Mgmt1001 Tut 12

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Topic 12: Recap and Review

1. Write a 200 word summary of the argument in the article by Gentry
Managers are today are focused on building interpersonal relationships in the
workplace to generate trust and loyalty. Despite the shift in skill repertoire of
managers, many of the skills required in the1980s are still applicable. These
include, effective communication and a prompt decision making system. It is
crucial to understand the difference in perception of importance of particular
skills at different levels of management. Lower level managers prioritise time
management more than higher levelled managers. Therefore, the change in
context since 1980 has seen progress in the importance of time management in
comparison to administration skills as well.

2. Answer the following question on the Watson reading:

Identify and elaborate one link between what Watson discusses in the
introduction to his book and what you have learned in Managing Organisations
and People? (max. 200 words)
Different perceptions of human beings make it crucial for managers to be able to
create a team environment where each member is aware of his/her
responsibilities. Watson suggests that while firms attempt to promote innovation,
modern managers are demanding employees to adhere strictly to the companys
values and goals. As such, modern management is focused on absolute loyalty
to aims and values, participation in a common culture. Therefore, Watson states
that management is an effective way to influence behaviour that suits an

3. Answer the tutorial preparation question for the case study Challenge The Boss
or Stand Down?:
Knowing what you know now after taking MGMT1001, review the issues and
advice you gave to David in the tutorial in Week 3 (from the case study in Topic
What issues or advice would you:
a) change,
b) keep the same, or
c) add to (keep the advice, but provide greater depth or detail), and why?
(max. 200 words).
It would definitely be wise for Tom to have approached his boss after the meeting
and discussed the issues with the project instead of challenging his authority in
public. This would minimise conflict and present Tom as a loyal employee who is
attentive to business matters. It is also accurate in highlighting the need for Tom to
earn Franks trust as well as build interpersonal relationships to give him credibility.

Tom may choose to apologise to Frank about his hastiness and support himself as
an individual who is loyal to the company. It is important that Frank views Toms
apology to be sincere for him to begin repairing their relationship. Tom may not
have fallen into the trap of group think because he has not built relationships and is
too unfamiliar with the opinions of everyone else. It can be seen that Tom has not
engaged in organisational citizenship behaviour as he did not have the opportunity
to build social ties for him to recognise certain traits of Frank.

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