Healing Anxiety Peru

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Ayahuasca Foundation

Ayahuasca Retreats in Peru - Ayahuasca

Research and Initiation Courses

How blessed we are to have such an amazing variety of plants sharing our planet with us. We are
connected to them in so many ways and rely on them to create the energy that we take in each day
for our survival. Humans and animals are literally made of plants.
Their lives make our lives possible. To think that humans are superior to plants would be naive, as we
do not know how to process the energy of the sun as they can. The spirits of the plants are millions of
years older than humans and thus have wisdom that dates back to the creation of life itself on earth.
Plants are the keys to regaining our harmony, within our society, within our communities, with our
families, and within ourselves. Plants can provide the answers to all our problems.

The knowledge of spiritual dimensions and beings has been scientifically removed from our belief
system. Only through the study of other, much older cultures have we been reminded of what our
ancestors knew, that we are all spirits in a dream. The spirit within each of us is capable of much more
than we could ever imagine, and by believing in it and learning what it is, who we are, we can begin to
expand the boundaries of our true potential, so far as to gain the power to heal ourselves and bring
back balance to our environment.
Many afflictions and diseases have roots in the spirit and cannot be healed by treating the physical
body. Unfortunately, capitalism has all but ruined the field of medicine, and tactics to increase profits
have gotten to the point where the Modern Medical Industry supports the degradation of health in
our society because more sick people means more customers, and more profits.

The Ayahuasca Healing Retreat is an adventure into the Amazon Rainforest of Peru. The power of this
ancient place helps to reconnect each person to the whole, to the earth, to nature, to themselves, to
god. By venturing deep into the jungle and feeling the tranquility and peace of this vast paradise,
ones vibrations begin to harmonize with the flow of nature, slowing the mind down to a level of
subtle observation. The rainforest is old and wise, beyond human comprehension, and it contains the
answers to questions that humans cannot ascertain by themselves.
A visit with a Peruvian shaman, called a curandero, is an opportunity to discover the answers to many
of the personal questions each person has. Through the use of medicinal plant preparations, teas, and
by attending ayahuasca ceremonies, retreat participants are freed from the causes of their illness or
sorrow and begin to heal their afflictions.

The Ayahuasca Foundation recognizes that more and more people are responding to this call, and we
have designed an educational program to facilitate their journeys on the healing path. Located in the
heart of the Amazon Rainforest, the Ayahuasca Curandero Initiation Courses seek to preserve and
spread the wisdom of the indigenous cultures of South America. Plant Spirit Healing is the oldest form
of medicine on earth and we as a civilization are blessed that it has been developed and maintained
for millenia, but its lineage is now in danger of being lost forever due to the spread of modern culture.
This ancient wisdom must not perish. There are individuals like you who are ready to learn the
philosophy and healing techniques of the curanderos, and now you have the opportunity to continue
the heritage of Plant Medicine. By taking part in a course, you are taking part in the healing of
humankind, as well as the healing of the Earth.

This special, once a year event features and all female staff: curandera, assistant healers, facilitators,
cooks, etc. providing the optimal environment for women to go deeply into the healing process.
Spend two weeks at the Ayahuasca Foundations Jungle Camp, located inside a national reserve, on
the bank of a gorgeous river. Participate in healing specific workshops, activities, and six traditional
ayahuasca ceremonies led by an authentic female curandera from the Shipibo tribe. Assisting her in
the healing ceremonies, treatments, workshops, and lectures are three students of the Shipibo
healing tradition who all have extensive training in counseling, massage, yoga, aroma therapy, and a
number of other therapeutic sciences.

The Ayahuasca Foundation was conceived in the spring of 2008 by Carlos Tanner, an American and
long-time student of curanderismo. The Foundation supports the preservation of indigenous wisdom
and culture. We offer healing retreats and educational courses focused on ayahuasca, the powerful
rainforest medicine used for millennia by indigenous healers of the Peruvian Amazon. The Ayahuasca
Foundation provides comprehensive information on ayahuasca and plant spirit medicine, and
information on the various ayahuasca retreats and programs available for travelers. The Foundation
also participates in community outreach programs, encouraging sustainable living efforts and cultural
reeducation projects. Our future projects include the development of an Indigenous Culture Retreat
and the creation of an Ayahuasca Museum, which will increase public awareness of natural medicine
and the use of ayahuasca throughout history and today and will educate both locals and visitors alike
about the work of the countless indigenous healers of the Amazon Rainforest as well as the work of
the Ayahuasca Foundation.

Mailing Address: Psje. San Gabriel K-18, Urb. Santa Sofia Iquitos, PERU
Phone (from US): 011-51-954-064-553
(from Europe): 00-51-954-064-553
(from Peru): 954-064-553
Email: carlos@ayahuascafoundation.org
Website: http://www.ayahuascaassociation.org

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