1111110000A0 (D1-(1)Dial tone is sent to own device,(3)Immediate transmission of Dial
tone, D6-Extending of calls without clear, D11-Signaling SIP(A))
# BCAP=001100 (D3-3,1 kHz Audio allowed,D4-SPEECH allowed)
# ADC=0005000000000250000001010000 (D22-Original A-number sent D24-Enhanced A-number
#Note, that RODAI parameters are set in this file instead(see below), but ROEQI demands
RODAI to be executed with a least default values.
-numbertype ED -number

#Telia uses the equivalent settings for

TrunkProfile:Telia:MediaSendCN: yes
TrunkProfile:Telia:MediaSendFaxCapabilities: yes
TrunkProfile:Telia:MediaEnforceFaxPassThrough: no
TrunkProfile:Telia:MediaSendTelephoneEvent: yes
TrunkProfile:Telia:MediaDtmfFallbackMethod: info
TrunkProfile:Telia:MediaSendClearmodeCodec: yes
# send rva as early media, otherwise send early 200 OK: yes/no [Default:yes]


TrunkProfile:Telia:MediaSendRvaAsEarlyMedia: no
TrunkProfile:Telia:MediaAutomaticEndToEndDTMF: no
# force media connection through gateway: yes/no[Default:no]
TrunkProfile:Telia:MediaForcedGateway: yes
TrunkProfile:Telia:MediaSuperviseEarlyMedia: yes
TrunkProfile:Telia:SipTrunkServices: no
TrunkProfile:Telia:SipSendUserParameter: yes
# use Private (internal) numbers: yes/no [Default:no]
TrunkProfile:Telia:SipUsePrivateNumbers: yes
TrunkProfile:Telia:SipSend181atDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Telia:SipTreat183as180: no
# use incoming History-Info: yes/no [Default:no]
TrunkProfile:Telia:SipUseIncomingHistoryInfo: yes
TrunkProfile:Telia:SipUseIncomingDiversion: no
TrunkProfile:Telia:SipTreatNotFoundAsNetworkError: no
TrunkProfile:Telia:SipUseOutgoingHistoryInfo: yes
TrunkProfile:Telia:SipUseOutgoingDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Telia:SipMaxTimeForInitialResponse: 1
TrunkProfile:Telia:SipInterDigitTimeout: 4
TrunkProfile:Telia:SipUpdateMonitorWithContactNumber: no
TrunkProfile:Telia:SipHideNameOffExternalParty: no
TrunkProfile:Telia:SipUseOrigIncommingTrunkAnumberFor_REX: no
TrunkProfile:Telia:SipSessionTimer: yes
TrunkProfile:Telia:SipMayUseReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:Telia:SipMayUseEarlyReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:Telia:CryptoOfferMethod: AVP
TrunkProfile:Telia:ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes
TrunkProfile:Telia:ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Telia:SipSendAlertInfo: no




This file holds the Telstra trunk profile(s), overriding the default profile
The syntax of the configuration file is that hash (#) starts a comment,
that continues to the end of the line. If the character hash (#)
is needed it can be escaped with a backslash as \#, to avoid starting
a comment. Lines can be continued with a backslash (\) as the last
character of the line.
(Line continuation is done before comments are stripped.)
The configuration file is case sensitive.
Non-comment lines have the syntax:
key:subkey: value
There can be several lines with the same key to specify more values
for a key. One line can have several values separated by a comma (,).

TrunkProfile:Telstra:parListExcluded: "register|trusted"
# SERV=0100030001(D2-Call back allowed, D6-(3)Least Cost Routing, D10-number conversion
shall be made)
# SIG=1111110000A0 (D1-Dial tone is sent to own device, D6-Extending of calls without clear)
# BCAP=001100 (D3-3,1 kHz Audio allowed,D4-SPEECH allowed)
# TRAF=03151515
# ADC=0005000000000250000001011000 (D22-Original A-number sent D24-Enhanced A-number
0;|ROEQI:ROU=<route-number>,TRU=<tru-server-numbers>;|number_initiate -numbertype ED -number
TrunkProfile:Telstra:registratedTrunk: yes
#P-Asserted-Identity contains the user making the call
TrunkProfile:Telstra:trustedPartySource: user
TrunkProfile:Telstra:privacy: privacy_id
TrunkProfile:Telstra:sendIdentity: p_asserted_identity
TrunkProfile:Telstra:hideUserWhenRestricted: no
TrunkProfile:Telstra:handleIncomingPAssertedIdentity: yes
TrunkProfile:Telstra:bNumberSource: request_uri
#Telstra uses the equivalent settings for


TrunkProfile:Telstra:MediaSendCN: yes
TrunkProfile:Telstra:MediaSendFaxCapabilities: yes
TrunkProfile:Telstra:MediaEnforceFaxPassThrough: no
TrunkProfile:Telstra:MediaSendTelephoneEvent: yes
TrunkProfile:Telstra:MediaDtmfFallbackMethod: info
TrunkProfile:Telstra:MediaSendClearmodeCodec: yes
TrunkProfile:Telstra:MediaSendRvaAsEarlyMedia: yes
TrunkProfile:Telstra:MediaAutomaticEndToEndDTMF: no
# force media connection through gateway: yes/no[Default:no]
TrunkProfile:Telstra:MediaForcedGateway: yes
TrunkProfile:Telstra:MediaSuperviseEarlyMedia: yes
TrunkProfile:Telstra:SipTrunkServices: no
TrunkProfile:Telstra:SipSendUserParameter: yes
TrunkProfile:Telstra:SipUsePrivateNumbers: no
TrunkProfile:Telstra:SipSend181atDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Telstra:SipTreat183as180: no
TrunkProfile:Telstra:SipUseIncomingHistoryInfo: no
TrunkProfile:Telstra:SipUseIncomingDiversion: no
TrunkProfile:Telstra:SipTreatNotFoundAsNetworkError: no
TrunkProfile:Telstra:SipUseOutgoingHistoryInfo: yes
TrunkProfile:Telstra:SipUseOutgoingDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Telstra:SipMaxTimeForInitialResponse: 1
TrunkProfile:Telstra:SipInterDigitTimeout: 4
TrunkProfile:Telstra:SipUpdateMonitorWithContactNumber: no
TrunkProfile:Telstra:SipHideNameOffExternalParty: no
TrunkProfile:Telstra:SipUseOrigIncommingTrunkAnumberFor_REX: no
TrunkProfile:Telstra:SipSessionTimer: yes
TrunkProfile:Telstra:SipMayUseReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:Telstra:SipMayUseEarlyReplaces: no
TrunkProfile:Telstra:CryptoOfferMethod: AVP
TrunkProfile:Telstra:ReferSstReplaceDialled: yes
TrunkProfile:Telstra:ReferSstAllowDiversion: yes
TrunkProfile:Telstra:SipSendAlertInfo: no


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